September 21 is an Orthodox holiday of signs. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what you can do and what you cannot do. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what not to do

26.10.2021 Diseases

Orthodox holiday Christmas Holy Mother of God means the great triumph of faith and the appearance to the World of the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Lord. Her appearance in the Light of God was a miracle, as was virgin birth

, who revealed the Savior to the World.

History of the celebration

According to Tradition, the Virgin Mary was born in Jerusalem.

But in the Russian Orthodox Church there is a widespread version, which was universally adhered to by Saint Demetrius of Rostov, that Her birth into the light of God happened in Nazareth, where her parents Joachim and Anna lived.

Birth of the Virgin Mary

So... North of Jerusalem in the mountainous region near the Ezdrelon Valley lay the small town of Nazareth. This city, like its inhabitants, was not famous for anything significant, so there was an opinion among the Jews that nothing good could come from Nazareth.

But a married couple lived in this town; it was them who God chose to be the parents of the Mother of the Savior of the World. Coming from a royal family and the daughter of a high priest, Joachim and Anna were wealthy people, had wealth, servants and a household. But this did not prevent them from treating each other reverently, leading a God-fearing life, and showing acts of mercy. For these qualities, the townspeople loved the pious Christian family very much.

But the spouses were very depressed by the absence of children, and in those days it was a sign of God’s punishment (wrath). But the couple did not grumble, they constantly begged for the gift of joy in life in the form of a long-awaited baby, although in their advanced years the birth of a child, in principle, was no longer possible.

The Virgin Mary and her parents

Angel's Message

The same Angel appeared to Joachim. He announced to him the imminent birth of his daughter. In response, the righteous husband promised that if it happened that Anna gave birth to a daughter, he would certainly give her to serve God.

The righteous man headed to Jerusalem, where Anna was waiting for him at the golden gates, and together they returned to Nazareth. And after the expiration of the pregnancy, the woman gave birth to a daughter, whom the parents named Mary, as the Angel ordered.

Joachim arranged a grand feast, to which many people were convened. During the feast, the father raised his daughter and asked the priests to bless her.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Fresco by Giotto

The meaning of the holiday

It was at a time when the world was experiencing the greatest decline moral values and there was a great need for a revival of faith, the Blessed Virgin was born. It was She who was chosen by the Creator to be the most worthy of the worthy in order to be the Mother of God and reveal to the world in the form of human nature the Son of God.

The birth of Mary brought the earthly world closer to the Kingdom of God, to the knowledge of truth and eternal life in Christ. And the Mother of God Herself was destined to be the merciful Intercessor of Orthodox Christians.

How to celebrate the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Since the 6th century, believers have rushed to churches where solemn services are held. People glorify God and the day when the Lord gave the world, in the form of the Most Pure Virgin, hope for the coming of the Savior to the world.

Housewives baked bread with the letters “P” and “B”, which meant “Nativity of the Virgin Mary”. They were distributed to all family members, relatives, friends, and kept under the icon of Jesus Christ until the day of His Nativity. It was believed that by eating a piece of this bread with prayer, it was possible to be cured of all kinds of ailments.

In the Holy Land, Jerusalem and Nazareth become centers of pilgrimage during these holidays. A huge stream of believers flocks to shrines associated with the earthly life of the Queen of Heaven. People are especially eager to visit the source of the Virgin Mary and the Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary in Nazareth, and the Greek Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem. According to Tradition, it was built on the site where Mary’s parents’ house previously stood.

On this day, Heaven hears all the prayers of Orthodox Christians, so it is necessary to repent of sins, thank the Creator and prayerfully ask for the fulfillment of what is asked.

Important point! On the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, meat or non-lenten foods. It's a fast day! Physical work is prohibited, quarrels and judgments are taboo. It is necessary to maintain spiritual purity, practice virtue, and help in word and deed.

Icon "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Holiday customs: what can and should be done on this day

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the world is considered a women's holiday, when every lady should be revered as a continuator of the family.

Childless women attend a festive service, after which they arrange a dinner and invite the poor to the table, so that after the meal they pray for the hostess, who dreams of giving her a baby. It is believed that the prayers of the Mother of God for the gift of children, offered precisely on the day of Her Nativity, have special power.

Previously this Mother of God holiday was considered the beginning of the new year. It was customary to light a torch and not extinguish it even at night. When the first one burned out, the next one was ignited and so on. IN modern times Some believers adhere to this tradition: they constantly have a lamp burning near the icons, day and night.

The Day of the Nativity of the Mother of God began the matchmaking countdown: from this day on, matchmakers were sent to the houses of unmarried girls. On this day it is also good to have a wedding - the family will always be under the Protection of the Queen of Heaven.

From ancient times to the present day, there has been a tradition: women went to the reservoir early in the morning. It is believed that if a girl or woman washes her face before sunrise, the beauty of her face will remain until old age. Of course, there is something pagan in this, but there is no harm.

From the week of Christmas, housewives removed onions from the beds, and before it began, it was necessary to remove all other crops from the fields. Villagers sowed fields with rye, and beekeepers prepared hives for wintering.

Folk signs

September 21 is the day of the autumnal equinox. From this date, daylight hours gradually decrease, and nights, on the contrary, become longer. By the weather, people determined what the coming autumn and winter would be like.

Birds rise up into the sky - autumn will not come soon. If flocks of birds huddle close to the ground and look for food, then a harsh and hungry winter should be expected.

A clear sun on the Mother of God means the continuation of autumn and the preservation of warmth until October.

The morning sky is starry and clear - for the imminent onset of frost.

Fog at Christmas is a harbinger of rain. If it dissipates quickly, you should expect alternating rainy and clear weather.

Rain from early morning means bad weather for another 40 days and a cold winter.

On September 21, 2018, the Orthodox world celebrates a great holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is one of the most important and revered in church calendar. Traditionally, on this holiday people offer prayers to the Virgin Mary. Also, at all times on this day, women were revered - the continuers of the human race.

The holiday was established back in the 4th century. Over such a long time, it has acquired its own unique traditions and customs. Also on this important day there are a number of prohibitions imposed by the church. It is worth knowing about them in order to spend this important day correctly, in peace and harmony.

September 21, 2018 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what can and definitely should be done on this holiday. Orthodox Christians always strive to get to church on this day. There they offer prayers to the Mother of God. It is believed that on such a great day, everyone can turn to the Higher Powers with prayers and requests for help and intercession, and all prayers will certainly be heard.

You definitely need to repent on this holiday for your past sins. It is also necessary to ask for forgiveness from your parents on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 21, 2018, and pray for their health and longevity.

Since the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21, 2018 coincides with a national holiday, on this day it is customary to go to visit and invite guests to your place. You can also set the table and invite your family and friends over to celebrate this day together. However, you should not arrange too lavish feasts.

Women always tried to meet the dawn of this holiday near a natural reservoir. They believed that if, on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one washes oneself from a river or lake before sunrise, one can preserve beauty, health and youth for many years. And the girls believed that such a ritual would help them quickly find their love and get married.

September 21, 2018 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what not to do on this holiday. There are not very many prohibitions on this holiday, but they still exist. As on any church holiday, on this day it is strictly forbidden to swear, swear, use foul language, or show dissatisfaction and aggression.

It is advisable on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21, 2018, to put aside all business and household chores, and spend this day in prayer and communicating with loved ones.

The Church does not approve of mass celebrations and entertainment events on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also better to avoid watching entertainment television programs on this day.

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21, 2018, you cannot eat meat or any other non-lenten foods.

Today, September 21 (September 8, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

St. John (1957) and St. George (1962), confessors (Georgian). Icons of Sophia of the Wisdom of God (Kyiv). Icons of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Izyaslavskaya; Syamskaya (1524); Glinskaya (XVI); Lukianovskaya (XVI); Isaac (1659). Icons of the Mother of God: Kholmskaya, Kursk-Root "Sign" (1295); Pochaevskaya (1559); Lesninskaya; Domnitskaya (1696).

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Blessed Virgin Mary

Great, twelfth, universal, according to the importance of the event. Celebrating the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the church and holy fathers glorify the highest degree of approach of the Divine to grace-filled unity with humanity.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated by the Holy Orthodox Church as one of the great holidays on September 8 (September 21, new style).
Currently, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is still celebrated by the Church on September 8, has one day of pre-feast (September 7) and four days of post-feast, as well as giving (September 12).

Holiday September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary- the beginning of all Christian holidays. And not only because this is the first twelfth holiday of the new church year (September 1/14 church new year), but also the beginning of the fulfillment of the salvation promised by God for the human race from the curse that weighed on it. This is a holiday of universal joy: She was born who miraculously gave the Savior to the world.

Celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The parents of the Most Holy Theotokos were Saints Joachim and Anna, from the Jewish people, pious people. They lived in the small town of Nazareth. Joachim came from the royal Davidic family, and Anna came from the priestly Aaronic family. They lived to old age without having children. Not having children was then considered among the Jews to be disfavored by God, and therefore Joachim and Anna grieved greatly, but did not despair and prayed that the Lord would grant them children, like Abraham and Sarah. They promised that if God gave them a child, they would dedicate him to God, that is, as was the custom then, they would give him to the temple to serve until he came of age. Finally, the Lord heard the prayer of the righteous Joachim and Anna and gave them a daughter, but first tested their patience once again.

One day Joachim came to the temple and brought a gift. The priest did not accept the gift from him and said that he was not worthy to bring the gift because he was childless; and childlessness is probably punished for some sins. “I will not go home,” said Joachim, “but I will go into the desert and pray and fast there until God promises me children.” Anna was just as upset. The maid reproached her with these words: “God does not love you and does not give you children.” In grief, Anna went out into the garden and sat down under a tree. On a tree she saw a bird's nest with babies. This upset Anna even more. “The birds have children, but I don’t have them,” she said and began to cry. Then an angel appeared to her and said: “Don’t cry, God will give you a daughter. Go and meet your husband." At the same time, an angel appeared to Joachim and said: “God has heard your prayer. He will give you a Daughter in whom all people will rejoice. Go home." Anna went and met her husband, and they told each other that God had promised them a daughter through an angel, and they thanked God. And indeed, a year later, on September 8, their daughter was born. They named her Maria.

Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pochaev Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Pochaev Lavra in the Volyn diocese on Pochaev Mountain. The mountain itself got its name from the village of Pochaev. In the XIV century. Two monks were saved in a cave on the Pochaev Mountain. In 1340, they once saw the Blessed Virgin Mary standing on a stone on the top of a mountain in a column of fire. Having ascended the mountain, the monks saw that on the stone where the Most Holy Theotokos stood, there remained a pressed imprint of Her right foot, filled with clear water, as if the stone had melted under the foot of the Mother of God and began to exude water. This trail remains to this day, still filled with water, which never decreases or overflows. Miracles began to happen at this source.

In 1537, Metropolitan Neophytos of Constantinople visited the house of a certain Panna Goyskaya and blessed her with an icon of the Mother of God. Soon miracles began to happen from this icon. Then, in 1597, Goyskaya took the icon to Pochaev Mountain and gave it to the monks who lived in a cave there. A church was built on the mountain, the number of monks began to increase, and thus the Pochaev Lavra was founded. In 1675, through the prayer of the monks before the icon, the monastery was saved from the attack of the Turks. The Pochaev Icon is revered not only by Orthodox Christians, but also by Catholics; people come to worship her from distant parts of Russia. The icon is richly decorated. The Mother of God and the Infant of God are wearing crowns, surrounded by saints, including the prophet Elijah, the first martyr Stephen, the Venerable Paraskeva and others.

Kholm Icon of the Mother of God located in the city of Kholm, in the cathedral. It is believed that it was written by the Evangelist Luke and brought from Constantinople by the holy Prince Vladimir. The icon was also in the hands of the Tatars, who inflicted two hitherto visible wounds on it, and the Poles. This icon, like the Kiev-Pechersk icon, is placed above the royal doors and lowered on cords. She attracts countless pilgrims.

“The Sign” Kursk “Root” Icon of the Mother of God located in Kursk, in a monastery. In 1295, it was found at the root of a tree, with its front side facing the ground, which is why it received the name Root. When they lifted the icon, a source of water formed in the place where it lay. Prince Rylsky-Shemyaka built the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the city and erected an icon. But the icon repeatedly returned to the place of its appearance, and then a chapel was built there. In 1383, the Tatars wanted to burn the chapel, but could not; the icon was split and abandoned. Subsequently, the icon was found and glued together. In 1612, when the Poles were besieging Kursk, the residents of the city saw the special help of the Mother of God and promised to build a monastery in the middle of the city in the name of the miraculous Icon of the Sign. The monastery was established, and in 1618 the icon was transferred to it. Since that time, every year, on Friday of the 9th week after Easter, the miraculous icon with procession is transferred from Kursk to the place of her appearance and remains there until September 13. Many pilgrims come to honor her. Kursk residents, through prayers before the icon, saw salvation both from hunger under Godunov and from the French in 1812.

Isaac's Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the St. Isaac's monastery in the Yaroslavl diocese. The icon appeared in the village of Isaac in 1659. The monastery was built in 1662. On this icon, a hieromonk, a bishop, a priest and a deacon stand side by side; the priest holds in his hands an icon of the Mother of God - without the Infant God.

Syamsk Icon of the Mother of God became famous in the 16th century. In 1524, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to the Vologda peasant Rodionov, who had been lying in paralysis for two years, and commanded him to go to the Syamskaya volost of the Vologda diocese and tell him to build a monastery there in the name of Her Nativity. For fulfilling the command, he was promised healing from his illness. Rodionov fulfilled the command and recovered. The villagers, having seen the miracle of healing, founded a monastery, where the temple icon became miraculous and became known under the name Syamskaya.

Icon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God exists in several versions.
The icons in the St. Sophia churches in Constantinople (which was built by Emperor Justinian and, after the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, turned into a mosque) and in Kyiv (which was built by Yaroslav) are written like this: a house or temple is presented in which, under a canopy supported by two pillars, stands the Mother of God in a chiton with a veil on his head. The arms and hands of the Most Holy Theotokos are outstretched, her feet are firmly planted on the crescent moon. With her forehead on her right hand is a Child blessing with her right hand and holding a scepter in her left. Above the canopy are written the words: Wisdom made herself a house, and established the seven pillars. Above the house above in the radiance of rays are God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and next to Them is the Heavenly Church, and seven archangels stand in the clouds. On the steps of the house, next to the Mother of God, the earthly Church of God is represented: the Old Testament forefathers and prophets are depicted.
The Icon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God in the Sophia Nogorod Church is written like this: the Lord Almighty in dalmatics (royal clothing), with fiery wings, like the Great Council Angel (Isa. 9: 6), on a fiery throne with seven pillars. Around Him is a blue sky with stars, on the sides is the Mother of God with an icon of Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist is the closest witness to the incarnation of the Son of God. Above is the Savior in a circle of fire and the inscription: The Wisdom of God; even higher is the blue sky again, and on the golden throne is the Gospel, in front of which stand three kneeling angels. The icons of Sophia represent the Mother of God, who served as the embodiment of Wisdom, that is, the Son of God, or the most embodied Wisdom. Therefore, the celebration of this icon takes place on the Mother of God days: in Kyiv - on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, in Novgorod, Moscow and other places - on the day of the Assumption.

Domnitsa Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared on the banks of the Domnitsa River in the Chernigov district, 12 versts from the city of Berezny, in 1696. Hetman Mazepa built a monastery here.

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered very tender and sensitive. It is on this day that the birth of the Virgin Mary, who became the mother of Jesus Christ, is celebrated.

Like every year, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on September 21. According to the previous calendar, it fell on September 8th. It is also common among people to call this holiday the Most Pure One. On this holiday, it is not advisable to gossip, quarrel, deceive, or slander. It’s better to forget and let go of all your grievances that are lurking.

You need to listen to the advice:

  • Be sure to fast, you can’t eat meat or drink wine;
  • It is not allowed to quarrel with relatives and others, you need to try to solve problems peacefully;
  • you should not get carried away with physical labor, you should reschedule all work related to the garden;
  • crumbs left on the table after dinner should not be swept onto the floor;
  • uneaten bread is given to animals;
  • on this day there should be only pure thoughts;
  • you cannot raise your voice to your loved ones - this is a great sin;
  • You cannot wish harm on others.

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, you must follow the rules

Christians know Mary not only as the Mother of God and Mother of God, but also consider her to be a “person of prayer”, a protector of children and women before God. That is why the female sex especially needs to remember the holiday. If it’s not too much trouble, you should definitely visit the church and attend the service. You need to pray for your children and your family, and be grateful for every day you live. The Lord and Our Lady should also be thanked.

Prayer on this day is the most powerful; they say that only those who share their worries with the Virgin Mary get a feeling of lightness. In the past, girls prayed very carefully in order to get married well. And you must not forget to set the table on this day. The parents were confident that the more hospitable they were, the richer the harvest would be. Food must be lean; cooking meat dishes, dairy is prohibited. And of course there is a ban on alcohol.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to visit someone this holiday. If your parents are in another city, then you need to visit them. It is considered a good omen to meet the sunrise by the river. For married girls, this is a chance to put off old age until later, and for unmarried girls, this is a sign of early marriage. And yet, you need to wipe your face with water from the river.

Beliefs for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • good weather - warm autumn;
  • The Most Pure One has come - the tree is clean, the Intercession will come - the tree is bare;
  • if it rains in the morning, it can last another 40 days and bring with it a frosty winter;
  • the winter will have little snow if the morning sun dries the dew;
  • If the dew dries before lunch, then a snowy winter awaits.

The Origin of the Feast of the Virgin Mary

Once upon a time, Anna and Joachim lived in Nazareth. They didn't have children, and they were very worried about it. Children among Jews were considered a blessing, and for families without children, priests could refuse to accept gifts. However, this is what happened to Joachim, when he brought gifts to the temple, they were rejected by the priest. When Anna learned about this, she began to cry. At that moment an angel stood over Anna and said:

“You will conceive and give birth to a Daughter, blessed above all. Through Her, all earthly peoples will receive God's blessing. Through Her, Salvation will be given to all people. Her name will be Mary."

And an angel also came to Anna’s husband and said that he would become a father. Indeed, after 9 months a girl is born, who in the future became hope for the people.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary: prayers for help, happiness and prosperity

On the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers for personal happiness and family well-being acquire special power. Not a single sincere request goes unheard on this wonderful Orthodox holiday.

Prayer for help on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Every person needs the help and intercession of the Lord. Prayers to the Mother of God have amazing power, and through them the Mother of God will show you a way out of a desperate situation. The entire life story of the Virgin Mary is in one way or another connected with the Lord. She is the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, and she has the power to ask for help for you when you or your loved ones are in trouble.

It is customary to read the prayer to the Mother of God in moments of despair, when hope for the triumph of justice is lost, and there is nowhere to expect support. The main thing is that the words come from a pure heart and are supported by strong faith. Even if the trouble has passed or does not threaten you at all, make it a rule to read the prayer request of the Mother of God. This will protect you from sharp turns of fate and soften fateful moments in life. A prayer that helps to find support, protection and help sounds like this:

“Oh, Holy Virgin! Please, become my intercessor and do not leave me without help and support! Protect me from lies and all kinds of troubles, from bitterness, suffering and anger. Help me stand on the true path, strengthen my faith. Help me in the fight against my enemies, protect me from attacks and from all evil spirits. Please give me the strength to cope with all illnesses and adversities. Heal my soul and help me rise from my knees again. For only you can help me, Most Holy Theotokos, our intercessor. Glory forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Mother of God for happiness

When it comes to the grace of God, the face of the Virgin Mary appears before our eyes, who found true happiness through prayers and a righteous life. That's why this prayer represents a sincere appeal to the Blessed Virgin. Every person deserves happiness, and you can bring it closer by reading a prayer request with the hope of a quick miracle:

"Holy Mother of God! I pray, open my heart to love and tender feelings. Let there be no place for grief and anger in my soul. Give me more love and joy, give my family happiness and smiles. Do not let me know sorrow and sorrow, send me luck, bliss and prosperity! May Your name be glorified now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for the well-being of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The concept of “well-being” is broad. But on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, prosperity is nothing more than family happiness and prosperity. The legend of the birth of the Virgin Mary is a story full of God's love and compassion. It is known that the Mother of God was born through the prayers of her righteous parents, who until old age harbored hope for a child, praying to the Lord daily.

Prayer for well-being is completely natural for anyone who wants to find harmony and understanding with their spouse, parents and children. In the awareness of a believer, love is mutual respect, support, care.

The prayers to the Mother of God are presented in translation from Church Slavonic to make them easier to learn by heart. In order for your requests to reach the Mother of God, you should read them daily, morning and evening. Having embarked on the path of religious education, it is important to remain faithful to the chosen path. You should continue to read prayers for happiness and prosperity, even if there are already noticeable changes in your personal life. Prayer to the Mother of God for well-being:

“Oh, our Savior, Queen of Heaven! Hear and don't leave us unattended! We will rejoice with you on this bright holiday. Do not leave us in moments of burden and sadness, become our intercessor and do not leave us without your protection. Do not let us wallow in sin, give us joy, happiness, prosperity in the family and in our lives. Walk our spiritual path with us, for at the end of the path we will stand before the throne of the Lord. Deliver us from difficulties and grief, Most Pure Virgin, so that our souls may be drawn to the light and heaven. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Remember, only sincere prayers will the Mother of God be able to hear and come to your aid. Pray from the bottom of your heart, and then you will certainly find happiness, prosperity and support. You can also always carry a handwritten prayer with you, and it will work as a talisman, protecting you from evil and troubles. We wish you a great mood and strong faith. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Prayers to the Mother of God for children

For any parent, the health and happiness of the child is important. Find out what prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary will help you protect yours.

Prayers for prosperity and prosperity

If you want to improve your financial situation and reach the highest point of happiness, contacting higher powers. By using.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary: history, traditions and signs of the holiday

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, like the Nativity of Christ, is one of the important Orthodox holidays. Associated with this celebration.

Icon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

The icon “Protection of the Virgin Mary” is one of the most significant shrines among all Orthodox images. This icon symbolizes.

Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God

The miraculous image of the Virgin Mary grants healing to everyone who turns to it in prayer. The icon of the Mother of God helps.

Today is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: this is the prayer they read on this day!

It is believed that on this day the Most Holy Theotokos hears every request addressed to her!

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, like the Nativity of Christ, is one of the important Orthodox holidays. This celebration is associated with important traditions that every Orthodox believer must observe.

On September 21, many churches in our country will host solemn services in honor of the Birth of the Great Mother of God. It was on this day that the Virgin Mary was born, who later gave the world the Savior - Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, little information has reached our time about the history of the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. But it is known that the holiday began to be celebrated at the beginning of the 7th century. The Mother of God was born during the reign of the Great Herod, in a small town near Jerusalem. At that time, there lived a believing childless couple - the spouses Anna and Joachim, who every day prayed to the Lord to give them a child. One day an angel appeared to them, informing them that God had heard their prayers and sent the couple a girl, whom they named Mary.

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an Orthodox holiday and is celebrated every year on September 21. On the day of the holiday, it is customary to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for absolutely everything that worries and worries you in any way. The Mother of God will not ignore any prayer and will rejoice if believers offer her prayers of thanks.

Before the Icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is customary to pray for the salvation of lost souls and to guide them on the true path.

Prayer before the icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Theotokos! Look with mercy at the prayers of us, Thy sinners and humble servants, and pray to God Thy Son, that He may bestow upon us and all who flow to You, mental and physical health and everything necessary for eternal and temporal life, and forgive us every free sin. and involuntary; may he deliver us from all sorrows and illnesses, misfortunes and all evil circumstances. To her, our Blessing Queen, our indestructible Hope and invincible Intercessor! Do not turn Your face away from us for our many sins; but extend to us the hand of Thy Motherly mercy, and do a sign for good with us. Show us Thy rich help and prosper in every good deed; Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and evil plan, so that we may glorify Your Most Honorable Name and worship Your honorable image; and we magnify God the Father, and His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, with all the saints, forever and ever. Amen.

The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is directly related to the prayers of a married couple from Jerusalem - Joachim and Anna. Only thanks to prayer, the Lord heeded the requests of the couple and blessed them to conceive.

And now, on September 21, on the birthday of the Virgin Mary, absolutely all Orthodox women who, for one reason or another, cannot bear and give birth to a long-awaited child, turn to prayers for the conception of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Prayer for Conception at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, asked of God with holy prayers, dedicated to God, beloved by God, and chosen for purity for the sake of Your soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not please You or who will not sing of Your glorious Nativity, for Your Birth is the beginning of our salvation.

Accept your praise from us, the unworthy, and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we fall to You in tenderness and we ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother to intercede quickly: ask Your Son and our God to give us sinners, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that the opportunity to live is pleasing to God and beneficial to our souls.

O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, look mercifully on Your servants who have not yet been able to bear offspring and through Your all-powerful intercession have granted them healing from infertility. O Mother of God and Nourisher of our life, help us and save the faithful children of the Holy Church, hear our prayers, heal the sick, quench sorrow, direct courage for good.

In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: ask us from the All-Merciful Lord God for forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary, for salvation, peace, silence and piety for our suffering fatherland. And ask us for everything that is so necessary for our life and salvation from Your Son, Christ our God.

You are our hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. Together with all the saints, we tirelessly ask you for your intercession and glorify the one True God, worshiped in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

On this holiday, it was a mandatory tradition for women to attend church to light a candle to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The candle was wrapped with a piece of paper on which they wrote their requests in advance. Whatever desires burn, those will be fulfilled. If all desires burned, it means that all requests will be fulfilled.

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September 21 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Prayer to the Mother of God for family

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great holiday for all Christians of all denominations. This is the day when miracles are possible, when illnesses recede and when warmth arises between people.

You can say prayer words in church during a service, or say them at home in front of the corresponding icon and a lit church candle.

On September 21, 2017, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the first twelfth holiday after the advent of the new year, the church new year. We will tell you what the essence of this holiday is, what you can and cannot do on this day, how to ask the Mother of God for health, prosperity, love and family well-being.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the essence and history of the holiday

The Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary is a great consolation for childless spouses. This day opens a new church year - the whole history of the New Testament begins with the birth of a little girl, who will be called the Throne of God, who will become the Door through which the Savior of the World Christ will appear.

The holiday was established by the church in honor of a miraculous event that is described in the Bible:

The mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, was born in the city of Nazareth from pious parents, Joachim and Anna. They lived to an old age, but were childless, which became the source of their grief and caused public censure. One day the high priest did not accept a sacrifice from Joachim, and he, inconsolable, withdrew into the desert, where he began to pray fervently. Anna stayed at home and also prayed. At this time, an angel appeared to both of them and announced to each: “The Lord has heeded your prayer, you will conceive and give birth, and your offspring will be talked about all over the world.” Having learned the good news, the couple met at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. And soon a daughter was born into their family. The happy couple made a vow to dedicate their child to God and gave their daughter Mary to the Jerusalem Temple, where she served until she came of age.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary: fasting or not, what you can eat

You should fast on the day of the Nativity of the Mother of God only if the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday - fast days. But even in this case, the church allows the consumption of fish and seafood.

In 2017, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on Thursday, this is not a fast day, which means housewives can prepare both Lenten treats and meat dishes.

In every family, it is customary to set a large table in honor of this holiday. It is believed that the more richly the housewife prepares for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the more bountiful the harvest will be next year. Therefore, do not forget to pay tribute to nature by placing a basket of apples, pears, plums and grapes on the table.

What you can and cannot do on the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

There are no special or special prohibitions on September 21, but, like on any other church holiday, believers should adhere to some rules.

According to tradition, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary they try:

  • do not engage in physical labor unless absolutely necessary.
  • You cannot do “dirty” household work on this day - washing floors, cleaning the house, burning garbage in the yard, etc.
  • You should not start cleaning the house on a holiday;
  • It is considered a great sin to sweep crumbs from the festive table onto the floor;
  • On this day, women did not pick up a needle and scissors, did not cut bread, did not sew or embroider.
  • On a holiday you can’t quarrel or make trouble.

Here's what you need to do on this day:

  • Be sure to visit the church and sincerely pray to the Virgin Mary. It is believed that on this day all prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary will be heard.
  • Also light a candle to the icon of the Mother of God and ask her for protection and help.
  • Among the people, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was considered the beginning of the new year. Therefore, on this day it was customary to light a new candle in the house - the fire should attract only the best to you.

What to pray for on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

On this day they pray for the gift of a child. If there are no children in the family for a long time, then they turn to both the Mother of God and Her parents Joachim and Anna, who, as is known, did not have children for a long time.

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, they also pray during troubles and difficulties in family life. Righteous Joachim and Anna are Christian example family life.

The prayer of the Mother of God on her Nativity will not go unanswered: ask the Mother of God for what you sincerely desire with all your heart and your wish will certainly come true.

Prayer to the Mother of God for healing from infertility and conceiving a child

“O My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, my indestructible hope, accept these prayers with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy, have mercy on the servant of God (name) and grant me healing from my infertility and the opportunity to conceive a child from my husband.”

“Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, asked of God with holy prayers, dedicated to God, beloved by God, and chosen for purity for the sake of Your soul and body by the Mother of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Who will not please You or who will not sing of Your glorious Nativity, for Your Birth is the beginning of our salvation.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21, 2017: what not to do, signs, prayer

When is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017

This is a permanent holiday and is celebrated on the same day every year. This means that in 2017 the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on September 21.

The Virgin Mary in Orthodoxy has always been revered in a special way and therefore many holidays have been established in her honor. An example of this is the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. However, few people know that most Orthodox holidays were established not out of respect for the saints, but in order to provide an alternative to pagan ones after the Baptism of Rus'. Previously, instead of this holiday, the day of the autumn equinox was celebrated, which is why many rituals and traditions are so different from Christian ones. Let's find out more about this holiday.

The story of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to existing Tradition, the place where the Nativity of the Virgin Mary took place is located in Jerusalem. However, in Russian Orthodox Church a version became widespread that the parents of the Virgin Mary lived in Nazareth and it was there that she was born.

The parents of the Virgin Mary enjoyed universal love and respect. However, they were depressed by one sorrow: they were childless, which the Jews considered a sign of God’s punishment. They constantly asked God to send them joy in the child. One day he heard from a certain Reuben a harsh reproach: “Why do you want to bring your gifts to God before others? After all, you are unworthy, as barren!” Out of great grief, Joachim withdrew into the desert for fasting and prayer.

Having learned about this, righteous Anna, recognizing herself as the culprit of their childlessness, also grieved and began to pray even more fervently to God so that He would hear her and send her a child. In one of these moments of prayer, the Angel of the Lord appeared to her and said: “Your prayer is heard by God, and you will conceive and give birth to a blessed daughter, above all earthly daughters. For Her sake all generations of the earth will be blessed. Name her Mary.” After the prescribed period of pregnancy, righteous Anna gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Mary, as the Angel commanded her.

After a year, St. Joachim arranged a feast, to which he called the priests, elders and all his acquaintances. At this feast, he raised his Blessed Daughter and, showing everyone, asked the priests to bless Her.

Traditions for Christmas

The year of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2017 falls on Lent, but the church allows fish and seafood. As traditional dishes, pies filled with fish were served.

Mushroom pies were also popular. All women in every home were expected to give generously to the poor and needy. If this could not be done for any reason, it was considered a big disaster - the woman risked remaining infertile, and well-being and prosperity could leave the house.

Among the Eastern Slavs, the day is dedicated to the harvest, fertility and family well-being. By this time, field work is completed: harvesting, exporting grain to barns, harvesting flax. On this day, they honored and thanked the Mother of God (Mother - Cheese-Earth) for the harvest. It was believed that she gives prosperity, patronizes agriculture, family and especially mothers. In some places, funerals are held for the dead, as on St. Demetrius Saturday.

  • Previously, it was believed that by September 21st, the entire harvest from the fields should be harvested. On this festive occasion, people held great feasts. The richer the table was set, the richer the harvest for the next year. This is a kind of gift to nature for its generosity. Depending on what harvest was harvested, the celebration lasted for that long: a great harvest was celebrated for two weeks, and a small one for only three days.
  • On the church holiday of September 21, 2016, old people passed on their experience to young couples. We went to the newlyweds and passed on wisdom from their grandparents. If the young people listened carefully and followed all the advice, it was believed that they would have a happy and comfortable life.
  • The feast of the Most Holy Theotokos on September 21 was considered the day when autumn fully entered into its legal rights. From that day onwards it began to get colder. If on this day the weather pleases you with its good warmth and sun, then autumn will be warm and clear. If, on the contrary, it is gloomy and cloudy on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, you cannot do without umbrellas and warm clothes in the fall.
  • We also looked at vegetables. The more peel there is on the onion, the more severe and cold the winter will be, according to the signs.
  • There is even a sign regarding pets for this day. Since previously everyone in the villages kept cattle or other domestic animals, it was believed that seeing a ghost in the house meant the imminent death of one of the pets. But this could be avoided by taking fur from the animal and burning it in the place where the ghost was seen. In this case, disaster was avoided.

What not to do on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Engage in heavy physical labor: work around the house, in the garden.
  • Sweep crumbs onto the floor during a family meal. If there was any bread left after a meal, it was given to domestic animals.
  • Quarrel with loved ones and conflict with others (try to resolve any controversial issues peacefully).
  • Raising your voice at loved ones (this is a sin!), being mean to others, or thinking badly about someone.
  • Consume meat and alcohol. On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary it was necessary to fast.

Troparion for the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Your Nativity, Virgin Mary,

joy to proclaim to the whole universe:

from Thee has risen the Sun of Truth, Christ our God,

and, having broken the oath, I gave a blessing,

and having abolished death, she gave us eternal life.

Kontakion of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tone 4)

Joachim and Anna of the reproach of childlessness

and Adam and Eve were freed from mortal aphids, O Most Pure One,