Ritual for old shoes. A spell for a loved one to read so that he returns. Read a plot for a guy's love at home on a personal item

15.05.2022 Diseases

Shoe spells can be dangerous

Among the things that come into daily contact with our body and carry energy are our shoes, so quite often professional magicians cast a spell on new shoes, passing along with them to their owner other people’s illnesses and troubles, performing a return of a loved one and a ritual against an enemy.

Features of shoe rituals

Conspiracies are transferred to the new owner

Sorcerers, with the help of a new pair of shoes, can cause damage without a person noticing. Only after some time has passed, the owner of the enchanted pair of shoes tries, but cannot understand, where his leg diseases come from and why failures began to haunt him.

The peculiarity of the conspiracies carried out for new shoes is that the effect of witchcraft is designed for its constant influence on the object on which the ritual is performed, because purchased shoes or boots become part of the wardrobe and are often worn daily.

By casting a spell on a new pair of shoes, the initiator of the ritual transfers his troubles and illnesses to its owner, thereby eliminating his enemy or foe. For such conspiracies, it is enough just to buy new shoes, put them on once, or simply stand on them without putting them on, and read the corresponding text. All that remains is to find a good one so that the object on which the witchcraft is being performed takes this item of clothing for his use.

To meet your loved one, you need to do it yourself

In order not to get into trouble with new shoes and not to acquire other people’s misfortunes along with the new thing, you need to follow simple rules.

  • Don’t be fooled by “free cheese”, buying shoes for next to nothing from those for whom they are suddenly too small and do not suit the size or color. The symbolic price for a good shoe product should be a reason to think about the catch.
  • In moments of boasting about new shoes, you shouldn’t let your girlfriends and work colleagues try them on, so as not to take away their illnesses through your shoes.
  • If you suddenly lose your new shoes or boots, then to ensure safety it is better to carry out a ritual to remove the negative.

Spell for a loved one's shoes

Conducting a love spell ritual

With the help of new shoes or boots, you can not only convey your sorrows to the person you hate, but also lure the person you love into your affections, and bewitch both a man and a woman. A condition for the effectiveness of a magical ritual is the obligatory use of a charmed pair of shoes by the object of the love spell. The more often a person does this, the stronger the conspiracy will work.

The most difficult thing will be to get shoes if the love spell is cast not on the husband living nearby, but on the chosen one, with whom he has not yet developed such a close relationship to live together. During the love spell ritual the words are read:

“Shoe, shoe, help me get my loved one (beloved). Bring me to my threshold, fill my heart with feelings so that the flame of love for me flares up.”

Return the shoes to their place as if nothing had happened, so that the purchased new thing will serve its intended purpose.

A conspiracy is made on the shoes of a husband or wife in cases where the relationship between spouses has gone wrong.

How to bring your spouse home

Conspiracies help bring back your loved one

Shoes are used in a ritual to bring back a loved one.

  1. For the ritual, they take slippers (you can take new shoes or boots), knock their soles against each other nine times, casting a love spell:

    “Wherever your beloved slave (name) is, let him always remember and grieve for me. You leave me on foot and come back running.”

  2. To return your spouse, you can make a conspiracy on the threshold, for which they knock on the threshold of the home with new shoes, saying:

    “The threshold is always there, so you and I, beloved (name), will be together. Just as the threshold will not go anywhere, so you will remain with me.”

  3. A spell with new shoes is also done on the marital bed, when boots or shoes are placed under the mattress and when night falls the text is read:

    “I took it from my beloved and put it away for seven days, put it under the mattress and asked the sorcerer for help. The matrix will turn over, my beloved (name) will return to me.”

    As follows from the words of the conspiracy, this procedure is performed for seven nights in a row.

Damage to shoes and their removal

It is better to damage an old pair of shoes

Damage can be caused to both new and old shoes, so professionals advise not to leave worn shoes near trash cans for someone else to snitch on. Damage can be very diverse. So, you should be alerted by a person’s burning desire to take your shoes or boots to a repair shop.

Damage works well on an old pair that has been in use for several months. The effectiveness of spells with new shoes is not so strong.

When damage is done by professionals, shoes can be tied together with black threads with the socks placed in different directions, so that everything goes awry for the person.

Often only professional magicians or sorcerers are able to remove the evil brought upon a person. Many, having learned about the induced black conspiracy, try to independently carry out a ritual to remove damage in the church temple. However, this is not feasible for everyone, because black magic using shoes acts on the energy plane.

Happy spells

Spells for successful wearing of shoes only for a new pair

You can use a new shoe purchased in a store to make a lucky magic spell so that the new shoes or boots will last as long as possible, be comfortable and convenient for daily wear, and bring good luck to their owner:

“Don’t look sideways in any direction, just carry on like you’re supposed to.”

They read the spell words over the new thing one by one: first they do it on the left shoe or boot, then on the right.

In order for a brand new pair of shoes to become a lucky item of clothing for you, when putting on a new pair of shoes for the first time, you can stroke its toes and read the text of the spell for good luck:

“The world has seven ends and seven winds, among the seven roads mine is the happiest. Lead me along it and lead me correctly.”

They cast spells for a happy and successful pair of shoes only on the condition that they are purchased again. Shoe rituals have no effect on a worn pair.


What are some conspiracies for shoes?

Shoes are precisely the item of personal wardrobe for which various conspiracies are most often made. Probably, many people have encountered such cases when acquaintances offer practically new shoes very cheaply, saying that they didn’t fit, or they didn’t like the size, or the style. And they give just to give. It’s good if everything is fine, but you can read a special spell on new shoes and get rid of it, and at the same time from all your sores.

Very often, witches and sorcerers inflict damage through boots or shoes.

Often witches and sorcerers inflict damage through boots or shoes. And then a person, having acquired them, cannot understand why he developed illnesses, a streak of bad luck came in life, and his legs began to hurt, ache and get tired so much that sometimes he couldn’t even take a step.

Old shoes can also cause damage, so it’s better to completely destroy your shoes that you no longer wear, burn them, and not throw them away where they can be found, and especially not put them near trash cans, maybe they will come in handy for someone. Therefore, when buying shoes you need to be careful and, if you want, vigilant. And you should remember a few rules that relate to shoes:

  • you cannot take shoes or boots when they are offered for next to nothing;
  • do not let your friends and acquaintances wear it or try it on;
  • if a shoe or some part is missing, then a ritual must be performed to remove the negative;
  • You can even make a talisman out of your shoes that you no longer wear so as not to throw them away;
  • If you throw away some shoes, then make sure that random people find them.

How to attract your loved one with shoes?

There is such a simple ritual that with the help of shoes you can attract the man you like, as well as the woman. If a person wears these boots or shoes after the ritual, then its effect will become stronger and stronger. If you like a person, then you need to somehow get his boots or sneakers and read the conspiracy over them:

“Slipper-shoe help me to get my beloved. Take him only to my doorstep. So that his heart would burn with passionate feelings for me and dream only about me. Bring him to my doorstep. Amen!".

If you like a person, then you need to somehow get his boots or sneakers and read the spell over them

This ritual will help bring back to you someone who is near and dear to you. This plot can also be read on your husband’s shoes if you notice that the relationship between you has developed a serious crack. After you read the magic words, put your shoes or slippers in their usual place and even, ideally, try to forget about everything. After some time, you will understand that the conspiracy has begun to work, because... The husband's behavior changes dramatically better side.

How to call your husband home?

There is a ritual that must be performed with your husband’s shoes. To do this, you need to pick up his boots or slippers and knock the soles against each other 9 times, clearly saying the following words:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, And everything about me (your name) would remember and grieve. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever."

This ritual is also often called a love challenge. Moreover, with this ritual you call on your husband to return home. This technique does not apply to violent magic, because it does not bring harm to anyone. It only states that your husband is lonely, bored, and awkward without you. The effect of the conspiracy is to make him return home sooner. That's all. Therefore, any spouse can read such a magical call without fear of what will happen; knowledgeable people call this a “rollback.”

You need to pick up your husband’s shoes or slippers and knock the soles against each other 9 times

There is also a conspiracy to call your husband home, which is read on the threshold of a house or apartment. By the way, the threshold in the house plays a big role. And there is more than one conspiracy associated with it. You need to take your husband’s shoe, knock on the threshold with your shoe and say:

“The threshold is always here, in its place, so you (name of the person being called or called) be with me (your name) together. Just as the threshold from this place will never leave, so you, my beloved (my beloved), come to me today. My word is your business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

This technique can also be used by a man to get his beloved wife back. It is suitable for both spouses. By the way, it is quite old and works almost flawlessly. Here an analogy is drawn between the threshold of a house and a loved one. Therefore, just as he was your threshold and always will be, so your husband will be tightly bound to you.

You need to take your husband's shoe, knock on the threshold with your shoe

There is another ancient ritual for the return of a husband. Under the mattress, where your shared bed is, you need to put his slippers or any thing that belongs to him. At midnight you should read the following plot:

“I took the thing from the body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the matrix, and asked the sorcerer to help. Matrix, turn over, servant of God (name), return home. Amen".

These words should be repeated for a week in a row, and then take his thing out from under the mattress and put it in its usual place.

To make shoes wear better

If you bought shoes, sandals or something else and want them to last longer, to be comfortable and comfortable in them, then it is best to read a simple spell over them that will help you with this:

“Straight, left, right, don’t squint, as you were told, rush. Let it be so!".

Charming your shoes, you read these words first over the left one and then over the right one. This order must be followed.

If you bought shoes, sandals or something else and want them to last longer, then it is best to read a simple spell over them

Damage to shoes

Damage to new or old shoes is done by an experienced magician or sorcerer. To do this, the person who intends to spoil you somehow takes out your slippers, shoes, boots or something else and takes them to someone who has the ability and knowledge to perform such a ritual. They may simply ask you to take your shoes to a workshop for a while under some pretext to get them repaired if you don’t have time or are sick. And the easiest way is to follow you and pick up the old boots, shoes and sneakers that you threw away.

Therefore, to protect yourself from this, you need to carefully monitor your shoes. Damage is caused through shoes, boots, slippers, boots, but they must belong to the owner for at least several months and preferably they should be leather. A pair of shoes that you wear for a long time reads your energy, becomes, as it were, a part of you, therefore with the help of shoes you can gain access to the biofield of a particular person.

You need to be careful about your shoes

Rituals can be very different. Boots or shoes can be tied with black threads, folded so that the socks point in different directions, wax is dripped onto them from a special magic candle, then they can be thrown, forgive the specifics, into a public toilet or somewhere else. Witches or black magicians must read the required conspiracy even during these actions.

The rituals themselves are different, but their essence boils down to conveying negativity through boots or shoes to the person to whom they belong or belonged. And it is not at all necessary that after this magical action your shoes return to you. All the same, you will be damaged even if you don’t put on your shoes after the ritual. And if you wear it, the impact will be even stronger. Damage is often done to the footprint of the shoes of the person they want to harm.

How to get rid of damage?

If you feel that there is damage to you, then it is better to contact knowledgeable people to have it removed, and you can also ask the priest about it.

There is such a ritual in Orthodox Church, like proofreading when damage is removed. True, not all clergy are given the ability to conduct it, because in order to conduct such a ritual, one must have the necessary abilities for this, have such strength. After all, damage done by a strong sorcerer affects a person at the energy level. And it can be very strong.


Plot for new shoes

Since ancient times, shoes have been considered a necessity for people. The benefits of it are very obvious: firstly, it is foot protection and convenience, and secondly, beauty and prestige.

However, it is important to take into account another feature of shoes: they are constantly in close contact with the human body. This fact allows you to cast spells on shoes, especially when they are new. Often in such a situation, the owner of the shoes can take upon himself possible illnesses and failures, depending on the goal that people can embody when fulfilling conspiracies.

Using new shoes, rituals are performed to eliminate enemies and bring back loved ones.

The article will consistently reveal the main features of conspiracies and rituals using new shoes. Examples of conspiracy texts will be given.

The influence of shoe spells and protection from them

When purchasing new shoes, all people should be aware of and consider the level of potential danger that they could face and be easily drawn into by an experienced sorcerer or witch.

After all, most often, a spell for new shoes is carried out unnoticed by its future owner. And only after a certain time, the owner of the shoes may feel a sharp loss of strength, deterioration in health, and a complete lack of success in all his affairs. At the same time, without even suspecting that he had fallen into a trap.

Main feature The spell for new shoes is the very power of the ritual being carried out, because it is designed for stable interaction with the human body. A new pair of shoes or boots will be a staple in a person's wardrobe. He will wear it every day, which means that contact with the body will be more than full. This is what the person doing the ritual and conspiracy is counting on.

By fulfilling the conspiracy itself, people can transfer all their life problems, possible illnesses to other people through new shoes. In this way, many decide to remove their enemies. The process of the ritual itself is not complicated: you simply purchase new shoes, or another version of shoes.

A person only once stands in it with his feet or simply on the very surface of the shoe and reads out the necessary words from the text of the conspiracy. Then he selects a method that provides the opportunity to transfer a pair of shoes to his enemy or the person against whom the conspiracy is being carried out. As soon as the new owner of the shoes begins to actively use them, the conspiracy will bear fruit.

To avoid such unpleasant and unnecessary life situations, you need to follow a number of specific recommendations:

  1. Don't buy new shoes at the lowest prices on the market. Especially when the price is mysteriously small: for example, a pair of shoes is 80 percent off. There is a possibility of falling into a trap here.
  2. A newly purchased pair of shoes is certainly a source of joy and inspiration, as is any purchase. However, you should not flirt and go beyond certain limits of your delight, show and at the same time give your shoes to friends, colleagues or acquaintances to try on. This situation can easily bring uninvited trouble to its owner.
  3. If a new pair of shoes mysteriously disappears, you can always perform a ritual to remove the negativity.

Care must be taken at all times when purchasing and using shoes.

Damage to shoes and its elimination

Damage is easily done for new and old shoes. It is better not to throw away old boots or shoes in garbage dumps, as there is a risk of damage. Here the fact that the boots will no longer be worn will no longer be relevant and significant. The mechanism will inevitably be launched. Damage can be carried out even according to the footprint of a boot or shoe where a person has walked. A person who wants to do damage can behave very inventively, for example, demonstrate his attention by offering to independently deliver the shoes to a specialist for the necessary repairs.

If we consider a professional approach, a magician can use black thread for a bunch of shoes - in this case, a complete reorganization begins in the life of its owner. It must be taken into account that the structure of the shoe carries part of the person’s energy, therefore, the ritual allows you to gain full access to the person’s protective biofield. At the same time, the degree of influence on his life, starting from this moment, is quite powerful.

If you clearly feel the presence of damage, you can seek help from a knowledgeable person to remove it, however, it is best to go to church for proofreading. Because the sorcerer or witch who performed the damage can have enormous power and energy. Therefore, simply turning to knowledgeable people can waste valuable time in this matter.

Proofreading in the church is carried out by the appropriate priest, who is often a monk and has a separate gift and skill. This action always gives a positive result. After proofreading, it is necessary to confess and receive communion in church for the cleansing to be complete.

Conspiracy of a loved one's shoes

Thanks to new shoes, you can not only harm people or destroy your enemies, but also use them to attract loved ones. It makes no difference whether it is a woman or a man.

The effect of the conspiracy will be most effective if the pair used in the ritual is regularly used. Is this desirable? so that a person uses a pair as often as possible. It is easiest to get the shoes of the person with whom you most often spend time under the same roof. If the relationship is just starting to develop, it will be much more difficult to get the shoes of such a person.

Conspiracy text:

“Shoe, shoe, help me get my loved one (or beloved). Bring him (her) to my doorstep, fill his (her) heart with feelings so that the flame of his (her) love for me flares up.”

After this, the couple returns to their place for their master or mistress. If the relationship between husband and wife is in complete discord, this ritual will also be very effective.

After purchasing new boots, boots or shoes, you can perform a ritual for good luck, with the spell read out. This is done to attract success, eliminate negative energy and last for a long time.

Words for rituals:

  1. “Don’t look sideways, as you should, rush around”
  2. “The world has seven ends and seven winds, among the seven roads mine is the happiest. Lead me along it, and lead me correctly.”

Such rituals are done sequentially, using each shoe or shoe in turn. Shoes must be new - only under this condition the result of conspiracies will be effective and successful.


Spell on shoes for a loved one

ZagovorMaga.ru » Conspiracies » Love spells and rituals for men's shoes

The ability of things to store and transfer human energy has been noticed a long time ago. Things are used for both good and bad purposes, conveying a message through them to the right person. Various objects are used in magic, but in this article we will talk about amorous matters. A love spell on shoes is a universal way to achieve reciprocity. It is quite simple to perform and does not require lengthy complex preparation.

Spell on shoes for a loved one

Basic rules for performing a love spell

  1. To cast a love spell on your ex-husband or lover, use new shoes or the ones he used/is using.
  2. If there is no specific lover in life, then a love spell on shoes is cast on your shoes. This is a conspiracy to meet your soul mate.
  3. Under no circumstances should you share with friends/family or acquaintances the details of the preparation, conduct or subsequent action. The hex and ritual will cease to operate.
  4. The hex and ritual are carried out at night during the waxing moon.
  5. During the ritual the lights are turned off. There should be a candle or fireplace (if available) in the room. Any candles can be used except church candles.
  6. Strong faith in your intentions and their results. You can’t get angry or remember quarrels and disagreements. They imagine a happy future with their chosen one.

Types and ways to bewitch a man using shoes

There is a large selection of different rituals, love spells, whispers and hexes on shoes. But each has its own characteristics and effectiveness:

Love spell on husband's worn shoes

A love spell on a husband's or boyfriend's shoes is used to revive the relationship and take it to a new level. At night, so that the chosen one does not see, they take the most worn pair of shoes and go out with them into another room, always standing in a corner. Sit down there, knock seven times on the floor, then stand up, turn clockwise in a circle and say the following words:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, and everyone (your name) remembers and grieves. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever."

Then tap each shoe on the floor in each direction (north, east, south, west) and return it to its place. A man shouldn't have to guess about anything in the morning.

Love spell on new purchased shoes for husband

If it is not possible to make a love spell on used shoes, then they can do it on a new pair. After purchasing a home, the purchased product must be cleaned on all sides with a cloth soaked in water. Then light an odd number of candles, ideally 7, place boots/shoes in the center, and candles in a circle. After 10 minutes, the candles can be extinguished, the shoes are placed on a white napkin and a prayer is read. Then you need to take a church candle, light it and draw a circle clockwise around the new thing. At the end they read this love spell:

“The boots are new

I bought you for my beloved husband (husband’s name)

Serve him faithfully.

Always wear it home after righteous labors

Bring him, my beloved, into my arms, boots.

To me (your name) legal wife

Don't let him take a step aside

Do not go to friends, or to homewreckers, or to evil places.

I promise you that I will cherish you,

Clean from dirt"

After reading the text of the love spell, wipe your shoes again with a napkin and clean them with cream. The napkin on which they stood must be buried in a deserted place.

Love spell using your shoes to meet your loved one

If a woman or man has not yet met their chosen one, then you need to take your favorite pair of shoes at night and perform this ritual. Go to the open door, place your shoes toes first on the threshold. Step towards the door, then back and close the door. Take your right shoe, tap it on the threshold and say these words:

““The threshold of my own house is always in its place, so you, my betrothed, be with me, the Servant of God (proper name) in this house always. Just as a threshold never leaves its place, so you, my betrothed, will soon come to yourself. I said, and you will do it. Amen"

Wash the shoes well with salt water and leave for three days. The threshold cannot be washed. In the evening, three days later, stand on the threshold and say the following:

“Lead the path of my betrothed straight to my threshold. So that wherever you are, you feel me in your heart and come to me. Let your heart flare up with passionate feelings and show you the way to me. Amen".

Wash the threshold and look forward to meeting you soon. The new relationship will be promising.

Hex and ritual on shoes to enhance feelings

To retain and strengthen the husband’s sympathy, they take his shoes, which he wears most often. Washing or cleaning is a great reason to get the right attribute. Above the shoes you need to read the words:

“Slipper-shoe help me to get my beloved. Take him only to my doorstep. So that his heart would burn with passionate feelings for me and dream only about me. Bring him to my doorstep. Amen!"

The more often the spouse or boyfriend wears the charmed shoes, the stronger the love spell will be. Soon feelings will begin to grow stronger, and relationships will begin to change for the better.

Ritual on shoes for longing away from home

You can also read a love spell on shoes when your loved one is far away. Feelings may weaken in separation. To protect themselves from troubles, they take any pair of their man’s shoes, knock the soles against each other exactly 9 times and say:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, And everything about me (your name) would remember and grieve. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever"

Such a conspiracy ritual for shoes does not carry evil in itself. It only helps to “find the way home.” A loving wife always worries about the welfare and safety of her husband. This love spell is a kind of protection from evil and envious people.

Ritual on the threshold and on shoes

The threshold of a house is a special place, a kind of energy portal. When a person leaves his home, he becomes more vulnerable, and when he comes home, it is as if he is under protection. Words read on the threshold will help in attracting good luck, and they are stronger and more effective. To read a ritual spell on your loved one’s shoes, just take your spouse’s or man’s shoe, knock on the threshold and say:

“The threshold is always here, in its place, so you (name of the person being called) be with me (your name) together. Just as the threshold from this place will never leave, so You, my beloved (my beloved), come to me today. My word is your business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

Bedside ritual on spouse's shoes

There is another love spell that uses shoes as a carrier of energy flow. To perform it, take a slipper, place it under the mattress and at night, at midnight, read the following words:

“I took the thing from the body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the matrix, and asked the sorcerer to help. Matrix, turn over, servant of God (name), return home. Amen".

Love spells on shoes for your own good

Purchased new shoes can be spoken to be worn for a longer period of time, and to make your feet comfortable, it is enough to say the following words over the shoes or boots, over each one in turn:

“Straight, left, right, don’t squint, as you were told, rush. Let it be so!"

Damage to shoes

Damage to shoes is good because it has a long period of action. A person who wears damaged things begins to get sick often, problems appear in the family and beyond. Everything is out of the question. Someone may be surprised, because to carry out such a conspiracy, you need to take someone else’s thing. When envious people decide to take such a step, they find many ways to get the desired item. A friend may ask you to put them on some shoes, you can pick up discarded old boots or shoes, or steal them in the worst case scenario.

It happens that you buy shoes, but they always let you down... Then on

Only experienced sorcerers and magicians do damage, since to do this you need to have strong energy and be able to use it.

How to avoid damage caused by love to shoes

To avoid trouble:

  • do not let strangers wear your slippers, shoes, boots, etc.;
  • do not leave unnecessary shoes in a landfill “in case someone takes them away”, this someone may be a person who wishes evil;
  • At home, when a lot of people come, put everyone’s shoes in a nightstand or other secluded place so that no one “mixes up” the shoes.

Shoes are precisely the item of personal wardrobe for which various conspiracies are most often made. Probably, many people have encountered such cases when acquaintances offer practically new shoes very cheaply, saying that they didn’t fit, or they didn’t like the size, or the style. And they give just to give. It’s good if everything is fine, but you can read a special spell on new shoes and get rid of it, and at the same time from all your sores.

Often witches and sorcerers inflict damage through boots or shoes.

And then a person, having acquired them, cannot understand why he developed illnesses, a streak of bad luck came in life, and his legs began to hurt, ache and get tired so much that sometimes he couldn’t even take a step.

Old shoes can also cause damage, so it’s better to completely destroy your shoes that you no longer wear, burn them, and not throw them away where they can be found, and especially not put them near trash cans, maybe they will come in handy for someone. Therefore, when buying shoes you need to be careful and, if you want, vigilant. And you should remember a few rules that relate to shoes:

You cannot take shoes or boots when they are offered for next to nothing;
do not let your friends and acquaintances wear it or try it on;
if a shoe or some part is missing, then a ritual must be performed to remove the negative;
You can even make a talisman out of your shoes that you no longer wear so as not to throw them away;
If you throw away some shoes, then make sure that random people find them.

How to attract your loved one with shoes?

There is such a simple ritual that with the help of shoes you can attract the man you like, as well as the woman. If a person wears these boots or shoes after the ritual, then its effect will become stronger and stronger. If you like a person, then you need to somehow get his boots or sneakers and read the conspiracy over them:

“Slipper-shoe help me to get my beloved. Take him only to my doorstep. So that his heart would burn with passionate feelings for me and dream only about me. Bring him to my doorstep. Amen!".

This ritual will help bring back to you someone who is near and dear to you. This plot can also be read on your husband’s shoes if you notice that the relationship between you has developed a serious crack. After you read the magic words, put your shoes or slippers in their usual place and even, ideally, try to forget about everything. After some time, you will understand that the conspiracy has begun to work, because... The husband's behavior will change dramatically for the better.

There is a ritual that must be performed with your husband’s shoes. To do this, you need to pick up his boots or slippers and knock the soles against each other 9 times, clearly saying the following words:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, And everything about me (your name) would remember and grieve. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever."

This ritual is also often called a love challenge. Moreover, with this ritual you call on your husband to return home. This technique does not apply to violent magic, because it does not bring harm to anyone. It only states that your husband is lonely, bored, and awkward without you. The effect of the conspiracy is to make him return home sooner. That's all. Therefore, any spouse can read such a magical call without fear of what will happen; knowledgeable people call this a “rollback.”

There is also a conspiracy to call your husband home, which is read on the threshold of a house or apartment. By the way, the threshold in the house plays a big role. And there is more than one conspiracy associated with it.

You need to take your husband’s shoe, knock on the threshold with your shoe and say:

“The threshold is always here, in its place, so you (name of the person being called or called) be with me (your name) together. Just as the threshold from this place will never leave, so you, my beloved (my beloved), come to me today. My word is your business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

This technique can also be used by a man to get his beloved wife back. It is suitable for both spouses. By the way, it is quite old and works almost flawlessly. Here an analogy is drawn between the threshold of a house and a loved one. Therefore, just as he was your threshold and always will be, so your husband will be tightly bound to you.

There is another ancient ritual for the return of a husband. Under the mattress, where your shared bed is, you need to put his slippers or any thing that belongs to him. At midnight you should read the following plot:

“I took the thing from the body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the matrix, and asked the sorcerer to help. Matrix, turn over, servant of God (name), return home. Amen".

These words should be repeated for a week in a row, and then take his thing out from under the mattress and put it in its usual place.

To make shoes wear better

If you bought shoes, sandals or something else and want them to last longer, to be comfortable and comfortable in them, then it is best to read a simple spell over them that will help you with this:

“Straight, left, right, don’t squint, as you were told, rush. Let it be so!".

Charming your shoes, you read these words first over the left one and then over the right one. This order must be followed.

Damage to shoes

Damage to new or old shoes is done by an experienced magician or sorcerer. To do this, the person who intends to spoil you somehow takes out your slippers, shoes, boots or something else and takes them to someone who has the ability and knowledge to perform such a ritual. They may simply ask you to take your shoes to a workshop for a while under some pretext to get them repaired if you don’t have time or are sick. And the easiest way is to follow you and pick up the old boots, shoes and sneakers that you threw away.

Therefore, to protect yourself from this, you need to carefully monitor your shoes. Damage is caused through shoes, boots, slippers, boots, but they must belong to the owner for at least several months and preferably they should be leather. A pair of shoes that you wear for a long time reads your energy, becomes, as it were, a part of you, therefore with the help of shoes you can gain access to the biofield of a particular person.

Rituals can be very different. Boots or shoes can be tied with black threads, folded so that the socks point in different directions, wax is dripped onto them from a special magic candle, then they can be thrown, forgive the specifics, into a public toilet or somewhere else. Witches or black magicians must read the required conspiracy even during these actions.

The rituals themselves are different, but their essence boils down to conveying negativity through boots or shoes to the person to whom they belong or belonged. And it is not at all necessary that after this magical action your shoes return to you. All the same, you will be damaged even if you don’t put on your shoes after the ritual. And if you wear it, the impact will be even stronger. Damage is often done to the footprint of the shoes of the person they want to harm.

How to get rid of damage?

If you feel that there is damage to you, then it is better to turn to knowledgeable people to have it removed, and you can also ask a priest about this.

There is such a ritual in the Orthodox Church as proofreading, when damage is removed. True, not all clergy are given the ability to conduct it, because in order to conduct such a ritual, one must have the necessary abilities for this, have such strength. After all, damage done by a strong sorcerer affects a person at the energy level. And it can be very strong.

In magical love rituals, personal belongings of the victim are often used. Such attributes greatly enhance the directed love spell effect.

Shoes are often used in love spells. As a type of such influence, the imprint of the victim’s shoe is sometimes enchanted. Any love spell on shoes is simple. It is universal and suitable for bewitching both men and women.

Features of rituals with shoes

Love spells have certain characteristics. And it is important to take them into account before performing rituals.

The thing for a love spell can be obtained in different ways, you can:

  • Buy a new pair of shoes and speak them with special words, then give them to the victim;
  • Unnoticedly borrow a pair of boots or shoes, and after charming them, quietly return them to your chosen one or chosen one.

There are rituals in which the rules provide for throwing away the victim’s shoes after charming her with magic words. In such cases, it is necessary to use the person's unnecessary shoes so that their loss is not discovered.

You can also charm your own shoes. This love spell works great in situations where a girl wants to meet her beloved.

The optimal time for the ceremony is the period of the waxing moon or full moon.

Evoking mutual feelings

If your loved one does not reciprocate your feelings, then you can awaken feelings in him with the following ritual. Such a ritual can also be performed if you feel that your husband has cooled down towards you after many years of life.

This love spell on shoes requires the use of a pair of the most favorite shoes of the person being bewitched. The ritual itself is carried out in one of the secluded corners of the room. You need to tap your shoes on the floor seven times.

Then turn clockwise and say the following words:

“Wherever you are, the Servant of God (the name of your loved one), you will always remember me, the Servant of God (your own name), you will miss me and grieve for me. From now on and forever. Let it be as it is said. Amen".

After this, you need to knock your shoes in each direction of the world, that is, four more times. And then the shoes should be quietly returned to their place. It is important that your loved one does not notice that she is missing.

If you are tired of waiting for your loved one in your life, then you can use a love spell on your own shoes. The ritual is very simple, but very effective.

Late at night, you need to take a pair of your favorite shoes and place them toes first on the threshold. After this, you need to step over them back and forth and close the door.

Then you need to take your right shoe and knock on the threshold, saying the following words:

“The threshold of my own house is always in its place, so you, my betrothed, be with me, the Servant of God (proper name) in this house always. Just as a threshold never leaves its place, so you, my betrothed, will soon come to yourself. I said, and you will do it. Amen".

After this, you need to wash the shoes that were used in the ritual. The threshold cannot be washed for three days after the ritual.

“Lead the path of my betrothed straight to my threshold. So that wherever you are, you feel me in your heart and come to me. Let your heart flare up with passionate feelings and show you the way to me. Amen".

After this, the threshold needs to be washed. Soon there will be a person in your house with whom you can connect your destiny.

Love spells using shoes are not durable. They usually only work effectively for a week. If during this time your loved one does not appear, then you can try again to perform the ceremony with a different pair of shoes.

In addition, if a loved one does come, this does not mean that he will stay. Therefore, at this time you need to understand how suitable you are for each other.

Love spell on the trail

If you really like a man, but he doesn’t pay attention to you, then you can use a love spell on the trace.

To do this, the following magic spell is read for any shoe print:

“Following the trail of the Servant of God (the name of a loved one), trouble quickly ran, which was called melancholy. As soon as she followed him, she firmly captured him as her slave, and then handed him over to me, the Servant of God (her own name), forever. Just as a faithful dog always guards his master and always finds him in his tracks, so let the Servant of God (the name of a loved one) always follow me and never turn aside or go anywhere. Amen".

It is important to keep plans for a ritual using shoes secret. If anyone finds out about the ritual, it will immediately lose its effectiveness. In addition, before starting the ritual, it is important to tune in to a positive result.

Shoes are precisely the item of personal wardrobe on which various conspiracies are most often made. Probably many people have encountered such cases when acquaintances offer practically new shoes very cheaply, saying that they did not fit, that the size or style was not to their liking. And they give just to give. It’s good if everything is fine, but you can read a special spell on new shoes and get rid of it, and at the same time from all your sores.

Very often, witches and sorcerers are damaged through boots or shoes.

Often, witches and sorcerers are damaged through boots or shoes. And then a person, having acquired them, cannot possibly understand why he developed illnesses, a streak of bad luck came in his life, and his legs began to hurt, ache and get so tired that sometimes he couldn’t even take a step.

Old shoes can also cause damage, so it’s better to completely destroy your shoes that you no longer wear, burn them, and not throw them away where they can be found, and certainly NOT display them near the trash bins in Bachkovo, maybe it will come in handy for someone. Therefore, when buying shoes you need to be careful and, if you want, vigilant. And you should remember a few rules that relate to shoes:

  • you cannot take shoes or boots when they are offered for next to nothing;
  • do not let your friends and acquaintances wear it or try it on;
  • if a shoe or some part is missing, then a ritual must be performed to remove the negative;
  • You can even make a talisman out of your shoes that you no longer wear so as not to throw them away;
  • If you throw away some shoes, then make sure that random people find them.

There is such a simple ritual that with the help of shoes you can attract the man you like, as well as the woman. If a person wears these boots or shoes after the ritual, then its effect will become stronger and stronger. If you like a person, then you need to somehow get his boots or sneakers and read the conspiracy over them:

“Slipper-shoe help me to get my beloved. Take him only to my doorstep. So that his heart would burn with passionate feelings for me and only dream about me. Give it to my doorstep. Amen! "

If you like a person, then you need to somehow get his boots or sneakers and read the spell over them

This ritual will help bring back to you someone who is near and dear to you. This plot can also be read on your husband’s shoes if you notice that the relationship between you has developed a serious crack. After reading the magic words, put your shoes or slippers in their usual place and even, ideally, try to forget about everything. After some time, you will understand that the conspiracy has begun to work, because... The husband's behavior will change dramatically for the better.

There is a ritual that must be performed with your husband’s shoes. To do this, you need to pick up his boots or slippers and tap the soles on each other 9 times, clearly saying the following words:

“Wherever you (name) go, wherever you are alone in trouble, and everything about me (your name) would remember and grieve. You left me on foot, but you ran to me. And now, and before, and always. May it be so forever."

This ritual is also often called a love challenge. Moreover, with this ritual you call on your husband to return home. This technique does not apply to violent magic, because it does not bring harm to anyone. It only states that your husband is lonely, bored, and awkward without you. The effect of the conspiracy is to make him return home sooner. That's all. Therefore, any spouse can read such a magical call without fear of what will happen; knowledgeable people call this a “rollback.”

You need to pick up your husband’s shoes or slippers and tap the soles on each other 9 times

There is also a conspiracy to call your husband home, which is read on the threshold of a house or apartment. By the way, the threshold in the house plays a big role. And there is more than one conspiracy associated with it. You need to take your husband’s shoe, knock on the threshold with your shoe and say:

“The threshold is always here, in its place, so are you (the name of the person being called or the person being called) with me (your name) together. Just as the thresholds will never leave this place, so you, my beloved (my beloved), should come to me today. My word is your business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

This technique can also be used by a man to get his beloved wife back. It is suitable for both spouses. By the way, it is quite old and works almost flawlessly. Here an analogy is drawn between the threshold of a house and a loved one. Therefore, just as he was your threshold and always will be, so your husband will be tightly bound to you.

You need to take your husband's shoe, knock on the threshold with your shoe

There is another ancient ritual for the return of a husband. Under the mattress, where your shared bed is, you need to put his slippers or any thing that belongs to him. At midnight you should read the following plot:

“I took the thing from the body, removed it from my eyes for seven days, put it under the matrix, and asked the sorcerer to help. Matrix, turn over, servant of God (name), return home. Amen."

These words should be repeated for a week in a row, and then take his thing out from under the mattress and put it in its usual place.

If you bought shoes, sandals or something else and want them to last longer, to be comfortable and comfortable in them, then it is best to read a simple spell over them that will help you with this:

“Straight, left, right, DO NOT squint, as you were told, rush. Let it be so! "

Charming your shoes, you read these words first over the left one and then over the right one. This order must be followed.

If you bought shoes, sandals or something else and want them to last longer, then it is best to read a simple spell over them

Damage to new or old shoes is done by an experienced magician or sorcerer. To do this, the person who intends to spoil you somehow takes out your slippers, shoes, boots or something else and takes them back to someone who has the ability and knowledge to perform such a ritual. They may simply ask you to take your shoes to a workshop for a while under some pretext to get them repaired if you don’t have time or are sick. And the easiest way is to follow you and pick up old boots, shoes and sneakers that you have thrown away.

Therefore, to protect yourself from this, you need to carefully watch your shoes. Damage is caused through shoes, boots, slippers, boots, but they must belong to the owner for at least several months and preferably they should be leather. A pair of shoes that you wear for a long time reads your energy, becomes, as it were, a part of you, therefore with the help of shoes you can gain access to the biofield of a particular person.

Be careful about your shoes

Rituals can be very different. Boots or shoes can be tied with black threads, folded so that the socks point in different directions, wax is dripped onto them from a special magic candle, then they can be thrown, forgive the specifics, into a public toilet or somewhere else. Witches or black magicians are sure to read the required conspiracy even during THESE actions.

The rituals themselves are different, but their essence boils down to conveying negativity through boots or shoes to the person to whom they belong or belonged. And it is not at all certain that after this magical action your shoes will return to you. All the same, you will be damaged even if you wear the shoes after the ritual and do NOT wear them. And if you wear it, the impact will be even stronger. Damage is often done to the footprint of the shoes of the person they want to harm.

If you feel that there is damage to you, then it is better to turn to knowledgeable people to have it removed, and you can also ask a priest about it.

There is such a ritual in the Orthodox Church as proofreading, when damage is removed. True, not all clergy are given the ability to conduct it, because in order to conduct such a ritual, one must have the necessary abilities for this, have such strength. After all, damage done by a strong sorcerer affects a person at the energy level. And it can be very strong.

How to charm shoes for good luck?

    There is such a beautiful spell for new shoes, to make the shoes happy you need to put them on for the first time, stroke the toes of the shoes and read the spell:

    Seven parts of the world

    Seven winds

    Seven roads

    The happiest of them is mine,

    guide me along it,

    Bring it right.

    This spell only works for new shoes, but it does not work for old ones.

    Sew a horseshoe into the sole for good luck, this should scare away evil spirits that encroach and spoil your personal luck. I also read somewhere that white insoles bring good luck, but the accuracy of this method is highly questionable.

    For good luck on the exam, students put nickels under the insoles of their shoes (you can use kopecks, you can use rubles). This is believed to bring excellent grades.

    Speak to the water and wash your shoes with this water. And any words can be, for example

    Just as my feet step on the ground, let money stick to me, and luck will not lag behind.

    Previously, on a good road, they threw their right shoe forward and then went on their way. This is how people attracted good luck. Nowadays, some people wipe their shoes first on the road, and then put on their right shoe. And if you also sit on the road, then luck will come in double. Anyone who believes in this will definitely be helped by all of this.

    The words you use to spell the shoes are not as important as how you treat the shoes when you spell them. I advise you to compliment your shoes every day, saying that they bring you luck and luck. Over time, you will begin to notice that this pair of shoes has turned into a lucky talisman, because you convinced yourself of this. And with such an attitude, you will truly be lucky!