Broiler pigeons. Description of meat breeds of pigeons. Strasser meat pigeons

26.02.2022 ethnoscience

It is not known exactly where meat pigeons appeared. Historians say that the first mention of the industrial breeding of these birds is in Egyptian manuscripts. At the moment, pigeon poultry farming is commercialized in Western Europe and the USA. In our country, the decorative and postal industries are more developed, however, more and more often we have enthusiasts who are ready to engage in this promising industry.

Italian giants

Roman pigeons are considered to be perhaps the largest birds in this direction. If you believe the legends and historical descriptions that have survived to this day, these giants began to be purposefully bred back in the days of the Roman Empire. Back then it was a delicacy available only to the highest nobility.

Adult, strong males, with proper care, can gain up to 1.3 kg of live weight; in females this figure does not exceed 1.1 kg.

Over the centuries-old history of selection, the “Romans” have acquired not only considerable weight, but also the best immunity among large birds. Most pigeon diseases avoid these giants. The length of their body from the tip of the beak to the tail varies around half a meter. With such weight and size, the flight qualities of these pigeons leave much to be desired.

Again, the large dimensions determine a special approach to the design of the dovecote. Thus, the entrance window with the entrance (landing and take-off platform) is installed at a height of 0.2-0.5 m, no more. Plus, these birds need appropriately sized nests of 30x30 cm. The “Romans” have a bad character, they are very pugnacious. The fertility of these pigeons is below average, and the worst thing is that the birds can become obese.

King - the pride of American pigeon breeders

King pigeons are considered the pride of American breeders. As a result of the painstaking work of poultry farmers at the end of the 19th century (1890), birds of the commercial meat breed King were introduced to the pigeon community. Like most birds of this direction, their color can be quite varied.

Although to this day no dependence of the taste of poultry meat on the color of the plumage has been documented, Americans continue to claim that white pigeons of this breed are the most delicious. Independent experts from Europe believe that this is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

Adult males of the King breed grow up to 900 g, the weight of females does not exceed 700 g. This breed is easily recognized by its powerful body and widely spaced paws. The birds have a large head, a short and powerful neck, which gives the impression that it does not exist at all.

The short, high tail forms an almost regular semicircle with the head. Fertility is considered a special pride of the breed; one pair with 7 broods can raise up to 18 pigeons per year. In addition, young animals quickly gain slaughter weight; within a month of active fattening, the pigeon grows to 650 g.

Texans: high fertility and flexible nature

This meat breed was bred in the mid-20th century in Texas, hence the name. Many researchers are of the opinion that Texans are just a variant of the aforementioned King breed. Indeed, in terms of weight characteristics and breeding ability, many meat pigeons in America are similar.

Thus, the weight of male texans fluctuates around 800-950 g, females are 200 g lighter. Keeping and breeding these birds is considered one of the most profitable types of business. This breed is distinguished by its docile nature and very high fertility. On average, a couple hatches 19-22 chicks per year.

Texans are also unique in that they belong to an autosex breed, which is extremely rare among pigeons. Simply put, males and females can be easily distinguished immediately after birth and throughout life.

In particular, newly hatched males are either bald or have very short fluff; the “boys” have a light beak. While the “girls” are distinguished by rather long and thick down with a yellowish tint, and a brown spot is clearly visible on the beak. Adult males are white with a pockmarked neck and chest, while females are multi-colored.

Strasser fighters

The Strasser pigeon breed was originally considered German. But now in Western Europe there are several subspecies. In particular, Czech, Austrian and German branches are used for meat cultivation.

There are pigeons of the Strasser breed of the Russian breeding school, but these birds are not a meat bird, but an ornamental one, and in general, meat pigeons have never been raised on an industrial scale in the vastness of our homeland.

Males of this breed weigh 700-800 g, the weight of females barely reaches 600 g. Experiments on crossing Strassers were stopped in the middle of the last century. Poultry farmers have come to the conclusion that purebred pigeons, compared to crossed ones, show much better results. Thus, on some elite German farms, Strassers grow up to 1.2 kg in weight.

The breed's fertility is quite high - up to 7 litters per year. But there is one peculiarity - females no younger than 5-7 years old are taken for breeding. It is believed that they produce much healthier offspring, as they become less timid with age. As for the disadvantages, the Strassers are very pugnacious and rather poor fliers.

Western European family

In addition to the above-mentioned international record holders with very high populations around the world, there are also recognized breeds of meat pigeons that cannot yet boast of large numbers.

The breed called “Polish lynxes” is characterized by good productivity, up to 8 litters per year. But at the same time, the slaughter weight of pigeons is not large - up to 700 g. Polish breeders are proud that their pigeons are able to search for food on their own. Although this is a rather dubious advantage, because in this case the likelihood of accidental death or poisoning will increase significantly. You can recognize pigeons by the wave-like pattern on their wings.

Hungarian meat giants belong to the Galliformes family. Hungarians have quite colorful and rich plumage, and most importantly, they have good weight. A male can gain 1.2 kg in a few months, and a female 1 kg. Caring for these pigeons is no more difficult than caring for ordinary chickens.

Carnot pigeons are considered the pride of French poultry farming. The slaughter weight here does not exceed 650 g, but these pigeons reproduce and gain weight well. Since the breed was bred exclusively for meat, it is kept only in cages or enclosures.

Diet of birds for meat

In order for meat pigeons to quickly gain weight without becoming fat, they need a balanced diet and correct mode nutrition.

There are often no problems with the regime; usually such pigeons are fed 4 times a day, at regular intervals, at the rate of 40-60 g per bird. But the selection of food supply is a delicate matter; in particular, the pigeon breeding association recommends the following ratio:

  • cereals make up 50-70% - barley, corn, wheat, steamed oats;
  • legumes make up 20-40% - beans, vetch, peas (green and yellow), lentils;
  • greens 10-25% - the entire salad row, plus cabbage, clover, sprouted oats and barley;
  • Pancake week 1-5% – sunflower seeds, flax, anise and rapeseed;
  • mineral additives 1-5% - grated shells, salt, charcoal, chalk, eggshells;
  • vitamins 1-5% – fish oil (in pure form) And vitamin complex(compound feed for birds);
  • root vegetables 1-5% – potatoes and carrots.

Feeding methods

At the moment, in pigeon poultry farming there are 2 methods of feeding birds - intensive and extensive. The first one gives excellent results. On average, a pigeon grows to slaughter weight in 30-40 days, but it is not suitable for every breeder.

The birds are kept in a dark room and fed manually through a special syringe 4 times a day. In this case, a porridge-like balanced mixture in liquid form is pumped directly into the beak. Agree, not the most humane way.

The extensive method is much more humane. The birds are kept in special dovecotes with access to an open aviary. Flying breeds can even be allowed to roam freely. But meat birds rarely have good flight qualities, so most of the time they sit in an aviary and actively eat. Here, weight is gained in 2-3 months, but there is much less hassle with such maintenance.

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Meat pigeons are quite large birds, the average weight of which exceeds half a kilogram, and they are bred to produce meat products. In Russia, few poultry lovers are involved in breeding meat pigeons, while in other countries birds are raised on an industrial scale by large farms.

In order to acquire the most productive individuals, it is important to familiarize yourself with the popular breeds for home breeding, as well as to have an idea of ​​how to keep pigeons not for decorative or sporting purposes, but specifically for the birds to gain meat mass. We'll talk about this below.

Experts in breeding meat pigeons count more than fifty different species and breeds. Such individuals differ in the degree of fertility, weight and other characteristics. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Giant breeds

These are not purely meat pigeons, but rather large birds that, due to their massive build, cannot take off. Most often their weight is more than 500 grams. The most famous representatives of this group are the kings and Roman giants.


Birds of this breed were bred by American breeders back in the 90s of the 19th century. Birds have unique breed characteristics:

  • extended legs;
  • compact body;
  • protruding sternum;
  • raised short tail.

There are individuals with different feather colors, including: red, light brown, black. However, birds with white plumage are of greater value. The average weight of pigeons is 550-900 g. Males usually have a more massive build.

Pigeons of this breed have a well-developed parental instinct; they incubate eggs in nests on their own. In twelve months, a couple brings up to 15 pigeons, which is very profitable for breeding.


They were bred in France in those years when active mechanization of poultry farming began. Pigeons have the following breed characteristics:

  • the head is miniature;
  • the neck is dense;
  • the chest protrudes noticeably;
  • beak elongated;
  • shortened tail;
  • the wings are small;
  • There are no feathers on the legs.

The weight of such pigeons does not exceed 600 grams, but the exact weight depends on gender: usually males are larger.

You can find pigeons with different plumage: black, snow-white, yellow. They hatch eggs on their own and produce up to 15 chicks per year.


A highly productive breed of pigeons was bred in the 50s of the last century. The average body weight of individuals is about 700-900 grams. Main feature pigeons have noticeable sexual characteristics. You can distinguish a female from a male immediately after hatching - the male has a shorter beak and sparse down all over the body (sometimes completely absent), while the female has long, yellow down, a developed beak with a characteristic dark marking.

Differences in appearance are also observed between adult birds. The plumage of males is snow-white, but only the neck and sternum are yellow, light brown or brown. Females are darker, their wings come in different shades of brown, and their breasts are silvery blue.

The birds are distinguished by their calm character; they grow quickly and gain weight. In twelve months they give birth to about 12 pigeons.

Roman giants

Birds weigh quite a lot - about one and a half kilograms. Giants never take off due to their mass. There is a huge variety of colors of such birds: blue, gray, snow-white, black, red.

Birds require an aviary with a low ceiling, but fairly spacious nests. Since birds are not highly mobile, they tend to gain excess weight. But at the same time, giants have very good health, rarely get sick or become infected. You will only have to protect them from external enemies, because they are overly trusting and easily make contact.

Chicken pigeons

By external characteristics Such birds resemble chickens - they have a rather large body and elongated legs. The most famous representatives are the Modena pigeons.


The breed was bred by breeders from Italy. Individuals have thick multi-colored plumage. However, the most common birds are those with blue feathers.

Breed characteristics of pigeons:

  • medium sized head;
  • curved neck;
  • massive breasts;
  • the tail rises up.

The average body weight of such pigeons is from 700 grams to one kilogram. The yield of finished meat products is more than 58%, since most of the carcass is considered edible.

Modena birds are used by breeders to breed other breeds with high productivity, because they are distinguished by good health and innate immunity to many avian diseases.

Such pigeons belong to the type of ordinary decorative pigeons, but have a rather impressive body weight - about 750 grams. Therefore, they are raised for the purpose of producing meat, but the meat products of such breeds are significantly inferior in taste to chicken breeds and giants.


These pigeons have a massive build, a large head and a protruding chest. There are individuals of various colors, including black, white, gray. Strassers have no feathers on their legs - this is a breed feature of the birds.

Pigeons have a restless character, so conflicts often occur between them. Some poultry farmers breed them only as ornamental specimens. One pair can produce up to 15 chicks per year.

Conditions for keeping pigeons

Some poultry farmers prefer to keep birds in attics or small sheds, and sometimes they build a separate poultry house for individuals. But it is worth considering that the room with pigeons should be under a canopy to protect the birds from drafts, direct sunlight and precipitation. It will be necessary to provide normal ventilation and a heating system in the poultry house.

For comfortable keeping of meat animals, it is necessary to equip the dovecote in accordance with the following requirements:

  • install windows facing south;
  • place nests on a short distance from the floor, because it is quite difficult for large birds to take off;
  • near each nest, make a kind of bridge path along which the pigeons can climb;
  • put a flooring made of straw and sawdust on the floor (disinfect it periodically or replace it);
  • equip the premises with automatic drinkers and feeders.

Important point! The air temperature in the poultry house should never fall below 0 degrees.

It is necessary to provide birds with at least 15 hours of artificial daylight. It is important that the sun’s rays enter the dovecote, but if there are no large windows in the room, you will have to install special lamps.

It is advisable to build an aviary for walking birds in the summer - fresh air has a beneficial effect on their condition. In the warm season, pigeons love to swim, so small containers with warm water are installed in the enclosure or on the walking area.

Despite the fact that individuals have strong immunity, it is recommended to vaccinate birds twice in 12 months. It is better not to vaccinate yourself; if you have no experience, it is advisable to use the services of a veterinarian.

Table 1. How to inject a bird: step-by-step instructions

Step one: the vaccine or medicine is drawn into an insulin syringe with a thin needle. Air is released from the syringe.
Step two: the pigeon is carefully fixed in the hand, turned over on its back - breast up (it is better to wear a thick glove so that the bird does not injure it with its beak or claws).
Step three: the injection is placed to the left or right of the chest bone, slightly retreating from it.

Important point! Giving injections to birds is only possible with appropriate practice. It is better to entrust this matter to a veterinarian or ornithologist.

Feeding pigeons

In order to raise healthy individuals, you will need to follow the correct diet. When feeding pigeons, various products are used, which are presented in the table.

Table 2. Menu of meat pigeons

In addition to the classic food, special additives should also be present in the diet of individuals:

  • limestone;
  • sand;
  • charcoal;
  • ground eggshells;
  • clay.

The average rate of consumption of feed mixtures for each bird is 50-52 grams per day. At the same time, all food must be fresh; it is forbidden to give birds spoiled food waste or grain with signs of mold.

Birds need to change the water in their drinkers daily. It is advisable that it be at room temperature or a little warmer. The drinking bowls are placed at a certain distance from the floor - this is done so that small debris and bird droppings do not get into the water.


To breed birds, you will need to leave the same number of female and male birds in one enclosure - the pigeons independently choose their mate. The mating process occurs naturally. But some poultry farmers prefer to forcibly select pairs based on breed characteristics - in this case, the individuals are temporarily placed in a separate poultry house.

Puberty in individuals begins at 7-8 months. However, high fertility should be expected only after a year. Under natural conditions, pigeons lay 2-3 clutches in 12 months, however, with good care, females lay eggs 5-6 times a year. You can verify that mating has taken place by the characteristic behavior of the pigeons. Usually the female and male sit next to each other and can touch each other’s feathers with their beaks.

Often the female lays eggs two weeks after mating. You can make sure that each egg contains an embryo using a special device called an ovoscope. However, this should be done very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the shell. Another clear sign of fertilized eggs is the characteristic gray color of the shell, which appears a week after the clutch appears.

The process of incubating eggs takes from 16 days to one month - it depends on the breed of pigeons. The chicks are born rather weak, need parental care, and during the first thirty days they feed on a milk product from the female's crop.

Video - Breeding meat pigeons

Methods for raising pigeons

Each poultry farmer independently chooses the method of raising birds. First of all, it depends on the purpose of keeping the dovecote.


Requires minimal effort on the part of the poultry farmer. Individuals are fed once, and the pigeons obtain the rest of their food without human help. It is logical that birds should be able to go outside.

However, this method has a large number of negative sides. Thus, while searching for food, domestic pigeons can come into contact with other wild individuals that are carriers of infections. In addition, birds can become victims of various predatory animals, because large meat birds do not fly long distances and cannot hide from the offender.


This method involves increased feeding - above the norm. It is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve a large weight gain over a short period. For intensive keeping, you need to choose pigeons of giant breeds - they are the ones who are distinguished by rapid weight gain.

For intensive fattening, young animals about 2-3 weeks old are selected. Such birds are kept in a dark and cramped room, force-fed 4-5 times a day using a special syringe. Typically, the volume of a single serving is about 25 grams. Thanks to this method, in 14 days the young animals gain body weight of about 750-800 grams.

Slaughter of birds for meat

Typically, individuals are sent for slaughter at the age of 27–36 days; during this period, most birds already have an optimal weight. It is not recommended to grow them for too long, otherwise this will lead to a loss of value of the finished meat product - gourmets prefer tender meat from young animals.

Some farm owners begin feeding their livestock cumin and dill seven days before the expected slaughter. Such nutrition affects the taste and aroma of meat, it becomes similar to game.

Business costs

The main expenses are the purchase of cages, food and other equipment for keeping birds. On average, to purchase twenty purebred pigeons and equipment you will have to spend about 180 thousand rubles. However, if there is a consumer for meat products, the farm pays for itself for short juices.

What are the benefits of pigeon meat?

Pigeon meat is valued in many countries around the world. In terms of its dietary qualities, it is several times better than chicken products, and it contains a large amount of protein and there is practically no fat layer on the carcass.

In addition to special connoisseurs of pigeon meat, the product is recommended for people with the following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • Digestive problems.

Doctors also recommend introducing such meat into the diet if you have a weak immune system, because it has a healing effect - it helps improve health and the body’s resistance to many diseases. However, the product should be used with extreme caution by people with diabetes.

Let's sum it up

Breeding pigeons is an excellent opportunity to earn additional income and provide for yourself delicious meat. Subject to proper maintenance conditions, individuals grow quickly and do not cause any particular problems for the breeder. Meat pigeons can be kept on a farm as a source of exotic meat for connoisseurs.

Video - Pigeons King

Many people breed pigeons for sporting competitions or as ornamental birds. But there are breeds of these birds that are raised for meat. And meat breeds of pigeons are valued by many. These birds gain weight quickly, and the resulting product is very tender and pleasant to the taste. But meat pigeon breeding is very different from breeding other meat birds. And every poultry farmer who wants to engage in this profitable business needs to know these differences.

When breeding poultry for slaughter, they prefer to send it for meat as early as possible. That is why they raise broilers that are able to quickly gain weight, because young animals have the most tender and pleasant-tasting meat, and this applies to all birds of this type of production. But meat pigeons are different in that they are sent for slaughter already at the age of 4 or 5 weeks, so their maintenance and care are aimed at fattening the bird to the desired size as early as possible. Usually young animals are sent to slaughter before they learn to fly. In this case, the carcasses are easier to clean, and the meat remains softer and more tender.

Due to the fact that he has to work primarily with young animals, the poultry farmer has to know all the diseases that can affect chicks. It is precisely such diseases that harm the livestock the most. When breeding meat breeds of pigeons at home, you have to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the enclosure and prevent overcrowding. The main producers must be kept separately and their health carefully monitored. The owner’s profit largely depends on how well they are maintained, although the choice of breed also has a significant influence here.

Breeding meat pigeon breeds has another interesting difference. In order to improve the quality of meat, birds are additionally fattened shortly before slaughter. Moreover, a special diet is prepared for these purposes. In particular, there is the following recommendation: feed young animals with salted milk 4-5 hours before slaughter. And in order for the meat to have a more piquant taste, during the last 5-7 days the birds are fed, for example, with caraway seeds or dill.

The resulting product is recommended to be used boiled. It looks best in various sauces or combined with fruits and vegetables. In total, there are more than seven dozen varieties of meat pigeons, differing not only in names, but also in appearance. They are all usually divided into three separate groups:

  • Giants, or gigantic breeds. These meat pigeons are heavy, but they fly poorly. They have a round, barrel-shaped body. These include, for example, Kings or Roman Giants.
  • Chicken pigeons. So named for their body shape, which is very reminiscent of a chicken or other similar birds. These birds have long limbs and an elongated neck with a relatively short body and a non-protruding tail.
  • Classic meat pigeons. They are similar to ordinary domestic or city pigeons, but larger. They are often compared to the wood pigeon, a large wild pigeon. An example of such a breed is the Moravian Strasser.

King breed meat pigeons

Pigeons of this breed were developed in the United States and are noted for their fertility and high maximum weight. Outwardly they resemble chicken breed pigeons, only of greater mass, but these birds grow somewhat slower than most other similar breeds.

Kingi domestic meat pigeons reach slaughter weight at the age of 1.5 months. With proper maintenance, the bird by this time reaches a weight of 0.7-0.8 kg. The best representatives of the breed under ideal conditions can weigh 1.4-1.5 kg, but these are the Kings that are bred specifically for exhibitions; it is impossible to achieve such a weight at home.

The rate of weight gain depends on the method of cultivation. If birds have the opportunity to stretch their wings and are at least sometimes released into the wild, then they grow faster than those that are constantly kept in a cage. The more spacious the enclosure, the larger the young Kings become.

The slaughter yield ranges from 56% to 66%. It all depends on the conditions of detention. In this case, the percentage of meat in a skinned carcass is 50%, no more. All other products are fat, edible tripe, and inedible organs and bones, although the inedible portion is often used as fertilizer or pet food.

One female can produce 14-18 chicks per year. At the same time, Kings are difficult to breed at home. They need a spacious dovecote, quality food and the opportunity to fly.

For those people for whom pigeon breeding is a profession, this breed is recommended first of all, because Kings can reach a lot of weight, and they can produce quite a lot of tasty and healthy meat. At the same time, they grow relatively quickly to their maximum mass. In large farms, breeding meat pigeons of this breed will become a very profitable activity. It is only important to provide these birds with decent growing and keeping conditions.

Pigeons of the Roman Giant breed

A classic gigantic breed, representatives of which can reach a weight of 1.2-1.5 kg. These birds have a large and heavy body, are clumsy and reluctant to fly. Roman Giants are suitable for keeping in an enclosure, as they do not require a large amount of physical activity. They gain weight quickly, but their diet must be carefully monitored. The problem is that these pigeons get fat quickly. Because of this, both fertility and the dietary quality of meat suffer.

And if we talk about the advantages of this breed, we should mention its excellent immunity. They have remarkable resistance to many infectious diseases, but when keeping Roman Giants at home, other problems arise. Firstly, these birds are cocky, and the enclosure must be spacious, otherwise they will fight among themselves. Secondly, you should not keep them at a high altitude, for example, in an open enclosure on a balcony. The bird may fall and injure itself. Thirdly, pigeons of this breed easily allow not only people, but also many predators to approach them. Because of this, the livestock may be greatly reduced.

Carnot pigeons

This breed was bred in France, and it was designed specifically for keeping indoors. At that time, the breeding of meat pigeons was put on stream and unpretentious birds were required that could be bred in aviaries. The keeping was supposed to be automated, with minimal human intervention, but during the breeding process the birds forgot how to find their own food. Their fattening is the concern of the owner, so it is necessary to provide the enclosures with all the necessary equipment so that the birds gain weight faster.

It is with weight gain that Carnot pigeons have no problems. The maximum slaughter weight rarely exceeds 0.6-0.7 kg, but they gain it very quickly. It should be noted not only the early maturity, but also the fertility of this breed. These birds willingly lay eggs and reproduce. At the same time, they tolerate overcrowding more easily than many other breeds, although it is recommended to provide them with moderately spacious housing. One of the disadvantages of the breed is their unsightly appearance. Here's what poultry farmers write about this:

“Carnot pigeons are perfect for aviary breeding. They are both prolific and unpretentious, and they gain weight quickly. But many breeders consider their unsightly appearance to be a disadvantage. This is clearly visible in all the photos. They have a small head, a thick neck and an awkwardly protruding chest. But all this does not affect the quality of the meat, so for those poultry farmers who only need a meat breed of pigeons, Carnot is perfect.”

Moravian Strasser pigeons

This breed was developed more than 150 years ago in the first half of the 19th century. Initially it was called the Czech Strasser, then the name changed. Currently, Strassers are used both as ornamental birds and as meat birds. And between those involved in pigeon breeding, heated debates often break out on this issue. The fact is that Strassers are able to quickly gain weight, reproduce well and have very tasty meat. The resulting product is considered a delicacy, and is sold well.

But if we talk about appearance, then everything is fine here too. Just look at the photos of these beautiful and proud birds: their graceful body, majestic head carriage and smooth plumage attract attention.

The coloring of the representatives of the breed deserves a separate description: snow-white main color of the plumage, and colored head, back, tail and wings. The transition between colors is sharp and clearly defined. There are several basic colors. The color can be either pure black or red or black with a reddish tint. The last color looks especially beautiful - just look at the photos of these birds.

There are other color combinations. The body is always snow-white, but the plumage on the head, wings and tail can be of other shades. There are gray birds with white stripes. There are black pigeons with feathers cast in bronze.

Overall, Strassers come in a variety of very impressive colors and are combined with equally impressive meat qualities, so it is up to the owner to decide exactly what they want to breed these wonderful birds for.


There are many breeds of meat pigeons that are suitable for a variety of conditions, and only the owner of the dovecote will decide which breed to choose. If you make the right choice, meat pigeons can bring considerable profit to the owner, and their delicious meat will be an excellent addition to the table.

Deep-fried pigeon, with wine sauce, with rosemary and orange jam - all these are dishes of national Chinese, Italian, and American cuisine. The dishes are popular in both Europe and Asia. In China they are prepared for significant family holidays. Pigeon meat cooked on a spit was popular during the Roman Empire. The bird was not specially bred. It was game, it was obtained by hunting. Currently, breeders have created breeds of pigeons with meat productivity. The Americans were the first to engage in meat production. What breeds are high in weight? How to care for a bird?

Pigeons king

King are individuals with meat productivity. They are different from flying pigeons. They have a large body mass and do not fly well. The plumage color is very beautiful. They are also bred for decorative purposes. Another distinctive feature of the breed is the accelerated weight gain in young animals. This is facilitated by the genetic location of individuals and the characteristics of fattening. Meat pigeons are whimsical. They require care and a certain diet. As a preventive measure against infectious diseases they are vaccinated.

The most popular breed among entrepreneurs in America and Europe is the King. Individuals are large, with well-developed muscle mass:

  • The king's head is large and smooth. The neck is short. It has a bend and is strongly tilted back;
  • The chest protrudes forward strongly. The back is wide. Externally, the king looks fit, proportionally built;
  • the wings are long and gather on the tail. The tail is straight, narrow, directed upward;
  • Kings have strong limbs covered with short feathers. They are widely spaced. Metatarsals are scaly, crimson in color;
  • the plumage is motley, black and white. There are lines with white and red colors;
  • male kings gain body weight 950 g, female 700 g. Females are fertile. During the season they lay 16 eggs;
  • Pigeon meat has a red tint. The skin is darkish;
  • individuals are temperamental and can fight. You should carefully monitor them to avoid pecking.

The breed was developed in Texas and immediately gained popularity. The bird attracts not only its productive qualities, but also the color of its plumage. It can be pure white or with dark spots on the wings. Individuals in purple and blue colors look beautiful. Some lines are light brown with a pinkish tint or a color similar to wood pigeons. Texans look massive not only because of their well-developed muscles. They have loose and fluffy plumage. Fillings for pillows, blankets, and jackets are made from pigeon feathers and down:

  • the head is small, smooth. The beak is long and light. The cere is small and white. The eyes are small, pink or silver;
  • the neck is short, set vertically, and has no bends;
  • The chest is wide. The lower part protrudes strongly forward;
  • the back is straight and wide. It forms a straight line with the neck;

Texan pigeons

In Texans, sex can be determined from birth. Males have light, sparse down and a white beak. Female chicks are covered with yellow down. They have a dark spot on their beak. After molting, their adult plumage has a more saturated color.

Hungarian giant breed

Giant means huge. The Hungarian giant stands out from other meat breed pigeons in its size. The weight of a male can reach 1.2 kg, of a female 850 g. The fertility of a married couple, compared to other breeds, is low, 10 chicks per season. Giants can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • the head is large, decorated with 2 crests; eyes with a red tint; beak of medium size, dark;
  • the neck is short; behind the plumage it is poorly defined; has no bends;
  • birds have a vertical landing; the back is elongated, straight: with the neck and tail it forms a straight line;
  • the chest protrudes forward, but it is discreet; the chest, like the back, is wide and powerful;
  • limbs are short, covered with long feathers;
  • metatarsus well developed; they have long hair;
  • the wings are pressed to the body, gathered on the tail;
  • the feathers on the tail are straight; the tail is narrowed;
  • the plumage is bright, motley; white and brown feathers form a pattern.

Giants are often used as ornamental birds. Those animals that have not passed the breed standards are used for meat. Pigeons are kept in an aviary or in spacious cages with high shelves. There is 2 m 3 per couple.

French breed

Breeders from France bred carnot pigeons for meat productivity. The breed is especially revered by poultry farmers. The bird is able to exist in cramped conditions. She does not need spacious enclosures. For 1 individual, 0.5 m3 is allocated. Carnot has its own distinctive features:

  • the head is small in size, without forelock. The eyes are small and dark;
  • the beak is pink, long, slightly curved. The cere is bright white;
  • the neck is short, without bends, but the transition to the chest and back is smooth;
  • the back is wide, long;
  • The chest is muscular and protrudes forward. Carnot looks three-dimensional;
  • the wings are long, tightly pressed to the body;
  • the tail is short and smooth. Consists of feathers of different lengths;
  • the plumage is dense. Color can be yellow, black, white;
  • limbs are covered with short down. The metatarsus remains without feathering. Their color is red;
  • the male weighs 700 g, the female 600 g. Poultry farmers are attracted by the accelerated weight gain of the young;
  • the female lays 16 eggs per season. Chick survival rate is high.

The carno has well-developed wing muscles, but it flies poorly. When keeping a flock in an enclosure, the wings of the individuals are not cut, and high fences are not made. Fencing is not necessary to protect the flock from domestic animals.

Carno has good immunity. Pigeons are not vaccinated. Cage maintenance helps to reduce the infection of individuals and the best set weight. It is recommended to protect them from contact with wild birds.

Among the meat breeds of pigeons, chicken-like individuals are separated into a separate group. Externally, the bird is similar to a dwarf chicken, but its body shape is slightly different. Among the varieties of chicken-like pigeons, pigeon breeders distinguish the meat breeds of Modena and Strasser pigeons:

  • Modena - bred by Italian breeders. Individuals are distinguished by variegated wing plumage. The main color is blue. The head of the individual is medium in size, the neck is short, curved, and moves backward. The chest is wide and protrudes forward. The limbs are medium in size and widely spaced. The tail is straight; the tail feathers are raised. The weight of the male is 900 g, the female is 700 g. Italian, English, and German lines are distinguished.
  • Strasser - German, Czech, English lines stand out. The bird is folded proportionally. The neck is of medium size, the chest protrudes slightly forward, the back is wide. The plumage is black on the head, wings and back. The chest and belly are white. The body weight of a male can reach 1.2 kg, females 1 kg;

For meat breeds, it is necessary to equip a room separate from other poultry. The area must correspond to the number of individuals: on average, 1 m 3 is allocated for 1 pigeon. No roosts are made indoors. Low shelves are fixed on the walls: the distance from the floor is 40 cm, but you don’t have to worry about the shelves either. The flock also feels good when kept outdoors. In the dovecote they make an exit to the aviary. Birds are walked in it, constantly motivating them to move.

Traditionally, lines of cells are established for pigeons in which they build nests. For meat breeds, the cells are installed on the floor or a ladder is made to them. Often the female can build a nest on the floor covering. For the nest, hay is placed indoors.

The optimal temperature for keeping a flock in the summer is 20-25 C. In winter, heaters are installed in the dovecote. At low temperatures, the livestock begins to get sick. Optimal mode +10 C. Humidity must be maintained at least 55%. The room must be ventilated.

For the flock, a daylight period of 12-14 hours is maintained. Light stimulates egg-laying in females and allows the young to develop normally. Electricity in the room is turned on at 6.00 in the morning. An hour later, the first feeding is carried out. The lights in the dovecote are turned off at 20.00-21.00. In the evening the pigeons are fed at 18.00-19.00.

During the mating season, birds create families. After mating, the female begins to build a nest. She lays 2-3 eggs. The female incubates the chicks in a pigeon family. She sits on the nest for 19 days. Newborn chicks are taken from the nest after 3 days. They begin fattening.

After the chicks hatch, the female begins to feed them on her own. She gives them a nutrient fluid that is produced in her crop. After 3 days, the chicks need to be fed. They are fed grain mixtures of barley, millet, wheat and peas. The mixture is crushed and saturated with fish oil. The chicks are fed every 2 hours. By the 15th day, the young are gradually transferred to morning and evening feeding. During intensive fattening, individuals are fed 4 times a day.

The daily norm for young animals is 40 g. Most of the total ration is given in the evening. The morning portion is reduced. To prepare the grain mixture, adhere to the following proportions:

  • 30% millet;
  • 20% each of barley and wheat;
  • 10% peas, corn, lentils.

When the chick is 2 weeks old. They begin to intensively fatten him for meat. A paste is prepared for the pigeon, which is administered through a tube. The gruel consists of cereals. The proportions change a little:

  • 20% each of peas, barley, wheat;
  • 10% each corn, oats, millet, vetch;
  • green grass or herbal flour is mixed into the pulp;
  • feed yeast accelerates weight gain.

The gruel is administered 4 times a day, the portion is 60 g. Such intensive feeding allows an individual to achieve meat productivity in 2 weeks and increase body weight by 800 g. At the same time, muscle tissue increases. Fat is not deposited under the skin. If poultry is raised for decorative purposes, then a traditional diet is used. In a year the pigeon will reach its maximum weight.

The bird is used at 1-1.5 months. Meat yield 69%. From a male you can get a carcass weighing 420 g. Further fattening will be impractical. Individuals will reduce body weight gain. To ensure that pigeon meat has an exquisite taste, anise and berries are added to the feed, and spices are added: dill, parsley, turmeric. Spices give the carcass a pink color: they lighten the meat a little. The calorie content of the product is 142 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of protein and little fat. Meat is rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

For beginners, it is recommended to breed the Carnot meat breed. Individuals are unpretentious and have good hereditary immunity. Grain mixtures are prepared immediately in large quantities so that the birds have enough for several months. It is important to store them in a dark and dry place to prevent mold from spreading in the grain. The mixtures are contained in plastic buckets or barrels. In dovecotes it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and fresh air.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Perhaps one of the most common birds in the world is pigeons. We meet them at every step, and most of us don’t even realize that we can make money by breeding and selling these birds.

Pigeons were once used for postal communication. Thanks to their ability to perfectly navigate even in unfamiliar terrain and accurately find their way home, these birds are perfect for the role of postmen. Of course, they cannot carry heavy parcels and parcels, but they are quite capable of delivering small notes and letters to the addressee. However, pigeon mail has long lost its relevance. And although good local orientation allows pigeons to be used for other purposes (for example, for wedding photo sessions, when newlyweds symbolically release snow-white birds into the sky), this is still not the main “field of application” of birds. The most relevant thing now is breeding pigeons... for meat, if, of course, you consider pigeon farming as a business and not as a hobby.

It is a common belief that only homeless people eat pigeons. However, pigeon meat is a delicacy and dishes made from it are served in the most expensive restaurants. Back in the Middle Ages, the famous physician Avicenna recommended that patients include pigeon meat in their diet, which is dietary, contains a large amount of protein and consists of small fibers, so its taste and nutritional value are much higher than that of the meat of other types of poultry.

Of course, ordinary “city” pigeons are not suitable for consumption. There are various meat breeds of birds, for example, Strasser, Monden, King, etc., which are bred on special “pigeon farms” for slaughter.

Pigeon meat with everyone necessary documents then sold both in retail and directly to establishments Catering. One average pigeon carcass retails for about 250-300 rubles. One kilogram of meat at purchase prices will cost 1000-1500 rubles. (Here it is necessary to clarify that the weight of a processed pigeon carcass is on average two times less than an unprocessed one, so manufacturers set the price for their product both per kilogram and per whole carcass).

On the one hand, it seems that pigeons are too small birds, so these prices are quite justified and the profitability of the business of breeding them is a big question. On the other hand, you need to take into account that one pair of meat pigeons can produce up to 7 kg of meat per year! Breeders are constantly working to improve meat breeds. The weight of one pigeon of this species reaches 1 kg, but there are breeds (King) whose representatives weigh up to 2 kg (see below).

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So, the business of breeding meat pigeons can be very profitable and promising. However, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances here. Let's try to figure them out.

Meat breeds of pigeons

King. The weight of meat pigeons directly depends on the breed. Among the most famous is the King breed, which was bred in the USA. Representatives of this breed are very fertile and quickly gain weight (with proper care and balanced nutrition, a king pigeon can be fattened in 45 days to an average weight of 700 g). In a year, a female can bring up to 18 well-fed chicks. Adult birds weigh 650-800 g. However, exhibition representatives of this breed can weigh up to 1.5-2 kg. True, they cost much more. The slaughter weight of such pigeons is 60-68%. This indicator directly depends on the growing conditions of the king. For example, when kept in cages, the weight of the bird will be much lower than with a limited-range method of rearing or, even more so, in an aviary.

Beginning pigeon breeders prefer cage housing, which allows them to significantly increase the number of pigeons in the house. However, the benefit in this case is rather dubious. A gutted carcass of a pigeon kept in a cage weighs up to 350-370 g, and the slaughter weight does not exceed 55-56%. However, no matter what conditions the representatives of this breed are kept in, “at the end” you will get the following indicators - 50% meat, 16% fat and 5% giblets. Everything else is recycled.

Strasser. Strasser pigeons are also large breeds. The weight of a male of this breed, bred in Western Europe from the Moravian Pshtros and other local breeds of pigeons of Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, can reach 1200 g. Although on average representatives of this variety of meat pigeons weigh about 1 kg. Unlike the Moravian Pshtros, which belongs to the productive types of pigeons, has a larger than average figure, but is mobile and has good flight qualities, Strassers are stocky and sedentary. Already at the age of 30 days, the bird’s weight can reach 700 g. True, the Strassers themselves are significantly smaller than males and weigh up to 800 g in adulthood. It has been noted that the mass of the offspring directly depends on the age of the parent couple. Therefore, in order to avoid weight loss of chicks, experts advise removing birds older than five years from the dovecote.

The Strasser's body is large and massive (the length of the birds is 36-40 cm). The head is large, with a wide and convex forehead. The beak is medium, strong, the wax is whitish, small. The eyes are dark orange, the eyelids are narrow, light, but there are species of birds with red eyelids. The neck is of medium length, thick, slightly curved. The chest is wide, rounded, strongly protruding. The back is relatively short, wide, straight. The wings are medium, wide, cover the back and lie with their ends on the tail. The legs are of medium length, unfeathered, strong, widely spaced, bright scarlet in color. The tail is of medium length, consists of twelve feathers, collected, narrow. There are pigeons with white or black scaly wing coverts, as well as white-belted ones with white tails and Bavarian ones with white wing tips.

Strasser meat is fine-fiber. These birds are highly productive - you can get from one pair to ten chicks per season. As mentioned above, in a month the chicks gain a live weight of 600-700 g, thus the slaughter yield of birds of this breed averages 60%.

Roman pigeons, as the name of the breed implies, were bred in Italy, and then further selection work was carried out in France. These birds are also among the largest representatives of their species and are successfully used as breeding material for the creation of other meat species. Representatives of the Roman breed have a large body, strong, oblong in shape, thick, dense plumage, wing feathers and a long tail. The head is large, rounded-elongated, smooth, the forehead is relatively high. The beak is long, powerful, slightly curved, dark in black and gray birds, light in other colored lines. The wax is long, white, smooth, heart-shaped, divided in the middle. The eyes are small, all colored ones have pearl color, white ones have dark eyes. The width of the eyelids is 2-4 mm, they are finely warty, red or dark in color; in young pigeons they are smooth and narrow. The neck is relatively short, thick, the throat is well defined, and some have a noticeable throat fold. The head is large, rounded, with a high forehead. The eyes are small, pearly, dark in birds with white plumage. The eyelids are red or dark, finely warty, 2–4 mm wide. The beak is large, slightly curved, dark in rock pigeons, light in other species. The neck is thick, short, with a well-defined throat. The chest is convex, wide, with a straight, long keel. The back is relatively wide, oval and tapering towards the tail. The wings are large, with long flight feathers. There are no shields. The belts of silver and gray-gray individuals are black, while those of beige and brown individuals are gray. Limbs are strong, short, bright scarlet with long fingers and light claws. Birds of black and gray color have dark claws. There is no feathering on the legs. The tail is quite long, wide, and rounded. Body weight is 1–1.3 kg, doves – 0.9–1.1 kg.

Representatives of this breed do not fly very well. The plumage of such birds is silver or gray, there are transverse black belts on the wings or a transverse stripe at the end of the tail, while the lower part of the back is light in color. The plumage of Roman pigeons has a silvery or bluish tint with transverse black belts on the wings and a transverse stripe at the end of the tail. Their lower back is light colored. Roman pigeons of black color have white speckles on their heads, while beige pigeons have dark (brown or gray) belts on their wings and the same stripe on their tail. There are birds of pure red, fawn, and white. The neck of colored pigeons is darker, with a shiny tint. The largest representatives of this breed are blue birds, the smallest are red pigeons. The length of the bird from the beak to the end of the tail is 50-56 cm, the wingspan is 100-105 cm. The live weight of an adult pigeon is 1-1.3 kg, and doves - 0.9-1.1 kg. Individual specimens weigh 1.7 kg. The weight of young animals at the age of four weeks is 620-650 g.

Roman pigeons are quite easy to keep: they move little, fly poorly and are trusting of people. Although they are not without their drawbacks - they are pugnacious and not the best hens. Unfortunately, representatives of this breed are not highly fertile - they produce up to 8 chicks per year, but they have good disease resistance. Representatives of this breed are used in breeding work to breed high-productivity meat breeds. For these purposes, Roman pigeons are crossed with more fertile breeds bred by Russian breeders (for example, drummers).

Mondenese breed pigeons were bred in the French city of Monde-Marsan. The weight of adult males of this breed is up to 1.1 kg. The smallest weight of its representatives is 850 g. In 30 days, a chick can be fattened to a weight of 700 g. At the same time, the slaughter yield of meat for Monden pigeons is 61%. Representatives of this breed have the highest massiveness index among other meat breeds. It is estimated at 28.7%. This indicator is primarily used to assess the meatiness of poultry. The main advantage of this breed is that its representatives can be eaten almost entirely, since Monden pigeons have the highest index of edible parts: in males it is estimated at 82.6%, and in females – at 81.3%. Among gourmets, the meat of French and Swiss Monden chicks is most valued, weighing 550 and 600 g, respectively.

Carnot. One of the fastest-maturing breeds is the French Carnot breed, which is an aviary breed. The weight of an adult pigeon of this breed ranges from 550 to 700 g. In a month, a pigeon can be fattened to a weight of 330-340 g. However, weight in this case is not a priority. The main thing is the taste of pigeon meat, which in representatives of this breed (at least at a young age) is much higher than in other meat breeds of pigeons. Although purely from the point of view of decorative breeding of pigeons, birds of the Monden species are not the most attractive, due to their taste they are leaders among meat breeds.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, there are not so many meat breeds of pigeons when compared, for example, with the number of breeds of chickens and other poultry. the main problem The problem that domestic pigeon breeders face is difficulties in purchasing good producers. Although the business of raising pigeons for meat is profitable and promising (there is no doubt about it), nevertheless, there are very few farms in Russia that offer high-quality producers for sale. Pigeon breeders have to purchase birds of rare breeds from our countries near and far abroad. Some are bringing representatives of the most common breeds from Ukraine, others from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. True, the prices for a pair turn out to be not at all humane - from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles. Not all farmers can afford this luxury. The issue of transportation is also very complex. The journey to Russia by train takes more than one week. There is a high probability that one of the pigeon pair simply will not live to reach their destination.

Simpler and more common breeds are sold at various exhibitions. If you are planning to get one of these, it is worth visiting thematic exhibitions in Crimea, where the price for one bird now ranges from 500 rubles.

When breeding pigeons, you need to take into account that one female pigeon, not the most productive breed, lays one or two eggs up to three times a year. Thus, in a year you can get from one bird to six chicks. Hatching the clutch takes about a month. Moreover, unlike chickens, a pigeon pair hatches eggs alternately. Within a month, the young animals reach their maximum weight and are ready for sale. The weight of a meat breed pigeon is, on average, 1 kg. In this case, we do not take into account show birds, whose weight can reach 2 kg. True, the weight of the processed (gutted) carcass will in any case be two times less than the weight of a live bird. But processing (gutting) a pigeon is not so easy. It is for this reason that each manufacturer decides for himself how it is more profitable for him to set prices - per kilogram or per carcass.

Criteria for choosing birds when purchasing

Age of birds. The age of a pigeon is determined by its legs and wax. When the bird turns five months old, the cere gradually acquires White color, which indicates the onset of puberty. Subsequently, the cere increases in size and becomes larger and larger over time, which makes it possible to determine the age of the bird up to three to four years. After this, it becomes difficult to accurately determine the age of the bird. Pigeons are long-lived. They live up to fifteen to twenty years, but are used for reproduction (at least in meat breeds) only up to five or six years. Old individuals are not suitable as producers: they are not productive and produce very weak offspring. Therefore, only purebred and healthy birds are mated.

But even with these recommendations, it is not always possible to determine the presence of problems “by eye,” especially if you have not previously had experience in keeping and breeding birds. In this case, it is better for beginners to seek help from a more experienced pigeon breeder or read special literature in advance. Determining the presence of diseases in poultry is not so difficult. Do not forget to take contact information from the seller (an honest seller will definitely give them) in order to contact you in the future regarding the purchase of birds, their maintenance and breeding. Of course, you shouldn’t abuse the seller’s kindness, but rare calls once or twice a month are unlikely to cause him any trouble.

Construction of a dovecote

Pigeons are extremely unpretentious birds in terms of keeping. If you have ever lived in private areas of the city (or, even more so, in the countryside), then most likely you have seen dovecotes more than once. Unlike chicken coops, a dovecote does not require much space to set up. Someone uses their attic for this, where previously unnecessary rubbish was stored. Someone is building a separate roof superstructure for the dovecote. Ideally, of course, you should have a separate room where the pigeons will be kept. Large investments in its arrangement are not required. This can be either an aviary with a stretched chain-link mesh, or a “typical” dovecote house, where the birds can hide from the rain and rest.

However, regardless of your financial capabilities, the main thing is that cats and various small predatory animals (from foxes to rats) cannot enter the territory of the dovecote. It is for this reason that dovecotes are often raised above the ground (although this also saves space). As for the area, based on their calculations, the pigeon coop has an area of ​​12 square meters. meters can accommodate up to 50 pigeons. But with limited space, the question of choosing pigeon breeds becomes relevant. For example, representatives of the King breed are very bloodthirsty. As pigeon breeders themselves say, kings destroy other people's nests, throw other people's eggs out of the nest and kill chicks. Although pigeons are a universally recognized symbol of peace, these birds, regardless of breed, are not nearly as friendly. Males often fight each other to the death, and females drive other members of the bird species out of their nests. Conflicts between females can be avoided by providing them with a sufficient number of nests for incubating eggs.

The bottom of the dovecote is sprinkled with sand, which will make cleaning easier in the future. You can also use old newspapers, but this method is more expensive. Perches are made along the walls of the poultry house. At the same time, no special care is required for the dovecote: regular cleaning of the premises is sufficient. Once a year (after the winter period), experts advise carrying out a general cleaning and renovation of the premises.

Feeding pigeons

Birds also do not require special supervision. But when feeding, it is necessary to inspect all the inhabitants of the poultry house and remove sick individuals. Pigeons are usually fed at the same time. The optimal feeding frequency is twice a day. Accordingly, feeding is divided into morning and evening. Pigeons are fed with a grain mixture of cereal crops. This includes millet, millet, lentils, peas, barley, as well as seeds of oil plants (for example, sunflower, flax, etc.). It is also necessary to regularly give various vitamins. They are very inexpensive, and you can buy them even at the most ordinary pet store. Chalk, sand, red clay and even ordinary crushed red brick are suitable as feeding. Birds need pebbles: they grind food that enters the stomach, facilitating its better absorption. If you breed pigeons on an “industrial” scale, it is more profitable to purchase various vitamin supplements at wholesale stores.

An average of 55 g of feed is required per pigeon daily. It is also important to provide birds with access to fresh water. High-quality and balanced food, fresh water and the absence of drafts are the main conditions for the success of your “pigeon” business.

Sales organization

Pigeon meat is especially in demand among establishments in the HoReCa sector. If you can find a regular customer for your products among expensive restaurants or cafes, then you will not have problems with selling the main volume. Of course, you will have to conclude all the necessary contracts with the veterinary service and obtain the appropriate certificates. This applies to the sale of any bird, but especially pigeons, because they are carriers of various dangerous infections. Therefore, your customers must be confident in the complete safety of the products you offer.

Another area of ​​work is selective breeding of meat breeds of pigeons and selling them both to amateur poultry farmers (there are, however, not as many of them in Russia as we would like) and to breeder farmers. Let us recall that pigeon selection is a set of measures to improve the qualities of a certain breed or to develop a new breed with improved hereditary characteristics. The latter option seems very promising, but requires considerable costs both for training and for the purchase of birds for breeding. On the other hand, with the almost complete absence of competition in some regions of our country, this line of work can bring good profits.

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