What does the virgin birth mean? Immaculate Conception, interesting fact Does the Immaculate Conception exist?

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A resident of Poland filed a claim against an Egyptian hotel in July 2009. Magdalena Kwiatkowska claims that her 13-year-old daughter became pregnant while swimming in a hotel pool, where there was... “accidental sperm” in the water!

Messengers of God?

The Polish woman intended to obtain substantial compensation from the Egyptian side, although its amount was not specified. “The woman is adamant that her daughter did not date any boys while she was in Egypt, so she is determined to get things moving,” a travel source told The Daily Mail.

Nonsense? A banal money scam? Not so simple. It turns out that in order to get pregnant, a woman does not need a male partner at all and, even moreover, his sperm is not always needed!

English scientists recently announced that in the future they will begin to impregnate women without using male sperm. The method they discovered involves the presence of two female eggs, which are connected in a certain way, after which a human embryo is born in them.

True, this same-sex fertilization has one drawback - as a result, only girls will be born.

At the same time, such a method is a thing of the future, however, even without it, some representatives of the fairer sex, both in the past and today, in the most incredible way, “got pregnant” and gave birth to completely normal children!

Recently, for example, in France, seventeen-year-old Parisian Anouk Didier, distinguished by her piety and strict disposition, unexpectedly for everyone, including herself, became pregnant. Not only was the girl a virgin, but she had never even kissed a man, which she herself and her relatives and friends swore in the Bible.

The French scientists who studied this phenomenal phenomenon stated with surprise: the Anouk egg was not fertilized from the outside, the embryo was formed as a result of... self-conception.

After the required nine months, Didier successfully gave birth to a sweet girl. Both in appearance and in all medical indicators, the newborn turned out to be completely normal, no different from ordinary children.

Around the same time as in France, in one of the monasteries in the south of Great Britain, the nun Margaret, famous for her chastity and meekness, unexpectedly became pregnant. Of course, she was immediately suspected of secret fornication and expelled from the monastery in disgrace. Neither the collective statement of other nuns, who tried to assure the church authorities of the innocence of their “sister,” nor Margaret’s appeal to medical specialists, who confirmed that she had never had sexual intimacy with men, helped.

Now the former nun is raising her daughter Mary. By the way, many parishioners are seriously interested in her immaculately conceived daughter, considering her a messenger of God. Several sick women who asked permission to touch the child (in this way they wanted to get rid of the ailments that tormented them) were actually healed.

Genetic paradox

Today, few experts doubt that the virgin birth is possible. But how and why does it happen? — a definite answer to these questions has not yet been found.

It is known that a female egg ready for fertilization contains 23 chromosomes. During an immaculate conception, these carriers of genetic information are doubled, and 46 chromosomes are formed in the egg, which are necessary for the development of an embryo, albeit exclusively female.

What forces push the egg towards such an extraordinary development of events? There are several assumptions on this matter. For example, some biologists believe that the “miracles” are caused by a hitherto unknown microorganism that is present in humans and, under extreme conditions (for example, high temperature, stress, etc.) stimulates the development of the egg without its prior fertilization.

As observations have shown, most often such cases occur in places where the level of infectious diseases. As a result, it was suggested that some form of bacteria, having entered the body of a virgin, could stimulate the unfertilized cell to develop.

Another hypothesis was put forward by University of London professor Jay Berry. The scientist believes that some representatives of the fair sex, despite their feminine appearance and ability to have children, are actually genetically male. And they are quite capable of reproducing offspring without fertilization, albeit exclusively male ones.

As an example, the professor cites the well-known case of the Blessed Virgin Mary, thereby trying to prove that there is no flaw in the idea of ​​​​the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.

Ufologists have their own theory about this. They claim that the virgin birth phenomenon is just one of many genetic projects that aliens have carried out and continue to carry out on Earth.

What is parthenogenesis?

In 1834, Russian academician E. A. Eversman described the rock lizard “Lacerta saxikol” that he discovered in the Caucasus. More than a hundred years later, in 1958, then a young employee of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia (and later a prominent herpetologist) I. S. Darevsky became interested in these lizards. Having looked through more than 40 specimens caught in the mountains of Armenia, he did not find a single male among them.

This was quite unexpected, since most lizards have a close sex ratio, approximately one to one. Continuing his research, Darevsky suddenly discovered in rock lizards... virgin reproduction!

For many invertebrate animals, virgin birth or, scientifically, parthenogenesis is not uncommon. This saves the species from extinction if for some reason there is not a single male specimen nearby.

But parthenogenesis in reptiles and vertebrates! Darevsky's message was met with hostility by scientists all over the world, but the facts remained facts, and several years later they were confirmed many times over: other similar lizards were found, and in total there are now about a thousand species of various animals on Earth, including fish and amphibians and even birds that reproduce in the so-called “maleless” way.

In 2001, an amazing event occurred in a private zoo open to visitors in the US state of Nebraska, which at first was not given much importance. A hammerhead shark has become a mother. Before that, she spent three years in captivity, far from the males of her species, so the zoo staff were at a loss as to who became the father of the toothy cubs.

It was possible to understand the personal life of the hammerhead shark only with the help of complex DNA analysis. To the surprise of the researchers, it turned out that there was no father at all. The shark was driven to the immaculate conception by loneliness.

Six years later, the story of the Immaculate Conception was repeated at the Virginia Aquarium, where a shark named Tidbit died as a result of illness. Throughout the eight years that she was in captivity, she, like the shark from Nebraska, had no meetings with males of her own species.

An autopsy showed that Tidbit was pregnant: a cub approximately 25 centimeters long was found in her womb.

At first, biologists decided that the shark was impregnated by a male of another species - something that had never been observed before. However, subsequent DNA analysis showed that we are still talking about parthenogenesis. “This is not a miracle,” said Damian Chapman of the Pew Oceanographic Institution. “Theoretically, this option is provided by nature, and for many species of sharks.”

Scientists believe that the activation of the parthenogenesis mechanism in aquatic inhabitants may signal negative processes in the ocean in general and in some species of sharks in particular. “Parthenogenesis may be due to females simply not being able to find mates due to global population decline,” says Mahmud Shivji of Nova Southeastern University's oceanography center.

Unique Lina

But let's get back to the people. In 1939, another gynecological miracle occurred in a remote Peruvian village. Five-year-old Lina Medina, due to her youth, did not pay attention to the fact that her belly began to grow. Her parents noticed strange changes and brought their daughter to the shaman.

According to local belief, if a person was overcome by demons, a snake began to grow inside him, which then killed the possessed person. Lina was also given the same diagnosis. True, the shaman still admitted that he was not sure of his conclusions, and they decided to show the girl to a doctor.

In the nearest city, where her father took her, it was not difficult for specialists to determine that she was pregnant, and the hymen was intact. The head physician of the hospital in the city of Pisco, Gerardo Lozada, found out that Lina began menstruation when she was only 2.5 years old. Her breasts and ovaries are already fully developed.

Doctors explained the phenomenon as a hormonal imbalance due to a malfunction of the pituitary gland.

The young woman in labor underwent a caesarean section, and an absolutely healthy boy weighing 3 kilograms was born, as if he was carried not by a little girl, but by an adult woman. The baby was named Gerardo.

News of the fantastic birth soon reached the United States. Lina was declared the youngest mother in the world and was offered to come to the United States, promising to pay her a thousand dollars a week if she agreed to appear at the World's Fair in New York. But the Peruvian government did not want to share the glory and announced that they would take Lina and the child into their care.

However, when passions subsided, officials quickly lost interest in the young mother, and she never saw the promised money.

Lina continued to live in complete poverty, although she did not feel unhappy, and she treated her son as one of nine brothers and sisters. Gerardo found out who Lina really was only at the age of 10, when his classmates who constantly teased him opened his eyes.

As an adult, Lina got married and gave birth to another son in 1972. Gerardo died in 1979 at the age of 40. And his mother is still alive.

The terrible power of the curse

But as history shows, it's not just virgins who get pregnant. In the Dutch village of Luuzdunen there is a monument to Countess Margaret of Henneberg, who became pregnant without the help of her husband or lover.

In the local church there is a small wooden icon, which tells the story of the unfortunate countess, who gave birth to 365 children on Easter 1276 - during one birth, and two baths in which, according to the inscriptions on them, these children were baptized.

Today, thousands of people come to look at these relics and wonder - could this really happen? It's no joke - giving birth to 365 children at once! Maybe it's just a legend?

However, there is undeniable evidence that Margaret of Henneberg is indeed a historical character. Born in 1234, at the age of fifteen she married Count Hermann of Henneberg.

The following entry was made in the historical chronicle: “During Easter, Countess Margaret of Henneberg gave birth to 365 sons and daughters and died calmly, along with them. Her grave is located in Luuzdunen, in a stone sarcophagus, decorated with an epitaph made of metal letters ... "

It all started with the fact that the countess, who was reputed to be extremely pious, once met a beggar woman leading a whole bunch of twins. The countess's blood boiled with anger: according to the prejudices of those years, it was believed that twins were born only to girls who slept with many men at the same time.

The countess accused the beggar woman of shameless adultery. The latter, calling God as a witness, declared her innocence, and then cursed the countess and wished her to give birth to as many children as there were days in the year.

According to Dutch chroniclers, after this meeting Margarita went to bed for two weeks, after which she discovered that she was pregnant, and by Easter she gave birth to 365 babies. They were tiny, like a mouse, but had a completely human structure. All of them were baptized in the already mentioned baths by Bishop Guido of Utrecht. The male babies were named Ian, and all the girls were named Elizabeth.

Soon after baptism, the shocked mother died, and immediately after her all her offspring died.

People then believed that God heard the beggar woman’s curse and carried out this terrible sentence. But in our time, doctors see another reason that led to the birth of such a huge number of twins.

Accepting the birth of 365 babies not as a legend, but as a reliable fact, doctors believe that since the Countess was extremely pious, the shock caused by the curse could in a certain way affect the processes occurring in her uterus. After all, there are many cases where suggestion makes a person paralyzed, completely bald, blind, and so on.

In this case, the suggestion was implemented at the level of the physiological reproductive system: it triggered the pregnancy mechanism, and as a result, 365 eggs of the uterus were self-fertilized without the participation of sperm.

Meanwhile, already in our time, an incident no less incredible, from the point of view of scientists, occurred in Iran. A resident of the city of Iranshahr, located in the southeast of the country, gave birth to a frog with human features!

According to the Iranian newspaper Etemaad, it is believed that the frog grew from a larva in the woman's body. The publication quotes experts who claim that the frog exhibits some traits that are characteristic of humans.

In particular, clinical biology specialist Dr. Aminifard claims that the shape of the fingers, tongue, as well as its size in the frog, which was born in such an unusual way, are very similar to those of humans.

Scientists suggest that the virgin birth occurred while a woman was swimming in a dirty pool. It was then that a foreign larva entered her body.

How the unusual pregnancy proceeded, as well as the birth process, was not reported in the Iranian press. The doctors also kept silent about the size of the frog. Apparently, there were good reasons for this.

“There is not a single Eastern religion in which immaculate virgin“did not give birth to a child from God,” said one of the heroes of Mikhail Bulgakov’s famous novel “The Master and Margarita.” “And the Christians, without inventing anything new, created their Jesus in the same way.”...

Two thousand years after the birth of Christ, having discovered cloning and deciphered the genome, humanity is still struggling with this mystery. Is the Immaculate Conception a miracle, a legend or an incredible reality?

Madonna of many children

The Church has recognized the Immaculate Conception for a long time. The sinlessness of the Nativity of Christ by the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by the third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 431. The dogma of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary herself was introduced Catholic Church December 8, 1854 (he is not recognized by Orthodoxy).

We, without at all wanting to offend the feelings of believers, discuss only the physiology of the phenomenon. Moreover, theologians understand purity not so much as virginity itself, but rather as not being subject to sin and Satan. But there are people today who are trying to “exploit the Gospel.”

Thus, in the town of Idstein, in a local court, forty-five-year-old Birgit Weiss was recently recognized as an “immaculate virgin.” The lady, who already has a daughter, stated that after divorcing her husband she did not have sex with anyone, but she became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Her ex-husband immediately accused her of trying to rip off £7,000 in “alimony” from him and rushed to get a genetic test. The analysis confirmed that the child was not his. Then local judge August Henge, citing Christian shrines, supported Birgit's claim of the virgin birth. Professor Wolfgang Schulz from Hamburg commented “according to the Hamburg account” this case as follows:

— From a scientific point of view, birth due to a truly virgin birth is impossible. However, even a small amount of sperm is sufficient to fertilize an egg.

Life-giving kiss

Another high-profile story about the virgin birth began in America in 1995.

Eighteen-year-old Anna Kreid came to the University of Massachusetts Research Center in her second month of pregnancy. At the same time, the girl claimed that she had never had intimacy with any man.

The examination confirmed that Anna is innocent. Although sometimes the hymen is so elastic that it does not tear during sexual intercourse, nevertheless allowing the most “nimble” sperm to pass through it. But during further research, no traces of sexual intercourse were found in Anna’s body.

“Suspicion” again fell on parthenogenesis. But, having done an ultrasound of the fetus, the version of self-fertilization was shallow - the child was a boy. Then they began to suspect twenty-year-old Steve Casey, with whom Anna had been dating for three years. However, he claimed that they did not have sexual intercourse. The only thing that chaste students allowed themselves to do was kiss their private parts.

Sperm were found in Casey's saliva. Their concentration, several times less than in sperm, was still enough for conception.

“Perhaps Steve is the first man to impregnate a woman with a kiss,” university professor Ed Reisen told the press. - Although he may not be the only one whose saliva contains sperm.

After a series of experiments, a section of spermatogenic epithelium was indeed discovered in Steve's salivary gland. Probably, some of the cells “moved” from the testicles to an unusual area during the period of intrauterine development due to a gene defect.

- This case is extremely rare. So there is no point in inventing a condom for the tongue yet, they assured everyone at the University of Massachusetts.

The Curse of Naked Pops

What about Russia? Is it really true that not a single immaculate conception has been recorded in its vast expanses? It’s hard to say whether they happened before - for such a confession the girl could easily be thrown into a psychiatric hospital. The game of silence continues to this day. But the case of St. Petersburg resident Olga Safronova, a virgin who gave birth to a girl in the late 90s, nevertheless became public.

At first, the doctors looked at Olga with great distrust. She claimed that not only did she not have sexual contact with a man, but she also did not kiss or even hold hands.

Just before her pregnancy, the girl experienced terrible stress - her parents died in a car accident. Could she, under his influence, forget about sexual intercourse? Maybe yes. But no psychological deviations from the norm were found in her.

Some scientists who observed Olga believe in parthenogenesis. A hypothesis has arisen that if a woman experiences stress at the time of ovulation, the egg may begin to fragment, and spontaneous conception occurs. By the way, according to the same hypothesis, an orgasm, close in its effect to severe stress, can trigger the mechanism of parthenogenesis. So you shouldn’t make love on dangerous days, even if you are protected to the teeth.

Other geneticists are inclined to believe that in Olga’s case there was no parthenogenesis. Most likely, sperm still got into her body. Let's say a girl dried herself with her dad's towel or sat down, sorry, with her bare butt in the place where her brother had recently sat with his bare butt - and that's it, the job is done. After all, three sperm are enough to fertilize a healthy woman.

Naughty Wolhabia

According to the latest data, cases of unexplained “immaculate conceptions” in Lately have become more frequent. It’s too early to talk about an epidemic, but 16 “miracles” have already been recorded. Parisian Anouk Didier became the latest virgin to give birth. Having carried the girl, she claimed that she had never had any contact with men. Research has shown that the egg was indeed not fertilized externally.

Then a theory was born to explain spontaneous conception. Everything was blamed on... bacteria. The bacterium Wolhabia lives in the bodies of more than five million species of insects, but has recently been experimenting on humans. It stimulates the division of the egg, thereby forming an embryo.

Scientists note that “immaculate conceptions” are most often observed in places with a high level of infectious diseases and poor ecology. But Walhabia’s tricks are not limited to the division of eggs. Once in the body of a pregnant woman, this “man-hater” is capable of changing the male sex of the fetus to female, and never vice versa.

Starship Troopers

Ufologists also made their contribution to the “theory” of the immaculate conception. They are sure that the angel from whom the Virgin Mary conceived was not an angel at all, but an alien. The purpose of Christ's creation was to create a new, advanced version of man. Moreover, the genetics that Christ carried were not simple, but combined - from Sirian and Pleiadian.

Jesus did not die on the cross. After the crucifixion, he went into hiding, traveled around the world, and had many children. He traveled to Southern Europe, India and Japan. So, according to Fox Mulder's friends, the virgin birth is just one of many genetic projects carried out by aliens on Earth.

As you can see, the mystery of the Immaculate Conception has not yet been resolved. But even if human parthenogenesis is possible, it is unlikely that we will immediately reproduce in a sinless way. Still, basic instinct is a serious thing. And any instinct is at the same time a security mechanism of the species.

And even those scientists who consider self-conception an ideal method of reproduction and predict the complete disappearance of men in the future admit that this will not happen earlier than in a million years.

Orthodox Christians know that Christ is the Son of God. He became incarnate from the Heavenly Father, and the Virgin Mary became His Mother.

But few people know how the Savior was born. Doesn't mean environment at the moment of His birth, but the process itself. How did the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary take place? Let's talk about this in the article.

What is conception?

Before we move on to the topic of the virgin birth, let's remember what a normal conception is.

Union of sperm and oocyte. We will not describe further details here, because our main topic is different. Why is the question of “classical” conception raised? To remind readers: the birth of a new life requires the “participation” of two parties: father and mother. Dad has something mom doesn't have. And accordingly, vice versa.

Immaculate Conception

How did the Immaculate Conception occur in the Holy Virgin? Just think about it: Virgo conception. I mean, the Mother of God was a maiden. She didn't know her husband.

Some will say that this is all fiction and this cannot happen. It is difficult to take something for granted, especially in our time, when there is practically no trust and faith left. However, for any Christian, conception by the Mother of God is one of the most important aspects of faith.

There is a wonderful poem by nun Maria (Mernova) on this topic. Here's an excerpt:

In a wonderful way, unnatural for us.

In the most honest, brightest and virgin womb.

He was born - the Divine Son,

Mira Lord. Master of us all.

That is, conception occurred miraculously. The fact that after him Maria remained innocent is enough. How so? How did it all happen?

Nobody will tell us this. The Immaculate Conception is a mystery. Perhaps in the next world everything will open up and become clear. There is a version that the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin Mary while She was sleeping. Whether this was so is unknown.


The Immaculate Conception is something that is hidden from the human mind. We cannot comprehend this miracle with our minds.

How is the Feast of the Annunciation connected with the conception and birth of the Savior? In the most direct way. Let's remember the history of the holiday.

The Mother of God was sinless from a young age. But, due to her humility, she could not imagine that she would have the honor of giving birth to the Savior.

Mary knew that Jesus Christ would be incarnate from pure virgin blood. And she wanted to be honored to become a servant of the One who would become His Mother.

At that time, Mary was betrothed to Joseph. That one took care of Her virginity. And so, 4 months after the betrothal, the Mother of God read Scripture. When the Archangel Gabriel came to Her with news. That's why the holiday is called Annunciation - good news.

Gabriel told Mary that She was chosen to be the Mother of God. The Savior will incarnate in Her. The Virgin was surprised: after all, She was innocent. And she asked the archangel how this would happen if She did not know her husband.

To which Gabriel replied that the Holy Spirit would descend on Her. And the Virgin Mary obediently accepted the will of God.

Here's another point. God didn’t just go and descend on the girl (the Mother of God was 14 years old). No, He humbly asked Her consent. And only when Mary gave a positive answer, Life was born in Her womb.

The mystery of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is hidden from us. Until a certain point.


Why is Mary the Ever-Virgin? After all, the birth of a child involves the deprivation of the hymen. More precisely, its final destruction. How did the Savior enter the world?

Here's another wonderful moment. It is known that Jesus Christ emerged from the side of his Most Pure Mother. How so? God is able to pass through obstacles, let's not forget this fact.

That is why the Mother of God is called the Ever-Virgin. She retained her virginity despite the birth of her Son.

Joseph's attitude to what happened

It is known that the husband of the Virgin Mary was many years old. He was very old, and She was very young. And the elder was entrusted with the Mother of God, so that he would preserve Her in purity and innocence.

What was Joseph’s horror when he realized that the Virgin was carrying a child? Fear of being blamed for it. Fear because he did not keep the Maiden pure.

But the elder did not make excuses and did not betray Mary. On the contrary, he told Her that he would let her go secretly, without telling anyone. Then an angel appeared to Joseph, telling him that Mary was not guilty before her husband. Her conception is the will of God, and the Child that the Virgin will give birth to is the Son of God.

The wise old man humbly accepted the will of God and began to care even more deeply for the Virgin Mary. And we know what happened next. Departure for the census and the Nativity of the Savior.

Are there churches dedicated to the conception of the Savior?

There is a Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Moscow. This is not a church, it is a huge Catholic cathedral in the Gothic style.

In general, Catholics have many cathedrals built in honor of the Immaculate Conception all over the world. The largest of them, as mentioned above, is located in Moscow.

Humility of the Mother of God

The virgin birth is something that is incomprehensible to the human mind. And here the complete humility of the Virgin Mary is revealed to us. She surrenders herself to the will of God. She is God's servant. Not in the sense in which the word "slavery" is known today: a person who does not have the right to express his opinion. Not at all, the Mother of God loves God. And he surrenders himself to His will not because of fear and lack of opportunity to object. She does this just out of love.

If appropriate, let's give an example from life. When we love someone very much, it won’t even occur to us to disobey or object. We know that if we are told to do it this way, then this is what we need to do. The one we love does not wish us harm. He knows better how to do it right.

It's the same here. The Mother of God had the firm confidence that God knows best what is good for her. And she agreed to become the Chosen One. Become the Mother of the Savior.

This wonderful color, this Child

She will give birth to the Savior.

From the cruel clutches of hell

The whole world will be freed.

These lines are from a poem by nun Maria (Mernova), dedicated to the holiday of Christmas Holy Mother of God.


Now the reader knows that the virgin birth is a mystery. A mystery unknown to the human mind. It is impossible to understand it, you can only accept it on faith.

We also talked about how the feast of the Annunciation is connected with conception, and why the Mother of God is called the Ever-Virgin.

Immaculate Conception... Myth or reality? In total, there are 16 known cases of immaculate conception in humans that occurred in Africa and European countries. Doctors believe that these “miracles” are caused by a bacterium that usually lives in the bodies of insects.

Biologists have long discovered that virgin birth is not uncommon in the animal world. Many invertebrate animals reproduce in this way, and in some cases, some species of birds and lizards. This saves the species from extinction if for some reason there is not a single male specimen nearby.

And forensic experts know well that in stressful situations, the influence high temperatures and in other extreme situations, a woman's egg may begin to divide even if it is not fertilized. Some scientists even argue that if a woman is predisposed, then it may be enough for her... just to take a long steam in the bathhouse, and the egg will begin to turn into an organism. True, most likely, she will die soon.

How does the virgin birth occur?
An egg ready for fertilization contains 23 sex-bearing chromosomes. During the “immaculate conception,” 23 female chromosomes, ripe for fertilization, are divided into two halves each, and 46 chromosomes necessary for a new life are formed in the egg. After this, the egg can begin to split and develop into an embryo, which is exclusively female.

Doctors believe that these “miracles” are caused by a bacterium that usually lives in the bodies of insects, but can move into a person, stimulating the division of the egg and forming an embryo. The bacterium destroys male embryos or turns them into female ones.

There have already been many cases of changes in the sex of the embryo in people who have experienced extreme situations or live in hot climates, and the male sex of the embryo always changes to female and never vice versa. There is a version that the bacterium can live for a long time in the human body and become active under the influence of high temperature (for example, when visiting a bathhouse or sauna).

But the “immaculate conception” is a phenomenon so unexplored that it is sometimes confused with the most “vicious” thing. For example, there are many known cases where virgins became pregnant without sexual intercourse, for example, after petting, when the partner’s sperm got on the genitals. Getting pregnant this way is difficult, but possible - the most “dexterous” sperm are able to penetrate a woman through the hole in the hymen and reach the egg, covering a distance of about 10 cm! Some become pregnant without a man at all - by sitting on the place where the seminal fluid was located, or by wiping off with a towel with traces of sperm.

But among these cases, no, no, and even something inexplicable will come across, such as the story of a nun who became pregnant 20 years after she took a vow of chastity. Who knows, maybe men will soon disappear, and the female body will insure itself against such catastrophes?

Don't go to the bathhouse, girls.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey STRELNIKOV:

With the help of the “immaculate conception” representatives of many species of animals are born - from insects to reptiles. It was recently discovered that human cells also have the potential for parthenogenesis.

Forensic experts are well aware that under stressful situations, exposure to high temperatures and other extreme situations, even an unfertilized female egg can begin to divide. Some scientists believe that if a woman’s body is predisposed to an immaculate conception, then it is enough... just to take a long soak in the bathhouse. Then the 23 female chromosomes, ripe for fertilization, are divided into two halves each, and 46 chromosomes necessary for new life are formed in the egg. After this, the egg can begin to fragment and turn into an embryo, and exclusively female. True, in 99.9 percent of cases he soon dies. That is why in the history of medicine only 16 cases of “immaculate conception” are known.

PS I’m wondering, if everyone takes a DNA test, how many such virgin conceptions could there be?)

In ancient times, when people still did not know reliably about the biological processes occurring in the body, conception was often imagined. In ancient myths, there are versions about the entry of a fetus into a woman’s body. Such a woman was considered and had to bear a child. At the same time, future mothers did not assign the main role to men in the process; they believed in what could happen if special events were carried out with sacred stones, water, and trees. Therefore, there were legends about the immaculate conception from water, wood, thunderstorms, and sacred attributes.

In other ancient myths, particularly Greek, there is a widespread version that a woman can become pregnant by a deity who chooses her for his intimate pleasures. So the great god of thunder and lightning, Zeus, often came to please beautiful maidens in different guises: a bull, a golden shower, a swan. After which the girls gave birth to illegitimate children from the Thunderer in due time. It was also an immaculate conception.

Similar cases are mentioned in eastern mythologies. For example, one of the ancient Chinese emperors, as legend says, was conceived by his mother at the moment when she stepped on the footprint of a giant. The conceptions of other emperors came from the spirit of the mountains, from a flash of lightning, from a dragon, from a swallow's egg, from a falling star. Accordingly, all these conceptions occurred immaculately, and the reasons for the conception indicated that the future emperors and generals were outstanding, talented, unique individuals, close to divine powers.

In legends ancient egypt There are also cases of immaculate conception of some emperors. Even the legendary Zarathushtra’s mother, according to legend, conceived from the stem of a wild plant.

Mongolian legends say that Genghis Khan was also conceived by his mother immaculately - from the sight of a deity. The Immaculate Conception is attributed to the mothers of Plato, Pythagoras, and Alexander the Great.

Russian folklore also has a theme of the immaculate conception. In some fairy tales, girls give birth to children from a magic seed, from a blow of wind, from swimming in a magic lake.

Is the Immaculate Conception Possible?

Currently, medicine disputes the fact of the virgin birth, considering it impossible. It must be said that this phenomenon has not been fully studied, since in modern world There are isolated cases when all the facts prove that conception occurred without the direct participation of a man, that is, without sexual intercourse.