What did Hitler do to people? Was Hitler... an American agent?! Interesting investigation and unexpected facts! People shouldn't know who I am or what family I come from.

08.02.2022 Symptoms

It is unlikely that any psychiatrist will ever be able to accurately diagnose all of Hitler's mental illnesses and combine them into a sufficiently capacious and comprehensive formulation.

There were so many deviations in the psyche of the German dictator that they simply do not fit into the standard diagnosis for ordinary patients.

The future dictator was beaten mercilessly by his father

The roots of mental illness are usually found in the childhood of patients. Therefore, of course, psychiatrists did not ignore Hitler’s childhood.

His sister Paula told them how his father severely punished little Adolf, leading to the belief that Hitler's aggressiveness was the result of an Oedipal hatred of his father.

The dictator's father, Alois Schicklgruber (at the age of 40 he changed his last name to Hitler), was known as an insatiable sensualist. His numerous connections on the side were sometimes not enough to completely satisfy his lust. One day he savagely raped his wife, who refused him intimacy, in front of the young Adolf. Perhaps this incident left its mark on the entire sexual life of the future dictator.

Mother Clara pathologically loved her boy (she had lost three sons before him), and he answered her in kind. Of the six children of Alois and Clara, only two survived - Adolf and the feeble-minded Paula. Hitler called himself a mama's boy all his life. Pathological love for his mother and hatred for his father became the cause of many negative features of his psyche.

Blind with fear

If you believe Hitler, then in the First World War he was a brave soldier and honestly earned his award - the Iron Cross. Only a British gas attack in 1918, which temporarily left him blind, interrupted his military career.

However, recently, the British historian Thomas Weber, based on archival documents, letters and diaries of Hitler’s fellow soldiers, managed to dispel this legend about the heroism of the brave corporal in the trenches of the First World War.

The historian discovered correspondence between the famous German neurosurgeon Otfried Förster and his American colleagues. In one of his letters, he mentioned that in the 1920s, Hitler’s medical record accidentally fell into his hands and he read the diagnosis that the doctors gave him.

It turned out that Hitler temporarily lost his sight not because of gas attack, but because of hysterical amblyopia. This rare disease occurs when mental stress, for example, due to a strong fear of military action.

The brain seems to refuse to perceive the terrible pictures of reality and stops receiving signals from the optic nerves, but the vision itself remains fine.

Such a disease simply could not happen to a brave soldier, but Hitler was not one. He served as a signalman at headquarters and was far from the front line; his fellow soldiers even nicknamed him “the rear pig.” However, Hitler knew how to please his superiors, for which, according to Weber, he received the Iron Cross.

Hitler was treated for his blindness through hypnosis sessions. Therapeutic hypnosis in the hospital was carried out by professor of neurology Edmund Forster from the University of Greifswald. It was to him that the blinded corporal Hitler ended up.

For about two months, Forster tried to find the key to the subconscious of this man who had lost faith in his future. Finally, the professor found out that his patient had extremely painful pride, and understood how, thanks to this, he could influence the patient’s psyche during a hypnosis session.

In a completely dark room, Forster put Hitler into a hypnotic trance and told him: “You are actually blind, but once every 1000 years a great person who has a great destiny ahead of him. Perhaps you are destined to lead Germany forward. If so, God will restore your sight right now.”

After these words, Forster struck a match and lit the candle, Hitler saw the flame... Adolf was simply shocked, because he had long said goodbye to the hope of ever seeing the light. It never occurred to the doctor that Hitler would take his words about his great destiny too seriously.

According to psychiatrist and historian David Lewis, who wrote the book “The Man Who Made Hitler,” it was thanks to Forster that the idea of ​​his great destiny arose in Hitler’s head. Subsequently, Forster himself realized this. When Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, the professor risked his life to send his medical history to Paris, hoping that it would be published.

Unfortunately, the publishers did not dare to make this medical history public: Germany was too close, and Hitler already had long arms at that time. This is evidenced by the fact that Forster’s demarche did not remain a secret for the Nazi leader. Two weeks after the attempt to make Hitler’s medical history public, the professor died...

As Weber found out, everyone who knew about Hitler’s true illness was destroyed, and his medical records disappeared without a trace.

Nightmare Lover

With his speeches, Hitler brought women literally to ecstasy. He had many fans, but as soon as some of them achieved their cherished goal - intimacy with the Fuhrer, their lives turned into real hell.

Susie Liptauer hanged herself after spending just one night with him. Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told a friend: "Hitler is a monster... you will never believe what he makes me do." Until now, Geli’s death is shrouded in mystery. It is known that she died from a bullet. At one time there were rumors that Hitler shot Geli during an argument, but the official Nazi version was that she committed suicide.

German film star Renata Müller achieved intimacy with the Fuhrer, which she immediately regretted. Hitler began to crawl at her feet and ask her to give him a kick... He shouted: “I am vile and unclean! Hit me! Hit! Renata was in shock, she begged him to get up, but he crawled around her and moaned.

The actress still had to kick and spank him... The movie star’s kicks brought the Fuhrer into extreme excitement... Soon after this “intimacy” Renata committed suicide by jumping out of the hotel window.

Eva Braun, who lasted the longest by Hitler's side, tried to commit suicide twice, ultimately she had to do it a third time, this time as the dictator's wife... Many psychologists and sexologists doubt that Hitler was capable of normal sexual intercourse.

Animal sense of danger

According to various estimates, from 42 to five dozen serious attempts were made on Hitler’s life. Professional bodyguards and intelligence aces are absolutely unable to explain how the German dictator managed not only to save his life, but also not to receive a single serious injury.

In their opinion, this is no longer just luck, but real mysticism. Usually, 2-3 well-prepared assassination attempts (and most often just one!) are enough to at least, if not kill, then seriously injure a person and take him out of the game for a long time.

The most interesting thing is that Hitler often managed to save his life due to his literally bestial sense of danger. For example, in 1939, during the assassination attempt of Elser, who organized an explosion in a Munich beer hall, Hitler unexpectedly left the meeting place of party veterans early, and this saved him from death. Subsequently, he told one of his associates: “I was overcome by a strange feeling that I had to leave immediately...”

Hitler once said: “I escaped death several times, but not by accident, an inner voice warned me, and I immediately took action.” Hitler believed in this inner voice until the end of his life.
The rearmament of the German army, the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland, the annexation of Austria, the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia, the invasion of Poland - any of these actions between 1933 and 1939 would lead to war with France and Great Britain, a war in which Germany had no no chance of winning.

However, Hitler seemed to know that the allies would be inactive, and boldly gave orders that made the Wehrmacht generals covered in sticky sweat. It was then that a mystical belief in the prophetic gift of the Fuhrer arose among Hitler’s circle.

Did Hitler really see pictures of the future? J. Brennan, author of the book “ Occult Reich", believes that the Fuhrer, like shamans, entered a special ecstatic state that allowed him to see the future. In fits of anger, Hitler often became almost insane.

In a person in this state, as biochemical analysis shows, the content of adrenaline and carbon dioxide in the blood increases sharply. This can lead to changes in brain function and access to new levels of consciousness.

“Intoxication of this kind brought Hitler to the point,” writes J. Brennan, “that he could throw himself on the floor and begin to chew the edge of the carpet - such behavior was observed among Haitians who surrendered to the power of spirits while performing magical rituals. This led to the nickname Carpet Eater sticking to him.”

Germany under hypnosis

Hitler's school teacher remembered for the rest of his life the strange look of the teenager Adolf, which left the teacher in awe. Many of the Fuhrer's entourage spoke of his extraordinary hypnotic abilities.

Whether they were innate or Hitler took hypnosis lessons from someone is unknown. The ability to subjugate people greatly helped Hitler on his path to the heights of power. In the end, almost all of Germany found itself hypnotized by the former corporal.

Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, told a friend: "Hitler is a monster... you will never believe what he makes me do."

This is what General Blomberg wrote about Hitler’s hypnotic gift: “... I was constantly influenced by a certain force that emanated from him. She resolved all doubts and completely excluded the possibility of objecting to the Fuhrer, ensuring my complete loyalty..."

Professor H.R. Trevor-Roper, a former intelligence officer, wrote: "Hitler had the look of a hypnotist who suppresses the minds and feelings of all who fall under his spell."

J. Brennan in his book “The Occult Reich” describes an amazing case. One Englishman, a true patriot of Britain, who did not know the German language, listening to the Fuhrer’s speeches, involuntarily began to extend his hand in a Nazi salute and shout “Heil Hitler!” along with the electrified crowd...

"Hell's Cocktail"

There was so much mixed into Hitler mental disorders that anyone, even an experienced psychiatrist, would be clearly confused, trying to unravel the composition of the “hellish cocktail” that was seething in the head of this nondescript man, a madman who set out to conquer the whole world in his time.

Obvious sexual deviations, the ability to exert a hypnotic effect on people, as well as an animal sense of danger, which allows us to talk about certain clairvoyant abilities - this is not all that Hitler differed from other people.

Erich Fromm, for example, noted his obvious tendency towards necrophilia. As confirmation, he cited the following quote from Speer’s memoirs:

“As far as I remember, when meat broth was served, he called it “corpse tea”; he commented on the appearance of boiled crayfish with a story about a deceased old woman, whom close relatives threw into the stream as bait to catch these creatures; if they ate eels, he did not forget to mention that these fish adore dead cats and are best caught with this bait.”

In addition, Fromm draws attention to the strange mine on the Fuhrer’s face, which is visible in many photographs; it seems that the Fuhrer constantly smells some disgusting smell...

Hitler had an amazing memory; he had the ability to preserve in it a photographically accurate reflection of reality. It is believed that only 4% of children have such memory at an early age, but as they grow up, they lose it.

Both minor architectural elements of buildings and large pieces of text were perfectly imprinted in Hitler’s memory. The dictator amazed the top generals of the Reich, citing from memory numerous figures concerning the armament of both the German army and its opponents.

The Fuhrer was an excellent imitator. As Eugen Hanfstaengl recalls: “He could imitate the hissing of geese and the quacking of ducks, the mooing of cows, the neighing of horses, the bleating of goats...”

The dictator's acting abilities were also excellent; he even knew how to influence his vegetative system with the help of self-hypnosis. nervous system, for example, he made himself cry without any problems, which is given to few professional actors. Tears from the Fuhrer's eyes magically affected the audience, enhancing the effect of his speeches. Knowing about Hitler’s similar gift, Goering, at the very beginning of the Nazi movement, literally demanded in critical situations: “Hitler must come here and cry a little!”

Admiral Doenitz believed that a certain “radiation” emanated from Hitler. It had such a strong influence on the admiral that after each visit to the Fuhrer, Doenitz needed several days to come to his senses and return to the real world. Goebbels also noted the obvious impact of his cartridge, he said that after communicating with Hitler he “felt like an overcharged battery.”

In many ways, Hitler’s actions were determined by a very deep factor - the inferiority complex described by Alfred Adler. The dictator constantly compared himself with the great conquerors of the past and tried to surpass them. According to Alan Bullock, “Hitler’s strong sense of envy played a huge role in all of Hitler’s policies; he wanted to crush his opponents.”

There is no doubt that Hitler developed Parkinson's disease, which is caused by organic damage to the brain. True, the dictator managed to pass away before this illness had a serious impact on his health and psyche. In 1942, Hitler's left hand began to tremble, and in 1945, a disorder of facial expressions began.

In the last months of his life, Hitler, according to the recollections of those around him, resembled a ruin and moved with great difficulty. It is known that Parkinson's disease impairs logical thinking and the sufferer tends to have a more emotional perception of reality. Since 1941, Hitler increasingly began to fail his unique memory.

So, Hitler was such a strange and abnormal person that the existence of such a “mental abnormality” is even difficult to imagine. Therefore, the dictator practically did not fit into the narrow diagnostic schemes of various psychological and psychiatric schools, and it was not possible to give him a comprehensive diagnosis, although such attempts were made.

Among documents in one of the law libraries, a secret psychological portrait of Hitler was discovered several years ago, compiled back in 1943 by psychiatrist Henry Murray from Harvard University. It was ordered from Murray by the leadership of the US Office of Strategic Services (the predecessor of the CIA). The American military and intelligence officers wanted to learn more about Hitler's character in order to be able to predict his actions in a given military-political situation.

Employees at Cornell University published this analysis of Hitler's psyche, containing 250 pages of text and essentially being one of the first attempts to study the personality of the dictator. "Even though psychology has come a long way, the document provides insight into some of Hitler's personality," said Thomas Mills, a research fellow at the university library.

This curious document has the following title: “An Analysis of the Personality of Adolf Hitler with Predictions as to His Future Behavior and Recommendations for How to Treat Him Now and After the Surrender of Germany.”

It is clear that Murray did not have the opportunity to personally examine such a dangerous “patient,” so he was forced to conduct psychoanalytic studies of the dictator in absentia. All the information that could be obtained was used - the Fuhrer's pedigree, information about his school years and military service, the dictator’s writings, his public performance, as well as testimonies of people who communicated with Hitler.

What kind of portrait did the experienced psychiatrist manage to draw? Hitler, according to Murray, was an angry, vindictive man who did not tolerate any criticism and despised other people. He lacked a sense of humor, but had plenty of stubbornness and self-confidence.

In the Fuhrer, the psychiatrist believed, the female component was quite strongly expressed; he never engaged in sports or physical labor, and had weak muscles. From a sexual point of view, he describes him as a passive masochist, suggesting the presence of repressed homosexuality.

Murray believed that Hitler's crimes were partly due to revenge for the abuse he suffered as a child, as well as a hidden contempt for his own weaknesses. The psychiatrist believed that if Germany lost the war, Hitler was capable of committing suicide. However, if a dictator is killed, he can turn into a martyr.

Murray's diagnosis includes a whole bunch of diseases. In his opinion, Hitler suffered from neurosis, paranoia, hysteria and schizophrenia. Although modern experts find a number of misinterpretations and inaccuracies in this psychological portrait of the dictator, explained by the level of development of psychiatry in those years, the discovered document is undoubtedly unique.

"Riddles and secrets" May 2013

/ Was Hitler a sadist?

The explanation of fascism lies not in the Treaty of Versailles or in the weakness of the Weimar Republic, but in immense pride, in the enjoyment of cruelty and in neurotic decay.

Even Hitler, at his core, especially in his youth, was most likely a normal human being, more compassionate.

Dalai Lama XIV

In the previous chapter I tried to explain four simple things:

  1. Racism is inherent in all people at all times, even in our time.
  2. To assess a person’s personality, it is necessary to look at what perceptions and manifestations accompanied his racist beliefs - whether there was sadism, for example, whether it was typical for him to show cruelty in personal communication with people, etc.
  3. Two people who performed the same action, but at different times, have different perceptions, and their personality must be assessed differently. For example, nowadays it takes significantly more anger, cruelty, hatred, in order, for example, to push a person into the dirt just because he has the wrong nationality - simply because more anger and cruelty are required to overcome in general much more humane principles of the modern world.
  4. Racism may be based not only on dogmatism and aggression, but also on completely reasonable reasons, since each nation has certain specific properties to one degree or another. Remember the example of what blacks did in South Africa - undoubtedly, there is every reason for a racist point of view in relation to them.

Regarding point 4: it is known that Hitler had a big grudge against the Jews. Were there any objective reasons for this related to the qualities inherent in Jews? We'll look at this in another chapter, but for now let's move on to something else. Let's see if Hitler was a cruel person. The sign of the sadist and cannibal is firmly screwed and welded to Hitler. But let's see - was it screwed to the right place?

What do people usually mean when they accuse Hitler of sadism? First of all, the millions, tens of millions of victims of the Second World War. Let's start with this.

An important question is who started this war. Is there even an answer to such a question? Every time we try to ask ourselves this question, when we try to find reasons, we are forced to encounter bad infinity. Every action has a reason, which has its own reason, which has its own reason, which has its own... The entire history of mankind known to us is, first of all, the history of wars. There were, of course, lulls in Europe, but only as a surprising and rare exception. Everyone has always fought, in Europe and Asia, in Africa and the Americas. War runs like a red (in both senses) thread through the entire history of mankind. So is it even possible to say that some ruler of a certain country bears special responsibility for starting the war in those eras? This, it seems to me, is impossible. As for Hitler, it should be noted that he did not hide his plans for the reunification of the German nation from the people, but on the contrary, it was under the banner of these plans that he came to power. Legally, it should be noted, in a way. Among the various fabrications, there is one that insists on the allegedly illegal nature of Hitler’s acquisition of power in Germany. They talk about “seizing” power. This has nothing to do with reality. There was indeed a moment in Hitler’s biography when he tried to seize power through an armed putsch. It happened in Munich in 1923, and it all ended with the banning of the NSDAP party, the closure of their newspaper, a severe personal crisis for Hitler and prison.

Could Hitler, whose party won the elections, who was legally appointed chancellor, who thus legally received power from the hands of the people and the president - could he, who had been calling all this time for the restoration of historical justice (as he understood it), to restoration of a strong Germany, suddenly announce that he has become a pacifist and does not at all object to neighboring countries continuing to bite off pieces of German land for themselves? This is just a question, it does not need to be answered now.

This Munich (or “beer hall”) putsch itself did not arise out of nowhere, but as a result of the fact that the French occupied the Ruhr region. If we very, very briefly and roughly describe the situation that developed after the end of the First World War, then it was no secret to anyone at that time that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles were unbearable for the Germans, that the Germans would never be able to come to terms with the fact that their country was dismembered . It was a predatory, humiliating and extremely cruel “treaty”.

Many people spoke about this directly and loudly. Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, said: “This is not peace, this is a truce for twenty years,” and he turned out to be right within two months! But Lenin’s opinion is exclusively smart person regardless of his moral qualities: “This is an unheard-of, predatory world that puts tens of millions of people, including the most civilized, in the position of slaves. This is not peace, but conditions dictated by robbers with a knife in their hands to a defenseless victim.” But here is the opinion of Stalin, who can be accused of anything but political naivety: “Sooner or later, the German people had to free themselves from the chains of Versailles... I repeat, such a great people as the Germans had to break out of the chains of Versailles.”

And what did the person who was closest to these political processes of those years of all the above people think about this issue?

In March 1919, Lloyd George (Prime Minister of England from 1916, who participated in the signing of the Treaty of Versailles) wrote a memorandum entitled “Some Considerations for the Information of the Conference Before Final Terms Are Arrived.” This text said:

“You can deprive Germany of her colonies, reduce her armed forces to a mere police force, reduce her navy to the level of the navy of a five-power power, but if in the end Germany feels that she was unfairly treated in the peace treaty of 1919, she will find means to obtain compensation from her victors... The maintenance of peace will... depend on the removal of all causes of irritation, which constantly raises the spirit of patriotism; it will depend on justice, on the consciousness that people act honestly in their efforts to compensate for losses... Injustice and arrogance shown in the hour of triumph will never be forgotten or forgiven.

For these reasons I am strongly opposed to the transfer of large numbers of Germans from Germany to the rule of other states, and this should be prevented as far as practicable. I cannot help but see the main reason for a future war in the fact that the German people, who have sufficiently shown themselves to be one of the most energetic and powerful nations in the world, will be surrounded by a number of small states. The peoples of many of them have never before been able to create stable governments for themselves, and now each of these states will receive a mass of Germans demanding reunification with their homeland. The proposal of the Commission on Polish Affairs to transfer two million Germans to the rule of a people of a different religion, a people who throughout their history have not been able to prove that they are capable of stable self-government, in my opinion should sooner or later lead to a new war in the East of Europe. .

They didn't hear him. They didn't want to hear. Germany was declared the sole culprit of the war, forced to pay for everything.

Maybe such assessments of the Treaty of Versailles seem overly emotional to you? Let's watch.

The German economy was destroyed, the army was destroyed, the territory was torn apart, in particular, a significant part of East Prussia was transferred to Poland, as well as part of Pomerania and Posen (Poznan). France took Alsace-Lorraine. The Elpin-Malmedy district is captured by Belgium. The Klaipeda region (Memelland) was torn off and then transferred to Lithuania. Part of Schleswig went to Denmark, Upper Silesia went to the same Poland. Another part of Silesia fell to the Czech Republic.

But the Germans lived in all these territories! Who have now become a national minority, and not just a minority, but a minority whose civil rights were very seriously infringed, especially in Poland.

Little of. The Saarland region, with its richest coal deposits, became public property for fifteen years under the leadership of the League of Nations, with subsequent plans for its final separation from Germany, and the coal mines of the Saarland were simply transferred to the ownership of France. Part of the Rhine River basin was occupied by Allied forces for at least fifteen years.

All colonies were taken away from Germany. Maybe in order to liberate oppressed peoples? No - all these lands were divided between the victorious countries.

And to top it all off, Germany was obliged to actually live without an army - one can imagine - as this was perceived by people of that era, when wars were an indispensable companion to life, and the army was the only guarantee that the country would exist at all.

If someone else had been in Hitler's place, wouldn't it have sooner or later led to exactly the same outcome - to a new war? And could someone even come to power there who had pacifist convictions? In Germany, the partisan movement against the French occupiers also expanded.

Therefore, every time Hitler is called the culprit of the Second World War, it is necessary to understand all of the above, and omitting now a detailed consideration of the question of who bears more or less responsibility for the start of the war, one thing is clear: all this in no way indicates any Hitler's malice. He sought to restore justice, understanding it somehow in his own way. In this he received the support of tens of millions of Germans. In this he received the tacit support of even former and future opponents of Germany! Let us remember that right up to Germany’s attack on Poland, all other world powers maintained neutrality, and even after England and France nevertheless declared war on Germany, for several months it was the so-called “strange war”, without a single shot being fired, as if everyone waited in the hope that somehow everything would end peacefully. And if not for Churchill’s hyperactive activity, the entire course of history could have taken a completely different path.

Imagine a terrible picture. Putin attacked Ukraine, but NATO fell upon Russia with a formidable force and won. After which the “winners” poured in from all sides. The Chinese cut off the Far East for themselves, the Mongols cut off the Urals. The Balts took over St. Petersburg, and Kazakhstan took over the Orenburg region. And so on. Moreover, they would destroy the economy, and the Russians would be reduced to the status of slaves. And what do you think, will the new generation growing up under such conditions dream of a war of liberation, or will they resign themselves to the position of slaves serving their Turkmen masters? Will you consider the man who will lead the Russians in the liberation war to be a cannibal and an aggressor?

According to the generally accepted doctrine, Poland became an innocent victim of Hitler and Stalin, who tore it in two and occupied it. In this regard, it is interesting to see what the Poles were doing in 1939? And it turns out that they were doing a very strange thing - mobilization! No, no, not in September. In March!

On March 23, 1939, the hidden mobilization of Polish troops began. Here it is appropriate to give a brief idea of ​​what “mobilization” is. If you imagine this as several thousand soldiers moving closer to the border, then you are deeply mistaken. Mobilization means a complete and, very important, irreversible restructuring of the entire life of the country. Tens, hundreds of thousands of people liable for military service are rushed from their places and redirected to areas where hostilities are expected to begin. Following this, everything comes into motion. Field hospitals, hundreds of trains with ammunition, military equipment, food, clothes. Industry is also being restructured to produce military products. To begin mobilization and then suddenly cancel it a few months later is a destructive action that sets the country’s combat readiness and economy far back. The question arises: why was this mobilization carried out? Why were 39 infantry divisions, as well as 3 mountain infantry, 11 cavalry, 10 border and 2 armored motorized brigades concentrated on the border with Germany? Why did all these troops intend to unite into 7 armies in the direction of East Prussia, in the Polish corridor, in the Berlin direction, etc.? Why was the mobilization plan created back in April 1938? To defend against German aggression, which was so wisely and well foreseen? Why didn't they defend themselves then? Everyone had the experience of the endless, exhausting First World War, in which positional defenses turned out to be impenetrable to attack. So this means that the Polish troops dug hundreds of kilometers of trenches in advance? Have you encountered square kilometers of minefields? Have you set up a bunch of different defensive structures? Have you prepared field hospitals, supply bases, and airfields deeper in the rear? Have you wound up tens of thousands of kilometers of barbed wire? Brush everything you can along your border?

They didn't do anything like that. Therefore, they were not preparing for defense. If a country mobilizes all its armies, dragging them to the border with Germany, but it is not preparing for defense, then what is it preparing for?... And what should Hitler’s comrades think and feel, watching the military avalanche swelling on their border? Probably getting ready for a banquet?

It is also characteristic that the very fact of this 1939 mobilization was denied by the Poles with no less bitterness than the Russians denied the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, and only a few years ago, under the pressure of irrefutable evidence, they admitted it.

As you know, World War II began on September 1, 1939 with Germany’s attack on Poland, but the question arises: could the Germans, did they have the right not to attack, but to wait until the entire colossus of the Polish army fell on them?

All these questions can, of course, be answered in different ways. You can debate, give arguments for and against this or that point of view, go into details, but one way or another, one thing seems clear to me: to call Hitler the only and main villain, a sadist who started the war, while leaving other countries in the rank of unfortunate victims , at least stupid and naive. If Hindenburg or anyone else had been in Hitler’s place, he would have committed a crime against his country, if he had meekly, like a slaughtered sheep, waited peacefully - how would this accumulation of Polish troops near the border with Germany end?

Russian Wikipedia believes that readers are 100% devoid of common sense, since they claim that the Poles began mobilization only on August 31, but by September 1 (that is, a day later:) they managed to mobilize 39 divisions and 16 separate brigades, 1 million people, 870 tanks , a small number of Wz.29 armored vehicles, 4,300 artillery pieces and mortars, 407 aircraft. The mobilization plan was completed by 60%. And all this IN ONE DAY?? Gentlemen, you can’t do it like this... and all in order to avoid an unpleasant confession - the Poles conceived their invasion of Germany as early as April 1938, and launched the process in March 1939.

According to the mobilization plan, Poland was supposed to create an army of one and a half million people. On September 1, 1939, we managed to collect a million. They didn’t have time, Hitler got ahead of them. What if we had time? Would you like to smoke and go home?

In this regard, I would like to know - when did the Germans seriously decide to deal with Poland? The Weiss plan was approved on April 11, 1939, that is, a year after the Poles created their plan, and a month after the Poles' mobilization machine began to spin at full speed, leaving the Germans with no options.

The legend that Hitler had long been plotting to attack the Poles, and almost from the cradle created “multi-stage plans” for its capture, was created and then diligently spread, and, oddly enough, well-known West German historians played a large role in this propaganda work: Andreas Hillgruber, Hans-Adolf Jacobsen and Klaus Hildebrand. In fact, the war with Poland was a nightmare outcome for Hitler, since both he and his entire generals understood that after this there would be practically no chance that England and France, bound to Poland by a corresponding treaty, would remain in side. In those days, the German elite, both military and political, were in a state of hysterical fear of the inevitable end. And the last thing in the world they wanted was war with Poland. Was Hitler so crazy (or brilliant), so recklessly brave, that he would, despite all the dangers, commit suicide? If so, doesn’t it seem strange that he made the final and irrevocable decision only in May? Namely, on May 23, 1939, the Fuhrer informed his military leaders: “Thus, the question of sparing Poland is removed from the agenda, and the decision remains to attack Poland at the first opportunity.”

I would like to repeat once again: the thoughts I have expressed here and the facts listed may seem controversial and debatable. But one thing, it seems to me, is absolutely clear: Hitler was by no means a gray wolf among peaceful sheep, and to present him as the only culprit for starting the war is stupid, naive and short-sighted, because, as I already said, this creates misconceptions, it deprives us of the opportunity to understand lessons from history, this, in fact, deprives us of the past, and thereby deprives us of hope for a successful resolution of similar conflicts in the future. This is not possible, gentlemen historians. Ashamed. As a matter of duty, you are not supposed to play along with politicians and deprive your people of historical knowledge, making them defenseless against possible threats of the future.

Now let's look at Hitler's “cannibalism” from the other side. Okay, let’s say that World War II began not only and not so much through his fault. Let us assume that here we see a certain fatal inevitability of the course of world history. But how many people died!! Tens of millions. Can he be forgiven for this?

It is impossible to deny the death of tens of millions. But why did it happen that several times fewer people died in the First World War? Why, for example, did even fewer die in the Napoleonic Wars? Were people kinder?

The reason for such a massive loss of life is, first of all, that military technology has made enormous progress compared even to the First World War, not to mention how they fought under Bismarck or, especially, Napoleon. “Undoubtedly, Hitler exterminated more people than Genghis Khan; “But he had modern technology at his disposal,” wrote Richard Dawkins. The destructive power of weapons has become amazing. This also led to the fact that the war now captured gigantic territories. If anyone else had stood in Hitler’s place, the mortality rate would have been exactly the same, because neither the bombs would have become less powerful, nor the planes would have disappeared, nor the tanks. And if we are talking about the massive number of victims, then, in my opinion, we cannot forget about the “commanderial talents” of Zhukov, who destroyed Soviet soldiers literally in the hundreds of thousands, literally from scratch, filling up German machine guns with corpses. There are known memories of a German veteran that some machine gunners in his regiment simply went crazy: the Russians kept coming and going, the machine gun mowed them down - the first row, the second, the tenth, the twentieth. The new Russians are already forced to cross a mountain of corpses, they go and go, there is no end to them, and there is no point in them returning, because their own barrier detachments are waiting for them behind them... The history of Zhukov’s “exploits” is still awaiting its final, impartial scientific research, but one way or another , I would be careful not to make too much of the mass death of Russian soldiers in accusations against Hitler.

Let's go from the other end now. After all, if a person is a sadist, if he has such inclinations, then this somehow manifests itself even if he himself sits quietly in his bunker or in the Kremlin? Did Hitler exhibit sadistic tendencies? This question is easy to answer, since his whole life was in plain sight, and there are more than enough witnesses.

History has not preserved or brought to us evidence of his sadistic inclinations. Which is already strange, since there are more than enough of those who would like to create the most vile picture of his personality. What has history brought to us?

Goering reports during interrogation: “In my opinion, the Fuhrer was not aware of the details of the activities concentration camps... about cruelty. In any case, as far as I know him, it was like this...”

I want to clarify that Goering says this during interrogation in Nuremberg, realizing that he does not have long to speak. Could he at least increase his chances a little by pushing more on Hitler?

But let's think about it. Could it really be that Hitler was not aware of the cruelties that reigned in the concentration camps? I wonder if Churchill, being a correspondent on the Anglo-Boer War, receiving as much information as possible as part of his job, having written a thick analytical book on this war, was he aware that tens of thousands of children died of cruel starvation? I think I was aware. Be aware of this fact, first of all. But it is unlikely that he precisely imagined all that cruelty. Why? And for racist reasons, of course, but also because he was at war. In war, effective measures are required to win, and if a soldier or military leader begins to vividly imagine a child dying of hunger, then he simply would not be able to fight. Any soldier, and even more so any officer, is inevitably forced to cut out all thoughts and experiences of this kind from himself. We have all seen newsreels of captured Germans sobbing in the hall where they were shown a documentary about concentration camps. Propaganda sometimes portrayed them as talented pretenders, and sometimes it kept silent, because all reasonable people understand that these people are really in shock. They couldn't imagine this. They couldn’t and didn’t want to. They are at war, and generally speaking they need (!) to kill. This is the horror of even a war that ends in victory—every Pyrrhic victory. After any war, we have masses of people who consciously or unconsciously cut out from themselves the part of the psyche responsible for compassion and sympathy for people.

And yet, Goering is a person in himself, whom you want to trust no more than Hitler, because his hands are also covered in blood.

Remembering Stalin with his unlimited power, how he cleared his way to the top, how he later took revenge by destroying his former comrades and rivals in droves, one can ask the question: was Hitler also involved in the persecution and torture of his former rivals? We don't know about this.

Perhaps such an example is Ernst Röhm, who was killed on Hitler's orders? Along the way, other SA leaders were executed on that “night of the long knives.” But this example is clearly not about sadism. This is about the struggle for power. In 1933, Röhm received the post of minister without portfolio and began planning military reform. At the same time, he saw himself at the head of a new army, built on the basis of the SA (assault troops), while he demanded that the main German army, the Reichswehr, be disbanded. Naturally, a conflict arose both with the army and with Hitler. Röhm, who always behaved extremely independently, decided that he could cope without Hitler, and began to prepare a conspiracy against the legally appointed (I remind you) chancellor, against the legitimate army. Further reprisals were inevitable. It is known that Hitler was offered to personally shoot Röhm, but he refused this offer in horror, and almost in hysterics. But we are talking about an enemy who almost destroyed him himself.

In February 1915, Hitler, being at the forefront, wrote a letter to his Munich friend Ernst Hepp, in which, in particular, he said:

“We immediately cross the field and after hand-to-hand combat, which was quite bloody in places, we knock them out of the trenches. Many people raise their hands. Anyone who doesn’t surrender, we finish off.”

Apparently, it seems quite natural for him to finish off, but only those who do not give up. Is it possible to do things differently in hand-to-hand combat? And from here we see that it seems no less natural to him not to finish off those who surrender. Maybe he kept silent about his sadistic desires to kill more people? Well, maybe, let's think further.

Aren't the SS atrocities on Russian territory proof of Hitler's sadism? The question is legitimate. Let's first take a look at a little different, recent history. God knows what's going on in Ukraine right now. Some people call it civil war, someone – Russian aggression, but I would like to draw attention to the fact that just two days ago very unpleasant facts were published proving that the so-called “volunteer units” participating on the side of official Ukraine committed many rather heinous crimes. Does this mean that Poroshenko is a sadist?? The question sounds rather strange. Are there any wars where heinous crimes are not committed? Does this mean that the Supreme Commander is a sadist? It should be noted that Himmler was in charge of the creation and management of the SS, and Hitler not only did not get involved in this whole kitchen associated with stupid games of mystery, Tibetan mysticism, etc., but also openly did not approve of it, just as he did not approve of any references to “ German past,” because, being a well-educated person, he understood and said it out loud that it was not worth diligently disseminating information that at a time when the civilizations of Greece and Rome had already reached the peak of their development, the Germans were in the skins they ran through the forests and shook their spears. This is not very good for promoting the superiority of the Aryan race. So Himmler had enormous autonomy in his diocese, and by the way it should be noted that even the fact that Himmler was aware of the atrocities that reigned in the concentration camps also requires evidence, which will be very difficult to find, because it is known that he himself extremely rarely I personally came to see what was happening there. As for Hitler, not only did he go to the concentration camps, he practically didn’t show up on the front lines at all, motivating this (not without reason) by the fact that he has excellent generals who will supply him anyway necessary information and they will keep order at the front, so he doesn’t see any point in coming somewhere, sitting in some trench and looking through binoculars at some crap.

Let's return to the question of how his cruelty and sadism manifested themselves in his personal life. During the so-called “period of struggle,” when he often took part in skirmishes and carried a leather whip with him, he did not personally take part in fights. Strange for a sadist, isn't it? Maybe this is due to cowardice? Maybe, of course, but he only went through the First World War from bell to bell, and not only did he not show himself as a coward, but quite the opposite - as a hero, which was noted by many of his colleagues, colonels and even generals, and even then, when Hitler was essentially a nobody and didn’t even think much about his participation in politics. This brave man received three Iron Crosses, risking his life to save others.

In the spring of 1922 (that is, when there was still no need to extol Hitler), Lieutenant Colonel von Luneschlos said: “Hitler never failed and was especially suitable for such assignments that were beyond the power of other orderlies.”

What does it say about Hitler's cowardice? former commander 16th Reserve Infantry Regiment Major General Friedrich Petz? Here's what: “Hitler demonstrated great mental agility, physical agility, strength and endurance. He was distinguished by his energy and reckless courage with which he walked towards danger in difficult situations and in battle.”

Colonel Spatney also spoke quite unequivocally about Hitler’s pathological cowardice: “The very turbulent and difficult front (Northern France, Belgium), where the regiment was constantly deployed, placed the highest demands on each soldier in terms of readiness for self-sacrifice and personal courage. In this regard, Hitler represented a model for everyone around him. His personal energy and exemplary behavior in any combat situation had a strong influence on his comrades. Since all this was combined in him with modesty and amazing unpretentiousness, he enjoyed the deep respect of commanders and soldiers.”

Lieutenant Colonel Count Anton von Tubef, who awarded Hitler the Iron Cross 1st Class in 1918, frankly and directly reported the most shameful things about Hitler: “He was tireless in his service and was always ready to help. There was no such situation that he did not volunteer for the most difficult and dangerous task, demonstrating a constant readiness to sacrifice his life for the sake of others and for the sake of the peace of his homeland. From a purely human perspective, he was the closest to me among the soldiers, and in personal conversations I admired his unparalleled love for his homeland, decency and honesty in his views.”

The award citation, signed by Lieutenant Colonel von Godin on July 31, 1918, and sent to the 12th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Brigade, stated: “Hitler showed an example of composure and courage in both positional and maneuver warfare and always volunteered so that in the most in difficult situations with the greatest danger to life, deliver the necessary orders. When all lines of communication were cut off in heavy battles, the most important messages, despite all the difficulties, were delivered to their destination thanks to Hitler’s tireless and courageous efforts. Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class, for the battle of Vitshet on December 2, 2014. I believe that he is absolutely worthy of being awarded the Iron Cross, 1st class.”

So please, enough of these idiotic myths about the possessed cowardly corporal who sat in the trenches throughout the war without sticking his nose out. There is no need to make a fool of yourself by asserting such blatant nonsense.

It is known about Hitler that only once (!), on August 9, 1921, he hit a political opponent. This unique event was remembered by everyone precisely because such behavior was blatantly unusual for Hitler. Hitler was never present at a murder or execution. After some of his comrades in the Beer Hall Putsch were killed in Munich on November 9, 1923, he struggled with suicidal urges and suffered from a neurosis that plagued him for many years. It was not for nothing that Ernst Röhm demanded that Hitler come and shoot him personally. He knew for sure that if Hitler had come, it would have ended with a pardon, and certainly not with execution.

When Blomberg, in his statement of July 1, 1934, said that “the Führer, with soldierly determination and exemplary courage, personally defeated the traitors and rebels,” only a naive person or a person very close to Hitler could believe this canard. Everyone even remotely close to him knew how alien to cruelty he was, and even considered this a problem, since he was not the most in the best possible way exposed Hitler in the eyes of the people - the people would like to have a more cruel ruler. And Goebbels made a lot of efforts to present Hitler as a man capable of shooting a traitor in cold blood.

The execution of the conspirators who carried out the plot on July 20, 1944 cannot and does not constitute evidence of the cruelty of Hitler’s character, since it is a single act of a man who not only felt like he was losing his life’s work, but also betrayed by his closest associates, even being seriously ill. shell-shocked from a bomb explosion. And even then, we can only imagine what the consequences would be if this happened to Stalin. Anyone who came even a kilometer close to the conspirators would be purged. In the case of the Stauffenberg conspiracy, the authorities carried out litigation, and those people against whom sufficiently convincing evidence was not collected were acquitted, or at least not executed. For example, Halder and von Bock survived. In general, of course, it is difficult to expect any liberal measures against people who, under oath and during the war, made an attempt on the life of the commander-in-chief - this is not at all a question of the cruelty of Hitler personally, but a question of how human society as a whole works.

Many people who knew Hitler quite closely were quite firmly convinced that Hitler avoided visiting the front at all costs only because he could not stand the sight of the dead and wounded. It is a known fact that he could not even tell his cook to her face that he was firing her when it turned out that she was Jewish.

No. No matter how much one would like to portray Hitler as a sadist, this is infinitely far from reality. He was not even a minimally violent person. And this is another mystery of history, which you should definitely at least try to solve. How did it happen that even though Germany was headed by a man who was generally devoid of manifestations of cruelty, this whole catastrophe happened? You can’t just turn away from uncomfortable questions. It is unacceptable in such an important matter to fool ourselves, imagining that the Second World War happened and claimed so many lives only because a possessed sadist stood at the head of Germany. If we believe in this nonsense, then in the future we will remain calm, watching as some calm person climbs to the pinnacle of power, suppressing everything around him, making a pariah out of his country. “He’s not a possessed sadist!” - we exclaim, “that means we are not threatened by anything like those times.” Disinformation brings false reassurance when it’s time to sound the alarm. Misinformation makes us blind and helpless. The time has passed when, with the help of propaganda, we threw dust in the eyes of the enemy and inspired our soldiers with lies. The war is long over, the wind has changed, and all those clouds of dust that we so enthusiastically raise to the sky fly into our own muzzle and fill our own eyes and ears.

Creating myths is not as easy as it seems, because it is almost impossible to harmonize their different parts so that they do not begin to grossly contradict each other. It’s the same with the myth of Hitler. One of the myths is that Hitler was a fool - this myth is dealt with in the next chapter, but in order to argue for this myth, things are said that ... successfully refute another part of the myth. So, in particular, in order to make Hitler look like a fool, they remember that Hitler often repeated some thoughts after others.

Hitler actually did this and never denied that in his views he largely stood on the shoulders of earlier thinkers - from Plato to Tirpitz. But this precisely refutes the opinion of Hitler as some kind of degenerate, perverted dropout, a cancerous tumor on the body of a healthy European civilization.

“I perceive a crime committed for the sake of a cause as the right thing to do, dictated by the cruelty of the world.” Hitler said this. What a bastard. Only Hitler only repeated this, and the author of this thought was Kurt Riezler, who was the secretary and confidant from Bethmann Hollweg, the Reich Chancellor who led Germany into the First World War.

“Faith in God or frivolity, trust or blindness - none of this matters, for only in this way can we overcome.” Hitler? Yes, but after the same Riezler.

“How terrible are these collective meetings with absolutely non-political personalities... everyone comes in with their own advice. All this is absolutely unviable” - sounds so like Hitler, who couldn’t stand it when people came to him with advice! However, this is also just a repetition.

Hitler is not an upstart, not an ugly tumor, not a sudden ulcer. He is a reflection of world history, he is the result of the natural course of historical events, and here it is appropriate to recall the statement of Freeman Dyson: “We were not so naive as to blame Hitler for all the troubles. For us it was only a symptom of the collapse of our civilization, and not the cause of it. For us, the Germans were not enemies, but comrades - victims of general madness.”

Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in his Führerbunker in Berlin. Later, the remains of the dictator were discovered by the Soviet military and taken to Moscow.

But the very fact of Hitler’s death is still shrouded in all sorts of secrets and mysteries. There are many theories, in addition to the official version, according to which Hitler’s remains were not genuine, he did not commit suicide or remained alive at all.

26 April. Soviet troops occupied three quarters of Berlin. Hitler, who has not lost hope, is in a two-story bunker at a depth of 8 meters under the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery.

Together with him in the bunker are his mistress Eva Braun, Goebbels and his family, Chief of the General Staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, and guards.

According to an officer of the General Staff, on this day Hitler presented a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing his upper body forward and dragging his legs... The Fuhrer had difficulty maintaining his balance. His left hand did not obey him, and his right hand was constantly trembling... Hitler's eyes were bloodshot...

In the evening, one of the best pilots in Germany, Hanna Reitsch, fanatically devoted to Hitler, arrived at the bunker. She later recalled that the Fuhrer invited her to his place and said: “Hannah, you are one of those who will die with me. Each of us has an ampoule of poison.”

He handed the ampoule to Hannah with the words: “I don’t want any of us to fall into the hands of the Russians, and I don’t want the Russians to get our bodies. Eva’s body and mine will be burned.”

As Reich testified, during the conversation Hitler presented a terrible picture: almost blindly rushing from wall to wall with paper in trembling hands. “A completely disintegrated person,” the pilot stated.

April 29. The wedding of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun took place. The process took place in accordance with the law: a marriage contract was drawn up and the wedding ceremony was performed.

Witnesses, as well as Krebs, Goebbels's wife, Hitler's adjutants, General Burgdorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and a cook were invited to the wedding celebration. And after a small feast, Hitler retired to draw up his will.

April 30. The Fuhrer's last day has arrived. After lunch, on Hitler's orders, his personal driver, SS Standartenführer Kempka, delivers canisters with 200 liters of gasoline to the garden of the Imperial Chancellery.

This is the last photograph of Hitler during his lifetime, taken on April 30. On the threshold of a bunker in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, the Fuhrer was captured by one of the officers of his personal security.

In the meeting room, Hitler and Brown say goodbye to Bormann, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Axmann, and the Fuhrer's secretaries Junge and Weichelt who came here.

According to the first version, based on the testimony of Hitler's personal valet, Linge, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun shot themselves at 15.30. There is even a photo of Hitler's body with a bullet mark, the authenticity of which is in question.

When Linge and Bormann entered the room, Hitler was allegedly sitting on a sofa in the corner, a revolver lay on the table in front of him, and blood was flowing from his right temple. The dead Eva Braun, who was in another corner, dropped her revolver to the floor.

Another version (accepted by almost all historians) says: Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were poisoned with potassium cyanide. In addition, before his death, the Fuhrer also poisoned two beloved shepherd dogs.

By order of Bormann, the bodies of the deceased were wrapped in blankets, taken out into the yard, and then doused with gasoline and burned in a shell crater. Since they burned poorly, the SS men buried the half-burnt corpses in the ground.

The bodies of Hitler and Brown were discovered by Red Army soldier Churakov on May 4, but for some reason they lay for 4 whole days without examination: they were taken for examination and identification to one of the Berlin morgues on May 8.

An external examination gave reason to believe that the charred corpses of a man and a woman were the remains of the Fuhrer and his wife. But, as is known, Hitler and Braun had several doubles, so the Soviet military authorities intended to conduct a thorough investigation.

The question of whether the person taken to the morgue was really Hitler still worries researchers.

According to an eyewitness, the man's corpse was in a wooden box 163 cm long, 55 and 53 cm wide and high, respectively. A burnt piece of yellowish knitted fabric, similar to a shirt, was found on the body.

During his lifetime, Hitler repeatedly visited his dentist, as evidenced by the large number of fillings and gold crowns on the remaining parts of his jaws. They were confiscated and transferred to the SMERSH-3 department of the Shock Army.

On May 11, 1945, dentist Gaisermann described in detail the anatomical data of Hitler's oral cavity, which coincided with the results of the study conducted on May 8.

There were no visible signs of severe fatal injuries or illnesses on the fire-damaged body. But a crushed glass ampoule was found in the mouth. A characteristic smell of bitter almonds emanated from the corpse.

The same ampoules were discovered during the autopsy of 10 more corpses of Hitler's associates. It was established that death was caused by cyanide poisoning.

On the same day, an autopsy was performed on the corpse of a woman, presumably that of Eva Braun. Despite the fact that there was a broken glass ampoule in the mouth and the smell of bitter almonds also emanated from the corpse, traces of a shrapnel wound and 6 small metal fragments were found in the chest.

Military intelligence officers packed the remains in wooden boxes and buried them in the ground near Berlin. However, soon the headquarters of the security officers changed their location, and the boxes followed suit.

They were buried again in a new place, and then, during the next move, they were pulled out of the ground.

She found a permanent refuge at a military base near the city of Magdeburg. Here the boxes lay in the ground until 1970, when the territory of the base came under the jurisdiction of the GDR.

On March 13, 1970, KGB head Yuri Andropov gave the order to destroy the remains. They were cremated and the ashes were scattered by helicopter.

Only the dictator's jaws and a fragment of his skull with a bullet hole were left for history.

This material evidence of Adolf Hitler's death was sent to Moscow and placed in the KGB archives.

Rumors that Adolf Hitler was alive appeared almost immediately after his death. The British, French, and Americans doubted the death of the dictator. There was persistent talk about the amazing salvation of the Fuhrer.

It was rumored that he fled from Berlin abroad along the so-called “rat trail.” It was a “window” on the border with Switzerland. Through it, high-ranking officials of the Third Reich with forged documents made their way to a neutral country, and from there they were sent to fascist Spain or Latin American countries.

Regarding the dictator's flight to South America, there are even a number of FBI "documents" regarding the investigation of this fact.

However, most historians continue to argue that Hitler had no chance of escaping Berlin.

In response, they put forward a version that Hitler might not have been in the bunker under the Reich Chancellery at all. On this issue, there is a version that all tactical issues were decided by the Fuhrer’s double. It was he who was shot on April 30, 1945.

Eva Braun was also killed along with him, so that the death of the country's main Nazi would look more natural. Hitler himself, at this time, again sailed in a submarine towards South America, changing his appearance.

Similar versions are expressed today.

Newspapers wrote about them, publishing supposedly the surviving clothes of the Fuhrer, in which he arrived in Peru or Paraguay.

There were even photos of the surviving Hitler, calmly facing old age incognito.

But historians argue in response that the Fuhrer could not be called a coward. His courage is evidenced by the fact that he volunteered for the front in the First World War and was awarded several Iron Crosses for bravery, as well as having wounds received in battle.

After this, it is simply illogical to declare that at the most difficult moment for the nation, the Fuhrer runs cowardly, leaving a double in his place.

The fact that Hitler was in the bunker is also supported by the fact that only after his death did the Germans put forward a proposal for a truce. Having been refused, Goebbels committed suicide, poisoning his entire family. Bormann did the same a few hours later.

In 2009, the head of the Department of Registration and Archival Funds of the FSB of Russia, Vasily Khristoforov, said that in 1946 a special commission carried out additional excavations at the site where the corpses of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were discovered. At the same time, “the left parietal part of the skull with an exit bullet hole” was discovered.

In 1948, the “finds” from the Fuhrer’s bunker (several burnt objects, as well as fragments of jaws and teeth, which were used to identify the corpses of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels) were sent to Moscow, to the investigative department of the 2nd Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of State Security.

Since 1954, by order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Serov, all these items and materials were stored in a special order in a special room in the departmental archive.

Since 2009, Hitler’s jaws have been kept in the FSB archives, and skull fragments have been kept in the State Archives.

However, DNA analysis conducted in 2009 by employees of an American university from Hartford (Connecticut) destroyed the entire evidence base regarding the death of the dictator. According to their version, the badly damaged skull bone did not belong to Adolf Hitler at all. She didn't belong to a man at all. It was a fragment of a woman's skull. Moreover, the woman at the time of her death was in the prime of her life - 35-40 years old.

This statement caused a big scandal. FSB officers completely refused to acknowledge its authenticity. And later they also expressed a version about the mistake of the Soviet soldiers who collected the remains.

It looks like this matter will never be resolved. Although, nowadays, most often, the “surviving” Hitler and his doubles become the heroes of memes rather than major scientific disputes.

Ignorants always simplify everything and reduce it to primitivism, and they like to shift the solution to all their problems onto others. So it’s easier to live without worrying about anything. Meanwhile, life is a continuous series of problems that someone has to solve one way or another. If we talk about politics, then it is impossible to understand it without knowing the historical truth. The search for truth and historical truth are needed not in order to understand the affairs of days long past, but solely in order to understand the present and look at least a little into the future. The present has the closest connection with the past due to the so-called continuity, which takes place not only in families (transfer of experience and knowledge from grandfather to father, from father to son, and so on). Continuity takes place in scientific, sports and philosophical schools, as well as in religion and ideology. The latter can have a long history and leave a strong imprint on the life of human society.

For this reason, I am offering everyone a historical excursion into the topic. "Was Hitler an Aryan and Christ a Jew?". When we know the answers to these questions, we can easily understand what is happening now in the world in general, and in Russia and Ukraine in particular.

From this moment we begin to dive into a story full of sensational discoveries and revelations.

What do we know about arias("Hyperboreans"), having "Nordic" character?

Modern man, who forms his worldview primarily on the basis of information received from the media, arias or Aryans known only in connection with the Second World War, since Aryans declared themselves German national socialists, or simply - Nazis.

Were Adolf Hitler and his henchman Joseph Goebbels, who led the National Socialist movement in Germany in the mid-twentieth century, Aryans?

My opinion is this: no, they weren’t, definitely. Below I will explain why I think so.

Let's first read the exhaustive characteristics of the Aryans, which was given to them by the main Nazi and part-time “Aryan” - Adolf Hitler, and let’s see what place he himself occupied in this characteristic.

all this is almost exclusively the product of Aryan creativity. From this, of course, it is possible to conclude, not without reason, that in the past it was the Aryans who played this highest role, i.e. that the Aryans were the founders of humanity.

The Aryan is the Prometheus of humanity. His clear head was gifted with God's spark of genius, he was given the power to kindle the first lights of the human mind, he was the first to throw a bright ray of light into the dark night of the mysteries of nature and show man the way to culture, teaching him the mystery of domination over all other living beings on this earth. Try to eliminate the role of the Aryan race for future times, and perhaps in just a few thousand years the earth will again be plunged into darkness, human culture will perish and the world will be empty.

If we divide all of humanity into three groups: 1) the founders of culture, 2) the bearers of culture and 3) the destroyers of culture, then the representatives of the first two groups will probably only be Aryans. It was the Aryans who created, so to speak, the foundation and walls of all human creations. Other peoples left their mark only on the external shape and color. All the basic plans for human progress, all the largest “stones” needed for construction - all this was given by the Aryan. Other races only had the responsibility of carrying out plans." (A. Hitler "My Struggle").

As we see, Aryans("Hyperboreans"), who had a northern, "Nordic" character, were creators and creators who gave the rest of the world a lot of knowledge and their culture.

Based on the results of activities National Socialists, headed by Adolf Hitler, these Nazi “benefactors” can be attributed exclusively to the third group - the group destroyers. Already based on the fact that their short-lived activities led to the violent death of tens of millions of people and was accompanied by large-scale robbery of entire nations, we can say that the use of Aryan symbols, Aryan themes and the Aryan idea in general by Adolf Hitler and his henchmen was an element mimicry, disguise, which served to misinform the world against which Hitler launched the Second World War.

Here he is - the "Aryan" Adolf Hitler and his modern Nazi followers - "wolves in sheep's clothing."

Who are all these zigging People?

Prometheans bringing the light of reason to other peoples?

In the terminology of the Christian Gospel, this is "demons", "power of darkness", destroyers- the diametric opposite of the Aryan creators.

Considering the fact that the self-name of the people “Aryans” was denigrated by the Nazis in the twentieth century, and the symbolism of the Aryans was literally polluted by them (and therefore it now has an extremely negative effect on the consciousness of many people), I consider it my duty to explain to everyone what the symbol was originally swastika sign, and who the Aryans really were.

First of all, I will say the following. I have some conviction that the Aryans, whom Adolf Hitler and other Nazis sought to imitate, were born in the Far North. I can even clarify. I have good reason to believe that the birth of the Aryan people took place in the Arctic, near the 67th parallel.

Why do I think this?

Watch this short film before reading further. It says that different peoples the world, as they should, keep in their people's memory ancient legends and myths, and they are very different, and among this multitude there is one, the same for all peoples. This is an ancient myth about the Sun, which “dies for 3 days” and then “resurrects”.

I will say right away that much in this film can be disputed, except for one thing. Myth "about death for 3 days and subsequent resurrection" was so popular in ancient times that it was even reflected in the story of Jesus Christ.

Being a resident of the Far North, living beyond the Arctic Circle, beyond the 69th parallel, I understand more than anyone else that this legendO Sun, who"dies in 3 days"and then “resurrects”associated exclusively with the astronomical phenomenon - the onset of the Polar Night in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth in December. This is the name of the period of time when the Sun disappears from the sky for a day or more once a year.

As a resident of the Far North, living beyond the Arctic Circle, beyond the 69th parallel, I understand more than anyone else that this legend is associated with an astronomical phenomenon - the onset of the Polar Night in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth in December. This is the name of the period of time when the Sun disappears from the sky for a day or more once a year.

Described in ancient myth "the dying of the Sun for 3 days" Every year it is observed exactly on the line of 67.2 degrees north latitude. In particular, in the Russian village of Polyarnye Zori astronomical phenomenon called "Polar Night" is observed for exactly three days - from December 21 to December 23. For exactly three days the Sun does not rise above the horizon there.

Higher in latitude, the duration of the Polar Night increases sharply, reaching as much as 178 days at the North Pole. Lower in latitude, the duration of the Polar Night decreases first to 2 days, then to 1 day, and then it does not exist at all.

The one who created the legend about "dying" for 3 days Sun, had to live in exactly this area (at latitude 67.2 N) and see this astronomical phenomenon with my own eyes!

Another fact speaks in favor of the idea that the Aryans (“Hyperboreans”) are not just immigrants from the North, but residents of the Far North.

Here in front of you Aryan swastika(cross in a circle). This symbol encrypts a deep, and exclusively positive meaning.

Help from the encyclopedia: The swastika is one of the ancient and archaic solar signs - an indicator of the visible movement of the Sun around the Earth and the division of the year into 4 parts - 4 seasons.

In other words, swastika sign symbolizes first of all daily rotation of the earth around an imaginary axis that passes through both poles. This swastika can be considered a symbolic image of the Earth from the side North Pole(like a top view). The rotation of the Earth around its axis counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere is symbolized by the curved ends of the cross.

The swastika is also commonly called a symbol prosperity And solstice.

In modern literature, the meaning of the word solstice reveals itself in two ways. "The actual solstice is the ancient Slavic name for the solstices, both winter and summer". What is meant here is phase change in the annual orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun.

There is another explanation for the meaning of the word solstice, in my opinion, is more accurate regarding the sign swastikas.When in the Far North (in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet) comes Polar day(June 21-22) and Sun generally for a day or more doesn't go beyond the horizon, the people living there are watching" the sun's movement in a circle": from east to south, from south to west, from west to north, from north to east, and so on... This is a polar phenomenon otherwise known as solstice or Kolovrat and cannot be named.

On June 22 in Murmansk the night is as bright as day. At midnight the Sun is due north. For a month it walks in a circle without going beyond the horizon.

Based on this fact, it can be argued with a high degree of probability that the swastika, also called the solstice, is an invention of the inhabitants of the Far North.

Let us now give the floor to Professor Andrei Burovsky, author of the book "Ancestors of the Aryans. Declassified history"(Moscow: "Yauza", 2013. - 448).

"Anywhere in the world, the appearance of Indo-European - Aryan tribes served as an impetus for the development of culture. In China, this type disappeared a long time ago... But its traces can be clearly seen in the racial type of Northern China. And the Chinese know very well that part of their ancestors, the creators of the original Chinese civilization of ShanYin , were tall blonds with lush beards and light eyes..."

Here I will interrupt the professor to ask the reader a question: what other traces, besides their genes, did the Aryans leave behind in Northern China, where they came as missionaries?

You may be surprised, but the fact of their presence in China is evidenced by ancient pyramids!

Here is a modern photo from Space, taken by me from the program https://www.google.ru/maps/ This is a real view of the earth from above.

Two pyramids with a square base are clearly visible at the top and center of the photo. Their size significantly exceeds the size of the largest Egyptian pyramid.

Northern China, exact coordinates: 34.18 north latitude. 109.02 E.

In total, there are about a hundred pyramids in China. Here are satellite images of some of them.

This photo was taken from an airplane.

Read on from Professor Andrei Burovsky: "Moving through the territory of Eastern Europe, the ancient Aryans “captured” the Finno-Ugrians into the orbit of their culture, and they shared with them their great and mysterious path to the shores of the bottle-green Yenisei, the clear waters of Baikal and the dull yellow Yellow River... What’s interesting: in Siberia there is practically no trace of Indo-European languages . But culturally, many cultures of Southern Siberia are clearly Aryan, Indo-European. Both the Afanasyevskaya culture of the 3rd millennium BC, and the Andronovo culture of the XX-XIII centuries BC. created by tall Caucasians. On the ceramic vessels of the Andronovo culture there are continuous swastikas, and the entire appearance of the culture is typically Indo-European-Aryan. How so?!..."

Boeotian amphora, ca. 680 BC Numerous images of the swastika-solstice are visible.

We read another historian - Eduard Shure, who wrote a book in 1914 "Great Initiates":

“If the black race has matured under the scorching sun of Africa, the flowering white race took place under the icy blast of the North Pole. Greek mythology calls whites Hyperboreans. These red-haired, blue-eyed people came from the north through forests illuminated by the northern lights, accompanied by dogs and deer, led by brave leaders, urged by the gift of clairvoyance of their women. The gold of the hair and the azure of the eyes are predetermined colors. This race was destined to create sacred fire and bring into the world a longing for heavenly homeland…»

There are three important ideas in this text: 1). "The Aryans came from the north through the forests..", 2). "The Aryans created the solar cult of the sacred fire and brought into the world a longing for the heavenly Motherland". 3). Aryan women had "the gift of clairvoyance". These were called by medieval Catholics "witches" and burned alive at the stake.

Where else could the Aryans (Hyperboreans) come if they once got the idea to move from the north to the exact south?

If we accept as a fact that the ancestral home of the Aryans is the Kola North, then, moving from north to south, the Aryans should have come straight to Ancient Egypt.

If some of the Aryans settled in Northern China, leaving behind artifacts - pyramids, and some of the Aryans settled in ancient Egypt, then what artifacts did they leave behind there?

All the same pyramids, and also writing, mathematics and geometry!

Famous ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Below is a fragment of the oldest geometry textbook. It was found in Thebes, the largest city ancient egypt. There is information that almost 4 thousand years ago it was copied by a scribe named Ahmes onto a papyrus scroll 32 cm high and two meters wide from an even more ancient source. This papyrus was discovered in 1858 by archaeologists and is often called the "Rinda papyrus" after its first owner. In 1887, this papyrus was deciphered, translated and published by G. Robinson and K. Shute (London, The British Museum Press, 1987). Most of this ancient manuscript is now in the British Museum in London, and the second part is in New York.

A photo of this fragment of the ancient geometry textbook given in the book by Richard Courant "Mathematics in the modern world", (Scientific American, New York, 1964, p. 12).

Historians date the time of writing this "Manuals of Arithmetic and Geometry" to the period of the XII dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (1985 - 1795 BC).

As you can see, at a time when many peoples of the planet had only a spoken language, and their writing was just in its infancy, in ancient Egypt, thanks to the missionary work of the Aryans, exact sciences already existed!

Another important detail is curious - in ancient Egypt there were three types of writing - hieroglyphic, cursive and vernacular(demotic)!

I will share with you one more extremely important information.

It was not without reason that Adolf Hitler wrote in his book Mein Kampf: "Everything that we have now in the sense of human culture, in the sense of the results of art, science and technologyall this is almost exclusively a product creativity of the Aryans. From this, of course, one can conclude, not without reason, that in the past it was the Aryans who played this highest role, i.e., that the Aryans were the founders of humanity. The Aryan is the Prometheus of humanity. His clear head was gifted with God's spark of genius, he was given the power to kindle the first lights of the human mind, he was the first to throw a bright ray of light into the dark night mysteries of nature and show man the way to culture, teaching him the mystery of domination over all other living beings on this earth..."

I want to draw your attention to the fact that modern people are still at a loss as to why the Aryans needed to build majestic structures - pyramids - in China, Egypt, and other parts of the world?! After all, this is titanic work, requiring a large amount of building material, a huge number of workers, and a long time, of course.

Why do the Aryans "throwing a bright ray of light into the dark night of nature's mysteries", were these pyramids needed???

I’m telling you what I know: the pyramids served the Aryans as concentrators of sacred energy, which they called “sacred fire,” “holy spirit,” or simply “spirit.”

The proof of this is the word itself « pyramid» which literally means - "fire in the middle". Pyro- translated from ancient Greek. πῦρ fire, and the root mid - in most languages ​​of the world means average, middle. In other words, the pyramids served the Aryans as a powerful instrument for performing sacred rites, which were called dedications.

I note that the word PRIEST came from these rituals.

What did they teach the people? Here's what:

Bodies are temporary; their separateness is dead;
Only the eternal Spirit is alive to infinity.
For the Spirit there is no death, just as there is no birth,
And there is no dream, and there is no awakening...
Who, acting, will merge with the All-Existing Spirit,
Eternal evil will not touch him...

These are words from the Mahabharata, an Indo-Aryan epic that has come down to us from time immemorial.

In order for modern people to understand the essence of these DEDICATIONS, I will again turn to the book of Eduard Shure "Great Initiates".

“And so great was the strength of their discipline and the power of dedication that they preserved intact the best moral forces of the Egyptian people, the most gifted flower of its intelligentsia. The ancient dedication was based on the idea of ​​​​a person at once healthier and more exalted than our idea. We fragmented the education of the body, mind and soul. Our physical and natural sciences, which in themselves have reached great heights, have completely eliminated the human soul and its influence on the environment; religion has ceased to satisfy the requirements of the mind; medicine does not want to know about the soul or the spirit of man. Modern man seeks pleasure without happiness, happiness without knowledge and knowledge without wisdom. The ancient world did not allow these things to be separated in all areas, they took into account the triple nature of man. dominion over life. “To achieve such domination, the ancient sages said, a person needs a complete remelting of his entire being, physical, moral and mental; This alteration is possible only with simultaneous exercise of will, intuition and reason. Through their complete coordination, a person can develop his abilities to unlimited limits. The soul has unawakened feelings; initiation awakens them. Through deep study and indefatigable application, man can enter into conscious communication with the hidden forces of nature. Moreover, with great mental effort he can achieve direct spiritual knowledge, open up the road to the other world and be able to penetrate there. And only then can he say that he has conquered fate and won for himself, even here on earth, divine freedom. Then only the initiate can become an initiator, prophet and theurgist, in other words, a clairvoyant and creator of souls. For only he who rules over himself can rule over others; only those who are free themselves can lead to the freedom of others." This is what the ancient initiates thought. The greatest of them lived and acted on the basis of these thoughts. Consequently, true initiation was not a dream at all, but something much more significant than ordinary scientific learning; it was the creative creation of the soul through its own efforts, its revelation on a higher cosmic plane, its flowering in the highest conditions of existence..."(E. Shure “Great Initiates”, 1914).

A natural question arises: if such great knowledge thousands of years ago and if carried out by Aryan priests rite of passage led to the fact that “a person could enter into conscious relations with the hidden forces of nature. Moreover, with great mental effort he could achieve direct spiritual knowledge, open the road to the other world and be able to penetrate there...”, then why doesn't this happen today?

What is the fundamental difference between today's priests and the Aryan priests who built pyramids instead of temples?

In our story we have come to understanding the important topic, which we simply must discuss today.

The art of mimicry or camouflage

Mimicry (imitation, disguise, fr. mimétisme, English mimicry) is a term used by zoologists to designate special cases of emergency external resemblance between different species of animals belonging to different genera and even families and orders. Disguise(in military affairs) - a set of measures aimed at misleading the enemy regarding the presence, location, composition, actions and intentions of their troops.

Examples of camouflage (mimicry) of a praying mantis. Praying mantises lead a predatory lifestyle, usually feeding on other insects, including flies; large ones also prey on small lizards, frogs, birds and even rodents. Praying mantises are masters of camouflage and use protective coloration to trap prey and also to avoid predators. Some species from Africa and Australia are able to change color to black after a fire to blend in with the devastated landscape. In addition to this adaptation, they have adapted to not only mingle with foliage, but also to imitate it, pretending to be leaves, grass stems, or even seeds.

In the world of insects, mimicry is very widespread. Weak species of insects try to resemble predatory species in order to confuse them and thus save themselves.

Zoologists called this direction of mimicry "sheep in wolf's clothing".

Examples from the encyclopedia: "Some organisms pretend to be predators themselves to avoid being attacked by predators they frequently encounter. Costa Rican butterfly Brenthia hexaselena appearance and depicts the Phiale formosa spider with its movements (the spider reveals the deception in only 6% of cases!). One fruit fly copies the zebra jumping spider, which is a territorial predator: having met a spider, the insect spreads its wings with spider legs depicted on them and jumps up to the spider, and the spider, thinking that it has entered someone else's territory, runs away. In colonies of wandering ants in South America There are beetles that copy ants in smell and gait."

In the human world, for some time now, mimicry has also begun to be used very widely, but it has the opposite direction!

If physically weak insects try to take on the appearance of predators, then spiritually weak people, but being predators by nature, hungry for earthly power, began to actively mimic and disguise themselves as Aryans!

This mimicry human predators under Aryan missionaries got the name "wolves in sheep's clothing".

Here are the words of Jesus, called the Savior, as evidence of this: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, and inside they are wolves of prey" (Matt. 7:15).

The very first case of such mimicry occurred in ancient Egypt.

Imagine that some white people with the abilities of the Gods came to less developed peoples and began to teach them intelligence, to reveal previously dormant talents in them.

This, of course, was a joy for ordinary natives. Was it a joy for the local leaders?! - this is an important question.

When someone loses power over the people, how can he like it?! Of course not. So the leaders of the local tribes also did not like the arrival of the Aryans in ancient Egypt. And since they really wanted, in defiance of the Aryans, to maintain power over the local tribes, they were forced to adapt - mimic.

First of all, these leaders were forced to create sacred ritual,alternative to Aryan,so that in the eyes of their fellow tribesmen they at least somehow resemble god-like aliens.

What kind of “sacred ritual” did the leaders of the local tribes come up with?

It is described in great detail in the Bible.

As they say, what else could the leaders of the savages come up with? except for the ritual of sacrifice and the so-called Holocaust— burnt offerings?

Of course, nothing! And if the Aryans explained to the local aborigines that the sacred invisible fire, literally spirit, with skillful interaction with which people can acquire superpowers and awaken hidden talents in themselves, then local leaders made it sacred in their mysteries and rituals— the fire of an ordinary fire, and they reduced all their sacred rites to sacrifices and burnt offerings (Holocaust) for the glory of a certain Lord.

Well, in order to appear very important and omnipotent in the eyes of the people, these leaders began to dress brightly, flashily, not just richly, but fabulously richly, so that everyone would think that they- God's representatives on earth, endowed with divine authority and divine power!

Icon "High Priest Aaron" (brother of Moses).

Modern priests.

It is curious that, according to the Bible, when the Messiah Jesus came to the land of Judea, he said murderous words to exactly the same brightly dressed priests, exposing them mimicry.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and all uncleanness; so, on the outside, you seem righteous to people, but on the inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness...” (Matt. 23:27-28).

A few days earlier in the article I have proven with clear examples like these "Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites" The whole world is still being cruelly deceived. In particular, I proved that the Mother of God is not only not a Jew, but she is not a woman at all!

The Aryans called the Mother of God the blue sky with stars. What does the modern architecture of Christian churches actually testify to? "Temples of the Virgin Mary".

First of all, the deeds of Jesus Christ, and then his words, with which he addressed the interpreters of the Torah (Jewish “scribes”), eloquently testify that the Messiah, who knew how to heal the sick, lame and infirm by force Holy Spirit , was an Aryan! For no one else, except the Aryans, could boast of such talents. Nobody!

The Jewish priests were against the power of the Messiah like reptiles against an ordinary person. Looking at the deeds of Jesus, these local leaders dreamed of only one thing - to kill the stranger! But they were not able to do even this, with all their earthly power... This, again, is evidenced by the Gospels, reproducing the words of Christ the Savior: “Didn’t Moses give you the law? And none of you walks according to the law. Why are you seeking to kill Me?” (John 7:19).

As for the Jews, it is known what words the Savior said to them: “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance...”(Mark 2:17).

Here is quite comprehensive information for you to understand who the man called the messiah really was.

Now think carefully about this question: What do we, modern people, have today under the guise of religion?!

* * *

As for Adolf Hitler, who bears the brunt of the blame for the outbreak of World War II, on his part there was the same blatant mimicry of the Aryans as the mimicry of the Jews by the Aryans.

He and his henchmen, with the help of rabid propaganda and monstrous speculation Aryan symbols managed to fool the whole world!

These photographs show Nazi demonstrations Aryan swastika in pre-war Germany.

As we see, Hitler did not have any “magic”, there was only one complete zombification of the people with advertising.

The Second World War unleashed by Hitler was terrible in terms of the number of dead and maimed people. Total number of victims according to historians - more than 50,000,000 people were killed alone.

What is characteristic and symbolic is that during the entire war, which took place to misinform the world community using Aryan symbols and under the pretext of fighting the Jews, the Nazis were never able to break through to the ancestral homeland of the Aryans - the Soviet Arctic, although they persistently tried to do this for three and a half years!

The only border of the USSR that the enemy, despite all his desire, was never able to cross— was in the north of the Kola Peninsula!

And this was my hometown Murmansk during the Second World War, burned by Nazi aircraft, but not submitting to the enemy!

There used to be wooden apartment buildings here, they burned down and only stoves and chimneys remained.

Despite all the horror of our history, our people manage to maintain a sense of humor.

In the 19th century, students learned French - they attacked Napoleon, reached Paris...

In the 20th we studied German - they attacked Hitler, we reached Berlin...

Now everyone is learning English - there’s no point in the Americans coming to us, oh, in vain...

This was said in response to the recent initiative of US President Barack Obama, who said that .

I’ll add on my own behalf: the descendants of the ancient Egyptian priests who created the religion of evil, masterfully mastering the art of mimicry, from century to century wage an undeclared war against the peoples who inherited Aryan genetics. The Holy Inquisition, which dominated the “Holy Roman Empire” and burned “witches” and scientists at the stake up to early XIX centuries are links of one chain. In “enlightened Europe,” the center of which was Germany for many centuries, the most brilliant carriers of Aryan genetics were actively destroyed in this way.

About the fact that this centuries-old war against the Aryans and the Aryan heritage is being waged literally on genetically, there is evidence in the same Bible. After the conflict between the aborigine priests of ancient Egypt and the Aryan missionaries, the Jewish Torah contained an order not only to kill the Aryans and wipe out their cities, but to replace Aryan genetics with Jewish genetics everywhere.

Here is proof of this - a line from the Jewish Torah: “I swear by me,” says the Lord, that because you have done this deed and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will bless you with blessing and multiply I will multiply your seed like the stars of heaven and like the sand that is on the seashore; and your seed will take possession. cities of their enemies" (Genesis 22:16-17).

Who it Lord in the Jewish Torah, it is not difficult to understand from these quotes taken from the “holy scripture”:

It was this literary character from the Jewish Torah that Jesus called the devil. "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44) - the Messiah said to the religious and political leadership of the Jews.

I told you how this centuries-old war will end in a separate article.

Another revelation about the post-war years of the life of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is the most important secret document, according to which the Fuhrer was one of the passengers on a special plane from Austria on April 26, 1945.

The Life and Death of Hitler in Exile, Argentina

Although official history claims that Hitler committed suicide and then ordered his corpse to be burned along with his newlywed wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945, Abel Basti knows this page of history is fiction.

The deceased Hitler and Brown were not there, so it was not they who were burned in the pit of the German bunker, the journalist assures, this is a falsification of history, the publicist is writing on his favorite topic.

Need to remind old story conspiracy theorists for many years: in May 1945, near the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, SMERSH employees removed two charred bodies from a crater, which, according to the results of examinations of that time, are recognized as the remains of Hitler and Brown.

From that very moment until the present day, this story of the death of Babylon has been surrounded by many rumors and artifacts. Conspiracy theory experts claim that Brown and Hitler, like his clique, fled, which was actively supported by the American intelligence service in Berlin with the words “we have no evidence of Hitler’s suicide.” Later, the version is supported by the ex-director of the intelligence agency B. Smith, stating that not a single person can cite the facts of Hitler’s death in Berlin.

According to the journalist's carefully conducted research, the leader of the Third Reich did not actually die from poison and was not “cremated.” Hitler completed his last years life much later than the time indicated by history. Facial plastic surgery, which changed Hitler’s appearance, helped the German mastermind of those events to successfully hide. This ancient story still interests people today:

Adolf Hitler died in Argentina after living a long life.

This statement was made by Argentine historian and journalist Abel Basti in his book “Hitler in Exile.”
While the book was quite popular in South America, its publication in Russia and the USA did not find a place. The two countries, despite periodicity about the surviving Hitler, still claim that the Fuhrer of the Third Reich committed suicide in the last days of World War II.

Speculation about the life of Hitler after the war, as well as of some high-ranking SS officials, has been heard for a long time, suggesting that they escaped punishment by taking refuge in South America in advance. To prove assumptions from the field of “conspiracy theories,” fans of the idea cite a lot of facts, usually of dubious reputation, but, nevertheless, quite popular and interesting.

Neil Nikandrov spoke about Hitler’s life after the war on the pages “All the leaders of the Third Reich fled to Latin America.” Donald McKale traced the early source of the legend of Hitler's escape to the Southern Hemisphere to the unexpected and illogical surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Several newspapers in Buenos Aires, despite the denial of the Argentine fleet, claimed that there were eyewitnesses who saw rubber boats and submarines in this area. On July 16, 1945, a sensational article appeared in the Chicago Times about Hitler allegedly quietly escaping the wrath of the war participants to South America.

Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian resident, witnessed the arrival of the U-boat U-530 and observed the leisurely disembarkation of the Nazi leaders. He also heard talk about a German base in Antarctica, on the basis of which he came to the conclusion that Hitler had taken refuge in a secret base hidden somewhere in the ice.

Later, Ladislaus published a book about the head of the Third Reich (Hitler is alive), which talks about Hitler’s possible place of residence in the area of ​​​​the “Queen Maud” land, called New Swabia by the Germans. Neuschwabenland - the area was explored in 1938/39 by a German expedition led by Captain Ritcher, who actually gave this name (some maps, even now, under the historical name of the land have a note about “Schwabeland”).

Now it is difficult to figure out what is more embedded here, a fairy tale, or fragmentary lines from historical documents. Rumors have surrounded the idea of ​​a surviving Hitler so tightly, speculation on the topic is so high that it seems that the Fourth Reich is about to throw off its blanket of ice and enter society.

Hitler, the road of the fugitives.

When there is so much gossip out there, usually the truth may be nearby. Basti searched for the truth for seven years, conducting a difficult investigation into the death of Hitler. He personally visited German formations, whose safety was ensured by the stern faces of the guards, and, after reading hundreds of kilograms of old documents, he revealed the secret of Hitler's life and death.

This sounds like an April Fool's joke, but it's actually not. Basti's investigation plunges us into the world of secrets of the last century, revealing the hidden secrets of the conspiracy theories that rule the world.
The journalist managed to talk with living witnesses of those years, and he not only interviewed people who lived next to Hitler, but even obtained photographs of Hitler and Eva Braun, who lived in exile in the post-war years.

Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and some of the Fuhrer’s close assistants flew from the burning Berlin to Spain. The fugitives then secretly cross the Atlantic Ocean in three submarines, and finally reach the shores of Argentina. In July/August 1945, Hitler and his retinue arrive in the province of Rio Negro, which lies near the village of Caleta and move deeper into Argentina.

Presumably, the same secret route, prepared by employees of the head of the SS Himmler, was later used by Bormann, the monster doctor Mengele, Eichmann, and some other participants in the events of those years.
An Argentine journalist and publicist, describing the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun through Argentina, which, of course, was carried out with the assistance of local Nazi sympathizers, notes the happy family life of the couple in exile, during which, despite the difficulties of their life, they even had children!

The death of Hitler, a re-enactment of the play?

The war ended with the defeat of the Nazi army and complete surrender. On May 10, the Germans announced the existence of burnt bodies in the courtyard of the chancellery, saying that one of the bodies belonged to Hitler, the second to Eva Braun. Although the same American intelligence report stated that it was impossible to determine who owned the remains of the burned bodies.

It really was the strangest funeral in history, taking away the authenticity of the death of the Nazi courtier from understanding: did he die or did he flee, putting an end to the staging of his death with fire?
On June 6, the press secretary of the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Adolf Hitler had committed suicide, the body had been found, the remains had been identified.

Three days later, Marshal Zhukov, at a press conference attended by future Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinsky, looking over his shoulder, said: “We have not identified Hitler’s body” ... “I can’t say anything definite about his fate. He could have left Berlin at the very last moment / Nil Nikandrov /.

Conspiracy theory: Hitler's life after the war.

Journalist Basti, in an interview with Deadline - an Argentine news program, hosts Santiago Romero and Abel Basti talk about Hitler's escape and life in exile:

Romero: What do you think about Hitler's escape?
Basti: “Hitler fled Austria to Barcelona. The final stage of the escape was by submarine, from Vigo, heading straight for the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva, in a car with a driver and bodyguards, drove to Argentina in at least three cars.
He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of the city. This place is opposite Lake Nahuel Huapi, which has belonged to a German company since the beginning of the 20th century.

Romero: On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after his escape from the Berlin bunker?
Basti: I received information from an elderly Jesuit priest whose family was friends with the Nazi leader. I have witnesses who saw Hitler and his entourage at the place where they were staying in Cantabria.

In addition, a document from the British intelligence services shows that the Nazi submarine and convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, continued on its way to the south of Argentina.
Hitler and Eva Braun were on board one of the submarines that subsequently arrived in Patagonia between July and August 1945.

There is also another important document that lets us know that the FBI persistently searched for Hitler in Spain after World War II. All evidence points to the Galician coast, where the boats were located during the Battle of the Atlantic.

When the Enigma code was cracked, it was possible to decipher the German submarine fleet messages and find out the course of Hitler's escort. There is a possibility that he fled from Vigo or Ferrol, but I am almost certain that Hitler fled from Vigo, as the British MI6 documents say.

Romero: What kind of life did Hitler have in Argentina?
Basti: Hitler lived with his wife and bodyguards, it was the life of fugitives, but quite comfortable. They spent the first post-war years in Patagonia, and then moved to the northern provinces of Argentina. Early in the year, the Führer held meetings in various parts of Argentina with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.

Hitler shaved his head and shaved off his mustache, and was no longer so easily recognizable. They lived away from major urban areas, although he had several meetings in Buenos Aires. The Fuhrer died in the early sixties, ending his days in Argentina. Currently, the journalist continues, I am trying to find out the place of his burial, studying the last days of the life of Adolf Hitler.

Romero: Do you have access to documents from the former Soviet Union?
Basti: Until his death in 1953, Stalin never believed that Hitler committed suicide, telling the Allies about it in 1945. At the same time, there are three different transcripts in which Stalin noted that the German leader had fled. While in Argentina, I interviewed people who saw and met Hitler. There are documents in Russian archives that show that Hitler fled from the fallen Berlin.

Romero: How will your new book affect the official version of Hitler's death?
Basti: Despite recent research that has proven that Hitler's remains in the Kremlin are not those of the Fuhrer, most Russians have always rejected the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the peoples who participated in the war.

The United States, just recently, under the auspices of national security, “closed” official materials related to this story for another 20-year period. It is possible that when the deadline is reached, it will probably be raised again.

British authorities also reviewed all relevant documentation, pushing back the time frame for solving the mysteries by 60 years or more. Researchers cannot access information about an important period of history, which in turn confirms the correctness of the conclusions about the escaped top of the Third Reich. Otherwise, why hide the documents?

One of the reasons why Hitler fled to Argentina, who allowed him to do this and why, the journalist, both at the time of writing the first books about Hitler, and now names one thing, America needed the Fuhrer.

Yes, the Second World War was over, and the ashes of the dead had not yet scattered, but the world was preparing for a new war, for a “cold” war with communism.
And here the Germans received by the Americans, whose number is estimated at 300 thousand, were a good help. Moreover, one should not underestimate the serious technological knowledge of the Nazis, which America so desperately needed.