All the secrets of the 3rd Reich. Occult secrets of the Reich. Wonder Weapons and Dungeons

06.10.2021 Species

Chapter 1
History of the Third Reich

Reich. This word is of German origin, its ancient meaning is “something that belonged to one ruler,” and when translated into Russian it means state, kingdom, empire or power. The word Reich in modern Russian is used only in relation to Nazi Germany, and in scientific literature also in relation to the Holy Roman Empire.

The First Reich (“Ancient Reich”) is the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, which was founded in 962 by Otto the Great, King of Germany. Otto the Great is the first emperor crowned in royal Rome (the great city of the ancient world). The German king received the crown from the hands of the Pope, which means that he was appointed ruler with the permission of the church, according to the will of God. The title of emperor endowed its owner with exclusive powers, placing him above other people. The imperial person was considered sacred. The Emperor was revered as a powerful magician, capable of hearing the voice of the Higher Powers and having the ability to change the course of history. It is from here that the word “Reich” takes its roots, the meaning of which was as an all-German state uniting all German lands. This Reich existed until 1806.

Second Reich - Kaiser's Germany. Its founder was Otto von Bismarck. This outstanding commander in 1871, under the scepter of the Hohenzollern dynasty, united a huge part of the German lands. The title of emperor was given to him for practical reasons, as a need to strengthen the newly formed state. The age of mysticism gave way to the age of progress and science. The Second Reich lasted until 1918.

After defeat in the First World War, the country experienced great shock and humiliation. The Germans lost faith in the power of German weapons, lost part of their lands, and also found themselves in financial debt. The country's economy was in dire straits, unemployment increased, and famine set in. In such a situation, dreams of a new third empire arose. The Third Reich is the empire of Hitler's Germany, which existed from 1933 to 1945.

Why did the Nazis take the name Third Reich? Was their choice random or did it have some other, hidden meaning? If we consider it from a historical point of view, the choice of this name is primarily related to the history and culture of Germany. The Third Reich seemed to continue the traditions of the previous Reichs, but there was also a hidden, mystical meaning in the name.

An ancient prophecy says that in the history of mankind there will be three Reichs, three eras: the Old Testament (the era of God), the modern (the era of God the Son) and the era of the Holy Spirit. The third era is the reign of world justice, an era of prosperity that was supposed to last for thousands of years. This is a time of happiness and peace on earth. It was this prophecy that the Nazis borrowed when creating their empire. They dreamed of building the greatest empire, led by the Fuhrer - the leader and spiritual leader of the nation. But everything turned out the other way around. The third empire - the Third Reich - went down in history as the bloodiest and cruelest of all existing empires on Earth.

There are several other versions of why the Nazis chose the name Third Reich for their state. Some German mystics who studied ancient mythology believed that the Germans once possessed knowledge that helped them penetrate into all the secrets of nature. In their opinion, man was one with the world around him, therefore he had magical power over it, he could control the elements, control nature, he was much higher than modern people, he was a superman. Initially, the ideologists of the Third Reich perceived the purity of the superman as racial purity; it was with it that they associated the extraordinary strength of the ancient heroes and their magical abilities. The ancestors of the German tribes, the Aryans, according to ideologists, were once those superhumans. It was believed that the ancient knowledge of the Aryans was preserved in secret societies, and if we turned back time, it would be possible to bring the Germans closer to the prototype of these powerful ancestors. The leaders of the Third Reich believed in the superiority of their nation, so they decided to make a mystical transformation of the Germans, who would be invincible in any war.

According to another version, it is believed that the leaders of the Third Reich dreamed of getting help from the ancient gods or dark forces in carrying out their plans. Therefore, they borrowed ancient symbols, such as the left-handed swastika - a symbol of a demon, the eagle - a symbol of power, in order to gain the support of these higher powers. They repeatedly made expeditions to Tibet in search of secret knowledge and spells.

Germany was experiencing a difficult financial situation, so all these mystical versions found support not only among ordinary people, but also among the educated and created the foundation for the development of mystical and mythological ideas among the population, and the introduction of new magical elements even influenced the human psyche.

In Soviet literature, the Third Reich was sometimes called “Nazi Germany” or “ fascist Germany" This last term is imprecise, since the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy and the regime of Hitler in Germany have significant differences in political structure and ideology. In Germany in those years, the ideology of National Socialism dominated and there was one party system that subjected all systems of society to control.

The permanent leader of the Third Reich was Hitler. The head of state bore the title of Fuhrer or Reich Chancellor. Adolf Hitler is perhaps the most famous and most mysterious person last century. Many consider him a despot and a murderer, but there are also those for whom Adolf Hitler is a messiah and prophet. Who he really was is difficult to answer, but we can say with confidence that in the history of mankind there is hardly another figure who left behind such a mysterious legacy in the form of occult and mystical dogmas. There are still legends about Hitler, based on real facts.

In many countries in the 19th century, racism was prohibited, but in Germany it was provided government support. The country had a concept of racial hygiene. Its purpose is to divide all people into higher and lower races. The former had to be supported in every possible way, the reproduction of lower races had to be prevented, and the mixing of races was unacceptable. Following this concept, the Nazis began to cleanse society. Jews were deprived of civil rights, property, the opportunity to work, have their own business, get an education, and marry Germans. Acts of violence and extermination of Jews occurred constantly. Official political propaganda incited hatred of Jews among the German population. During the war, repressions also took place in the occupied lands. Following this concept, the Nazis planned to sterilize alcoholics, the mentally ill, and people with hereditary diseases.

The foreign policy plans of the Third Reich were greatly influenced by the defeat in the First World War and the “old” (19th – early 20th centuries) pan-German ideas and the plan of “onset to the East” with the aim of colonizing countries, the creation of “Middle Europe”, over which Germany would dominate. Therefore, the foreign policy of the Third Reich was aimed at territorial and political expansion, that is, conquest. In September 1939, Nazi Germany began its second world war. Hitler hoped to realize dreams of German domination of Europe and a new racial order.

The first years of the war were very successful for Germany. By 1942, most of the European countries, except Switzerland, Sweden, Spain and Portugal. In the occupied territories, the Nazis established a regime of intimidation. The mass extermination of Jews began, and in some areas, mainly on the territory of the USSR, the extermination of the local population in order to fight the partisan movement. On the territory of Germany and the occupied territories were created concentration camps, death camps and prisoners of war.

However, 1943 became fatal for the Third Reich, a turning point in the course of the war came, and luck turned away from the Nazis towards the Anti-Hitler Coalition. And in 1945, the Third Reich ended its existence, 12 years after its formation. Adolf Hitler committed suicide. The Nazis had very high hopes for this empire, but their expectations were not met.

Chapter 2
Disc planes of the Nazi Empire

By the end of the Second World War, the madness of the Nazi leadership, combined with the technical genius of German scientists, gave birth to amazing chimeras. The closer the end of the Third Reich came, the more Hitler paid attention to weapons of retaliation. During this time of despair and mystery, myths were born about the incredible successes of Nazi Germany in the field of high technology. If the Nazis were able to launch a V-2 rocket into space at the very beginning of the war, then what did they invent in 1945?

Did the Nazis meet with the inhabitants of other planets? Did they reveal the secrets of rocket science to them? Where is the truth? Where is the fiction?

Those who have studied the UFO phenomenon may have noticed that unidentified flying objects became more active with the outbreak of World War II. Before this, one could only hear about flying saucers in mental hospitals. Since the beginning of 1939, commanders began to receive thousands of reports that pilots had encountered unidentified flying objects in the sky. In September 1941, in the Indian Ocean, British sailors saw a shining disk in the sky. In 1942, similar lights were noticed from the cruiser Houston. The military leadership wondered what it was? Another media “fairy tale” or a secret weapon?

Are flying saucers a myth or reality?

All these legends about UFOs owe their appearance to the Third Reich. There is a lot of intriguing information not only about the esoteric research of the Nazis, but also about their invention of strange flying machines. And although this data is not supported by reliable documents, many researchers claim that in the 30s and 40s Germany was engaged in the invention and construction of aircraft similar to disks and flying saucers.

Perhaps these myths are not a figment of fantasy, and they have some basis? Let's try to figure it out.

During the Great Patriotic War The Third Reich was a leader in the invention of rocketry and jet aircraft. But all these new developments of the Nazis appeared too late, and, fortunately for all humanity, they were not able to participate in hostilities. The Weapons of Vengeance project was launched too late, and the new military equipment sometimes it existed in a single copy and did not even have time to take off.

At the end of World War II, anticipating their collapse, the Nazis dismantled or destroyed their test sites, experimental apparatus, laboratories and documentation. But some of the documents still fell into the hands of the winners; they became the foundation for the development of aviation and rocket science in the USSR and the USA. However, the most revolutionary inventions were still completely destroyed, and their trace could not be found.

German scientists actually designed aircraft with an unusually shaped wing to increase flight performance. For example, the Ju-287 bomber had a forward-swept wing. The Germans tried to create a vertical take-off aircraft. Finally, the third direction of aviation development is the German disc-shaped wing or the complete failure of the wings of the aircraft, the creation of disc planes.

The existence of disc planes is confirmed not only by rumors and legends.

Once Roy Feddon, and he was the head of the technical mission for the US Air Force in post-war Germany, stated in his speech that he was able to get acquainted with some secret materials of the Germans and he was sure that if the Nazis had extended the war for another year, then humanity "would be faced with completely new and deadly advances in aviation."

George Ruppelt, head of the Bluebook project of the US Air Force, argued that by the end of World War II, the Germans had extensive experience in building unique aircraft similar to UFOs.

How did the Nazis achieve such results? Thanks to scientists or acquired mysterious knowledge, about which there are many legends.

There is a version that back in the mid-30s, SS agents discovered the manuscripts “Vimanika Shastra” and “Samarangana Sutradharan” in Tibet and transported them to Germany. These ancient records outlined in detail the basics of constructing aircraft of the "attention" type. According to ancient Indian legends, these devices flew to the stars, which means they were the spaceships of our ancient ancestors. Maybe the Nazis were able to decipher these shipbuilding records?

There is a version that they found some ancient manuscripts that revealed the secret of creating a flying saucer. Or maybe they captured an alien aircraft? But, most likely, the Nazis brought together all the scientific potential that developed these unusual flying objects.

Where were the factories where this mysterious technology was created?

Perhaps the Nazis carried out their work on creating new military equipment in Antarctica. After all, for some reason they regularly sent expeditions to this continent starting in 1938? Moreover, the expeditions included not only geologists and specialists in the construction of underground structures, but also aviation engineers? On the Atlantic coast of Antarctica in the Queen Maud Land sector, the Nazis discovered vast areas free of ice cover. This territory was studied by German biologists, and after their return to Germany, cargo ships guarded by submarines headed to the shores of this icy continent one after another. By 1941, Germany completed the construction of an underground base in Antarctica. At first it was given the name “New Swabia”, and then renamed “Base-211”. The object was carefully guarded by submarines; they sank any ship that came near it.

German Admiral Karl Doenitz in 1943 once said in a conversation, not without pride: “The German submarine fleet will write itself down in history by creating the greatest, impregnable fortress on another continent." How did this famous base exist in conditions of eternal cold? The Nazis supported the theory that our Earth was hollow inside. They believed that in Antarctica there are huge underground oases in which the air is warm. According to unreliable information, it is believed that German researchers found underground caves suitable for life and even called them “paradise.”

There is a version that the Nazis sent researchers, promising scientists and, naturally, “real Aryans” to live in New Swabia. The extent of this German program became known only at the end of the war, when the Allies captured two submarines off the coast of Argentina, where parts for flying disks were being loaded.

After the end of World War II, the Americans seized part of the documents regarding Base 211, and by 1947 the US Navy decided to liquidate it. A squadron of 13 ships, commanded by Admiral Richard Beard, set off for Antarctica, but as soon as the ships approached the coast of Dronning Maud Land, the squadron was attacked by flying discs, terrifying the sailors. These strange flying objects had incredible maneuverability and flew at tremendous speed. The squadron retreated. The admiral's diary recorded that he, along with the radio operator and pilot, took off in a spotter plane. But a flying disk appeared and forced the airplane to descend. As soon as their plane landed, strangers approached the admiral and with an imperative gesture ordered him to follow them. The Americans found themselves in a spacious underground structure. There are strangers on English read out an appeal to the US government, which called for an end to nuclear explosions, and warned that in case of refusal, the consequences for all humanity would be dire. Then the admiral, radio operator and pilot were escorted to the plane, saying goodbye in German. What happened next to this mysterious German base is unknown.

There is other evidence that the Germans already had flying saucers by the end of the war. Beginning in 1943, the Allied Air Forces, during bombing campaigns against Germany, repeatedly encountered disc planes with a diameter of almost 20 meters in the sky. These unusual aircraft took off vertically and rose to a height of up to 12,000 meters at a speed of 4,000 km per hour. The devices were equipped with missile weapons, hovered over the object, could rotate around an axis and posed a very great danger. If Allied aircraft approached these objects, their electrical equipment immediately failed, and their locators and navigation instruments stopped working. But there were few such UFOs, so they could not decisively influence the outcome of the war.

It still remains a mystery how the Nazis managed to get ahead of all countries in creating disc planes. This combination of high technology and mysticism is fascinating. Although there was occultism in Germany, researchers still rely on technical inventions Nazis. They do not even rule out that the Nazis managed to fly into space, and the invention of flying saucers was their doing. The truth is out there somewhere.

Chapter 3
Reich and aliens

There is a version that the “true Aryans”, whom the German Fuhrer glorified in every possible way, are none other than aliens. Moreover, Hitler’s associates argued that Nazi ideology had nothing in common with other worldviews on Earth. Adolf Hitler considered Nazism a culture of “supermen”, and possibly also a culture of aliens. He firmly believed that by collaborating with aliens, he was a minister of their exalted cult.

Did the Third Reich have connections with aliens?

This issue was carefully avoided both in our country and in the West. Many Western researchers believe that this topic was not specifically discussed for military reasons. During the defeat of Germany, part of the archive with the results of research in secret military laboratories of the Germans and secret scientific institutions of the intelligence services of the Third Reich went to the United States and the Soviet Union. But the allies did not trust each other, the West feared the spread of communism across Europe. The US needed help Soviet Union in the fight against Japan. Although they maintained allied relations, they were already working on creating atomic bomb.

Currently there is a lot of printing interesting facts from the research and achievements of the Nazis, many of them seem fantastic and even absurd, unusual for us, brought up on certain standards of ideology, history and literature. But it's worth thinking about. The Nazis reached great heights in the field of creating new types of weapons and equipment, they almost completed work on creating an atomic bomb, their developments were ahead of other countries for many years to come.

Western researchers believe that Germany could have achieved such a technical breakthrough thanks to the knowledge received from aliens. But it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. This remains one of the secrets of the Third Reich, which can only be revealed by the aliens themselves or secret SS documents.

There is a version that in remote areas of the Himalayas, the Nazis discovered a “flying saucer” damaged in an accident. Perhaps they came into contact with aliens or used the technology they found for scientific research. Another version says that the Germans discovered the alien base and entered into mutually beneficial contact with them. Latest version seems quite acceptable. After all, during the Second World War, famous German scientists left Germany. At the end of the war, scientific schools stopped operating in the country, and at the same time, the Nazis invented one technical innovation after another. How is it possible to achieve such high scientific results without sufficient scientific potential, and even material capabilities, since at the end of the war Germany was subjected to heavy bombing by the Allies? Therefore, it may well be that the scientific and technical achievements of the Third Reich in the military-technical field appeared as a result of communication with an extraterrestrial civilization.

What achievements did the Nazis achieve? If we analyze the German submarine fleet, then at the end of the thirties of the last century Germany had only 57 submarines; during the war years, the Nazis built 11,503 submarines at their shipyards and put them into operation, despite the Allied bombings! When the Soviet and American command had the opportunity to get acquainted with German submarines, they were amazed at their superiority. German submarines had an almost silent underwater movement, so they were difficult to detect using hydroacoustics. The fuel reserves made it possible to travel very long distances, but the Allied boats did not have such power. German submarines were inconspicuous at sea, as they had a low silhouette, had excellent maneuverability, the boats had two periscopes, and in the bow there was an 88-mm cannon and a 20-mm anti-aircraft gun in the superstructure of the wheelhouse, on board - a “homing electric torpedo” . German boats, unlike Soviet boats and Allied boats were technologically well developed.

Where did the Nazis get these new technologies, and even manage to launch them in the shortest possible time? Maybe this is really help from another civilization? Where did they get the knowledge to build discos? Also from aliens?

The level of development of the Third Reich's rocket technology also suggests similar thoughts. In America, a note once appeared in the press about how in the early nineties of the twentieth century a capsule from spaceship, which contained three Nazi astronauts. The note even indicated the exact date of their return - April 2. The astronauts left Earth in 1943, and they returned as young as they were 47 years ago. The Germans were dressed in Wehrmacht uniforms and had tokens with their personal numbers on them. The Nazis had no idea they had been gone for so long. Where have they been all this time? How did they manage to return safely? NASO employees left all these questions unanswered. This whole story was immediately classified, any detailed information journalists could not find it. Perhaps Hitler wanted to send the astronauts to the aliens for information? Perhaps this is another myth about the Third Reich, or maybe not. In 1943, Nazi Germany tested an unknown aircraft and a three-stage rocket. The dates for testing the equipment and the flight of these three astronauts surprisingly coincide.

An underground city, which is not afraid of not only a collapse, but also a nuclear war, an unsurpassed creation of military engineers of the Third Reich. "Camp earthworm"revealed some of his secrets.

To NTV correspondent Viktor Kuzmin for the first time we managed to visit one of the most mysterious objects of the Second World War, which is associated with the disappearance without a trace of an entire SS division and even the Amber Room.

It’s easy to get lost in the passages and tunnels of the reinforced concrete kingdom of “Regenwurmlager”; even today there is no exact map of it. For diggers, this fortified area in the northwestern part of Poland is a real paradise. True, at the entrance there is something completely different written.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: “Original armored doors, the wing weighs half a ton.”

“Welcome to Hell” - an inscription written by some digger greets everyone who enters these buildings. Two floors of a combat bunker and a concrete staircase down. About 100 of the 300 such autonomous points with flamethrowers and grenade launchers were built along the entire line. Several hundred steps lead to a 40-meter depth. “There has never been Russian television here,” our guide notes.

After the First World War, the border between Germany and Poland passed in the north-west of Poland, and in this area the neighbor seemed to have wedged itself into German territory. From here, in a straight line, it’s a little more than 100 kilometers to Berlin.

Fearing a threat from the east, the Germans began to build a unique underground military structure in this area, stretching for tens of kilometers. But as history has shown, this line never became a line of defense.

There is no fortified area equal to this in the world even now. Corridors, casemates, stations, railway, power plants all this is the “Regenwurmcamp”, or “Earthworm Camp”, which has dug an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers with its communications.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: “We have reached the main road and are at the Heinerys station.”

You need to check the map periodically. It was at this station that Hitler arrived in 1934. He was then pleased with what he saw, but, appearing here again four years later, he ordered construction to be frozen.

Germany was already preparing not to defend itself, but to attack. By this time, the work was only 30% completed. According to the general plan, the defense line was planned to be launched in 1951. How grandiose the object must have been, if even the third built is amazing in size.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: “In 1980, they planned to store nuclear waste here, putting it directly into bunkers. But the local residents unanimously said: no, no and no.”

Even after several decades, the mystery of the “Earthworm Camp” has not been fully studied. There is a rough map of the corridors compiled by diggers, but it does not give a complete picture. It is not clear where some of the moves lead. They say that some of them could lead to the Reich Chancellery.

There were also a lot of ground objects. For example, a moving island on one of the reservoirs and drawbridges. But the secret construction plan was never discovered.

There is always someone present here; groups of diggers from all over Europe are interested in the object. In the surrounding villages you can hire a guide for several days, but amateurs are not advised to go underground.

In the 90s, a tourist died here after staying in the tunnels for the night. They say that they did not find the Soviet foreman who tried to ride a motorcycle here on a dare. German engineers built securely and with all sorts of secret traps. They pioneered the use of waterproof concrete and string slabs, and the drainage and ventilation systems are still in operation.

In 1944, this was the site of the Daimer Benz military aircraft factory, which employed more than two thousand prisoners of war. At the end of the war, the site was guarded by boys from the Hitler Youth and old men from the Volkssturm.

In January 1945, a Soviet tank brigade bypassed the line along a rural road without firing a shot. Although local history buffs claim that there was a battle here, and the remnants of the SS unit “Death’s Head” then left along the corridors.

However, official data says that in the entire history of the Regenwurmlager, four young Poles died while exploring the structure after the war.

Secrets of the Third Reich. After Stalingrad, few of the top Nazi bosses and Wehrmacht leaders believed in final victory. But there was still a chance to finish Great War“draw” - at the beginning of 1943, the Reich still had a powerful army; German troops occupied a huge space from the Atlantic to the Don. But after the defeat at Kursk, even the greatest optimists no longer counted on anything.

Strangely, in addition to Hitler himself, one more person did not succumb to the general, poorly concealed despondency - the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler. Although, it would seem, he was the one who should have been worried in the first place.

Himmler was one of the most knowledgeable people in the Third Reich. Information flowed to him from all over the world - despite all the difficulties, the German agents worked well and generally presented a more or less correct (not at all embellished) picture of events.

The chief of foreign intelligence, Walter Schellenberg, repeatedly proved almost irrefutably to Himmler that the only way out for Germany was immediate negotiations (at least with the British and Americans).

But Himmler responded vaguely and evasively to Schellenberg’s numerous proposals. The general meaning of his strange answers tended to be that there are things about which Schellenberg (with all his knowledge) knows nothing. And it is these mysterious things that will save Germany... But only he, Heinrich Himmler, and the Fuhrer himself know about them.

Heinrich Himmler's last secret

What exactly Hitler and Heinrich discussed at their meetings, secretly from the other leaders of the Reich, became clear only many years after the end of the war.

They discussed the creation of a new miracle weapon. But we were not talking about the atomic bomb or the amazing rockets of Wernher von Braun, capable of flying hundreds of kilometers. Hitler and Himmler discussed the reconstruction of... a flying saucer, an alien spaceship from another world.

After the war, this fact was completely accidentally leaked from the classified archives of the Allies. However, perhaps this was not an accident, but a deliberately organized leak of information.

The publication and investigation of new absolutely incredible facts was extremely difficult. Few people wanted to do this, because from the very beginning it was clear that everything was so strange and implausible that the general public would in any case classify such messages as cheap sensations and would never believe in them.

But! There were several photographs, the authenticity of which was confirmed by numerous experts.

These unique photographs show several Nazi officers and an amazing disc-shaped aircraft hovering several meters above the ground!

It is unlike any aircraft that has ever existed on our planet. And only the swastika sign on board confirms that this is reality.

This device was built on the basis of drawings that were brought from the legendary Kullu Valley by a man who remained in history under the agent pseudonym “Raja”.

In addition to the photographs, another, very original document has been preserved - a report from the designer addressed to Adolf Hitler about the progress of testing one of these disks in 1944.

It contains the most interesting technical specifications new weapon: “F-7 device. Diameter – 21 m. Vertical lift speed – 800 m/s. Horizontal flight speed – 2200 km/h.”

Aircraft designers around the world managed to achieve approximately similar characteristics only... in the 80s, with the advent of the SU-27 fighter!

It is not surprising that Hitler valued ties with Tibet so much.

By the way, among the papers received by the winners in 1945, there was a letter from the Regent of the Dalai Lama to the Fuhrer of the German nation:

“Dear Mr. King Hitler, Ruler of Germany. May health, joy of Peace and Virtue be with you! You are now working to create a vast state on a racial basis.

Therefore, the now arrived leader of the German expedition, Sahib Schaeffer (SS Sturmbannführer, confidant Himmler, led an expedition to Tibet - approx. author) did not have any difficulties on the way to Tibet.

Please accept, Your Grace, King Hitler, our assurances of continued friendship!

Written on the 18th of the first Tibetan month, the year of the Earth Hare.”

The Dalai Lama's regent sent almost a thousand servants to help “King Hitler.” After the capture of Berlin, the Allies were extremely surprised to discover several hundred charred bodies, which experts recognized... as residents of Tibet!

Later it was established that they all committed suicide - according to ancient custom, they burned themselves alive.

After Stalingrad, Hitler again decides to turn to Tibetan magicians for help. He is looking for connections with the shamans of the ancient Hindu religion Bon-Po, who, in his firm belief, directly communicate with spirits (by the way, many have tried to penetrate the secrets of Bon-Po - an expedition of both the NKVD of the USSR and the British special services visited Tibet at one time ).

The next expedition was equipped in the shortest possible time. She had to ask the Bon-po priests for help, and also find a way to the location of which previous expeditions had identified as the borderland of the Dalai Lama's state and the Chinese province of Kham.

Hitler and Heinrich Himmler believed that it was the help of the inhabitants of Shambhala that should bring victory to German weapons and force the Eternal Ice to retreat.

At the beginning of 1943, 5 SS officers secretly left Berlin for Lhasa. The expedition was led by Himmler's confidant Peter Aufschnaiter and mountaineer Heinrich Harrer. But Hitler’s envoys were not destined to reach Tibet - their path ran through British India, where, by pure chance, they were arrested by representatives of the British colonial authorities.

Several times they made daring attempts to escape, but they managed to break free only after several years. In 1951, Harrer (who nevertheless made his way to Tibet to the Bon-po shamans) returned to his homeland in Austria, bringing with him a large number of mysterious materials.

The archive was immediately arrested by the British intelligence services, confiscated and disappeared without a trace in the depths of special storage facilities. Some researchers argue that such interest of the intelligence services in Harrer's documents was associated with a film that captured a ritual with the help of which Bon-po shamans communicated with spirits. But this ritual could no longer help Hitler.

Why did Hitler order the flooding of the Berlin subway?

It was not military defeats, strategic considerations, or statistics on the relationship between the resources of the Axis countries and the Allied coalition that convinced Hitler that Germany would be defeated in the war. The Fuhrer finally lost faith in victory after... the collapse of the expedition to Shambhala.

Allied troops approached the German borders even before the “fine-tuning” of the F-7 apparatus was completed. Experimental versions of the outlandish design had to be destroyed so that they would not fall into the hands of the rapidly advancing allied armies. Meanwhile, there was no news from the expedition sent to Tibet. There was nothing more to hope for...

According to occult prophecies, the impossibility of the Age of Fire means one thing - the End of the World must soon follow. These days, eternal night will fall on the earth, and the cities will be overwhelmed by waves of flood, washing away the hated servants of Eternal Ice.

But... the long-awaited ending still does not come. Events are not at all bringing about the End of the World or even the end of Germany, but simply the end of the “thousand-year Reich.”

At this time, strange motives appeared in Hitler's statements. He, who always extolled the German people, the German race and swore allegiance to Greater Germany, suddenly begins to talk about the Germans with contempt and almost disgust. Dr. Goebbels, infected with Hitler's sentiments, welcomes... the Allied aviation that bombed German cities:

“May the achievements of the idiotic 20th century perish under the ruins of our cities!”

More and more orders are being given for the destruction of cities and the mass murder of prisoners of war. None of these orders have military meaning - on the contrary, their execution wastes the forces needed at the front. The massacres of prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners seem absolutely insane, as if Hitler were committing mass sacrifice.

In fact, that's how it was. Hitler continued to believe in mystical revelations. And according to his theories, the energy released into space from the simultaneous mass death of a huge number of people will shift the earth’s axis by several degrees and lead to a flood and glaciation of the planet.

The last attempt to cause a global flood was a ritual that shocked the seasoned executioners of the Black Order of the SS with its cruelty. The failed Messiah of Fire ordered the floodgates to be opened and the Berlin subway flooded. In those terrible days, the metro tunnels were a refuge for hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers and civilians who took refuge here from the fire that fell on the capital of the Reich during the battles for Berlin. The waters of the Spree, rushing into the metro in a rapid stream, claimed the lives of 300,000 people...

Historians have long puzzled over what could explain this horrific and, as it seemed, ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS act. Within the framework of common sense, he did not find ANY explanation. But by that time, Hitler had long since traded common sense for the extravagant theories of the late Hans Gorbiger.

The ancient gods did not hear Hitler. When he committed suicide, the world did not turn upside down and the earth's axis did not move.

Following his Fuhrer, another mystic, a brilliant doctor of philosophy and admirer of Dostoevsky, the virtuoso minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels, left this world. Before his death, he poisoned six of his children. His last address to the people ended with strange words: “Our end will be the end of the universe.”

Few people listened to Goebbels in those days. But those who heard him probably thought that he was a chief propagandist, as always expressed figuratively. And it never occurred to anyone that Goebbels himself most likely understood his words absolutely literally.

Fortunately, he was mistaken...

Secrets of the Third Reich. What was that

It is difficult for modern people to believe that the head of the largest power in the world for many years in his political and military calculations was guided by the dictates of spirits, ancient legends, secret signs and magic spells.

Nevertheless, even skeptic historians unanimously admit that both Hitler and the top leadership of the Reich (primarily Heinrich Himmler) not only showed interest in occult practices, but also checked their decisions with the instructions of otherworldly forces.

The presence next to the leaders of the Nazi regime of various kinds of sorcerers, soothsayers and adherents of secret Eastern teachings, the epic with secret Tibetan expeditions, attempts to saturate the SS Order with a mixture of ancient German, medieval and Eastern mysticism - all these are historical facts, repeatedly confirmed by countless testimonies.

And here the most difficult question arises. What was that? Psychopathic Hitler's mental confusion? Clever charlatanism that took advantage of the lack of education and lack of culture of the majority of the leaders of the Reich? Or was there really something behind this that went beyond our usual materialistic ideas?

The version about charlatans will have to be dismissed out of hand. Hitler's acquaintance with occult practices began long before he came to power and had a very long history (more than twenty years). All this time, Hitler lived in a very real world and was engaged in things that require earthly pragmatism, iron logic and common sense from a person.

If Hitler, like an impressionable and gullible young lady, had been “hovering in the empyrean” all this time, he would never have reached the heights of power, and even more so, would not have conquered half of Europe.

According to numerous memoirs (from the personal translator of the Fuhrer Paul Schmidt to ministers and field marshals), Hitler did not have a humanitarian mindset - he showed great interest in technology, was well versed in weapons, had an excellent command of the most complex economic issues and masterfully manipulated hundreds of figures and facts , which repeatedly baffled his closest associates.

Simply put, Hitler was a MORE than PRACTICAL MAN.

If we add to all this the manic suspicion of the Fuhrer, it becomes clear that deliberately leading him by the nose with clever false mystical tricks was not only dangerous, but simply impossible.

Much the same can be said about Himmler. After all, he was not just an abstract dreamer who, in the evenings from idleness, fell into fantasies about other worlds and aliens. Himmler was the FULL leader of several intelligence services (from Schellenberg's foreign intelligence service to Müller's Gestapo secret police). It was even more impossible to captivate him with clever charlatanry.

Great doubts also arise about the psychopathic manifestations of Hitler or the peculiarities of Himmler’s psyche as the reason for their passion for secret knowledge. Signs of mental disorders in Hitler began to be observed only in 1943 (after the Stalingrad disaster). Before this, he gave the impression of a calm person.

His famous fits of anger were often nothing more than a well-staged performance - there is quite a lot of evidence of this. Otherwise he was completely normal person. Therefore, the version of madness will also have to be discarded, especially since, let us note once again, Hitler began experiments with the occult and secret teachings long before the end of the war, when his mental health really began to deteriorate.

Secrets of the Third Reich

The most plausible version seems to be the following.

At the beginning of Hitler's political career, representatives of secret societies who had certain knowledge (possibly acquired in the east) about unconventional methods of influencing the human psyche and mass consciousness really drew attention to him.

The leaders of these societies were by no means charlatans - they developed a number of amazing abilities in Hitler, primarily the ability to magnetize a crowd.

Hitler was convinced with his own eyes that secret knowledge brings very real results. Apparently, the expeditions to the Kullu Valley brought Hitler something that could eventually become a real superweapon in his hands. Perhaps mysticism had nothing to do with it.

If you do not believe in otherworldly forces, then it is quite logical to assume that the inhabitants of Tibet (cut off from the world for thousands of years) retained the knowledge (including technical knowledge) that they had acquired at one time from contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

In any case, the passion for Tibetan mysticism played a cruel joke on Hitler. While he was equipping secret expeditions to the Kullu Valley and designing a superweapon in the form of a flying saucer, the real possibilities of creating new weapons passed him by.

In particular, the German leadership underestimated the theories of nuclear fission and missed the opportunity to create an atomic bomb. The construction of the famous Vau rockets was more successful, but, according to their chief designer Wernher von Braun, this work began too late and progressed extremely slowly.

In a sense, one could say that the ancient legend of the Kullu Valley (and the amazing drawings) paradoxically saved us all by diverting Hitler's attention from promising nuclear physics. After all, the majority of those living on the planet would never have been born if a nuclear bomb had been in the hands of a man who considered himself the Forerunner of Fire...

"Undoubtedly, every National Socialist must sooner or later come to terms with the so-called 'occult' facts." Newspaper "Reichswart", August 30, 1937. The worst thing in the fight against such an enemy as Nazism is not the answers to the questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that no questions exist at all.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project Aldebaran, it's hard to help think that it's all just science fiction. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Wernher von Braun, you become a little uneasy. For SS Standartenführer Wernher von Braun, many years after the Second World War, was not just anyone, but one of the key figures in the American project of flying to the moon. It is, of course, much closer to the Moon than to the planet Aldebaran. But, as we know, the flight to the Moon took place.

So there are questions, and there are many of them. It's all about who will answer them and how.

Here are just a few.

What was the SS expedition looking for, which took place under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization Ahnenerbe, in distant Tibet in 1938? And why were the SS men allowed to go where the Europeans were not allowed to go?

What goals did another SS expedition pursue – not just anywhere, but to Antarctica?

Why in recent years war, the Fuhrer throws the main finances of the Reich not on tanks and planes, but on mysterious and rather illusory projects of the same Ahnenerbe? Does this mean that the projects were already on the verge of implementation?

Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the Ahnenerbe Secretary General, so abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials as soon as he began to name names? And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the Third Reich?

Why exactly did Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of Ahnenerbe, then head the CIA Blue Bird project, within the framework of which developments were carried out on psychoprogramming and psychotronics?

Why does the American military intelligence report, dated 1945, say in the preamble that all Ahnenerbe activities were pseudoscientific in nature, while the report itself records, for example, such a “pseudoscientific” achievement as the successful fight against a cancer cell?

What is this strange story about the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

Why did Ahnenerbe urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries that had just been captured by the Wehrmacht?

Early nineteenth century. The daughter of a Russified German, Helena Blavatsky, between Europe and America. On the way, she visits Egypt and Tibet. Blavatsky is a great adventurer, she knows that the key to her success is constant movement. Where she lingers for even a few months, a trail of scandals and revelations is immediately created behind her, like a comet, including the revelation of the very earthly mechanisms of her “clairvoyance” and “summoning spirits.” Blavatsky quickly became fashionable. Europe was waiting for something like this, and it appeared.

To begin with, Blavatsky told the world that she had observed flying Buddhist monks in Tibet. There, in Tibet, some secret knowledge was allegedly revealed to her. Madame Blavatsky tried to expound them in the book “The Secret Doctrine”, combining in it all possible information about Eastern occultism and Hinduism with latest news science. It turned out unusual and attractive to contemporaries who were expecting either the end of the world or the second coming.

It was Blavatsky who dictated the dangerous fashion of linking practical science, Eastern occultism and traditional European mysticism. If her ideas had not gone beyond the boundaries of European secular salons, the disaster, perhaps, would not have happened. But the recipe for the explosive mixture also came to Germany.

Historians are absolutely right when in school textbooks they explain the prerequisites for Hitler’s rise to power by the difficult socio-economic conditions of Germany at that time, the geopolitical consequences of defeat in the First World War, the disappointment and resentment of the army, and revanchist sentiments in society. But the main thing that united all this was national humiliation.

A nervous young man who wanted to become an artist stood for hours in front of a “magic spear” exhibited in a Vienna museum. It was believed that whoever owned this spear could rule the world. And this former soldier really wanted to rule the world, because he lived in poverty, and his artistic talents were not recognized as talents. Who could be more dangerous than such a young man? And into whose other head can the darkest magical formulas and mystical ideas be implanted so easily?

In any case, when army counterintelligence informant Adolf Schicklgruber attended meetings of the secret society "Hermanenorden", his psyche was already sensitive to unusual spells and ritual rites. In turn, key figures of secret societies very quickly noticed a suitable candidate for the post of future leader of the nation. The network of these secret societies actually developed the mechanism of the fascist regime.

As you know, Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” in a Munich prison after the failed Nazi putsch. He was in prison with Rudolf Hess. And Professor Haushofer, one of the most influential people in the Thule society, visited them there. The professor liked Hitler, after which the leadership of Thule set his political career in motion. And while still in prison, Dr. Haushofer began to read some mysterious lectures to future leaders, which prompted Hitler to engage in literary work.

And here another question arises in addition to the above list - extremely important in order to understand what happened in the “Third Reich”. Was the faith of the highest SS hierarchs in everything mystical and otherworldly sincere?

It seems like both yes and no. On the one hand, the leaders of National Socialism understood perfectly well what a strong effect, from the point of view of managing people, all these medieval visions with the Holy Grail, flaming torches and so on could give. And here they exploited typical German romanticism with typical German pragmatism.

On the other hand, the daily performance of occult rituals and complete immersion in mysticism could hardly pass without leaving a mark on their own psyche.

And finally, third. Throughout their years in power, the Nazis experienced an unaccountable fear of future retribution. Wasn't the passion for mysticism the drug that helped to drown out this fear, at least for a moment?

The world of mystical hobbies of the future Fuhrer was most likely wretched and painful. But the very makeup of his psyche fully corresponded to the demands that the people who put forward him had. Just like Himmler's mentality. Despite all the doubts that the SS chief was able to master the rather complicated and heavy presentations of Madame Blavatsky, he could have heard about her ideas at least from his party comrades. But there is no doubt that the Reichsfuehrer appreciated them. Moreover, this provincial schoolteacher sincerely considered himself the Prussian King Henry in a new reincarnation (he was captured at the end of the Second World War, when Himmler made his way to the grave of his ancient namesake). According to the testimony of some of his associates, including the commander of the Belgian SS division de Grel, there was no other leader in the Reich who so sincerely and passionately wanted to eradicate Christianity in the world.

Whether the Fuhrers sincerely believed in the occult or not, in any case, these people, apparently, were eager to engage in practical black magic in the national, and then preferably worldwide.

Researchers who are trying to grasp some kind of system in the mystical ideas of the hierarchs of the “Third Reich” and explain a huge number of strange mysteries - the history of secret orders and societies like “Hermanenorden” and “Thule”, the development of nuclear and psychotronic weapons, difficult-to-explain expeditions under the auspices of the SS, say, to Tibet - these researchers make one serious mistake. Analyzing the events and comparing them, they proceed from the fact that the leaders of the Reich were people who had learned a certain secret, were initiated into something serious, and had mastered - at least partially - Tibetan secret knowledge. But the Fuhrers were not like that! And this concerns, first of all, Hitler himself, who, solely on the basis of his “clairvoyance,” forbade the continuation of the development of the FAU project at the very moment when success was already looming on the horizon. Yes, the Wehrmacht generals and scientists were close to suicide when they heard about this “epiphany” and the leader’s order!

Finding out which of the researchers is right - those looking for a secret meaning or insisting on a purely materialistic explanation of what happened - is a thankless task, because the truth does not belong to either one or the other. The future leaders of the “Third Reich” were simply faced with things and matters that they were unable to understand, much less manage, due to their lack of any serious educational base. Namely, it serves as a kind of protective barrier for any person interested in the otherworldly and mystical. With people who are illiterate and insufficiently educated, the “other world” is capable of playing too cruel jokes, completely subordinating their consciousness and paralyzing their will.

It seems that something similar happened with the not very literate leaders of the Reich. They became blind prisoners of their own hallucinoid ideas about the world of the mystical and unknown. And using their example, the so-called subtle world very clearly demonstrated that it is not worth experimenting with it without special preparation.

What happened in the Reich is very reminiscent of one of the Strugatsky novels, where on a distant planet a society located on early stages development suddenly collides with modern technology. And the slaves there are busy sitting in the machines and turning all the knobs in a row until the right lever is blindly found.

Now let’s remember the Nazi concentration camps with pseudo-medical experiments on people that were incomprehensible neither in their meaning nor in their cruelty. Meanwhile, everything is not very complicated: these are theorists from the Ahnenerbe - one of the most mysterious mystical organizations, either existing under the control of the SS, or even managing the SS itself - trying to squeeze out some kind of secret knowledge of Eastern occultism and European mystics practically applicable theories. For example, they were very interested in the so-called “blood magic”. And in the concentration camps, doctors subordinate to the SS - and, therefore, to all the crazy ideas born in the depths of this organization - were already trying to put the same blood magic into practice.

More often than not, nothing worked. But they had a mass of human material, which could be experimented with without any restrictions. And as often happens in experimental sciences, it is not possible to achieve the initially set goal, but instead the conveyor belt of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected - side results.

Perhaps the alchemists in the black SS uniform (and all the employees of the same Ahnenerbe were members of the SS and had the corresponding ranks) worked blindly, and therefore any practical results they achieved can be considered accidental. But the question is not whether it was an accident or not. The question is that, in many ways, there were results. We just almost don’t know what...

Aggressive materialists simply try to ignore obvious mysteries. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe in it. And if we were talking about fruitless spiritualistic sessions of ecstatic aunts, it is unlikely that Soviet and American intelligence would have spent enormous effort and risked their agents to find out what was happening at these sessions. But according to the recollections of veterans of Soviet military intelligence, its leadership was very interested in any approaches to Ahnenerbe.

Meanwhile, getting close to Ahnenerbe was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant control of the security service - SD, which in itself speaks volumes. So today it is not possible to get an answer to the question whether we or the Americans had their own Stirlitz inside Ahnenerbe. But if you ask why, you'll run into another strange mystery. Despite the fact that the vast majority of intelligence operations during the Second World War are now declassified (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents in the post-war years), everything related to developments on Ahnenerbe is still surrounded by secrecy.

But there is, for example, evidence from the already mentioned Miguel Serrano, one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the Thule secret society, whose meetings Hitler attended. In one of his books, he claims that the information received by the Ahnenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of a combat atomic charge, and the Allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information - Miguel Serrano - is interesting if only because for several years he represented his homeland Chile in one of the UN commissions on nuclear energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, having captured a significant part of the secret archives of the Third Reich, made almost parallel breakthroughs in time in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, in space research. And they begin to actively develop qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were particularly active in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

So comments that claim that the Ahnenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious do not stand up to criticism. And in order to understand this, you don’t even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was the responsibility of the Ahnenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably all over the world. A special Ahnenerbe expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they didn’t even expect occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by SS special forces. And it turns out that the Ahnenerbe archive is not at all theoretical research by German mystics, but a multilingual collection of a wide variety of documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

Part of this archive was discovered in Moscow several years ago. This is the so-called Lower Silesian archive “Ahnenerbe”, taken by Soviet troops during the assault on Altan Castle. But this is a small part of all Ahnenerbe archives. Some military historians believe that much of it fell into American hands. This is probably true: if you look at the location of Ahnenerbe departments, most of them were located in the western part of Germany.

Our part has not yet been seriously studied by anyone; there is not even a detailed inventory of documentation. The word “Ahnenerbe” itself is known to few people today. But the evil genie, who was released from the bottle by the black magicians of the SS and Ahnenerbe, did not die along with the Third Reich, but remained on our planet.

News edited olqa.weles - 25-02-2012, 08:06

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Researchers of the secret history of the Third Reich today already know a lot about its mystical roots and the behind-the-scenes forces that brought Hitler to power and directed the activities of Hitler. How did a small country with a population of only 70 million people manage to take over half the world in 2 years? Nazism turned out to be a force of colossal proportions. But what is the secret of this power?

The foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state, but this worldview became an active force after the defeat of Germany in the First World War. In 1918, a branch of the Teutonic Knightly Order - the Thule Society (named after the legendary Arctic country - the cradle of humanity) was founded in Munich by a circle of people who already had experience working in international secret societies. Its official goal was to study ancient Germanic culture, but true the tasks were much deeper.

The theorists of fascism found a candidate suitable for their purposes - the power-hungry, mystical experience and also drug-dependent corporal Adolf Hitler, instilling in him the idea of ​​world domination by real white people. At the end of 1918, the young occultist Hitler was accepted into the Thule Society and quickly became one of its most active members. And soon the ideas of the Thule theorists were reflected in his book “My Struggle.”

“Whoever sees in National Socialism only a political movement knows little about it,” said Hitler. The fact is that the occult owners of “Thule” had another, no less important goal - to win in the invisible, metaphysical world, so to speak, the “otherworldly”. For this purpose, more closed structures were created in Germany. So, in 1919, the secret “Lodge of Light” was founded (later “Vril” - after the ancient Indian name for the cosmic energy of life). Later, in 1933, the elite mystical order “Ahnenerbe” (Ahnenerbe “Heritage of the Ancestors”), which since 1939, on the initiative of Himmler, has become the main research structure within the SS. Having fifty research institutes under its control, the Ahnenerbe society was engaged in the search for ancient knowledge that would make it possible to develop latest technologies, control human consciousness using magical methods, carry out genetic manipulation in order to create a superman.

Non-traditional methods of obtaining knowledge were also practiced - under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs, in a state of trance or contact with the Higher Unknowns, or, as they were called, “External Minds”. Ancient occult “keys” (formulas, spells, etc.) found with the help of “Ahnenerbe” were also used, which made it possible to establish contact with “Aliens”. The most experienced mediums and contactees were involved in “sessions with the gods.” To ensure the purity of the results, the experiments were carried out independently in the Thule and Vril societies. They claim that some occult “keys” worked, and some secret information was received through independent “channels”. For example, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, whose characteristics were significantly superior to the aircraft technology of that time.

Another task that was set for scientists and, according to rumors, was partially solved was the creation of a “time machine” that would allow them to penetrate into the depths of history and obtain knowledge of ancient high civilizations, in particular, information about the magical methods of Atlantis, which was considered the ancestral home of the Aryan race. Of particular interest to Nazi scientists was the technological knowledge of the Atlanteans, which, according to legend, helped to build huge sea vessels and airships driven by an unknown force. There is information about the development of a highly secret “flying saucer” “Honebu-2” at the IV SS Development Center, subordinate to the Black Sun society. In his book “German Flying Saucers,” O. Bergmann gives some of its technical characteristics. Diameter 26.3 meters. Engine: “Thule” tachyonator, with a diameter of 23.1 meters. Control: pulse magnetic field generator. Speed: 6000 km/h (estimated 21000 km/h). Flight duration: 55 hours and above. Adaptability to flights in outer space is 100 percent. The crew is nine people, with passengers - twenty people. Planned serial production: late 1943 - early 1944.

At the end of the 50s, Australians discovered among captured films a German documentary film report on the research project of the V-7 flying disc, about which nothing was known until that time. The extent to which this project has been implemented is not yet clear, but it is reliably known that the famous specialist in “special operations” Otto Skorzeny in the middle of the war was tasked with creating a detachment of pilots of 500 people to control “flying saucers” and manned missiles.

There is nothing incredible in the reports about gravitational engines. Today, scientists working in the field alternative sources energy, the so-called Hans Kohler converter is known, which converts gravitational energy into electrical energy. These converters were used in the so-called tachyonators (electromagnetic engines) “Thule” and “Andromeda”, produced in Germany in 1942-1945 at the Siemens and AEG factories. It is indicated that these same converters were used as energy sources not only on “flying disks”, but also on some giant (5000-ton) submarines and underground bases.

Results were obtained by Ahnenerbe scientists in other non-traditional fields of knowledge: in psychotronics, parapsychology, in the use of “subtle” energies to control individual and mass consciousness, etc. It is believed that captured documents concerning the metaphysical developments of the Third Reich provided new an impetus for similar work in the USA and USSR, which until that time had underestimated such research or curtailed it. Due to the extreme secrecy of information about the results of the activities of German secret societies, today it is difficult to separate facts from rumors and legends.

In search of ancient magical knowledge, Ahnenerbe organized expeditions to the most remote corners of the globe: Tibet, South America, Antarctica... The latter received special attention...

This territory is still full of secrets and mysteries. Antarctica was officially discovered by the Russian expedition of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev in 1820. However, tireless archivists discovered ancient maps, from which it followed that they knew about Antarctica long before this historical event. One of the maps, compiled in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was discovered in 1929. Others also surfaced: the French geographer Orontius Phineus from 1532, Philippe Boishet, dated 1737. Falsifications?

But let's not rush... All these maps very accurately depict the outlines of Antarctica, but... without ice cover. Moreover, on the Buache map you can clearly see the strait dividing the continent into two parts. And its presence under the ice has been established using the latest methods only in recent decades. Let us add that international expeditions that checked the Piri Reis map found that it was more accurate than the maps compiled in the 20th century. Seismic reconnaissance confirmed what no one suspected: some of the mountains of Dronning Maud Land, hitherto considered part of a single massif, turned out to actually be islands, as indicated on the old map. But where did people who lived several centuries before the discovery of Antarctica get such information?

Both Reis and Buache claimed that they used ancient Greek originals when compiling the maps. After the discovery of the cards, a variety of hypotheses were put forward about their origin. Most of them boil down to the fact that the original maps were compiled by some high civilization that existed at a time when the shores of Antarctica were not yet covered with ice, that is, before the global cataclysm.

It has been suggested that Antarctica is the former Atlantis. One of the arguments: the dimensions of this legendary country (30,000 x 20,000 stadia according to Plato, 1st stadia - 185 meters) approximately correspond to the size of Antarctica.

Naturally, Ahnenerbe scientists, who scoured the world in search of traces of Atlantean civilization, could not ignore this hypothesis. Moreover, it was in perfect agreement with their philosophy, which asserted, in particular, that at the poles of the planet there are entrances to huge cavities inside the earth. And Antarctica became one of the main targets of Nazi scientists.

The interest that German leaders showed on the eve of World War II in this distant and lifeless region of the globe could not be explained at the time.

In 1938-1939, the Germans organized two Antarctic expeditions, in which Luftwaffe pilots not only explored, but also staked out a huge territory of this continent, the size of Germany, with metal pennants with swastikas - it soon received the name “New Swabia”.

Then the submarines secretly headed to the shores of Antarctica. The famous writer and historian M. Demidenko reports that, while sorting through the top-secret archives of the SS, he discovered documents indicating that a squadron of submarines, during an expedition to Queen Maud Land, found a whole system of interconnected caves with warm air.

In 1943, Admiral Dénia dropped a mysterious phrase: “The German submarine fleet is proud of having created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world.” How?

It turns out that for five years the Germans carried out carefully hidden work to create a Nazi secret base in Antarctica under code name“Base-211. According to eyewitnesses, already from the beginning of 1939, regular voyages of the research vessel Swabia began between Antarctica and Germany. Bergman, in his book “German Flying Saucers,” states that from this year and for several years, mining equipment and other equipment, including railways, trolleys and huge milling cutters for tunneling, were constantly sent to Antarctica. Apparently, submarines were also used to deliver cargo. And not just ordinary ones.

Retired American Colonel Windell Stevens reports: “Our intelligence, where I worked at the end of the war, knew that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines (were they not equipped with Kohler converters?), and all of them were launched, equipped , and then disappeared without a trace. To this day it remains unclear where they went. They are not on the ocean floor, they are not in any port that we know of. It's a mystery, but it may be solved thanks to an Australian documentary that shows large German cargo submarines in Antarctica, surrounded by ice, crews standing on the decks waiting to dock at the pier."

By the end of the war, Stevens claims, the Germans had nine research plants testing flying disc projects: “Eight of these plants, along with their scientists and key figures, were successfully evacuated from Germany. The ninth structure has been blown up... We have classified information that some of these research enterprises have been transported to a place called “New Swabia”... Today this may already be a fairly sized complex. Maybe those big cargo submarines are there. We believe that at least one (or more) disc development facility was transported to Antarctica. They were evacuated to secret underground facilities."

Well-known researchers of the Antarctic secrets of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners (workforce), as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with their families and members of the Hitler Youth are the gene pool of the future “pure” race.

In addition to the mysterious giant submarines, at least a hundred serial U-class submarines were used for these purposes, including the top-secret formation “Fuhrer Convoy”, which consisted of 35 submarines. At the very end of the war in Kiel, all military equipment was removed from these elite submarines and containers with some valuable cargo were loaded. The submarines also took on board some mysterious passengers and a large amount of food. The fate of only two boats from this convoy is known for certain. One of them, U-530, under the command of 25-year-old Otto Wehrmouth, left Kiel on April 13, 1945 and delivered relics of the Third Reich and Hitler’s personal belongings, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages, to Antarctica. Another, U-977, under the command of Heinz Schaeffer, repeated this route a little later, but what and who it was transporting is unknown.

Both of these submarines in the summer of 1945 (July 10 and August 17, respectively) entered one of the Latin American rivers, and this became known to the American military, they blocked the river and captured the Germans. During interrogations, they admitted to the existence of bases in Antarctica. Soon, the famous Admiral Richard E. Byrd received orders to destroy the Nazi base in “New Swabia.”

Operation High Jump was disguised as an ordinary research expedition, and not everyone realized that a powerful naval squadron was heading to the shores of Antarctica. Aircraft carrier, 13 ships various types, 25 planes and helicopters, more than four thousand people, a six-month supply of food - these data speak for themselves, -

It would seem that everything went according to plan: 49 thousand photographs were taken in a month. And suddenly something happened that US officials are still silent about. On March 3, 1947, the expedition that had just begun was abandoned, and the ships hastily headed home. A year later, some details surfaced on the pages of the European magazine Brisant. It was reported that the expedition encountered strong enemy resistance. At least 1 ship, dozens of people, 4 combat aircraft were lost, and another 9 aircraft had to be abandoned as unusable. One can only guess what exactly happened. We do not have authentic documents, however, if you believe the press, the crew members who dared to reminisce spoke about “flying disks emerging from under the water” and attacking them, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders. Journalists cite an excerpt from Byrd’s report, allegedly made at a secret meeting of the special commission: “The United States needs to take protective actions against enemy fighters flying from the polar regions. In the event of a new war, America may be attacked by an enemy who has the ability to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed!

Almost ten years later, Admiral Byrd led a new polar expedition, in which he died under mysterious circumstances. After his death, information allegedly from the diary of the admiral himself appeared in the press.

It follows from them that during the 1947 expedition, the plane on which he flew on reconnaissance was forced to land by strange aircraft, “similar to British soldiers’ helmets.” The admiral was approached by a tall, blue-eyed, blond man who, in broken English, conveyed an appeal to the American government demanding that nuclear testing be stopped. Some sources claim that after this meeting, an agreement was signed between the Nazi colony in Antarctica and the American government to exchange German advanced technology for American raw materials.

A number of researchers believe that Nazi bases in Antarctica and the Canadian north exist and flourish today, there is talk of the existence of an entire underground city there called “New Berlin” with a population of 2 million people. The main occupation of its inhabitants is genetic engineering and space flights, but no one has yet provided direct evidence in favor of this version.

Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is called multiple sightings of UFOs in the South Pole area. People often see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air. And in 1976, Japanese researchers, using the latest equipment, simultaneously detected nineteen round objects that “dipped” from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. All the expeditions sent there either disappeared without a trace or returned with nothing. Later, some participants talked about tall people emerging directly from under the ice, about tunnels leading to their cities, but no one believed them. Several artificial satellites have been discovered in Earth's orbit, unknown to whom they belong.

In 1944, a German U-class submarine was sunk in the Arctic waters of Canada; one of the surviving crew members later recalled that the purpose of the expedition was to deliver a secret cargo of mercury. The only version why they needed this is that mercury is used in space research.