What is the most cost-effective per animal? Home growing and breeding business. How to make money by breeding animals

20.10.2021 Complications

Even ancient people domesticated wild birds and began breeding them in order to obtain food in the form of eggs and meat, as well as feathers and down, which were used in everyday life. Today's birds are different from those bred by our ancestors. As a result of selection work, the most suitable breeds for breeding were developed. In this article we will tell you which birds are more profitable to breed at home, because now anyone who has the desire and a small suburban area can breed birds.

First on our list are ducks. It is no coincidence that they were among the first to be domesticated by our ancestors. This is because these birds are famous for their unpretentiousness and quickly gain weight. The latter circumstance is especially important, because the ultimate goal of duck breeding is to obtain meat that has an amazing taste and high nutritional value due to its fat content and fibrous content.

Duck eggs are usually not consumed as readily as chicken eggs, because they have a specific taste. However, they can be used to prepare sauces and other dishes. Feathers and down are suitable for stuffing pillows and blankets, so they are also valuable.

Those who not only maintain a poultry house, but also tend a vegetable garden, will be able to use duck droppings as fertilizer.

Choosing a breed

Before you start breeding ducks on your own, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the most popular and suitable varieties of birds, and choose the ones that are suitable for yourself. We present a selection of the most profitable breeds for breeding.

You don’t have to be a gourmet to not try a baked bird of this breed in a restaurant at least once in your life. The body weight of an adult female is 3 kilograms, and the drake weighs a kilogram more. The fibrous, fatty meat is highly nutritious and literally melts in your mouth, with approximately 70% of the duck being edible.

Pekin ducks lay about 140-150 eggs per year, from which about 100 ducklings grow.

Muscovy duck

Also known as Indian duck. This breed can significantly surpass the previous one in size: the weight of the drake reaches 6 kg. The resulting meat is soft and lean. The character of these birds is always calm, which is also a plus. They don't fight in enclosures and don't make noise. Disease resistance is another undeniable advantage of the Muscovy duck.

Duck Mulard

This breed is a hybrid of the two varieties listed above. Chicks obtained by crossing Peking and Muscovy ducks are characterized by a rapid growth rate and high adult weight. Hybrids do not produce offspring, but this can hardly be called a minus, because the option of keeping them remains very productive due to the large yield of meat.

Video - Breeding Muscovy ducks at home

What should a room for ducks look like?

Any building that has been carefully equipped will become a duck house. First of all, you should take care of insulating the room, since egg production and weight gain of birds directly depend on the comfort of the temperature.

Thus, an extension made of logs must be caulked and plastered from the inside; a plank house can be upholstered with plywood, covered with plaster, plastered with clay, and so on. In hot weather, the inside of the house should be cool to give the ducks the opportunity to rest, and in frosty weather they should feel warm and calm inside.

When arranging a house for ducks, pay special attention to the floor. It should be about 25cm above the ground to prevent rats from getting inside. Peat, sawdust or straw mixed with grass should be placed on top of the floor. Dry everything thoroughly and remove impurities. For one individual you need to prepare approximately 12 kg.

The laying of eggs in ducks directly depends on sufficient light and warmth. Make sure that they are always warm and dry inside their house, otherwise you risk being left without an increase in livestock. Be sure to consider ventilation inside the house.

Reduced daylight hours in winter can be a serious problem for ducks. Increase daylight hours with artificial lighting in the mornings and evenings.

Setting up a duck house

First of all, decide in which part of the house the duck hole will be made. A good option would be to place it in the south or southeast. The size of the hole is 40 cm wide and 30-40 cm high. It would be a good idea to build a small vestibule to protect the hole from wind and drafts.

In summer, it is worth fencing off the bird walking area so that they do not wander around the area and spoil the garden plantings. You can make such an enclosure not only on land, but also on water. The following materials can be used for fencing:

  • fishing net;
  • shingles;
  • chain link;
  • metal mesh;
  • slats.

Prices for mesh netting


For a land plot, a meter-high fence will be enough, but in water the fence should go 70 cm below and 50 cm above the surface, since ducks can dive and accidentally swim out of the fence. If you do not have a small private pond, this may lead to a decrease in the number of fish.

To protect birds from the heat, canopies are attached to the fences in the summer. It would be a great idea to immediately set up enclosures under spreading trees, in the shade of which the birds can cool off.

Birds will want to walk not only in summer, but also in winter. To do this, it is necessary to constantly keep the enclosure clear of snow and cover its floor with a thick layer of dry straw. When the air temperature is acceptable and there is no wind, ducks can walk from morning to evening, however, in cold weather you should never force them out for a walk, as this will lead to hypothermia. The poultry house needs to be cleaned every day, ventilating it carefully so as not to blow out the feathered residents.

Interior design

Bird feeders are installed on a wide board, at least 2 cm thick. It is necessary to attach a bar on top of it, which will prevent ducks from trampling down the food. In addition to its basic diet, the duck must receive mineral supplements, which it ingests with mud in its natural environment:

  • small shells;
  • limestone;
  • gravel, etc.

Since ducks need a large amount of drink daily, about 600 ml, you should immediately equip a large and convenient drinking bowl. It can be made of metal or wood. Its height should be the height of the duck to keep the water clean (about 20 cm).

Duck nests are located in darkened compartments of the duck house to make it easier for ducks to lay eggs. However, do not crowd, leave room for people to move freely, because you will have to regularly collect eggs and clean nests. Each side of the nest should be from 40 to 50 cm, and the height should be 50 cm. To prevent the nesting litter from falling out of the perch, arrange a small threshold at the exit.

Count how many laying ducks there are among your wards and organize nests, one for every three birds. The eggs are collected in the morning.

Be careful while cleaning, because ducks are very shy. Severe stress can cause them to stop laying eggs completely.

Creation and maintenance of a tribe

The main condition for creating a duck tribe is uniformity. It should consist of birds of the same age and weight. There are about eight females per drake. When selecting ducklings for your stock, do not take hybrid chicks, because they cannot leave offspring.

The most important indicator for selection is the appearance of birds. The constitution of the bird must be strong, it itself must constantly move and radiate energy. The number and health of the future offspring depends on how healthy the parent tribe is.

For high egg production of females, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for the ducks, not to frighten them by breaking into the chicken coop, and not to allow other domestic animals to offend the bird. Once you start raising small ducklings into a parent flock, increase the length of daylight hours by half an hour every week until it reaches 16 hours. Leave minimal light in the house at night to avoid injury. Monitor the cleanliness of the floor and nesting litter.

The appearance of chicks

Incubation is carried out only from those ducks that are completely healthy. To do this, select eggs that are no older than a week. They are examined and weighed. The weight should be 70-90 grams for light breeds of birds and up to 100 grams for heavy breeds. Infected or spoiled eggs must be disposed of quickly.

Prices for egg incubators

Egg incubators

Proponents of natural incubation of eggs need to remember that not all varieties of ducks have a developed instinct for raising offspring. For example, the Peking duck spends almost no time laying eggs. Below we provide a table with which you can determine whether a duck will hatch offspring.

Ducks preparing to hatch can be given previously collected eggs. It is important to take into account the size of each hen so that she completely covers the clutch with her body.

Breeding chicks artificially is based on an uninterrupted supply of oxygen and constant ventilation. At the very beginning, the temperature in which the eggs lie should be about 38 o C. By day 20, it is lowered to 30. The eggs are examined and checked to see if the embryo is developing on the 8th, 21st and 25th days.

How healthy hatched ducklings are is determined by these features:

  • by evenness of pigmentation;
  • feather fluffiness;
  • wings pressed to the body;
  • soft belly;
  • dry navel;
  • weighing 50 g.

The period for breeding this bird for meat is approximately 60 days, since after this the birds begin to lose weight.

Let's sum it up

From all of the above, it is clear that keeping and raising ducks is not so easy, however, it is quite acceptable. This activity does not require specialized education or specific knowledge and brings truly great benefits.

Geese breeding

Geese, being close relatives of ducks, are also unpretentious in keeping. Juicy goose meat has long been an integral element of Russian cuisine, decorating holiday tables. Goose down is used to stuff bedding and winter clothing.

Goose meat is a frequent guest on the holiday table.

Breed selection

Today, a large number of different breeds of this bird are offered for purchase. Almost all of them are resistant to any climatic conditions of the area where they live. However, taking into account the characteristics of each variety, it is better to choose the ideal one for breeding in your region, since the regularity and completeness of obtaining offspring depends on this.

We present to you a list of the most profitable breeds for breeding.

Gray Kholmogorovsky geese

Perfect for beginning poultry keepers. This ancient breed is considered large and meat-producing. Adults have strong bones and resistance to disease. They were bred specifically to be kept in pasture conditions. The ability to acclimatize to any weather is their undoubted advantage. Raising the Kholmogorov breed for meat is very profitable: an adult drake reaches a weight of 12 kg, and a female – 8 kg. Egg production is about 30 eggs per year, which is a high figure.

Romny geese

Graceful southern birds. Perfect for natural brooding. Adults reach a weight of 5.5 kg for females and 6 kg for males. Despite the small final weight, the popularity of their breeding does not decrease due to the special delicate taste of their meat and a large amount of fluff and feathers. Egg production is 20 eggs per year.

Shadrinsky geese

In other words, Ural. True extreme sports enthusiasts are capable of living in the harsh winter conditions of Siberia. The body weight of adult individuals corresponds to the Romny geese, but egg production is 25-30 eggs per year. They quickly gain weight and are suitable for feeding in pasture conditions.

Another heavyweight on our list. They have a formidable appearance, but a calm character. The weight of an adult goose reaches 11 kg, a goose weighs approximately 8 kg. This variety is bred specifically to produce fatty liver, which weighs all of 500 g, but its nutritious fatty meat is also popular among food lovers. This bird denies natural incubation, but lays eggs consistently - up to 30 eggs per year.

The French by nationality are also suppliers of the liver delicacy. The liver of a fattened drake reaches a weight of as much as 700 g, while its body weight is 8 kg. Egg production remains at 25-30 eggs per year. Excellent for crossing and breeding hybrid breeds that will be even heavier than their parents.

Arrangement of the territory and poultry house

First of all, it is necessary to tidy up the land for cultivation. The site on which the poultry house will be located must be located outside the city. Supporters of free grazing of geese should have an area based on the number of livestock: an average of 10 meters per goose.

For a comfortable life for the bird, organize a poultry house. This must be a permanent structure, the area is also calculated according to the number of birds: 1 m2 for 4 birds. Since the air temperature in winter should not fall below 10 o C, take care to connect the heating system to the gooseneck. It can be represented by a self-built brick stove, a diesel stove, batteries or any other device.

The floor of the room should be made of wood or any other strong and high-quality material, since geese spend the night right on the floor. It is lined with a deep layer of peat, shavings or straw. This is necessary to protect the delicate paws from getting cold. The house should always be kept clean, so prevent rotting and severe contamination of the litter by cleaning the inside more often. A large volume of water evaporates from the feather surface of geese; for 10 birds it is approximately 2 liters. Constantly ventilate the bird house, otherwise its inhabitants will start to catch a cold.

Dryness and long daylight hours inside the goose coop are the key to productive egg production of geese.

In the summer, geese spend the entire daylight hours on the pasture, and are driven into the house to spend the night. Birds eat up to 2 kg of green grass per day, so the quality of this natural food on the pasture must be high. Bad grass from dry or swampy fields, as well as tall grass, are not suitable for birds to eat. Here is a list of herbs that geese prefer:

  • bindweed;
  • sorrel;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • nettle;
  • sow thistle, etc.

To allow birds to hide from the midday heat, a canopy should be provided.

If there is absolutely no way to dig a pond on your property, use a trick and buy a spacious children's pool with low sides for the geese.

Prices for ready-made ponds and bowls for ponds and fountains

Ready-made ponds and bowls for ponds and fountains

Geese lay eggs for a short period of time. To get the most out of it, provide the geese with complete rest and intensive nutrition.

The winter diet per head is 150 g of grain and flour feed, 100 g of legumes, 400-500 g of root crops. To the list add chopped dry and steamed hay and mineral supplements: chalk, gravel, etc. You can feed the bird puree made from carrots, potatoes and hay. In the evening, feed the geese grain without any admixture of other foods.

During the period of laying eggs, the daily food intake of geese increases by 100 g of grain flour feed and 30 g of animal feed - milk and cottage cheese. If laying hens cannot cope with the increased food allowance, reduce it by cutting back on root crops.

A month before the start of the breeding season, males need to start feeding. Sprouted oats are perfect, in the proportion + 100 g per bird.

It is necessary to provide clean water both in summer and winter, despite the fact that in cold weather the geese will eat snow.

Getting offspring

The egg-laying season for geese begins at the end of February. The process starts with 1-2 eggs, in next month, with proper feeding and comfort of the bird, up to 10 eggs are laid, up to 9 eggs in April and 5 in May.

Preparations for the season begin in early February. Nests are installed on the floor, one for two females. A standard perch should be 50 cm wide and 75 cm long. The front part should not exceed 50 cm, the back part should not exceed 75 cm. It is best to fence off the nests from each other so that the birds do not fight among themselves and damage the eggs.

The litter usually occurs in the morning. After the hens go for a walk, it is necessary to remove the eggs from the roosts and store them at a temperature of 12 o C.

Let's sum it up

It is not for nothing that the goose is a universally recognized favorite of poultry farmers. Resistant to any climate, unpretentious in food and care, it gives back much more than what was invested in it. It doesn’t matter whether it is for sale or for food, raising geese is very profitable.

Chicken breeding

The chicken has long been the heroine of almost all Russian fairy tales. This is because even in the conditions of previous years, keeping chickens was simple and very profitable. It is chicken meat that is consumed in our country every day and on holidays. It is prepared by hospitable housewives, losing weight models, and athletes. And fried eggs made from two eggs have long become a traditional breakfast all over the world.

Choosing a breed

Let's move on to listing the most popular chicken breeds. They are distinguished primarily by egg production.


Chickens with brown plumage, the egg-laying period of which lasts as much as 80 weeks. They produce more than 300 eggs per year.

Russian white

As the name suggests, these chickens have elegant white plumage. The egg production of a laying hen of this variety is about 200 eggs per year. The chickens themselves grow dense, with tender meat. Suitable for both mass and private breeding.


High line

They produce approximately 350 eggs per year, which is an amazing result. They acclimatize well and adapt to any living conditions.


A meat breed, chickens can weigh up to 3 kg. Egg production is approximately 220 eggs per year.

Isa Brown

The weight of one egg produced by a chicken of this species can exceed 63 g. The productivity is 320 eggs per year.

Conditions of detention

Building and equipping a chicken coop will not require large financial investments. You can build a bird house with your own hands, using boards, beams, cinder blocks, etc. Don't forget to insulate it before the winter season and install a stove inside so that the chickens continue to lay eggs in the winter.

The height of the room in which the birds will live should not exceed two meters. It is imperative to have ventilation and a source of natural light, as well as lamps for artificial lighting to compensate the chickens for daylight hours in winter conditions. It must be cool inside in summer and warm in winter, otherwise the birds may get sick.

It is necessary to regularly clean the premises and replace bedding on the floor and in perches. You can cover the floor with peat moss, shavings or sawdust from coniferous trees, as well as straw.

The entrance to the chicken coop should be located on the east or southeast side. Inside, the structure should be equipped with nests and common perches, as well as feeders and drinkers. There is one place for every four hens to lay eggs.

Feeding chickens

The easiest way to save yourself the hassle of organizing poultry feeding is to buy ready-made feed. However, it costs money and this can be a deterrent for new bird keepers. In this case, the optimal diet per bird would consist of corn, carrots, potatoes, millet, bone meal, common grass and mineral supplements such as shells, sand and gravel. A laying hen eats only 120 g of feed per day. If you personally take on the task of preparing the leafy and herbal portions of the diet, and also purchase grain products at wholesale prices, then it will cost only 35-40 rubles per month for one chicken.

Raising and diet of offspring

Chickens are the few poultry that have strong parental instincts and are therefore ideal for natural brooding. Chicks can also be raised in an incubator and, after hatching, transferred to a homemade aviary - a large, solid box illuminated by a heat lamp.

The menu for children should consist of fortified foods. In the morning you should give the whites of boiled eggs, crushed shells, chopped green onions and wheat, mixing it all together.

In the evening, mix cottage cheese with kefir and place it in feeders along with river sand, which acts as a mineral additive.

Shells - mineral supplement for chickens

Let's sum it up

Raising chickens requires the least material costs throughout the entire process and pays off with a large number of eggs and healthy chicken meat. Beginners should give their preference to these birds.

Turkey breeding

Turkey meat is becoming increasingly popular in the food market healthy eating. Breeding this type of bird today is considered very profitable.

Choosing a breed

Typically, the choice of breed is made after all the characteristics of the location of the future turkey poultry are known, such as the climatic features of the region. However, there is a list of turkey varieties that are most profitable to breed.

Big 6

Highly productive meat breed, gains weight much faster than other varieties. The weight of an adult male is approximately 19 kg, and that of a female is 11 kg.

Bronze broad-breasted

Very suitable for breeding for meat, the weight of turkeys reaches 15 kg, turkeys - 9 kg. The disadvantage of this breed is its complete unsuitability for a pasture diet, since it was bred to be kept inside a poultry house. It is characterized by high fertility - up to 120 eggs per year.

North Caucasian bronze turkeys

White broad-breasted

Quickly acclimatizes to any conditions, egg production is maintained at a level of 120 eggs per year. One of the most profitable breeds, as turkeys reach up to 25 kg. live weight, females remain at 10 kg.

Cross Big 6

Heavy, meat breed, characterized by instant growth. It is bred and purchased to produce tasty and nutritious dietary meat. A negative feature is the need for artificial insemination of birds to breed this variety.

Breeding chicks

The turkey house should be spacious, equipped with straw nests, the width and length of which are 40 cm. There are about 15 eggs per female, so there should be enough space.

Hatched chicks must be immediately given boiled water with the addition of green tea and sugar to boost their immunity. This solution replaces water for the first four days of life, then it is introduced into the diet.

Young turkey poults should always have the light on, which should be gradually reduced by 30 minutes so that by the 20th day of life, 15 days of light is enough for them. The temperature should not be high, but also too low, since chicks are highly susceptible to colds.

Since turkeys are characterized speed dial weight, it is better to spend money and buy compound feed for their food, which already includes vitamins, amino acids and minerals. However, to save money, you can feed the bird a mixture of corn, barley and bran, as well as cottage cheese, carrots and even fish giblets. To saturate food with vitamin A, you can add dry yeast to it. The presence of mineral additives is required, which can be ordinary chalk.

Conditions of detention

Turkeys are headstrong birds, so even at a young age they should not be kept with chickens, geese or ducks. In the southern regions, turkeys can be raised without a special room, since they are very resistant to weather changes, but in the northern regions, an insulated building is required.

Pens for walking turkeys are fenced with metal mesh or any other material. Feeders and drinkers are installed inside the turkey poultry, preferably vacuum ones. The temperature regime of 27 degrees is provided either naturally or with the help of special heaters.

Drinkers should be rinsed several times a day, avoiding heating the water, which should remain cool and clean. You also need to constantly keep the poultry house clean, otherwise the development of infections cannot be avoided.

An important point is to adhere to the feeding regime for turkeys and turkeys. Food is provided 4-7 times a day at the same time. This schedule significantly affects egg production and body weight gain.

Let's sum it up

Turkeys are reared specifically for the purpose of obtaining and selling meat, but eggs and chicks can also be sold. Caring for this bird is not as easy as others, so experienced poultry farmers should choose it.

Video - How to breed and keep turkeys

Now that you have learned about the features of breeding the most popular bird species, you can get to work fully armed and achieve real success.

People living in the village or having land plot in rural areas, they can build very profitable business associated with livestock farming. Homemade products will always be in demand among people, why not take advantage of this and make money? Only in this matter it is important to understand which animals are profitable to breed for business, so that it really brings a stable high income. In this article we will look at all the features of livestock farming as a business idea, and also tell you in detail which animals are profitable to breed at home so that they can be bought.

Features of making money from raising and breeding animals

Before we list which animals can be bred at home for business, let’s look at the features of making money from raising livestock:

  1. A novice livestock breeder must love animals, know the basics of veterinary medicine in order to understand what is happening to livestock, how to treat them, what to feed them and how to provide them with favorable living conditions;
  2. You will need special permission from local authorities to keep animals. To do this, you will have to contact local authorities with a business plan for your future entrepreneurial venture. If you want to make money from fur farming, then before deciding which animals are profitable to breed, study legislative framework this side of the issue;
  3. Select young and healthy animals that you decide to breed. In order not to waste money, it is recommended to immediately contact professionals who will appearance will be able to quickly determine whether the animal in his hands is healthy or not;
  4. It is advisable to purchase animals for breeding on a farm. In such institutions they will give you everything Required documents for each individual;
  5. Make sure that the place where the animals will live meets their needs. They should have open access to fresh air and daylight. They also need to build not only cages and stalls, but also a place for walking. Please note that the livestock habitat needs to be heated during the cold season;
  6. Once you decide which animal business is profitable, think about where you will sell them and the products that can be obtained from them, in order to avoid numerous problems that may arise as a result. To do this, study the situation in the rural area where you want to engage in livestock farming in order to be prepared for difficulties and competition;
  7. Think not only about what animals can be bred, but also about who will ultimately care for them, because this is a very painstaking job. You are unlikely to be able to work on your farm on your own, so you need to select personnel in advance who will work for you. This question must be taken as seriously as the study of what domestic animals are raised in our area;
  8. Please note that in addition to animals, you will also need to purchase special equipment that will make life easier for you and your staff. For example, these can be automatic drinkers and milking machines.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a business

A novice entrepreneur who has decided to connect his life with farming needs to know not only which pets are profitable to breed, but also what the advantages and disadvantages of this business are:

The main positive aspects of livestock farming in the village include:

  • The ability to work constantly in the fresh air, and this is not only a great benefit for human health, but also increases productivity;
  • Family members of the livestock breeder and his entire family receive an automatic opportunity to eat environmentally friendly products;
  • Livestock farming is a unique chance to run a family business that can be passed on to children and grandchildren. Each family member can perform a certain amount of work on your farm, and this is not only profitable (everyone will work), but also efficient - you do not have to worry about the quality of the work performed by your employees;
  • Each entrepreneur can independently decide which animals can be bred at home, taking into account their financial capabilities;
  • When registering a business related to farming activities, the tax office always provides benefits during registration. If you have a small farm, then you generally do not have to register your business and pay taxes. This fact sometimes plays a decisive role when choosing which animals are best to breed at home;
  • Very often, farmers are given the opportunity to participate in government livestock support programs. This will allow you to save significant personal funds and at the same time improve your home farm.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages, which you should definitely know about before deciding which animals are profitable to breed in the village:

  • Livestock farming is a field of entrepreneurial activity that requires very large investments to start, because you need to buy not only animals and equipment for work, 50% of the costs are the purchase of livestock feed, which must be nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • In the first six months or even a year, livestock business activities do not bring any income to the entrepreneur. There will be only one expense. Therefore, if you are thinking about which animals are profitable to breed for sale, stock up on funds for the first time so that you and your family can live in peace without need;
  • Losses can occur completely accidentally due to certain natural features. It could be climatic conditions, and harmful insects, which always negatively affect the health of animals. Therefore, before engaging in this business, carefully study what animals are raised in Russia, taking into account the climatic characteristics of this country and the region in which you want to raise livestock;
  • A person who is engaged in animal husbandry cannot have days off or vacations. He needs to be on the farm from early morning until late at night to care for the animals and monitor their welfare;
  • Very often, a livestock farmer only makes a profit at certain times of the year, such as summer and spring. The rest of the time he only has to spend money. To avoid the need to go into debt and need something, you need to learn how to properly manage the funds you earn so that there is enough for everything. Be sure to study what animals are bred in Russia in order to receive year-round profits;
  • Banks always refuse loans to farms because this type of business is considered risky. Therefore, do not waste time trying to get money from a public or private financial institution, but learn to plan your budget correctly on your own;
  • Selling animals or animal derivatives is very difficult. Resellers do not agree to prices favorable to farmers, and often they have to sell meat and other food products for next to nothing.

Knowing all these features, each person can take up the profession seriously, and in the future become a successful and wealthy person.

What animals are profitable to breed?

We have studied in detail what animals are raised in our area and have compiled a rating that you can use when deciding which pets are profitable to raise for business:


(geese and ducks can also be successfully bred using the same principle). This type of farming is very profitable. To keep such birds, you just need:

  • Build a chicken coop (it can be made from anything, as long as the birds in it are warm and comfortable);
  • Buy chickens (among them there should be future laying hens and roosters, so that the farmer has the opportunity to sell eggs and expand the farm);
  • Bird food (this should be grain products, but you can also feed them table scraps and grass).


In order to breed them, you need:

  • Buy two female rabbits and one female rabbit, which will reproduce well in a short period of time;
  • Build spacious wooden cages for the rabbits, equip them with feeders and drinkers;
  • Buy dry food for rabbits and hay (you don’t have to buy it in the summer, as rabbits eat regular grass well).

Alternatively, you can also additionally. Such animals are in great demand among city residents. Decorative rabbits are kept in an apartment or private house as a pet.


An excellent option for those who have never encountered raising livestock in their lives. These are the animals that are generally not picky about their care. They can eat regular grass and vegetable scraps. Sometimes, of course, you need to add grain feed to their diet so that they grow not only fat, but also meat, which tastes like lamb meat.


It is better to buy several small piglets and first try to raise them for meat. Although there must also be a sow, so that the farmer has the opportunity to not only sell meat, but also be able to engage in pig farming. After all, pork is a meat that is in great demand among the common population, and the same goes for lard.


You can keep cows to sell milk and dairy products, but it is much more profitable, so do not forget to purchase several males. Beef is also in great demand among people.

How can you make money raising animals?

Now let’s take a closer look at which pets are profitable to breed for sale, and which ones to sell the food they produce:

If you decide to raise cows, then know that they live approximately 25–30 years. One adult cow will cost you 50,000 rubles. In order for the barn to bring good profit, you need to immediately buy at least 5 cows and 10 bulls. This will cost you at least 250,000 rubles. For this number of animals you need to build a spacious barn. It will cost 150 - 300 thousand rubles. You will immediately need food for 15 individuals. This will cost at least 70,000 rubles. If you take care of so many artiodactyls, you can earn money in this way:

  • Selling meat - for 1 kg 180–200 rubles (you can easily sell 300 kg of meat per month);
  • Selling milk - for 1 liter - 20 rubles (you can sell 3 tons of milk per month);
  • Your monthly income will be approximately 300,000 rubles.

If you find it difficult to decide which animals to raise on the farm, purchase 100 goats for 20,000 rubles (this is their approximate price on the market). It will take the same amount of money to build a pen and purchase feed for goats as for cows. As for income, you will receive it if you sell:

  • Milk (for 1 liter of goat milk you can get 30–40 rubles);
  • Wool (choose goat breeds that can produce cashmere);
  • Meat is sold at the same price as pork (a difference of 200 - 300 rubles in favor of pork is possible).

By raising goats you can earn approximately 300 – 350,000 rubles per month.

Let us give you one more recommendation on which farm animals are profitable to breed. It is very profitable to purchase sheep. They live on average 25 years. One individual costs 3,500–5,000 rubles. To make a quick profit, you need to immediately buy 1000 sheep. Provide animals with a spacious enclosure and quality food. Sheep eat grass, hay and feed. You can earn money from these animals in this way:

  • You can earn 500,000 rubles a year from selling meat (1 kg is sold at a price of 100 rubles);
  • For the sale of wool (including smushka and sheepskin) - 100,000 rubles;
  • On the sale of dairy products - 200,000 rubles;
  • On the sale of the sheep themselves - 500,000 rubles.

Another profitable option for which animals to breed for business is raising pigs. They live 25 years. One individual costs 3500-5000 rubles. You immediately need to buy about 15 individuals, among which there should be a sow that will bear offspring for you. If you organize everything correctly, although this is quite labor-intensive work, then you can earn decent money:

  • Selling meat costs almost 2,000,000 rubles (if you produce 60 piglets per year, you can sell meat for 200 rubles per 1 kg);
  • The sale of lard generates almost 1 million rubles a year.

Considering that it takes a lot of money to keep pigs, what net income from pig farming will be 2 million rubles per year.

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Business profitability

As we mentioned above, every entrepreneur who decides to start farming will be able to return their investment only after a couple of years. Although there are cases when it turned out to be profitable in a shorter period of time. In general, it should be noted that the profitability of livestock farming determines the cost of feed. If, from this point of view, you are considering options for which animals are more profitable to raise, then pigs are definitely not suitable for you, because they are expensive to maintain. In this case, it is best to breed rabbits or chickens.

When choosing livestock for breeding, do not be guided by the principle of “what is cheaper”. Choose those individuals towards whom you will not have a feeling of disgust. You will need to love and take care of your work and your future farm.

In this article, we examined in detail what kind of pets are raised in Russia in order to build a profitable and successful business on this. Whichever option you choose from the ones we have listed, you need to clearly understand that animals are creatures that need to be looked after. They need to give all their time and energy. In fact, you will have to devote your whole life to the farm and its improvement. This business must be approached not only responsibly, but also with love.

Let us also note that livestock farming is an area for entrepreneurial activity in which there is practically no competition; it has not yet been fully mastered by humans. You will have an opportunity for growth and development. In the future, if the business goes well, you will be able to open several farms and hire people who will do all the dirty work for you. The main thing in this matter is not to stop and work hard to achieve success. There is no place for lazy people in the livestock business; this is an area for people who are willing to sacrifice their time and personal benefits for the sake of animals.

Livestock farming is one of the most popular types of entrepreneurial activity, which is practiced by both those living in rural areas and city residents. The only condition is that the livestock business, like any other, must be approached responsibly and thoughtfully, otherwise the whole idea will be empty. What animals are profitable to breed for sale, and how to properly organize your own business?


One of the most profitable and popular types of livestock business is rabbit breeding. They have hypoallergenic, dietary and very healthy meat, which is in great demand, especially among residents of large cities, where every second person suffers from allergic reactions and problems with the digestive system. The cost of meat ranges from 7 to 16 dollars per kilogram, and on average you can earn about 8-10 thousand dollars per year. Like any other type of business, rabbit breeding has its advantages and disadvantages that a new farmer should consider.

The farmer will have to learn the basics of slaughtering rabbits and cutting up carcasses
  • high fertility of animals (one female gives about 25–30 rabbits per year);
  • the opportunity to earn income not only from the sale of meat, but also from the sale of fluff, skins, and droppings;
  • minimum costs for maintaining livestock.

Disadvantages of breeding:

  • considerable investment of time and labor (animals require constant care, examination, vaccination, etc.);
  • rabbits are susceptible to various diseases that can destroy almost all individuals in a short time;
  • in some regions it is quite difficult to find markets for selling products.

Rabbits can be kept in cages or pits, fed with compound feed, and enough hay can be prepared for them for the winter.

In order to start breeding rabbits for sale, you first need to find a suitable premises. The best option is a separate shed in the courtyard of a private house, insulated, without drafts or holes into which pests can get in. Some livestock breeders keep rabbits in garages, but if there are a large number of animals, they will in any case emit a smell that may disturb the neighbors.

To begin with, it is enough to buy 2-3 females and an unrelated male; the breed is chosen depending on the breeding purposes.

Caring for livestock comes down to cleaning and disinfecting the premises, feeding and regular inspection of animals. If at least one of them has alarming symptoms, it must be isolated immediately, otherwise pestilence may spread through the rabbitry.


Keeping chickens is a convenient and low-cost activity. Chickens are quite calm and peaceful birds, they practically do not cause any trouble to the farmer and do not require special care. Eggs and chicken meat are products that are in demand regardless of the season or place of residence of the farmer, and in the absence of markets, the products can be sold to friends. Profit depends on the purpose of breeding birds and the selected breed. On average, poultry farmers earn about 7–10 thousand rubles per month from 30 chickens, but this figure can be significantly increased.

It is mandatory to have a small courtyard where birds can roam

Business advantages:

  • minimal costs for room equipment and feed (to save money, chickens can be released for free range so that they can find their own food);
  • simple technology for caring for poultry, obtaining eggs and meat;
  • lack of seasonality of business;
  • good opportunities for selling products to wholesale and private customers, shops, bakeries, restaurants, etc.
  • highly competitive business;
  • chicken meat, and especially eggs, are a perishable product, and in the absence of established sales channels there is a risk of losing products;
  • the need to regularly care for birds, buy them special supplements and vitamins;
  • chickens, like all other living beings, tend to get sick and die; protecting them from danger can be extremely difficult.

Chickens can be purchased at the age of 4–5 months, when they are less susceptible to diseases and are already “ripe” for laying eggs.

Poultry care includes regular cleaning of the house, feeding a properly balanced diet, treating for diseases if necessary, and collecting eggs. The number of chickens should be no more than 5 birds per square meter.

You need to buy roosters only if you plan to get new chickens - laying hens lay eggs well even without males.


Among farmers, ducks are the second most popular choice because their meat and eggs are of higher quality.

One of the significant advantages of breeding these birds is that you can choose special breeds of birds intended for obtaining liver and preparing the popular dish foie gras, which is very highly valued. The profitability of the business is about 65%, and taking into account the fact that one carcass costs an average of 270 rubles, the net income can be 100 thousand rubles per year.
  • Ducks' access to growing greenery and water is very important, as it creates a natural habitat for the birds.
  • ducks are peaceful, behave calmly, rarely make noise and rush around the yard;
  • You can save on keeping birds if you give them the opportunity to roam freely;
  • individuals are omnivorous, consuming and digesting almost any food;

You can sell meat, eggs, liver, down, feathers, carcass waste (feet and heads are used to feed animals) and even droppings.

  • Disadvantages of breeding:
  • keeping ducks in cages, although it is the simplest, negatively affects egg production and the condition of the birds, so it is better to equip a special room for them;

For normal growth and development, individuals need a natural reservoir.

The size of the poultry house depends on the number of ducks - 3 birds can live on one square meter. The room should be insulated, equipped with additional lighting, and protected from drafts and rodents. Be sure to put a thick layer of straw or hay on the floor so that the birds can build nests. The main attributes of the poultry house are drinkers and feeders, and there should be a walking yard and a pond nearby.

Ducks should be carefully examined to prevent the development of diseases.

To save money, birds can be slaughtered before the first frost, since the cost of feed and other needs increases in winter.


Turkey meat has an excellent taste and is valued higher than the meat of other farm birds, but it costs much more.

Individuals are quite unpretentious, get along well with other inhabitants of the farm, and in adulthood they rarely get sick or die. The cost of turkey meat ranges from 170 to 350 rubles per kilogram, the profitability of the business is at the level of 60–80%, depending on whether the beginning farmer can properly organize the breeding process and establish sales channels.
  • You definitely need a yard where turkeys can walk, as they are prone to obesity, which can negatively affect their health.
  • Turkeys, unlike chickens, quickly gain weight and produce more meat;
  • relatively low business competition;
  • the possibility of selling down, eggs, feathers and chicks;

unpretentiousness of adults to living conditions.

  • Disadvantages of business:
  • high mortality of turkey poults in the first week of life (in the absence of proper care, there is a risk of losing the entire livestock);
  • in Russia such meat is less in demand than in other countries;
  • raising turkeys is a more complex process than keeping chickens;

Birds are large in size, so a spacious room is required to house them.

The most difficult period in keeping turkeys is the first week of life of the young, so it is better for beginning farmers to buy older chicks. For livestock, you need a spacious poultry house (at least 45 square meters per bird), which is arranged in a dry, ventilated room. Particular attention should be paid to the absence of dampness, drafts and sudden temperature changes.

In winter, additional heating needs to be installed in the poultry house. Turkeys are fed with special feed or grain with the addition of soy, herbs, chalk and vitamin E ( minimum set

, which is essential for the health of birds). In addition, individuals require a strict diet - 7 times a day for young animals and 4 for adults, meals should be taken at the same time.

A veterinary examination includes regular vaccination, and you should not skimp on it, otherwise the turkeys will get sick and die.

Nutria have tender, tasty meat and valuable fur, which is widely used on an industrial scale and individual entrepreneurship.

Keeping these animals is a simple process compared to raising more capricious animals, and the profitability of the business is quite high. A kilogram of nutria meat costs about 400 rubles, and the cost of the skin of one individual is 600–700 rubles, and with a well-established business, the net monthly profit can be about 200 thousand rubles.

The presence of a small pool is an important factor in keeping livestock

  • Pros of animal breeding:
  • unpretentiousness of the animals (they do not require special conditions, they eat almost any plant food);
  • animals reproduce quickly and easily - the process occurs independently and does not require outside intervention;
  • nutria are resistant to negative factors and get sick much less often than rabbits or other animals.
  • despite the fact that nutria rarely get sick, the livestock requires regular veterinary care;
  • animals have an unattractive appearance;

establishing distribution channels is more difficult than in the case of more popular farm animals - this needs to be thought about before purchasing livestock.

Nutria need small houses that can be bought, built or rented - at least 1.5 square meters of space per individual. Animals are kept in special insulated cages with mandatory access to water. When arranging a room, you need to take into account the fact that nutria love to gnaw holes and climb onto cages, which is why they are often injured.

The room should be equipped with additional lighting and ventilation, since nutria require good air exchange

Feed (plant raw materials) must contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements, otherwise the quality of the skins will significantly decrease. The room where animals are kept must be cleaned at least twice a day - nutria are clean and do not tolerate dirt. Residues of food should be removed immediately, and the water in the drinking bowls and pool should be changed as often as possible.

To disinfect cells, it is necessary to purchase special chemicals and carry out the procedure regularly, as well as fight against harmful insects and rodents.

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Sometimes you want to go out onto the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up your own grown vegetables and herbs and make something stunning out of them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much nicer if it contains not old pieces of iron that should be sent to a landfill, but aromatic herbs and vegetables.

website I chose several interesting plants that take root well on a windowsill or balcony.


You can grow hot pizza peppers Diablo on your windowsill. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation: “Carmen”, “Flint”, “Ogonyok”, “Ryabinushka”, “Bride”, “Indian Summer”, etc.

The bushes are very cute and do not require large pots. One plant can bear up to 50 fruits. The optimal temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius.


To grow carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as Parmex, Sofi, and Vnuchka. They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - they are quite happy with a pot or container. You can also take the funny round variety “Round Baby”.

The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained. The vegetable can be grown in trimmed plastic bottles. The optimal temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony even in winter, if you provide additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If you have the opportunity to dig up cuttings at your own or friends’ dacha, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as widely accepted, and you will have to wait longer for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when you choose a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but it is better to avoid direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees plus.

Green onions

To grow green onions at home, no special dexterity is required. But it’s still worth taking into account some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without signs of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, you should put the onion in a cool, dark place so that the root system can better form, and only then will the onion need a lot of light. The optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees; you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. It is better to give it a sunny place, water it well, keep it warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. In this case, the cuttings will quickly produce the first harvest, but will not last long, as they will bloom quickly. You will have to wait longer for the harvest from the seeds, but such a bush will also last longer.

The optimal temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, backlighting is required for approximately 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on a windowsill or balcony, you should take a closer look at the hybrid varieties that are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with the seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes you will only need to water and trim the tendrils.

Plant plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are big water feeders and the soil should always be moist. The optimal temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


Dwarf varieties are usually chosen as home tomatoes: “Minibel”, “Florida Petit”, “Balcony Miracle”, etc. You will have to allocate the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. You will need to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but the harvest comes with pride in the work done and gardening talent.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to water. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


In addition to its wonderful taste, sorrel is distinguished by the fact that it tolerates shaded areas. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4 year old plants with buds or from the seeds of such varieties as “Maikopsky”, “Altaisky”, “Odessky broadleaf”.

It can grow at 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and can even withstand slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last minute, and if the balcony holds the heat well, then you don’t have to put it away for the winter. Leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm; this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger is not only a delicious seasoning, but also a beautiful plant. If planted at home, the sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root has dried out, you can keep it in warm water for several hours so that the buds wake up.

The root should not be planted very deeply, and until the first shoots appear, it should be watered very sparingly. Ginger should be kept in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

A pineapple

The initial organization of any business requires certain actions. These include an adequate assessment of one’s own strengths and capabilities (breeding calves requires dedication and time). It is also important to take into account the conditions of the region, since raising large animals requires large areas. It is impossible to organize the process in urban areas.

When planning meat supplies to facilities Catering and shops will require mandatory business registration.

An important question on which the specifics of the case depends: “What does the farmer choose: purchasing young stock or independent?” Buying individuals eliminates a number of problems:

  • acquisition of bull semen (or maintenance of a breeding bull);
  • carrying out fertilization;
  • organization of a separate building.

REFERENCE! In order for the bull to gain weight, optimal housing conditions must be created. Growth and development will depend on the amenities created.

Calves should only be kept in dry barns. The stalls must have a dense and reliable floor. Daily housekeeping is required. It is recommended to clean the floor with a stiff brush, and during warm periods, rinse it with running water.

Features of the case

The activity is specific. Calves need to be actively fed until a certain age, then slaughtered(or sell live weight). The peculiarity of the business is small investments.

The main difficulties are associated with the expenditure of effort and time on caring for animals. There are usually no problems with the sale of meat products: a wide market allows you to quickly sell the finished product.

Among the features of keeping bulls are the following:

Is it profitable?

The growth period of meat for slaughter is from 12 to 20 months. The average weight of one bull is 350 kg. The cost of meat and profit margins will depend on the conditions of each specific region. The business will fully pay off in 1-2 years. The work will generate income only if it is implemented correctly. People who are not afraid of physical labor should start such a business.

ADVICE! If you sell meat directly to stores or restaurants, your income will be significantly higher than when selling to wholesalers.

Characteristics of a suitable site

The preferred area for raising beef bulls is a plot with a large and free area of ​​land. This could be a mini-farm, an old dacha, a private farmstead. There must be a place for organizing the corral and walking of livestock.

In the summer, animals will begin to actively gain weight - this will require daily walking (keeping them in a stall will increase aggressiveness and cause illness). There should be meadows or fields for grazing near the barn.

We are equipping the building

Area per head – 10 sq.m. (including food storage space). Brick or slab (inexpensive but high-quality material) are suitable for building a shed. From an economic point of view, it is more profitable to rent a ready-made complex with everything you need.

Bulls are clean animals, so The barn must be arranged so that it is easy to clean. Attention should also be paid to the selected area: water should not accumulate on it.

Organizing a barn

The characteristics of a suitable building are warmth (not lower than 8 degrees), good ventilation and the possibility of ventilation. Drafts are strictly prohibited - they provoke illness. When the herd size is more than 10 heads, it is better to automate the process of supplying water and feed.

It is important that animals have constant free access to feeders and drinkers (but it is not advisable to place them on the floor; the optimal height is 8-10 cm from the floor level). To purify the air inside the building, farmers use ash - it absorbs ammonia and gases. You can pour it on paths or pour it into boxes.

How to choose animals?

When choosing a breed, you need to consider several important indicators:

  • Live weight: does the calf meet breed standards?
  • Level of development, general physique, presence of defects or deficiencies.
  • Pedigree of the calf (mother's productivity and father's weight).

Purchase of young animals

When selecting individuals, you should pay attention to weight (optimal 90-100 kg) and age.

It is preferable to purchase young animals from special farms that engage in breeding. You can also purchase calves from breeding breeders.

Dairy bulls have a low purchase price (they need to be fed milk for up to 3 months).

Common types

Some cultivation features and the payback period depend on the breed. Farmers recommend buying fast-growing young animals, but not forgetting about the taste characteristics of the meat.

Before choosing a breed, you need to find out which individuals are suitable for keeping in the region of residence (expensive breeding bulls may not take root in a certain area). List of the best breeds:

  1. Charolais;
  2. Kazakh white-headed;
  3. Simmental;

Young animals must be kept separately from adult bulls (a separate barn must be built for calves). It is allowed to keep bulls with cows - this way the temperament of the males will be calmer.

In summer, it is possible to keep bull calves outdoors, but the pens will need to be additionally equipped with special plastic booths. Manure is removed 3 times a day, immediately after feeding.

IMPORTANT! Hoof horn growth should be monitored. Hoofs need to be trimmed and trimmed twice a year.

The walking area should be fenced with the strongest possible materials. Adult bulls can be released outside if they have a special stick and leash. The stick is secured in the nose ring of the individual. It is not recommended to walk with females or young animals at the same time.


In productive bulls the meat content is not less than 70%. To achieve this result, you need to provide intensive feeding. You won’t achieve high results with hay and succulent grasses: The following products must be present in the diet:

Adding concentrates will replenish the body's supply of vitamins and microelements. The basis of the winter diet is hay, mixed feed and root vegetables. In summer, the main product is juicy and fresh grass. Individuals must spend at least 15 hours on pasture.

About reproduction

How to breed bulls? A breeding bull impregnates up to 50 cows per year. You can keep it on your own farm or use services (manual mating - a cow is brought to the bull). When individuals of different breeds mate, crossing or crossbreeding occurs. Among natural reproduction technologies:

  1. manual (matting under control);
  2. cooking method;
  3. free method.

Note! Today, natural reproduction methods are practically not used.


Selling meat is a profitable business that will provide a stable income. The main model of activity is to rent a plot and purchase young animals, raise them and then sell them.

To be profitable, the herd size should not be less than 10 heads. It is especially important to create suitable housing conditions and maintain a balanced diet for animals. Up to 15 heads can be handled on your own; over 15, you will need hired personnel.

Is registration necessary?

Business registration is a prerequisite for sales and supplies. The farmer becomes an individual entrepreneur and receives appropriate quality certificates. Several other options are suitable for design:

  1. personal farming (not related to business);
  2. peasant-farmer plot (requires the involvement of partners).

We are recruiting staff

As assistants you need to choose people who know how and love to look after animals. It is also important to pay attention to personal qualities (responsibility, discipline).

For a herd of 20 bulls, 2-3 assistants are enough. Be sure to have a veterinarian on staff. This may be a permanent position or a visiting specialist.

Quantitative indicators: expenses and profits

Initial costs go towards setting up a barn, purchasing young animals and purchasing feed. On average, to open a farm and form a herd of 20 animals, you will need up to 500 thousand rubles.

Feed costs will amount to up to 20 thousand per year per bull. Will appear later additional expenses: mini-tractor, refrigerator, automatic feeders.

Attention! The initial investment will pay off in 16-18 months. The average amount of net profit is from 400 thousand per year.

Making a plan

The document contains the goal, directions of activity, calculation of costs and profits. A business plan for raising bull calves for meat, breeding and maintaining a herd of 20 heads includes the following expenses:

  • Purchasing young stock.
  • Renting and subsequent arrangement of the barn.
  • Veterinary control and purchase of feed.

Is it profitable to raise bulls for meat? Income is calculated based on current prices. The expected amount and period of partial and full payback are necessarily included in the business strategy.

Raising calves for meat is an economically profitable enterprise. Remember that such activities require time, expense and physical effort. With proper organization and reasonable distribution of processes, you can establish a client base and receive a stable profit.

Useful video

Watch a video about raising bulls for meat:

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