Kulik Yuri Pavlovich biography. The new head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Kulik: “I am lucky with the governors Nikitins. Head of the regional police department Yuri Kulik: “concrete deeds speak best of achievements”

14.02.2022 Diseases

Information that the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov Region, Yuri Kulik, is leaving our region appeared on September 10 - now the 54-year-old police major general will head the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Today, an official event dedicated to leaving office was held in the building of the Tambov administration.

As assistant to the governor Elena Ott reported on her Facebook page, a farewell to the banner and team of the Tambov police is taking place; the head of the regional administration, Alexander Nikitin, is present at the ceremony. In his speech, he “heartily thanked Yuri Kulik for the years of fruitful collaboration for the benefit of the Tambov region and wished him further success in his professional activities in his new post.” It is worth recalling that, on the initiative of the head of the region, Yuri Kulik was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Tambov Region” in 2015.

As you know, Yuri Pavlovich headed our police department for three and a half years, from January 2014. Prior to this, Kulik headed the St. Petersburg linear air traffic control department for transport. Since 2004, he was the head of the Privolzhsky Department of Internal Affairs for transport. In 2007, he received the post of head of the Moscow Air Traffic Control Department for air and water transport. In 2011, he was transferred to serve in the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, and headed the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory.

Alexey Solomatin, who already held this position in 2011 and 2013 without the prefix acting, has now been appointed acting head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov Region. The 55-year-old colonel has been deputy chief police officer intermittently since 2009.

Major General of Police, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Tambov Region, Honorary Officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, Honorary Worker of Transport of the Russian Federation Yuri Kulik is one of those people whose life clearly confirms the limitlessness of human capabilities. There were no famous surnames or famous policemen among his ancestors. Born into an ordinary family of a railway worker, Yuri Pavlovich achieved everything on his own. Today he successfully combines a high position in the authorities and the no less honorable title of head of the family and father of four children.

winding road

The future police general spent his childhood at a small railway crossing. The family was small: the father was a trackman, the mother was a crossing attendant, and two schoolchildren brothers, Yura and Grisha.

The whole family put things in order there: they mowed the grass, removed the garbage, straightened the embankment. This was the best part of the South railway, even the Minister of Railways came to us. My father loved his work very much and literally lived by it. He tried to instill in us, his sons, the same attitude towards business,” recalls Yuri Pavlovich.

The parents wanted their sons to follow in their footsteps, but the boys themselves thought differently. Looking into the future, Grigory saw himself as a police lieutenant colonel, and Yuri as a major in the Airborne Forces. When the time came, both tried to realize their childhood dream. Grigory succeeded and today he heads the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kursk region. And Yuri, having served in the Airborne Forces and studied for several semesters at the Novosibirsk Military School, was disappointed in his choice. My brother helped me make a new one. He invited Yuri to Leningrad, where he himself was already an employee of the criminal investigation department and a student at the Leningrad Higher Political School. Inspired by his example, Yuri also became a law enforcement officer.

- My role model is my father. He went through the war, worked all his life, and never deceived anyone. Although he considers himself an atheist, he always follows the principle that for a person God is his conscience

My brother has been a role model for me since childhood,” says Yuri Pavlovich. - He went through a harsh school of life: he participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, received serious radiation, fought the disease and defeated it. He realized his childhood dream and even surpassed it - now he is a major general of police, heading the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kursk region. I am eternally grateful to Grisha for the role he played in my destiny.

Most of General Kulik’s life and service is connected with the Northern capital. Here, in 1985, he put on a police uniform for the first time and worked his way up from a guard to the deputy head of the district police department. And suddenly, in the prime of his career, he unexpectedly moved from the territorial police to the linear one. Yuri Pavlovich made the right decision with his transfer to the transport police - and his previously successful career went uphill even more rapidly. By 2004, Kulik headed the Volga Line Department of Internal Affairs. Yuri Pavlovich has the warmest memories of those years:

I remember with pleasure my work in Saratov. Then for the first time after a long break I was not in the capital. After all, in the provinces life is calmer, people are softer and kinder. I must admit, I liked that rhythm - there was enough time not only for work, but also, in fact, for life.

However, Yuri Pavlovich did not have to live at a provincial pace for very long. A serious test for Yuri Kulik was his appointment to the post of head of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate for water and air transport. The capital's airports are the gates of our country; Up to two thousand planes land and take off there every day. According to Yuri Kulik, as head of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs he did not allow himself to relax for a minute - all four years. It was a difficult period, but also a great school.

Career turns

In 2011, Yuri Pavlovich left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new place of work was the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory. Yuri Kulik prepared thoroughly for his appointment to a new position:

While waiting for the Decree of the President of Russia, I traveled to eighteen regions, visited all prisons, colonies, and isolation wards. I saw both perfect order and almost anarchy. Therefore, upon arrival in Krasnodar, I knew exactly how it should be. For two and a half years I tried to work in such a way that I would not be ashamed of the fruits of my labors.

His special merits are his successful work in a juvenile colony. The colony was experiencing what is called a crisis, and the first weeks of work were overshadowed by a riot within its walls. The new head of the Federal Penitentiary Service was not afraid to personally meet with the prisoners, their negotiations were successful, and the crisis situation was resolved. And a couple of years later, the “children’s” colony became one of the best in Russia.

We improved living conditions, improved everyday life, and gradually began to attract children to sports and cultural events. The result was not immediate, but it appeared. When I left Krasnodar, the situation was so favorable that minor prisoners were released into the city without an escort to play football. How did we manage to achieve this? It's simple: a person must be treated humanely at any time. life situation. This rule, by the way, is universal - it applies to FSIN employees, officials, and police officers.

In 2014, Yuri Pavlovich returned to the police again. Now it was a completely different system, which changed after the reform of the internal affairs bodies.

For myself, I noted that the level of personal responsibility of the manager for the actions of his subordinates has greatly increased,” comments Yuri Kulik. “It never happened before that a general was fired for the misconduct of a private.” On the other hand, it is completely clear to me what these increased requirements are aimed at.

To restore the former authority of the law enforcement system, to increase the level of trust of citizens - this is precisely the goal of most reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, for Yuri Pavlovich Kulik, who always took his work extremely responsibly, the changes did not become something global. He was an excellent worker in the police, and remains an excellent student in the police.

Yuri Kulik's day begins at ten minutes to six with a workout in the gym. At a quarter to eight, the general is already at his workplace - listening to the report of the duty officer. Next - an endless series of meetings, meetings, trips. It is impossible to say in advance when the working day will end; this is determined by the current situation. Surprisingly, in such a busy schedule of life and work, Yuri Pavlovich manages not only to complete the assigned tasks, but to complete them masterfully, with a creative approach. To work efficiently, you should love your calling, but you should not forget about other areas of life, for example, sports. He is a master of sports in wrestling and a candidate master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. In his free time, Yuri Pavlovich loves to hunt and fish, and spend time outdoors with his family.

The main thing is that there is well-being in the family, the children are healthy, they have achieved everything, everything turned out well in the service, and after retirement only good memories remain,” Major General Yuri Kulik sets his life priorities.

Yuri Kulik, head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region:

- A person must be treated humanely in any life situation. This rule, by the way, is universal - it applies to FSIN employees, officials, and police officers.

On January 13, 2014, exactly a year ago, the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region, Police Major General Yuri Kulik, was introduced to the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev. The order of his appointment was signed by the President of Russia on January 4, 2014.

Every person is gifted by nature, but not everyone manages to fully realize themselves. The head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region, Police Major General Yuri Pavlovich Kulik, is one of those happy people who succeeded. In order to successfully manage the regional department of internal affairs, today, in the conditions of the formation of new socio-economic relations in the country, you need to be a professional in your field, have organizational talent, a broad outlook, the ability to see the future, have a good education, be able to ask strictly, while showing restraint , patience, tact in communicating with subordinates. Fully endowed with all these qualities Yuri Kulik

Major General of Police, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Tambov Region, Honorary Officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, Honorary Worker of Transport of the Russian Federation Yuri Kulik is one of those people whose life clearly confirms the limitlessness of human capabilities. There were no famous surnames or famous policemen among his ancestors. Born into an ordinary family of a railway worker, Yuri Pavlovich achieved everything on his own. Today he successfully combines a high position in the authorities and the no less honorable title of head of the family and father of four children.

winding road

The future police general spent his childhood at a small railway crossing. The family was small: the father was a trackman, the mother was a crossing attendant, and two schoolchildren brothers - Yura and Grisha.

The whole family put things in order there: they mowed the grass, removed the garbage, straightened the embankment. This was the best section of the Southern Railway, even the Minister of Railways came to us. My father loved his work very much and literally lived by it. He tried to instill in us, his sons, the same attitude towards business,” recalls Yuri Pavlovich.

The parents wanted their sons to follow in their footsteps, but the boys themselves thought differently. Looking into the future, Grigory saw himself as a police lieutenant colonel, and Yuri as a major in the Airborne Forces. When the time came, both tried to realize their childhood dream. Grigory succeeded and today he heads the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kursk region. And Yuri, having served in the Airborne Forces and studied for several semesters at the Novosibirsk Military School, was disappointed in his choice. My brother helped me make a new one. He invited Yuri to Leningrad, where he himself was already an employee of the criminal investigation department and a student at the Leningrad Higher Political School. Inspired by his example, Yuri also became a law enforcement officer.

Yuri Kulik, head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region:

- My role model is my father. He went through the war, worked all his life, and never deceived anyone. Although he considers himself an atheist, he always follows the principle that God for a person is his conscience

My brother has been a role model for me since childhood,” says Yuri Pavlovich. - He went through a harsh school of life: he participated in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, received serious radiation, fought the disease and defeated it. He realized his childhood dream and even surpassed it - now he is a major general of police, heading the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kursk region. I am eternally grateful to Grisha for the role he played in my destiny.

Most of General Kulik’s life and service is connected with the Northern capital. Here, in 1985, he put on a police uniform for the first time and worked his way up from a guard to the deputy head of the district police department. And suddenly, in the prime of his career, he unexpectedly moved from the territorial police to the linear one. Yuri Pavlovich made the right decision with his transfer to the transport police - and his previously successful career went uphill even more rapidly. By 2004, Kulik headed the Volga Line Department of Internal Affairs. Yuri Pavlovich has the warmest memories of those years:

I remember with pleasure my work in Saratov. Then for the first time after a long break I was not in the capital. After all, in the provinces life is calmer, people are softer and kinder. I must admit, I liked that rhythm - there was enough time not only for work, but also, in fact, for life.

However, Yuri Pavlovich did not have to live at a provincial pace for very long. A serious test for Yuri Kulik was his appointment to the post of head of the Moscow Internal Affairs Directorate for water and air transport. The capital's airports are the gates of our country; Up to two thousand planes land and take off there every day. According to Yuri Kulik, as head of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs he did not allow himself to relax for a minute - all four years. It was a difficult period, but also a great school.

Career turns

In 2011, Yuri Pavlovich left the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The new place of work was the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnodar Territory. Yuri Kulik prepared thoroughly for his appointment to a new position:

While waiting for the Decree of the President of Russia, I traveled to eighteen regions, visited all prisons, colonies, and isolation wards. I saw both perfect order and almost anarchy. Therefore, upon arrival in Krasnodar, I knew exactly how it should be. For two and a half years I tried to work in such a way that I would not be ashamed of the fruits of my labors.

His special merits are his successful work in a juvenile colony. The colony was experiencing what is called a crisis, and the first weeks of work were overshadowed by a riot within its walls. The new head of the Federal Penitentiary Service was not afraid to personally meet with the prisoners, their negotiations were successful, and the crisis situation was resolved. And a couple of years later, the “children’s” colony became one of the best in Russia.

We improved living conditions, improved everyday life, and gradually began to attract children to sports and cultural events. The result was not immediate, but it appeared. When I left Krasnodar, the situation was so favorable that minor prisoners were released into the city without an escort to play football. How did we manage to achieve this? It's simple: a person must be treated humanely in any life situation. This rule, by the way, is universal - it suits both FSIN employees, officials, and police officers.

In 2014, Yuri Pavlovich returned to the police again. Now it was a completely different system, which changed after the reform of the internal affairs bodies.

For myself, I noted that the level of personal responsibility of the manager for the actions of his subordinates has greatly increased,” comments Yuri Kulik. - It never happened before that a general was fired for the misconduct of a private. On the other hand, it is completely clear to me what these increased requirements are aimed at.

To restore the former authority of the law enforcement system, to increase the level of trust of citizens - this is precisely the goal of most reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, for Yuri Pavlovich Kulik, who always took his work extremely responsibly, the changes did not become something global. He was an excellent worker in the police, and remains an excellent student in the police.

Yuri Kulik's day begins at ten minutes to six with a workout in the gym. At a quarter to eight, the general is already at his workplace - listening to the report of the duty officer. Next - an endless series of meetings, meetings, trips. It is impossible to say in advance when the working day will end; this is determined by the current situation. Surprisingly, in such a busy schedule of life and work, Yuri Pavlovich manages not only to complete the assigned tasks, but to complete them masterfully, with a creative approach. To work efficiently, you should love your calling, but you should not forget about other areas of life, for example, sports. He is a master of sports in wrestling and a candidate master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. In his free time, Yuri Pavlovich loves to hunt and fish, and spend time outdoors with his family.

- Yuri Pavlovich, January 2015 marked exactly one year since you headed the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region. During this time, you became acquainted with the work of all departments and visited regional police departments. What is your general impression of the Tambov police and the heads of territorial divisions? Please characterize this year from the point of view of the work of law enforcement agencies in the region. Has the crime situation changed, has the number of crimes decreased, or perhaps their nature has changed?

Having become acquainted with the results of the operational and service activities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region, on the whole I was satisfied. In addition, while still in Moscow at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I only heard about the activities of the Tambov police positive reviews. But, of course, everything cannot be 100 percent, this simply does not happen. I am concerned about the working conditions of Tambov police officers, the repair and decoration of premises, technical support, and the like. As a new leader, I must first of all gain authority. But to win it not with loud words, but with concrete deeds to protect law and order in the Tambov region. The past year was full of significant social, political, socio-economic events. For the personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Tambov region, this was a difficult and very responsible period of work. Police officers ensured public order during the period of about 800 socio-political and other public events in the region, including the Olympic and Paralympic torch relays. More than two hundred and fifty Tambov police officers ensured security for the Olympic Games directly in the city of Sochi. Two hundred of our employees on a permanent basis, replacing each other, served in the North Caucasus region. More than two and a half thousand technical and video monitoring systems were actively used for law enforcement purposes. It was possible to optimize mobility through the use of mobile police stations and positioning systems.

In general, in the past year, sabotage and terrorist acts, mass violations of public order, and clashes on ethnic and religious grounds were not allowed to be committed in the region. The main results of work in priority areas, primarily in the suppression of serious and especially serious crimes, have not been lost; facts of the organization of criminal communities have been revealed. No particularly high-profile crimes were registered. In 2014, 11,473 crimes were committed, which is 2.1% less than in 2013. Their detection rate was 70.3%. The detection rate of murders, robberies, and robberies is more than 90%. At the same time, intentional murders and attempts are solved 100%. As part of operational preventive measures and special operations in various areas of activity, about 8 thousand various offenses were suppressed, 149 units of various types of weapons and more than 20 kg of narcotic drugs were seized from illicit trafficking. Preventive work with minors made it possible to prevent an increase in the number of crimes committed both by minors themselves and against them, including against their sexual integrity.

Despite this, the numbers, whatever they may be, remain numbers. It is necessary that the results of our work be felt first and foremost by people. Therefore, we need to concentrate our efforts on the basic areas determined by the President of Russia and the instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs for more efficient and high-quality work. To achieve this, we will continue to strengthen the regional departments, where, in fact, the main work is carried out.

- Yuri Pavlovich, what explains the good performance of the Tambov police?

- Is the public involved in the work?

On July 2, the Federal Law “On the participation of citizens in the protection of public order” came into force. The latest survey showed that almost 10% of the region's population aged 18 to 34 years are ready to provide assistance to the region's internal affairs bodies. Half of them want to take a direct part in maintaining order as vigilantes. We now have the legal framework to harness this potential. And if we more actively involve the Cossacks in this work, then overall the help will be significant. Therefore, “without delay,” we need to delve into the state of affairs in each territory in more detail and begin to organize this process together with local governments. Currently, out of 15 district departments of internal affairs, 13 have created and established contacts with people's squads. One of the positive examples is the interaction of the Michurinsky Ministry of Internal Affairs with the people's squads. Mutual work is especially well established in the Nikiforovsky district. For the past five years, a voluntary people's squad consisting of police department veterans and other residents of the area has been working in the Nikiforovsky district. Every weekend and holiday, together with police officers or local police officers, they protect public order in places where the population is crowded and suppress various offenses.

The participation of Cossack representatives in joint events with police officers plays a significant role in ensuring law and order on the streets of the region.

Of all the police departments, the service of precinct commissioners, which is currently assisted by about five hundred “freelance employees,” has used the right to attract citizens to freelance cooperation the most actively.

The TSU student squad provides significant assistance in protecting public order to the police. Derzhavin "Power". 161 student volunteers help the police during mass social and political events, sports festivals and tournaments. The guys from the detachment were trained at the professional training center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in December they were awarded certificates of people's vigilantes.

- How does the Ministry of Internal Affairs work with citizens?

The total number of requests to the regional police department in 2014 amounted to more than 206 thousand. The number of government services provided to the population is more than 52 thousand, of which 450 are in electronic form. More than 161 thousand were provided through the traffic police alone. The licensing and permitting departments received about 23 thousand requests from citizens and legal entities. At the same time, by expanding the electronic pre-registration system, including via the Internet, and increasing the qualifications and responsibility of performers, we managed to reduce the waiting period for receiving public services to the established minimum.

- Yuri Pavlovich, as they say, even with the naked eye you can see what the Lately There are positive developments in the work of the police, and public confidence in the authorities is growing. What are the reasons for such changes?

Yes, citizens of the Tambov region (as, I believe, of the whole country) began to trust the police more and contact them more often in solving public safety issues. This is evidenced by sociological surveys of the population that we conduct regularly, statistics of people’s appeals to internal affairs bodies, and their calls to the hotline. For example, ten percent of the deprivation of the rights of drivers who drove while intoxicated was carried out following signals from concerned fellow citizens. Can you imagine how many road accidents, accidents with crippled lives and destinies were prevented thanks to Tambov residents, who were confident that the police would respond to their signals in a timely and correct manner.

The growing respect of the population for people who are “on duty all the time” is primarily due to the fact that, as a result of the reform of the internal affairs bodies, it is noticeable in better side The appearance of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, his professionalism, and attitude to business have changed. After the reduction of personnel (currently 7.5 thousand police officers provide law and order in the Tambov region), the most worthy employees remained in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Of course, cases of drunkenness and abuse of official position in our system have not yet been completely eradicated, but the attitude towards such facts is intolerant, we do not hide them.

The demand from our employees is strict - we fire violators, we transfer the materials against them to the investigative committee. For example, in 2014, 19 criminal cases were opened against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and 24 in 2013. All this significantly disciplines the rest. By the way, the requirements for department heads for all kinds of emergencies among personnel are enormous. Probably, everyone is still hearing about the case when the head of one of the regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was dismissed from his post for an accident committed by an employee while drunk.

The selection of those wishing to work in internal affairs bodies has become more thorough. We consider applicants from all sides - medical, professional, and take into account purely human qualities. Candidates for a place in the ranks of law enforcement officers undergo a polygraph examination with us. I consider this a very important and correct action. You can't fool a smart car. Out of ten candidates, eight are eliminated. By the way, when I was appointed to a position in Tambov, I went through the same procedure.

Currently, the Tambov Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is understaffed by four percent. I asked how it was in other regions with this indicator. It turned out that, for example, in the neighboring Lipetsk region, which has a smaller population, the local Ministry of Internal Affairs has a staff shortage of only one percent. I went to see my colleagues and found out that they have a slightly different recruitment mechanism: several people are being considered for a vacant position at once. And as a result of a long study of the candidacy, one of the young people suitable for this position remains. We have learned from experience. And now our number of vacancies is gradually decreasing. In order to study advanced working methods, I visited several regions, in particular Volgograd, Voronezh, Ryazan, and Belgorod. I look, study, analyze, compare.

- Are there any concrete results in the process of improving the quality of personnel, increasing the openness and accessibility of the police?

Yes, there are positive developments in law enforcement work. Of course, not only increasing the professionalism and responsibility of employees play a role in improving the crime situation, preventing crime, and preventing road accidents, but also the corresponding reorganization of management work.

At each morning planning meeting, we analyze the results of actions based on signals from citizens, demanding that those on duty respond quickly and competently to them, showing once again that the key to success is solving a crime “hot on the heels.” We check how well the duty officers work. Here's a recent case. At night, the duty department received a signal: a group of young people were destroying cars parked in the yard. But the duty officer did not ask who called, or the signs of the hooligans, and did not immediately convey the message to the patrol service. As a result, when she arrived at the scene, the hooligans were no longer there. The incident became the subject of discussion at the meeting, which served as a good lesson for all those on duty.

And gradually the work of the duty department becomes clearer. Submitting an application takes the visitor no more than 15 minutes. This year, not a single case related to the concealment of offenses has been registered. By the way, for concealing crimes discovered during relevant checks, the demand from management is even much stricter than for not disclosing them. And everyone has already become imbued with the inevitability of punishment for this.

Currently, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs provide hundreds of thousands of government services, for example, registering cars, issuing weapons licenses, criminal record certificates, and so on. And each such appeal is resolved within the time prescribed by law. As you may have noticed, there are no queues at the duty stations, also due to the fact that many government services there can be obtained electronically.

- Yuri Pavlovich, what other structural units of the police are now receiving increased attention?

Service of local inspectors. This is a requirement of both the time and Russian President Putin. Speaking to colleagues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Vladimirovich noted: that every citizen should know his local police officer. And it is absolutely no coincidence that in the Tambov region, for six months, the campaign “Precinct - in every house” was held, the goal of which was to bring primary police officers closer to the population so that they knew absolutely everyone living in their area: who breathes what, with whom they communicate and from Who can expect trouble? And so that the population, in turn, would also know who to turn to for help in case of an accident. To achieve this, a number of events and inspections are carried out, both the best district inspectors and those who still need to study and learn how to communicate with citizens and local authorities are identified. I myself personally go to the districts of the region, approach the villagers and ask them if they know their local police officer. It often happens that you haven’t even seen it. On the one hand, this is good - citizens lead a law-abiding lifestyle, but on the other hand, local police officers themselves must come to citizens and carry out preventive work with them, especially in terms of fraud.

Another problem is the situation with road safety. A very worrying situation. Suffice it to say that over the past year, seven thousand drivers were detained for driving while drunk, and three thousand administrative arrests were made. So we still have to work and work to eradicate this evil.

It is also necessary to increase the efficiency of district city departments, of which there are currently 15. Not all of them, in seemingly identical conditions, have good performance indicators. Here, probably, we should take the Department of Internal Affairs of the Tambov region as a model. The territory, like no other, is large, scattered, complex, however, in terms of performance indicators, the unit consistently ranks first or second in the region, largely thanks to the chief, Colonel I. N. Kondratiev - a true professional, a man of honor and responsibility. The head of the criminal investigation department, V. G. Slantsev, and many other leaders are characterized in exactly the same way.

- Yuri Pavlovich, in your opinion, what is more important for a police officer - professionalism or purely human qualities?

I think they are equivalent. However, a decent, conscientious person who understands people’s problems and strives to help them can be taught to work. But a professional with a rotten soul is unlikely to bring much benefit to society. But, as I have already noted, the overwhelming majority of our employees are competent, committed people. This is evidenced by the results of business trips to the North Caucasus. Every month there are 170 employees of the Tambov Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are no comments, only gratitude and certificates for their service. I was in Chechnya and was personally convinced of the good service of my subordinates. 250 of our people in uniform ensured law and order in Sochi, and also without any emergency situations. Youth festival in Tver, “White Nights” in St. Petersburg, Pokrovskaya Fair in Tambov... - everywhere Tambov police officers serve with dignity - they know the law and their duties, restrained and attentive

Progress in eradicating crime and overcoming barriers between the population and the police is encouraging, but, of course, not reassuring. We still have a lot of work ahead of us.

- Yuri Pavlovich, for the generally short period that you headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs, You have already managed to do many wonderful things that will undoubtedly go down in the history of the Tambov police. You pay great attention to what the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks like and the employees’ workplaces.

Yes, of course, it is very important for me in what conditions the Tambov police personnel work. Therefore for a short time We managed to bring the interior of the administrative building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to a more or less normal appearance, some of the offices were renovated. The halls have been redecorated, photographs are hung on the walls, telling the life of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, significant events, and the best employees. I am especially proud of the photographs of frames from well-known old films about the police, next to which are their modern “doubles”. It turns out, a kind of connection of times. In addition, there are many stands dedicated to the Dynamo society, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the best in their profession, and the like. On the eve of Internal Affairs Officer Day, a “Memory Board” was opened at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on which 200 names of employees who died in the line of duty were carved in gold. I consider another significant event to be the opening of a specialized class in the cadet corps, where children planning to receive higher education in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I was the main initiator of the formation of such a class, and my idea of ​​​​creating a police class was supported by members of the public council, as well as the entire staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and literally in a few months a specially equipped class was already ready at the educational institution.

The continuation of another good tradition was the patronage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region over the Gorel boarding school. The management and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are frequent guests of the boarding school. Chefs never come to their wards empty-handed: a video camera, TV, VCR, sports equipment - this is not a complete list of what the bosses gave to their wards. I think that this good deed will pay off handsomely, because from time immemorial in Rus' helping orphans was considered a sacred deed.

- Yuri Pavlovich, and at the end of the conversation, tell me what is the most important thing in life for you?

The main thing is that there is well-being in the family, the children are healthy, they achieve everything, everything goes well in the service, and after retirement only a good memory remains of you,” Major General Yuri Kulik sets his life priorities.

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16.10.2019 The Prosecutor's Office of the Inzhavinsky District, together with a doctor expert from the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tambov Region", checked compliance with the law when selling meat products by organizations
Prosecutor's office of the Tambov region
16.10.2019 The prosecutor's office of the Tokarevsky district revealed violations of the legislation on the contract system during the execution of the state contract for the reconstruction of the highway.
Prosecutor's office of the Tambov region
16.10.2019 Uvarovsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation in the Tambov region, a criminal investigation has been completed against a 35-year-old resident of the Rzhaksinsky district,
Investigation Department
16.10.2019 The Tambov Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tambov Region completed a criminal investigation against a 46-year-old resident of the village of Belomestna
Investigation Department
16.10.2019 In the Morshansky district department of bailiffs of the Office of the FSSP of Russia in the Tambov region, a case of recovery is pending Money from a citizen in the amount of about 2 million rubles in favor of a legal entity. In the Morshansky district department of bailiffs of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Tambov region, enforcement proceedings are underway to collect funds from citizen P.
15.10.2019 On October 10 of this year, the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tambov Region, together with colleagues from the Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service, conducted a preventive event “Debtor”.
Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tambov region

Yuri Pavlovich Kulik was born in April 1963 in Ukraine. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in Leningrad in 1985 as an ordinary policeman in a patrol service battalion. Yuri Kulik graduated from the Ministry of Internal Affairs school in 1992 in St. Petersburg. In 2000, he became the head of the St. Petersburg Line Department of Internal Affairs for Transport. Four years later, Yuri Pavlovich was appointed head of the Volga Region Department of Internal Affairs for Transport. Then in 2007, Kulik took the position of head of the Moscow Air and Water Transport Directorate. Since 2011, Yuri Kulik has headed the Department Federal service execution of punishment in the Krasnodar region.

Yuri Kulik has state awards and an academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. The Major General has earned the image of a modern innovative leader thanks to his bold initiatives. It is known that Kulik, while working as the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Krasnodar Territory, provided prisoners with the opportunity of distance learning at the Kuban University. In addition, thanks to Kulik, a chess tournament was held between American and Russian prisoners, and Yuri Pavlovich invited the boxers of the Klitschko brothers to visit the colonies of Kuban.

On January 4, 2014, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Yuri Kulik was appointed to the position of head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tambov region.

Publications with mentions on fedpress.ru

On Wednesday, April 18, in the Catherine Hall of the Kuban state university Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, Major General Yuri Kulik and...

Festive events in honor of the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in Krasnodar began at nine in the morning at the Eternal Flame memorial. Then on Theater Square...

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, together with the prosecutor's office of the Krasnodar Territory, conducted an inspection of the implementation of legislation when detaining citizens in institutions...

The combined special forces detachment of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory will conduct exercises to suppress the seizure and repel an armed attack on correctional colony No. 2 in...

World boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko, at the invitation of the head of the FSIN department for the Krasnodar region, Major General Yuri Kulik, visited the Belorechensk educational colony, ...

From May 23 to 27, tactical and special exercises of a special forces detachment were held at the FSIN directorate in the Krasnodar Territory. On the basis of medical correctional institution No. 1 and...

On Tuesday, May 29, a meeting took place between the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev, and the head of the regional department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Major General Yuri Kulik, ...

The head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory, Major General Yuri Kulik, signed a cooperation agreement with the head of the Jewish community of Krasnodar Federation...

Yesterday, December 12, the Prosecutor of the Krasnodar Territory Leonid Korzhinek, together with the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Kozitsky and the head of the regional...

Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory Yuri Kulik and Metropolitan of Ekaterinodar and Kuban Isidor (Kirichenko) approved a plan for joint cooperation on...