The year of the rat begins. Characteristics of men and women born in the year of the rat. Negative qualities of the sign

20.10.2021 Ulcer

It is with the Rat that the 12-year cycle begins. This restless creature is a symbol of aggression and charm at the same time. Charming appearance, determination, carelessness, sociability, remarkable intelligence - all this is inherent in people born in the year of the Rat. What years belong to this sign? Since the Rat comes to us every 12 years, its representatives were born in 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. The next time the arrival of this sweet, restless beauty should be expected in 2020.

Characteristics of a typical representative of the Rat sign

Impatience, excessive fussiness, inconstancy, nervousness - these are the main shortcomings of people born this year. They seem cheerful and carefree, balanced, but inside there is always some kind of vague anxiety. People who know the Rat well are aware that she is choleric by nature, which means she has the most violent temperament of all the signs. At the same time, she is intelligent and loves to communicate with interesting people, kind, generous. The Rat is well aware of how charming it is, therefore, without a twinge of conscience, it uses its influence on other people, exploiting them to one degree or another. She uses other people's labor, money, and intelligence.

The Solid Character of the Metal Rat

The year 1960 gave us the toughest, most unprincipled people. Which Rats are most feared? Of course, Metal, because in her look, character, manner of behavior, even her gait lies real metal, hardness, inflexibility before the will of others. This is a very picky, uncompromising boss, before whom all his subordinates tremble. The Metal Rat likes to insist on its own, to achieve its goal by any means. One should not expect concessions or indulgences from her, weakness is alien to her, and therefore she despises this quality in other people. Only in rare cases is the compliant and flexible Metal Rat found; this is a wonderful person who, with his perseverance and intelligence, brings the things he starts to the end. Such qualities make the character more harmonious.

Water Rat Intuition

The year 1972 gave humanity incredibly intuitive people. Which Rat should you be wary of? Of course, Vodyanoy, because she has excellent natural intuition, instantly recognizes lies, anticipates events, and can predict how this or that situation will be resolved. The Rat itself is a sign of Water, so the water representative has double qualities that help to stay afloat in any situation. In such years, soft, sensitive, pliable people are born. The Water Rat constantly has to fight the desire to go with the flow and be dependent on other people. She pays too much attention to other people's opinions, listens to outside advice, although this is not necessary. The Water Rat is very passive and likes to rest on its laurels. You should fight this habit, try to defend your opinion in everything, and then life will sparkle with new, bright colors.

The Restlessness of the Wood Rat

This sign combines intuition (Water) with creativity(Tree), their combination gives an extraordinary, complex, but very interesting character. The year 1984 gave humanity proud, independent and incredibly artistic people. Which Rat should you be wary of in the financial sector? Of course, Wooden, because she is not able to concentrate on something specific, and also loves to spend money. It is incredibly difficult for her to choose just one activity, so she is dispersed into several at once. The Wood Rat strives to do everything at once, to embrace the immensity, and this destroys it. She starts one business, abandons it and runs to another; with this approach, you can be left without a livelihood. Therefore, you should stop internal impulses and concentrate on only one, most important goal.

Passionate Fire Rat

This sign is incredibly emotional, and fire enhances their passion. The year 1996 gave humanity good critics, innovators, and purposeful people. Which Rat should you be afraid of in the sphere of relationships? The fire sign is very changeable, so it does not know attachment to a specific person. He is characterized by enthusiastic impulses, but at the same time, his representative loves to laugh at other people. The changeability of the Fire Rat often plays a cruel joke on her and brings unexpected situations into life. Representatives of this sign need to restrain their sharp tongue, as well as their desire for innovation. The Fire Rat is excellent at adapting to circumstances. She loves change and benefits from it.

The practicality of the Earth Rat

2008 gave us real hard workers, practical, disciplined people. Which Rat is every lazy person afraid of? Of course, Zemlyanoy, because she herself does not sit idle and will not let others. Representatives of this sign are incredibly prudent and practical. Any boss will be glad to have such an employee, because few can compare with the Earth Rat in terms of efficiency. She always brings the job she starts to completion, without being distracted by extraneous goals. The Earth Rat also experiences periods of stagnation, when there are no ideas and there is no desire to do anything. In such situations, she simply needs to overcome her inertia and move forward.

Rat man

Representatives of this sign are open, emotional, and practically not susceptible to outside influence. True ladies' men and sensitive lovers were born in the year of the Rat. Which years suit them best for marriage and love relationships? Buffalo, Rat, Monkey, Boar - these are almost ideal partners for this restless sign. A man in his youth searches for his ideal, so he has many novels. Marriage is mostly based on love. He loves homeliness and comfort very much, so he is ready to step over his own ideals just to live well.

Rat woman

Incredibly energetic, sexy, calculating and powerful people are born under this sign. In any society, women born in the year of the Rat know how to make the right impression. Which years suit them best according to their horoscope? Rat, Boar, Monkey - these are the ideal partners of these pragmatic individuals. The Rat always wants to be perfect in everything, and this is exactly how it seems to others. She values ​​material well-being and is prone to hoarding. This is the ideal bride, wife and mother. A woman often seems romantic and impressionable, although in fact she is guided by rational thinking. She does not tolerate control, so she does everything in her power to be free.

Like all zodiac signs, Rats have their advantages and disadvantages. These are intelligent, interesting people to communicate with. They love comfort and coziness, so they do everything for their own material well-being. A little cunning, agile, nervous, changeable in their outlook on life. You will never get bored with the Rat, so this is an excellent friend and interlocutor.

Nata Karlin

A person born in the year of the Rat is charming and aggressive at the same time. He is sociable, carefree and cunning, he is used to always using his charm and abusing it without a twinge of conscience. He is clearly aware that can manipulate people and endlessly enjoy their respect, trust and the fruits of labor.

Rats always strive to communicate only with people who are interesting to them in various respects. But, as a rule, they look for benefits from any communication.

They do not show much sympathy for others, treating them like puppets - they can attract and push away when it suits them

The feigned cheerfulness and cordiality of the Rat is nothing more than high nervousness hidden behind a mask of benevolence. At first glance, she is calm and balanced, but she is constantly in a state of anxiety. Most Rats are choleric, and this is the most violent temperament that exists.

Energetic and funny rat - choleric

As it may seem at first glance, Rats are literally brimming with energy. However, if we take into account the violent temperament of people of this zodiac sign, there is not a shred of doubt left that they spend all their potential on bursts of activity, after which there is simply no strength left. Therefore, it is not surprising that short periods of energy in Rats are replaced by depressed moods and depression.

Rats are not used to working hard to achieve success in life.

Any triumph is the fruit of a symbiosis of cunning, rationality and pragmatism

They always try to use the potential of others for their own benefit. One of the most important shortcomings of people of this zodiac sign is considered to be a complete inability to control the situation. That is, they can lose their temper instantly and for any reason.

The weak point is love! For the Rat in love, the world is colored in pink tones, and she falls into the trap of her feelings and experiences.

Rat man in love

Rats simply love intrigue and confusing situations.. Here they feel like fish in water, trying to prove to everyone their awareness and importance. However, they never allow anyone into their territory and soul; they will defend the boundaries of their property, baring their teeth angrily. The Rat is always ready to respond to the call of its acquaintances to chat, but it has few real friends.

They are very cunning and intelligent, however, it is a stretch to call them brave warriors. They think about this or that step for a long time in order to make a final decision, but, as a rule, they choose the only right one. If you drive a person of this zodiac sign into a corner, he is capable of the most unpredictable actions. Him the instinct of self-preservation is well developed, which prevents them from getting into difficult situations in many cases.

People born in the year of the Rat are cunning and intelligent

What is the year of birth of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope?

When the Year of the Rat arrives, a new milestone in the cycle begins Chinese horoscope. Pros of the Rat:

  • activity;
  • sharp mind;
  • charm;
  • sociability;
  • perseverance and stubbornness.

TO negative characteristics sign can be attributed to:

  • cunning;
  • stinginess;
  • imbalance;
  • envy;
  • anger.

Table: years of the Rat zodiac sign with characteristics of representatives:

RatYearPositive characteristicsNegative characteristics
Metal1960 Unbending willpower, perseverance, high level of intellectual developmentUncompromising, stubborn, arrogant
Water1972 Excellent intuition, gentleness, sensitivityParticular attention to other people's opinions, ignorance, laziness
Wooden1884 Pride, independence, sensitivity, artistryInability to earn money and spend income rationally, short temper and lack of concentration on one thing
Fiery1996 Love of travel and change, innovation, keen intelligence and energyChangeability, inconstancy, desire to mock, sharp tongue and malice
Zemlyannaya2008 Hard work, discipline, practicality, prudenceTendency to depression, inertia

The next year 2020 will be marked by the symbol of the White Metal Rat. It will come into effect on January 25, 2020 and end on February 21, 2021.

The Rat guy is very emotional, open and willful. In love, he is a true Casanova, a sensitive lover and a wonderful gentleman. In his youth, a man of this sign is absorbed in the search for the ideal woman. Therefore, a large number of whirlwind romances will definitely happen.

Rat man according to horoscope

Most often, men born under the Rat zodiac sign have an interesting appearance, they are cheerful and original. However, they are very unsure of themselves, so tend to shock the public. Often this behavior is somewhat aggressive in nature. In stressful situations, the Rat man is unpredictable. His behavior can change sharply from passivity and melancholy to violent activity.

A man born under the sign of the Rat is passionate. He often gets carried away by games and disputes, but, as a rule, comes out of them as an unconditional winner.

However, having become confident in his invincibility, the Rat man can make a lot of mistakes and blunders, so the excitement should be directed in a different direction.

In his work he shows his best qualities. He is insightful, curious, ambitious and daring. He achieves great success in the field of science, music, writing and psychology. If a Rat man feels that a given business has exhausted its resources, he will be the first to leave, without regretting a second. An underlying instinct allows him to stay afloat, preventing him from sinking.

Hugh Grant is a man born in the year of the Rat

For women The Rat man is one of the most attractive marriage partners. He does not sparkle with romanticism and does not experience vivid love experiences. However, with him it is always calm, cozy and reliable. His goal in a relationship with the chosen woman is to create a strong, unbreakable union.

The Rat Girl is inexplicably attractive. It cannot be said that she shines with enchanting beauty, but her entire image, along with her demeanor, ability to present herself, charm her interlocutor, style in clothing and cosmetics, completely fascinates those around her. Wherein The Rat woman has many character traits inherent in a man. She is decisive, active, proactive, energetic, and has a vivid imagination and imagination.

Rat women are very thrifty and thrifty. They become generous only towards those closest to them. Behind the external cheerfulness and enthusiasm of these ladies, nervousness and self-doubt are hidden.

According to the horoscope, the Rat girl is very zealous

Among the ladies born under the Rat zodiac sign, there are a lot of those who have achieved significant success in their careers. They quick-witted, intelligent, enterprising and determined, therefore, if they want, they will achieve what they so passionately strive for.

Mata Hari is a woman born in the year of the Rat.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Rat

People born in the year of the Rat are compatible in love, marriage and friendship with many signs of the eastern horoscope. Two Rats in one family will be happy, but only if one of them does not fight for leadership in the pair.

An alliance with the Bull is quite acceptable, only if the latter humbles his assertive nature. The Rat should take all his partner’s attacks with humor and become an outlet for him, not a problem. Partnerships and friendships with the Ox are unlikely.

If we consider the year of the Tiger, then a tandem with a Rat will be problematic. This completely different in character and people's worldview. They will constantly fight for primacy, each proving their truth. However, with regard to friendship and business, only one thing can be said - the tandem is excellent.

Love compatibility of people born in the year of the Rat

The cat is not the best friend for the Rat not only in living nature, but also in the horoscopic aspect. He will constantly try to “bite” the Rat or belittle her dignity. In turn, the weaker one will defend himself in all possible ways. Relations in business are not very good either.

Ideal for marriage, love, friendship and work Dragon

Cunning, smart, strong and active, they will become an almost indestructible whole. It often happens that friendship and partnership gradually develop into love among representatives of these zodiac signs.

Unfaithful and “poisonous” The Snake will disappoint the Rat very quickly. Married relationships, if acceptable, are only due to the efforts of the latter. However, in business they will complement each other perfectly.

IN love relationships Horse and Rat complement each other perfectly. A marriage is expected to be tumultuous, with unexpected outbreaks of quarrels and equally passionate reconciliations. They will not be able to be friends and work together, because their views on life and worldview are different even in small things.

Compatibility of Rat and Cat eastern horoscope

This is not to say that the union of the Goat and the Rat is bad., but it is impossible to assure that it will be ideal. They will face a complete misunderstanding of each other's interests and aspirations. They may be able to be friends, but not for long.

One of the most successful combinations of signs of the eastern horoscope is Rat-Monkey. They will be happy both in love and marriage, and absolutely complementary in friendship and work.

Rat and Rooster are a good union, however, friendship, love and even mutual sympathy quickly fade into the background due to the nervousness and intolerance of both.

A marriage between a Dog and a Rat promises to be extremely boring, unless the latter takes on the rights of the head of the family. Friendship between them is impossible

Happy and The Rat and the Pig will have a harmonious marriage. Both are interesting and bright, they love an idle lifestyle. Friendships will develop especially well in this couple.

Compatibility table of the Rat with other zodiac signs:



Moderate compatibilityNot compatible
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Rat?

According to the eastern horoscope, the rat belongs to animals, personifying the masculine principle “yin”. This is the first sign of the Chinese horoscope, the time of influence of which is from 23 o'clock at night to 1 o'clock in the morning of the next day. Patronizes the season of the year - winter. The peak moment of activity of the sign is December.

Respectively The Rat belongs to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The color of luck of the sign is red and black, talismans are pomegranate, Chinese characters, hyacinths, orchids. The best places for a Rat person to live are China, Japan, Türkiye, Africa, Bulgaria.

Sagittarius corresponds to the sign of the Rat

Children born in the year of the Rat: what kind of character are they?

The Rat child is always extremely attached to his family. However, this is not love, but a possessive instinct. He often manipulates those close to him to get what you want. The baby of this zodiac sign eats well, helps his mother with pleasure, is trainable and smart.

Rat children are born leaders

The makings of a true leader are hidden behind his modest behavior. They are able to achieve what they want by any means. It doesn’t work with effort, which means it’s cunning and resourcefulness.. The task of parents is to suggest and help their children find the right way to demonstrate their talents, develop the spirit of fair competition and the desire to win.

Rat Child according to the eastern horoscope

Celebrities-Rats according to the eastern horoscope

In their profession and career, Rats try to find a loophole that is kept secret from everyone. Navigating through the labyrinths of intricacies of human relationships, ambitions and desires, people of this zodiac sign quite quickly come to their goal. They are always aware of events happening in the team, and rightfully bear the title of “gray eminence”. They often choose the professions of journalist, actor, writer, poet, leader, teacher, psychologist. Their character contains a thirst for communication with their own kind, collectivism and a desire to give the world something new, while proving themselves.

Among male celebrities born in the year of the Rat, it is worth noting:

  • Jules Verne,
  • Hugh Grant,
  • Louis Armstrong
  • Emile Zola,
  • Clark Gable
  • Mozart,
  • Charles Dickens
  • Louis Saint Exupery,
  • Lev Tolstoy,
  • Yves Saint Laurent,
  • William Shakespeare.

Clark Gable was born in the Year of the Rat

To the list of those born under this sign of the eastern horoscope famous women, you can enter:

  • Queen Elizabeth,
  • Matu Hari,
  • Marina Raskova,
  • Charlotte Bronte,
  • Anna Zegers,
  • Margaret Mitchell,
  • Lucrezia Boggia,
  • Charlotte Corday
  • Lolita Tores.

The ideal for every Rat person is to achieve material well-being in the least problematic way

The Rat simply loves jewelry; this person’s box always contains a lot of jewelry with rubies.

The Rat (Mouse), with all its frugality and rationality, can lend a loved one a large amount of money and simply forget about it. Sentimentality and generosity this person manifests itself only in relation to those whom he loves.

To summarize, it is worth noting that in general terms the Rat Man is a very positive and interesting character. Thanks to his bright and extraordinary nature, people are drawn to him. He is generous and open to his family, for friends, faithful and devoted. Some short temper and impulsiveness are simply lost against the background of other character traits.

23 March 2018, 13:42

Once every 12 years, the Year of the Rat begins. In the West they do not like this animal and treat it with suspicion. The East is a different matter. Here the rat is considered an intelligent and brave animal; it is revered and legends are made about it.

The Rat's motto is “I control,” and it is she who opens the 12-year cycle of the eastern horoscope. What does the year of the Rat bring, what years does this cunning, resourceful beast take control of? The sign symbolizes the beginning, awakening, spring. Corresponds to the fire element and the masculine nature of Yang.

The color of the Rat is black, its time is night, its element is water, its direction is north.

The Year of the Rat is quite successful for starting new things, great achievements and the struggle to expand influence. Success during this period is achieved by strong and cunning people who have perseverance, endurance and good self-control.

This is a great time to invest, purchase real estate, and sign long-term contracts.

For married couples, this is the most favorable period for setting a family course, creating savings and securing the future of their children.

Politics and the economy will also be influenced by the Year of the Rat. Which years in the political and economic life of society are remembered for radical changes, high-profile scandals, and significant events? Of course, under the sign of the Rat, especially the Fire Rat.

Books published in the Year of the Rat most likely will not join the ranks of world bestsellers. The period is unfavorable for finishing scientific works, literary works, to complete the training.

Born in the year of the Rat

What years give the world people who can please everyone? Charming "rodents" are able to find the keys to any heart. Moreover, it is vital for Rats to be loved. They are open, proactive, possess

Both Rats men and women are sexy and artistic, and they use this skillfully. Rats love company, they have many friends, although almost none. Their true feelings and problems are deep inside and are not easy to see.

Rats are freedom-loving and talented. The ability to think outside the box, disregard for canons and a penchant for creativity make many excellent musicians, poets and writers. The literary community is rightfully proud of such prominent representatives of the “rat race” as William Shakespeare and Leo Tolstoy. And almost everyone likes the brilliant music of Mozart, Rossini and Tchaikovsky.

Rats are attracted by their element; they love water. This can be expressed either in weekly trips to the pool or in devoting oneself to the profession of an oceanologist or navigator.

Rats do not tolerate loneliness well, but are fickle in marriage. Men strive for new victories on the love front, and women crave fresh, bright emotions. But if the practical, cautious Rat truly falls in love, she becomes generous and selfless. If the love is not mutual, it can ruin the Rat's life.

Five elements

What is characteristic of the year of the Rat, which years fall in five different elements, and what are the differences within this sign? Five elements - five elements that leave an imprint on the fate and character of each person.

Depending on the year of birth, the Rat can be of the following varieties:

A person born in the year of the Rat intends to achieve success at any cost, and his innate charm helps him in this. When you meet him, you may simply be fascinated by him: it costs him nothing to win you over with his sociability, energy and captivating friendliness. In company, the Rat usually behaves cheerfully and at ease, but we should not forget that, taking care of the affairs of his many friends, the Rat always puts his own affairs and interests, which he is accustomed to keeping secret, first.

Sociable and talkative (sometimes even too much), the Rat usually easily becomes the life of the party, ideological inspirer or the organizer of any event. However, behind her emotions lies a cold, calculating mind, and behind her external openness is the “second bottom” of a person with great ambitions and the dexterity of a born diplomat.

In business, the Rat is active, energetic and assertive, and is accustomed to relying primarily on itself. She does not expect unexpected gifts from those around her, much less from Fate, and therefore treats even pleasant surprises with caution. She is a practitioner and a realist, she is used to keeping everything under her control and, once she gets down to business, she is not going to back down.

All these qualities help the Rat not only easily gain the trust of people, but also use this for their own personal purposes. Her energetic energy is capable of performing miracles on those around her - succumbing to her charm and pressure, they often, without noticing it, become participants in her secret plans and cunning intrigues. However, despite her talent as a manipulator, many would like to have the Rat as their friend: she is very smart, an excellent conversationalist, knows how to listen and give valuable advice, and is able to help not only in word, but also in deed - unless, of course, this does not contradict her interests .

Living brightly and richly in the present day, the Rat always thinks about the future. This is reflected both in the goals that she sets for herself and in the plans that she makes to achieve these goals. Often, worries about the future result in the Rat’s desire to hoard, create reserves for a rainy day, and even its reluctance to throw away old things in case they come in handy someday.

When choosing a profession, the Rat most often gives preference to the area where you need to work not with your hands, but with your head. She can make an excellent journalist, writer, speaker, politician, leader, artist, teacher, businessman.

Neither in friendship, nor in business, nor in love is the Rat inclined to seek simple ways. The best path for her is not the shortest, but the surest and safest, that is, hidden from the prying eyes of others. A charming intellectual, energetic and dexterous, the Rat knows what she wants from life and has in her arsenal all the tools to achieve it over time.

People born in the year of the rat are especially attractive and generous. These individuals have especially warm relationships with the people they love. But if you talk to them for a long time, you can understand that they are aggressive and restless.

There are people who are honest and open - they have a strong character, so they achieve everything through their own efforts. They do not hide their selfish goals and want to achieve maximum benefit and benefit from relationships with other people. Therefore, it will not be difficult for an animal to build a career; arrogance and assertiveness will help her in this. Despite the fact that they live in the present, they constantly think about the future and their old age.

The character of the rat according to the eastern horoscope

Distinctive character traits include the following:







Despite the fact that they are persistent, they can be easily deceived. They are unlikely to be able to resist a cunning and crafty person. And due to these weaknesses, individuals may develop weak sides. The characteristics of the sign are a little ambiguous; on the one hand, it may seem that the rat has a persistent character, but on the other hand, it easily succumbs to the tricks of scammers.

An animal always achieves its goals by any means.

But the stars can line up in such a way that they will bring a lot of troubles and misfortunes to a person, which the animal can easily cope with. But such situations have a bad effect on a person’s development; as a rule, he withdraws into himself for a certain time.

The woman of this sign is very caring and thrifty. Often people born in the year of the rat become creative individuals, business people and celebrities. Individuals of this sign are amorous and their romantic feelings are very strong. Astrology says that women can be open and, conversely, closed in on themselves.

Studying the Horoscope for the rat

They are very lucky - this is due to the fact that they know how to keep secrets. Most people of this sign have a happy childhood and adolescence, which is very stormy and fun. But at a more mature age, the animal must be careful, since it can instantly lose its money, lose good and strong relationships- changing your life in the opposite direction.

If a person is a rat according to the eastern horoscope, then his old age can be carefree. If he was born in winter, then his old age will be happy and calm, and if in summer, then the rat will often lack money and will look for means for its existence.

Rat and compatibility

To create a family and a romantic relationship, a person needs to be close to a bull. These two signs have the best compatibility - as they have common character traits. A male dragon will be able to charm a rat - if there is something in common.

If we talk about friendly relations, then the ideal union is considered to be a monkey, which is distinguished by intelligence and cheerfulness.

But with such signs as the tiger, horse and goat, this sign will not be able to find common interests and get along under one roof.

The Chinese horoscope is very interesting and fascinating if you study it carefully. As we can see, the rat has a versatile character. When necessary, she will be able to show pressure and arrogance, and sometimes she can become cunning - in order to achieve her goal. The characteristics of the rat are also extraordinary and you can expect anything from this animal.

The rat is unique, it has different character traits. They do everything in a way that is beneficial to them and therefore they manage to achieve any goal and become successful in life.