Year of the rabbit love compatibility with snake. Snake and Rabbit: compatibility according to the eastern horoscope. Compatibility of Snake woman and Rabbit man

17.12.2021 Ulcer

Snakes are very smart, they have outstanding intellectual abilities. Representatives of this sign are characterized by a calm manner of thinking. Snakes never show their true thoughts and feelings. Their inherent restraint and ability to remain cool in any situation creates an atmosphere of mystery around them. Snakes have a natural charm, they are romantic and seductive, and they don’t even try to create such an impression of themselves, they do it naturally. You charm others and persuade them to accept your point of view without resorting to pressure or humiliation. In a critical situation, you are able to maintain clarity of thinking; you can really be relied upon in times of crisis. In addition, you are independent and self-reliant. You are unlikely to get along with an obsessive partner who will constantly cling to you.

You like expensive and sophisticated things. You are excellent at planning a budget and managing financial flows, so clothes and accessories of the highest quality are an integral element of your daily life. With their help, you try to impress others, and you succeed very well. You crave success and power, so you try to adhere to the image of a successful person, watch your style and dress exclusively in expensive and high-quality things. You really know how to charm the right people.

The Rabbit woman can become a wonderful romantic partner for the Snake man. Rabbits are not intrusive, this woman will not object to your independence and independence. The Rabbit woman is artistic and very smart, she has developed intellectual abilities. Before agreeing to something, the Rabbit woman will always think twice. It is almost impossible to fool her or use her for her own purposes. You will love the creative nature of the Rabbit, and besides, she is exactly the same sophisticated connoisseur of art as you are.

Women born in the year of the Rabbit are charming and charismatic, they make friends easily and are able to achieve mutual understanding with anyone. They are fluent in the art of oratory and effectively use their well-spoken language during various negotiations. Throughout their lives, representatives of this sign have strived to avoid conflicts at all costs, which is why they have developed extraordinary oratorical talents! Rabbits hate disagreements, quarrels and conflicts and do everything possible and impossible to avoid the slightest tension. They run away from conflicts. These are real peacemakers who will always help disputants come to some kind of compromise. Both of you are excellent at the art of negotiation, so if a disagreement arises on some issue, you will most likely discuss this issue for a very long time!

The rabbit is unlikely to cheat on you. You are a pathological jealous person, distinguished by developed possessive instincts, so the devoted and faithful Rabbit is perfect for you as a romantic partner. Both of you are true romantics and there will be many pleasant moments in your relationship that will be special for both of you. It could be a moonlit picnic or a romantic walk on the beach. The Rabbit Woman knows how to slow down and just enjoy life, and from time to time she will remind you that it is time to switch your attention from business matters to the simple pleasures of life.

You will appreciate the Rabbit's habit of thinking through each step in advance. She will never agree to any stupid adventures that could have Negative consequences. The rabbit is subject to frequent mood swings, and you should be prepared to console her and give her support at certain times, especially if she is upset due to some unpleasant events.

If you have love and the ability to make some compromises, you can build a wonderful relationship with a Rabbit woman, and this union will bring satisfaction to both partners.

The union of people born in the years of the Rabbit and the Snake seems strange and unusual. It would seem that it can? Meanwhile, a common language can still be found in the Snake and Rabbit pair. Their compatibility can be very good if the independent and wise Snake and the secular and vulnerable Rabbit find common ground. Let's consider the behavior of people of these types in love and relationships.

The snake and its behavior in love and relationships

The snake is a very romantic and sexually liberated person. She always knows how to attract the attention of fans and seduce the person she likes. In addition, the Snake knows how to choose partners. From hundreds of options, she will always choose the best candidate for her hand and heart. At the same time, both the intellectual level of the partner and his business abilities and ability to earn money are important to her.

People belonging to this type show possessive tendencies in relationships. They seem to squeeze their chosen one into a ring and do not allow him to take a single step to the side. Snakes are very jealous and intolerant of the shortcomings of others. However, such people are still wise enough to push away a loved one with whom they have experienced a lot. The sentimental and intelligent Snake feels happy surrounded by a large family, considering it his duty to unite all its members, take care of them and support them in difficult times.

The rabbit is very gentle and calm and is great for family life. If he loves someone, he behaves with him very courteously, tactfully and affectionately. He is even ready to serve the person dear to his heart, to fulfill all his whims and whims. Rabbits are those people who know how to look after beautifully and create an atmosphere of beauty, comfort, harmony and love for their loved one.

Such people do not like open confrontations, quarrels and conflicts. In their opinion, a bad peace is better than a good quarrel, and they try to maintain balance in relationships by any means. Naturally diplomatic, they develop a whole complex of conflict prevention measures and masterfully resolve controversial issues through concessions and compromises.

Rabbits need caring and sensitive partners who will calm them down in difficult times, support them in their endeavors and cheer them up if something goes wrong. They are quite stable in terms of relationships and do not like unexpected changes in their personal lives.

Compatibility in a pair Snake - Rabbit

It may seem strange, but people born in the years of the Snake and Rabbit can create a wonderful union. Despite the visible difference and the seemingly inconsistency of their images at first glance, they can make a great couple.

Their union will contain not only love and passion, but also good friendships. Long and passionate conversations are a necessity for them.

Both the Snake and the Rabbit love comfort and coziness, respect family values ​​and strive for a home. The Snake teaches the Rabbit to overcome the difficulties of life and be successful in his chosen activity, and the Rabbit brings an element of romanticism, secularism and diversity into their life together.

How does the relationship develop in this couple? Let's consider both options.

  • Snake man and Rabbit woman. Social roles in such a couple are distributed harmoniously. The enterprising Snake Man is thinking through a clever strategy for conquering a bright, sociable and, at the same time, soft and kind woman born in the year of the Rabbit. Their dates are very romantic, they always have something to talk about with each other. The Rabbit woman knows how to come up with ideas for spending time together, and the man finds the means and opportunities to turn these ideas into reality. In family life, the Snake and Rabbit have a good time at home in slippers. The Snake man loves to warm his soul and body next to his loving and kind wife.
  • Snake woman and Rabbit man. The woman in such a couple occupies a slightly more leading position, but she never openly shows it. She thinks through the strategy in business herself, but always presents it to her Rabbit partner as an opportunity, implying that the final choice is up to the man. He, in turn, gives his beloved wonderful compliments and pleasant surprises, warms him with his love and warmth. Such a couple has a good relationship, which over time can develop into a strong marriage. Things will go well in the family if both partners work and move in the same direction.

So, in a pair of Snake and Rabbit, compatibility is quite good. Of course, there may be problems between any partners, but people of these types can always overcome difficulties and misunderstandings and together create exactly the type of relationship that would suit both of them.

If a snake and a rabbit decide to get married, then their happiness is practically not threatened, except for the possible infidelity of the rabbit. Which, however, can be stopped by the wisdom of the snake, which it possesses from birth. An active and sociable rabbit will be happy with a calculating snake. Rabbits usually look for acquaintances and build relationships with almost everyone who can be useful to them in some way. However, their hysteria and obsession are not tolerated by everyone and therefore they constantly lose newly acquired friends and acquaintances.

And snakes are people who build relationships of convenience. They can be very helpful and pleasant in dealing with those on whom they depend in some way. That is why the snake woman will simply become the irreplaceable “right hand” of the rabbit man. If necessary, she will pretend to be understanding, and if she realizes that she can download her license, she will dare to play on her feelings.

This “change of masks” usually surprises and impresses rabbits, making them more interested in their passion. In addition, the advantages of snakes include indifference, thanks to which they easily tolerate psychosis and pressure from rabbits. One of the disadvantages in the union of a male rabbit and a female snakes mean constant trips and travels.

The fact is that the energy of the snake affects rabbits in such a way that they are constantly in motion. Therefore, we need to direct this forced mobility in the right direction. For example, persuading a rabbit man to earn money by car or going on vacation together more often. If there are no such trips, then there may be moves to another place of residence, and most often the male rabbit to another woman. In sex, the rabbit and the snake are in complete harmony.

A pair of snake and rabbit whose compatibility is quite good, feel great together in bed. The coldness and indifference to sex of a snake changes over time to a craving for it. This happens due to the influence of the rabbit's energies on her, which she easily perceives. Therefore, their union is one of the few where there are no problems in bed.

The only thing that can disturb the idyll is the rabbit's adventures with other women. However, the snake has enough wisdom to keep even a walking spouse near it. In the family of a snake and a rabbit, there are mostly planned children.

Since snake women think mainly about themselves and their well-being, they will not need children at first. And only over the years do they come to thoughts about their offspring and their future in their old age.

The rabbit, on the contrary, does everything spontaneously and doesn’t really think about what he will feed the children. But the wisdom and prudence of the snake inhibit the frivolity and stupidity of the rabbit, which is reflected in all their life together, and in the area of ​​childbirth.

Before a snake woman decides to conceive, at least five to six years of her marriage will pass. And only if her marriage is threatened by divorce, will she decide to give birth to a child for her betrothed. By the way, most often representatives of the fair sex born in the years of the snake give birth to children in cases where the union is threatened with disintegration, which the snake rabbit horoscope will help predict.

But despite the fact that children in such relationships are born in connection with the plans drawn up, there is still a high percentage of divorces among rabbits and snakes. After all, they also have their own shortcomings and characteristics, which are not always perceived by partners as they should be. The common cause of a rabbit and a snake can bring them huge income.

A very interesting observation was made by many astrologers - specialists of the eastern variety about the rabbit man and the snake woman. This couple is able to create their own business and promote it to heights that others only dream of. This happens because for the first, the second is the engine.

That is, if there is a snake woman nearby, a rabbit man will not be able to sit idly by, but will fuss, move and do something without noticing it. However, it is worth considering that a man born in the year of the rabbit must first of all have a strong character. Indeed, in addition to the innate ability to inspire others with his thoughts and ideas, he must also be resilient, steadfastly enduring the blows of fate and troubles in business. If the snake has enough patience and wisdom, then their marriage with the rabbit can be long.

If a man rabbit woman snake decides to determine their compatibility, then this will help them in the future. After all, knowing the points of contact and collision, you can strengthen the first and minimize the second. But the most important thing that a snake woman needs to remember is that she is the moving link in her marriage with a rabbit.

And this means that she sets the behavior program for even the most self-confident and freedom-loving rabbit. And if she begins her invisible rule over the rabbit’s fate, then it is worth taking into account not only her own interests, but also his. After all, despite the fact that under the influence of energies people do not really notice what is happening to them, even the most unassuming creature can run out of patience.

Astrologers, when drawing up a horoscope of compatibility between the snake and the rabbit, often draw the attention of both to this feature - the attraction of other people to their union. This happens due to the fact that the rabbit’s talent, granted from birth, to gather around him a large circle of acquaintances, is enhanced by the influence of the moving energies of the snake on him.

Such energy mechanisms can play both into the hands of the spouses and vice versa. For example, if both work in low-paid jobs and do not tend to attend parties and rarely go to visit, then most likely the rabbit will make friends on the side, about whom there will be no know the snake. And most often these are women lovers.

But, if a couple opens their own business, then the crowds of people who will be “washed to their shore” by an energy wave will turn out to be clients or business partners. Thanks to which the project of a rabbit and a snake can develop to incredible heights. Therefore, it is worth remembering that with a good combination of a rabbit and a snake, the wisdom of the second can lead the couple to a better and higher quality standard of living.

He is probably one of the most good people, you will definitely want to spend time with him. According to the horoscope, the Rabbit is usually very passionate, understanding and pleasant in all respects. Is it true that he is a storehouse of virtues? Maybe you are looking at true perfection? Let's look at the Rabbit's compatibility horoscope and what it is like in relationships.

Rabbit in a love relationship

The Rabbit is usually very embarrassed when the conversation turns to even the simplest personal questions regarding his fidelity and constancy.

For some incomprehensible reason, according to the horoscope, the Rabbit often chooses a completely unsuitable partner for himself, so he is often unhappy in love.

Perhaps this is a simplification of the situation, since for him free choice is difficult, not always fully weighed. There are exceptions to every rule, including for Rabbits.

A lot here depends on other astrological characteristics, so that the moon sign alone is a very poor guide to his character. It's definitely worth a second look.

Man - Rabbit in family, love and sex

Both male and female Rabbits are equally capable of being skilled lovers, doing everything in their power to enhance your libido.

However, it may turn out that he has not one, but several attachments. Don't forget that romance is an important part of a Rabbit's life, and although he may seem uncontrollable at times, passion is born from true commitment.

Some Rabbit men give the impression of being frivolous and unfaithful, but, as a rule, this is only a consequence of the need to find a stable and loving partner.

Don't forget about intensity and don't take anything for granted. This person is not always what he seems, so if you don't follow the rules, his behavior may surprise you.

This is the most difficult aspect of a Rabbit man's life that you may encounter. It's not that he doesn't want to take a step outside his own hole, it's just that he needs security so much that sometimes he finds it in rather strange places.

And besides, from the very beginning it is necessary to understand that not a single Rabbit man actually strives to be unfaithful.

But how to make the person of the year of the Rabbit happy and instill in him a sense of security? The answer to this question is worth a lot, and to find it you will need all your energy, cunning and intelligence.

Rabbit Man - Compatibility

Some may feel that today the sign of the Rabbit is more suitable for men than for women. The reason is that a significant proportion of female hormones makes such a man more sensitive, capable of perceiving a woman's point of view.

In many cases this is true, but this fact can at the same time be the cause of a whole series of difficulties.

Many women who choose to live with a Rabbit man will find that they unexpectedly become very good wives.

Self confidence is not distinctive feature this man, but he has the character of the “little lost child” that some women like so much, if you are one of them you will have perfect compatibility The Rabbit man will find a friend and support in your face.

The Rabbit man is capable of incredibly deep love, and at the same time he can become so mired in jealousy that he stops paying attention to anything else.

In general, at times it seems that the masculine principle does not coexist very well with the spirituality and intellect inherent in this sign, which leads to chronic confusion.

It would be unfair to keep silent about the fact that the Rabbit man is worth the effort required to understand him. After all, you may be the one who will be able to extract the maximum benefit from this union.

Perhaps favorable compatibility awaits you. The Rabbit man is the most pleasant and caring sign in the entire Chinese zoo. He can offer you love and attention that is more powerful than almost all other signs.

You will have to be faithful both in words and in deeds, because the Rabbit, who feels that he has been deceived, can sulk for weeks!

Woman - Rabbit in family, love and sex

This sign may well be the most feminine of all the Chinese animal signs, which in some ways is a good thing since the Rabbit woman is usually proud and happy to be exactly who she is.

At the same time, too much of a good thing can be a source of problems, and it is therefore fair to assume that the Rabbit woman often has difficulties in the area of ​​love.

It is difficult to say whether she herself is the source of the problems or whether her choice of partner is simply wrong. Therefore, if there is a woman in front of you, the Rabbit will largely depend on her.

The Rabbit woman loves to flaunt her knowledge, but she usually studies certain subjects for one purpose - to show off in society. He may have no idea at all about any more important things.

The melancholy of the Rabbit woman is one of the main trump cards of her charm. Successful in all types of activities that require taste, hospitality, and the ability to present oneself favorably.

A politician should choose a wife born under the sign of the Rabbit, one who is both secular and modest, who knows how to favorably “set off” her husband. The Rabbit woman is usually very sexy, often embodying the image of the dark “earth mother”.

She has an inner magnetism that is difficult to define and which is not really dependent on appearance, although Rabbits are usually very attractive.

They are unable to figure out exactly what they want from life, and may spend years unsuccessfully searching for relationships that they are unable to define.

Later in life, the Rabbit may calm down a bit, but usually exudes a kind of "divine displeasure" that is impossible to define or understand. Rabbits usually do not show an inclination to build a career and prefer to devote time to home life and family.

Rabbit women make good mothers, in some cases too good, they demonstrate their best qualities surrounded by people who they want to pay a lot of attention to.

Therefore, if you need a guardian, it could very well be a woman - a Rabbit with you in this case will be favorable. She is often interested in metaphysics and may also be a vegetarian.

They have so much to give that sometimes it's hard to stop them, and for a variety of reasons you probably wouldn't dare do it anyway. There is nothing sadder than a desperate Rabbit.

Rabbit Woman - Compatibility

Women born in the year of the Rabbit eastern horoscope, can wrap you in a cocoon of affection and make you feel like yourself important person in the world, and in this situation you may well feel completely satisfied.

But let me warn you about something. At first, catering to your every desire and greeting you at every opportunity with the warmth you might expect after a six-month absence may seem very appealing.

Meanwhile, after a long time, such treatment may not seem so comfortable. Many may feel that they are suffocated by love and must respond by doing what is expected, and not what they want.

If any sign is inclined to “kill joy with love,” it is the gentle, yielding, and self-sacrificing Rabbit. Life is a balance, and people born in the year of the Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope can also bring great benefits.

The Rabbit woman will be happy to wash your socks and share all the housework with you. She will care for you and cherish you, look after you during illness and take care of your children better than any hen.

She will simultaneously feed your ego, massage your pride and spread butter on your bread. As long as you pay for it, and the price is absolute fidelity and her desire to treat you like a valuable Chinese doll, everything will be very good.

They say that in still waters there are devils, and this has never been more true than in the case of the complex, mysterious, but often outwardly calm woman of the Year of the Rabbit.

She is difficult to understand completely, she prefers to talk for hours about your merits, instead of uttering at least one word about her own deep feelings.

Compatibility horoscope for those born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbit - Rabbit

If we talk about the compatibility of the Rabbit with the Rabbit, this is an ideal relationship. What a pity that we do not live in an ideal world. The problem is that the rabbit is so sensitive by nature that between two rabbits this tendency is doubled.

Nothing will be said in response to an insult that is quite unlikely, and radical political ideas will not be discussed at the dinner table. There will be a lot of love, but what will this couple spread on their bread?

The world of ideas is wonderful until someone moves to implement them. Please note that Rabbit - Rabbit compatibility is almost perfect, but there is a fly in the ointment! Two Rabbits can create a truly wonderful home, but there will be no floor in it!

Rabbit - Dragon

You might be understandable if you thought that the fire-breathing dragon would immediately swallow the poor Rabbit, but still, although it may seem unlikely, this couple has a good chance of success.

Consistent materialism meets total spirituality here, which can benefit both parties. Dragon - Rabbit compatibility is interesting; to each other, these partners may seem a little “unnatural”, but nevertheless attractive.

Give them a couple of years and you will see that they have merged so deeply that they now act as one. This relationship could have been perfectly created by fate itself.

Rabbit - Snake

Some relationships are both difficult and very successful at the same time. This combination is definitely not one of them, but it should not be discounted for completely different reasons.

Neither the Snake nor the Rabbit demands much from life; all they need is a little happiness and something to eat from time to time.

It may seem that they demand so little from each other that it is very easy for them to break up, but there is still enough evidence that this relationship is extremely strong.

However, the possibility of one of the partners leaving cannot be ruled out, so both of them need to make some efforts to maintain stability.

Rabbit - Horse

If anyone can bring the sensitive Rabbit out of the world of his dreams and into the world of real and concrete things, it is a horse.

The best opportunity here is the freedom that this union gives the rabbit, while the horse will be able to achieve a lot with such a partner thanks to his understanding and ability to cope with the odd behavior that Horses are so capable of.

The Horse will be able to offer the Rabbit more confidence, which is so important for starting a relationship, but this can lead to the fact that the Rabbit, having become bolder and feeling the ground under its feet, will run away to someone else!

Rabbit - Goat

There are unlikely to be many difficulties in this combination, because both signs are homebodies and will do everything for mutual happiness. Life inside the cocoon of their relationship will be very comfortable, family matters will be of paramount importance.

Peace of mind will be more than enough for such domestic people, so passionate love is unlikely to be among their interests. However, they will have their moments of passion because deep down they both have a natural craving for sex.

At some stage in the relationship, they will seriously have to deal with boredom.

Rabbit - Monkey

Monkeys are very kind, so a sensitive Rabbit will feel warm and comfortable with them. He, for his part, can bring into the relationship a certain amount of intuitive understanding of the deeper qualities of the monkey, which other signs cannot offer it.

However, it will be difficult for the monkey not to dominate their relationship, as this will happen naturally. As long as the Rabbit is not bothered by this, everything should be fine. But a free Rabbit is a completely different picture, and will be more difficult for the monkey to deal with.

Rabbit - Rooster

The Rabbit is ready to do almost anything for a calm life, and although both the Rabbit and the Rooster are inclined to think about their actions, the Rooster, who, having gone into a rage, is capable of turning the whole world upside down, cannot be called calm.

Peace and quiet is a hard commodity to have during a commotion in the coop, and it can drive poor Rabbit completely crazy over time. Both signs can make good money, this is especially true for the rooster.

Most likely, the relationship will be stronger when the Rabbit is a man.

Rabbit - Dog

In general, if both partners typical representatives their signs, a long and successful union awaits them. The reason is that in each other's company they will feel very happy.

Although there will be slight disagreements between them at times, the dog will be able to understand even the most “outstanding” ideas that the Rabbit can put forward in abundance.

Each of them has a great attitude towards marriage, both of them will make good parents. A common home is important for them, in which a good understanding on a sexual level will quickly be established. This easy-to-communicate couple is one of the most ideal options.

Rabbit - Pig

Pig - Rabbit compatibility is potentially good. The rabbit and the pig instinctively understand each other well, and this is certainly the best basis for happiness in any relationship.

The intuition coming from both sides will play important role in this union, and there is little doubt that love will soon arise between them.

Where ideas and ideals do not coincide, the Rabbit and the Pig will show enough flexibility, because taking care of each other will be a daily activity for them. This applies not only to communication, the physical side of life plays a big role for both. The rabbit and the pig are capable of great happiness.

In this topic:

Snake charm

The compatibility of the Snake and Rabbit excludes equality: the Snake, especially the Fire Snake, will certainly take a dominant position. The pressure will not be so noticeable if she is a Pisces according to the zodiac horoscope. The dignified Snake truly knows how to charm.

Charm, erudition, and most importantly, confidence in one’s power over other people are used. All this creates the effect of powerful magnetism, mystery, attractive danger and leaves an indelible impression.

The boas are full, the hares are safe

Admired by the Snake, the resourceful Rabbit is trying with all his might to find a way to her heart. We must give him his due - he often accurately selects common goals and skillfully plays on them. The compatibility of the Snake and Cat signs is based on a love of home comfort, broad-mindedness, and an initial desire to understand each other. For the Cat, the craving for sophistication and a beautiful life remains incomprehensible, however, he resigns himself to such inappropriate spending for the sake of peace in the family.

Despite the foresight inherent in the sign, he does not realize that this is only the first step into hypnotic captivity. Efforts must be made not to disappear as a person in the mouth of a boa constrictor, to continue to remain interesting and to be a full participant in the relationship.

How to avoid becoming prey

Everyone knows how in the wild the fight between a boa constrictor and its prey occurs: the snake completely absorbs the victim. In real life, the struggle between astrological symbols looks approximately the same: one literally dissolves into the other. The compatibility of a Rabbit woman and a Snake man can easily result in a loss of individuality for her.

The relationship in a couple involving a Rabbit woman and a Snake man is unequal from the very beginning: she is forced to accept the rules of an unfamiliar game. Thanks to her ability to get around sharp corners, the relationship is very promising; the only question is whether they will be fruitful for both.

Cobra Whisperer

The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Rabbit man can cost the other his freedom if he gets caught in the web of a cold-blooded owner. The Snake woman can also succumb to the modest charm of the sensitive, pleasant Hare, the object of dreams of many rivals.

How long mutual sympathy will last largely depends on the rabbit’s ability to control the situation on the sly, creating the appearance that he is hopelessly mired.

How to strengthen relationships

Compatibility in love between the Rabbit and the Snake is complicated by the fact that the Snake allows itself to do things that it would not forgive its partner.

  1. Physical betrayal, in the traditional sense of the word;
  2. Moral betrayal: a direct challenge to the shared values ​​of the couple;
  3. An attempt at deception.

The marital bedroom can become a truce zone in such ambiguous relationships. Representatives of these signs, as a rule, have a very harmonious intimate life. Both are temperamental, inventive, and love a variety of experiments.

Relationship forecast

Don’t even hope that conflict-free compatibility between a Cat and a Snake is possible. Someone who is used to walking on his own will not accept dictate in family life, while the domineering serpentine nature will demand its own. The Snake and Rabbit are very perceptive. This quality helps to better understand each other, but sometimes it reveals certain actions and true motives, which it would be more prudent to remain silent about.

Each partner equally needs personal territory and periodic solitude. It makes sense to stipulate the boundaries of inviolability at the beginning of family life. In this case, this rule significantly improves the weather in the house and promotes a complacent mood.