Nokia phone turns itself off. Flagship marriage. Death of Nokia N8 and Nokia C7 around the world Chinese Nokia n8 turns on and off again

01.10.2021 Complications

Unfortunately, the attempt to reduce the cost of production, as well as the rush to bring new models to the market, reduces the time they are tested by manufacturers. This leads to mass defects in phones, which appear already in the first months of sales and are widespread. It's a shame to buy new phone, and then forced to take it to service center and wait several weeks for his return. It’s a pity, but sometimes they return exactly the same broken device to you, so that you then take it back to the service center - and so on up to several times. Vicious circle.

The site has a rich history of investigations into mass marriage in cell phones, as well as materials on what marriage is, what causes it, and so on. There is not a single resource that constantly talks about this delicate topic, since it causes rage and irritation of any manufacturer, there are no exceptions. We have an excellent article about the reasons for defects in phones, I recommend that you read it. There was also an investigation into the malfunction of the speaker in the Nokia 5800 (we identified this defect faster than the company and investigated it in detail, Nokia recognized it as a defect), previously this was the Nokia N76, as well as products from other companies. But today we will talk about Nokia’s flagship – Nokia N8, as well as its brother Nokia C7. In our opinion, these phones contain massive defects, and Nokia refuses to admit the scale of the disaster so as not to ruin its reputation.

Nokia C7 testing, or the death of several phones

I found out about the defect in Nokia C7 by accident. To test one of the operator services, I needed devices running Symbian^3, and there are only Nokia N8 or Nokia C7 on the market. Considering that I needed five phones as part of the test, the decision to save a little was logical; after all, the Nokia C7 is cheaper, and the camera was not important for my purposes. The phones were purchased at a regular Nokia branded store; these are commercial devices that the company supplied to the Russian market.

For a week the phones worked without any complaints, then one of them began to reboot. Sometimes. Occasionally. Eventually it stopped turning on. This happens, and this behavior did not raise any suspicions in me. Phones break, and this is normal behavior for any technology. It's a shame when a new device breaks down, but this rarely happens. A day later another Nokia C7 failed. By the end of the tenth day, I had 3 phones in my hands that would not turn on, as well as a fourth that began to show signs of dying (rebooting, heating). It was no longer possible to explain this behavior by a random coincidence; such a percentage of phone failures is typical for massive factory defects or design flaws. I decided to look into this, and the first stop was the reception of the service center, where I took my dead phones.

At the service center, or how the Nokia N8 is dying all over the world

At the reception at the service center, I talked with the engineer (without introductions or credentials), it turned out that the Nokia C7 is not yet a frequent guest in the service, but we have already met, but the Nokia N8 is arriving in very large quantities for the new model. It is clear that this conversation prompted me to study the issue in more detail, and upon arriving at the office, I spent several hours studying the forums on different languages, as well as what the death of the Nokia N8 looks like.

An online search immediately produced many results, more than one hundred thousand of them on different sites around the world. Do not assume that the number of discussions is equal to the number of defective phones, it only shows that the problem is widespread and has been discussed for a long time. Let me remind you that sales of the phone began in limited edition on the last day of September, and it went on relatively wide sale in early October. Here are a few such topics on the official Nokia website:

All messages about the death of Nokia N8 have one thing in common - the device stops turning on. A sort of dead brick. Before this, users noticed the device rebooting. More messages from Asia, less from Europe. Devices purchased at different times and in different countries are susceptible to defects.

The easiest way to find out if the problem is known to the manufacturer is to contact service centers and ask whether Nokia has issued a corresponding service bulletin. This document describes the symptoms of the problem, as well as how to solve it. This document is the main one for any service center, since according to it the phone can be exchanged for a new one. Or a complete replacement of the board with electronics. In the absence of a service bulletin, the service center will follow standard procedures for checking the phone. Until November 21, 2010, service centers did not receive any explanation about the problem with the Nokia N8 or Nokia C7. Therefore, there is no service bulletin. But sorry, I got ahead of myself a little.

While studying the issue of unexpected deaths of Nokia N8, I began to collect information. Since we do not have data on Nokia N8 sales worldwide, we will rely on the situation in Russia to estimate the number of defective devices. This phone is in short supply, Nokia is not able to satisfy the demand for it, the weekly sales volume in Russia in all retail chains is about 2,000 devices (data from Mobile Research Group, also coincides with the GfK RUS retail panel).

A survey of retail chains, as well as service centers, showed that in October alone they received about 400 Nokia N8 from customers, and already in November this number was about 800 units (data as of November 18, does not include all service centers and regional retail ). Let me emphasize that some of this number of devices have not yet reached service centers; these phones have been accepted by retail and will be sent for repair.

The defect rate, therefore, can be estimated at 5 percent for October 2010; by the end of November 2010, it will almost double. Is it a lot or a little?

In the situation with the new model, service centers cannot receive such a number of devices in the first month; this is an abnormally high result. And, as a rule, he talks about some congenital defect of the phone (a problem with components or assembly, or a design defect). In the future, the number of devices with problems will increase, since defects do not appear immediately and largely depend on operating conditions. For example, for some users, a defective phone may last for several years, but for another person using its full capabilities, it can last only a few days. It's a lottery. But, however, this does not allow us to say that in the first case the device does not have a defect. It's present, but it doesn't show up with the usage profile that this person has.

Usually in the first month they give up a phone because they didn’t like it or didn’t understand it, but not a phone that won’t turn on. For example, the defect rate of the Apple iPhone in Russia was about 6 percent at the start of official sales. But these were direct returns from those who realized that the phone was not suitable for them. All devices worked and had no hardware problems.

Unfortunately, at the moment no service center has been notified by Nokia that there are any problems with Nokia N8/C7. Therefore, the task for us was complicated by the fact that we had to find the cause of the problems in the company’s phones, and the search turned out to be quite interesting.

Searching for problems in Nokia N8 and C7

What do these two phones have in common? On the surface lies the presence of the Symbian^3 operating system. How much operating system can affect the shutdown and death of the device? In theory, this is possible, but it is almost impossible to detect such a connection, and then all phones using Symbian^3 will be susceptible to this problem. The likelihood of this factor exists, but it cannot be considered the main one, since the changes in Symbian^3 compared to previous versions are not so huge.

Another common factor between the two models is the board on which all the components are mounted. The small board has a multilayer structure, and the manufacturer abandoned the compound (a type of resin that is poured onto the perimeter of the board; it increases vibration resistance and also connects the layers of the board). Refusal to use the compound means savings on production; pouring the board takes a couple of seconds on the conveyor, which leads to an increase in the cost of the product and lower conveyor productivity. The disadvantage is obvious - the physical resistance of the board is less.

We were unable to find problems with the components, and in the absence of the appropriate tools, this is quite difficult to do. Therefore, below I will present the version that we came to with several service engineers who have been working on the products for more than one year. For a number of reasons, they insisted on anonymity because they were afraid of being fired from their jobs.

So, the problem in Nokia N8/C7 looks like this. The device reboots, after a while it stops turning on. It can be revived using a soft reboot (holding the Power key for 8 seconds). After some time of use it dies completely, but even then it can often be revived with the help of utility software and a complete memory rewrite. But then he will die anyway.

Many people associate the installation of additional programs with reboots, and there really is a direct connection. But it is not due to the quality of the programs, but to the very nature of marriage. The small board does not have a very effective heat sink, and rising temperatures of the processor and other elements cause an emergency reboot. This is one of the possible reasons why the phone reboots. It is obvious and looks quite authentic. Some users have discovered a way to revive their phone by placing it in the refrigerator and starting it up afterwards. What can I say, the method is barbaric and does not affect the fact that the phone becomes fully operational, but it gives us interesting information. Namely, the processor in this case is above suspicion. Of course, it can sometimes turn off due to excess temperature, but this is more likely a consequence of the design of the phone and how the user uses it (loads programs, watches unconverted video, and so on).

Rebooting your phone when it overheats should not damage it. The processor does not cool down instantly, but very quickly, which leads to the device being operational again. But in practice, everything turns out a little differently, phones are dying.

The EEPROM flash memory is to blame for this, in which the device stores various data. All dead phones had EEPROM damage in one form or another, and garbage was written to separate memory blocks. In theory, this could happen when the power is turned off due to overheating, but in practice it is almost impossible (too short a period of time). It is more likely that one of the contacts on the board was lost, which caused a garbage write instead of the information that was sent to this memory via the bus. It is enough for one of many contacts to be lost, and all transmitted information turns into garbage. What can cause loss of contact?

It should be noted here that Nokia, like other manufacturers, have switched to environmentally friendly soldering without the use of lead. The result of this is that soldering machines operate within a limited temperature range. Sometimes the soldering looks correct, but there are miniature misalignments of the parts relative to their position on the board. This does not matter in the vast majority of cases, since the board is quite rigid and has few layers. In the situation with the Nokia N8/C7, the board is multi-layered, there is no reinforcing compound, and when heated (and the processor here heats up more than on previous models, the temperature is higher) the board may become distorted. They are minimal, but this is enough for one of the contacts on the bus going to the EEPROM to be lost. I would like to emphasize that this is just one of the most promising versions of what is happening, since we could not offer the best.

To test this version, I tried to test several Nokia N8s in the temperature chamber, setting the temperature to 40 degrees and setting the phone to play video (DVDRip) in a loop. Two out of three devices showed problems. In one, the SIM card slot was disabled (card not found), and functionality was restored by itself only a day after being removed from the camera. In another, reboots were observed, we did not bring the situation to the point of death of the phone. The third device did not show any problems within 24 hours.

Indirect confirmation is that a very large number of reports of problems with this model from Asia, where the temperature is higher than in Europe or Russia. Humans were the first to encounter this problem, and it can be argued that it is directly related to temperature. Of course, one can assume that this could also be one of the parts that cannot withstand the temperature regime, but there are no arguments in favor of this version.

Nokia admitted the defect in Nokia N8, or PR game

Any manufacturer and any device can be defective. The question is always how the manufacturer reacts to the defect and what it does to correct the situation, to mitigate it as much as possible for its customers. In the process of preparing this material, we talked a lot with Nokia partners, retail chains, service centers, and I made no secret of the fact that I was preparing material on this issue. Nokia perceived this as a PR game, which they began to play without even understanding the essence of the issue and considering that there was no defect. Thus, until November 17, Nokia had no information that the Nokia N8 was massively defective, and the company made relevant requests to partners (percentage of returns, number of devices under repair) only after our investigation began. From a PR point of view, I approve of Nokia's attempts to mitigate as much as possible the effect of the defect in the flagship device, as well as to devalue all the information that we discovered. For example, a note appeared on the resource, which stated that there was no defect in the Nokia N8, and also invited people to vote to show that this was solely the invention of Eldar Murtazin. The resource is supported in a hidden form by Nokia (given the number of warez "a, as well as examples of changes in phone software, hacking, this cannot be direct support) and serves as an information platform for the company in Russia. I hope that the voting results on this resource cannot be accepted as biased, but rather will be interpreted as honest. So, out of 649 people who voted, 50 had their phones replaced (this is 7 percent of those surveyed). the beginning of problems, then they will grow like a snowball.

However, after I published the first data on the number of defective devices, a video appeared on the official Nokia Conversation blog in which Nokia Executive Vice President Niklas Savander discussed quality issues of the Nokia N8 with another Nokia employee.

In this video, a second person at Nokia openly claims that the company admits that the Nokia N8 is defective, but this only applies to a small number of phones. It is also said that marriage is not specific to any particular country, but is inherent in any of the countries. And most importantly, he says that a problem on the assembly line affected several Nokia N8s, which resulted in power problems, and they can be replaced in the Nokia service. It is also stated that at the time of recording the video, this problem has been resolved, and now phones are being produced of proper quality.

I'm glad that Nokia admitted the defect in the Nokia N8, but I'm upset that the company is hiding a similar defect in the Nokia C7, apparently hoping that sales of this phone have just begun, and they will have time to fix the problem before it becomes widely discussed again. Maybe. But there are several controversial points here, namely the fact that Nokia has not yet released a service bulletin dedicated to the problem with the Nokia N8, and all service centers operate according to the standard procedure. They temporarily revive phones, return them to customers, only to have them die again. For example, one of these users wrote an angry message on the Nokia forum, you can see it below. His phone died on November 1st, and 16 days later he received it from the company's service, and a day later he died again. Sad story.

In the Russian branded retail of Nokia, for now they recommend that customers with such problems do not install additional programs and “watch the phone carefully.” It is clear that this cannot be considered a solution to the issue. Unfortunately, while Nokia has not made a clear decision on how to exchange phones, according to engineers, these models cannot be repaired; their circuit boards are completely replaced.

What should buyers do, how will the situation develop?

If your phone starts to reboot (Nokia N8/C7), then you are out of luck and have a defective device. Over time the EEPROM will fill up with junk and it will stop turning on. If no more than 2 weeks have passed since your purchase, then you can try to return this device to the seller and get your money back. Or take it to a service center, but today this makes no sense (there are no new boards without this problem, there is no replacement for a new phone). That is, “repair” is a temporary revival of your device, so that it then dies again.

When can this situation be resolved? According to the top manager, changes have been made to production. This means that, in the best case, these devices will appear on the shelves from factories in late January - early February. And their production date will be the last week of November or December 2010. Whether Nokia was able to resolve this issue or not remains a subject for study in the future, but we will assume that from December 2010 production will begin to produce normal, usable phones. Their delivery time to individual countries and stores is too long, so you shouldn’t expect them on shelves until February.

For those who like their phone and simply don’t have anything better, I recommend constantly making an archive of all your data, just in case. If the phone dies, at least you'll have your data saved. And then you will wait for an exchange or “repair”. The defect rate for the first two months is abnormally high, which suggests that most devices are at risk in one way or another. According to the reviews we were able to look at, these are different phones released at different times, and they have nothing in common except that they are Nokia N8 or C7. This is sad and means that there is a mass marriage. These are not isolated cases, which, however, is clearly visible from the discussions being conducted in various sources.

Those who are planning to buy a Nokia N8 or Nokia C7 should probably wait until February-March 2011. Or assess the risk that you will be unlucky. You feel lucky and are ready to put up with the wait for repairs or replacement - then there can be no arguments against it.

We will monitor the development of the Nokia N8 defect story and update you on the current situation. If you have something to say on this topic, then you are welcome to our forum.

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Eldar Murtazin ()

If Nokia phone turns off on its own on an incoming call or for no reason, the best solution is to contact our phone repair service center in St. Petersburg. Service technicians are constantly faced with such a malfunction, so we can fix the problem without any difficulties. We have been repairing Nokia for many years and know all their problems.

1. Spontaneous shutdown of Nokia may be due to dirty contacts on the battery or directly on the phone. You can try to clean the contacts yourself (just don't metal object), or you can entrust this work to professionals.

2. In addition to the oxidation process, battery contacts are also susceptible to other troubles: their deformation can also lead to disconnection mobile device for no apparent reason. In this case, you can try to cope on your own - stick a sealant to the bottom of the battery.

3. In addition, battery failure (loss of energy capacity) can also cause your Nokia phone to turn itself off. In this case, the battery needs to be replaced.

4. Periodic shutdown of the device can also occur due to moisture getting inside mobile phone. Our technicians will quickly eliminate the damage and the consequences of moisture under the Nokia case.

5. Drops or impacts may cause the phone to turn off due to a faulty flash memory or processor. Mechanical stress can cause the contacts that hold these chips (flash memory and processor) to move away from the system board. Which, in turn, causes a disruption in the electrical circuit of the device.

6. If your Nokia phone turns itself off after pressing the answer button, most likely you will have to replace the “upper” cable, since the wear of the part is to blame.

7. If you have a clamshell or slider phone, then in your case the malfunction may arise as a result of a breakdown of the display module. This is a cable that connects the motherboard to the display. The display module with the cable can only be replaced as a whole. After reading this article, you will be able to obtain certain information, but in a situation where your Nokia phone turns itself off, it would be better if real professionals provided assistance.

Our employees will carry out repairs of any complexity quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee.

How satisfied are you with your device?

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Average rating: 3.2

Maksim, Nokia 501 Asha

The phone turns on, and then after 30 - 60 seconds it turns off and to turn it on again you need to restart the phone. In these 30 seconds, while the phone is turned on, everything is a little glitchy. I don't understand what the problem is.

Most likely, a software failure, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Aslan, Nokia 3

Turns off at 30% and then shows 0%

Good afternoon
The reason may be the battery, faults in the power circuit, or power consumption on the board. The cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Sergey, Nokia 3.1 plus

The connection is interrupted during calls and conversations for 10-15 seconds. Sometimes we can talk for a minute
New phone not even a month old

Good afternoon
There may be malfunctions with the antenna, as well as elements responsible for communication. The cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Ivan, Nokia 3

The problem is this, the phone turns off when charging 21-15 percent! When you connect the charger, the charge starts at 0 percent

Good afternoon
The reason may be a faulty battery, consumption on the board, etc., the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Inna, Nokia 3 TA-1032

The phone turns itself off, so you go online and 4G + music is on, the charge is 70%, it turns off, I turn it on at 0%. if E is internet, then it will be discharged to 0%, but as soon as 4G or H it is off. and the charge is at 0. why? what reason?

The reason may be a malfunction in the power circuit, power consumption on the board, etc., the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Maria, Nokia 6

When I press on the screen closer to the sound buttons it works, when I release it it goes out. What is this?

The display cable may be faulty, the cost of repair is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Ksenia, Nokia 7.1

Hello, my phone is brand new, it’s not even a month old, but for some reason it started turning off and the battery is heating up, please tell me what to do

If there is a warranty, then it is better to contact the warranty service; the reasons can be from microcracks on the board to manufacturing defects.

Enger, Nokia5

The phone began to turn off. supposedly writes in cooling mode. Airplane mode appears and nothing can be turned off. then appears Maximum temperature phone off and everything goes out. The phone itself is generally cold and does not heat up.

The reason may be a software failure, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Vova, iPhone 6 Plus

stuck on an apple

Good afternoon
The cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles.

Arina, Sony Xperia Z3 Compact

the screen broke.

Good afternoon
Replacement cost from RUB 3,500.

Alexander, Nokia Lumia 635

Hello, the phone turns itself off and turns on itself if I’m not holding it, if it’s just sitting.

The reason may be a software failure, as well as malfunctions in the power circuit, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Eugene, Nokia XL. rm-1030

The phone only works in standby mode.
I fully charged the phone, when I turn on the applications, it works for about five minutes maximum and turns off, when I turn it on it says that the battery is low. Everything works fine with charging turned on.
I charged the phone 3 times, it sits in standby mode for a day and does not discharge, and as soon as you start using it it turns off after a few minutes and when you turn it on it shows that the battery is low.
What could it be?

Good afternoon
The reason may be a faulty battery, as well as disturbances in the power supply circuit, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Sergey, Nokia WG6

When you turn on the charger, the phone turns on itself and turns off instantly. What is this?

Good afternoon
The reasons may be faulty contacts of the connector, in the power circuit and others, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Oleg, Nokia 3.1

After purchasing the phone, it started to get warm. Then a message popped up: “overheating.”
And lately it started turning itself off and on. Sometimes it goes into standby mode and everything “dies”. I'm doing a forced reboot. After a while it turns off again. Dark screen, no response when pressing the power key. I have to reboot. The phone was purchased on July 16, 2018. on guarantee. I think it's better to change or buy another brand.

Good afternoon
If the phone is under warranty, try contacting the warranty service. In our service, diagnostics are free, the repair cost is from 1000 rubles, presumably, there is consumption on the board, which is why the phone heats up and turns off.

Raisa, Nokia 3

After a conversation it turns itself off, sometimes you put it on charge and it turns off, then somehow I turn it on, the phone has no damage, has never fallen and has not lost moisture

Good afternoon
Most likely, it is common for software faults, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Michael, Nokia 6.1

The phone began to turn off on its own, did not fall, did not sink, it seems that this happened after updating the Android system

Possibly a software glitch, repair cost starts from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Marina, Nokia 3 TA-1032

Hello, the problem started after the April update of the security system, at first I couldn’t turn it on for a long time, I turned it on and Wi-Fi disappeared, then it appeared, after it had been lying for 1 hour without work, Wi-Fi disappeared again, and so on constantly, then it started reboot itself, complete nonsense and the battery for 2 hours - without work, from 100% dropped to 24%, what should I do? Tell me, thank you.

Diagnostics are required, the problem can be of an electronic or mechanical nature, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Maksim, Nokia 3 TA-1032

In standby mode, when the charger is connected, it turns off completely and shows no signs of life for several minutes.

Good afternoon
There may be a malfunction in the power circuit, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Paul, Nokia 5

The phone turns off and on by itself, I gave it back to the store under warranty, a month later today it was finally returned, but after a couple of hours of use I realized that the problem remained, it has already turned off five times.

Good afternoon
Diagnostics are required, the reasons can be mechanical or electronic in nature, repair costs start from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Fanil, Nokia8

I put it on charge overnight and in the morning I couldn’t turn it on. I turned it on somewhere around lunchtime.

If the phone is currently working, it will be impossible to carry out diagnostics, since on a properly working device it is impossible to identify the cause of the previous failure.

Renat, NOKIA 3TA-1020

The phone turns itself off and on ten or eleven times a day; the phone was purchased in November 2017 and has not fallen.

The reason may be mechanical or software in nature, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Antonina, Nokia 808

The only problem is at Domodedovo Airport! On the approaches to Domodedovo, the phone began to reboot itself. As soon as the connection was established, the phone froze and went to reboot again. The problem only went away in the air. In the absence of connection, the phone loaded normally, but when connection appeared (another airport) everything was fine. Then, when returning to Moscow, everything was exactly the same. Before approaching Domodedovo, everything worked perfectly, above the airport the phone began to reboot endlessly until the moment of leaving the airport and crossing the Moscow Ring Road, then everything was OK. What was it? All the phones around us worked fine. Maybe the old operating system is letting you down?

Good afternoon
Perhaps the problem is with the operator, a bad signal mobile communications. It is difficult to say what the reason is when the problem is local and cannot be checked in a service center.

Sergey, Nokia 3310

Good afternoon, Nokia 3310 the problem is that when the SIM card is removed from the phone it seems to work, everything is fine with it, it does not turn off, but asks for a SIM card, but when I put the SIM card in it turns on, everything finds the network well, all the sticks are on the screen , you can even have time to call, but then it starts to turn off and turn on itself, please tell me what the problem could be???? With the UV.

The reason may be the consequences of moisture, shock, or malfunctions of the microelements of the board; diagnostics are necessary. The cost of repairs is from 600 rubles, diagnostics are free.

Diana, Nokia asha 302

Good evening. Please tell me, if the phone is defective but new, how many times a day can it turn off? Or how many times a month? Or per year?
I just have a new phone, I just bought it. I walked around with it, it was in my robe pocket. Then I took it out, and it was turned off. Maybe I pressed it somewhere and the off button worked? It didn’t seem to be pressed too hard. Until it turns off, it works, 4 days after this incident.

If the phone is new and periodically turns off, we advise you to contact a warranty service center, where specialists will carry out diagnostics and identify the cause of the malfunction.

Ksenia, Nokia 3

We bought the phone yesterday, it turns off when charging at 35 percent. I turn on the charger, everything is fine, it comes to life

Good afternoon
You must apply for warranty, if any. In our service we can provide free diagnostics, the minimum repair cost is from 1000 rubles.

Irina, E63-1

The phone began to randomly turn off even when fully charged. Replacing the battery gave the phone about a year or six months, and then the battery swelled and was replaced with a new one. Lately the period between battery replacements began to shorten to a critical 5 months, and the batteries themselves did not have time to swell. In a swollen state, they worked through the stump of the deck, and now they categorically refused to work for more than 2-3 minutes without turning off. Yesterday the phone, being stuck in Charger(native, proprietary) not only turned off, but also opened some of its folders, dumping their contents into the main menu. All my notes, settings, contacts and browser history remained in place. I didn’t have fresher batteries on hand, so I tried to try on old ones that weren’t swollen. Having reinserted the last fresh battery, which had malfunctioned at night, I noticed that if you don’t put the back cover on, don’t put the phone “on the back” and don’t even touch the part that is adjacent to the battery, then the phone continues to work quite well. But the menu defect remained, even when I left the phone lying for half an hour without a battery at all. At the moment it is turned on and, when fully charged, lies on a flat surface with the screen down and awaits its fate. There are suspicions about the contacts connecting to the battery (critical periods occurred while trying to charge the phone when I moved the plug), which could cause the menu to glitch. Previously, I did not insert old batteries into it, immediately replacing it with a new one. I would like to eliminate the defect, because... The phone is extremely dear to me.

But we deliberately did not publish this information, deciding to wait for its confirmation from at least several sources. And today this confirmation was finally received.

People all over the world have started reporting that their Nokia N8 simply stops working. Rumors about defective Nokia N8 were confirmed by one of the Nokia dealers in Malaysia. According to him, many Nokia N8 simply do not turn on and do not charge. Another user reported widespread problems with the Nokia N8 in Thailand.

And a little later, Nokia Vice President Niklas Savander publicly admitted the fact of a defect that occurred on the factory assembly line. However, he emphasized that the problem affected only a small number of smartphones. True, the latter is not too hard to believe in light of recent events.

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Posted by: Danila

I bought an N8 in February 2012. After six months of wonderful coexistence, I found it turned off, thought that it was completely discharged, and put it on charge. The phone seemed to react, the word NOKIA appeared, dots started running, the charging indicator on the side lit up. only the dots were running and running, then they seemed to freeze, the indicator went out, and the phone turned off, the computer couldn’t find it via USB. Because While still under warranty, I took it to the service center, 11 days later they called me and informed me that the phone had already been repaired. They replaced my camera and software, when I asked “why a camera”, the answer was: “It was necessary.” I dreamed about this phone, but now I'm upset...

Posted by: Christina
the guy gave the n8 it worked for two days and died. The first time it turned off, but the menu button was lit, I turned it on, the second time during a conversation it turned off and everything died. I returned it to the EUROSET salon, they offered to replace it or repair it, but they refuse to return the money. They said repair within 2 weeks. If it goes offline again, I’ll go to court. These assholes need to be punished for mass marriage, and I’ll also demand moral damages. I’m incredibly disappointed in the company....

Posted by: Pavel
Excellent phone, bought a c7 in October, downloaded updates and a lot of software games and works fine without any slowdowns. So far I’m happy and have no complaints about the work.

Posted by: Alexander
The same phone served for almost a year and today it died (((((I won’t buy Nokia again (((it’s a shame that I lost all the guarantees and receipts (((

Posted by: Igor
I've had my phone for almost a year now, everything was fine... yesterday the phone asked me to install updates... I agreed... it downloaded some crap...
What kind of communicator was pestering me with questions... today I lost the ability to type SMS.. I rebooted it AND THAT'S ALL... WHITE SCREEN with greetings from NOKIA... 10 seconds shuts down to see the white screen again... no hard reboot I want - there is data left on the phone...

Posted by: Vlad
I bought n8, worked for six months and died, turned off and does not respond to anything.

Posted by: Khakim
I bought the phone on May 23, died 3 months later, doesn’t respond to anything at all

Posted by: Raziel
the same. bought in January 2011 died on 08/19/2011 maybe they have crap it costs that it can work for a maximum of 8 months)

Posted by: kaskader
n8 changed the program, does not turn on,

Posted by: LessY
He also passed out and is silent (Tell me where to take it for repairs? And what documents are needed for repairs?

Posted by: alex-ix58
Yesterday my n8 died, bought on January 28th in a connected... it rebooted but I didn’t pay attention... it also had a purple display so I would have taken it to the store anyway... I’ll take the Samsung Galaxy S2

Posted by: piter750
At first it rebooted, then it turned off, pulled the service, reflashed it again, it started to reboot again, now they are rolling the flash and let's see what happens next

Posted by: Aslan
I bought it on 03/23/2011 and turned it off on 05/04/2011 and that’s it - no signs of life

Posted by: DoHaJID
After reading the comments here, and reading what people write on the forums, I think I’ll buy the N8&C7 loss

Posted by: Victoria
the same thing(((I bought it as soon as it came out, today it turned off and that’s it - no signs of life

Posted by: Anatoly
I bought a Nokia N8 phone in February and gave it as a gift to my wife. 02/05/2011 worked for a month and died. 06/03/2011 turned off and won’t turn on, tried to reboot as stated in the instructions, it’s useless, what should I do???

Posted by: Igor
I bought it on 02/22/11 without reading the reviews. The next day it started to reboot spontaneously! 02/23/11 I found and read the reviews, I was simply stunned!!! Has NOKIA really gone that far! I went and took it for testing at where I bought it (Euroset), we’ll see in two weeks! I don’t want to buy either N8 or C7 anymore!!!

Posted by: danl83
I've read a lot of horror films, now I don't even know whether to buy n8 or not)))

Posted by: Sergey
I bought a Nokia S7-00 phone on 01/02/11, after 7 days the phone died, completely died. I contacted the seller, they checked it and returned it a few days later, and after another 7 days the phone died again. They don’t want to return the money, so I’m getting ready for trial!!!

Posted by: alex800
I bought an n8 smartphone on December 30, on January 16 the first glitch, it turned off and would not turn on, I was about to take it to the service center, then after looking at the instructions I did the following, pressed the power key and held it for about 8 seconds, it vibrated 3 times, then turned it on and it was full order)

Posted by: Alexey
On December 25, I bought a Nokia n8 26, the phone died, that’s the way it is...Nokia didn’t have it. what's the point of the stated characteristics?

Posted by: alena

Posted by: Alexander
On November 18, 2010, at the Nokia brand showroom (B. Pokrovka, 9b) I bought the flagship N8 for 19,990 rubles. Already on November 22, 2010 I went there because of frequent spontaneous reboots (up to 20 times a day!). The program was reinstalled in the salon. On November 23, 2010 I contacted him again - the problem did not go away. Required replacement. Referring to a complex product... they took it for inspection - 20 days - the deadline expires on 12/13/2010. 12/12/2010 I called myself to find out if they returned it from the inspection? They're back! In conclusion, no defect was found, but the software was updated! I picked it up right away. When I picked it up I turned it on and it seemed to work. I returned home and began studying it in detail. At first the pictures did not open, then the camera failed, then the player failed, then the desktops disappeared. After the reset, the applications started working, but the original defect remained. Submitted for re-check.

Posted by: sereband
Problems started from the very beginning - it froze and didn’t turn on right away... and a couple of days ago it “died” and won’t turn on anymore!!!

Posted by: Dmitry
"I've been using this phone for almost a month and a half."

How can you use it for a month and a half when it only came out on October 22 (that is, exactly a month ago)?

Posted by: igrek
Everything is great, it works

Posted by: viks
excellent smart, everything works. happy as an elephant. This is all the machinations of competitors!

Posted by: Smart
For a month nothing seems to have happened - everything works great..