Everything about cosmetics and makeup in English. Make-up and beauty. All about cosmetics and makeup in English Cosmetics in English

27.01.2022 Kinds

Dear girls, girls, women! We want to congratulate you all on the holiday of spring and beauty - March 8! As a gift from our blog, we decided to please you with a fascinating article about various feminine tricks that we use to create a unique look. Let's talk about makeup and cosmetics at English language. Enjoy!

They say that beauty requires sacrifice ( beauty knows no pain). More than once I have been a victim of my own ignorance in cosmetic stores, buying treasured cosmetics abroad and not paying attention to some unknown words. It so happened that the mascara could turn out to be brown instead of the necessary black, and also waterproof instead of lengthening. Yes, with today’s wide selection of cosmetics, it’s easy to get lost. So that you do not become a “victim” of ignorance, I suggest you study the names of cosmetics in English.

Parts of the face in English

To begin with, I propose to consider the names of the parts of the face:

Now I suggest moving directly to makeup. I would like to draw your attention to the difference between the words cosmetics And make-up. Concept cosmetics refers to cosmetics, which are used for face and body care, while make-up means decorative cosmetics, that is, products that people use to look more attractive or change their appearance.

And now about the words make-up And make up. These words have different meanings.

  1. Make up(with a space) is a phrasal verb, so it should be used as a verb. To make up can be translated as “invent” ( make up a story), “making peace after a quarrel” ( make up with somebody).
  2. Make-up(hyphenated) is a noun - makeup. There must be a verb next to the noun: to put make-up on someone's face– apply makeup to the face (literally).

    There are such combinations:

    • To wear make-up- wear makeup.
    • To have make-up on– have makeup on your face at the moment.
    • To put on/apply/do make-up- apply makeup.
    • Heavy make-up– heavy makeup, that is, too much makeup.
    • A make-up artist/man/woman– makeup artist.

Cosmetics in English

I suggest starting with makeup. There are a lot of different beauty products. Let's look at the main ones that are used for eye makeup ( eyes), lips ( lips), nails ( nails) and faces ( face).

Please note: when using images in this article we do not pursue advertising purposes.

Word Translation Picture
Eye shadow Shadows
Eyeliner Eyeliner pencil
Eyebrow pencil Eyebrow pencil
Brow gel Gel for eyebrows

False lashes effect


With the effect of false eyelashes

False eyelashes False eyelashes
Lipstick Lipstick
Lip gloss Lip gloss
Lip balm Lip balm
Lip pencil Lip liner
nail polish / nail polish Nail polish
Overlacquer Varnish fixer
Primer Base makeup
Powder Powder
Foundation Makeup base
Concealer Concealing cosmetic
Bronzer Bronzant
Blush Blush
Shimmer powder Shimmer powder

Skin care products in English

Let's turn to cosmetic skin care products (what refers to the concept cosmetics in English). Among them are the following tools:

Word Translation Picture
Moisturizer Moisturizing cream for
Serum Serum
Face wash Facial cleanser
Face bar Facial soap
Cream (face or hand) Cream (for face, hands)
Make-up remover Makeup remover
Exfoliator Exfoliator
Self-tanner Self tanning

Makeup tools in English

Now let's figure out what tools are used to apply makeup:

  1. Lip brush (for even coverage) – a brush for evenly applying lipstick.
  2. Foundation brush– a brush for applying makeup foundation.
  3. Eye shadow brush- eyeshadow brush.
  4. Blush brush– blush brush.
  5. Eyeliner brush– eyeliner brush.
  6. foundation sponge– sponge for foundation.
  7. Eyelash curler– tweezers for curling eyelashes.
  8. Tweezers– tweezers.

Brief dictionary of cosmetologist

Now I suggest watching a video that will help reinforce the material you have read. The video is accompanied by text, but try watching this video first without looking at the transcript to check which of the words above you already remember.

Useful vocabulary from the video:

  • Bathroom drawer- a bedside table in the bathroom.
  • Makeup bag/case- cosmetic bag.
  • Cotton pad- cotton pad.
  • Cotton ball- cotton swab.
  • Cotton puff– cotton sponge.
  • Q-tips- cotton buds.
  • Washcloth– a terry cloth napkin.
  • Cleansing wipes for makeup removal– cleansing wipes for removing makeup.
  • Base perfector- a remedy that improves appearance basics.
  • Pores– pores.
  • Fine line– small and fine wrinkles.
  • Complexion- complexion.
  • Jawline– jaw line.
  • Skin tone- color of the skin.
  • Dark spots- dark spots.
  • Under-eye circles– circles under the eyes.
  • Acne- eel.
  • Pressed powder- compact powder.
  • Loose powder- loose powder.
  • Compact– powder compact (box with powder, mirror and puff).
  • Powder puff– powder puff.
  • Blotting paper- blotting paper.
  • Eyelid– eyelid.
  • Crease- fold of the eyelid.
  • Tear duct- lacrimal canaliculus.
  • Palette– a palette with several eyeshadow colors.
  • Pencil sharpener- pencil sharpener.
  • Coat- layer.
  • Cupid's bow– curve of the lip “Cupid’s bow”.
  • To wear a makeup- use cosmetics.
  • To put a makeup- do makeup.
  • To take a makeup off- remove makeup.
  • To avoid- avoid.
  • To apply– apply.
  • To blend in- mix, dissolve.
  • To cake on- harden on the face.
  • To even out– level.
  • To cover up- hide, disguise.
  • To dab– apply with light touches.
  • To tone down- give tone.
  • To blot- blot.
  • To highlight- emphasize.
  • To pluck– pluck.
  • To coat- cover.
  • To clump- stick together.
  • Flawless– impeccable.
  • Liquid– liquid.
  • Complementary- additional.
  • To come in different shapes and sizes- Available in various shapes and sizes.
  • To look as flawless and natural as possible– look as flawless and natural as possible.
  • It gives your eyes more definition– this makes the eyes more expressive.

You can presented in the article.

In order to remember vocabulary easier and faster, I advise you to watch educational videos on applying makeup or skin care ( makeup tutorials).

The English say that beauty is a fading flower(beauty is not eternal). I beg to differ with this statement. There is another statement: beauty is in the eye of the beholder(beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone has their own idea of ​​beauty) so nothing stops you from being a beauty queen ( beauty queen) every day!

I suggest you take a test to find out how well you remember the words and expressions on this topic:

More expressive, thanks to it, any girl can emphasize her individuality and create a unique image. Women began to actively use cosmetics not so long ago, but the history of its creation goes back thousands of years, and even men often use it.

From Antiquity to Modernity

The ancient Egyptians were the first to discover dyes, which soon came into use. Antique frescoes often depict beautiful wives of pharaohs with neatly drawn arrows near their eyes, tinted eyebrows and lips. However, makeup did not always have an aesthetic purpose: face painting was performed for magical and religious rites, before military campaigns.

Millions of women follow the beauty of their bodies, but not everyone knows what makeup is. In English, this word means "makeup", and the word "cosmetics" is borrowed from French and translates as “the art of decorating.” Indeed, the procedure of applying makeup is an entire culture that can transform a person beyond recognition.

Can't you have too much makeup?

Every woman's makeup bag is filled with different eye shadows, false eyelashes, lipsticks and bronzer shades. But how not to get lost among this diversity? This is not an easy question, because you want to apply a little of everything to your face so that your eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and the blush is as bright as possible. Excessive makeup is unacceptable for everyday life.

Proper makeup should be unnoticeable, because it is done with the goal of hiding flaws and highlighting advantages, so that beauty looks as natural as possible. Wanting to disguise freckles or make the tan less noticeable, girls apply several layers of foundation and powder, making a big mistake. Facial products are used to hide facial wrinkles and make the tone even. Many people forget what makeup is and start applying a thick layer of makeup, which looks unattractive up close. Overuse of creams leads to premature aging of the skin, and due to the large amount of powder, facial features will appear frozen.

What should be the right cosmetics?

The range of skin care products is amazing in its diversity. Mascara, creams and lipsticks differ in quality and price range. Makeup (cosmetics) must include products made from anti-allergenic substances, otherwise any application procedure will result in itching, spots and peeling of the skin. Fashionistas should know that high-quality daily makeup will not be cheap, but beauty requires expenses. Don’t be surprised if the manufacturer demands an amount with three zeros for foundation or mascara - with such a product you don’t have to worry about the condition of your skin.

It's no secret that cosmetics are often counterfeited, and a low-quality product disguised as a well-known brand can be placed in beautiful packaging. No one is immune from deception, but in order to somehow protect yourself from the consequences, do not forget to read the annotation and watch the expiration dates.

Ideal home look? No problem!

Every girl should visit a beauty salon on special occasions. But only artists or models can afford to spend time on long procedures every day. Knowing what makeup is, you can create the perfect look at home, even with a small assortment of cosmetics.

First of all, apply moisturizer, then apply foundation evenly, which should be almost invisible on the skin. The concealer allows you to hide age spots, under the eyes or small pimples. The powder eliminates oily shine and evens out the tone. Blush comes in natural, brown and pink shades. Choose an option depending on the event for which you are applying makeup at home. The emphasis on the eyebrows can be done using a soft pencil or shadows. Next, the procedure is completed by applying lipstick or lip gloss.

Sassy eyes

It is not without reason that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The rule for applying foundation remains the same, but eye makeup can be changed every day. It takes the most time to create, but thanks to long-lasting shadows and mascara, it won't have to be touched up for long hours.

It should be natural and make the look more expressive, and if there is a long night ahead, the eyes should be bright and bold, so there can be no boundaries - more shadows, eyeliner and mascara.

Makeup cosmetics for the eyelids can be different: solid or crumbly shadows, liquid formulations, eyeliner or pencil. For the perfect look, several shades of paint should be used. A light shade of shadow is applied to the upper and lower parts of the eyelid, a thin line is drawn with a pencil along the outer corner of the eyes and below. A dark shade can be used to create neat hollows under the eyebrows - this technique is suitable for European centuries. To make your eyes more expressive, you need to draw an arrow along the growth of your eyelashes with eyeliner. The final stage is mascara.

Unleash your imagination!

All fashionistas know perfectly well what makeup is and apply it every day, but it’s worth adding additional elements: rhinestones and sparkles - and with a slight movement of the hand your everyday look will turn into a fabulous one. There will be bright makeup excellent choice for an extraordinary style for a prom, for a disco or a photo shoot. The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and not be afraid of new experiments.

Hello Makeup Lovers. I decided to start a new useful column about popular terms in the beauty industry, which, unfortunately, are not always used correctly. Let this be a small beauty dictionary that I plan to update from time to time. And today there are 3 terms that are most often distorted by professionals and amateurs.


Now many people publish their works on Instagram and indicate authorship most often like this: "MUA by me", "MUAH by me".

Firstly, how do abbreviations stand for? MUA And MUAH.

MUA— make-up artist (makeup artist).

MUAH- make-up and hair artist (make-up artist and stylist - hair master).

That is, MUA and MUAH are professions, nouns, and therefore the use of the phrases “MUA by me”, “MUAH by me” is incorrect. It’s correct to say: “Make-up (and hair) by me” or “MUAH *** (Instagram account/first and last name).”


Many girls come to a beauty salon and ask for brushing. And masters very often offer brushing styling to clients. In general, this sounds wild and wrong.

Brush- brush (English), noun, can also be used as a verb to brush(comb your hair with a brush). Brushing in the beauty industry (noun) - this is literally styling with a hairdryer on a brush, when hot tools (tongs, curling irons, stylers) are not used. Therefore, it is correct to use the word brushing without pretext on.


In Russia, makeup is often called makeup artistry (both by makeup artists, beauty salon employees, and clients), but the difference between makeup and makeup artistry is quite significant.

Makeup, from English make-up- a noun that literally means the use of colors and shades (cosmetics) to improve or change one's visual image.

Makeup from French and eng. visage- a noun translated as a person (in relation to its form and/or facial expressions).

Thus, asking a makeup artist to do your makeup in a beauty salon is incorrect. The word should be used makeup.


I am in no way making fun of the use of this or that term, please understand me correctly. I just think that a beauty dictionary that allows us to communicate correctly and understand each other, today, when many borrowed words appear in our language every day, and their meaning is not always obvious, is very useful.

Make up, make up make up (m[=a]k p), n. 1. 1. The way in which the parts of anything are put together. The unthinking masses are necessarily teleological in their mental make up. L. F. Ward.

2. The constituent... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

2. The constituent... ... makeup

2. The constituent... ...- cosmetics blush, face*, foundation, greasepaint, lipstick, maquillage, paint, pancake, powder*; concept 446 makeup structure, composition architecture, arrangement, assembly, configuration, constitution, construction, content, contents … New thesaurus

2. The constituent... ...- or make up n. 1. the way in which something is put together; composition; construction 2. nature; disposition; constitution 3. a) the way in which an actor is made up for a role, as with a costume, wig,… … English World dictionary

2. The constituent... ...- index character (personal quality), characteristic, configuration (form), content (structure), disposition (inclination) ... Law dictionary

- /mayk up/, n. 1. facial cosmetics, as eye shadow or lipstick. 2. cosmetics used on other parts of the body, as to cover birthmarks. 3. the application of cosmetics. 4. the ensemble or effect created by such application: Her makeup was subtle but … Universalium- n. cosmetics 1) to apply, put on makeup 2) to remove makeup * * * put on makeup [ cosmetics ] to apply to remove makeup (D; intr.) (to become reconciled) to makeup with (she made up with her sister) (d; intr.) to makeup for (to makeup for lost... ... Combinatory dictionary Makeup

2. The constituent... ...- Actors in the modernist era carried individual makeup kits, created their own makeups, and were adept at the application, although techniques evolved along with advances in lighting from kerosene to gas to electricity. Tubes of grease paint... ... The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

2. The constituent... ...- make|up [ meık,ʌp ] or make ,up noun * 1.) uncount substances such as creams, powders, LIPSTICK, or MASCARA that people, especially women and actors, put on their faces in order to look more attractive or change their appearance: wear makeup:… …

2. The constituent... ...

2. The constituent... ...- (n.) (stress on make) 1. Cosmetics. * /All the actors and actresses put on a lot of makeup./ 2. Attributive auxiliary in lieu of, or belated. * /The professor gave a makeup to the sick students./ … Dictionary of American idioms


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