How to switch to the tariff from MTS Smart Plus (detailed description). Smart plus tariff plan from MTS How much does smart plus MTS cost

01.10.2021 Ulcer

Those who actively use cellular communication services and are often outside their home region, that is, the region where the mobile phone is connected to the network, can use the profitable services of Mobile TeleSystems. One of the profitable tariff plans for subscribers traveling around Russia is “Smart Plus”. It provides packages of free minutes and SMS, as well as Internet, which are valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The above tariff is very useful for MTS customers who need high-quality communications when they are on business trips or traveling around the country.

Now we will talk in detail about what features are characteristic of “Smart +”, and what are the ways to make the transition from the current tariff to the one we are considering.

Detailed description of the Smart Plus MTS tariff

  • The subscription fee is 900 rub./month.
  • Quantity free minutes for outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in the home region – 1100 .
  • 1100 free sms messages.
  • Free internet traffic – 5 GB.

When the free minutes and SMS packages are used up, further calls and messages will be charged according to the following rates:

  • Outgoing calls to MTS numbers, with the exception of the Moscow region and the Moscow region, cost 1.50 rubles per minute.
  • Outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in other regions of Russia (not included in free min packages) – 3 rubles per minute.
  • The price for SMS in your home region is 1 ruble.

The cost of MMS is 6.50 rubles. SMS to numbers in other countries – 5.25 rubles, to numbers in the Russian Federation outside the connection region – 3.80 rubles.

If you want to receive information about the amount of remaining free minutes and SMS, then dial the USSD request: *100*1# and send it by pressing the “call” button.

Internet on Smart Plus tariff

A subscriber using Smart Plus is given 5 GB of internet traffic for a month. If necessary, the traffic can be extended. The service will help you with this Additional Internet Smart+", which will be authorized automatically. After the main traffic is used up, this service will connect via 1 GB behind 120 rub.. This option can be disabled or reactivated using the USSD command: *111*936#.

How to connect Smart Plus to MTS

Connecting to a tariff plan is free. However, the amount withdrawn is 920 rubles in payment of his work for the first month; in this regard, before connecting to the plan, make sure that you have enough balance on your balance Money.

You can activate the tariff in any of the following ways:

  • Dial the USSD command from your mobile phone: *111*1025# and then press the call key to send.
  • Send an SMS to number 111 containing the code: “1025” as text.
  • Enable it in your Personal Account on the company website.
  • Visit an MTS communication salon and ask the manager to activate the plan.
  • Buy a SIM card with Smart+ already connected.

If necessary shutdowns“Smart +”, just switch to a different tariff plan and the previous one will be disabled automatically.

You can get more current and detailed information about “Smart+” by visiting the official website of Mobile TeleSystems.

MTS employees studied the consumer market and, based on the results, developed the “Smart+” tariff. The package allows you to use the services of a mobile operator throughout the Russian Federation. Payment for services is made weekly.

Subscribers can use voice communications, send SMS and “conquer” the Internet. For comfortable work and relaxation, it is recommended to connect additional packages. It is possible to double the free minutes allocated for calls within your home region.

The “Smart Plus” tariff differs from other tariff plans included in the line. The main difference is that the packages are reset every week. The package includes:

  • 350 free minutes for calls to local subscribers;
  • 350 SMS to any numbers in Russia;
  • 7 GB of Internet traffic, updated every week.

For using services, the operator is charged RUR 250 every week. The free time package can be used for calls within the network and within your area of ​​residence. The number of free minutes can be increased. To do this, you need to use the “MTS Connect” option. All calls made through the application do not consume Internet traffic.

MTS employees made sure that subscribers who subscribed to the Smart Plus tariff plan could make calls to the CIS at reduced prices. To do this, enable the option “ Profitable calls to other countries".

Clients who actively consume Internet traffic are provided with the “Additional Internet Package” service. When the main traffic is consumed, 1 GB is added. The cost of the service is 150 rubles. You can connect 15 monthly additional packages. If this volume of traffic is not enough, you can use the “Turbo button” service.

The advantage of the Smart Plus tariff is the ability to save unused packages. Minutes, traffic and SMS are transferred to the next week and added to the new package. The “old” package is saved only once and is consumed first.


Weekly debit 250 rub.
Package included in the subscription fee
Call time to local numbers 350 min/week
Cost of conversation with MTS clients in Russia 0 rub.
SMS package 350 pcs/week
Volume of traffic provided 7 GB/week
Changes in the cost of services when the limit is exceeded
Calls to operators in the Moscow region 2 r.
Calls to any part of the Russian Federation 5 rub.
Sending SMS messages to MTS subscribers and other operators in the region 1.5 rub.
Outgoing SMS within Russia (including MTS) 3.8 rub.
International communication service (without the “Beneficial Calls” package)
Calls to any CIS country 35 rub.
Communication with subscribers of European countries 49 rub.
Calls to numbers in China, USA, Canada, etc. 70 rub.

How to connect TP and packages

Any subscriber can subscribe to the Smart+ tariff plan. To activate TP you need:

  • Dial on mobile device command: “*111*1025#”;
  • Use the “My MTS” application. Change the tariff plan in the parameters;
  • Send an SMS with the text “1025” to the number “111”;
  • Register an account on the “ru” website;
  • Contact the call center. Technical support representatives will help you connect the required TP.

MTS does not charge a commission for switching to the Smart+ tariff. To remove restrictions on services, you need to pay 250 rubles - a weekly subscription fee.

For subscribers transferred from others mobile operators you need to visit a communication salon. Consultants will tell you about the capabilities of the Smart Plus tariff plan and connect it. The MTS client provides a passport and buys a new SIM card.

If there is a need for frequent calls to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. It is recommended to activate the “Profitable calls to other countries” service. To activate the option, you need to dial the command “*111*965#”. The connection can be made through your personal account. The connection cost is 0 rubles.

How to disable TP and packages

If the “Smart+” tariff does not suit you, you can disable it. To terminate a contract with MTS, you need to visit an office or communication salon. If necessary, the tariff plan is changed. To do this you need:

  • Contact sales consultants from the communication store;
  • Call the operator at “8 800 250 0890”;
  • Use your personal account or the “My MTS” program;
  • Send an SMS with the new TP code to “111”;
  • Dial the combination corresponding to the selected tariff.

To deactivate the “Additional Internet Package” service, subscribers need to dial “*111*936#”. This procedure is performed through your personal account on the web resource “”.

Who is it suitable for?

The “Smart+” tariff is most suitable for subscribers who travel around the country and make calls to the CIS. For international calls, the corresponding option is enabled. Customers who need a large amount of Internet are recommended to pay attention to.

Most modern people have long gone from ordinary cell phones switched to the use of smartphones, real smart devices capable of performing operations that not so long ago were available only for full-fledged computers. Cellular operators are also adapting to this trend by implementing special offers for use specifically on smartphones. So, for example, the MTS company has a “Smart Plus” tariff, which we will consider below.

Current version. Tariff information updated May 13, 2019.

The main feature of the MTS Smart Plus tariff

This package, as befits most TPs for smartphones, includes very decent service quotas. However, it has one very important feature - quotas in “Smart+” are updated not once a month, which is considered a classic for MTS tariffs, but once a week.

At the same time, the subscription fee is also provided for in the weekly tariff, and more about everything below.

Detailed description of the “Smart Plus” tariff from MTS

To understand the main advantages of the proposal under discussion, it is necessary to consider it in more detail. And we, according to tradition, offer for your reference a description of the conditions of “Smart+” in Moscow.

The subscription fee for the Smart Plus tariff is paid every week and amounts to 250 rubles.

By depositing funds into their account on time, subscribers can count on the operator providing them with the following packages of services and features every week:

  • Intranet communication in the MTS network throughout the country: free;
  • Calls at home: 350 minutes;
  • SMS within the country: 350 pieces;
  • Internet: 7 gigabytes From May 24, 2019 - unlimited, under the terms of the “Lots of Internet” option.

These offers are valid throughout the country, not only in terms of making calls and sending messages to other regions, but also when traveling around Russia.

In addition, one more very important nuance should be emphasized: if you use a special application called “MTS Connect”, the number of minutes provided in this tariff can be doubled completely free of charge.

When using the provided quotas, which, admittedly, is quite difficult, given that they are updated every week, the tariffing of the services used occurs somewhat differently.

If we talk about calls, they begin to be charged for the home region at 2 rubles per minute, and for other regions or when traveling around the country - at 5 rubles per minute.

You can send messages at home/in Russia/abroad/multimedia for 1.80/3.80/5.25/9.90 rubles.

Tariffing for calls abroad looks like this: 35, 49 and 70 rubles for the CIS, European countries and other countries of the world.

How to connect Smart Plus to MTS [tariff in archive, connection closed]

For new MTS clients, the opportunity to switch to this tariff with their old number is available for 100 rubles. This can be done in the official online store of the operator or in any office.

Current subscribers of the operator can change their current tariff package absolutely free. To do this, they need to use their personal account (how to register a personal account “My MTS”), or enter a special command in USSD format *111*1025*1# .

If you suddenly have a question about how to disable the Smart Plus tariff, then MTS does not provide such an option, since tariff plans are deactivated automatically if the subscriber decides to switch to a new package.

One of the few tariffs that was able to include all the essentials and provide for what a modern subscriber needs is the smart plus MTS tariff.

It offers almost unlimited calls to any corner for a fixed price Russian Federation, huge volumes of Internet and text messages.

The starter package is ideal for business people, company managers, businessmen who constantly need to be in touch and be able to communicate without borders and be on the Internet as long as necessary.

With such a tariff plan, you will not need to count the minutes of your call and save pennies.

Description of the Smart Plus tariff from MTS

Get 5 GB of Internet traffic, unlimited calls to MTS numbers both in your home region and throughout the country. 1100 text messages per month and 1100 minutes for calls to subscribers of any operators mobile communications in the home region. You will get all this for 900 rubles per month.

How to connect a smart plus tariff to MTS

There are several ways to switch to a profitable tariff plan, which includes almost everything that every subscriber dreams of.

5 Ways to connect to the smart plus tariff from MTS

  1. purchase a new starter pack in any store,
  2. visit a communication salon and make the transition there,
  3. call your operator on a single telephone number 0890,
  4. change the tariff by sending a request to * 111 #,
  5. register in personal account and change the option by clicking on the “Tariff” tab (the service is convenient for subscribers’ self-service: ordering account details, controlling expenses, replenishing any MTS number, changing tariff options, connecting and disconnecting services, options, subscriptions, reading news and participating in promotions from operator company).

Tariff cost

Every month 900 rubles are withdrawn from the mobile account for the subscription fee. After a month, all unused minutes, traffic and messages expire.

Make sure that at the end of the month an amount equal to 900 rubles is credited to your account for further use of your tariff plan. Smart plan +.

Calls and SMS in your home region

All calls in your home region are unlimited to MTS numbers. You also have 1100 minutes for calls to landline numbers and subscribers of other operators in your home region.

Use your package of 1100 sms, delighting your loved ones. No more restrictions with Smart+! The tariff does not include the possibility of sending mms for free; its cost is 6.5 rubles. to any number.

Intercity calls and SMS

Use 1100 minutes to talk with people from all regions and cities of the Russian Federation who use the services of the MTS operator.

Call numbers of other operators at a favorable price of only 3 rubles per minute. The cost of 1 SMS to other operators throughout the country will be 3.8 rubles. SMS to MTS numbers in Russia are included in a package of 1100 pieces.

International SMS and calls

The regular price from MTS applies to voice communications with other countries: Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine 29 r/min, to Europe – 49 r/min, to America and other countries – 70 r/min. You can send SMS all over the globe much cheaper than making calls: 5.25 rubles for 1 text message.

How to disable the tariff

You cannot disable the option by refusing all package minutes, traffic and SMS. You can only switch to another tariff package by changing Smart Plus, for example, to Super MTS. 5 GB of traffic is available to users of the tariff option in all regions of the Russian Federation for a month. If the package is not enough for you, order an additional 1GB for only 100 rubles by dialing the command * 111 * 936 # or do it in your personal account, or using the online assistant.

For travelers and people who often go on long business trips, the MTS Smart Plus tariff is suitable, providing subscribers with favorable terms of use. Among the advantages Smart tariff– several free service packages, calls at competitive prices throughout the country. Communication service fees are charged at the beginning of each reporting period; At the same time, connected packages are updated.

MTS Smart tariff: description

Users who have subscribed to the tariff plan can call other MTS numbers throughout Russia for free. No additional options are required here. The advantage of the tariff is the large volume of the package mobile internet. The user can use this 10 GB for a month. In addition, it is possible to connect the option Additional Internet Smart.

When connecting to the Smart Plus tariff, the user receives:

  • 1100 free minutes for outgoing calls to numbers of other operators;
  • package containing 1100 SMS messages.

If a subscriber activates the Autopayment function, he can receive a 10% discount on communication services.

Disadvantages of the tariff

The visible disadvantage of the plan is the high subscription fee, which is regularly deducted from the account. There are also other significant disadvantages. The SIM card does not allow you to use the phone as an Internet modem and router. In remote areas of the North, mobile Internet speeds for Smart Plus tariff subscribers are reduced.

The Unlimited Calling Trick

The operator claims that when connected, the user can talk for free with subscribers of other cellular operators for an unlimited amount of time. However, only the first 1100 minutes of outgoing calls are free, and then the payment becomes per minute. Having exceeded this limit, the user can make free calls only within the MTS network.

Traffic distribution

The amount of Internet traffic is strictly limited. When it is exhausted, a package with additional internet. Here the cost of 500 MB of Internet will be 75 rubles. This additional option is disabled only when the next billing period begins. A significant drawback of the MTS Smart Plus tariff is that it charges for distributing mobile Internet to other phones and devices.

By the way, read this article too: MTS tariff plans

Cost of services

Any incoming calls and SMS messages remain free for the user. If the subscriber has used all the provided packages of outgoing unlimited calls, SMS messages, mobile Internet, in the future all services become paid for him. You can find out information about current packages by dialing *100*1# on your phone.

You can get acquainted with the features of the tariff plan, prices, and description of the Smart tariff on the operator’s website. Please note that the Smart Plus tariff plan requires a mandatory subscription fee. It is 900 rubles per month.


The cost of 1 minute of conversation when making outgoing calls to numbers of various operators within the home region is 2 rubles.

When calling numbers registered in other regions, the subscriber will pay 5 rubles for 1 minute of communication.

For 1 minute of conversation with subscribers living in the CIS countries, 35 rubles will be debited from the account, in EU countries - 49 rubles, in other countries - 70 rubles. These prices are set by the operator for subscribers who have connected to the MTS Smart Plus tariff.


A subscriber can use 10 GB of Internet per month. If you exceed the limit set for this tariff plan, an additional fee for using the Internet will be charged. For 1 GB you will have to pay 150 rubles.

How to connect and deactivate a tariff

Each person can switch to a new tariff for free. When connecting to the tariff, a subscription fee will be charged - 900 rubles per month. You must remember this when replenishing your balance on time. mobile phone. New customers can activate the tariff by purchasing a SIM card at an MTS communication store. For users who are thinking about how to connect Smart Plus to MTS, there are many simple ways: