Secret knowledge. The magic of mirrors. Using mirrors in black magic Black Witch Mirror

06.10.2021 Diseases

Concave black mirrors, the back side of which, instead of a silver coating, is painted with black paint. In contrast to a flat mirror, a black mirror has two decisive advantages in many clairvoyance experiments.

The black coating on the back side is conducive to the perception of thinking and clairvoyance, since almost not a single photon is reflected from it (black “absorbs” all light waves). The ability to reflect quanta of cosmic energy colliding with it is completely preserved, since they are rejected not by the mirror’s coating, but by its Psi-field.

Due to the concavity of the mirror, an apparent mental image or clairvoyant image appears behind the mirror surface, larger than when using a flat mirror. The projection of mental images onto a black mirror follows the same principle as the projection of thoughts onto a flat mirror. As a tool for receiving clairvoyant images, a black mirror is clearly superior to a flat one. In principle, it acts like a mirror telescope, in which a concave mirror focuses light quanta, which at the output creates a highly magnified image of great light intensity. Of course, in a black mirror, this provides a curved, mirror-like psi-field, which focuses the incident modulated waves of cosmic energy with clairvoyant information and reflects them onto the eye of the observer.

Projection of mental images onto a black mirror:
A concave mirror is a round glass plate with a diameter of 20 cm and a concavity of 12 mm. Its concave surface is covered with matte black paint or black car varnish.

It is best if, during the process of clairvoyance, your eyes are close to the focus of the mirror, then the image will be maximum in size. The image will become smaller as you move away from the mirror.

To make a spherical mirror stand on a table, cut out a piece of wood, make a concave surface in it, and paint the entire stand black. Then glue a mirror to it so that its concave surface looks at you.

Black obsidian mirror:
The name apparently comes from the Greek “opsis” - vision, spectacle, since black obsidian from Ethiopia served as material for the mirrors.

Obsidian, when split, forms fragments with sharp cutting edges and therefore in the Stone Age it was used to make arrowheads, knives, scrapers, sickles, etc. Currently used for making stands, caskets, inserts in rings, earrings, and cufflinks.

Due to the fact that obsidian occurs in nature in the form of large massifs and layers, it was never considered a rarity and no magical or healing properties were attributed to it. True, the Egyptians made amulets from it, and among the Aztecs one of the gods, sometimes called the “Cause of Discord,” had a mirror made of obsidian in which he saw everything - the past, present and future.

Obsidian mirrors are used to predict the future, look into the past, to establish contact with spirits, and for any other magical work related to the penetration of consciousness into another space or time. The first mentions of obsidian mirrors date back to the ancient Sumerians. Among the Aztecs, one of the gods, sometimes called the “Cause of Discord,” had an obsidian mirror in which he saw everything - past, present and future. Black obsidian balls are a traditional divination tool in many traditions. In the 16th-17th centuries, obsidian balls and mirrors were widely used by European soothsayers as a “magic crystal” that caused prophetic visions. For example, it is known that one of the most famous predictors, the court astrologer Queen of England Elizabeth 1, Dr. John Dee, had an obsidian mirror. It is believed that portals can be opened in the walls of polished black obsidian Parallel Worlds. Since ancient times, black obsidian has been used for other magical and ritual purposes. Suffice it to recall the sacrificial obsidian knives of the Mayan priests, Egyptian and African obsidian amulets. In some cultures, black obsidian was considered a stone formed in the hell of the Underworld (which makes sense, since obsidian is a stone of volcanic origin), and was called "fragments of Satan's claws."

For reference (about the stone):
Black obsidian is a strong and complex stone, and not everyone can use it successfully. It has a unique dense and “deep” energy, which is dominated by the energy of the Earth element. Obsidian is associated with muladhara (sacral chakra), which is responsible for the health of the physical body, which is actively used by healers and lithotherapists to normalize blood pressure, stomach function, and increase overall immunity. Of the planets associated with obsidian, the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Black obsidian is considered an amulet stone for practicing magicians, as well as scientists and researchers. It helps to maintain concentration of consciousness, maintain sobriety and sharpness of thought, and correctly assess the consequences of one’s actions. Black obsidian is also considered a talisman against the influence of evil spirits and dangerous illusions. It helps you survive without negative consequences any external and internal changes, stabilizes and structures consciousness and energy. As an amulet, black obsidian is especially recommended for people born under the sign of Scorpio; it is also suitable for those born under the signs of Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Gemini. Cancers and Virgos should be careful when using obsidian.


The finished mirror can be cleaned before use. For example, sage oil. You can also “fill and customize” it. Mirrors are associated with the moon. So think about it. It is better to store it covered with a cloth during breaks between work.
Avoid direct contact of the Mirror with other artifacts. To clean the surface, use a slightly damp cloth and then wipe the surface dry. Keep clean.
And it is better not to use it for other needs.

Store the Mirror, be sure to cover the mirror surface with natural fabric plant origin(linen, cotton, cannabis fiber), optimally (but not necessarily) red. If possible, it is advisable to wrap the Mirror completely in fabric and keep it in a closed space (in a closet, for example). Do not leave open outside of practice.

Do not try to personify the Mirror by applying your blood, etc., in order to avoid creating an uncontrolled binding. Begin the practice carefully until you find out the individually acceptable dosage of time working with the Mirror.
If side effects, for example: general weakness, lethargy and irritability, symptoms of a viral infection, signs of a sharp drop in immunity, loss of interest in social life, “collapse” of social connections and contacts (especially the level of svadhisthana - manipura) - immediately stop using the artifact, as well as any other practices , for at least a week and carry out therapy with the energies of Life and Fire.

To avoid side effects, do not show extreme enthusiasm when working with the Mirror, listen carefully to the condition and exercise reasonable caution.

These artifacts were prepared by real magicians, specialists in their field. I will add from myself that people interested in esotericism have probably heard a lot about magic with mirrors and about the most terrible magic of the black mirror. It is no secret to anyone in the know that the gypsies call it, the powerful and destructive “Curse of the Black Mirror”. This is when in the family of a person who was treated precisely through such a mirror, relatives begin to die in the most terrible agony, and it is then that the doctors find themselves powerless. People die from unknown diseases within a very short time, during their lifetime they turn into a dried up mummy, and sometimes they find themselves brutally killed. Everything that happens to a damned person depends entirely on the wishes of the sorcerer. Such damage cannot be removed, since everything happens so quickly. And the dying person can only trust in the Gods. Although, not a single person processed through a black mirror could avoid death if the damage was done to death. And I can’t avoid everything else either. I won’t describe the events, fortunately for some it will seem like a scary bedtime story. Everyone believes in what they believe in. And I hope in the near future to become the owner of these two mirror artifacts.


Your first task is to create an atmosphere for yourself that will allow you to tune in - diffused light (candles), incense, controlled breathing (exhale and inhale for 4 counts, holding your breath on exhalation and inhalation for 4 counts, or as you feel comfortable) everything, which will allow you to discard unnecessary thoughts and enter the ASC.
The light source (candle) should be behind you or on the sides of the mirror. The light should be diffused, there should be no extraneous light or sound. It's better to do this at night. For those wishing to take into account the phases of the moon, the full moon is usually recommended.
If you do not have a specific question, then try to keep a “clear head”, as when meditating.
If there is one, ask it - out loud or silently. Set a task.

Place a dark mirror (ball) on the table in front of you. Look into it, “inside” the mirror.
At first you will most likely see something like fog. Gradually you will see images. At first more fuzzy, then more complex.

There is no need to end abruptly. Let the images gradually disappear into the fog that gave birth to them.
To begin with, it is better not to engage in this practice for too long (more than 20 minutes, for example), otherwise you will end up in the ISS, and who will get you back? Exactly.
If seeing images is difficult for you, there is, for example, a preparatory exercise when you look in the mirror and imagine certain shapes in it. About 15 minutes. Initially, simple colors and shapes, then you can become more complex. Let's say a green ball, a blue spiral and a red cube.

Question - if I can already enter the ASC, why do I need a mirror?
The answer is, then, why does a person who can walk need a bicycle? Tools make the job easier.
Question - Where can I find concave glass?
Answer - You can use glass from old Soviet alarm clocks.

Black mirror for causing nightmares

The black mirror is a unique attribute of the caster. The history of black mirrors dates back to the distant past, and the methods of their use and production vary from the most primitive to the most complex.

Among its most important functions, the mirror serves as a gateway between worlds; Even the ancient Etruscans placed small mirrors in graves for the passage of the soul to another world. It is because of this property of mirrors that there is a custom of hanging mirrors in the house of the recently deceased, as well as various negative signs and warnings - do not peer into deep standing water (reflecting like a mirror), do not leave fingerprints on the mirror (fearing a spell on the soul), etc. .d..

Sorcerers and magicians of many traditions use mirrors specifically to enter other worlds or realities, as well as to call upon the Entities of other worlds of existence.

It is also worth mentioning the use of mirrors for providence or mantika. In this case, the mirror can be a bowl of charged black water, or simply the sorcerer’s palm, into which witchcraft ink or a substance with similar properties is poured.

The main property of a simple mirror - to reflect, is the basis of protective mirror magic, designed to send back the negative, protecting both the sorcerer and his home and sacred objects.

The black mirror is a primordial dark element of the witchcraft set, directly connected with the world of death; it is not without reason that the grimoires advised consecrating black mirrors by burying them in fresh graves and fumigating them with the smoke of grave herbs. Indeed, contact with dead worlds can be quite successfully achieved through working with a black mirror, however, it is also possible to make it a more universal tool, a gate of entry and exit to any other worlds close to the plans of the sorcerer.

Here we give the most general recommendations for making a black mirror, but by changing the composition of the mixtures for coloring and fumigation, adding your own elements to the work, you will customize this witchcraft tool according to your goals and base it on the desired effectiveness of your plans.

To make a black mirror you will need glass, preferably concave. For calls, the most suitable glass size is the length or half the height of the caster. For mantic practices, it is better to choose small oval or round glasses.

Prepare black paint to paint the surface of the mirror - whether it will be matte or glossy depends solely on your preferences.

You will also need a canopy for the mirror that completely covers its reflective surface, a frame for the mirror (giving you the opportunity to draw or burn various signs to focus and adjust the mirror), a collection of herbs, a sacrificial animal or your blood to bind the mirror to a specific world, the Entity or directly to to the conjurer.

Herbs for the challenge mirror.

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)

Hellebore root (Helleborus nigra)

Mint (Mentha)

White footstep (Brionia alba)

Wormwood (Artemisiavulgaris)

Cumin (Carumcarvi)

Burn alder trees (Alnusglutinosa) on coals.

Herbs for the mantic mirror


Heliotrope (Heliotropium)

Gorse (Genista)

Dream grass (Pulsatillapatens)

Sweet tobacco (Nicotiana suaveolens)

Use dried and ground ingredients.

Burning laurel (Laurusnobilis) on coals

Start working on the waning moon. Prepare the altar room and be sure to honor the Entities under whose sign your work with the mirror will take place. Burn the herbs, adding a pinch at a time until you consider the ashes ready for further work. Make a sacrifice to the Entities. Mix paint, ashes and blood. Start applying the composition to the glass, carefully applying layer by layer. Concentrate on the purpose of the mirror, visualize the result.

Finish when your concentration wanes. Leave in the altar room with the reflective surface facing the floor or wall.

Continue working in the following days. Once completed, prepare the mirror frame and cut out the signs and sigils.

When the new moon arrives, charge the mirror with the energy of the element or Essence under whose sign you will use it. Crossroads, places of death, cursed places, places of power of certain properties, swamps, ashes, etc. are suitable for a summoning mirror. For mantic mirrors, we can recommend certain places of power with active astral emission, tops of hills and mountains, lakes bound by ice, etc.

Allow at least 3 days to charge.

Having completed the charging stage, place the mirror in the altar room (small - place it on the altar) to tune in with your energies. Perform several rituals to wash away excess energy and drink the right amount. Use moon water, crystals and (or) small shungite pyramids; the color of the candles is green.

When finished, install the mirror in the selected, stationary location. Cover with the prepared canopy. If you prefer to use the mirror constantly activated, you should not cover it, but it is preferable, in this case, to install it behind or to the left hand of the altar and provide for the exit paths of the Entities passing through your mirror. Options for a solution could be calling on local Guardians or outlining the paths outward with exit spirals.

Remember that only its immediate owner and master, and the members of the coven allowed by him to the mirror, should look into the mirror and work with it magically. By creating a mirror, you create a strong connection with it, entering into an unspoken agreement with a specific Gatekeeper. It is not worth violating this agreement through negligence or inability, due to the obvious negative consequences.

Contrary to popular belief, fortune tellers love to use more than just crystal balls. Many honored magicians of the past held mirrors made of obsidian or rauch-topaz in high esteem: black as pitch, truthful as death.

The history of black mirrors (and their manufacture) for fortune telling goes back centuries.
The first mentions of obsidian mirrors date back to the ancient Sumerians. Among the Aztecs, one of the gods, sometimes called the “Cause of Discord,” had an obsidian mirror in which he saw everything - past, present and future.
In Babylon, due to the lack of “Satan’s claws,” a mixture of soot and oil was used: it was applied to the nail or the palm of the hand, or to the inner surface of the bowl, the main thing was that the result was a concave or convex mirror.
Nostradamus used a bowl of water tinted with ink, moving a wooden stick along the edge of the bowl and observing the movement of the water.
In the east, the mandeb technique is popular among clairvoyants. True, this is not exactly a mirror, but simply dark ink, which is poured into a handful of the left hand, and into which the soothsayer peers until he sees the figure of a man with a broom. It is believed that after this you can move on to divination.
In the 16th-17th centuries, obsidian balls and mirrors were widely used by European soothsayers as a “magic crystal” that caused prophetic visions. For example, it is known that one of the most famous predictors, the court astrologer of Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, Dr. John Dee, had an obsidian mirror (now it is kept in the British Museum).

Nowadays black mirrors are no less popular, but not many people can afford an obsidian tool, so many practitioners create them on their own.
The simplest method, which, however, causes an attack of suffocating skepticism among the administration of the Monastery, is a photo frame with glass.
The inside of the glass is coated with an even layer of paint from a can - it can be completely matte, it can be moderately shiny - they let it dry, put candles and cast magic. Whether it was successful or not, we did not check.

Serious practitioners prefer to make their own paint by mixing herbs into it. The method, proven over the years, is called the Swedenborg-Kaganje mirror: it is made using simple components that are found in every home:

Two wooden dies that will serve as a stand
- graphite powder (goodbye pencils)
- olive oil
- glass for mirror

The powder is mixed with oil until the dough becomes thick and put on low heat until the mixture begins to boil.
At this time, you can add herbs for divination, but not everyone recommends doing this:
firstly, if you want to use plants in the practice of divination, then it is better to throw them in the incense burner
secondly, if you decide to mix them into paint, then they must be crushed into the finest dust, otherwise the surface of the mirror will not be smooth
The glass must be heated, only carefully so that it does not burst, then placed on two wooden pads and only then carefully pour a mixture of graphite and oil onto it. During the process, it is important to try to ensure that the paint is distributed evenly across the mirror, but you cannot use a brush for this - streaks will remain. The mixture turns out to be quite thick and not too runny, so you just need to carefully tilt the mirror in the desired direction.
The future mirror must be left to dry in a horizontal position for several days until the paint finally “sets.”
Some advise using curved glass, similar to old Soviet alarm clocks.

The technique of fortune-telling using a black mirror is not much different from, for example, Yuletide bath procedures with untied belts and unbraided braids, but still most practitioners (people suffering from healthy paranoia) recommend that you strictly follow safety precautions:
- Do not bind the black mirror to yourself with your blood.
- It is better to clean the finished mirror before use; any method convenient for you will do: sage oil, fumigation with wormwood or juniper. To choose from.
- Keep separately from other working tools.
- Keep clean: wipe with a damp cloth, then dry.
- After work, wrap the whole thing in cloth and store it that way. It should be natural: linen, cotton, etc., and, preferably, dense. Most practitioners like the fabric to be red, but this is not necessary.
- Immediately after work, put the mirror away from prying eyes, preferably in a locked cabinet or box where no one will climb.
Maybe this is a paranoid approach, but no one has died from paranoia, but they say quite well from curses on a black mirror like, for example, gypsies.
- Do not use the black mirror too often and not for too long. More than 10-15 minutes is already dangerous. You can get lost. Considering that black mirrors, as some claim, are the door to your and not only the subconscious, wandering there for a very long time is dangerous for mental health.

For divination itself, you do not need special rituals; all work is based on peace of mind, the ability to concentrate and keep the mind “clean” (which is helped by meditative morning practices). It is most convenient to work in a dark room, placing a couple of candles behind you or on the sides of the mirror for diffused, muted light. Controlled breathing (inhaling and exhaling for five beats) can help you concentrate. After that, look in the mirror and wait for an answer.

Having received it, smoothly “exit” from work, take a breath, wipe the mirror, wrap it in cloth and put it away. Until next time.

- old notebook notes

Jokes are dangerous. No matter the hour, you will find yourself in a mysterious world behind glass, and there you will stay. It is not for nothing that so many frightening signs are associated with mirrors. Many peoples consider it necessary to remove, close or turn mirrors towards the wall when someone is born or dies in the house. And they do it right: if you don’t know how to handle the door to another world, it’s better not to open it. On the other hand, it was mirrors that often helped find a way out where conventional methods did not work. Let us remember Perseus, who managed to defeat the evil Gorgon only after turning to the help of a mirror shield. This mythical story knowledgeable people literary scholars interpret more deeply: all the power of Medusa was concentrated in the physical, material world, and the mirror gave the hero access to the astral plane, where the Gorgon was defenseless.

Children, magicians and poets have their own attitude towards mirrors. They are not so firmly connected to this world, and can sometimes afford to travel. The more flexibility a person has in perceiving reality, the easier it is for him to open this channel of access to the astral space. Poets even manage to fall in love with lovers through the looking glass, and magicians, being practical people, immediately adapted mirrors for their mantic needs. And they were right - the mirror is one of the most direct and accurate oracles.


Any mirror gives access to the astral plane. True, ordinary reflective glass, coated with amalgam on the back side, is more difficult to use. The “phoning” reflections of this world interfere. Therefore, for divination and fortune telling they are used
They were once made from black stone, polishing the surface for months until vague reflections appeared. With the invention of glass, everything became simpler - instead of shiny metal, the future mirror was coated with dark mineral paint. Quite often, when creating magic mirrors, craftsmen mix crushed herbs, roots and stones with this paint.

With varying degrees of success, such mirrors were used for damage, establishing connections with demons, they tried to receive spells through them, and even looked for a path to immortality. But most often modern magicians use this tool in mantic practice.

Looking into the depths of a black mirror, it is impossible to see ordinary reflections. Its purpose is different. In the art of providence and divination, such mirrors are valued for their extreme ease of use and the most accurate image obtained in response to a request.

Crafty scientists have long been looking for an answer to the question – what exactly does a practitioner read in a black mirror. Psychologists and physiologists tried to prove that everything that is read from the black surface of the mirror is a game of the subconscious of the one who is telling fortunes. True, after a series of experiments it turned out that the subconscious had nowhere to get approximately 40% of this information. Of course, it would be nice for scientific materialists to reduce everything to the narrow boundaries of the material world, but stubborn facts do not yet allow them to do this. The mystics have found their answer; they are sure that the mirror gives access to vision and reflects any information that is available in the world. The main thing is that the contemplator has at least some magical power and the ability to concentrate attention.


Working with a black mirror is easier than with many symbolic oracles. There is no need to know the meanings of the cards, their digital and astrological characteristics, as in the Tarot. There is no need to look for matches and decipher symbols: the black mirror provides direct information.

Some magicians practice complex fortune-telling rituals, but they are not required to work with a mirror. All you need to get results is a secluded dark room and peace of mind. Look in the mirror and you will get the answer. It is important to keep the question in the field of attention and not be distracted if confused thoughts and images are initially reflected in the mirror. With proper concentration, the answer will appear on the black surface.

For beginning practitioners, the visions are either too blurry or too abstract, and sometimes it happens that answers to simple questions in the mirror appear in the form of complex multi-layered compositions. This reaction of the oracle is only a response to requests for untrained attention. When a magician masters the art of concentration, this door opens for him. And the answers begin to come almost immediately in an extremely understandable form.

However, even with the first acquaintance with a black mirror, a mantic can count on a successful result. You'll just have to spend a little more time.

The capabilities of a black mirror can be compared to the properties. Both of these tools allow you to read information from the astral plane of existence, provide access to information from any time or spatial layer, and the amount of information depends only on the magical power of the practitioner. There are masters who are able not only to see images, but also to hear the voices of those reflected in the black mirror.

Black mirrors are used for various mantic tasks: - to find a thing or person, to see in what circumstances he is now; - clarify information received from another oracle; - work out exits to the astral plane, open channels and directions; - establish contacts with astral teachers and other beings who can provide useful information.


Some believe that such a mirror will only work if it is placed in a precious frame with inlays. Fortunately, this is not the case - both huge expensive mirrors with stones in the frame and tiny black mirrors without any decorations function perfectly.

Your magic glass should be smooth, even and inviting. The rest depends on your magical power.

A mirror is an object that has been considered magical since ancient times. The girls looked out for their loved ones, and the sorcerers predicted the future. The magic of mirrors lies in absorbing, remembering, and transforming information. The tool is used for prediction, fortune telling, and removing spells.

The history of people, regardless of the time or place of their residence, is associated with the idea of ​​reflective surfaces as a door to other worlds. Such witchcraft was used by magicians and sorcerers. In ancient times, a magical attribute was used by priests, witches, and unconventional healers.

At the beginning of the twentieth century in France, there was a mirror in a guarded warehouse in the status of a person convicted of murder. A special feature of the accessory was a shiny frame that prevented the attribute from breaking. They were sentenced because all of its owners died with a diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage. Scientists explained the fact by saying that the old frame gave off a deadly odor. And parapsychologists believed that the spirit of a deceased person lives in a magical attribute.

Features of the magical properties of the item

It has the property of memory - it is able to remember what was reflected in it at the energy level; you should not hang other people’s mirrors at home. Magic items react sharply if something bad happens to their owner: they crack or fall from the wall.

Heavy energy storage

A magical attribute absorbs information and energy like a sponge. A strong charge is needed, which is produced by a person as a result of stress or serious shock.

It is advisable to throw away old things that have absorbed a lot of negative energy. Reflective surfaces are dangerous for children who do not have a strong enough energy field. Children under one year old are not brought to the mirror.

Do not use cracked, broken or damaged ones. It is better to throw away the fragments. To get rid of an object completely filled with negative energy, you need to throw it away with running water.

People with weakened energy (patients with incurable diseases, women after childbirth and during menstruation) should not see the reflection.

To prevent negative energy from accumulating, you need to look in a good mood.

Mirror corridor in magic

To create a mirror corridor, two reflective surfaces are placed at an angle, parallel to each other. You can create space for the first time under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you may not be able to cope with the flow of magical energy. To see the future, you need to create a corridor, light a candle, and look at the reflected flame. The effect is intended to communicate with the other world, as a means to remove a curse.

If you look into an energy corridor for too long, you create the illusion of infinite space. This is harmful to the psyche and leads to disruption of the psycho-emotional state.

Items that were used to create the corridor cannot be used for household needs.

Periodically, magical attributes need to be cleansed: directed towards the rays of the sun. When creating the interior of a room, do not allow the formation of such a corridor.

Refuge for the restless spirit

At the time of death, the soul leaves the body. She is looking for shelter, trying to find an entrance to the stream to settle into another body. If this fails, she takes up residence in the mirror.

The look of a person who died as a result of murder, a painful death after illness, carries a powerful charge of negative energy. The magical item remembers and interprets terrible events.

For this reason, in houses where a person has died, mirrors are hung up or taken out of the room.

Methods for choosing a magic mirror

The standard one creates interference; professional magicians often prefer black mirrors. To make a magical attribute, black paint is applied over the glass. To enhance the effect, herbs are added to the mixture.

It is better for a beginner to buy a new one. If a pentagram is drawn on the reverse side, the attribute will be saved from interference.

Ancient mirrors, the reflective surface of which was made of silver, are characterized by greater storage capacity. Metal is a strong conductor.

Rituals and rituals using

The attribute can be used for fortune telling, communication with the other world, and other mystical actions. Follow the rules of the magic item so as not to be subjected to an energy strike.

In experienced hands, a mirror and magic are a way to get into the astral world. In the hands of a beginner, the attribute can be harmful.

Ritual of cleansing

The ritual is carried out regardless of religion and creed. You need to put a lit church candle. If the flame begins to twitch or goes out, this means that the magical object has accumulated a lot of negative energy; a cleansing ritual needs to be performed. You can’t spend a lot of time near reflective surfaces - positive energy goes away.

Cleaning methods:

  • Take spring or well water into a bowl, add 1-2 tablespoons of coarse table salt (it represents the earth). Take the dishes in your hands, approach the magical accessory, mentally turn to the elements, say:

“I cleanse this mirror with earth and water. Let all the negativity go away."

Then wet your palm and drop it onto the magical object.

  • Use incense. Buy any incense, light it and rotate it around the mirror clockwise. During the procedure, read the spell indicated in the previous method. The result will be, if you imagine the purification process, the natural elements will help you achieve your goal.

Mirror magic for protection

Mirror protection protects the house better than weapons. To protect housing, reflective surfaces should be located in the bathroom (where there is water, negative energy is neutralized), hallway or corridor (to neutralize negative energy that comes from the street). You cannot hang these items in the kitchen; the confrontation between water and fire will lead to quarrels. During sleep, a person should not reflect.

To install energy protection on a house, you need to purchase new ones in a quantity that matches the number of windows and doors in the home. The number must be even. The ritual is performed on a full moon; magical objects are glued with the reflective part facing out. At midnight you need to read the Lord's Prayer. If one of the attributes stops working, it means someone is trying to cause damage.

With the help of magic you can remove damage.

To do this, you need two human-sized mirrors. The “victim” stands between two reflective surfaces and reads the words:

“Glory to the Holy Trinity. May God be with me. I entrust my soul and body to the angels.”

The ceremony takes a long time. You can understand that the protection is working by establishing calm and inner harmony.

Summoning the Spirit

Magicians practice summoning spirits to answer questions. The procedure is performed at night. For the ritual you will need a candle and a container of water. Position yourself in front of the mirror and place a container of liquid opposite. The fire should be reflected in the water. You need to look at the object and say it 3 times.

“Out of darkness, out of darkness, I call the spirit (name).”

Raising money

A money mirror, like a magnet, attracts wealth and protects you from envious people. To create a magical item, you must first carry out purification. When choosing an item, consider the size; you should always have the product with you.

During the full moon, you need to place a magic object so that the moonlight is reflected in it. Read the plot:

“Moon, give strength to this magic glass.”

At night, the magical accessory will recharge; you do not need to touch it. You can use it in the morning.

Can mirrors be dangerous?

The dangerous ones are those who have witnessed murders. They are capable of influencing a person’s energy field, and there is a high risk that a person will commit suicide. It is better not to take other people's things, it is unknown what information they carry.

Magic helps those who need it. In order to prevent negative consequences, one should not perform rituals out of curiosity; a mirror is not a harmless household item. To those who do not treat the means of magic with respect and faith, the sacraments will not help.