Engineering menu Samsung S4 mini. Let's deal with typical problems of the Samsung Galaxy S4. Wi-Fi connection problems

01.10.2021 Diagnostics

Samsung Galaxy The S4 is one of the most popular Android phones in history. But popularity does not mean a complete absence of problems with it. Various minor problems pop up from time to time, but, fortunately, most of them are easily fixable. Below we'll describe the most common problems with the Samsung Galaxy S4 - from random reboots to a quickly draining battery - as well as simple and quick ways to solve them.

Fixing Galaxy S4 problems is easier than you think.

Battery drains quickly

The phone cannot last all day on one charge - a common age-related problem. If you suddenly find that your S4 doesn't hold a charge as long as it used to, it might be the battery, but more likely it's the apps.

Over time, battery capacity decreases, but the situation can be improved.

Which of installed applications eat up the charge? You can find this out by opening the Settings menu. Next, tap the “Advanced” icon, then “Battery,” and you will see a graph of battery consumption, as well as information about which applications drain the most energy.

If you find apps here that you no longer use, you can simply delete them. But it can also serve as a reminder to manually disable apps when you stop using them. To do this, press and hold the Home button. A list of recent applications will open, where you can close unnecessary ones with a swipe.

The phone screen is one of the main charge hogs!

You will probably notice that the “Display” item is somewhere at the top of the list, if not at the top of it. By selecting this item, you will see how long the screen was on when the phone was already turned off. To reduce your screen's battery consumption, tap the Display icon and slightly reduce the screen brightness and turn-off time.

Built-in energy saving options will help significantly extend battery life.

The power saving mode will also help extend battery life. Open the "My Device" section. Here you can enable a feature that will limit processor speeds, disable vibration and automatically adjust screen brightness. It also makes sense to turn off features you don't use, such as Air View or NFC.

Scroll down the screen and tap the icon in the right corner. In the list of quick settings, disable all options you do not need.

The phone is heating up

The worst option in this situation is a physical malfunction of the battery, and this can lead to its rapid discharge, or even to more serious consequences. An easy way to check this is to remove the battery and place it on a flat surface. Push it lightly - if it rotates freely (try this on both sides of the battery alternately) - then the battery is swollen, and this is an indication of a possible malfunction. You can simply buy a new one, but it is better to take the phone to a service center for diagnostics.

Installing updates will also solve many problems.

If the battery is intact, it is worth checking whether all applications and Android itself are updated to the latest version. To do this, in the “Settings” menu, select “Advanced” and click “About device”.

Next, click “Software update”, then “Update”. Download everything that was found. After that, you can check for application updates. Open the Play Store app, go to “My Apps” and click “Update All” to download all available patches. Having the latest software versions will help save battery power.

Random reboots

Random sudden phone reboots are not only quite annoying, but are also an indicator of some kind of problem. There may be a physical problem with the battery - for example, poor contact - but the software could also be to blame. As we wrote above, it is worth checking updates for your phone and applications to make sure that they are not causing the reboots.

An unreliable memory card can cause many problems.

If you have expanded your phone's memory by installing a memory card, it may also be causing problems. Try removing the microSD card and checking if the problems go away. If the phone works fine without a card, then it’s time to buy a new card.

Problems with camera

Many Galaxy S4 owners are reporting problems with the Camera app. The exact cause of these problems can vary, but the symptoms are usually the following: the application closes suddenly, images do not display correctly, and problems occur when taking photos. As mentioned above, the cause could be a faulty memory card, so it's worth removing the card or replacing it with another one and seeing if that fixes the problem.

Clearing the cache may help solve the photo problem.

Also try clearing your application cache. Go to Settings > Advanced > Application Manager. There, find the “Everything” section and in it click the “Camera” application icon. Click the "Clear cache" and "Clear data" buttons. The same operation should be repeated for the Gallery application.

Wi-Fi connection problems

While at home, you may have noticed that your phone sometimes struggles to connect to your wireless network. Typically this happens when wifi signal weak, but the problem can occur in other cases.

Is the connection being lost? Try turning off mobile data.

You may find that you are simply inundated with messages stating that your Internet connection has been lost due to low speed. Although it may not seem obvious, try turning off mobile data - sometimes it helps. Scroll down the screen and swipe to turn it off mobile transmission data.

A hidden menu gives access to Wi-Fi power saving settings.

Another way is to disable Wi-Fi power saving mode. Call the dialer and enter the code *#0011# to enter service mode. Click the button under the Wi-Fi Power Saving Mode heading to turn it off. Click the Back button to return to the home screen.

General drop in performance

Over time, your S4 may have become a little slower than the day you bought it. Fortunately, there are many ways to restore it to its former speed, including resetting to default settings.

Have you been using the S4 since its launch and don't plan to part with it in the foreseeable future? Have you encountered any problems for which you have not found a solution?

Updating the Galaxy S4 to Android Lollipop brings not only a host of new features to the smartphone, but also a number of new issues. The good news in this case is that such problems can actually be easily fixed. If your Galaxy S4 has any bugs, then read our article - in it we will tell you how to solve the most common problems with Android Lollipop on the Galaxy S4.

The Galaxy S4 camera sometimes starts up quite slowly, and sometimes it crashes unexpectedly. This problem can be solved in a matter of seconds. All you have to do is turn off the image stabilization feature in the camera app. Just open the application, click on the settings icon in the form of a gear, then find the Anti-Shake item and disable it.

If you experience frequent crashes in the camera application or you cannot access such an application, then go to this “Settings>Application Manager>Camera” and clear the application cache. If this method does not help, then reboot the device (or simply remove the battery for 30 seconds). If nothing works for you, install a new camera app.

Keyboard problems

You've probably already heard about the scandal surrounding the poor performance of Samsung keyboards, which potentially shows almost 600 million device owners Galaxy series pretty nasty stuff. By and large, the chances that this could happen to your Galaxy device are not very high, although solutions to such a problem on the part of users cannot be called ideal. For example, disabling a keyboard app or using a different one is unlikely to help, and plus, you won't be able to uninstall such an app.

Luckily, Samsung is aware of this issue and is working with SwiftKey to fix the shortcomings. The company has already promised that the necessary software to solve problems with keyboards will be released very soon.

Intermittent crashes in the Contacts app

This is probably the most common problem that Galaxy S4 owners encounter after updating - the Contacts app crashes, or freezes with the error message “Sorry, Contacts has stopped working.” The best way to correct these shortcomings is the following: go to the “Settings” section, then open the “Application Manager” and open the “All” tab in it. Now scroll down to Contacts and clear the cache. If this does not solve the problem, then you can delete the application data and resynchronize it.

The process crashed

First, try opening the “Application Manager” in the settings and resetting the application preferences. You can also try rebooting your device and hope for the best. In our opinion, if this problem is widespread enough, then Samsung should release a patch to solve it. Plus, it makes sense for you to boot your device into safe mode and see if the error message appears again.

To boot into Safe Mode, turn off your Galaxy S4 and while rebooting, press the Menu soft key several times. Once the boot is complete, you will see a Safe Mode banner at the bottom left of the display. Note that safe mode only works with pre-installed applications from Samsung, so you can figure out whether it's a system problem or something else entirely.

If a similar problem does not occur in safe mode, then the reason may be in some third-party application. We previously discovered that the source of the problem in question could be both security applications and mobile network, so by trial and error you can determine best choice. Our advice to you is to start with applications that you installed not so long ago. Just remove or disable them one at a time and see if the problem in question goes away.

Battery low

Note that this is another common problem that occurs after updating a smartphone. A pleasant thing in this case is that the increased battery discharge, as a rule, stops after a few days, but if this does not happen, then you should do this: turn off the device for about a minute and reboot it.

You can also go to the “Application Manager” and see which applications use up RAM the most, and in addition to this, open the “Battery” subsection in the settings to find out which programs “eat up” battery energy. All this will help you determine whether the problems you have are related to an application or to the system.

If this does not help, then reboot into safe mode (press and hold the "On", "Volume Up" and "Home" keys, using the Volume key to navigate and the "On" key to confirm), and wipe the partition cache. It is possible that this method will also not give you a positive result, and then you will need to make a backup copy of all valuable information on your Galaxy S4 and perform a factory reset, either by using the settings menu or recovery mode (see point 10).

Once your smartphone reboots, you can then restore all your apps and data, and your device's battery drain problem should go away. In the future the most in a simple way To avoid draining your battery, create a backup before updating, then update and immediately after that do a factory reset.

Lags and slow startup of applications

Glitchy performance after an Android OS update is quite common, but this problem should not be considered very serious. As a rule, to solve it you just need to restart your smartphone, but if the problem with lags still persists, then the best way would be to clear the device’s cache (we described how to do this in step 5). If you want to minimize any other lags, then you need to go to “Developer Tools” (if this option is not already enabled, then in the settings open the “About device” section and click on “Build number” 7 times . Now "Developer Tools" is available in the settings) and disable all animations: window animation scale, transition animation scale and animation duration scale.

You can also get rid of the S Voice shortcut via the Home key, as the Galaxy S4 waits for a second press before returning you to the Home screen. Open S Voice, tap the settings menu, and uncheck the box next to “Open via Home Key.” This will slightly increase the navigation speed on your smartphone.

Keyboard disappearing

We've heard complaints from some users that Samsung's stock keyboard keeps disappearing while they're typing a message. This is not only very annoying, but also significantly affects the usability of the smartphone.

The solution to this shortcoming is as follows: in the settings you need to open the “Application Manager”, then open the “Running Applications” tab and find the “Samsung Keyboard” application in it to see if there are any error messages in it. You can do it differently: download an alternative keyboard application and replace it with it Samsung keyboard, installed by default.

Wi-Fi connection problems

This is another common update-related problem that has various solutions. For example, you can turn Wi-Fi on and off, turn on Airplane mode for a few seconds, change Wi-Fi connection settings (from 2.4 to 5.0 GHz), disable and re-add Wi-Fi connections, restart the router , switch the Smart network switch in the Wi-Fi settings and tinker a little with various parameters to get rid of the problems.

Bluetooth problems

Bluetooth problems are among the most common update problems. You can solve them in different ways, for example, just turn Bluetooth on and off. If this does not help, then eliminate and re-pair between your Bluetooth devices.

Overheating problems

It is possible that some Galaxy S4 models are even more prone to overheating after updating to Android 5.0.1. For example, we didn’t have this, but we heard about it. The solution in this situation may be as follows: try buying a new battery and stop using a microSD card. This solution may seem unusual and not very useful to some, especially if the user is used to such a card, but this is the only working solution to fix the above problem that we have heard about.

Strange behavior of the smartphone and its refusal to start working

If you received the Lollipop update and your smartphone begins to behave unusually, then you may need to do a factory reset. This is the easiest way to get rid of common bugs that arise after updating your device. You should not worry, as doing such a reset is not too difficult, especially if you already have backups of all your valuable data.

After you have acquired a backup copy (or copies), in the settings, open the “Reset and backup", then click on "Reset to factory settings" and confirm this in the next window that appears. Your smartphone will delete all data and reboot with factory settings, although it will retain latest version Android that you previously installed. After the reboot, you will need to restore all your apps and data without seeing your S4 behave strangely.

Tell us what other problems arose on your Galaxy S4, and we will try to find tips on how to solve such problems.

If you are the proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy S4, then you probably have a desire to get maximum pleasure from your smartphone and maximum productivity. Well, you have a great chance of it. It’s not in vain that we tried to collect 10 basic tips that will help both Android oldfags and newbies. You probably use most of the tips yourself, but what if you missed something?

1. Speed ​​up TouchWiz

There are two types of people: those who don't want to sacrifice functionality for speed, and those who will do whatever it takes to get even a small performance boost. Luckily, we have tips for both types of users.

If you don't use S Voice often, then this is probably a top tip for you. You will definitely notice that there is a slight delay in the response of the smartphone when you press the Home button and the home screen does not appear as quickly as we would like. By default, the Galaxy S4 works with the S Voice option, which is launched after double-clicking the Home button. If you don't need the option, you can open Voice and disable the "Open with Home button" option. Now the home screen will appear instantly after pressing “Home”.

The following advice applies to those who like to delve into system settings. If you don't mind losing some visual effects to increase speed, you can change some options in the "developer menu". Firstly, if you still haven’t opened this item in the general settings, you can unlock “Developer Options” by going to Settings -> Advanced -> About device. Scroll down until you see the build number and click on this item 7 times.

Now go back to the back button once and enter the Developer Options menu. Go to the section called “Drawing” and disable the following items: “Window animation scale,” “Transition animation scale” and “Animator duration scale.” Now the smartphone will work without unnecessary animation effects, but TouchWiz should now work a little faster and respond instantly.

2. Increased battery life

The Samsung Galaxy S4 will have a 2600 mAh battery and this is enough to last the smartphone all day, but it's nice to know that the battery life will allow you to last longer without connecting to a charger.

First of all, you can switch your smartphone to economy mode. That is, you need to open Settings / My Device and you can now turn on the processor in power saving mode, the screen in battery saving mode, and even disable haptic feedback (CPU power saving, Screen power saving and Haptic feedback). For maximum results, we recommend using all 3 points.

If this is not enough, then there are several other options that, after disconnecting, will allow the smartphone to work longer. The most energy-intensive is data transmission on the mobile network. But it all depends on how you use your smartphone. You can choose any of the following options to disable if you do not use it: BlueTooth, S Beam, NFC and options such as Air Gesture or Smart Scroll. All this is very easy to enable/disable in quick settings.

Customizing the Notification Panel

All quick settings are available to you immediately as soon as you pull your finger down on the notification panel. This is the easiest option to enable or disable various features. The only problem is that you won't be using all the options at the same time. Luckily, it's easy to change this and set some options first.

First, open the notification panel. In the very top right corner, click on the icon that looks like several squares with two arrows. Now click on the pencil icon that appears on the right.

Now all you have to do is drag the icons whose functions you use first to the first 5 positions. You can also scroll through the notification panel and view other settings, but it is much more convenient if the most necessary settings are at your fingertips.

4. Take better photos

We all often see the praised features of the Galaxy S4 camera on the Internet: Drama Shot, Eraser and others. This is, of course, interesting, but you will only play with these features once or twice, and therefore you will not need them all the time. Instead, let's dive into the settings and do everything necessary to make the Galaxy S4 take better photos.

Firstly, open the camera app and tap on the settings button. Of course, you'll want to resize the photo. By default, the Galaxy S4 shoots photos in a 16:9 aspect ratio and at 9.6 megapixels. This aspect ratio is great for shooting videos, but not for photos. For best quality you need to set the photo size to 13 megapixels and use the more common 4:3 setting.

You can also change Burst Shot, Face Detection, ISO, Anti-Shake and Auto Adjust to night options. Of all of them, we will pay attention to ISO. At a lower ISO setting, your photos may be darker, but they will be clearer and sharper. As you can imagine, ISO allows you to take better photos in low light, but at the cost of adding visual noise to your photos.

Connecting a large screen

Sometimes you wish the screen was bigger. Undoubtedly, Galaxy screen The S4 is huge, but while watching videos I wish it was bigger. There are several ways to connect your Galaxy S4 to a big screen.

If you have a Samsung TV and are lucky enough to have AllShare Cast, then this is the easiest way to display everything you do on your smartphone on your TV screen. Just go to Settings / Connections, scroll down the window and find the “Screen Mirroring” option. Now you just have to wait and find available devices to connect.

However, with another connection option, you can avoid delays in image transmission and there will be no lags. And this is the use of MHL. You'll need an 11-pin MHL adapter for this because the standard 5-pin adapter simply won't work with the Galaxy S4. Samsung has been selling an official MHL adapter for the Galaxy S4 for a long time. Just connect it and run HDMI out and you can see everything on the screen, even running games from your smartphone.

Monitor connections and communications

Samsung Galaxy S4 has two different options for access control - we mean distinguishing incoming calls and setting parameters for who can contact you and when.

Firstly, Blocking Mode is a great option for those who want a good night's sleep. To find this item, go to Settings / My Device and scroll down a little. In this mode, you can turn off incoming calls, notifications, alarms, and even the indicator light. Either enable this option manually, or you can set it to turn on on a specific schedule.

If you want to configure your smartphone to work only using a specific phone number, then The best way This is Call rejection. To find this item, go to Settings / My device and open the Call menu. The most common configuration method is to create a “black list”. Just enter the number, check the box next to it and that's it. You can even set it to automatically send a message to the user explaining why the call was rejected.

Setting up the lock screen

By default, the Galaxy S4 lock screen is nothing interesting or functional. However, if you can't come to terms with it and want to say “stop putting up with this!”, then there are a couple of ways to improve it.

To get started, open Settings / My Device and select Lock Screen. First, you need to check the “Multiple widgets” item, that is, whether the ability to use multiple widgets on the lock screen is enabled. You can also select application shortcuts that you need to quickly launch directly from the lockscreen. By the way, there is also a submenu with a choice between several options for displaying the lock screen.

Now the fun part, lock your smartphone and now check your lock screen. By swiping across the top of the screen, you can open the camera widget (on the right) or add your own widgets (on the left). Everything from Gmail notifications to Google Now is available to you.

Make more funny videos

If you want to photograph everything unusual that happens around you, then Galaxy camera S4 is natively suitable for this. You can even get a little creative with this and there are several ways to improve and spice up your creation.

First, open the camera app and tap on the camera settings icon at the top of the screen. Now select the icon that looks like a small video camera to open the video settings. You'll see options ranging from "Normal" to "MMS Limit," but there are also options like "Slow Motion" and "Fast Motion." And they are designed to do exactly what you think.

If you have one of these options checked, you will notice a pop-up icon to the right of the camera icon. This will allow you to shoot in fast or slow mode. Slow Motion lets you shoot at 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 the normal time, while Fast Motion lets you shoot at 2x, 4x, or 8x.

It is worth noting that both options negatively affect the quality of the video being shot. It's fun though.

Use Sound Adaptation

Many people talk about the adaptive capabilities of the Galaxy S4 display, but few discuss the ability to adapt the sound. First of all, I remembered the sound settings on the TV - movie mode, music mode, etc. But I was wrong.

Audio Adaptation is an option that checks your audio and your headphones' audio and then adjusts audio playback to focus only on the frequencies you can actually hear. To find this menu item, go to Settings / My Device / Sound. Scroll down and find Adapt Sound.

Plug in your headphones and start the test. This basically involves playing a series of sounds of different pitches to test which frequencies you can hear and see if there is a difference in hearing ability for each ear. The entire test will take about a minute at most. Once the test is completed, you can check the result and be surprised by it.

Personally, I found that the sound was clearer and clearer with the Audio Adaptation option enabled.

Use automatic brightness adjustment

If you use the auto-brightness setting anyway, then this tip won't be meaningful to you. But I usually turn off this option as soon as I get my hands on new smartphone. I prefer to manually control the display brightness level as there is a pretty good reason for doing so.

The Galaxy S4's screen has one of the largest brightness reserves to date, but you won't be able to set the brightness to maximum manually because it's likely intentionally limited to prevent burn-in or other damage to the display. There is no such problem with automatic brightness adjustment. The next time you find yourself squinting and trying to see what's happening on the screen on a sunny day, don't forget to check the box for automatically adjusting screen brightness in the Quick Settings area.

I would never have thought that a smartphone with a five-inch screen could be convenient. However, Samsung breaks this stereotype. Not only does the 2013 flagship Galaxy S4 have excellent characteristics in every sense, but it is even smaller and lighter than its predecessor, the Galaxy S3. Well, the number of all kinds of “tricks” in the new SGS4 is simply off the charts. We have collected all the interesting things about the new “Korean miracle” in our test review.

I cannot classify myself as a member of any clan of fans of mobile brands. For me, Samsung, Nokia, Apple, HTC or Google are the names of companies behind which there are people and their work. Some people do a good job, and some don't do a good job. Historically, I've always been very critical of Samsung. But what are these guys doing? Lately, you can't help but notice. To be honest, at one time it didn’t make an impression on me, just like all the previous devices in this line. I was constantly surprised by the huge sales of these devices. But the Galaxy S4 first hooked me.

If earlier it was possible to talk about any borrowing from competitors, now Samsung is going its own way. The company has a platform and they try to make it unique, personalizing it as much as possible and endowing it with unique services, functions, and features. This is what makes the Galaxy S4 interesting in the first place. Store salespeople have something to surprise a potential buyer. This is a definite plus.

Together with that new gadget became an evolution of the previous flagship. It has become more productive, faster and more convenient. The increase in screen diagonal to 5 inches did not affect the dimensions. On the contrary, the smartphone has become thinner, narrower and lighter. The main technical features of the SGS4 are a 5-inch screen, eight-core processor, 2 GB random access memory, high-capacity battery, 16 GB built-in memory, NFC support. All this is packaged in a plastic case with a glossy finish. But let's look at these characteristics in more detail.

Dimensions. Contents of delivery


The undoubted advantage of the new Galaxy S4 in terms of size is that the device has not become larger. Quite the contrary. It became thinner, narrower and lighter, and grew in length by only 0.4 mm.

Dimensions of the device are 137x70x8 mm. The edges of the body are rounded. Weight - 130 grams. Due to its size, it may be a little difficult to operate with one hand, for example, to reach the notification panel with your thumb. But you can carry the device in the pockets of tight clothes without any problems. I didn't notice any inconvenience here.

The scope of delivery includes:

  • Samsung i9500 Galaxy S4 phone
  • Battery 2600 mAh, lithium-ion
  • USB charger adapter
  • Cable for synchronization with computer
  • Stereo headset with miniJack 3.5 mm
  • Set of earplugs of different sizes
  • Instructions

Design and appearance


The design of the “four” has changed slightly compared to that. The body still has the same smoothed shapes. There is a lot of gloss on the front, as well as the back. However, the new product looks stricter thanks to less rounded corners and a redesigned end rim. The latter now looks less vulgar than the curved and clearly painted “metal” plastic of its predecessor. In the Galaxy S4, the silver edging is very similar to metal, although it is not.

Samsung has always been criticized for the lack of metal in the body of its flagships. The situation has not changed even now. It's also all plastic. True, this time it is not flimsy, and the material turned out to be more scratch-resistant. The assembly of the device is perfect. Thanks to this, I didn’t have the feeling that there was some kind of rattle toy in front of me. Quite the contrary. Everything is very reliable, tightly fitted.

I would like to note the extremely thin frame of the smartphone screen. As you get used to the phone, it seems to “dissolve” and the user is left alone with the most important thing - the screen.

Samsung Galaxy S4 is available in two versions: dark gray, almost black and white.

The entire front part of the device is occupied by a large 5-inch touchscreen display. Above it is the speaker frame. To the right and left of it there is a camera for video calls (2 megapixels) and various sensors: motion sensor, light sensor, G-sensor, infrared port. On the left there is an LED indicator that lights up when charging, missed calls and SMS.

Below the screen there is a menu button (in the center) and two touch keys for the context menu and return to one level. Everything is standard here.

The location of controls and other elements on the smartphone body has not changed compared to the Galaxy S3.

On the right side there is a button to turn on, turn off and lock the phone. On the left you can see the volume key. There is no camera button here; the camera app for shooting can only be launched from the menu or lock mode.

At the bottom end there is a standard microUSB connector for charging and connecting to a computer. At the top end there is a 3.5 mm headphone output.

On the back side you can see a 13 megapixel camera lens with autofocus and LED flash. At the bottom there is a speaker for external calls and audio playback. I would rate the sound as good. Even at an average level, you can clearly hear the call, even if the phone is in your clothes. But in terms of sound quality, the Galaxy S4 is completely inferior to sound.

The lithium-ion battery is located under a thin plastic battery cover. There is also a holder for a microSIM card and a memory card. In addition, there is a built-in memory of 16 GB.

The build quality of the Galaxy S4 is excellent. During the test I did not find any external defects. The impressions are extremely positive. The smartphone is assembled at the company's plant in Vietnam.

Screen. Graphics capabilities


The screen in modern smartphones is the clothing by which any device is greeted. In the case of the Galaxy S4, the display is good in all respects. Firstly, it is a 5-inch diagonal, and secondly, a resolution of 1080x1920 pixels (441 ppi). Crystal clear images, traditionally large viewing angles and even a narrow frame - all this has a positive effect on the perception of the device as a whole.

The Koreans played tricks with the settings, and now White color It doesn’t give off that much of a blue tint, which is typical for the Galaxy S3; it’s quite a bit short of the best examples of IPS matrices. At the same time, in the settings it remains possible to select a less acidic version of the color profile, which will bring the image quality even closer to IPS. In addition, it remains a perfect black color.

The only drawback of the display is that it is very large and difficult to operate with one hand. You cannot, for example, reach the top edge, corners, etc. with your thumb.

The screen is made using new class 3 Gorilla Glass. This glass is 20% thinner than its predecessor, but at the same time retains all its characteristics: it is 3 times stronger than conventional materials used in the manufacture of displays, and protects the screen from scratches and chips.

The phone supports video recording in mpeg4 format for maximum resolution, and in the settings you can specify whether the video will be recorded with or without sound. All settings are comparable to those for photographs, but the video resolutions are different, plus effects are supported. The camera can shoot videos with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, there are also 1280x720, 720x480 pixels (30 frames), or a resolution of 640x480 pixels (30 frames). Two additional resolutions - 320x240 and 176x144 pixels.

The recorded video is not bad. It looks great on a phone screen and looks good on a computer too.

Photos and videos can be viewed from the Multimedia menu. Photos and videos are displayed as thumbnails, the list opens very quickly, there are no delays even with a large number of photos or images. In the gallery, you can scroll through photos using gestures. All this became possible thanks to the built-in accelerometer.

Memory and speed


A version of the smartphone with 16 GB memory is currently available in stores.

The performance of the Galaxy S4 is high, it is many times faster than its predecessors. This can be seen from the very beginning of using the device. The interface flies and applications launch in a couple of seconds.

Samsung Galaxy S4 is equipped with Exynos 5 Octa: four ARM Cortex-A15 cores (1.6 GHz) + four ARM Cortex-A7 cores (1.2 GHz). There is an integrated video accelerator PowerVR SGX544MP3. In addition, the device has 2 GB of RAM. There is enough RAM to ensure that no application feels left out.

It is very easy for the average user to evaluate the performance of a smartphone: the device runs any content without any lag, be it a 1080p video or a modern game like Max Payne.

Communication capabilities


In addition to the standard connection to a computer via microUSB, the Galaxy S4 supports Bluetooth 4.0. Bluetooth provides wireless connection peripherals: for example, A2DP/AVRCP stereo headsets.

When connected to a USB port, there are several connection options: Media, Charge only, Storage, Samsung Keis. In Storage mode, the device is picked up perfectly without additional drivers, and you can copy the necessary data.