Summary of a literature lesson on the topic “White Duck. White duck Russian folk tale Is there a saying in the fairy tale white duck

01.10.2021 Medicines 

One prince married a beautiful princess and did not have time to look at her enough, did not have time to talk to her enough, did not have time to listen to her enough, and they had to part with him, he had to go on a long journey, leave his wife in someone else’s arms. What to do! They say you can’t sit for a century hugging each other. The princess cried a lot, the prince persuaded her a lot, commanded her not to leave the high tower, not to go to conversation, not to mingle with bad people, not to listen to bad speeches. The princess promised to fulfill everything. The prince left; She locked herself in her room and won’t come out. How long or short did it take a woman to come to her, it seemed so simple, so warm-hearted!
“What,” he says, “are you bored?” If only I could look at God’s light, if only I could walk through the garden, it would relieve melancholy. For a long time the princess made excuses, she didn’t want to, but finally she thought: it’s not a problem to walk around the garden - and she went. Spring crystal water was spilling in the garden.
“What,” says the woman, “the day is so hot, the sun is scorching, and the cold water is splashing, shouldn’t we take a swim here?”
- No, no, I don’t want to! - And then I thought: it’s not a problem to swim! She took off her sundress and jumped into the water. As soon as she took the plunge, the woman hit her on the back.
“Swim,” he says, “like a white duck!” And the princess swam like a white duck. The witch immediately dressed up in her dress, cleaned up, painted herself up and sat down to wait for the prince. As soon as the puppy yelped, the bell rang, she was already running towards him, rushed to the prince, kissed him, and was kind to him. He was delighted, he extended his hands and did not recognize her. And the white duck laid eggs and hatched babies: two good ones, and the third was a runt; and her little children came out - little children. She raised them, they began to walk along the river, catch goldfish, collect scraps, sew caftans, and jump out onto the bank and look at the meadow.
- Oh, don't go there, children! - said the mother. The children didn't listen; Today they will play on the grass, tomorrow they will run along the ant, further, further - and climbed into the prince’s courtyard. The witch recognized them by instinct and gnashed her teeth. So she called the children, fed and watered them and put them to bed, and then she ordered them to light the fire, hang the cauldrons, and sharpen the knives. The two brothers lay down and fell asleep; and the runt, so as not to catch a cold, his mother ordered them to wear in his bosom - the runt doesn’t sleep, he hears everything, sees everything. At night a witch came to the door and asked:
- Are you sleeping, kids, or not? Zamoryshek answers:

- Do not sleep! The witch left, walked and walked, again at the door:
- Are you sleeping, kids, or not? Zamoryshek says the same thing again:
- We sleep - we don’t sleep, I think they want to cut us all up; the lights are set in viburnum, the boiling pots are hanging, the knives are being sharpened with damask steel!
"Why is it all one voice?" - thought the witch, slowly opened the door, saw: both brothers were fast asleep, immediately circled them with a dead hand - and they died. In the morning the white duck calls her babies; the kids are not coming. Her heart sensed it, she perked up and flew to the prince’s court. In the prince's courtyard, white as handkerchiefs, cold as plastic, the brothers lay side by side. She rushed towards them, rushed, spread her wings, grabbed the children and screamed in a motherly voice:
- Quack, quack, my children
Quack, quack, little doves,
I nursed you through need,
I watered you down with tears,
I didn't get enough sleep in the dark night,
I didn’t eat enough sweet cous.
- Wife, do you hear something unprecedented? The duck speaks.
- You're imagining it! Tell the duck to leave the yard! They will drive her away, she will fly around and again to the children:
- Quack, quack, my children.
Quack, quack, little doves.
The old witch destroyed you,
An old witch, a fierce snake,
The snake is fierce, underwater.
I took your own father away from you,
My own father - my husband,
Drowned us in a fast river,
She turned us into white ducks, And she herself lives and is magnified.
"Hey!" - thought the prince and shouted:
- Catch me a white duck! Everyone rushed, but the white duck flies and is not given to anyone; The prince himself ran out, she fell into his arms. He took her by the wing and said:
- Become White birch behind me, and the red maiden in front! The white birch tree stretched out behind him, and the red maiden stood in front, and in the red maiden the prince recognized his young princess. They immediately caught the magpie, tied two bottles to it, and ordered it to fill one with living water and the other with speaking water. A magpie flew down and brought water. They sprinkled the children with life-giving water - they perked up, sprinkled them with talking water - they spoke. And the prince began to have a whole family, and they all began to live and live, make good things, and forget things badly. And the witch was tied to a horse’s tail, and was pulled across the field: where the leg came off, there became a poker; where there is a hand there is a rake; where the head is, there is a bush and a log. Birds flew in - they pecked at the meat, the winds rose - the bones were scattered, and there was no trace or memory left of her!

Fairy tales are what help a child develop imagination and understand such complex categories as good, evil, justice, bad deeds and punishment for them. Using the example of heroes of Russian folk tales, parents introduce their child to Big world, where people do different things and make friends or enemies.

"White Duck"

There is a wealth of Russian folklore that becomes literary friends and role models for children. "White Duck" - Russian folk tale about disobedience and deceit, about goodness and justice.

It can be divided into 5 parts:

This fairy tale for children 5 years old in every part carries a lesson for kids. At this age, children already understand what good and bad deeds are, so you can discuss the behavior of each character with them.

Moral category of a fairy tale

“The White Duck,” a Russian folk tale, teaches kids some useful lessons:

  • You should always obey and do what someone who loves you very much asks you to do.
  • Not worth trusting strangers.
  • Good and truth will always triumph.
  • Evil is punishable.

This type of short fairy tale for children allows the child to immediately grasp the content, think about it and draw conclusions with the help of their parents. It is important that the discussion be conducted collaboratively. Since this helps the child learn to reason and creates a trusting relationship with his parents.

The advantage of short fairy tales

Such fairy tales help develop memory, imagination and the ability to retell what has been read. It is not for nothing that familiarization with folk art begins with such simple stories, like “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”.

It may be more complicated, for example about a white duck. Here the child becomes familiar with such concepts as well as their consequences. In this fairy tale, all the heroes perform actions. By how these actions affect other characters, the child can identify good characters and villains.

“The White Duck,” a Russian folk tale, falls into this category.

Fairy tale themes

Russian folk tales, at their core, always contain some kind of moral message. The basic concepts that a child who is read such fairy tales remembers is that good deeds, friendship and love always win.

For the most part, folklore works, even at first glance scary, are actually full of positivity and have a happy ending. “The White Duck” (Russian folk tale) is proof of this. Here, bad things happen to the main characters, but goodness and justice still triumph.

The themes of fairy tales can concern any magical adventure, both dangerous and fun, but a happy ending is inevitable.

The importance of fairy tales for a child

Reading fairy tales to a child from early childhood is an excellent educational process in which adults help him, using the example of heroes, decide on the choice of the right actions.

The fact that the truth always comes out, and the villains get what they deserve, gives the child the right guidance on how to act and be responsible for their actions. By discussing the characters with your children, you can find out which ones they like best and due to what qualities.

Russian folk tale "The White Duck"

Genre: magical folk tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "White Duck" and their characteristics

  1. Princess, aka White Duck. beautiful, but gullible, did not listen to the prince and got into trouble.
  2. The prince, young, hot-tempered, could not discern a strange woman in the witch
  3. A witch, insidious, evil, cruel, merciless.
  4. The sons of the princess, young, disobedient, pranksters.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The White Duck"
  1. Prince's wedding and departure
  2. Seductress woman
  3. Transformation into a duck
  4. The prince suspects nothing
  5. Three sons
  6. The witch's evil plan
  7. Death of brothers
  8. Duck crying
  9. Transformation of a duck into a princess
  10. Reviving the Brothers
  11. Death of a Witch
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "White Duck" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The prince marries a young beauty and goes on a hike
  2. The woman lures the princess into the garden, then into the pond, and turns her into a duck.
  3. The witch pretends to be a princess
  4. Three sons grow up and the witch kills them
  5. The duck cries over his sons and the prince turns her back into his wife
  6. The witch is tied to the tail and dies.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The White Duck"
You can't trust those you see for the first time in your life

What does the fairy tale "The White Duck" teach?
This fairy tale teaches not to trust strangers, teaches not to talk to strangers, not to listen to their offers and not to accept gifts, to teach caution and prudence.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The White Duck"
Don't put your finger between the doors.
A cautious foot rarely stumbles.
Evil disappears, and good wins.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "White Duck"
There lived a young prince and he married beautiful girl. The time had come for the prince to go to distant lands and he left his young wife, strictly telling him not to talk to anyone or listen to anyone.
The princess sits alone in the mansion. and then a woman comes to her, kind and courteous. She invited the princess to go for a walk in the garden, and she agreed.
And there was a pond in the garden, so the woman invited the princess to swim, and without thinking twice she threw herself into the water.
The witch hit her on the back and the princess turned into a white duck.
And the witch changed into her sundress, put on makeup and began to wait for the prince. The prince arrived and took the witch for his wife.
And the White Duck laid three eggs and three sons were born, two normal. and the third is a runt. The children grew up, began to walk in the meadow, and wandered into the prince’s courtyard.
The witch recognized them and decided to destroy them. She invited me into the mansion, put her to bed, and she lit a fire and sharpened her knives.
I went to check how the brothers were sleeping, and the runt answered that they were not sleeping. The second time the witch came - again the same voice answered. The witch opened the door and saw both brothers sleeping. She moved her hand, and the brothers died.
And the Duck flew to the prince’s court, hugs his sons, screams in a human voice, and talks about the witch. The prince heard this and ordered to catch the duck. And the Ducky is only given into his hands. The prince ordered the birch tree to stand behind his back and the girl in front of him, and his wife stood in front of him.
Then they sent a magpie for living and dead water. They revived the children and began to live happily.
And they tied the witch by the tail and let her go into the field. There she was torn into pieces, and the wind destroyed her bones.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "White Duck"

  1. Magic transformations - princess into duck
  2. Magical creatures - witch
  3. Victory of good over evil
Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The White Duck"

One prince married a beautiful princess and did not have time to look at her enough, did not have time to talk to her enough, did not have time to listen to her enough, and they had to part with him, he had to go on a long journey, leave his wife in someone else’s arms. What to do! They say you can’t sit for a century hugging each other.

The princess cried a lot, the prince persuaded her a lot, commanded her not to leave the high tower, not to go to conversation, not to mingle with bad people, not to listen to bad speeches. The princess promised to fulfill everything.

The prince left, she locked herself in her chamber and did not come out.

How long or short did it take a woman to come to her, it seemed so simple, so warm-hearted!

“What,” he says, “are you bored?” If only I could look at God’s light, if only I could walk through the garden, it would relieve melancholy.

For a long time the princess made excuses, she didn’t want to, but finally she thought: it’s not a problem to walk around the garden, and she went.

Spring crystal water was spilling in the garden.

“What,” says the woman, “the day is so hot, the sun is scorching, A The cold water is splashing, shouldn't we take a swim here?

“No, no, I don’t want to!” And then I thought: it’s not a problem to swim!

She took off her sundress and jumped into the water. As soon as she took the plunge, the woman hit her on the back.

“Swim,” he says, “like a white duck!”

And the princess swam like a white duck.

The witch immediately dressed up in her dress, cleaned up, painted herself up and sat down to wait for the prince.

As soon as the puppy yelped, the bell rang, she was already running towards him, rushed to the prince, kissed him, and was kind to him. He was delighted, he extended his hands and did not recognize her.

And the white duck laid eggs and hatched babies: two good ones, and the third was a runt; and her little children came out - little children.

She raised them, they began to walk along the river, catch goldfish, collect scraps, sew caftans, and jump out onto the bank and look at the meadow.

“Oh, don’t go there, children!” said the mother.

The children didn't listen; Today they will play on the grass, tomorrow they will run along the ant, further, further - and climbed into the prince’s courtyard.

The witch recognized them by instinct and gnashed her teeth. So she called the children, fed and watered them and put them to bed, and then she ordered them to light the fire, hang the cauldrons, and sharpen the knives.

The two brothers lay down and fell asleep; and the runt, so as not to catch a cold, his mother ordered them to wear in his bosom - the runt doesn’t sleep, hears everything, sees everything.

At night a witch came to the door and asked:

- Are you sleeping, kids, or not? Zamoryshek answers:

- Do not sleep!

The witch left, walked and walked, and came back to the door.

—Are you sleeping, kids, or not? Zamoryshek says the same thing again:

“We sleep, we don’t sleep, we think that they want to cut us all up: they put in viburnum fires, they set up boiling pots, they sharpen damask knives!”

In the morning the white duck calls the children: the children do not come. Her heart sensed it, she perked up and flew to the prince’s court.

In the prince's courtyard, white as handkerchiefs, cold as plastic, the brothers lay side by side.

She rushed towards them, rushed, spread her wings, grabbed the children and screamed in a motherly voice:

- Quack, quack, my children!

Quack, quack, little pigeons!

I nursed you through need,

I watered you down with tears,

I didn't get enough sleep in the dark night,

I'm not eating enough sweet cous!

- Wife, do you hear, this is unprecedented? The duck speaks.

- You're imagining this! Tell the duck to leave the yard!

They will drive her away, she will fly around and again to the children:

- Quack, quack, my children!

Quack, quack, little pigeons!

The old witch destroyed you,

An old witch, a fierce snake,

The snake is fierce, underwater;

Took away our dear father from us,

My own father - my husband,

Drowned us in a fast river,

Turned us into white ducks

And she herself lives and exalts herself!

“Hey!” - thought the prince and shouted:

- Catch me a white duck! Everyone rushed, but the white duck flies and is not given to anyone; The prince himself ran out, she fell into his arms. He took her by the wing and said:

- Become a white birch behind me, and a red maiden in front!

The white birch tree stretched out behind him, and the red maiden stood in front, and in the red maiden the prince recognized his young princess.

They immediately caught the magpie, tied two bottles to it, and told it to fill one with living water and the other with speaking water. A magpie flew down and brought water. They sprinkled the children with life-giving water - they perked up, sprinkled them with talking water - they spoke.

And the prince began to have a whole family, and they all began to live and live, make good things, and forget things badly.

And the witch was tied to a horse’s tail, and was pulled across the field: where the leg came off, there became a poker; where there is a hand there is a rake; where the head is, there is a bush and a log. The birds flew in and pecked the meat, the winds rose and scattered the bones, and there was no trace or memory left of her!