Dream Interpretation is kicked out of a rented apartment. Why do you dream of someone else’s apartment? Move to another apartment

20.10.2021 Diseases

In an article on the topic: "dream book for renting a house" - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

at the Women's Club!

In real life, day after day we perform a million ordinary actions mechanically, mechanically, we enter and leave from one place to another, we move in space and live our usual lives.

Is there any point in attaching meaning to every mundane action? But in dreams everything is different. Here, even the most familiar place, for example, an apartment or a house, can mean something very important.

Any events in dreams have important values and secret meanings, but not only events - but also places. It is very important to understand what an apartment means in a dream - after all, it symbolizes a person’s place in the world, life, living space and many other significant things.

What exactly happens in the apartment in a dream is a second matter. First of all, you should pay close attention to how the room looked in the dream, what it was like. “Apartment” dreams are like this:

  • In your dream you see a beautifully decorated, cozy apartment or house.
  • You dream of a strange, unfamiliar apartment.
  • I dreamed of a large, bright, spacious apartment.
  • Gloomy, unpleasant.
  • Apartment after renovation.
  • Empty or unfurnished house.
  • I dream of my own apartment, but different, strange, unusual.
  • In a dream you are renting out an apartment or house.
  • You are in your former apartment, where you once lived.
  • You cannot leave the apartment in a dream.
  • You rent an apartment or house.
  • Pay your rent.
  • You get money for the apartment.
  • You furnish the interior in a dream with furniture and accessories.
  • You are making repairs.

Each such action (and inaction as well) has its own meaning, which will be useful to understand and take into account in reality. Let’s ask the dream interpreter what the apartment is for in your dreams, and perhaps we’ll find out something unexpected and important for ourselves.

Just see

There are some “contemplative” dreams, in which the dreamer observes from the outside, without doing anything. An interpreter will help you understand why you dream about an old apartment, a new one, someone else’s or your own, just remember and take into account the details of what you saw in your dreams.

1. A dream in which a beautifully decorated, cozy apartment was seen promises the dreamer wealth. New sources of big income, pleasant cash surprises, and promotions await you.

2. As the dream book says, an unfamiliar apartment seen in a dream means life changes. Moreover, they may be very serious. Don’t be afraid of new things, because change is interesting and great!

3. A spacious, bright apartment or room, with plenty of air and sun, is an omen of great luck. In business or love, Fortune will smile broadly on you - take advantage of the chance and don’t miss it!

4. Such a dream in which you dreamed very big flat, speaks of good things. There are many brilliant opportunities available to you now. So it’s your duty to make the most of this and bring your wildest plans to life.

5. A gloomy, scary or dirty, neglected apartment portends trouble. But you can avoid them if you are prudent, careful and not afraid to overcome difficulties along the way. Only the fear of trouble can make you vulnerable to it.

6. It’s curious why you dream about a new apartment after renovation, with fresh wallpaper and paint, and clean. This foretells the dreamer new beginnings, an interesting new activity or project.

Moreover, the interpreter convinces you that you have every opportunity to turn this endeavor into a successful and profitable project and achieve great success. Just don’t create illusions that everything will be absolutely smooth and unhindered.

7. An empty apartment in a dream, without furniture, is a hint of your fear of being alone. Oddly enough, this fear prevents you from finding someone worthy, but if you are not too worried and afraid, you will never know what loneliness is.

Be open and positive and you will never be alone. But don’t try to communicate with everyone, just to avoid being alone - choose worthy people to communicate with, who are interesting and pleasant to you.

8. As the dream book says, the apartment in a dream is your own, but somehow different, unusual, not the same as in reality - for example, with different furniture or a different layout, this is a wonderful dream. He promises that you will be able to change your life and your situation for the better, your hopes will come true, you will cope with your problems.

What's happening?

I wonder why I dream about an apartment in which the dreamer was directly present - and even actively did something. Such dreams are even more significant, and everything is important in them - the type of room, the actions of the dreamer, the scenery and details of the dreams. Keep this in mind when interpreting the dream.

1. If in a dream you rented out an apartment, new love and romantic adventures await you on the doorstep. And whether they will develop into a strong feeling, a harmonious couple - this largely depends on you.

2. It’s curious why you dream of an old apartment, the one in which you yourself used to live, recently or in childhood - this is a hint of your attachment to the past. Let him go, the dream book advises - attachment to a past life prevents you from starting new life, achieve something, change yourself and achieve success.

3. If the dreamer cannot leave the apartment in his dreams, this means that in reality he has clearly been sitting in one place for too long, literally staying too long. But life goes by, and other people, strangers, catch their luck!

If all this is so, then think about whether it’s time to start actively moving forward, doing something, changing, creating. Get busy!

4. Renting an apartment in a dream is a sign that some new activity awaits you, interesting and maybe even profitable. If you already have ideas, get started, now is the most favorable period for something new!

5. If you dream of paying rent or paying for utilities, you are in danger of conflict and quarrel with your close friend. The dream book points to this and advises you to do something to avoid a quarrel - after all, friendship can be lost, and it is worth a lot. Be wise.

6. If you received rent in a dream, this is a return to the past. Literally a meeting with a person from your distant, past life, or a trip to places of childhood, an activity that has already been forgotten, and so on.

At the same time, try not to plunge headlong into the past; do not forget the main thing that you have a valuable present and a great future. What happened is already in the past, and that’s where it belongs.

7. Furnishing a room in a dream, arranging furniture, interior items, hanging curtains, and so on - this means that in reality you will have to master some new business, learn something, acquire new skills. This is wonderful! All this will make you more successful and give you a chance to realize new talents.

8. Making repairs in a dream is a sign that you will do something new and original in place of the old one. Often this concerns work - for example, you create new rules and operating principles for an old company. But this can also apply to other areas, including love and family.

“Apartment” dreams are interesting, and often foreshadow something very desirable. If this happened in your case, rejoice, believe in the best, and only then will all the best come true, and happiness will be on your doorstep. Without a doubt!

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation Apartment, why do you dream about seeing an Apartment in a dream

    From this article you can find out why you dream about an Apartment from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

    Why do you dream about Apartment: interpretation of sleep

    Why do you dream about an Apartment in a dream?

    Another apartment - to see yourself in a good, beautifully furnished apartment - to good news, profit, prosperity.

    Another apartment in which you feel uncomfortable, out of place - soon you will change your occupation.

    Moving to another apartment is a big change in good side.

    Why dream of moving to another apartment - you are so ready for new changes that you can decisively break with everything that connects you with the past.

    Someone else's apartment that is well furnished - you will communicate with interesting people, these conversations will be useful for you.

    someone else’s apartment, in which you are uncomfortable, it is dark - you want to change your place of work, without knowing it.

    Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

    Why do you dream about an Apartment in dreams?

    Filming is a new activity; pay rent - separation from a friend; receiving rent is a return to the forgotten.

    If you dream about an Apartment, what does it symbolize:

    • Apartment - This is a physical body; subtle bodies are located in the physical body.
    • A house, an apartment - always indicate that what is happening in your subtle body (in energy, aura.).
    • Always remember what floor, the floor is the level, the apartment is your energy body. (any hints about the floor. It can also just be a feeling or knowledge that you are on a certain floor.) Floor - which subtle body is involved. Levels in dreams are represented as floors. 1st is the mind, 2 is the mind, 3 is the soul, 4 is the spirit.
    • Running around rooms means moving your consciousness throughout the physical body (for example, along energy channels - nadis).
    • Letting something into your apartment means letting something foreign into your energy field. Or something is trying to do this in ordinary life. This is bad if you don’t like it, if creatures in dark clothes make you dislike in your dreams. Don't let in.
    • A three-story house is the third level – i.e. The world of people, this is the interpretation of Apartment according to the dream book.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

    Apartment - Too luxurious - poverty; repair - moving; to receive - marriage, marriage. Renting or renting is a love affair. Moving to a new one means a change of plans, a new period of life; death. See Add. Room in the river Spaces.

    What does an apartment mean in a dream, interpretation:

    Apartment – ​​Living space. New new horizons in life. Re-learn new possibilities for applying your strength. Repair the old one and find new forms for activities on the old territory, which will be associated with the re-registration of documents. The larger the apartment, the more spacious the wider the living space, the more cramped and cluttered the narrower it is.

    Change apartment - Cheating in love

    You dream of an apartment for a quick trip, moving, or purchasing a new home.

    I dream about an apartment - how to understand the image:

    Moving to a new apartment dreams of traveling, long journey, business trip for work or study, trip for an internship. Making repairs in a new apartment in a dream means paving the way to a bright future with your own hands.

    What does it mean if you dream about an Apartment:

    • Apartment - dreams of family happiness, fulfillment of desires, a bright, carefree future.
    • A spacious, large apartment is evidence that your many years of efforts will finally be rewarded.
    • If you dreamed that you were making renovations in a new apartment, your capital will soon increase noticeably.
    • Seeing someone else's new apartment in a dream means changes in life, and the changes will be dramatic.

    Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

    Why do you dream about Apartment, dream analysis:

    Apartment? Often in a dream, an apartment is a symbol of the person himself, his state of mind. In a dream, being in a small, cramped apartment is a sign of a meager nature, greed and stinginess. A spacious, comfortably furnished apartment is a symbol that your sexual relationship with your partner is ideal. An empty apartment means you are ready for a new relationship, everything old is far behind you.

    Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

    Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

    • If you dream about an Apartment in a dream from Sunday to Monday
    • Why do you dream about an Apartment from Monday to Tuesday according to the dream book?
    • If you dream about an Apartment from Tuesday to Wednesday
    • If you dream about an Apartment according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
    • Why do you dream about an Apartment from Thursday to Friday?
    • If you dream about an Apartment in a dream from Friday to Saturday
    • Why do you dream about an Apartment in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

    Sun January 07, 2018, 23:47:40

    Thu November 16, 2017, 13:29:44

    Mon November 13, 2017, 01:49:08

    Fri September 29, 2017, 23:54:05

    Tue September 12, 2017, 16:34:36

    Apartment in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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    Apartment dream book

    Read also:

    In many dream books, the soul and body of a person are associated with an apartment - then it will become clear what he breathes and what he strives for in real life. The article suggests the meaning and online interpretation dreams about an apartment, including why one dreams of a former (new, old) apartment, in a new house, a balcony, receiving a gift from an ex-husband (boyfriend, man), friend, acquaintance, grandfather (grandfather), burning (burning) , dirty and others.

    Dream Interpretation: large apartment, many rooms, unrenovated, furnished, burned down, moving, foreign, empty

    A large apartment with many rooms (expensive two-room, two-story, multi-room, one-room) is a dream indicating your desire for self-realization or that others are trying to mislead you.

    You dream of an apartment without renovation (buy, bought, beautiful, abandoned, flooded, flood, flooded) when you need to reassess your values ​​and put your hands and head to achieve the desired standard of living.

    A furnished apartment means you live with everything ready and don’t think about tomorrow.

    If you dream that your apartment burned down and the keys and the door are left behind, it means that in real life you will face a difficult period of life, when almost everything will have to start from scratch.

    Moving to another apartment may mean that you will change your attitude towards the people around you and current events.

    A dream in which you settled in someone else's apartment indicates that you feel “out of place.” A similar interpretation applies in a situation where you have to look for it, change it, an unfamiliar open apartment, dark, cramped, haunted, large windows, cozy, rent in a new building.

    An empty apartment is a dream symbolizing spiritual emptiness. At this time, you are at a crossroads and don’t know what to do next.

    Dream interpretation grandmother's apartment (deceased, living), no windows, no furniture, no doors, no wall (no walls), with high ceilings, flooded with water, communal apartment

    You dream about the apartment in which your grandmother used to live or lives (where they used to live) if you internally felt like an old man wise in life. In any case, the dream predicts changes in real life.

    An apartment without windows and doors (without a door) seen in a dream means that you are isolated in your own little world and do not want to let anyone in. The dream serves as a warning that you need to take a more active life position.

    An apartment without a wall symbolizes that you are too open a person and put your life on display.

    An apartment with high ceilings indicates that you have not reached the limit of your capabilities and are ready to do much more than you are doing at the moment.

    A dream in which your apartment was flooded with water symbolizes that in real life you show emotionality and ardor, which you regret later. If guests and residents come, then in reality you have to wait for the guests. If mine goes for exchange, then you should think about making the next decision, because the wrong decisions may be made.

    Gorgeous but in poor condition Communal apartment indicates your sociability and the presence of many friends who will soon bother you with their problems in reality. If it is taken away, sealed, changed, a robbery has occurred (robbed, robbed, robbed, theft, robbed), then a dark streak in life awaits you.

    Dream interpretation of an apartment as an inheritance, a loved one, a lover, with people, after a fire

    A dream in which you inherit an apartment from a deceased person predicts minor troubles that will need to be resolved soon. This also includes the case when in a dream it will be full of rubbish (cluttered), collapsing (destruction), located on a high floor (last, 5th), on the first floor, there is no water in it, small and covered in dust.

    You dream about your loved one’s apartment if he is ready for a more serious relationship.

    Lover’s (childhood) apartment is a dream symbolizing that others will know about your adventures.

    Seeing an apartment with people in a dream is a sign that you are tired of constantly being in everyone’s sight and need to be alone for at least some time. If you have to clean the basement or there is a cleaned apartment in a dream, but there is another bed in it, it means that a whirlwind romance awaits you.

    An apartment after a fire is a dream symbolizing your desire to completely change your environment or move to live in another place.

    If you dreamed about the apartment of a deceased person, a friend, parents, deceased relatives, a parent’s apartment, your own

    The apartment of a deceased person or deceased relatives in a dream is a dream that usually foreshadows the illness of a loved one.

    You dream about a friend’s, parents’ or your own apartment when you haven’t seen your loved ones in real life for a long time and you need to discuss problems that have arisen with them.

    Apartment Vanga's dream book

    Vanga predicted that a dream about a new, spacious and bright apartment is a symbol of family well-being and happiness.

    Apartment Miller's dream book

    Miller believed that you dream about an apartment when you feel the need for change and are tired of accumulated problems.

    Apartment Tsvetkova's dream book

    Tsvetkov interpreted the dream about an apartment as a symbol of stability. Changes in life will occur if you dream of someone else’s apartment or a dream in which you will be renting (rented real estate) housing.

    Apartment dream book Juno

    In this dream book, getting an apartment means formalizing a marital relationship, renting out or renting someone else’s apartment means having love affairs on the side.

    Moving to a new apartment is a dream that means a change in plans.

    The renovation of an apartment (renovated) is dreamed of for the upcoming move to a new place in real life.

    Freud's dream book apartment

    In Freud's dream book, an apartment symbolizes the limitations of your living space and the desire to explore new territories where you can apply your strength.

    Islamic dream book apartment

    You are on the verge of change and are ready to go on a long journey if in a dream you saw yourself in your own apartment.

    The answer to the question: “Why do you dream about an apartment” depends on the nuances of what you see. Each detail has its own meaning.

    Dream Interpretation: seeing an apartment in a dream

    Miller's Dream Book suggests that if the dreamer has difficulty recognizing his own home, good news will come in reality. Renting an apartment means you need the help of others in solving problems.

    If you dream that your apartment has been robbed, you will have to fight for your beliefs. It will take grit and perseverance.

    A broken window in an apartment is bad. The project will fail. A flood in an apartment portends problems with property. The plot warns family dreamers that misunderstandings will arise. The purchase of an apartment is interpreted depending on appearance. Clean means good changes, dirty means trouble.

    According to Vanga's dream book when you dream of an apartment that is spacious and comfortable, this is a harbinger of family well-being. Repair portends financial profit.

    Dream book of the 21st century for businessmen, apartment robbery is interpreted positively. Transactions in the coming period will be successful.

    According to the family dream book a thief in an apartment means mistakes of the past. They need to be fixed urgently.

    Modern dream book interprets moving to another apartment as a good change. Unfortunately, I dream of a mess in the apartment. There might be some crying to do. Theft in an apartment warns that excessive softness of character is harmful. It can be taken advantage of by ill-wishers.


    A romantic date is coming up - this is why a woman dreams of an apartment if the living space is someone else’s. A counterpart can be either an old friend or a new lover.

    Guests in the apartment portend trouble.

    English source contains a different interpretation.

    A mess in an apartment symbolizes difficult work that will be generously rewarded.

    Freud's Dream Book interprets a flood in the apartment, when water pours from above, as upcoming sexual pleasures. Below - the passion cools down.

    According to the latest dream book an open door in an apartment is a good sign. Patients will feel better.

    Rearranging your apartment means a thirst for change.

    Pigeons in an apartment appear in a dream to symbolize joyful events.

    What kind of apartment did you dream about?

    When you dream of an apartment, it is important to understand who it belonged to and whether you have been in it in reality. Of course, we must also take into account how she looked.

    New An apartment in a dream, sparkling clean and cozy, means an increase in material well-being. Another pleasant meaning is the beginning of an exciting love story.

    Alien old an apartment with shabby walls and floors is a warning. Difficulties will suddenly arise in the implementation of projects.

    ex apartment means that the dreamer is overcome by longing for the old days. In reality, a meeting with childhood friends may take place. Additionally, the meaning of such a dream is interpreted depending on the type of room. Pure - to a calm period and peace. Littered or covered in cobwebs - to minor troubles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

    Emotional ties with relatives are very strong, that’s why you dream about an apartment, where I lived before, and now there are people dear to my heart. If you haven’t visited for a long time, it’s time to pay a pleasant visit that will make everyone happy.

    For a girl someone else's the apartment foreshadows a wedding, and for a family dreamer - unexpected falling in love. For a man, such a dream symbolizes discomfort from the inability to control all life circumstances.

    If unfamiliar the apartment was bright, and the feelings were positive; there were positive changes ahead that would put everything in its place. The anxious feeling left after visiting a gloomy monastery warns that the solution to difficult life problems lies ahead.

    Dreamed big an apartment in a dream symbolizes ambitious plans. This reflects the need for self-realization, and in reality there is every chance to demonstrate talents and abilities.

    Warns about obstacles and bureaucratic delays small apartment. However, a room that is too cramped represents both external and internal limitations. Lack of self-confidence can ruin even a very promising project.

    When you dream about an apartment without repair, this indicates the need to reconsider priorities and draw up detailed plan upon achieving the goal. Although you have to try, your wishes will come true.

    It is considered a sign of decreased vitality empty apartment. The dreamer is too busy at home and at work. This has led to mental emptiness, and at least a short rest is urgently needed.

    If you dream about an apartment Furnished, in life everything comes easy. Such favor of fortune can cause laziness, but you should not relax, because fate is unpredictable.

    The onset of a difficult period portends burnt out apartment. Plans will collapse due to external circumstances that could not be foreseen. Everything will literally have to start from scratch.

    Dreamed dirty apartment - to routine chores. Minor troubles are likely. They will be easy to fix, but will require valuable time.

    Removable an apartment in a dream is an indication that the sleeper is involved too much in the personal lives of other people, sometimes even when they are not asked to do so. Renting a two-room apartment for a single girl means that two admirers will appear at the same time, with whom she will flirt carefree.

    Beautiful the apartment is interpreted positively. Good news will come in reality, and entrepreneurs will be pleased with stable profits.

    Actions with an apartment in a dream

    Most often, you don’t just dream about an apartment, but a person doing something in it. Stories involving buying and selling, cleaning and repairs are quite common. After all, this is part of everyday life.

    In reality, buying an apartment is a responsible step. If such plans really exist, or a property transaction has recently taken place, the dream merely reflects experiences or is a memory.

    Choose apartment is a harbinger of changes that are inevitable. The dreamer himself feels joyful anticipation of new life prospects.

    Buying an apartment can mean a rational investment of finances. It’s good if businessmen dreamed of such a plot - this means easy profit.

    It’s definitely worth analyzing what happened buy apartment. Neat - for new acquaintances. A bright and spacious living space reflects the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation.

    Buy the apartment is gloomy and even frightening - a warning. Someone is limiting the path to success.

    The plot of the dream, in which it happened, warns about problems. inherit an apartment. Many small problems will require immediate elimination, distracting from the main goal.

    Donated living space is a good sign. Material well-being will improve, everything in the business sphere is moving forward without difficulties.

    A warning sign for families and lovers - change apartment in a dream. Inattention to your partner's interests can lead to cheating.

    Look at repair in the apartment - a great sleep. In reality, one of your acquaintances will provide selfless help in a difficult matter. Doing renovations in the apartment yourself is a plot that is also interpreted positively. Through hard work and effort, life will improve.

    Wallpapering in your apartment, be responsible for your family. Decorating the walls of someone else's property - in reality, a loved one will need help, and the dreamer will provide it.

    For families cleaning in the apartment - a good sign. Even if there were any differences, they will remain in the past. Cleaning the apartment is a symbolic personification of cleansing from negativity. After this, life will change for the better.

    Unexpected events will happen in the personal sphere if you dreamed take off apartment. Renting your own is the new romantic interest.

    Sell apartment - an indication that it is time to get rid of outdated relationships. Moving means it’s worth changing your views on current events.

    Why do you dream about a flood in an apartment?

    Flood in an apartment in a dream means very strong emotions in reality. The details will tell you what they will be like.

    Flooding of an apartment with water, which looks clean and transparent, portends that pleasant experiences await ahead. A hot, cloudy liquid that spoils furniture and belongings represents depression and illness. If a flood in the apartment happened to relatives of the sleeping people, trouble will happen to them.

    According to one interpretation, if an apartment is flooded in a dream, it is a hint of alcohol abuse. This plot suggests that this problem must be urgently dealt with.

    For a girl in love, icy water in the apartment considered a sign of cooling of feelings. This will cause a lot of grief and a lot of tears.

    Why do you dream about a fire in an apartment?

    In reality you will face troubles if you dreamed about the apartment is on fire. It will be impossible to prevent them, but it is advisable not to lose your presence of mind, then it will be easier to survive them.

    Relationships with loved ones will become very complicated, this is what the dream means apartment on fire, belonging to the dreamer. It's good if the flames didn't touch the walls. True friends will help resolve a conflict situation.

    Strong emotions mean smoke and fire in the apartment. If neither people nor property were harmed, the energy of the sleeper will lead to positive changes and improvement in financial situation. Smoke without fire - unfounded fears.

    I had a chance put out the fire in the apartment, and managed to defeat the flames - a good sign. External and internal problems will be overcome.

    Setting a fire means fatigue from some imposed obligations and exhausted acquaintances.

    When you dream of an apartment, such a dream deserves attention. Deciphering the meaning will help avoid problems.

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    filming - a new activity, a new connection; paying rent - separation from a friend; receiving rent is a return to the forgotten; pass - advancement in business, getting a job; connection without love; to acquire a new one - beware of new relationships or new affairs (for men); being in a new apartment means a new relationship.

    New apartment according to Vanga’s dream book

    according to Vanga's dream book

    The Bulgarian clairvoyant considered a new apartment a sign of family well-being. A future without worries awaits you, all your wishes will come true. But if the new place was dark, the situation was dilapidated, you should prepare for the tests in life. In the near future, you need to gather your willpower in order to overcome obstacles with dignity. But during this period you should not put everything on your own shoulders - it is better to accept help and advice from people close to you, since support at this time is important. If in a dream you move into a new apartment, which is very spacious and bright, in reality all your efforts recent years will be appreciated. Soon a bright streak of life will come, luck and success will accompany you. There is a chance that you will change your field of activity, which is more suitable in spirit and will bring you a good income. Renovations in a new location foretell an increase in capital in the near future. If the new apartment in the dream belonged to other people, dramatic changes will soon occur in life.

    I dreamed about a tenant

    according to Miller's dream book

    For a woman to dream that she has tenants in her house is a sign that she will be bound by unpleasant secrets. If one of the tenants leaves the apartment without paying, she will face unforeseen troubles with men. If at least one of them pays for housing, this is a sign of good luck and accumulation of money in the near future.

    I dreamed about a house

    according to Miller's dream book

    To dream that you cannot find your home means that you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, you will face failure in all your endeavors and financial losses. In a dream, changing your home means urgent news and hasty trips. For a young woman to dream that she has left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers. If in a dream you visit your old home, then in reality good news awaits you. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks long-term prosperity. An abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

    Seeing a house in a dream

    according to Loff's dream book

    In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders, and so on. As a rule, a house is dreamed of serious changes, instability or significant growth. A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or animals is a signal of concern. A destroyed house dreams of moving, financial troubles, death or divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter for a person. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and pressing you and how this is reflected in your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in the future. Most likely, you are expecting a promotion at work or an improvement in your financial situation, which will open up additional opportunities. In the relationship with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded; marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, this raises the following questions: are you or your partner pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a significant need to enter into a serious, committed relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?

    Why do you dream about a house?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    to see an unknown house for a woman - personal life and relationships with someone (what it looks like - such a relationship); for a man - danger; build - to improvement, to personal happiness; cover - losses; revenge in the house - to the guests; someone sweeps - to loss; washing the floors - to death, to separation; the roof has collapsed, the hole is a crossing; being at home means trouble, gossip; a house burning with pure flame is a great joy; to the poor - prosperity; rich - power; burns with soot and crackling noise - death among relatives; the house is filled with water - all troubles will go away; painting the house - to move; seeing the sky through a collapsed roof is happy news; grandparent's house - death in the family, big troubles; leaving the house (for a girl) - love troubles; seeing your own home is an expectation of the best; changes in the environment - to the guests; empty - personal disappointment; new home (for the sick) - death; big changes in personal relationships; see Izba; collapses - to complete changes, good if the sleeper is unharmed; see Disaster.


    according to Ayurvedic dream book

    If a young man dreams of family life, then this is a harbinger of prosperity, health and progress.

    A person, nowadays, cannot do without housing. Sorry, buy now own apartment- a task almost impossible if you do not take out loans from a bank or from your friends. Therefore, thoughts can often come to mind about how wonderful it would be to have your own apartment. If you live with your parents, then every young couple dreams of escaping from them. A woman wants to be the sole mistress of the house, and a man wants to have the opportunity to fully relax after work, without unnecessary reproaches and instructions from his father or father-in-law. A dream where you purchase a new apartment or not only spreads your wings, but also gives you hope. Dreams do not always have a direct meaning, so a dream book will help you find out what you are dreaming about about a new apartment. After all, he is the reliable source of the requested information.

    Why do you dream about an apartment? To answer the question, you need to remember the details of the dream, the type of home, and, of course, carefully analyze the emotions experienced during sleep, and what you felt immediately after waking up.

    According to the dream book, an apartment is a sign of good news or change. But it's not that simple. There are many other interpretations that indicate what will happen in the near future.

    Seeing an apartment in a dream

    A new home, in any case, foreshadows important changes in everyday life. You can find out more precisely what a dream portends if you remember the details of the dream. Thus, dark housing, despite the fact that it is new, indicates difficulty in implementing the plan. Especially for a young person, this means future dangers and losses.

    The new apartment you move into in a dream promises troubles in reality, but they will attract new opportunities. Therefore, you should not be upset ahead of time. Also, such a dream signifies changes in the usual rhythm of life. New acquaintances, pleasant meetings, a new position await you and, perhaps, you will change your life principles.

    According to Miller's dream book, an apartment that causes anxiety promises trouble and unfavorable times. And if the housing was bright and spacious, then luck is on your side and will not leave you for a long time.
    If your home has already been equipped with furniture, then your endeavors will bring success and respect from your colleagues. Arranging furniture yourself means disagreements within the family circle.

    Find out from the online dream book what the Apartment is for in a dream by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreting authors.

    Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

    Why did you dream about being in the Apartment?

    Apartment - Seeing yourself in a good, beautifully furnished apartment means good news, profit, prosperity. Another apartment in which you feel uncomfortable, out of place - soon you will change your occupation.

    Moving to another apartment is a big change for the good. You are so ready for new changes that you can decisively break with everything that connects you with the past.

    Someone else's apartment, which is well furnished - you will communicate with interesting people, these conversations will become useful to you. Someone else's apartment, in which you are uncomfortable, it is dark - you want to change your place of work, without knowing it.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    How does the dream book Apartment interpret it?

    Apartment – ​​Renting is a new activity; paying rent - separation from a friend; receiving rent is a return to the forgotten.

    Dream Interpretation of Yogis

    See Apartment:

    Apartment - This is a physical body; subtle bodies are located in the physical body. A house, an apartment - always indicate that what is happening in your subtle body (in energy, aura). Always remember which floor, the floor is the level, the apartment is your energy body. (any hints about the floor. It can also just be a feeling or knowledge that you are on a certain floor.) Floor - which subtle body is involved. Levels in dreams are represented as floors. 1st is the mind, 2 is the mind, 3 is the soul, 4 is the spirit.

    Running through the rooms of an apartment means moving your consciousness through the physical body (for example, along energy channels - nadis). Letting something into your apartment means letting something foreign into your energy field. Or something is trying to do this in everyday life. This is bad if you don’t like it, if creatures in dark clothes cause hostility in you in a dream. Don't let in!!! A three-story house is the third level - i.e. World of people.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of Apartments from your dream

    Apartment - Too luxurious - poverty; apartment renovation - moving; get an apartment - marriage, marriage. Renting or renting out an apartment is a love affair. Moving to a new apartment means a change of plans, a new period of life; death.

    Esoteric dream book

    Apartment in a dream:

    Apartment – ​​Living space. A new apartment means new horizons in life. Furnishing an apartment means re-learning new possibilities for applying your strength. Renovating an old apartment means finding new forms for activities on the old territory, which will involve re-registration of documents. The larger and more spacious the apartment, the wider the living space; the more cramped and cluttered, the narrower it is.

    Psychological interpreter Furtseva

    The appearance of an apartment in a dream is associated with the dreamer’s need for socialization, which should not contradict his desire to remain independent.

    • People who in reality live in a house, but in a dream see an apartment, actually find it difficult to comply with their chosen lifestyle. The dream is justified by an internal desire for simplicity and greater freedom of action.
    • An apartment on a high floor means that you are trying to serve high values ​​and ideals, you have enough mental and physical strength to live up to them.
    • Why did you have a dream in which you live in an apartment on the first floor? It means a lack of confidence in the correctness of your decisions.
    • Dreaming of moving to a new apartment means travel, a long journey, a business trip for work or study, a trip to an internship.
    • Making renovations in an apartment means paving the way to a bright future with your own hands.

    Romantic dream book

    What do you dream about about an apartment?

    Apartment - A man who dreamed that he was renting an apartment will in reality experience a new, bright love feeling. Why should married people see an apartment in a dream - the dream predicts the appearance of a woman with whom you can easily get carried away. If you rent out your home to a person, in reality you feel that old feelings have subsided, and your current relationship is built on obligations, and not on love.

    When a woman happens to be in an unfamiliar apartment in a dream, her family may be in danger. Someone from the spouses' past will want to renew the relationship, and if this does not work out, they will spread rumors based on old secrets.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about Apartment?

    Apartment - A spacious large apartment in a dream - many years of efforts will be rewarded. Doing renovations in a new apartment means your capital will soon increase significantly.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Why did you dream about the Apartment?

    Apartment means change. It is often a symbol of the person himself, his state of mind. >In a dream, being in a small, cramped apartment is a sign of a meager nature, greed and stinginess. A spacious, comfortably furnished apartment is a symbol that your sexual relationship with your partner is ideal. An empty apartment means you are ready for a new relationship, everything old is far behind you.

    Great modern dream book

    Apartment - why does the dreamer dream?

    Apartment - You see in a dream an old, cramped apartment; you are upset that you find yourself in it again - your plans are not destined to come true. A young woman sees herself in an old apartment - let this woman not take seriously the offer that will be made to her.

    You see yourself in someone else’s apartment - a fleeting infatuation with a woman awaits you; It won’t go beyond a harmless affair: you’ll just have a boring time. For a girl to dream that she is in someone else’s apartment - the dream promises this girl a quick marriage. A young woman dreamed that she - in someone else's apartment - this woman would have a lover; as before, the heart will be excited; will enter the soul new spring. Married woman dreamed that she was in someone else’s apartment - a dream of betrayal; the temptation to have a lover will be too great; this woman will be lucky if the child takes her hand in time.

    It’s as if you are moving to a new apartment - the long-awaited changes are already close; Perhaps you lived like a mole, and now you will soar at the flight altitude of birds. It’s as if you bought a luxurious apartment in a prestigious area - the dream says that your dreams are unrealistic; you trip over little things too often and don’t move fast enough to catch the “train”; but how not to stumble over these little things if their name is: conscience, honor, modesty, decency?

    It’s as if you are furnishing the apartment with new furniture - old disagreements in the family will flare up with renewed vigor. It’s as if you were kicked out of the apartment - a good dream; you will get what you have long dreamed of.

    Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

    Why do you dream about Apartment, symbolic meaning:

    Apartment - This housing option is isolated, but at the same time creates a sense of security thanks to people who live nearby and can help if necessary. On the other hand, it may be associated with noisy or unpleasant neighbors.

    Why do you dream: Often an apartment is housing for one person. If you live in a house with others, do you have a subconscious desire to taste a little freedom, to find a “home of your own” where you can close yourself off from others? On the other hand, perhaps you are experiencing “information overload”, trying to digest too much data in your daily life, and your mind is asking for a break and a simpler environment.

    Astrological dream book

    Apartment see what does it mean?

    Apartment - Being in someone else's apartment means they are cheating on you in love. To be in your own is a successful period of life, a strong and stable position.

    Islamic dream book

    What do you dream about about an apartment?

    Apartment - Whoever sees in a dream that he bought an apartment or that it was given to him will go on a long journey.

    Modern dream book for 365 days

    Why do you dream about Apartment by day of the week?

    An unfurnished apartment means moving to a new place of residence or an unexpected and abrupt turn in your life.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Why do you dream about Apartment?

    Apartment - Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts. Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love. Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend. If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding. Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits. If someone is arrested in your apartment, this means surprises and pleasant surprises.

    Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer. If the tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you will be in trouble with men due to financial settlements. Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, means being humiliated in reality. Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover. To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

    Unique dream book

    How to understand an apartment in a dream:

    Apartment - Changing the apartment means betrayal in love.

    Simeon Prozorov's dream book

    Why does the dreamer dream about an apartment?

    Apartment - Significant changes will occur in your life. For better or for worse, it depends on how the apartment looks. Imagine that the apartment has undergone a European-quality renovation (see European-quality renovation).