Synopsis of the theatrical game “Walk in the winter forest. Nikolay Sladkov Forest rustles

01.10.2021 Complications

Answers to pages 58 - 59

Nikolay Sladkov
Willow Feast

The willow blossomed - guests from all sides. The bushes and trees around are still bare and gray; the willow among them is like a bouquet, and not just a simple one, but a golden one. Each willow lamb, like a downy yellow chicken, sits and glows. If you touch it with your finger, your finger will turn yellow. If you click, golden smoke will steam away. Smell it - honey.The guests are rushing to the feast.
The bumblebee arrived: clumsy, fat, shaggy, like a bear. He got excited, tossed and turned, and got covered in pollen.
The ants came running: lean, fast, hungry. They pounced on the pollen, and their bellies swelled up like barrels. Just look, the rims on their bellies will burst.
The mosquitoes arrived: their legs were a handful, their wings were flickering. Tiny helicopters.
Some bugs are crawling around.
The flies are buzzing.
Butterflies spread their wings.
The hornet on mica wings is striped, angry and hungry, like a tiger.
Everyone is buzzing and in a hurry.
And I was there, smelling honey lambs.
The willow will bloom, turn green, and get lost among the other green bushes. This is where the feast ends...

1. Reread the first paragraph of the story “The Willow Feast.” Find and underline comparisons.

The willow blossomed - guests from all sides. The bushes and trees around are still bare and gray; willow among them like a bouquet, but not simple, but golden. Every willow lamb, like a fluffy yellow chicken, sits and glows. If you touch it with your finger, your finger will turn yellow. If you click, golden smoke will steam away. Smell it - honey.The guests are rushing to the feast.

2 ∗ . Solve the crossword puzzle. Find the answers in the story “The Willow Feast.”

1. Whose stomachs are swollen like barrels?
2. Who is clumsy like a bear?
3. Who spread its wings?
4. Who looks like a tiny helicopter?
5. Who is angry and hungry like a tiger?

3. Reread N. Sladkov’s story “Dandelion and Rain.” How do you imagine heroes? Write it down or draw it.

Nikolay Sladkov
Dandelion and Rain

- Hooray! Guard! Hooray! Guard!
- What's wrong with you, Dandelion? Are you sick? Look, all yellow! Why are you shouting “hurray” or “guard”?
- You’ll scream here!.. My roots are happy for you, Rain, dear ones, everyone shouts “hurray”, and the flower “guard” screams - it’s afraid that you’ll spoil the pollen. So I was confused - hurray, guard, hurray, guard!

Forest rustles (read with illustrations)

Nikolay Sladkov
Forest rustles

Perch and Burbot

Miracles under the ice! All the fish are sleepy - you are the only one, Burbot, cheerful and playful. What's the matter with you, huh?
- And the fact that for all fish in winter it’s winter, but for me, Burbot, in winter it’s summer! You perches are dozing, and we burbots are playing weddings, swording caviar, rejoicing and having fun!
- Come on, brother perches, to Burbot for the wedding! Let’s wake up our sleep, have some fun, snack on burbot caviar...

Otter and Raven

Tell me, Raven, wise bird, why do people burn fires in the forest?
- I didn’t expect such a question from you, Otter. We got wet in the stream and froze, so we lit a fire. They warm themselves by the fire.
- Strange... But in winter I always warm myself in water. There is never frost in the water!

Hare and Vole

Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell the green grass, nibble on the juicy leaves, wait until spring. Where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas...
- Not beyond the seas, Hare, spring is just around the corner, but under your feet! Dig the snow down to the ground - there are green lingonberries, mantleberries, strawberries, and dandelions. And you'll smell it, and you'll get full.

Badger and Bear

What, Bear, are you still sleeping?
- I'm sleeping, Badger, I'm sleeping. That's it, brother, I got into gear - it's been five months without waking up. All sides have rested!
- Or maybe, Bear, it’s time for us to get up?
- It's not time. Sleep some more.
- Won’t you and I sleep through the spring from the start?
- Don't be afraid! She, brother, will wake you up.
- What if she knocks on our door, sings a song, or maybe tickles our heels? I, Misha, fear is so hard to rise!
- Wow! You'll probably jump up! She, Borya, will give you a bucket of water under your sides - I bet you won’t stay too long! Sleep while you're dry.

Magpie and Dipper

Oooh, Olyapka, you don’t even think about swimming in the ice hole?!
- And swim and dive!
- Will you freeze?
- My pen is warm!
- Will you get wet?
- My pen is water-repellent!
- Will you drown?
- I can swim!
- A A Do you get hungry after swimming?
- And that’s why I dive, to eat a water bug!

Organization: MBDOU No. 53

Locality: Kemerovo region, Kemerovo

Target: Creating a positive emotional background, developing children's creative abilities.


  1. Evoke positive emotions in children using artistic expression, music, and folklore.
  2. Develop communication skills, dialogical speech...
  3. Expand children's understanding of the wintering of wild animals in our forests. Learn to establish connections between features appearance, animal behavior and winter season conditions.
  4. Find out what wild animals eat, how they get their food, and what their home is called.
  5. Develop the ability to expressively convey the character of the chosen character and his emotional state.
  6. Develop fantasy, creative imagination, facial and pantomimic abilities.

Previous work: Observations of seasonal changes in nature in winter, conversations about characteristic features winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about animals, looking at illustrations, memorizing words for the sketches “Fox” and “Hare”, “Forest Rustle” by N. Sladkov.

Material: Christmas trees, snowflakes, toys of wild animals and their traces, a den was made for a bear, the bear sleeps in it, an audio recording “Winter Melody”, melodies characterizing the characteristics of animals (hare, fox, etc.).

Progress of the lesson

I. Greeting “Hello”

Children enter the hall to quiet music. The teacher reads a poem:

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, the sky is blue,
Hello, free breeze,
Hello, little white snowball!

II. Conversation about winter.

The audio recording “Winter Melody” is played.

Educator: The weather is loud, the snow is a mess,

We call this time of year... (winter).

Yes, that's right, winter has come.

- Guys, winter has brought us cold, snow, wind. How does the wind blow in winter? (Children take a deep breath through their nose and, puffing out their cheeks, forcefully exhale air in four counts. 3-4 times.)

III. Imitation game "Snowflakes".

The wind brought snowflakes. They flew and spun! (The teacher invites the children to “turn” into snowflakes and fly to the music.)

Held physical education session “Snowflakes”.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We don't mind spinning around.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle

It turns out to be a snowball.

We whitewashed the trees -

The roofs were covered with fluff.

The earth was covered with marigold

And they saved us from the cold.

– The wind subsides, snowflakes slowly fall to the ground. (Children sit or lie down on the carpet in arbitrary poses).

– The snow covered the roads, fields, and forests with a warm blanket. And who doesn’t sleep in the forest in winter? (Children's answers.)

Educator: I suggest you take a walk through the winter forest and see for yourself which animals do not sleep in winter. Want to go with me? Then it's time to get ready for the road.

IV. Playing with imaginary objects.

The teacher addresses the children:

– We will put on felt boots, hats, fur coats, fasten them with all the buttons, tie scarves and be sure to put on mittens. (Children, imitating the teacher, imitate movements.)

Now we are all dressed and we can go outside.

V. Imitation exercise “We are walking through snowdrifts”

We are walking through the snowdrifts, (Children walk with their legs raised high)
Through steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg higher
Make way for others.
We walked for a very long time,
And we found ourselves in the forest.

Let's go around the trees like a snake,

We'll come to the fluffy Christmas tree.

A girl dressed as a Christmas tree comes into the center of the circle.

CHILDREN: - Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly needle!

Where did you grow up?

YELKA: In the forest.

CHILDREN: What did you see?


CHILDREN: What's in the forest?

TREE: Frosts, bare birches,

Wolves and bears are all neighbors!

But what is this, guys? I see some prints in the snow. What do you think this is? That's right, these are traces. Do you know whose they are? (no) Now we will follow the trail, and together we will try to guess who left this trail.

VI. Didactic exercise “Recognize an animal by its tracks by solving a riddle”

Oh guys, there's some kind of note here. I'm reading a riddle.

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring.
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

That's right, it's a bear. And here is his house. Who can tell what it's called? (den). That's right, the bear has already hibernated in his den.

Look how big his tracks are. They are a little like human tracks, only the bear has long, sharp claws.

How does a bear prepare for winter? (He accumulates a lot of fat and sleeps in a den all winter).

The teacher brings in a toy bear.

Let's tell him.

VIi. Didactic exercise “The bear doesn’t know what kind of winter it is”

In the center of the circle, on a children's chair, there is a toy bear and a wooden stick. Holding hands, children move in a circle saying:

The bear doesn't know what kind of winter it is.

Whoever the wand comes to will give him the answer.

A child who stops opposite the bear takes a stick and passes it around. At the same time, he names the signs of winter, for example: white, cold, snowy, etc.

Let's go see whose next trail it is. I'm reading a riddle.

Jump and jump - the coward has disappeared,
This is a small... (bunny)

Yes, that's right, well done. This little bunny left his tracks.

Look, he has tracks that look like an oval. Big ones are hind legs, and smaller – the front ones.

Who wants to tell you how a hare spends the winter? (By winter, he changes his coat to white, hides under a bush, is afraid of everyone, eats tree branches.) Does the bunny have his own home? (no, he sleeps under a bush)

Let's imagine that you and I are also forest animals and went out to play in the clearing. We are all turning into hares.

VIII. Theatrical simulation game “Bunny” (to music)


The bunny was jumping through the forest,
The bunny was looking for food.
Suddenly, at the top of the bunny’s head,
The ears rose like arrows.
A quiet rustling is heard...


Someone is sneaking through the forest!
I'll confuse my tracks, I'll run away from trouble.
I'll jump to the side and turn around,
And I’ll curl up under a bush.
Like a little white ball
So that no one could find it.

Educator: Guys, do you know what story happened to the little bunny in the forest in winter?

IX.Dramatization after N. Sladkov “Forest rustles”.

Magpie and Hare

First, the teacher shows the skit, then the children role-play..

(Children show).

Bullfinch: White hare, where did he run?

Hare: To the village.

Bullfinch: For what?


Bullfinch: Found?


Bullfinch: Where are you going now?

Hare: Gnaw the aspen.

Bullfinch: Yes, she must be bitter?


Educator: Whose other footprints are left in the snow? I'm reading a riddle.

She is more cunning than all the animals,
She is wearing a red fur coat.
A bushy tail is her beauty.
This forest animal?... (fox)

That's right, it's a fox. Look, her footprints look like a flower.

Who wants to tell you how a fox spends the winter? (Dresses in a warm fur coat, lives in a hole, hunts mice and bunnies). Who knows what the fox's house is called? (Nora).

Educator: We are all turning into foxes. (One child pronounces the words and shows, while other children pretend to be foxes). (A melody plays.)

X. Imitation game "Fox"

Baby Fox:

"I'm a sly fox
Forests of dark beauty,
I'll run through the clearing,
I'll cover the fox's trail."

The teacher offers to play out the poem “The Fox Dressmaker.” Children become pairs, facing each other.

What are you sewing, little fox? One child asks, clapping his hands.

Mittens for daughter. The other child responds by stomping his feet.

So that on a frosty day one child stands with his arms outstretched forward

palms up, the other strikes with his

palms on it.

The paws are not frozen. The second child stands with his arms extended forward

palms up, the first one hits it

with your palms.

Educator: Guys, who wanders the forest angry and hungry in the cold winter? ... (wolf.)

One magpie - the rattle of the wolf is not afraid. She flew up to him and asked:

Magpie and Wolf

From hunger.

And the ribs stick out, stick out?

From hunger.

Why are you howling?

From hunger.

From hunger.

The children are acting out a skit.

Educator: Who loves my fluffy snow? Patterns on the window?

Who loves fast sledding, who is always happy about winter?

We love you winter,

Your frost and ice,

And the snow is fluffy on the branches,

And a sled and a skating rink!

Let's get into the sled kids, it's time for us to go for a ride!

XI. A gamec "Sledge" movements

Children stand in a circle and perform the suggested movements with sounding gestures, reciting the text expressively and clearly in articulation.

CHILDREN: You, Frost, Frost, Frost,

Don't show your nose!

Go home quickly

Take the cold with you!

And we'll take the sleigh - children walk in a circle

And let's go outside. - children walk out of the circle

Let's sit in the sleigh - scooters, - run in circles, speeding up


From the hill - wow! - sit down at the end.

Educator: What other entertainment are there in winter? (Children's answers).

Let's play:

XI. A gamec movements "Winter fun"

We play snowballs in winter

We walk through the snowdrifts,

And we run on skis

We fly on ice skates,

And we sculpt a snow maiden,

We love Guest Winter!


Snowflakes swirled in the sky
And they fell on our shoulders.
There is beauty and peace all around,
Well, it's time for us to go home.

Educator: Guys, our walk through the forest has come to an end, I suggest returning to kindergarten and everyone together make an applique about what you and I saw in the forest, don’t you agree? Then let's go:

The path snakes under your feet,
We will return home with you.

XII. Reflection

Educator: Did you enjoy our walk through the winter forest? How did Sasha remember her? What about Liza? Did you remember Sonya?

How can you tell what kind of walk it was? (cheerful, joyful, winter...)

Thank you guys for agreeing to go into the forest with me.

What's your mood now? (Good).

Let's give ours good mood to others. (Children blow the mood off their palms).

XIII. Drawing "Winter Forest".

Guys, let's hear what the hare and the bullfinch were talking about before we arrived? (Children show skit: conversation between a hare and a bullfinch).

Bullfinch: White hare, where did he run?

Hare: To the village.

Bullfinch: For what?

Hare: Pick up a piece of hay, pinch some greens, find a cabbage stalk.

Bullfinch: Found?

Hare: No matter how it is. There is hay under the snow, greenery under the snow, and in the garden there are biting dogs.

Bullfinch: Where are you going now?

Hare: Gnaw the aspen.

Bullfinch: Yes, she must be bitter?

Hare: Sweet. I didn’t eat yesterday, I didn’t eat today, no matter how sweet the aspen seems.

Forest rustles

Fox and Hare

Why is it, Zainka, that you have such long ears? Why, little gray one, do you have such fast legs?

And all because, Little Fox, your steps are very quiet and your teeth are very sharp!

Magpie and Wolf

Hey Wolf, why are you so gloomy?

From hunger.

And the ribs stick out, stick out?

From hunger.

Why are you howling?

From hunger.

So talk to you! He got along like a magpie: from hunger, from hunger, from hunger! Why are you so taciturn these days?

From hunger.

Magpie and Hare

If only you had some fox teeth, Hare!

Uh, Soroka, it’s still bad...

If only you had wolf legs, gray one!

Uh, Soroka, happiness is not great...

If only you had a scythe and lynx claws!

Uh, Soroka, what do I need fangs and claws? My soul is still like a hare...

Cute and touching stories about forest animals with wonderful, colorful illustrations. Together with the heroes of this book, funny and kind little animals, the child will go on a wonderful journey through the magical world of fairy tales.

Forest rustles

Perch and Burbot

Where's the place under the ice? All the fish are sleepy - you are the only one, Burbot, cheerful and playful. What's the matter with you, huh?

- And the fact that for all fish in winter it’s winter, but for me, Burbot, in winter it’s summer! You perches are dozing, and we burbots are playing weddings, swording caviar, rejoicing and having fun!

- Let's go, brother perches, to Burbot's wedding! Let’s wake up our sleep, have some fun, snack on burbot caviar...

Otter and Raven

- Tell me, Raven, wise bird, why do people burn a fire in the forest?

“I didn’t expect such a question from you, Otter.” We got wet in the stream and froze, so we lit a fire. They warm themselves by the fire.

- Strange... But in winter I always warm myself in water. There is never frost in the water!

Hare and Vole

– Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell the green grass, nibble on the juicy leaves, wait until spring. Where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas...

- Not beyond the seas, Hare, spring is just around the corner, but under your feet! Dig the snow down to the ground - there are green lingonberries, and mantle, and strawberries, and dandelions. And you'll smell it, and you'll get full.

Badger and Bear

- What, Bear, are you still sleeping?

- I'm sleeping, Badger, I'm sleeping. So, brother, I got up to speed - it’s been five months without waking up. All sides have rested!

- Or maybe, Bear, it’s time for us to get up?

- It's not time. Sleep some more.

- Won’t you and I sleep through the spring from the start?

- Don't be afraid! She, brother, will wake you up.

- What if she knocks on our door, sings a song, or maybe tickles our heels? I, Misha, fear is so hard to rise!

- Wow! You'll probably jump up! She, Borya, will give you a bucket of water under your sides - I bet you won’t stay too long! Sleep while you're dry.

Magpie and Dipper

- Oooh, Olyapka, you don’t even think about swimming in the ice hole?!

- And swim and dive!

-Are you going to freeze?

- My pen is warm!

- Will you get wet?

– My pen is water-repellent!

-Will you drown?

- I can swim!

- A A Do you get hungry after swimming?

“That’s why I dive, to eat a water bug!”