Irina Gerashchenko: an “ardent patriot” who made a huge fortune for herself. The whole truth about Irina Gerashchenko was leaked online. So this is who she turned out to be. Biography of Irina Gerashchenko

20.02.2022 Hypertension


Born on May 15, 1971 in Cherkassy. In 1993 she graduated from the Institute of Journalism of Kyiv University. Taras Shevchenko. During her studies she was an activist in student life. After graduating from university, she worked at the First Ukrainian TV Channel and headed the politics department at the Inter TV Company News Service. Then, until the end of 2001, she made original projects at the Profi-TV television studio.

According to the former editor-in-chief of the Inter TV channel, Alexey Mustafin, to Irina’s credit, she never made stories directed against Viktor Yushchenko. Although in May 2000, according to the transcripts of Major Nikolai Melnichenko, Alexander Zinchenko called Irina Vladimirovna the hope and support of the pro-SSD channel Inter. In December 2001, Gerashchenko joined the team of the current president. Then she won the competition for the right to be Yushchenko’s press secretary against many famous journalists. According to some reports, childhood friend Yushchenko and Chief Editor newspapers Ukraine is young Mikhail Doroshenko.

By the way, among those who were considered for the position of press secretary, the current people's deputy from BYuT Andrei Shevchenko and Channel 5 TV presenter Daniil Yanevsky. Surrounded by Yushchenko, Irina gradually won her place as one of Viktor Andreevich’s best assistants. During the 2002 parliamentary campaign, she successfully filtered out journalists who wanted to communicate with Yushchenko, tried to write him theses and publicly admired the masculine pride of the leader of Our Ukraine - his ties. This, of course, pleased Viktor Andreevich. After Victor Yushchenko's victory in the presidential elections in 2004, Irina was appointed press secretary of the head of state. Then Gerashchenko stated that her job was to tell the truth and added: in television journalism, everything is ahead of me. (Forum, November 8, 2005) On September 25, 2006, she resigned from the post of press secretary of the President of Ukraine - head of the press service of the head of state.

Speaking about the reasons for her dismissal, Gerashchenko noted: As a team member, I understand that sometimes you need to lend your shoulder or pass the ball to a partner. It is important to feel this moment. She gave up her place to Irina Vannikova. The five years that I had the honor of working in Yushchenko’s team was an invaluable experience, a huge success, both professional and human. “I had the opportunity to become a witness and sometimes a participant in the processes of change in the country,” says Gerashchenko (Profile, February 26, 2007).

In November 2006, Irina Gerashchenko became president of UNIAN. In November 2007, she left this position in connection with her election as a people's deputy of Ukraine. In the early elections of 2007, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense bloc (No. 19). In 2007, in the Top 100 most influential women of Ukraine by Focus magazine, Irina Gerashchenko took 14th place. In 2007, she was ranked 184th in Focus magazine's ranking of the 200 most influential Ukrainians. Chairman of the subcommittee on information support of integration processes of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on European Integration.

Born on May 15, 1971 in Cherkassy. In 1993 she graduated from the Institute of Journalism of Kyiv University. Taras Shevchenko. During her studies, she was an activist in student life. After graduating from university, she worked at the First Ukrainian TV Channel and headed the politics department at the Inter TV Company News Service. Then, until the end of 2001, she made original projects at the Profi-TV television studio.

According to the former editor-in-chief of the Inter TV channel, Alexey Mustafin, to Irina’s credit, she never made stories directed against Viktor Yushchenko. Although in May 2000, if you believe the transcripts of Major Nikolai Melnichenko, Alexander Zinchenko called Irina Vladimirovna the hope and support of the pro-SSD channel “Inter”. In December 2001, Gerashchenko joined the team of the current president. Then she won the competition for the right to be Yushchenko’s press secretary against many famous journalists. According to some reports, a significant role in her fate was played by Yushchenko’s childhood friend and editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Ukraina Young” Mikhail Doroshenko.

By the way, among those who were considered for the position of press secretary are the current people's deputy from BYuT Andrei Shevchenko and Channel 5 TV presenter Daniil Yanevsky. Surrounded by Yushchenko, Irina gradually won her place as one of Viktor Andreevich’s best assistants. During the 2002 parliamentary campaign, she successfully “filtered out” journalists who wanted to communicate with Yushchenko, tried to write him theses and publicly admired the masculine pride of the leader of Our Ukraine - his ties. This, of course, pleased Viktor Andreevich. After Victor Yushchenko's victory in the presidential elections in 2004, Irina was appointed press secretary of the head of state. Then Gerashchenko stated that her job was “to tell the truth” and added: “I have everything ahead of me in television journalism.” (Forum, November 8, 2005) On September 25, 2006, she resigned from the post of press secretary of the President of Ukraine - head of the press service of the head of state.

Speaking about the reasons for her dismissal, Gerashchenko noted: “As a team member, I understand that sometimes you need to lend your shoulder or pass the ball to a partner. It's important to feel this moment." She gave up her place to Irina Vannikova. “The five years that I had the honor of working in Yushchenko’s team was an invaluable experience, a huge success, both professional and human. I had the opportunity to become a witness and sometimes a participant in the processes of change in the country,” says Gerashchenko (Profile, February 26, 2007).

In November 2006, Irina Gerashchenko became president of UNIAN. In November 2007, she left this position in connection with her election as a people's deputy of Ukraine. In the early elections of 2007, she was elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the list of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense bloc (No. 19). In 2007, in the “Top 100” of the most influential women in Ukraine by Focus magazine, Irina Gerashchenko took 14th place. In 2007, she was ranked 184th in Focus magazine’s “200 Most Influential Ukrainians” ranking. Chairman of the subcommittee on information support of integration processes of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on European Integration.


Married. According to some reports, Irina’s husband is engaged in business. When asked if it is true that her husband is engaged in lobbying the interests of business structures, Irina Gerashchenko replies: “My husband is not a lobbyist.” Raises a daughter. “I protect my privacy. This is the key to a happy family. I value my family extremely and I think you will understand that I do not want to talk much about this topic. My husband is far from the sphere of politics and journalism. I appreciate him for this,” says Gerashchenko. Irina admits that she practically does not have enough time for her family. When they have a day off, she says they travel or go to the pool. “Like all workaholic mothers, I feel guilty about my daughter, but I find self-soothing in the formula: “It’s not the quantity of time spent with the family that is important, but the quality.” At least once a week I tell my daughter my own fairy tales. She and I have our own fairy-tale heroes. Two years ago, my daughter convinced me to buy her a British Shorthair cat. Our Timofey has the smile of a real Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland” and amber saucer eyes,” says Irina. (Forum, November 8, 2005).


Political ambitions

Gerashchenko is a fairly flexible person who tries not to publicly demonstrate his ambitions. Gerashchenko perceived her work in the Presidential Secretariat as a duty. Irina demonstrated her devotion to Viktor Andreevich in every possible way. In the fall of 2005, there were rumors on the political sidelines that Irina would run in the 2006 parliamentary elections on the list of the Our Ukraine bloc. However, these predictions did not come true. She received a seat in the Verkhovna Rada only in November 2007. However, according to knowledgeable people, the deputy seat is not the ultimate dream of Irina Vladimirovna.

Reviews about the policy

According to the online publication Internet Reporter, Gerashchenko is involved in the company CFC Consulting, which competed for a tender to fulfill some orders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Ministry of Foreign Affairs press secretary Vasily Filipchuk, known for his close contacts with Irina Gerashchenko, made a lot of efforts to promote the interests of CFC Consulting. It was Vasily Filipchuk who persistently warned Boris Tarasyuk several times about possible complications problems that the ministry may encounter if the tender desired by Gerashchenko, CFC Consulting, is not won. True, Filipchuk, in his official letters addressed to the minister, presents information in such a way that the threats come from Irina Gerashchenko, and he only informs his patron about their content. That is, the minister is directly blackmailed and at the same time informed about the contents of compromising evidence,” the publication claims. (Internet Reporter, March 18, 2006).

Politician rating

In 2007, in the “Top 100” of the most influential women in Ukraine by Focus magazine, Irina Gerashchenko took 14th place.

He's a supporter-opponent.

Irina Gerashchenko for: increase wages civil servants; creation of a Ukrainian national office in Brussels; intensifying the information campaign regarding Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO; turning Ukrainian media into business; strengthening the presidential branch of government; holding hearings in the Verkhovna Rada on the topic of Ukrainian-Russian relations; creation of an inter-factional association of women in parliament; support for Ukrainian books.

Psychological picture

Irina Gerashchenko is one of the few who communicated daily with Viktor Yushchenko for a long time. The former press secretary of the Ukrainian president, like Vera Ulyanchenko and Ekaterina Yushchenko, has been a loyal friend and adviser to Viktor Andreevich over the past five years. This circumstance, it must be understood, did not suit everyone in Yushchenko’s current circle. At first, Irina was forced to leave for the post of president of UNIAN, and a little later she received a deputy mandate.

The dirt on the politician itself

The official declaration for 2007 has not been made public. It is known that during her tenure as press secretary of the president, her monthly salary was 10 thousand UAH. per month. Irina insists that she did not receive an apartment and a dacha from the state, as some media write. “I’ve never received anything and I think I need to earn everything myself and buy it.” (Forum, November 8, 2005).

Material condition

The official declaration for 2007 has not been made public. It is known that during her tenure as press secretary of the president, her monthly salary was 10 thousand UAH. per month. Irina insists that she did not receive an apartment and a dacha from the state, as some media write. “I’ve never received anything and I think I need to earn everything myself and buy it.” (Forum, November 8, 2005).

Personal data


Born on May 15, 1971 in Cherkasy. In 1993, she graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the Kiev University. Taras Shevchenko. Until recently, I was an activist in student life. After graduating from university, she worked on the First Ukrainian TV Channel and worked as a political director in the News Service of the Inter television company. Then, until the end of 2001, she worked on her own projects at the Profi-TB television studio.

As the great editor-in-chief of the Inter TV channel Oleksiy Mustafin confirms, to the honor of Irin, she was never afraid of stories directed against Viktor Yushchenko. Wanting in the year 2000 to believe the deciphering of Major Mikoli Melnichenko, Oleksandr Zinchenko called Irina Volodymyrivna the hope and support of the pro-Southern Democratic channel “Inter”. In early 2001, Gerashchenko joined the team of the current president. Todi won a battle for the right to be Yushchenko’s press secretary from many famous journalists. For these reasons, I will not leave out the role played by a friend of Yushchenko’s childhood and the head editor of the newspaper “Ukraine Young” Mikhailo Doroshenko.

Before the speech, among those who were considered for the position of the press secretary, they named the current people's deputy of the BYuT Andriy Shevchenko and the TV presenter of Channel 5 Danylo Yanevsky. In Yushchenko’s absence, Irina steadily fought for herself in the place of one of Viktor Andriyovich’s closest lieutenants. Towards the end of the 2002 parliamentary campaign, she was far away “filtering out” journalists who wanted to join forces with Yushchenko, trying to write his thesis and spluttering on the human pride of the leader of “Our Ukraine” - cribs. This, obviously, befitted Viktor Andriyovich. After Victor Yushchenko’s victory in the presidential elections in 2004, Irina was appointed press secretary of the head of state. Todi Gerashchenko stated that her job is to “tell the truth” and added: “I have everything in front of me in television journalism.” (Forum, November 8, 2005) On June 25, 2006, fate filed a resignation from the press secretary of the President of Ukraine - the head of the press service of the head of state.

Speaking about the reasons for her resignation, Gerashchenko said: “As a team player, I understand that sometimes you need to lend a shoulder or pass the ball to a partner. It’s important to take note of this moment.” Irina Vannikova gave up her position. “Five fates, which I have the small honor of working in Yushchenko’s team, are priceless evidence, great luck, both professional and human. I had the opportunity to become a witness, and sometimes a participant in the processes of change in the country,” says Gerashchenko (“Profile”, February 26, 2007).

At the end of November 2006, Irina Gerashchenko became president of UNIAN. At the fall of leaves in 2007, the fate of the planting in connection with the elected People's Deputy of Ukraine. At the pre-government elections of 2007, the bloc "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" (No. 19) was promoted to the Verkhovna Rada for the list. In 2007, Irina Gerashchenko was ranked 14th in the “Top 100” of the most productive women in Ukraine for the magazine “Focus”. In 2007, in the ranking of the magazine “Focus” “200 most productive Ukrainians”, it took 184th place. Head of the Subcommittee for Information Security of Integration Processes to the Supreme Council of Ukraine Committee for European Integration.
Zamizhnya. According to these data, Irini’s man is engaged in business. Although it is true that her man is engaged in lobbying the interests of business structures, Irina Gerashchenko confirms: “My man is not a lobbyist.” Vikhova donka. “I protect my special life. This is the constipation of the happy family. I highly value my homeland and I think that you will get to the point where I don’t want to talk much about this topic. My man is far from the sphere of politics and journalism. I’ll pay you for this,” said Gerashchenko. Irina knows that she practically has no time to spare for her family. If it’s a day off, then, in other words, it will become more expensive to go to the pool. “Like all workaholic mothers, I feel guilty about a hundred percent of my daughters, but I find self-soothing in the formula: “What is important is not the number of hours spent with the family, but the intensity.” I would like to hear tales from the Donetsk Empire once a week. She and I have our own fairy tale heroes. Two years ago, Donka decided to buy her a British Shorthair cat. Our Timofy has the laugh of a Cheshire cat from “Alice in Wonderland” and Burshtin’s saucer eyes,” says Irina. (Forum, November 8, 2005).


He loves to read books, he respects his hobbies, and he doesn’t have enough time.

Political ambitions

Gerashchenko is a foolish man who tries not to publicly demonstrate his ambitions. Gerashchenko took her job at the Presidential Secretariat like a liability. Irina demonstrated her loyalty to Viktor Andriyovich in every possible way. In the fall of 2005, there were rumors on the political sidelines that Irina would run in the parliamentary elections in 2006 for the list of the Our Ukraine bloc. These forecasts did not change. The place near the Verkhovna Radiya was taken away only in the leaf fall of 2007. However, as knowledgeable people insist, the parliamentary seat is not between the dead of Irina Volodymyrivna.
Videos about politics
According to the Internet news site “Internet Reporter”, Gerashchenko is credited to the company CFC Consulting, which was awarded the tender for the execution of financial contracts. “It was very important for the interests of CFC Consulting to be addressed by the press secretary of MZS Vasyl Filipchuk, aware of his close contacts with Irina Gerashchenko. Vasyl Filipchuk himself has easily beaten Boris Tarasyuk several times about possible complications that may arise from the ministry, since the tender is not won by Gerashchenko CFC Consulting. True, Filipchuk in his service sheets on behalf of the minister provides information in such a way that he threatens to resemble Irina Gerashchenko, and he does not inform his patron about their replacement. So, the minister is completely blackmailed, and at the same time informed about the replacement of compromising material,” the evidence confirms. (“Internet reporter”, March 18, 2006).

Politician rating

In 2007, Irina Gerashchenko was ranked 14th in the “Top 100” of the most productive women in Ukraine for the magazine “Focus”.
Vin is a henchman-enemy
Irina Gerashchenko: increase in wages for government officials; creation of a Ukrainian national office in Brussels; activation of information campaign for the integration of Ukraine into the European Union and NATO; re-creation of Ukrainian ZMI in business; strengthening of the presidential power; holding parliamentary hearings at the Verkhovna Rada on the topic of Ukrainian-Russian relations; creation of an inter-factional union of women in parliament; support for Ukrainian books.

Psychological portrait

Irina Gerashchenko is one of the poor people who spent many hours in bed with Viktor Yushchenko. The former press secretary of the Ukrainian president, like Vira Ulyanchenko and Katerina Yushchenko, has been a faithful friend and supporter of Viktor Andriyovich for the rest of five years. This situation, which required understanding, did not control everyone in the opinion of Yushchenko. From the very beginning, Irina was afraid of being voted out of office by the UNIAN President; a little later, she was withdrawing her parliamentary mandate.

Compromising evidence

The dirt on the politician itself

Material mill
The official declaration for 2007 has not been published. Apparently, by the time the presidential press secretary was in office, her monthly salary was 10 thousand. UAH per month. Irina affirms that she did not take away the apartment and dacha from the state, as the ZMI deeds write. “I haven’t taken anything away and I respect the need to earn and buy everything.” (Forum, November 8, 2005).

There is such a joke.
A Soviet citizen who was in France decided to buy something as a present for his wife. Perfume? Eau de toilette? But everything is so expensive. I decided to buy a few bars of soap.
- Great choice, the seller tells him. - How many pieces should you wrap?
- Let's give it five.
- Wonderful. Let's wrap it up now. Yours is 25 francs.
- 25 francs, 25 francs. Or maybe three pieces.
- No problem. 15 francs from you.
- 15 francs? 15 francs... Or maybe one piece.
- Fabulous. Let's have one. From you 5 francs.
a friend paid 5 francs, took a wrapped piece of soap and suddenly felt that there was something else there. I unwrapped it, and next to the soap there was a pack of condoms.
- What are you doing? This is a provocation.
- No, no, monsieur. This is a gift from the store for you. We just think people like you shouldn't reproduce.
I remembered this when I read about the throwing of Rada deputy I. Gershchenko, a selection of which was made by S. Volkov.

For understanding. Who rules Ukraine and where. From there, decide for yourself who they are in your subjective opinion: prostitutes, hacks, cooks or just idiots.
For example, Gerashchenko Irka.
- Vice Speaker of the Rada.
- First Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Information Support of Integration Processes of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on European Integration.
- Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the east of the country in the Norman Group.
And now her revelations.

“The expulsion of Russian consuls will cause the expulsion of Ukrainian consuls, and our political prisoners in the Russian Federation will be left alone with Mordor, without the chance to see a Ukrainian representative at least once every few months, to feel minimal support. Our diplomatic relations have been reduced to a critical minimum; only a few ordinary diplomats and consuls remain in the embassies.”

“Demonstrating solidarity with our European partners, the Ukrainian side decided to expel several more diplomats who still remained in Russian missions in Ukraine. Ukraine took this step simultaneously with its American and European partners, and it was decided to announce this today.<..>Ukraine has decided to stand in solidarity with its British, European and American partners. We expect increased solidarity with Ukraine - in the anti-Putin coalition.” (Punctuation of the deputy. Mine, translation only.)

“Russia, by tradition, acts vilely and painfully. In response to the expulsion of 13 Russian diplomats who were involved in questionable activities in Ukraine, they are expelling 13 of our active diplomats, mainly from the embassy in Moscow, and 5 from our consulate in Rostov. It is there that most trials of Ukrainian political prisoners take place.<...>Yes, the workload and pressure on our consuls... will increase, but they are aware of their responsibility and high mission. They will continue to fully carry out their duties, seek access to prisons, and will be on the courts...”

Very reminiscent of the behavior of a whore. Concerned about whether to surrender or not... She made a decision, surrendered and was proud... She realized that she had been raped.
Does anyone see service to the country and people in such behavior? Only serving, squatting, crawling at the feet of sovereigns.

Irina Gerashchenko managed to become a multimillionaire while in power throughout her adult life.

The other day it became known that she would head the new party of the oligarch Poroshenko, and if not for Zelensky, she would have become the appointed President of Ukraine by the Poroshenko oligarchy in 2024.

How Gerashchenko started

Irina Gerashchenko, before she was bought by the oligarch Poroshenko, was the mistress of Viktor Yushchenko.

Everyone in the political elite and journalistic circles knows about this.

In 2004, she almost destroyed the Yushchenko family and led him into a dead end with her stupid advice.

A video of Gerashchenko’s “career growth” was leaked online. Is this really a relationship between politicians? Or is this a relationship between lovers...

Irina Gerashchenko and Viktor Yushchenko during their affair

After Yushchenko disappeared into oblivion, Irinka immediately switched to Vitali Klitschko. Rumor has it that Klitschka really liked Irinka’s services..

Well, already during the Maidan, Irina quickly realized that she needed to join Poroshenko.

Irina Gerashchenko positions herself as a patriot and an incredible defender of everything Ukrainian.

In fact, this is not true either.

Gerashchenko drowned for Ukrainian language, and called the residents of Donbass “Separi” at every opportunity. For 5 years she divided Ukraine and Ukrainians into real Ukrainians and those who simply live on the territory of Ukraine.

At the same time, Gerashchenko’s children don’t even know Ukrainian! Gerashchenko’s eldest daughter lives in London, and before that she studied in London.

While the mother is fleecing Ukraine and making money off the coffins of Ukrainian soldiers, her daughter has long forgotten about our country.

Just the other day another loud scandal surfaced.

On the Internet they revealed Irina Gerashchenko, the same professional patriot who talked about the Hetman of Ukraine Poroshenko, about how the government cannot be changed, because there is a war in the country.

The same Gerashchenko who screamed for 5 years, “don’t kill the tray,” otherwise Putin will attack.

The same Gerashchenko who directly called for crimes and the same Gerashchenko who called 75% of Ukrainians agents of the Kremlin and that anyone who is not with Poroshenko is with Putin.

Gerashchenko thought that all Ukrainians were in cauldrons, or at the front, defending the country from Putin, while she, a professional patriot, basked in the Croatian sun for crazy money.

Gerashchenko screamed at the top of her lungs that how Zelensky allowed himself to rest for 4 days in Turkey, because Putin would attack, and she herself found herself, during the most fierce battles in Ilovaisk, basking in the most expensive resort in Croatia.

A story appeared online about how Irina Gerashchenko, being the Presidential Commissioner for the settlement of the conflict in Donbass, chose a luxurious vacation in Croatia over her direct duties.

Ukrainian Elena Bondarchuk wrote about this on Facebook.

In particular, she told one very interesting story happened in 2015 during the tragic events in Donbass.

“This disrespected “Irina Gerashchenko” during the Ilovaisk cauldron sat in a villa in Croatia costing 600 euros per day, being at that time the Presidential Commissioner for the resolution of the conflict in Donbass and from the shore of the Adriatic Sea helped resolve the conflict. When our children tried to take pictures of her, she began to hide her face.

When I wrote about this on Facebook, Mr. Chepinoga closed comments on his Facebook, plus Madame herself began to threaten me in personal comments, saying that “she’s a mother” and has the right to rest, and the funds for her to buy such an expensive villa, because her husband is a famous businessman (probably in very narrow circles),” Elena said.

Elena Bondarchuk /

People's Deputy Irina Gerashchenko always carefully hides the details of her personal life, reports


In an electronic declaration, First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Irina Gerashchenko noted that she has neither an apartment nor a car

The relevant electronic declaration data is posted on the Nazka website.

Gerashchenko's man, Anton Zatsepin, owns an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​143.7 square meters. m. Gerashchenko’s daughter, Anna Zatsepin, also owns an apartment with an area of ​​76.6 square meters. m.

The politician’s mother, Olga Gerashchenko, owns an apartment in Cherkasy with an area of ​​59.2 square meters. m and land plot in the village of Letki, Brovary district, Kyiv region, with an area of ​​1000 sq. m, on which there is a house of 240 sq. m.

Gerashchenko also owns two paintings of contemporary Ukrainian art, and her husband has another such painting.

Gerashchenko is the owner of Piaget watches, jewelry - pendants, rings, earrings, pendants and brooches.

Her husband declared a home theater and a 2013 Ford Explorer.

Gerashchenko herself has the right to use a 2007 Lexus 350 from GM LLC.

Over the past year, the people's deputy received 75,082 UAH in salary, 80,559 funds for parliamentary powers, 13,808 UAH in compensation for travel costs, and 17,820 UAH in maternity payments for child care.

Her husband received 120,199 UAH in salary and 1,875,931 in income from business activities.

Irina Gerashchenko’s mother, Olga, received a 37,788 UAH pension in 2015.

Daughter Anna received 180,000 UAH from renting out property, and her mother also received 18,000 UAH for renting out property last year.

Gerashchenko placed $28,678 in the Ukreximbank bank account. She declared $30,000 and €3,500 in cash.

The man Gerashchenko placed $42,022 in the bank account of Privatbank, and $10,000 in the account of Ukreximbank. In cash he has 55,000 dollars, 10,000 euros and 500,000 UAH.

Olga Gerashchenko has $10,500 in cash.

However, she showed her husband back in 2013, the female politician still decided to lift the veil a little and visited a new exhibition at the Art Arsenal together with an unknown handsome man.

That day, many VIPs came together to admire the collection of millionaire Igor Voronov. Gerashchenko walked hand in hand with a broad-shouldered, fair-haired gentleman. This is probably the father of her children.

“I protect my personal life. This is the key to a happy family. I value my family very much and I think that you will understand that I do not want to talk much about this topic. My husband is far from the sphere of politics and journalism. For this I appreciate him,” Gerashchenko said in her old interviews.