What is international roaming? Easy roaming service and international access MTS. How it works

01.10.2021 Medicines 

Word "roaming" has roots from English. "roaming"- to wander, and this definition accurately reflects the essence of this function. We all travel around the country and abroad, and need to be in touch with family and friends.

And in order to fully communicate, all networks must be interconnected by certain standards. Thanks to these standards - the current CDMA or GSM switching centers - information about the location of the network user is transmitted through communication channels.

What is roaming for mobile operators?

Roaming with mobile operators means that your “home network” provides you with communication beyond its borders by concluding an agreement with a “guest network”. That is, the subscriber moves, and data about his movement is requested by another cellular network from his operator. After this, the user’s data is automatically transferred to his location, for his full connection with the desired number.

An agreement between your mobile operator and another network allows the subscriber to keep his phone number in another city, region, or country. There are three types of roaming: intranet, international, national.

What is intranet roaming ?

Within our country, there is so-called intranet roaming, which allows you to use your chosen network in any region at reduced rates. The intranet roaming service is activated automatically, in personal account, as well as by contacting your post office, or by dialing a certain combination.

This service is paid, in accordance with the Law “On Communications” in force in our country. The fact is that the size of our state is enormous, and servicing such an area is very expensive. The user pays for “traffic transmission” in each communication center, hence the subscription fee. However, at the moment, each operator MTS, Beeline, Megafon and TELE2 has favorable offers for intranet roaming.

What is international roaming ?

When traveling outside our state, we also want to use our phone number, and this service is provided under an agreement between our operator and a foreign provider. Thanks to the globalization of cellular communications, our compatriots enjoy international roaming in more than two hundred countries, and roaming agreements have been concluded between five hundred operators around the world.

But when planning to use this type of roaming, you should take into account some nuances. Communication centers use different frequencies that some phones do not support. You also need to know that subscription fees for international roaming are charged with a delay of up to 36 days.

What is data roaming ?

Your mobile phone data is your daily Internet activity on your phone: viewing email, communicating online. Otherwise, this service is commonly called “mobile Internet”. And in order not to be shocked when moving from your network zone with bills for Internet use, you need to switch to the “data roaming” option.

To do this, find the line “mobile Internet” in your phone and activate the service called “data transfer while roaming”. The service will naturally be paid, but will bring much less costs than not connecting it.

What is roaming in simple words?

For those who have little understanding of the complex cellular communications system, we can give a simple definition of the concept of “roaming.” Speaking in simple language, roaming allows to the common man use your type of communication and your SIM card anywhere in the world.

And if your network does not function in the area where you are located, then another connection is automatically provided to you under an agreement with yours. Moreover, if there are several cooperating networks in this location, then the network with the best signal is selected.

Our century is the century of mobile communications and total communication between people, countries, continents. Traveling is becoming more commonplace, but so is cellular communication in every region of the world. Roaming is something that any owner of a mobile phone and an active user of cellular communications will encounter. Let's understand it in a simple way, without complex terms and diagrams.

Roaming from mobile operators

Telephone mobile networks can be roughly divided into “home” and “guest” networks. The SIM card that you purchased in your region connects to your home network, but when you travel outside the region, it starts working on the “guest” network. What should I do? Is this fraught with overpayment? In no case if the “home” network has entered into an agreement with the “guest” network. All client information is transferred between networks and the client can make calls based on your tariff plan in any region of the Russian Federation.

Essentially, roaming is an ability or service that allows any user to keep his number in any region of his country or world where a cellular operator operates.

There are three types of roaming: intranet, international and data roaming. Let's get acquainted with each of them.

Roaming within the network

From the name itself it is clear that this type of roaming operates only within the country, in our case - within Russian Federation. This allows the client to use mobile communications in accordance with the tariffs and prices of your operator in all regions from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin.

The service can be activated in the following ways:

  • Connects automatically the moment you cross the border of your region;
  • When contacting a mobile phone store directly;
  • Via USSD – request by sending a short SMS;
  • Through the SIM card menu or by calling the telecom operator's office.

According to the Law “On Communications” within the Russian Federation, the roaming service within the network is paid and is paid for by withdrawing funds from the phone balance. Each crossing of the region is recorded and a subscription fee invoice is generated. It is worth noting that all the main mobile operators provide customers with bonuses, discounts and various advantageous offers for using roaming.

International roaming

Similar to intranet roaming, there is an agreement, but in this case between a domestic operator and a foreign operator or provider. This agreement satisfies the client’s desire to communicate via mobile phone outside the Russian Federation as well as within it. More than 500 operators around the world have mutual agreements and obligations, and our compatriots can use roaming in 210 countries.

When using this roaming, you need to remember some characteristic points:

  • Communicators and cellular communication centers use a variety of frequency bands, which may not be supported by some phone models (relevant for North Korea and China);
  • Funds for international roaming are not written off immediately; a delay of up to 1 month is possible.

data roaming

Phone data is a “quick information” cache and all data from browsing web pages from a phone (smartphone, communicator, etc.). To put it simply, this is the most typical mobile Internet. And data roaming is a remedy for the shock of huge bills that will follow if you do not enable the “data roaming” service abroad.

The service is activated independently. You need to go to the settings of your smartphone and find the tab there - “Mobile Internet”, there we look for information about roaming and put the checkboxes in the required position (for Android). However, application help will help you understand this much more effectively.

How it works?

Roaming only works if operators enter into mutual agreements with each other. This leads to a general globalization of communications around the world, mitigating communication and communications barriers.

Roaming work can be divided to the next successive stages:

  1. The phone, through the operator, tries to connect to its native “home” network;
  2. If the phone cannot “connect”, then an automatic search begins for networks with the best signal;
  3. If a network is found, a connection is made to it;
  4. The new network is connected to the “home” one, and information and connection protocol are transferred;
  5. All conditions are met and the phone is transferred to the “guest” network of its operator.

It is best to configure your smartphone to automatically search for available networks, this is will allow you to always be in touch. And the cost issue is so minimal that it is not worth the attention. Roaming - convenience and reliability of communication in any corner of your country and the world.

Easy roaming and international access MTS, what is it? This question is often asked by clients. We will try to answer it in this article and provide basic information for later reference.

Roaming is one of the additional services operator. Do you need to continue using communications in the territory of another state? In this case, special connection diagrams are used.

Operators typically have networks in a limited number of countries. Therefore, they enter into partnership agreements with each other. The conditions provide:

  • Providing subscribers with access to the network.
  • Provision of services.
  • The subscriber pays them to his operator at current rates.
  • In the future, MTS independently pays off with partners according to the terms of the agreements.

Roaming is an option that benefits everyone. MTS partners receive royalties for the provision of communication services. The company itself also earns a certain amount from it. The client gets the opportunity to communicate with friends and relatives during the trip.

How does Easy Roaming and MTS International Access differ from the standard service? This is a simplified option for clients who do not need the Internet, MMS and various additional options.

  1. Receive and make calls.
  2. Send and receive messages.

It is important to understand that this is not a tariff. When connecting, the client only gets access to communication abroad. The cost is calculated taking into account the state in which the client resides.

About tariffs

There are no general roaming rates. The cost depends on the location of the subscriber. Each country sets its own prices. How can I find out the current parameters?

  • Visit the page http://www.mts.ru/mob_connect/roaming/i_roaming/tariffs/.
  • The third point provides a choice of country, click on it.
  • A list of states will appear, find the one you are interested in.
  • After selection, a page with current tariffs is displayed.

We say right away: the cost of operator services during trips is enormous. Therefore, it is worth thinking before connecting to roaming whether it is really so important to stay connected.


For the MTS Easy Roaming option, the cost is 0 rubles. The service does not require a subscription fee. You can activate it and not worry about subsequent debits from your account.

The client pays exclusively for calls and SMS during the trip. Their cost can be found out separately; a scheme for quickly obtaining the information of interest was described above.

Is it worth using the service?

Key benefits of the option:

  1. Ability to receive and make calls.
  2. Use text messages.
  3. Be in touch.
  4. Some clients cannot go offline for a long time due to work.


  • High price.
  • Paid incoming calls.
  • It is impossible to fully use the connection due to tariffs.

Alternatively, you can choose another option. Many operators in different countries offer guest rates. Visitors can access the network as a subscriber and fully use the connection.

Calls within the state will cost a small amount. International calls to the Russian Federation are not cheap, but the cost is lower than roaming rates. I also manage to get an internet package.

How to activate the service

How to activate Easy roaming and MTS international access? The first way is to use a command. Need to:

  • Dial *111*2157#.
  • Submit your request.
  • Wait for confirmation.

The second option is a personal account. Necessary:

  1. Go to the MTS website.
  2. Go to LC.
  3. Log in.
  4. Proceed to the services section.
  5. Activate the required option there.

Another way is to call the contact center. Required:

  • Make a call to 0890.
  • Choose to connect with a specialist.
  • Wait for an answer. The system will indicate the approximate time.
  • Ask the employee to activate the option.
  • He will turn it on manually.

You can send message 2157 to number 111. In response, you should receive a report about the successful activation of the service.


Disabling the option is easy; there are the following methods:

  • Dial *111*2158# and send a request.
  • Switch on the site.
  • In your personal account on the portal.
  • From a contact center specialist.
  • Send an SMS with the text 2158 to number 111.

In fact, there is no need to disable Easy Roaming. It is completely free, and standard conditions apply when you are in your home region. Therefore, there is no point in spending additional time on deactivation.

Option " Unlimited Internet in MN roaming" - mobile Internet via affordable price in dozens of countries around the world! The option is available to all Allo Incognito subscribers with a SIM card based on the Beeline network.

For Allo Incognito subscribers with a SIM card based on the MegaFon network, the international roaming option “Roaming, goodbye!” is available. .

Price mobile internet in the CIS and popular countries

Connection fee

Subscription fee, per day

Traffic volume at maximum speed

CIS: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine;

Popular countries: Austria, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Gibraltar, Greenland, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Kenya, Cyprus, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Norway, o. Maine, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, USA, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Indonesia , Philippines, Sri Lanka, Israel, India, Cambodia, Canada, Qatar, Malaysia, UAE, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Seychelles, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Macau, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia, the Netherlands, China, South Korea, South Africa.

Attention! Important to remember!

The option “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” is available for connection only for tariff plans Allo Incognito network based on a Beeline SIM card. All prices indicated in this offer are available only with the “GPRS in international roaming” service activated and with the “Unlimited Internet in international roaming” option activated.

After sending a command to enable/disable an option, you must ensure that it is enabled/disabled. To do this, you need to wait for a response SMS message with confirmation of connecting/disabling the option.

Activation of the “Unlimited Internet in International Roaming” option is available only if the Electronic Account balance exceeds 400 rubles. Unused megabytes included in the package are not carried over to the next day.

The first 100 MB of traffic per day is provided at the highest possible speed. If the included traffic is exceeded, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps until 23:59:59 local time in the subscriber’s connection region.

The amount of transmitted/received data is rounded up to the nearest 20 KB.

The subscriber has the opportunity to independently disable the “Unlimited Internet in International Roaming” option using the Interactive command during the entire period of validity of the option. After disabling the option, you can re-enable it.

If the phone options prohibit data transfer while roaming, then the “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” option will not work.

The “Unlimited Internet in roaming” and “Gigabyte in roaming” options can be activated simultaneously. As a priority, the traffic is taken into account in the limit of the “Gigabyte in roaming” option, upon exhaustion of which the limit of the “Unlimited Internet in roaming” option is used.

If you use the Internet while roaming:

  • without the “Unlimited Internet in MN roaming” option connected;
  • in the absence of a confirmation SMS message about connecting the option;

services are charged according to Basic Tariffs.



* 1 1 7 * 1 6 #


* 1 1 7 * 1 6 * 0 #

Current status

* 1 1 7 * 1 6 * 1 #

To access the Internet in international roaming, you must first activate the “GPRS in international roaming” service. Any Interactive command is executed within 24 hours from the moment it is received. It is imperative to wait for a response SMS message confirming the connection/disconnection of the option. Tariffing for services in roaming in the absence of a confirmation SMS message about activation of the option occurs according to Basic tariffs.