Leo bull daily horoscope. Which zodiac sign suits Leo to a woman born in the year of the Ox. Celebrities of the Leo sign born in the year of the Ox

20.10.2021 Diseases

People born from July 23 to August 22 are Leos according to the horoscope. The years of the Ox are considered to be: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

Leo in fusion with the Ox is a very obstinate person. Obstinacy is a key feature of this person, regardless of gender. The Leo Ox is more carefree and cheerful among all the Oxen. But you should never offend a merry fellow, since a surge of aggression is inevitable. But Leo’s bestial anger is absorbed by the “inner” Ox, which does not allow him to act on emotions.

For personal relationships, Leo, born in the year of the Ox, chooses a positive, balanced and sincere person. He treats his other half with attention and care, you can safely rely on him. In a family, he is the undisputed leader and everyone must absolutely obey the decisions of the head of the family. Family life, according to Leo of the Year of the Ox, is a palace where his royal habits are fully manifested.

He certainly needs to be the head of the family and everyone must treat him with respect. This fad compensates for an excellent sense of everyday life and the ability to organize life in the best possible way.

Characteristics of a Leo man with the qualities of an Ox

The noble Leo is endowed with the strength of the Ox, which gives rise to harmony of character, consisting mostly of positive qualities. This man is not used to panicking and being a coward, he fiercely defends his position. He is able to stand up for her with his fists, but rarely brings things to a fight. Leo is balanced thanks to the calmness inherent in the sign of the Ox.

The Ox demonstrates many worthy traits: perseverance, endurance, rare willpower. Leo adds significant self-esteem, recognition of his own importance to himself. To build a brilliant career and prestigious status in society and in all areas of life, these are ideal qualities.

Leo has a pronounced sense of purpose and an ambitious character. I am a maximalist in everything, preferring only the best, preferably even the perfect. This applies to things and surroundings. Such a person strives to live in luxury, dress in brands and move in the elite.

At the same time, he is distinguished by emotional stability, loyalty, sincerity and sociability.

A man born under the sign of Leo-Ox is focused on success and strives to lead in everything. Trying to subjugate a leader is a thankless task.

Everyone respects Leo-Ox and listens to him. Such a person is excellent at occupying leadership positions, making competent orders, being a representative of a reputable enterprise, and even deciding destinies.

In any case, the guy will not go unnoticed. Always obsessed with a noble goal, but it should be noted that it is difficult for him to come to a compromise.

Leo-Oxen accept outside opinions extremely rarely, preferring to think that their own point of view is the only possible one. Particularly noticeable is his refusal to compromise when his personal interests are affected.

Leo, who was born under the auspices of the Ox, has great potential. Working all day long is his case. Even if you have to do it not in the most suitable conditions. A workaholic obsessed with success, he is ready to do anything for the sake of prospects. He will never agree to live in poverty. The energetic nature of Leo helps to solve any issues today and now, without postponing any matters until tomorrow.

Such a man always leaves a flattering impression of himself and inspires trust. He is distinguished by his eloquence, but tries more to do than talk about business. Leo-Ox is self-confident, able to deftly cope with difficulties, take risks for more, fearlessly move towards the goal, striving for the maximum possible. This combination of signs “gives birth” to excellent financiers and businessmen.

The Leo man, who was born in the year of the Ox, strives to be a leader. He is firm and does not agree to compromise, has bullish tenacity in defending his own interests. The downside is his inability to be loyal to outside opinions. His credo is above all others for him.

Family relationships

This area of ​​life occupies a large place in the life of the Leo-Ox man. He respects family values ​​and often takes them as the framework for organizing life in a marriage. In order for there to be harmony in a legal relationship, it is important not to make a mistake with your life partner.

This respectable family man in his youth is distinguished by his love of love. He is even capable of having affairs with several girls at the same time. Moreover, he strives to understand his friends in order to study female nature and choose the most ideal of them as a wife.

The Leo-Ox guy makes maximum demands on his beloved. She must certainly be characterized by sociability, intelligence, brightness of appearance and character. In addition, she should praise and pamper her Leo.

Leo of the Year of the Ox is himself immensely generous to loved ones. He loves to give them gifts, sweet surprises, to please them with something pleasant and unusual, to surprise them. At the same time, a generous donor can be tough and demand that you obey him unquestioningly.

It will be better if he loosens his grip, giving his beloved a chance to realize her personal dreams. Otherwise, the woman may become an infantile driven person.

To be successful, Leo-Ox has all the makings, but one must also find time for spiritual self-development.

If Leo-Ox does not feel respect for himself in the family, he will begin to rage. Lack of attention and activity on the part of household members can lead to serious problems.

He has a strong relationship with his wife, based on friendship with understanding. She receives respect and absolute support from her husband. And for children he is an authority and a friend at the same time. Such a father will always come to the rescue in resolving difficult issues, even in the adult years of his descendants.

In love and relationships

Here he is no less active as in the rest. The sexual energy of this sign is easily replenished, and its life potential is considered very high. There is one thing: finding a single life partner can take years, leading to a constant change of partners. The womanizer will choose his soulmate based on his appearance and subtle sense of humor. For him, these qualities are a priority.

Leo under the sign of the Ox usually becomes the father of many children and loves his offspring. This is a sensual and very passionate partner who can turn the head of any beauty. But he doesn’t show his feelings to strangers. Just like he doesn’t show them to his chosen one until a certain time. This greatly distinguishes Leo from other signs, so girls are afraid of getting close to him.

But Leo will take the first step himself, since he is proactive by nature, sociable and energetic. It is better for the partner to trust him completely, placing the solution to all issues and problems on his strong shoulders.

Leo-Ox in the sexual sphere

This is a real experimenter and sensualist. He likes everything unusual and new. He will only get pleasure from changing positions and caresses and will not get bored with his inventive partner. Leo's sensuality brings beauty and satisfaction to intimacy.

Seething energy brings a lot of bright colors and unforgettable impressions to his intimate sphere of life. If something does not suit Leo, he will leave to look for another girlfriend. Leo is characterized by relaxedness and sexuality, he seeks intimacy and considers sex a necessary component of a full life. He chooses his partner himself, trying to secretly control his intimate relationship with her.

Which companion should you choose?

The complex character of Leo in the year of the Ox encourages him to seek recognition in any area of ​​life. He must definitely learn to compromise and reduce the number of complaints about his environment. It is better to find an outlet for yourself in the form of a hobby. Then the irrepressible energy will be distributed evenly and will not harm anyone with its power of delivery.

About the psychology of Leo man’s behavior in love, see below.

The Ox-Leo is respected by everyone - this is a promising combination for climbing the career ladder and, in general, for high social status. He knows how to lead - give orders, represent a reputable company and, in general, decide destinies. Such a person will never go unnoticed. He always has a goal and a high goal.

If the ascent has not yet happened, then the Leo Ox will work tirelessly - as much as necessary. He, like any Ox, is hardy and very strong. He may be content with little, but only for the sake of prospects. It must be said that he will never drag out a miserable existence...

Character of the Ox-Leo

It makes no sense to somehow influence or, even worse, directly put pressure on him and is generally dangerous... He controls himself. Such a person is energetic and always knows what needs to be done. True, like all Leos, this one sometimes wants to be lazy, have a good time - it is possible that he loves theatrical performances, social parties where you can perform in all your glory - show yourself and watch others.

In love he may be too conservative, but his ardor is enough for any partner... And in this area of ​​life, the Leo Ox wants to show his royal aspirations. He should feel like the head of the family, and his partner and children should show respect. He has a good sense of life and knows how to organize home life in the most wonderful way!

Ox-Leo Man

The Leo Ox man inspires confidence and, as a rule, has a bright personality. He is not always verbose and eloquent, but he always makes a favorable impression. His main feature- the ability to do more than talk.

However, let’s not forget that in this combination of signs there is a high risk of a stubborn desire to insist on one’s own at all costs. Such a man has the endurance to go on his own - without an entourage, but he still prefers a crowd of fans, a support group of numerous buddies and friends.

Ox-Leo Woman

The Ox-Leo woman is also a very serious lady with whom you can’t always joke. By the way, in literally, the Ox-Leo woman does not understand jokes directed at herself. She, just like the men of this combination of signs, loves society and basically prefers to shine in this society. She is not interested in playing secondary roles anywhere, and since she values ​​herself, she will not waste her time on trifles.

In love and marriage with such a lady, of course, it is not easy if she does not want to discover for herself the meaning of the word “compromise”. She has a lot of strength, vitality, and so that the character of the Leo Ox woman does not deteriorate over the years, she must find herself not only in the family, but also in work, in children, in hobbies, etc. This person is not only creative, but also hard-working - she needs to live an active life!

Leo born in the year of the Ox Chinese horoscope, is an amazingly proud, courageous and strong-character person who has magnetic power over those around him. At the same time, the power of Leo-Ox has nothing to do with his authoritarianism or pressure, oh no! Moreover, numerous friends, acquaintances, associates and like-minded people of Leo the Ox will never admit that he has any special influence on them. They are firmly convinced that they simply feel ordinary sympathy for Leo-Ox. Well, at the same time we are ready to help him. And share with him his plans and interests...

Such is the nature of the strong, integral character of Leo the Ox - his unshakable self-confidence is transmitted to those around him, acting on them bewitchingly, like the gaze of Kaa the boa constrictor. Thanks to this property, it is usually not difficult for Leo the Ox to find support and organize a cohesive team in whatever he does - organizing a political party or setting off fireworks in the yard. In fairness, it should be noted that Leo-Ox himself is far from cynically using the people who trust him. People themselves willingly go under his leadership, and he also plays the role of an organizer and wise leader for them.

True, the Eastern Zodiac horoscope indicates that Leo-Ox’s confidence also has its downside: it is incredibly difficult for him to compromise, or even more so, to admit that he is wrong in some matter. However, thanks to the foresight of Leo-Ox and his strategic talents, most often this simply does not become necessary.

Leo Ox Love

It's hard to find a person more reliable than Leo-Ox! His inner strength and far from unfounded self-confidence make Leo-Ox unusually attractive to people of the opposite sex. However, despite the large selection of fans and natural sensuality, Leo-Ox is usually in no hurry to tie the knot. He loves and appreciates flirting, love play, as well as all the joys of life, but he does not forget about responsibility. Marriage for him is the beginning of a process that ideally should last a lifetime.

In his loved one, Leo-Ox is looking, first of all, for a like-minded person - erudite, with a wide range of interests and a positive outlook on the world. However, there is a second condition: ideally, the chosen one of Leo the Ox should not be devoid of a secular “lion” gloss.

Sexuality of Leo-Ox

Leo-Ox seems 100% confident in himself, but he is only human! And he is characterized by the same doubts about his own attractiveness as other representatives of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope. Convince him that he is the best, and your Leo Ox will always be on top! In bed, he prefers everything beautiful - lingerie, bodies, angles. He is excited by the opportunity to watch his partner, so don’t turn off the light in the bedroom!

Celebrities of the Leo sign born in the year of the Ox:

Barack Obama, US President.
Woody Harrelson, American actor.
Dustin Hoffman, American actor.
Ivan Aivazovsky, Russian painter.
Kate Beckinsale, English actress.
Marco Materazzi, Italian footballer.
Napoleon I Banoparte, Emperor of France.
Nikolai Valuev, Russian boxer and politician.
Edita Piekha, Soviet and Russian singer.
Yulia Vysotskaya, Russian actress.

For a more accurate description of the character of Leo ( July 23 – August 22) it is important to know the year of his birth and, accordingly, the sign by eastern horoscope. The characteristics of each sign can significantly change the traits inherent in the classic “pure” Leo.

Year of the Rat

(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Leo Rat has a dual character: it is periodically dominated by the traits of one or another sign. Thrift is replaced by wastefulness, the desire to shine in society is replaced by the desire to hide in solitude. The disadvantages of representatives of this combination of signs are a certain pettiness inherited from the Rat and a lack of self-criticism characteristic of Leo.

The Leo man, born in the year of the Rat, often rushes to extremes. He can be very reasonable and rely on logic in his decisions, or he can succumb to emotions and ruin many years of work with the wrong step. He should learn to balance between the two opposite sides of his character. The Lioness woman, born in the year of the Rat, is quite successful in life. But she needs to be more generous and less scandalous.

Year of the Ox

(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Leo Ox received a double dose of stubbornness in his character. This pleasant and sweet person can fall into an aggressive state if his interests are affected. The combination of these signs increases gullibility, logic and analysis recede into the background. Leo, born in the year of the Ox, is guided by impulses of the heart. Sometimes this can lead to unreliable friends.

The influence of the Ox softens the demanding nature of Leo, so it is easier to communicate with representatives of these signs than with “pure” Leo. The man is loving, he is able to pay enough attention to several ladies. The lioness of this year of birth is able to achieve more thanks to her gentleness and determination. The disadvantage for representatives of this astrological combination is their reluctance to seek compromise.

Year of the Tiger

(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Tiger and Leo in one bottle create an explosive mixture of charm and arrogance. Such people are full of energy, love and inner strength. The tiger works well in a team and is ready to wipe off the face of the earth anyone who offends people close to him. A strong drawback is jealousy, which can destroy the most strong relationships. But with age, Tiger learns to fight this feeling and becomes an excellent family man. Tiger Leo is a good parent, but even here he can show possessive habits.

A significant flaw that the Tiger suffers from is the rapid transition from calm to furious excitement. To calm down, he needs some time alone. The Tiger Leo man is capable of achieving a lot thanks to his activity, courage and determination. A woman with this combination of signs is often eccentric and cheerful.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat)

(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Leo Rabbit (Cat) is a very harmonious combination of signs. The strength and pressure of Leo is combined with the caution and gentleness of the Rabbit. A cat born under this zodiac sign has good manners and charisma. He does not have the lion's demandingness and explosive character. Leo Rabbit (Cat) is very tactful and friendly, so he is almost always surrounded by friends.

For normal work, Leo Cat must rest a lot and fully recuperate. A Cat man in his youth can lead a rather dissolute lifestyle, since moral standards do not matter much to him. The Lioness Cat woman is very extraordinary, loves change and needs constant recognition of her merits.

Year of the Dragon

(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The noble Leo Dragon enjoys the favor of fate. He is lucky and successful in almost all activities. Representatives of this combination of signs are happy to lead large teams, but their subordinates have a hard time. The Dragon rarely cares about the feelings of others. An intelligent and ambitious sign loves to be creative. Leo Dragon is filled with energy, so he easily earns money and takes care of his family.

Year of the Snake

(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Usually Leo Snake is a calm and honest person. The disadvantages of one sign are compensated by the advantages of the other. The Snake adds prudence and wisdom to Leo and receives generosity and openness in return. Representatives of this astrological combination are trusting and friendly, they like to take care of their appearance. Leo Snake is able to hide his selfishness for a long time, but in the family it reveals itself. He needs to control everything and feel friendly support.

Year of the Horse

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The playful and majestic Leo Horse is quite an interesting personality. Her character combines pride, physical strength, a great sense of humor and logical thinking. Leo, born in the year of the Horse, is constantly in the thick of things. He uses every opportunity to achieve success and is not afraid of adventure and extreme sports. The Leo Horse differs from the usual description of the lion sign: it does not like large companies and does not know how to show feelings. The sign uses a lot of energy, so it needs proper rest.

Year of the Goat

(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The Leo Goat has deeper thinking; from her youth she has been characterized by wisdom and maturity of views. What distinguishes her from the lion character is her great focus on family and serious attitude to romantic relationships. The Goat does not like long trips and changes in environment. When refused or made a mistake, she does not fly into a rage, but begins to be capricious. The combination of these signs makes a person arrogant and overconfident. The Goat, born under the sign of Leo, is a perfectionist. Because of this, she is often offended by the whole world.

Year of the Monkey

(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Leo Monkey is full of energy, fun and enthusiasm. He is always ready to help, he has a lot of ideas in his head. The Monkey is open to the whole world, its generosity knows no bounds. Any betrayal unsettles her for a long time. Leo Monkey is very sociable. Professions related to communication are suitable for him. Representatives of this union of signs are distinguished by curiosity and talkativeness. Because of this, they often find themselves in conflict situations and lose friends.

Year of the Rooster

(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Leo Rooster is very vain, most of his actions are aimed at attracting attention. He knows how to control emotions, carefully thinks through and organizes his life. The Rooster, unlike Leo, does not fall in love immediately; he needs time to get to know the person better. People with this combination of signs are quite successful financially; they do not tend to waste money. Sometimes the Rooster can bury himself and turn from a sweet joker into an annoying tyrant.

Year of the Dog

(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

The Leo dog is a rather unusual sign. Its representatives know how to listen, are devoted to the chosen people, but at the same time they are drawn to power and do not tolerate deception. The Leo dog is faithful to his moral principles, it’s hard for her to put up with injustice. She highly values ​​family relationships, so the Leo Dog tries to restrain her temperament in order to prevent conflicts. People of these signs are idealists, but often begin to get too carried away by their fantasies.

Year of the Pig (Boar)

(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

The Pig, born under the sign of Leo, has a strong character that helps to achieve the most impregnable goals. Generosity, a sense of humor and luck give the Pig reasons to be proud of himself. True, sometimes the Pig becomes too arrogant and proud. The difference from the lion's nature is frequent bouts of laziness. The Leo Pig becomes a good boss, capable of organizing the work of a large enterprise.

The combination of the zodiac sign and the symbol of the year of birth affects not only a person’s character, but also his success in a particular area. This article will look at the general and love characteristics of the Leo-Ox woman.

Personality traits

The Leo-Ox combination is the most unpredictable and energetic. The Leo woman, born in the year of the Ox, is distinguished not only by her determination and ambition, but also by her good leadership qualities. This allows women to make a dizzying career in a fairly short period of time. Such a woman leader is fair, prudent and purposeful. At the same time, she has intuition that allows her to successfully manage the company and make the right decisions. Despite such activity and energy, Leo women are characterized by constant torment over the correctness of the chosen decision.

At the same time, such people are very stubborn and are not used to changing their decision or discussing their chosen path with someone.

As a rule, the Leo-Ox woman is a bright, positive and energetic person. Such women love everything beautiful, while they themselves always look well-groomed and elegant. They appreciate and understand art, creativity and jewelry. They can also support a conversation on any topic, as they are a very versatile person. She is always the center of attention, and this does not tire her at all. Often she herself becomes the initiator of fun and friendly gatherings. Her easy-going nature and sociability make it easy to make acquaintances, both friendly and then developing into more serious relationships.

In love

In relationships, representatives of this sign are the most contradictory. They like strong and independent men, but at the same time they often choose a gentle and flexible man as a partner. Relationships with such a representative of the stronger sex can develop according to two scenarios: in the first case, the Leo woman will morally suppress her partner and develop an inferiority complex in him, and in the other case, on the contrary, she can use all her strength to promote and elevate the status of her partner in business and family relationships . Unfortunately, the second option is extremely rare. Despite the stubborn nature of such women, they are still not alien to the classical concept of a family where a man is the head.

It is rare that any member of the stronger sex stays in a relationship with a Leo woman for a long time due to their difficult nature and constant showdowns. This leads to numerous romances that create not the best reputation for such ladies. But if a girl is lucky enough to find a man who is morally stronger than herself, who knows how to prove that he is right and at the same time listens to the opinion of his chosen one, then their union will become harmonious and long-lasting.

They will be able to support each other not only in family life, but also in business matters.

Weak sides

Each star combination has both strengths and weaknesses of character, and Leo-Oxen girls are no exception.

  • Pride and stubbornness, even if they are wrong. This quality makes life very difficult for them, both public and personal.
  • Categorical judgment. They very rarely admit a compromise or change their point of view. For them, it is considered the only correct one.
  • Complexes about your success. Despite their proud and strong character, such individuals are very susceptible to self-evaluation. They are often insecure individuals with low self-esteem. This becomes a barrier to achieving career or love success.

Despite the shortcomings, representatives of such a star combination are considered strong and successful individuals, and in this case everything depends on themselves.

You will learn more about the Leo woman from the following video.