Riddles for children 5 about cars. Riddles, proverbs and poems about cars. Riddle for the little ones

01.10.2021 Kinds

Today it is impossible to imagine your life without a car. You can travel from one end of the city to the other, or go out into nature in comfortable conditions only with this type of transport. And if a few decades ago a car was a luxury, now it is a necessity.
And so that children can learn in more detail about the features of this transport, riddles about the car and about the brands of different cars will help.

  1. The big-eyed beetle hummed,
    I went around the green meadow,
    The feather grass was crushed by the road
    And he left, kicking up dust.
  2. She will deliver without difficulty
    You to other cities.
    But if you're going on a journey
    Don't forget to fill it up!..
  3. The lights are on, the engine is humming
    Tires on wheels
    Dashing along the road
    Us in ourselves….
  4. So that I can take you,
    I don't need oats.
    Feed me gasoline
    Give me some rubber on my hooves
    And then, raising dust,
    Will run...
  5. All year round - winter and summer
    Dressed in a steel suit,
    I'm standing in the yard -
    Nothing is scary to me.
    (Car in garage)
  6. Rubber run
    I'll go around all the roads.
    I'll be useful at a construction site,
    I'm not afraid of work.
    All paths are open to me.
    Are you on the wrong path with me?
  7. Little houses
    They're running down the street
    Boys and girls
    The houses are being transported.
  8. Doors, windows, but not a house.
    There are even seats in it.
    Headlights shine like eyes
    There are four wheels.
    Dust swirls from underneath them.
    What's this? … .
  9. It rushes quickly along the roads,
    Flying across the steppes like a bird!
    Dust swirls behind him...
    What's going on? ...
  10. She doesn't need a driver at all,
    You will start it with the key -
    The wheels will start spinning.
    Place it and she will rush.
    (TOY CAR)
  11. Running along the Egoza highway.
    Yellow, radiant eyes.
    Gasoline: "Am! Am!”
    Afraid of pits!
  12. At the Sprawling Dog
    Four paws are wheels.
    Rushing down the road
    Legs rotate.
  13. On the road, behind the gate
    Multicolored Kibitki
    They run after each other.
  14. I am your horse and carriage.
    My eyes are two fires.
    A heart warmed by gasoline,
    It's pounding in my chest.
    I wait patiently and silently
    On the street, at the gate,
    And again my voice is wolf
    Scares people on the way.
  15. What kind of shoes are these?
    Sometimes small, sometimes big.
    Got on the rings -
    Little men ride in them.
  16. The public is running
    In rubber donuts.
    The fifth bagel behind my back -
    He's probably a spare.
  17. Egoza is running.
    Behind the eyes.
    Front eyes.
    The brakes squeal.
  18. The public is running
    In rubber donuts.
    The fifth bagel behind my back -
    He's probably a spare.
  19. Drinks gasoline like milk
    Can run far.
    Carries goods and people.
    You know her, of course?
  20. I spin the wheels myself.
    I’m running through the streets myself.
    Behind the bend - bend
    And to the garage.
  21. I drink gasoline and eat butter,
    At least I'm not hungry at all.
    And without them I'm so sick,
    That I won’t be able to go!
  22. Running, buzzing.
    Looks into two eyes
    Only the red eye will look -
    He'll be rooted to the spot.
  23. Well, what is this?
    This is not something simple
    The steering wheel looks like the letter "O"
    The same letter is the wheel,
    Made from black rubber.
    This is new...
  24. Four wheels
    rubber tires,
    Engine and brakes...
    And what is it?
  25. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
    A beetle is running down the street.
    And they burn in the beetle's eyes
    Two blinding lights.
  26. Iron Beasts
    They growl and hum.
    Eyes like a cat's
    At night they burn...
  27. Steering wheel, pedal and brakes,
    And four wheels.
    Engine, trunk, tires
    And... has a motor.
  28. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
    A beetle is running down the street.
    And they burn in the beetle's eyes
    Two blinding lights.
  29. A wonderful horse is carrying me.
    He doesn't eat, but only drinks.
    The tires are turning black on my feet,
    And his name is...
  30. It runs and sometimes buzzes.
    He looks sharply into two eyes.
    Only the red light will come -
    He will stand in place in a moment.
  31. He drinks gasoline for breakfast

    Roars loudly, like a bear.
    There are wheels, there is a motor,
    He flies at full speed.

    Short riddle about a car

    1. Blinks his eyes
      The brakes squeak.
    2. On the right is the door!
      On the left is the door!
      And a gasoline heart!
    3. It rides, shakes, sways.
      What is it called?
    4. Steel Horses
      All my life in pursuit.
    5. Along gray rivers
      Iron Sheep are running.
    6. Two run away, two catch up,
      And they relax together.

    Riddles about car brands with answers

    1. "Fire! Help! Burning" –
      And the car is hurrying towards the house.
      She will unfurl a long hose
      And the flame will be doused with water.
      For putting out the fire,
      Thank you …
      (fire truck)
    2. To relieve enormous stress,
      I bought myself...
    3. Do you want to fulfill a whim?
      Buy a small...
    4. The weather varies
      It will be useful for you...
    5. Much more
      New girl...
    6. He will go everywhere
      Like KAMAZ
      Let the baby
      But still...
    7. She's beautiful
      Like a painting.
      Her name is
    8. She is reliable
      And playful.
      Her name is
    9. Need her
      For our rally games.
    10. Do you want to stand out? How?
      You need …
    11. You don't want to be overtaken
      Hurry up and get behind the wheel...
    12. I had a cart
      But there was no horse
      And suddenly she neighed
      She neighed and ran.
      Look, a cart is running without a horse!
    13. And if you're a cool guy,
      Buy yourself a huge...
    14. Do you want to hear only “Ah!”
      Buy it soon...
    15. Car from the GAZ family
      You won't guess right away.
      Here's a hint for you -
      A beast, almost a weasel.
    16. He snorts diligently,
      Bricks are rushing to the construction site.
      I'm used to delivering cargo
      Strong, powerful...
    17. Who will take us quickly
      To the station, to the airport?
      You need to take things with you -
      There are so many of them! Oh-oh-oh!
      Call and ask -
      Everything will be delivered instantly...

    Riddles about car brands for adults

    1. Yesterday I hit a Mercedes in the eye.
      Nothing for me. I have...
    2. Don't drink beer while driving
      Even if you...
    3. The sound of the engine is a reward for me.
      I'm driving in a car called...
    4. Do you remember all the sides
      In a car...
    5. I don’t drive to the bricks
      I'm taking care of mine...
    6. Everyone get out of the way!
      Get off your feet quickly!
      Please move away:
      I'm going to...
    7. I was selling oranges
      And then I bought a car.
      And my name is Vano,
      And I like it…
    8. In the age of speed, don’t hesitate, friend!
      We don't have time to wait any longer.
      Gets you to work instantly
      Japanese car...
    9. A terrible creak is heard.
      The driver even stuck to the glass,
      But I didn’t knock down a passerby,
      It brakes great...
    10. My little darling is a dunce:
      He climbed over the fence towards me.
      While I was suffering and climbing,
      It was stolen...
    11. A neighbor's son was born
      He came in tenth.
      My neighbor is not an enemy to the family,
      And he bought...

Do you think how to develop logic in a child? Use riddles. IN game form knowledge is absorbed better. In this article we will talk about the most interesting riddles about cars.

Easy riddle

On the left is the door!

On the right is the door!

There is a gasoline heart!

This riddle about a car can be asked even by small children. When the family has a car, it will not be difficult for the child to name the correct answer. Even if parents do not have a personal car, they still need to ask their children such tasks for the sake of their overall development. After all, the child must understand and know the names of all the objects that surround him. And in the above riddle the phrase about a gasoline heart is used. She is the key one. If your child cannot find the answer for a long time, try saying the end of the riddle slowly and clearly.

About the pits

Running along the Egoza highway.

Radiant eyes.

Gasoline: "Am!"

Afraid of pits!

Children will quickly guess the riddle about a car if their parents have a car with a low suspension. After all, in this case, dad or mom will always slow down in front of the pit and scold the bad roads. Therefore, the child will develop a clear idea in his head that cars are afraid of pits. Well, children know from an early age what exactly a car eats.

About wheels

At the Sprawling Dog

Four paws - wheels.

Rushing down the road

Legs rotate.

A riddle about a car, which draws a parallel with the dogs beloved by many children, will undoubtedly make you smile. It’s easy for adults to understand that the poem is about a car, but many kids will think about it. What can lead them to the correct answer? Well, spinning legs, of course. They are the ones who indicate that the riddle is about a car.


Who will take us quickly

To the station, to the airport?

Call and ask -

Challenge yourself...

This riddle needs to be completed. The rhyme is quite obvious. But it is understandable to adults. And many children may have problems finding the right word. Why? Yes, because not all children take a taxi. Even many adults rarely use this type of transport. In large cities, where the metro runs until night and public transport runs around the clock, there is simply no point in ordering a car. Therefore, first the child needs to be told what a taxi is, show pictures of cars with a “cap” in a square, and only then reinforce the material covered with a riddle.

Two cars

The lights are on, the engines are humming

Tires on wheels

They rush along the road

This is a riddle about cars. Two or more cars appear when you read this poem. And the child must grasp this. After all, the riddle is not about just one car. Why torment a child with such details if the meaning of the poem has reached the child’s consciousness? The fact is that attentiveness is trained on such little things. After all, it’s not enough to just understand what we’re talking about; you need to delve into all the details. By correctly answering such riddles, the child learns to perceive information by ear. And this is a very useful skill. Not many adults have it.

Riddle for the little ones

He drinks gasoline for breakfast

Roars loudly, like a bear.

There are wheels, there is a motor,

He flies at full speed.

A car riddle for children will help develop quick thinking skills. After all, the answer is quite obvious, although it does not rhyme with the verse. You need to teach your child to react quickly. The main task of such simple riddles is to develop a high-speed response reflex.

So, riddles in the form of drawings allow the child to think positively and enthusiastically. In addition they:

  • they are taught to look for the main thing among many minor details;
  • make you delve deeper into the meaning of the description;
  • help to find an artistic image, apply metaphors and associations, look for hidden clues;
  • develop speech, curiosity, teach to understand humor;
  • develop intelligence and the ability to make non-standard conclusions.

What kinds of riddles are there in the form of drawings?

They can be divided into several categories:

  • To the imagination. The child must answer the question: “What does this remind you of?”
  • To be attentive. The child must find the answer in the picture.
  • Use your wits. The kid must finish the story himself. This will help him learn to think several steps ahead.
  • Mathematical. Here it is important to find and count the number of given elements.
  • Brain teaser. The kid will have to come to the correct answer by analyzing the images and finding logic in them.
  • For visual perception. Here it is important to take a closer look at the details. This will help the child develop observation skills.

Well, let's move on to the practical part?

Picture Transport

About the car

He runs very fast
And he values ​​convenience.
Dust rushes from under your feet.
What kind of animal? … (automobile)

A beast with huge eyes
They glow in the night.
And he growls and hums,
But he won't offend people.

House on wheels
Running down the street.
He rides people
And it rumbles loudly.
wants to drink -
It will be right away and worth it.

He doesn't live in a house, in a garage.
He drinks gasoline, not water.
A must for the whole family.

He's not afraid of anyone
Runs fast, far.
But only he will see the zebra -
Stopping is easy.
"Zebra" is not a scary animal at all,
It is safe for people.
And it will also see the light,
If it's red, no move.
What is the verse about? Give us the answer!
(car, pedestrian crossing, traffic light)

Wonderful carriage -
You don't even need a horse.
She will drink gasoline -
No milk needed.

It doesn't fly, but it hums.
Yes, he runs through the streets.
Eyes glow at night
A huge beetle.

I have a good horse
But he doesn’t eat oats at all.
He drinks gasoline with oil,
Runs great.

The engine is humming, the lights are on,
Rubber on the legs.
Dashing along the road
Fast car).

He runs fast
He looks with his eyes.
If he sees a red light,
So there is no way for us.
The light turned green,
He ran excited.

He doesn't want to run away
Requires a driver.
He can't live on his own
Without a leader.

Riddles about cars

Four eyes, one mouth
Has a bumper and hood.
Doesn't like tea, doesn't drink compote,
And something demands in the stomach.
Doesn't listen to anyone, doesn't do anything,
All he needs is to drink. (Car)

Valuable cargo is riding on the roof,
There is a toddler in the car seat.
Someone important is behind the wheel,
Under the window, the air is humid.
Mommy is sitting on the side
The dog crunches his stick.
The whole family wants to go to the dacha
What's driving them, what's roaring?

There are many types
Us iron individuals.
We are rushing to your aid,
We all blink and shine. (Car)

There's something in the garage,
I'm already bored of standing.
Wants some fuel
And get ready for the journey.

I have three pedals
A fragrant bush was given.
When preparing for a long journey,
They wipe their forehead, a little. (Car)

Likes to drive very fast
Fill the canister quickly.
It beeps and flashes for everyone,
Old cats are scared.
Blows up dust on the road
This is…

It fits in this unit,
Engine, brake, carburetor.
There are candles and pads,
And coils of wiring.
There is a glove compartment, a lever, a window,
Who can tell what it is?

They rush together, in one row.
Red light - they are standing still.
How the green will sparkle
Again, like lightning, it flies.

It drives slowly, murmuring.
Take out the key and it will shut up.

There is a hood and there is a trunk,
Push the license into your wallet.
Beckons with a chair and a steering wheel,
Sometimes even a foreigner. (Car)

Four wheels in motion
I'll keep one in reserve.
I’ll take you into the wind, into the cold,
I'm not afraid of rain and puddles.
Just don't stomp your feet,
And don’t slam the door too hard.

How do you want to ride?
You need to sit on the seat.
Just don't forget,
Fasten the strap.

What flashes a headlight in the darkness,
Behind the wheel, the driver is tired.
The bike is sticking out from the trunk,
On the hood, the sheet is stuck.
It rushes along the road, a little,
What is this, my friend?

On this transport, always
Drivers go wherever.
Maybe they are taking it to someone
Or just to work.
On the road the headlight flashes,
If necessary, he will honk.

I'm all made of metal
There is glass, rubber, fabric.
With belts, all seats,
And viewing mirrors.
You look good in them,
After all, the fellow traveler is behind.

Speeding along the road soon,
But she doesn't have legs.
Everything is turning the steering wheel,
He will not give way.

Riddles about car brands

To relieve enormous stress,
I bought myself... (Mercedes).

Do you want to fulfill a whim?
Buy a small... (Matiz).

The weather varies
It will be useful for you... (Skoda).

Much more
New... (Mazda).

Do you want to stand out? How?
You need... (Cadillac).

You don't want to be overtaken
Get behind the wheel quickly... (Ferrari).

And if you're a cool guy,
Buy yourself a huge...(Jeep).

Do you want to hear only “Ah!”
Buy it quickly... (Maybach).

Other riddles: ← Airplane Transport Ship →

Picture Car