There are intermittent transitions between mobile operators. Switch to another operator while maintaining the number: Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Rostelecom. symbiosis - Internet with a backup channel

01.10.2021 Diseases

In less than two weeks after the MNP law came into force, the number of subscribers who used the service was almost 9.1 thousand people, of which less than 60 users were able to finally complete the transition process, according to analysts’ forecasts, the rush may begin after January 15, 2014 of the year. Let's figure it out how to switch to another operator while keeping your number.

We have prepared a small FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) - answers to your frequently asked questions.


MNP - Mobile Number Portability mobile subscriber) – this is the ability for a subscriber to save a mobile number when changing a cellular operator;

Donor operator – the operator from whom the subscriber leaves;

Recipient operator – the operator to whom the subscriber comes;

BPPN - Database of Portable Numbers;

General issues

1. When will it be possible to switch to another operator with your current number?

By law, all operators must provide the opportunity to transfer numbers from 12/01/2013

2. How and where can a subscriber obtain complete information about the service of changing operators while maintaining their number?

The subscriber can obtain information from the support service of any operator, in offices, or from sales managers.

3. How to switch to another operator while keeping the number?

— A subscriber who wants to change his number contacts the recipient operator (to whom he plans to switch) and writes an application to transfer the number(s).

— The recipient operator concludes a new contract with the client and issues a new SIM card with a temporary number.

— The recipient operator makes a request to port the number to the donor operator (old operator) through BDPN.

— The donor operator checks the possibility of transfer (applicant’s credentials, region compliance, absence of debt, etc.), if everything is OK, then terminates the contract with the subscriber. After confirmation from the donor, the temporary number on the new SIM card is changed to the transferred one.

4. Do I need to write an application to disconnect the number to the current operator?

A “one-window” procedure will be implemented, when in order to change an operator it will be necessary to contact only the recipient operator (to whom it is planned to switch).

5. Will the service be available for legal entities and individuals, for prepaid and postpaid payment systems?

The service will be available for both individuals. individuals and legal entities. individuals and individual entrepreneurs of all payment systems.

6. How much will it cost to switch to another operator and what is the cost for the switch if the number is bronze/silver/gold?

In accordance with the law, the transfer cost can be charged by the recipient operator (the one who receives the subscriber). The cost of the transition cannot exceed 100 rubles. The cost of switching does not depend on the status of the number.

7. Will all operators be required to comply with this law? This refers to local ones (Tele 2, Smarts, etc.). Will it be possible to transfer a subscriber from a local operator?

Yes, all mobile operators in Russia are required to provide the subscriber with the opportunity to accept/transfer a number to/from another operator.

8. Is it possible to switch between operators in different regions? (for example, change Megafon-Saratov to Beeline-Moscow after moving to another region)

No, the number can only be transferred within one subject of the federation (region, territory)

9. How long will it take to switch from one operator to another, and will the client be left without communication for some time?

In the current version of the law, the maximum time for number transfer for legal entities. persons 30 days. The interruption in the provision of communication services during the transition can be up to 3 hours.

10. Can a subscriber cancel a change of operator before it is approved?

Maybe while the transfer application is being considered, the subscriber should write a new application to cancel the transfer.

11. How many times can I change telecom operator?

The number of transitions is not legally limited.

12. Are there any restrictions on the number of transitions per period?

In the current version of the law, the frequency of transitions is not limited.

13. Can the donor operator refuse to port a number? For what reasons?

The operator may refuse to port a number if there is debt under the client’s current contracts.

Financial issues / Mutual settlements

14. Is it possible to change the operator if there is a debt on the account?

15. Is it possible to change the operator if there is a debt on other numbers/contracts registered with the subscriber?

No, the Subscriber must pay off all debts to the operator in order to be able to transfer the number.

16. If at the time of porting the number its balance is positive, will it be transferred? cash to a new account?

The current version of the Law “On Communications” does not provide for this possibility.

17. After switching from one operator to another, how will the process of crediting funds through payment terminals proceed?

According to the current affiliation of the number. The fact of a change in number ownership is clearly recorded and stored in the BDPN.

18. Will debts with the old operator accumulate or be cancelled?

The subscriber will not be able to change the operator while maintaining the number if he has a debt.

19. Do the subscriber still have obligations to the previous operator (penalties, penalties for maintaining the number, etc.)?

Technical issues

20. Is it possible to determine which operator is calling from after changing the number?

It is legally obligatory to inform the calling subscriber when calling the number of the “transferred” subscriber. For example, a voice auto-informer.

21. Will it be possible for a CDMA operator (Skylink) to switch to GSM?

22. Will a subscriber number be active if an application for transfer to another operator’s network has already been submitted?

During the period of consideration of the application, the number remains active on the old SIM card.

Many of my friends checked how much money they spend on mobile communications and the Internet. And some eventually went and changed theirs tariff plans or even the whole family for more profitable ones!
Today, as promised, I will talk about how my mother and wife changed their mobile operator. Before that, I’ll explain all the subtle points that I had to face.
(mobile number portability: ...<-->beeline<-->megafon<-->mts<-->tele2<--> ....)

So, let's begin:

1. If you are satisfied with the quality of communication and the price for it, do not go anywhere. Since you don’t know how and where you will receive a signal from another operator where you are.

This is about the fact that if you suddenly stopped loving some operator because of the color of the logo, do not rush to get a divorce just for that reason. Well, or decide what is more important to you - “checkers or driving”? ;-))

2. Go to any communication store of your current operator and check whether a service agreement has been drawn up for you.
And if you changed your passport, then ask them to update your information.
Please note that if your number is a landline number or you have already transferred less than 70 days ago, then the transfer is not available for you

In our case, Ksyusha went to MTS to update her data, since she changed her passport after the wedding.
And I found out that my Beeline SIM card is actually registered to my fellow Bloggers Against Garbage! ;))
If you do not follow step 2 and you are denied the transfer due to inconsistency of the data, then everything will have to start all over again and the money paid for the transfer will not be returned to you.
The transition is only possible within the same region.

3. Before switching, carefully study the tariff plans of all operators, take into account which operators your relatives and those you call most often use.....

4. Ask those who live near you and use the operator you are going to switch to. How are they doing with voice communications and the Internet?

So, you have decided where to switch and to which tariff plan.
What to do next?
You need to go to any communication center of the operator you want to switch to and write a statement (more precisely, sign what they will print out for you).

5. Prepare to pay 100 rubles for the transition. Think in advance about what transition date you will choose.

It’s better to choose a day when you don’t have any important things to do, so as not to be left without communication for several hours or even minutes (people are different) during a serious matter.
As far as I understand, this date can be chosen in the range from 8 days to 6 months after the date of the transfer application

6. Find out in advance the name of the type of SIM card that is in your phone - regular SIM (all old phones), micro SIM (most smartphones), nano SIM (like iPhones).

In the process of studying the issue, I was surprised to learn that you can switch to another operator without even leaving your home!

Ksyusha chose exactly this option (I’ll tell you in detail about how it happened later in this post)
But this is only possible in large cities and only for individuals.
D For the Volga region branch of Megafon, for example, the service is currently available in Volgograd, Kazan, Samara, Syzran, Tolyatti, Orenburg, Penza, Saratov and Ufa.

When my mother and I came here for the first time in Kukmor, we were told that “the program does not work,” please come back in 3-4 days. In the second parish, no such problems arose.

Mom signed the application, the contract, received a new SIM card and chose March 28, 2016 as the transfer date.

8! It is important to ensure that you have a positive balance all the time before the transition! But don’t put a very large amount of money on your phone.

If you go into the red, this may be a reason for your current operator to refuse the transition, and you will have to start all over again.
But don’t overdo it, even if you have 50-100 rubles lying there. No matter how much it’s a pity.

If you wish, you can leave an application to terminate the contract with the operator from whom you are leaving, and after a month you can receive the balance in your account either in cash, or to a bank card/bank account, or by transfer to a phone number (but in the latter case you can only transfer to the number of the same operator, for example, to give money to friends)

At this moment the old operator according to the good tradition of all communication and Internet providers in my memory, they will inundate you with SMS messages a la “come back, I’ll forgive everything and serve you cheaper”...
Determination and perseverance to you;)))

9. On the day of the transition, do not change your old SIM card to a new one early in the morning if the old one is still working!

This is exactly the mistake my mother made; unfortunately, we were not in Kukmor that day, although we had planned to.
Ksyusha, on the appointed day, when the old SIM card stopped working, inserted a new SIM card and began using a new operator with the same number.

If you are very old phone, and you have no intention of buying a newer one, then upgrading may not be for you.
Modern technologies often SIM cards are not supported by older phones and this can affect the quality of communication.

10. Top up your balance after the transition.
After the transition, your account will have 0 rubles. This means you need to plan a trip to the nearest point where you can top up your balance.
We were frightened a lot by the fact that there would be problems with sending money after switching to another operator.
But so far everything is fine and when transferring from Yandex-Money, for example, to Ksyusha’s number, it will automatically be detected as Megafon, not MTS.

Now the promised details about how Ksyusha made the transition without leaving home.
Due to the changes in our family, Ksyusha doesn’t have an extra minute at all, so this was very appropriate for her.
So she just went to and ordered a SIM card online!

All you need to do on the transition page is:
- indicate the address where it is most convenient to have a new SIM card delivered
- choose what size SIM card you need:
- n and then enter your passport details and registration for the contract with Megafon.

After all the data had been entered, Ksyusha saw a message that the application had been accepted.
It's 6 pm on Monday.
Our expectations were as follows: they would call back in a day or two, and they would bring a SIM card, it would be good if after 4 days...

Imagine my surprise when Ksyusha received a call 45 minutes later and was told about what would happen next.
They asked what tariff was needed (her choice "All inclusive M"), what size SIM card and on what day to switch (we also chose March 28).

And then they offered to choose the arrival time of the courier the very next day!

I repeat.
The transfer can be chosen from 8 days to 6 months after the transfer application at your discretion.

And in fact, already in the morning they brought us a contract, a SIM card, and a check for 100 rubles, which we paid for the transition.
This is efficiency!

By the way, I would introduce rac. A proposal is that immediately when submitting an application, they take money for the first month’s subscription fee, so that you don’t have to run around after the switch and throw in money.

But this is probably a legislative flaw in the procedure.

addition to the previous post -

Let me remind you that I compared the three of us’s expenses for 2015 and calculated how much less money would be spent if we all switched to Megafon together. The result was a saving of 7,000 rubles per year. 1. We chose, as it turned out, an advantageous moment to switch, although we did not know in advance that With 03/14/2016 to 04/30/2016 when connecting or when transitioning for tariff plans of the “MegaFon - All inclusive” line

subscription fee is 50% less in the first month.

2 Now we will be able to watch films and programs for free on 50 TV channels as part of the MegaFon TV service. Internet traffic is not paid for when viewing!
3. The most important thing that has improved according to our tariffs: - at the tariff
"All inclusive M" now call rates do not depend on where in Russia you are, at home or on a trip! Plus, the subscription has decreased and is now 285 rubles per month.

Plus there are now 400 free minutes for other operators (from 300) and 400 free SMS (from 300); At the tariff "

All inclusive S" calls to Megafon throughout Russia are now free, and 3G Internet is now available when traveling throughout Russia, and not just at home!

Now we have a choice: either we will get more features, minutes and Internet for the same money, or we can choose the S tariff for everyone, taking into account its improvements and save another 2,000 rubles.

And then instead of 19,000 rubles for last year on other operators, we will spend only 10,000 rubles on communications and the Internet for three people over the next 12 months!

  • To ensure the operator change goes smoothly, before submitting your application, check:
  • the region in which the SIM card was registered. Changing the operator while maintaining the number is only possible in the same region (subject of the Russian Federation) where the SIM card was purchased. If you're not sure, check with your current carrier's website;
  • no debt or number blocking;
  • period of use. You must use the services of your current operator for at least 60 days;
  • number format. You won't be able to change your operator while keeping your landline number. First you will have to transfer it to the federal format, and only then submit an application for transfer.

How to apply to change operator

There are two options for applying:

  1. At the new operator's office. Take your passport and 100-200 rubles depending on the operator’s conditions. You can see the specific conditions and amounts of different operators in the table below. At the office, you will need to write an application to change the operator and conclude an agreement for communication services, after which you will receive a new SIM card.
  2. On the website of the new operator. Fill out the form on the operator’s website or application. After submitting your application, a consultant will contact you to help you choose a tariff and clarify the necessary information. A new SIM card and contract will be delivered free of charge by the courier at a time convenient for you.

A new SIM card with a temporary number can be activated and used from the moment it is received. You can also still use your old SIM card. After the transition, it will turn off, and the new one will change the temporary number to yours.

How long to wait for a number change

In most cases, the number is transferred within 8 calendar days. If you need to change your number later, for example, you want to spend money on your account, you can select a different transfer date. The only thing is that it must be no later than 180 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

If you do not have time to spend the money in your account, it will not be transferred to the balance of the new SIM card. You can return them by applying with your passport to the office of the previous operator.

During the transfer you should receive several SMS notifications:

  1. Gratitude for using the service and the date of the planned number porting.
  2. Results of preliminary verification of the number. If all the data from the first point matches, the check will be successful.
  3. Reminder to change SIM card. This SMS arrives a day before the number is transferred and reminds you at what time this will happen.

Do not plan important calls during the transfer: at the time of change of operator, outgoing calls and SMS may be limited for 30 minutes, and receiving incoming calls and SMS – for six hours.

The above conditions and restrictions are the same for almost all operators. However, there are still slight differences between them.

What conditions do different operators provide?

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, while leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. However, only half of them (259,939 people) successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery.

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write an application, and conclude an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact time of transition.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing operators the first time. What could be the catch? We found out what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I wasn't transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. Firstly, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application to port a number can only be submitted by the person to whom a specific number is registered. If another person does this, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, an error could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or wrote Ezhikov instead of the last name Yozhikov (as written in the document). The problem is the same if you have grown up and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your last name, but did not notify the operator.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the subscriber’s passport data must completely match the subscriber’s passport data located in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, and patronymic. Pay special attention to the letters “E” and “E”. If you changed your passport, surname or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about this, you will need to come to his office again before the change and make changes to the database.

How long will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date for porting your number. The only legal restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network before the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator’s network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be any communication interruptions?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications when moving from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, and incoming communications - more than 6 hours. In fact, the “technological break” in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that you will be “out of reach” for some time. For convenience, you can schedule a number transfer at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to top up your balance with a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of your previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after porting the number, new subscribers are activated. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first top-up. However, we still recommend that especially sociable subscribers plan to port their number during the daytime,” advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up your balance after porting a number?

The abolition of mobile slavery has also added work to financial institutions. Previously, whether a phone number belonged to a cellular operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that made it possible to identify the operator). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the database of ported numbers. If mobile operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to top up the account of the previous operator. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then your payment transaction will be denied.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected online banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the “mobile banking” service is currently being finalized. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are recommended to indicate the operator directly in the Mobile Bank SMS command (for example, “MTS 200” to pay for their phone number or “MTS 9ХХХХХХХХ 200” to pay for any other number).

Regional banks also updated their banking software. Thus, a new menu item has appeared in all UBRD ATMs - “Payment when changing operator”. Changes have also occurred in the Internet bank: now subscribers who have changed operators, when making payments via the Internet, can see the “ mobile connection"You need to select the item "Payment for communication when changing operators (MNP service - switching while maintaining the number)"

“When paying, the client needs to work a little - choose his new operator. But the payment will arrive without delay and exactly to the address,” says Konstantin Kotelnikov, head of the information technology directorate of UBRD.

Cellular operators themselves advise that in the first few hours after porting a number, top up your balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with your previous operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of submission of the application.

Can I see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one for another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to internal procedure and interaction between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the previous operator can send information about the subscriber’s debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days; another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where the 70 days come from.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only a federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to be transferred. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the region of the Federation in which it was registered with the current operator. That is, if you moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep your Chelyabinsk number.

Who should I contact if any difficulties arise during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator you plan to switch to. The current operator is only checking the possibility of transfer. This means that the subscriber must contact the new operator for all questions. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

Gone are the days when, in order to change a mobile operator, you had to buy a SIM card from a new one. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your communication service provider, this article is definitely for you. Let's look at how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. You should immediately find out about the features of this procedure and its cost from different providers.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying some important points of this process. First of all, let’s define that there is the concept of donor operator (from whom the subscriber leaves) and recipient (to whom he leaves). The procedure itself is called MNP and before you proceed, you will need to write an application to the company whose services you decide to use. A new SIM service agreement will be concluded. After which, using the database of transferred subscribers, the recipient provider notifies the donor of a new application to change the network.

If there are no reasons for the refusal, the previous mobile provider will stop servicing the SIM card, and the number of the new one received from the recipient will be changed to the specified one (kept).

Usually the process does not take more than thirty days. If there are any reasons for refusing to transfer, received by the subscriber before the application is approved, you will have to write a corresponding statement. Although companies can set their own deadlines during which the transition can still be stopped.

Why might there be delays?

There are some circumstances that prevent you from switching to another operator while keeping your own number. Prerequisites for a successful procedure:

  • no debt from the old provider (you will definitely have to pay it off). If you use several SIM cards from this communication provider, you will need to pay off the debts of all of them;
  • the positive balance is not transferred to the recipient;
  • Only its owner can switch, saving the number;
  • all passport data must match the data in the contract with the previous provider.

How to switch to another operator, keeping the number, in different companies

Each operator sets its own procedures, costs and terms for providing such services. This process mobile companies performed with great effort, because during the transition a huge amount of different data is sent. In addition, the previous supplier also loses a client. In these conditions, it is necessary to maintain a high level of quality of the services provided in order to reduce the number of people wishing to switch while maintaining their number.

Tele 2

The cost of MNP in Tele2 is 0 rubles, that is, free. You can choose a favorable and convenient tariff. Only two parameters are important for the transition:

  • the mobile phone is registered to you and is not blocked;
  • the account has a positive balance.

If both of them are met, then you can submit your application for official website company and choose a salon to receive a new SIM card.

You can also just immediately contact any Tele2 salon. You must have a passport or other document approved by the operator that proves your identity. The conditions of the procedure are quite simple:

  • When concluding a contract for the provision of services, you will be issued a new SIM card, which will have a temporary number, then yours will be transferred to it;
  • The issued SIM will already be in working order, and all SMS and calls will begin to be paid at the rate chosen by you;
  • The day before the transfer, a notification arrives on your cell phone, reminding you that you need to insert the operator’s SIM card into your phone;
  • Funds from the temporary number are transferred to yours.

You can choose the transfer date, but this period can be at least eight days from the date of acceptance of the application and conclusion of the contract.


This company offers several options by which you can access them:

  • filling electronic application;

  • visit to the nearest MTS showroom;
  • call 8-800-250-8-250 to submit an application;
  • order a call back.

You also need to have an identification document with you and information about the old number issued to you. You need to choose a tariff and pay for the transition. A temporary SIM will be issued to receive and make calls. This is where messages from the provider about the status of your application will be sent. You will also receive information here with the exact time and date when you need to rearrange the cards. After the old operator stops servicing your mobile phone, you become an MTS subscriber, while keeping your number.


You can go here if the following conditions are met:

  • the contract is executed in your name (there is a power of attorney for the transfer);
  • The data in the passport in the contract with the operator corresponds to the current data. If something has changed, you will first have to update the information with your communication service provider;
  • there should be no debt during the transfer; it should be paid off immediately;
  • no blocking;
  • The SIM card was issued in the same region where the transfer is being carried out;

  • MNP has not been carried out before or more than sixty days have passed since the last transition.

Some time ago you had to pay for the service, but now it is provided free of charge. You can conclude an agreement in the company’s showroom, Online, or you can order delivery of documents and a new SIM card by courier (not available for all localities). A passport is required for registration; if a representative comes, he must also have a power of attorney. You can choose a transfer date, but not earlier than eleven days and no later than six months after submitting the application.

After the agreement is drawn up, a new Megafon SIM card is issued. Balance from another provider is not transferred. At the very moment of transition, communication restrictions sometimes arise, but they are temporary.


The operator also offers several options so that you can switch while keeping your mobile. Most often, subscribers come to the office, because ordering a courier with documents is not possible in all cities. It’s more convenient to contact specialists at the salon, they will help you choose favorable tariff, will answer your questions. Only federal numbers are transferred; city numbers cannot be saved. There may also be some temporary restrictions when making calls and sending SMS.

MNP costs 100 rubles and takes at least eight days. All other conditions of the procedure are similar to other operators.


Before you contact the sales and service point of this company in your city, you should check the documents - the contract with the previous communication service provider must be concluded in your name. Then it is completed in the office Yota application, the procedure is free. A new SIM will be issued.

You should also check for debt. The transition takes at least eight days. A reminder will be sent to your SIM card indicating the transition time.

Here, perhaps, are all the main points of the procedure. I hope you don’t have any difficulties with the question of how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. In any case, it is worth contacting the office of the new provider to become more familiar with the tariffs, terms of service and its cost, because sometimes it changes. If you still have questions, ask in the comments and subscribe to blog updates.

Beeline Megaphone MTS Tele2 Yota
Number change fee 100 rubles for free 100 rubles for free for free
Transfer time, not earlier 8 days 11 days 8 days 8-9 days 8 days
Possibility to use a temporary number There is yes (you can use a SIM card with a temporary number even if the transfer did not take place) Yes (to use a SIM card, you need to deposit 200 rubles into your account) There is yes (mandatory starting payment of 300 rubles)