Clean and dirty city. The most environmentally friendly cities in Russia (according to Rosstat)

11.11.2021 Diseases

The negative situation in the Russian economy did not have a critical impact on the domestic tourism industry. Those wishing to relax in the country will be helped by information about the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia.

The use of new technologies in wastewater treatment plants and a significant reduction in enterprises in the country helped add to the attractiveness of certain places for tourists. However, the harmful impact of human activity on nature still remains. What are the 10 most clean cities in the Russian Federation?

The environment of our country, as a technologically developed state, continues to suffer from hazardous industries. Anthropogenic pollution of its shells has a detrimental effect on the Earth:

  • lithosphere;
  • hydrosphere;
  • biosphere;
  • atmosphere.

Most people on the planet treat nature aggressively, and Russians are no exception. As a result, our state has firmly strengthened its position among the leaders of the polluted world powers. And this is despite our huge forests, which make up 45% of the entire country.

By the way, about the forest. Large-scale fires in the taiga contribute to rising carbon levels, which invariably worsens the climate. To some extent, optimization of forest protection is to blame here.

Energy production and the environment

Among the most hazardous industries, thermal power plants and central boiler houses should be highlighted. Using organic minerals as fuel: coal and peat, as well as recycled fuel oil, thermal power plants and central heating plants saturate the air with particulate matter and greenhouse gases.

This entails thermal pollution. As a result, acid rain may fall over nearby areas, making a devastating contribution to the change in the microclimate of the region.

Pollution of water and reservoirs

Water primarily reflects ecological state region. Scientists have discovered a connection: why worse quality water, so more people sick. This is especially true for large cities based on river banks.

Such populated areas are oversaturated with industrial enterprises that poison water bodies with toxic waste. In addition, water penetrates deep into the ground, saturating the soil and underground sources with toxic elements.

Household waste

In recent years, garbage has become one of the main polluters of the country. A significant part of waste does not decompose. Currently, such accumulations amount to billions of tons in all regions of the country.

In every subject of the Russian Federation, many unauthorized landfills have been organized, the number of which continues to grow rapidly. Chaotic storage of waste turns fertile land into unusable land. At the same time, landfills are growing not only from household waste, but also from industrial waste, which can be radioactive.

If the state does not come to its senses and begin actively promoting a rational attitude towards the environment, then our children and grandchildren will inherit a sad legacy. Now waste processing plants are beginning to appear in the country, and the number of emissions of toxic gases into the atmosphere is gradually decreasing. Time will tell whether the course of environmental policy in the Russian Federation will be effective.

Top 10 most environmentally friendly cities in Russia

To assign a city a degree of environmental cleanliness, scientists conduct a series of studies, from which indicators are then formed. The most significant analysis is the calculation of emissions of hazardous substances into the atmosphere. Among the everyday active pollutants, the following sources stand out:

  • Plants and factories.
  • Vehicles.
  • Central boiler houses.
  • People.

When assessing the ecology of Russian cities, the area with green spaces per person must be taken into account. For example, in large cities the norm is 21 m² per citizen. Compliance with this standard or exceeding it guarantees the urban environment cleaner air, reduced amounts of dirt and dust, and less noise.

When studying ecology, the criteria of sound, light, and radiation pollution are also taken into account. The condition of the soil under household waste is analyzed. The obtained data is submitted to the settlement administration for consideration to take environmental measures.

The capital of Mari-El bears the unspoken name “Green City”. There are many forests around it, and there are also many parks and squares directly in the city. Among the most visited recreation areas are the pine and oak groves.

The water in the Malaya Kokshaga River, flowing through the center of the capital, is not entirely good quality. Numerous municipal drains from household and industrial facilities flow into its bed. In addition, the treatment facilities have not been changed for a long time.

Yoshkar-Ola is full of various enterprises, among which three industries stand out:

  • chemical-pharmaceutical;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • woodworking

Most of them are located in industrial areas, in the south and in the city center. People prefer to have personal vehicles, the number of which is growing from year to year. As a result, this increases the content of harmful particles in the air.

In the central part of the city there are buildings of culture and art, as well as the administration of Yoshkar-Ola. In addition, several state universities and the University of Technology are located in the central part. Visitors will be able to see buildings from different periods, including merchant houses of the 19th century and buildings in the Art Nouveau style.

The city is full of Khrushchev, Stalin, and improved layouts. The main street is Sovetskaya. It houses many shops, cafes and offices.

For several years in a row, scientists have awarded Tambov one of the places in the ranking of the top 10 cleanest Russian cities. Moreover, the annual pollution of the atmosphere with harmful substances is almost 25.5 thousand tons. Among the culprits of the damage are the same industrial enterprises, with the following emissions indicators:

  • 28% - food industry;
  • 20% - energy;
  • 18.7% - mechanical engineering;
  • 8% - chemical production.

An important role was played by new measures of economic incentives and control over environmental activities, including fees for environmental use (discharges, emissions, waste storage) and an increase in financial liability for violation of environmental legislation.

Example: Pigment JSC modernized the system for capturing sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid vapors, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides and others. Thanks to this, emissions of harmful substances were reduced by 3.5 times, from 1500 to 400 tons/year.

Tambov has more than a dozen recreational parks with green spaces. The city regularly holds specialized improvement events, and 2016 became the “Year of Ecology.”

More recently, a plant for processing waste into granules was built in Tambov. This was mainly achieved with the help of local defenders environment.

8. Saransk

The capital of Mordovia, with a population of more than 314 thousand, also has many industrial enterprises that “systematically” polluted the environment. Since the city was founded on both banks of the Insar River, the waterway received the greatest degree of pollution. At one time, it was even included in the ranking of the most polluted rivers in Europe.

During this period, the environmental situation in Saransk began to improve. A positive effect was achieved thanks to the modernization of technical capacities and the introduction of new treatment facilities. Fish began to appear in the river again.

The total amount of emissions from production does not exceed 24.5 tons per year. But the problem of the negative impact of vehicles on the environment remains acute.

The main source of pollution since the Soviet period has remained the Tyazhbummash plant, which today does not operate at full capacity and rents out most of its space. From now on, the total mass of atmospheric pollution does not exceed 23.5 thousand tons. Scientists have recorded that the environmental situation in Petrozavodsk has improved eight times during the post-Soviet period.

For reference. Petrozavodsk is experiencing the dominance of motor transport, as residents of the republic flock to the capital, wanting to find a good income and start a new life here.

6. Vladikavkaz

The capital of North Ossetia - Alania is also at the epicenter of economic problems. The reduction of industrial enterprises made the republic poor. But at the same time, the environmental situation itself has improved significantly.

The only polluter left that cannot afford to install modern treatment facilities is the Electrozinc enterprise, founded in 1906 by Belgian entrepreneurs. Worn-out Soviet equipment causes numerous accidents, the most tragic of which was the release of sulfur oxide on October 5, 2009. Then a gray veil of poisonous cloud hung over the city.

The main polluters also include old cars, of which there are a lot in the republic.

5. Kostroma

The city with almost a thousand-year history is part of the famous Golden Ring. Despite its long existence, Kostroma's industry was not developed on a large scale. The only serious source of pollution is the Fanplit production plant.

And so the city is located in a good landscape area and is surrounded by forests, lakes and small rivers.

The Volga flowing through the city spoils the environmental indicator. It carries in its waters pollution produced by upstream chemical plants.

Now there are 143 areas with green spaces on the territory of Kostroma. According to Alexander Glushchenko, a specialist in the field of industrial ecology, the number of green objects in the city will regularly increase.

The Chechen capital has experienced Hard times nineties of the last century. Almost the entire heritage of Soviet industry was destroyed. At this time, subsidies from the federal budget are enough to support the population.

Investments are needed to develop the economy, but investors are scared off by the militarized mood of the people. As a result, there are practically no industrial enterprises in the city and the atmosphere is not polluted. However, about 22 thousand tons of emissions are still produced by three organizations:

  • Transmash;
  • Grozneftegaz;
  • Electric remote control-Grozny.

Another source that adversely affects the environmental situation in the city is the lack of sewerage in many of its areas.

And also after the rapid restoration of the city and the entire Chechnya, an unimaginable amount of construction waste accumulated on the territory. The problem with household landfills continues to grow.

Some compare the current situation in Chechnya with post-war Vietnam. There was also severe pollution there, and on top of that, people were experiencing the consequences of chemical attacks. At this time, the environmental situation in the republic is within normal limits.

“I got up in the morning, washed my face, put myself and my planet in order,” said the Little Prince. Do our people have such a habit - to live on a clean planet, or at least in a clean city? What are they doing for this?

The most environmentally friendly cities

The ecological cleanliness of the city is very important when choosing a place to live. Many cities today are striving to become more attractive in this sense. What are the main features of an eco-city? What can be assessed “by eye” without conducting complex laboratory tests?

Firstly, this is the presence of vegetation: parks, forests, street landscaping. This improves and purifies the air, making the atmosphere healthier and more comfortable. Secondly, modern policies for waste collection and disposal, at a minimum, control of landfills and recycling. Further, we can name the correct attitude to the consumption of energy and natural resources, construction technologies taking into account respect for nature, a system of environmentally friendly public transport, and even such an obvious plus for clean air and public health as ordinary bicycle paths.

This is a small, but visible to the naked eye part of the signs of a clean city. But of course, serious assessments are made by experts.

Is Moscow considered a clean city?

It is clear that such a large agglomeration cannot be unambiguously assessed by its ecological state. The degree of cleanliness varies in different areas, depending on their proximity to highways and industrial zones. For example, when measured, ordinary residential areas turn out to be twice as clean as those adjacent to the Moscow Ring Road and federal highways, and one and a half times cleaner than the center of Moscow with its concentration of cars. However, with the beginning of the law on paid parking, the Center is gradually clearing up.

A special state environmental protection agency monitors the environmental cleanliness of the city. state-financed organization"Mosekomonitoring". On its website, Mosekomonitoring publishes the results of measurements of the cleanliness of air, soil, water, forests and parks, and shows the dynamics of changes. They have permanent observation points. For example, in residential areas, air samples are taken around the clock, three times an hour, and automatically analyzed for the presence of harmful impurities. In response to complaints from residents, mobile laboratories are deployed. Data on industrial emissions is also automatically collected.

These results go into a database and are published in the form of graphs, and are also overlaid on a map on which the most contaminated areas are highlighted. If you look at such a map, you can see that Moscow can be called partly a very dirty city, but if we consider the city as a whole, within its modern borders, then Moscow cannot be considered so dirty, and even, according to some ratings, as we saw above, included in the top ten purest. The cleanest areas are Strogino, Yasenevo, Krylatskoye, Kurkino, Mitino, thanks to park and forest areas.

But among cities of a similar scale (major capitals), according to international analytical agencies, Moscow is considered one of the most polluted, since a lot of dirty industries are concentrated in the east and southeast.

Clean cities of the Moscow region

As for the nearest Moscow region, the situation here depends on both geographical location– that is, from the proximity of industrial zones and highways, and from natural data.

The most prosperous in this sense can be called the west, southwest and north of the region, since the prevailing wind direction in the region is east and southeast. But it is in the east that most enterprises are located. The eastern and closest areas to the capital are heavily polluted, and in the southwestern outback there is the cleanest city in the Moscow region - Stupino. The existing factories there meet environmental requirements, and there is a forest and a river nearby.

You can also mention the cities of Odintsovo, Ramenskoye, Troitsk. These are green and quiet cities that do not have harmful industries. In the southeast there is only one more or less clean city - Vidnoye. There are factories there, but they are separated from the residential city by a huge forest protection zone.

The cleanest city in Russia in 2013

In 2013, various environmental organizations released several rankings of the cleanest cities in the country. Specialists were engaged in a comprehensive assessment of a variety of indicators of environmental cleanliness - from the degree of real water and air pollution to the organization of measures to clean up the city.

For example, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources, the top ten in 2013 included Volgograd, St. Petersburg, Saransk, Vologda, Kursk, Moscow, Kazan, Tambov, Tula, Stavropol.

And according to the results of the Clean City.rf competition, cities such as Samara, Togliatti, Novokuznetsk, Angarsk, Gorno-Altaisk were on the 2013 podium.

Unfortunately, not all the most beautiful cities are the cleanest. There is a website about this on the website.
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Environmental problems are more relevant today than ever. Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water bodies, high levels of carbon dioxide in the air, dirty streets - all this worsens the condition of the environment and negatively affects our health. Let's find out which cities are considered the cleanest in Russia in environmental terms and, accordingly, the most favorable for life.

What do experts pay attention to when researching the issue of “clean cities” and compiling ratings of the most environmentally friendly of them?

First of all, the presence of green spaces: parks and forests, gardens and squares. It is no secret that plants are the most effective at purifying the air of pollutants and producing much-needed oxygen. The concentrations of hazardous industries that pollute the environment with emissions are also taken into account. Issues of timely collection and disposal of waste are also of considerable importance. Finally, let's not forget about the quality of drinking water, cleanliness of the water basin, transport and energy consumption.

The cleanest cities in Russia

Every year, environmental services compile ratings of the cleanest cities Russian Federation based on the above factors. But the most credible research is carried out by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Based on the results of 2014 (the rating for 2015 has not yet been compiled), the leader in environmental impact management is Saransk, in energy consumption - Ivanovo, in transport - Krasnodar, in water quality - Ufa, in the number of green spaces - Ufa and Murmansk, in for waste collection and disposal - Volgograd, for air cleanliness - Vologda. Unfortunately, cities that lead in one category may not perform well in others. Therefore, not all of the settlements mentioned above were included in the consolidated list.

So, for your attention - the 10 cleanest cities in our country based on the totality of all factors (the number of population is indicated in brackets).

Pskov (200 thousand people)

The air in Pskov is very clean

Despite the developed industry, the environmental situation in Pskov is surprisingly favorable. This city has many green spaces, gardens and park areas. The total area of ​​parks and squares exceeds 40 hectares. Dense coniferous forests located outside the city limits play a large role in air purification. Therefore, the degree of air pollution remains consistently low.

Smolensk (330 thousand people)

Smolensk is one of the cleanest cities in Russia

Smolensk is surrounded by forests, and within the city there are 8 recreation parks, over 10 public gardens and gardens, and 4 forest parks. The largest enterprises operate in such areas as the production of electrical equipment, furniture, jewelry, and food products. Fortunately, they do not cause severe damage to the environment - the level of air and water pollution is low.

Murmansk (300 thousand people)

Forests occupy 43% of the area of ​​Murmansk

Murmansk, a northern port city, also deserves the title of one of the cleanest cities in Russia. The industry of Murmansk is dominated by fishing and shipbuilding, so the volume of harmful emissions into the air is minimal.

Forests occupy 43% of the total area of ​​the city, as well as its western and eastern environs. The dust content in the air is much lower than the sanitary norm. The water in the Kola Bay remains perfectly clean, even if you won’t be able to swim in it: even in July it rarely heats up above +10°C.

This is interesting: For 15 years in a row, experts have noted a trend towards improving the environmental situation in Murmansk and reducing the volume of hazardous industrial waste.

Nizhnevartovsk (270 thousand people)

In 2014, Nizhnevartovsk took 4th place in the ranking of the most comfortable cities for living in the Russian Federation

It would seem that a city with many enterprises operating in the oil production and oil refining industries cannot be environmentally friendly. But Nizhnevartovsk is a rare exception. Despite the harmful enterprises, environmental pollution in this city is within the normal range, and the streets of Nizhnevartovsk are completely clean and well-groomed. This paradox is probably due to the fact that this city is on the list of the 5 richest in Russia, ahead of even the Northern capital, St. Petersburg.

Sochi (390 thousand people)

Thanks to the Olympics, Sochi has been transformed

The absence of heavy industrial enterprises, which cause the greatest damage to the environment, coupled with beautiful nature, allows Sochi to be considered one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia. And the well-developed infrastructure and kilometers of clean beaches with golden sand annually attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from Russia and abroad.

At the beginning of 2014, Sochi was recognized as the cleanest city in Russia, which was greatly facilitated by the hosting of the Winter Olympic Games here. Going to host millions of foreign fans and honored guests, Sochi was transformed, becoming a truly European city in a few years. And it’s not just about new buildings and infrastructure. The city authorities did everything possible to restore order and maintain cleanliness on the streets of Sochi. It is worth admitting that they really succeeded.

Sarapul (100 thousand people)

Sarapul is the cleanest city with a population of no more than 100 thousand people

Sarapul is the cleanest among medium-sized cities in Russia (with a population of no more than 100 thousand people). The air here is very clean, there are practically no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The city has many well-kept green spaces. The only problem is water pollution. The fact is that waste from several enterprises (meat processing plant, poultry plant, machine-building plant) is dumped directly into the river. However, in environmental terms, Sarapul stands out from hundreds of other small towns for the better.

Derbent (120 thousand people)

Derbent is a very picturesque city

The ancient Dagestan city of Derbent is located in a picturesque mountainous region. The air here is very clean, as is the water.

There are few enterprises in the city; they are mainly related to the food industry, so they do not pollute the atmosphere much. The streets of Derbent are always very clean: Dagestanis honor their culture and respect the places in which they live.

Taganrog (250 thousand people)

The environmental situation in Taganrog has improved significantly in recent years

Taganrog is a city with a well-developed industry. Unfortunately, large enterprises cannot help but cause some damage to the environment.

However, in recent years, dozens of serious events have been held in Taganrog, the purpose of which is to improve the environmental situation in the city. And they really prove their effectiveness. The Sea of ​​Azov plays an important role in improving the environmental condition in Taganrog, namely its ability to self-purify.

In general, Taganrog is a clean and well-kept city with a good dozen beaches, many parks, squares and green areas. One cannot fail to note the favorable, mild climate. The relative dryness of the air is more than compensated for by sea breezes.

Saransk (300 thousand people)

Saransk is one of the most favorable cities for living in Russia

In the rating compiled by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Saransk ranks first in the category “environmental impact management” and second in the category “quality of consumed water.” Surprisingly, 85% of pollution in Saransk comes from cars. Enterprises practically do not worsen the state of the environment. To improve air quality, the city is gradually introducing new bypass roads and interchanges. Only this step allowed Saransk to gain 10

recent years

achieve a 55% improvement in environmental performance. The city has been using a separate waste collection system for 5 years. And the artesian water consumed by the residents of Saransk meets the highest world standards.

Ufa (1.1 million people)

This is interesting: Ufa is the “greenest” millionaire city in the Russian Federation. For every resident there is more than 202 square meters of green space! Almost 29% of the city's territory is planted with trees. There are 9 parks in the city where local residents love to relax.

What conclusion can be drawn based on these data? Large cities have very little chance of being considered environmentally friendly. And there is nothing to be surprised about. There are more enterprises operating in megacities, and their roads are more congested with traffic. And the streets are usually very dirty. This can be partly blamed on the lack of culture among some residents, and partly on the poor performance of public utilities. But be that as it may, do not forget about the main thing: each of us can try to do something to ensure that his city is on the list of the cleanest next year.

The most clean cities Russia- not only the pride of the nation, but also a rather rare phenomenon due to the rapid development of industry. In this article we will look at the best settlements in terms of environmental cleanliness. The rating is based on up-to-date information 2017. There is a high probability that this text will help many compatriots decide on a place to relax, because the cleanest cities in the Russian Federation are distinguished not only by clean air, but also by the presence of vegetation, the absence of bustle and noise typical of megacities.

Top 10 cleanest cities in Russia


Yoshkar-Ola, part of the Mari El Republic, opens the ranking of the cleanest cities in Russia. In translation, the name of this settlement means “Red City”. There are a number of very large enterprises in this place, but the environmental component is still at a high level. It is worth noting that a number of ancient trees grow, creating an oak and pine grove. Some of them are more than 170 years old.

We are talking about the center of the Tambov region, which ranks ninth in the ranking of the cleanest settlements in the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that several enterprises emit harmful substances at once. In total, nearly 25 thousand tons of pollution per year enter the air. But, according to environmentalists, this city is one of the cleanest and most prosperous, as evidenced by indicators and statistics. There are many parks and green spaces in this place.

A city in Mordovia with a population of about 300,000. At the same time, there are 10 powerful enterprises that have been deteriorating the ecological state of the environment for many years. Moreover, in the past the Insar river flowing in this place was considered one of the most polluted in Europe, but over time the situation took on a different character. Today Saransk is considered one of the cleanest, more modern enterprises have appeared, and special, modern cleaning systems have been installed on old ones.

One of the largest and at the same time cleanest cities in Karelia. Petrozavodsk is surrounded on all sides by forests. Moreover, 1/6 of the city consists of parks. The amount of emissions per year reaches only 23,000 tons of toxins. You can compare the indicator with the dirtiest cities in Russia to understand the difference. Being in this place is definitely worth a visit Botanical Garden, Lake Onega and the expanses of the Shuya River. This locality is suitable for a holiday with the whole family.

The Top 10 cleanest places in Russia among cities also includes Vladikavkaz, which is the capital of North Ossetia. This place has truly amazing nature, from greenery to sources of pure water - mineral reserves. The only negative phenomenon is a lot of emissions from the Electrozinc plant. Not at all, the government pays a lot of attention to the environmental component, so the enterprise is regularly modernized, filters are installed, etc.

It is the most famous city of the Golden Ring. But the merit of this settlement lies not only in its favorable location, but also in its good environmental conditions. This is due to the lack of powerful industrial enterprises, with the exception of the Fanlip plant. At the same time, Kostroma is covered with several large forests, washed by rivers and includes good, well-kept parks. This place is worth a stop due to the many attractions it offers.

We are talking about the capital of the Chechen Republic, which is distinguished by both developed industry and cleanliness. This is not surprising, because the city pays a lot of attention to plantings. Behind the outskirts is a forest. As for the production plants, they comply with leading quality standards, hence, are equipped with advanced cleaning systems. The amount of emissions is up to 22 thousand tons per year.

For many years now, the largest and cleanest resort city in Russia has been Sochi. This is truly an amazing place that attracts tourists from different parts of our Planet. Attract large sizes. About 3.5 thousand km 2. There is practically no industry here other than industrial. In total, operating enterprises emit no more than 16% of toxins into the atmosphere. All other pollution is emitted by vehicles. It is worth noting that the city has not only clean air, but also all surrounding objects in general. The infrastructure is quite developed and there are many beautiful beaches with parks.

The current environmental situation in the world leaves much to be desired. First of all, this applies to large cities with a population of millions and developed industry. In this article we will tell you about the cleanest cities in the world. However, we warn you: after reading this material, you will probably want to change your place of permanent residence.

An ideal city: what should it be like?

Beauty will save the world - says the famous saying. But cleanliness will make it even more beautiful. Living in the cleanest city in the world is both pleasant and honorable. After all, walking along well-kept green streets is much better than inhaling tons of exhaust fumes and dust. In addition, the health of the citizens themselves largely depends on the cleanliness of the air and the quality of water.

It is important to note that a clean city is not just a populated area with green spaces, a well-functioning street cleaning system and well-groomed building facades. Indeed, in our time, the factor of environmental protection comes to the fore, namely - atmospheric air, soil and water.

Based on this, an environmentally friendly city is a settlement where, first of all, they monitor emissions into the atmosphere, efficiently clean industrial and municipal wastewater, and implement Newest technologies for waste recycling, etc. Let's list the most significant criteria for such a city. This:

  • Availability and quality of drinking water.
  • Emphasis on the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Availability of a clear mechanism for sorting and processing garbage and household waste.
  • Purity of atmospheric air and soil cover.
  • Condition and reliability of sewer systems.
  • Well-functioning urban transport.
  • Level of development of cycling infrastructure.

American, Canadian, Australian and, of course, European cities most often claim the title of “cleanest”. What kind of settlements are these - read on.

Eco-friendly cities: top 10

At the beginning of 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) compiled a ranking of the cleanest cities on the planet. It was published in the famous British newspaper The Telegraph. There were six in the top ten of this rating European cities. When forming it, experts were based on indicators of air pollution.

The “top” list of clean cities in the world looks like this:

  1. Stockholm, Sweden).
  2. Wellington (New Zealand).
  3. Canberra (Australia).
  4. Ottawa (Canada).
  5. Edinburgh (Scotland).
  6. Montevideo (Uruguay).
  7. Tallinn (Estonia).
  8. Helsinki (Finland).
  9. Monaco (Principality of Monaco).
  10. Madrid, Spain).

According to the WHO rating, the largest Asian capitals were recognized as the dirtiest cities on the planet: New Delhi, Doha and Riyadh.

Stockholm is the cleanest city in the world

The Swedish capital is considered one of the greenest in Europe. About a third of the city area is occupied by green spaces - parks, squares, gardens and other tree plantings. In addition, Stockholm is famous for its household waste disposal system. In particular, biological fuel is produced from them.

Every year the city reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere (since 1990, total emissions have decreased by a quarter). Local authorities in Stockholm care about more than just clean air. The city has an excellent public transport system. Plus, Stockholm boasts excellent cycling infrastructure. There are about one hundred bicycle rental stations constantly operating in the city.


Wellington is the second cleanest city according to the World Health Organization. The capital of New Zealand, thanks to its ideal cleanliness, favorable environmental situation, beautiful natural landscapes and abundance of architectural attractions, attracts a huge number of tourists (about 3.5 million per year).

In terms of air quality, energy savings, and comprehensiveness of waste recycling, Wellington ranks among the first in the world. Well-kept streets, an abundance of green areas and beaches make this city one of the most attractive places to live.


It is impossible not to mention in our article the Danish capital. Copenhagen is the most bike-friendly city in Europe. Every second resident regularly travels on a two-wheeled vehicle. Thanks to this, Copenhagen is famous for its unusually low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Another “trick” of this city is the construction of energy-saving residential buildings. Local authorities are doing their best to encourage residents to install quality windows and modern systems heating. Much attention is also paid to the development of wind energy. Among other things, Copenhagen leads Europe in the number of so-called “green” (environmentally friendly) hotels.


One of the friendliest, safest and cleanest capitals in the world is Helsinki. It is the most important scientific, cultural and educational center in Northern Europe. The city of Helsinki itself is located on more than 300 islands. Its residents, like true representatives of Scandinavia, also love to get around by bicycle or on foot.

The City of Helsinki has an effective program to protect the natural environment and natural resources. Waste recycling here is organized at the highest level. The plans of local authorities include the construction of a complex of wind power plants that could fully meet the electricity needs of the Finnish capital.


Canadians are world-renowned cleanliness advocates and healthy image life. The environmental situation in this country is closely monitored in all cities. We should also talk about Calgary and Vancouver.

The city of Calgary is located in southwestern Canada, within the province of Alberta. He is incredibly lucky with the landscapes: just beyond his borders are the grasslands and foothills of the picturesque Rocky Mountains. Calgary has many green areas, in particular, Nose Hill is Canada's largest urban park.

In 2010, Calgary was awarded the title of the cleanest city in the world (according to Mercer Human). In particular, an almost complete absence of transport problems was noted in the metropolis with a population of about 1.2 million people. The most surprising thing is that the city of Calgary is home to a large number of “dirty” natural gas production and processing enterprises. But thanks to an effective environmental program, the authorities managed to protect its residents from harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Calgary has very high fines for pollution. Thus, a cigarette butt thrown onto the lawn can cost the offender one thousand dollars.


Vancouver is another Canadian city that cares about the environment. It meets over 90% of its electricity needs from hydroelectric power plants. Vancouver has set itself an ambitious goal - to become the greenest city in the world by 2020. To achieve this noble goal, a special GCAT structure was even created. Every year the number of electric vehicles in the city increases, the quality of drinking water improves, and a huge number of young trees are planted.


The Japanese approach any issue with the utmost seriousness and scrupulousness. Including environmental issues. The city of Kobe is a large industrial center and an important trading port in Japan. One of the most efficient sewage treatment systems in the world operates here. City authorities are investing enormous amounts of money in the development of public transport and encouraging the purchase of hybrid cars. The result of all these actions is clean water and clean air, despite the abundance of industrial enterprises located in Kobe.


Next up is the American city of Minneapolis, the largest in the state of Minnesota. It is located on the banks of the Mississippi River, sacred to all Americans. Minneapolis is famous for its large number of recycling facilities. Almost everything is processed here - from plastic bottles to batteries and lamps. The city regularly implements various environmental programs, and bicycle transport is developed and popularized.


And again we return to Europe, or rather to Latvia. Here, in the vicinity of Cesis, there is a unique town with an area of ​​300 hectares. It was founded by a Latvian millionaire obsessed with the ideas of a clean ecological environment.

On the territory of Amatciems there are three hundred houses built of wood. Each household is assigned a small plot of land with a lake and forest. Each of the houses is heated using a special geothermal pump, which converts the internal energy of the Earth into heat.

The town was built in a hilly area, so from the windows of one house you can see absolutely nothing except the greenery of the surrounding meadows and forests. There are no fences or barriers here. Therefore, roe deer and other forest animals often come into the city. By the way, many architects have already called Amatciems the city of the future.

The cleanest and dirtiest cities in Russia

The Ministry of Natural Resources, together with the All-Russian Popular Front, has determined the cleanest cities in Russia (based on the environmental situation). The rating was compiled in November 2017. Three cities became its leaders: Naberezhnye Chelny (first place), Kazan and Voronezh.

The assessment was carried out using several indicators at once. In particular, they took into account the quality of drinking water, the volume of energy consumption, as well as work in the field of environmental protection. In total, 103 settlements with a population of over 100 thousand inhabitants were assessed.

Moscow took only 16th place in this ranking, St. Petersburg - 26th. Blagoveshchensk, Kaliningrad, Cherepovets, Ivanovo and Magnitogorsk were among the dirtiest cities in Russia. By the way, the local authorities of these settlements did not fully provide the department with the necessary information. In this regard, ministry experts suggest that the real environmental situation in the above cities could be even worse.