Beautiful statuses about winter and snow in verse. Beautiful statuses about winter Status about winter and snow short

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The best statuses about winter in verse

Like a princess, waking up from sleep, shaking herself, scattering snow, barely touching the ground with her lace, the beauty Winter began to spin!

What a miracle! Rain comes with snow: the seasons are crowned - misalliance. I will forget the days of happy summer bliss. Winter is coming - let it be! She and I are friends...

Look out the window, like in a fairy tale, the snow has started to fall, and smile, wiping away your tears - the sadness will pass, the frost will end. Everything will certainly be fine!

The winter forest fell asleep in the arms of silence, wrapping its branches in snow. Now he will sleep peacefully until spring under the silver sky. How fabulously handsome he looks today in snow-white festive decorations! It really seems like a crystal-ice kingdom.

What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, press your cheek to his cheek and bask together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved, blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul is happy!

There are only two weeks until spring, but in love there is a different calendar, well, don’t really wait until the snowy February ends?!

This winter again prophesies love, because I so want warmth on a cold, lonely evening... I lit a candle on the table so that she wouldn’t get lost on the way and would lead her to the house along a snowy path...

The streets are covered with snow again... Everyone is admiring its whiteness... Winter has finally arrived, I’m already tired of waiting for it!

A cheerful winter has come with skates and sleds, with powdered ski tracks, with a magical old fairy tale. Lanterns swing on the decorated Christmas tree. May the fun winter never end!

Bewitched by the Enchantress of Winter, the forest stands, and under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute, wonderful life it sparkles. And he stands, bewitched,he is dead and not aliveenchanted by a magical dream, all entangled, all shackled with a light downy chain... Is the winter sun casting its ray on him obliquely?nothing will tremble in it, it will all flare up and sparkle with dazzling beauty.

Winter is a bright, good time... It's time for magical snowflakes and happiness... In winter, the doors open for the New Year! Let there be an atmosphere of warmth in the family!

Winter is a special time, because snow hides everything around! The doors are open for joys, let there be no blizzards in life!

Snow and ice, no snowdrifts yet, but the mood is frosty in winter! And it seems that soon New Year, prepare for it again seriously. It's time to go skiing, the snow will get stronger and we'll go to the forest! The skates have been waiting for their time for a long time, they are hanging, you won’t be able to ride them in the summer! We will feed the birds now; they have a hard time in winter! We live in a new way in December, and this is also a winter mystery.

Winter in a white sundress made of silver brocade. Diamonds burn on you like bright rays. Hello, Russian pullet, beautiful soul. Snow-white winch, hello, mother winter!

In the winter picture, everything is white with snow: the field, the distant hills, the hedge, the cart. But sometimes sunspots will flash on it in the middle of a clearing of cotton wool red-breasted bullfinches.

Autumn rustled like a crimson train and disappeared into the fog. And, lifting the downy cloak, winter reigned on the throne. Her temperament is known to be cool, joke with her– only more expensive for yourself. Sometimes we still cannot live without a fairy tale in winter.

Winter is already coming into its own, bringing with it a blizzard and cold, don’t let it scare you, look how beautiful the snowy city is.

Congratulations on the arrival of winter. Once again you can lick an icicle, immerse yourself in the excitement of the chaos, and whisper a wish to Santa Claus. The evening fireworks will go off again, again the white magic of snow, and the skating rink will certainly be flooded so that you can conquer the ice with a running start.

Only before winter will bewitch us with a fairy tale, a blizzard will spin in a white waltz and will be slightly sad, realizing that the fairy tale will be, as always, so beautiful and so short...

Winter is a great reason to start over... 24

Winter... The snow thought - it's time to fall! 7

Cold is when you open the refrigerator, and warmth comes out. 11

I don't want winter. I just want to touch the snow, breathe the frosty air, take a walk in winter clothes. And then clean it up. Enough. 10

He fell to his knees in front of me and said: Damn, it's slippery! 12

In our minds, winter is beautiful, white, snowy, with the smell of tangerines and New Year, with bluish sparkling snow. But she is only like that in our imaginations... 22 - Statuses about winter

You dress like a cabbage, you look like a penguin, but you’re still freezing... 12

Winter... Snowflakes are coming to kiss... =* 13

Winter without snot is like a wedding without a bride. 7

A good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a wonderful husband decorates his wife! 11

In winter, a guy is a must. It's slippery. 9

While there is snow on the streets, sweets are the best medicine. 6

Those who met in winter have the longest relationships. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love! 15

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate. 17

Winter fitness - longitudinal splits, cross splits, bending from side to side, squats, obstacle course... 10

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth, fifth and sixth months as a gift! 12

Winter... You can start life with a blank slate. 20

Girls who wear leather jackets, miniskirts and nylon tights in winter drink anti-freeze. 11

Winter... The roads are icy, icy and rough. On the streets there is two or three floors of foul language. 13

Last night the thermometer knocked on the window and asked to warm up. 13

In winter, one believes more in miracles, and in the most beautiful fairy tale - about love. 13

An ideal winter is when you walk under the bright sun, through white snow, listen to your favorite music and see all this New Year's fuss. 14

Somehow I felt cold, I was looking for someone with whom and the whole world was not enough. 13

Winter hardens the water falling from the sky and hardens the hearts of people. 17

On a cold winter day, true happiness will knock on your door. And your heart will melt with love. 13

The Chinese came up with the Year of the Dragon and the Dragon Style... The Russians came up with the Breath of the Dragon on January 1st. 10

May each of us have a person on these magical winter days who will warm our hands, heart and soul. 17

When it's winter, you want summer. And when it’s autumn, you don’t want anything at all! 13

Winter is when you come home and put on the kettle before turning on the computer. 16

Winter... Give me wings! I want to go where it’s summer! 10

Men fall at my feet... It's winter and ice. 9

Smile! It will be warmer. 14

Winter is cold for those who do not have warm memories. 10

There are still “damn, nothing bought or done” days left until the New Year. 15

Winter without tangerines is like summer without ice cream. 10

And briefly about the weather - today people applauded the minibus that arrived... 17

I want something unusual this winter. Snow, for example. 11

There is ice and trenches on the street again... People, take care of your cars and butts. 11

The snow fell treacherously, without declaring winter... 13

Jumping in fresh snow improves mood, improves vision, drives away negativity, and adds positivity. 12

Statuses about snow: beautiful phrases

  • “Adults remain children at heart as long as they are fascinated by snowfall.”
  • “Snowfall and a cup of hot coffee force us to talk about the main thing.”
  • "Snow even illuminates the night."
  • “Weather never gives such peace and tranquility to a person as during snowfall.”
  • “In the snow it’s cozy even in a crowd.”
  • "The dance of snowflakes is the most fascinating spectacle."
  • “Everyone loves snow. It’s not for nothing that they are so indignant when it melts!”
  • "Those who have
  • "I can look at two things forever - falling snowflakes and the lights of a garland."
  • "Snowfall on Christmas means God's grace."
  • “On a winter night, it seems as if snowflakes are falling from the street lamps.”
  • “How can you not admire the fact that not a single snowflake is like another?”

Statuses about snow are loved for their poetry. As well as during the winter itself, for the snow sparks from the sun and under the light of night lamps.

Statuses about the first snow

  • "With the first snow, a new life begins."
  • “How little I need to be happy - just watch the white flakes fly.”
  • “Just when you decide that miracles don’t happen, the first snowflakes begin to fall.”
  • “How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and see that yesterday’s gray day has turned into a white fairy tale.”
  • “Calmness and hope are born in your soul when you look at the first falling snowflakes.”
  • “When you look into the sky at the falling snowflakes, at first you want to close your eyes. You think that they will cloud your eyes, as if it were flour. But the beauty is worth it, you open your eyes and joyfully realize that everything is fine. It is and will be.”
  • “Snow cannot but bring joy. After all, its first appearance means the end of the autumn blues.”
  • “With the first snow everything becomes clear - what is important and what happened in vain.”

Statuses about winter and snow

Some statuses about snow can be used for other purposes. Individual phrases can be part of fairy tales for children, postcards for loved ones. The main thing is to want to convey to another person some of your warmth and winter comfort.

  • “In winter they usually lie that they are waiting for summer and want to go to the sea, but in fact they are fascinated by the snowfall.”
  • "Winter is the time for snowfalls, silence, tart wine and tight hugs."
  • “As a child, the most important question was: does it snow on a winter day?”
  • "It's easier to forget in winter. It's worth seeing how the snow covers up the traces left behind."
  • "Winter is not cold. Winter is a reason for warm meetings."
  • “When winter comes, all worries are covered with snow.”
  • "Only in winter can a person become an angel. In the snow."
  • “They say that winter is prickly and cold. But what about the blanket of snow?”
  • “In winter, miracles happen at every step. For example, I’ve never understood how cats don’t fall into the snow?”
  • “Have you noticed that on a quiet winter evening people’s faces are happier?”
  • “Snow covers everything except the human soul. In winter, everything freezes except the heart.”

Statuses about snow are usually chosen by romantic people. Those who believe in the magic of winter and love to share this joy. So let every snowy day bring us a little faith in a better tomorrow.

For those who love VKontakte statuses depending on the season, we offer you statuses about winter. We have collected the best for you statuses for classmates, VKontakte about winter. Statuses about winter - The best way highlight the beauty of winter nature or simply tell your VKontakte friends about your walk through the white winter park, its fabulous mystery . This may seem strange, but for many, winter weather, biting winds and cold are more desirable than summer sunny days. That is why statuses about winter no less popular and in demand than statuses dedicated to other seasons. Statuses about winter often associated with those magical holidays that all people love and look forward to, regardless of age: Merry Christmas and New Year. Winter statuses They will always be able to tell your virtual interlocutors what emotions the arrival of winter evoked in you, what you think and feel while watching soft, white, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky and how sincere, fiery love warms you during the Christmas and Epiphany frosts . Winter statuses are suitable for absolutely everyone, choose the best winter statuses for your page on the Internet!


Why is it that when they talk about winter, they often talk about cold and snowstorms, but I like it. While you bring the beer home to the refrigerator, you no longer need to put it cold.

“Carrots or life?!” the hare shouted, threatening the snowman with a hairdryer.

The motto of public utilities: “Whoever throws the snow removes it from the road”

40% of women like winter, and 60% - not so much. The same survey showed that 40% of women have a fur coat, and 60% do not.

Cool status about winter: If the snow were alcoholic, it would have been summer long ago.

I love ice...4 splits, 2 somersaults, 5 swallows and I'm home.

Winter has come - fuck your hair!!! Head needs a comb! He took off his hat and his hair was up, You walk into school like a fool.

Survive three months of winter and receive the fourth as a gift.

How good it is that snowmen fall from the sky in disassembled form!

Well, it's snowing! I’m digging up the fourth car - and it’s still not mine...

Congratulations on winter. Freeze for your health. Always your minus on the thermometer.

Only snot reproduces in the cold.

It’s a shame that summer, autumn, spring come once a year, and winter twice – the first time at the beginning of the year, and the second at the end...

When parking in a snowdrift, you must first make sure that it is not occupied!

Oh, how frosty it is in January, when there are amenities in the yard!

Cool status about winter: February... 30 minutes at the bus stop... Thank you for being alive!

Bring back summer!! Turn off the snow, draw the sun, warm up the sky, boil the sea, plant palm trees...

Cold is when you open the refrigerator and warm up.

And it’s warmer here - you don’t have to button up your down jacket in your apartment.

Winter is coming to an end soon!!! All that remains is to confess your love, eat pancakes and congratulate the men...

When Napoleon came to Moscow, there was no one in the city. Hah, what did he want - it’s winter, everyone is in Egypt!

Do you know what -45C is in Siberia? This is when you lick your iPhone to answer the call!

Those who met in winter have the longest relationships. If he liked you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love!

The grass is turning green! The sun is shining! Get hurt!!! It's December outside...

Cool status about winter: It’s hard to live in a country where frosts are stronger than vodka...

Frost and sun. It's a bad day. When you walk early in the morning, and your cheeks and nose are stiff, and the question is frozen on your lips: “Why don’t you stay at home when suddenly it’s minus twenty?

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

Damn... I'll have to buy a new down jacket for the winter, otherwise the old one will wear out over the summer!

Everyone who buys alpine skis from us will receive crutches for free!

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm walking on ice in heels!

Ooooh, that sad moment when you're wearing a long winter down jacket and your jeans have slipped...

Before catching snowflakes in your mouth, make sure that all the birds have flown south.

In this weather, a good governor won’t even send snowplows outside!

Just a little more snow on the cornice and I won't need curtains.

There's a skating rink outside. For the first time in my life I saw a pigeon slip.

A friend’s VKontakte status reads: “It’s so cold, it’s heavy in my soul when I realize that she’s no longer there...”. I write to him: “Why did you break up with your girlfriend?” he: “no, I lost my hat...”

On the slippery porch quantity cultured people is sharply reduced.