Ksenia Yarmolnik. Oksana Yarmolnik: “Lyonya moved in with me with an alarm clock and a dog.” Your favorite theater director

20.02.2022 Medicines 

Vysotsky is like a minefield now. Everyone who is not too lazy writes memories about him, and then other not lazy people refute these memories. And it is not clear what is more around Vysotsky’s name: adoration or completely unworthy fuss. So is it necessary to increase this fuss?

Is it possible to come up with something new about the romance of a 19-year-old girl with a 40-year-old famous artist? Too unequal weight categories: one has too much experience, the other is all filled with pink snot. At best, he plowed it, at worst, he moved it.

But it turned out that moving Oksana Yarmolnik was not at all easy. And, probably, it was never possible, even at nineteen years old.

I grew up very early - maybe because my mother died early. All my friends were older than me. Now it seems to me that the first twenty years of my life were much more saturated with various kinds of dramatic events than the next twenty.

From the age of eighteen I lived alone - I exchanged my parents’ apartment and in this way provided myself with living space. She entered the textile institute. She made money by dressing up her friends.

I always decided everything myself: where to study, who to be friends with, who to love. In the most difficult moments - unfortunately, and maybe fortunately - I did not have a person who would advise me, wag a finger, or forbid...

And then you met Vysotsky. He was probably your idol...

You know, I never had idols. Met - and met. He was the first to pay attention to me. I was an avid theatergoer. We encountered Volodya at the administrator of the Taganka Theater.

Best of the day

Not me - he, as they say, was stunned. He took the phone and asked me out on a date. Just before the date, my friend and I went to the Mossovet Theater. I don’t even remember what we watched - the whole performance I was thinking about whether I should go or not. And so I crumple the program in my hands, twirl it... “Listen,” I say to my friend, “somehow I don’t want to meet him.” And she: “What are you?! Yes, all women Soviet Union they just dream of being in your place!” I mentally imagined countless numbers of these women - and went.

So we met. I didn’t have idols, but I had youthful maximalism, and in addition to it, a ready-made groom, such a sweet boy. So, obeying youthful maximalism, I broke up with my fiancé the next day. I decided that one day with a person like Volodya was better than my whole life with that friend of mine.

Vladimir Semenovich was an absolutely, completely, one hundred percent brilliant person. I have never met more gifted people since then. He had colossal energy. Wherever he appeared: in the company of friends or in a huge hall where he gave a concert, he easily subjugated both five people and ten thousand to his charm. Even the party officials who put a spoke in his wheels were actually looking for an acquaintance with him and asked for a ticket to the theater.

But they say he drank.

That's all they write about: he drank, he used drugs, he was an alcoholic, he was a drug addict. So you imagine such a goner with shaking hands, in front of whom there are cocaine grooves and a couple of syringes. This is absolute nonsense. Over the last two years that we knew each other, Volodya starred in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and in “Little Tragedies.” He had recordings on the radio, roles in the theater, and traveled around the country giving performances. At the Odessa studio, he was preparing to launch the film “Green Van” as a director. True, they didn’t give it to him.

At the same time, yes, he drank and was on the needle. But this was interspersed with exhausting work, racing against illness.

Were you not sobered up when you learned about all his vices?

I was madly in love. And then, what vices are we talking about - drunkenness? Absolutely everyone drank then, and creative people even more so. Another thing is that no one imagined that Volodya had so little left. You know, now I have a hard time remembering those years - after all, I was still doing something, studying. And it feels like life was filled only with him.

I would give anything in the world to cure him. But imagine Moscow in the late 70s: where to get treatment, from whom, how to do it anonymously? We were all afraid that they would find out about it: it was easier to go to prison for drugs than to the hospital.

Although now you think: what nonsense! Well, if they found out - so what? I had to go abroad and go to a clinic. Marina placed him in hospitals twice. There was a remission, but not for long.

Many people hung on him, and he never forgot about his responsibility. He helped his mother, father, two sons, not to mention numerous friends. He gave someone abroad in marriage or got married. Another called from the OVIR: “They won’t give me a foreign passport!” - and Volodya went to the rescue.

Did he feel responsible for you?

I think I felt more responsible for our relationship. And it was enough for me that we were together. And although, of course, there were feelings, intensity, and passion, he told me that he loved me only a year later. And for me it was a great shock, a moment of absolute happiness.

Volodya was worried about my unsettled fate, because he couldn’t give me more. He even asked Marina Vladi for a divorce. And what would he achieve with a divorce? I would be banned from traveling abroad, and that’s all. And for him, trips abroad were like a breath of air. He had hundreds of friends in America, France, and Germany. If he had divorced, he would have been rotten in the Union or simply thrown out of the country, like Galich, Aleshkovsky, Brodsky.

Marina was far away, I perceived her as Volodin’s relative, her existence did not affect our relationship in any way. I generally don’t like it when people speak badly of her in my presence. The people who loved Volodya, were close to him, are not exactly sacred to me, but beyond criticism.

When Volodya died, the circumstances were such that I left his apartment almost immediately after the funeral. Not to mention some personal things - she didn’t even take documents. I called David Borovsky, our mutual friend, an artist at the Taganka Theater, and asked him to bring me documents and two wedding rings, which were in a glass on the nightstand in the bedroom. But they disappeared.

And Volodya bought rings to marry me. We were naive and believed that since the church was separated from the Soviet state, we could easily get married without stamps in our passports. It turned out that registration with the registry office was necessary. We visited half of Moscow churches - to no avail. And yet, Volodya found one priest who fell under his charm and agreed to marry us. But it didn’t work out.

Did you somehow get used to each other, rubbing in the sharp corners?

From the first minute of conversation, each of us had the feeling that we had met a loved one. We had a lot in common in tastes, habits, and characters. Sometimes it seemed that we knew each other before, then we separated for a while and then we met again. Volodya even remembered that he had visited my parents at home and knew my mother. True, whether he saw me as a child remained unclear.

Did you go on holiday together?

I went with him to concerts in Tbilisi, Central Asia, Minsk, and St. Petersburg by car.

On the way to St. Petersburg - and Volodya had just brought a Mercedes from Germany - we picked up a family voting on the side of the road: a man, a woman and a child. I just felt sorry, it seems the weather was bad, it was raining.

And so they got into the Mercedes, and after a couple of minutes they realized that, in fact, Vysotsky was driving them. And they froze like sculptures of Egyptian pharaohs. So, silently, with stone faces, we sat the whole way.

Was Vysotsky burdened by national fame?

This was well-deserved fame, because no one was specifically promoting it, as they do now. In addition, many simply did not know him by sight, although everyone listened to Vysotsky’s songs and knew them. And he treated people not as an annoying crowd, but as people.

We were traveling to Minsk, the conductor on the train looked intently at Volodya: “Somehow your face is familiar to me. Are you not an actor of the Mossovet Theater?” “No,” I answered, “he is a dental technician.” We winked at each other and went to our compartment. Half an hour later the conductor comes to us. “It’s so good,” he says, “that I met you. My gums under the crown hurt. Won’t you look?”

And Volodya, like a real dentist, looked at something in her mouth for a long time and then seriously advised her to change the bridge. In general, it was never boring with him.

Did he delve into your problems, your studies?

He was amazed that I could take a pencil and draw something on paper in five minutes. He generally admired people who knew how to draw and was terribly envious of them, including Mikhail Shemyakin.

Of course, he delved into everything. He was traveling abroad and asked: “What should I bring you?” And I sewed. “Bring,” I say, “carrot-colored silk thread number eight and a thimble.”

Actually, it’s not easy, I know from my own experience. There are two specialized fabric stores throughout Paris.

Volodya answered in the same spirit: it’s easier, they say, to get a live crocodile. As a result, he brought a box - a needlework kit, with scissors, threads, needles, thimbles and other things. I went to college with all this, to a class called “embodiment in the material.” And my friends were jealous of me.

In two days in Germany, he managed to buy me two suitcases of clothes. Everything is selected with extraordinary taste. “I like it,” he said, “when you wear something new every day.” Or: “But this is my special luck.” Good luck was a French straw bag or some other thing that, in his opinion, particularly suited me.

And imagine me in all these Diors and Yves Saint Laurents at a time of terrible shortages, when a pair of decent shoes was a problem. I had eighteen pairs of boots, my friends introduced me like this: “Meet Oksana, she has eighteen pairs of boots.”

After boots, it seems indecent to ask about flowers...

One day in the spring I said that I loved lilies of the valley. In the morning I woke up to the sound of the front door clicking - Volodya had run away somewhere. Naturally, he brought lilies of the valley. But how much? The entire room was filled with lilies of the valley. He probably traveled around Moscow and bought flowers in bulk.

In general, such a fairy-tale life, where everything was mixed: both his breakdowns and his tenderness. It really was some kind of unlikely love. The first year was especially serene. Later, some kind of premonition of trouble appeared.

But why such a terrible ending? Maybe the Soviet government is to blame?

The Soviet government, of course, interfered, but at the same time helped. She brought such intrigue, such conflict into life. There was a struggle, intense drama. It's like a theater play: the more serious the conflict, the more interesting it is to watch. Now there is no Soviet power - and art is insipid, primitive, banal. You have to be able to use freedom, but we don’t know how to do that yet.

Oksana Yarmolnik

And I perceive Volodya’s death as fate, a fate from which you cannot escape. Well, if he hadn’t injected himself, he would have died of a heart attack or been hit by a car. He lived his life so completely that it wouldn’t have worked out any other way.

18.08.2013 08:17:34

Hello! You and Vladimir Semyonovich were going to get married, does that mean He was baptized? I really want to remember this wonderful man in GOD’S TEMPLE, but you need to know for certain about his baptism. All hope is for you!!!

Lyudmila Abramova is now 78 years old. In 1991, she published a book of memoirs about Vladimir Vysotsky, “Facts of His Biography.” After retiring, she taught at one of the capital's lyceums.

Tatiana Ivanenko

An extramarital affair with Taganka Theater actress Tatyana Ivanenko brought a lot of suffering into Vysotsky’s life. The artist experienced no less bitter moments during her affair with the famous singer.

The relationship between Ivanenko and Vysotsky began long before the appearance of artist Marina Vladi in the life of the artist and lasted a total of nine years.

When Vysotsky had already met his future third wife, Vladi, he understood that he was making Tatyana suffer. When Marina left for Paris, he immediately went to Ivanenko.

“Volodya suffered, realizing that he was tormenting Tanya, but was unable to leave her,” said director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich.

Eyewitnesses recalled that, finding herself in the same company with Vladi, Ivanenko said: “He’s mine anyway! He will come to me tomorrow!”

But Vysotsky never made a choice in favor of Tatyana, despite the fact that she carried his child under her heart.

When Ivanenko became pregnant, she did not present any ultimatums to the child’s father. Vysotsky was already living with Marina Vladi at that time. In 1972, Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia, and gave her her last name. The poet never recognized the child.

According to his friend Ivan Bortnik, six months before his death, Vysotsky came to Tatyana at night and persistently knocked, wanting to see his daughter.

After Volodya passed away, Tanya admitted that she was at home then, but did not show it. She did not understand that Vysotsky just wanted to see his daughter. He never had such impulses again, Bortnik said.

Over the years, Ivanenko has not given a single interview. She raised her daughter alone, giving up her career. Anastasia in many ways repeated the fate of her mother and now she is also raising her daughter Arina alone.

As Reedus previously wrote, the granddaughter of the famous performer Arina Sakharova knows about her relationship with the legendary poet, but never advertises it.

An 18-year-old girl could not forgive Vysotsky for what he did to her mother.

It is known that the family now lives on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow. As a schoolgirl, Arina earned money for small expenses by handing out advertising leaflets near the metro.

Marina Vladi

Vysotsky decided to marry Marina Vladi when he saw the French actress in the film “The Witch”. Their personal acquaintance occurred several years later in a cafe. As Vladi said, he silently sat down at her table, kissed her hand and was silent. His silence did not bother the actress at all. According to her memories, she felt as if she had known this man for many years.

The couple got married in 1970. This was the third marriage for the actress, as well as for Vysotsky. Vladi often flew to France, and the lovers were forced to communicate by phone. It was rumored that the artist recognized all the telephone operators by their voices, so frequent were the spouses’ telephone conversations. Vysotsky called Vladi even at night to perform the song he had just written.

The actress forgave her husband for his hobbies with other women and nursed Vysotsky after another car accident.

Seven years after the death of her beloved, she wrote the book “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight...”.

The whole night was not enough for us to fully understand the depth of our feelings. Long months of flirting, sly glances and tenderness were, as it were, a prelude to something immeasurably greater. Each found the missing half in the other. We are drowning in an endless space, where there is nothing but love, Vladi wrote.

She grieved the death of her famous husband, although she noted that her marriage to Vysotsky “incinerated” her. Oncologist Leon Schwarzenberg pulled her out of depression. They got married a year after Vysotsky's death. Vladi lived with the famous scientist for 22 years. Her fourth husband died in 2003.

Oksana Yarmolnik

A student at the Textile Institute, Oksana Afanasyeva (as a girl), met her first love in the administrator’s room at the Taganka Theater. There, Vysotsky talked on the phone during intermission. The 40-year-old artist gave the 18-year-old girl a ride home in his silver Mercedes.

Oksana knew that Vysotsky became famous not only as a talented performer and actor, but also as a womanizer and alcoholic. Their relationship began after Vysotsky was invited to dinner.

“My girlfriend says: “Why are you twitching? All the women of the Soviet Union would dream of going to dinner with Vysotsky. But you won’t go, it’s inconvenient. Stupid!’ And I think: ‘Indeed, this is wildly interesting, such a person...’” Gossip Man quotes Afanasyeva as saying.

For Vysotsky, this girl became his last love. He brought her from foreign trips numerous gifts. He persuaded her to take a taxi only, so as not to waste time, and planned to buy a small sports red BMW for Oksana.

At this time, Vysotsky was married to Marina Vladi, who spent a lot of time in Paris.

Somehow this didn’t bother me very much. Because Marina - she was somewhere. And it wasn’t like this: he’s with me during the day, and in the evening he goes to her. She lived her own life, came to Moscow a couple of times, and Volodya went to see her in Paris for a short time, the fashion designer later admitted.

It was Oksana Afanasyeva who was next to Vysotsky during his period of drinking and drug addiction.

“Over the course of two years, I saw the doses increase. At first it was after the performance to recover... He just felt better. Here he sits, absolutely nothing, he feels bad, but he gives an injection and is normal, lives a full life... Everyone thought that these were some kind of toys, that everything was not as serious as it really was. There was the Olympics, there was a regime in Moscow, everything was much stricter than usual. It was impossible to get drugs,” the artist’s lover told the publication.

According to her, they planned to get married and even bought rings. As is known, this was not possible.

He died on July 25, 1980, at the age of 43. Doctors listed acute heart failure as the cause of death. However, it was clear to those close to the artist that this was due to a drug overdose.

Two years after the death of her beloved, Oksana met actor Leonid Yarmolnik at the Taganka Theater. At one time, he replaced Vysotsky in some performances.

“I have been lucky twice in my life. I had Volodya. And then Lenya appeared, and I never thought that this could happen again. Lenya and I appeared thanks to the fact that Vladimir Semenovich was in my life,” says the costume designer.

In her marriage to Yarmolnik, Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Alexandra.

Yarmolnik Oksana - theatrical costume designer. The name of this woman is associated with the last years of the talented actor Vladimir Oksana Yarmolnik - the topic of the article.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Pavlovna Yarmolnik (nee Afanasyeva) was born in 1960. Her hometown- Moscow. Oksana matured very early. After her mother's death, she had to learn to be independent and make her own decisions. Having become a student, Oksana exchanged her parents’ apartment and purchased a separate home.

In the early eighties, Afanasyeva graduated from the Moscow Textile Institute: she acquired a special designer. Oksana Yarmolnik (photo of the heroine is presented below) grew up in an artistic family. There were always a lot of celebrities in my parents' house. Sympathy for creative people Oksana experienced Yarmolnik from an early age. In addition, she was an inveterate theatergoer, and therefore among her friends there were many directors and actors. Once in the administrator's office of the Taganka Theater she met Vysotsky. According to numerous interviews, the famous actor did not make an impression on Oksana at the first meeting.


Yarmolnik Oksana claims that the legendary bard was in love with her at first sight. An eighteen-year-old girl allegedly spent some time thinking about whether to date Vysotsky. However, the realization that every woman in the Soviet Union dreams of being in her place dispelled all doubts.

Their romance began in 1980. At first, Oksana Yarmolnik did not have a clear idea of ​​how terrible the illness from which Vysotsky suffered. The realization came later. At the time of her acquaintance with Vysotsky, she was only eighteen years old. Financially, life was not easy for her either. The actor, who by that time was earning good money, provided her with emotional and material support.

They spent two years together. It was impossible to legalize the marriage, because divorce, according to Yarmolnik, could have an extremely negative impact on Vysotsky. Therefore, they decided to get married in church. They had to visit more than half of the Moscow priests before finding one who would agree to this step. However, they did not have time to get married. In 1980, Vysotsky died.

In 2011, the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". The prototype of Akinshina, who played the main female role in the film, was Oksana Yarmolnik. The film received countless reviews, both positive and negative. Of considerable importance in the plot of the film, the script for which was written, is the relationship between the singer and Tatyana (whose prototype is Yarmolnik Oksana). It is worth saying that if it were not for the acquaintance of the heroine of this article with a talented poet, which occurred more than thirty years ago, her name would hardly have interested any of the journalists.

IN last years During the life of Vysotsky, the aspiring artist Vladimir Semenovich came to the theater and transferred several roles to his young colleague. And one day he introduced me to his beloved.

Leonid Yarmolnik

In 1982, Oksana Yarmolnik became his wife. The personal life of this woman is of interest to the press, because it is generally considered last lover Vysotsky. And also because she has been the wife of a famous actor for more than thirty years.

Apparently, Oksana Pavlovna Yarmolnik is incapable of being interested in men who are far from theatrical art. When she met her future husband in 1982, he was already known as the performer of one of the roles in the film “That Same Munchausen.” And the bitterness of losing a loved one finally left Oksana. Yarmolnik played in the same theater as Vysotsky. Even outwardly, Leonid looked a little like the legendary bard. A year after the wedding, their daughter Alexandra was born. Already in the mid-eighties, Oksana Yarmolnik returned to the theater and began developing a new collection of costumes.


The heroine of this article participated in the creation of scenery for eighty performances. She collaborated with Sovremennik. Yarmolnik doesn’t like to work in Oksana’s films. According to her, in this field of art she cannot fully realize her creative potential. Today Yarmolnik owns a private art studio, whose activities are focused on the production of handmade toys. This activity brings not only material, but spiritual satisfaction. Yarmolnik donates most of the proceeds to charity. In 2012, Yarmolnik published a children's book. The heroine of the work is a rag doll who ends up in a Moscow family. Reader reviews positive about the book.

At some point in their conversation, Vladimir suggested having dinner together. 18-year-old Afanasyeva suddenly became nervous for no reason at all. “Listen,” she told her friend, “I don’t want to meet him.” And she: “What are you doing?! Yes, all the women of the Soviet Union simply dream of being in your place!” Oksana mentally imagined countless numbers of these women and took a risk - she went on a date.


Kindred souls

The current wife of Leonid Yarmolnik admits that she met the Soviet pop legend as if she were a loved one. Despite the glaring age difference (Volodya was 40 years old), they understood each other very well. “I think he also had something to discuss with me. Nowadays young people are not interested in anything except money. But our generation was completely different, we knew a lot, although there were no computers, we read a lot, including banned books, and went to underground performances and concerts. Nobody thought about money. It was a time of romance, which, alas, was gradually disappearing from our lives...”


O+B together

They were dating. Vysotsky helped his beloved financially, but did not buy an apartment, as was previously thought. But he made very beautiful and expensive gifts. For example, she, a young student, had as many as 17 pairs of shoes. At that time it was a blatant embodiment of wealth. She was even introduced in the general company like this: “This is a girl, meet her, she has 17 pairs of boots!”

Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi in Paris. 1977, dubikvit.livejournal.com

At that moment, Marina Vladi was far away. Oksana did not perceive her as a competitor. The existence of Vladimir’s wife did not affect their relationship in any way, because the wife lived in Paris all the time.

Almost family

Vladimir even wanted to build a real family with 18-year-old Afanasyeva. "He said, 'I want you to be my wife.' He knew that he would die, and he wanted me to be officially recorded in his life after his death, so that I would not remain abandoned. He said: “I will divorce Marina. And we will begin to live." “Volodya, no one needs this, forget it,” recalled Yarmolnik’s wife. She admitted that, despite the sometimes wild life, the composer liked it when the house was cozy, when there was home-cooked food. Volodya even suggested that Oksana give birth to a child: “Well, Volodya, what will this be born? If he’s born, he’ll have one ear, and it’ll be deaf.” I joked so poorly that Volodya even went nuts: “What a sense of humor you have.” But I would never give birth to a child from him, because I was not sure that a healthy one would be born from a drug addict,” Oksana admitted.

The passing of a legend

When Vysotsky had an overdose in Bukhara, it was Afanasyeva who brought him medicine in order to save the life of her loved one. They miraculously pumped him out, and when Vysotsky regained consciousness, the first thing he said to his chosen one was: “I love you.” The singer never used such words. But in 1980, at 4:30 in the morning, he was gone.

Meeting my beloved husband

Oksana believes: “I got Lenya thanks to the fact that Vladimir Semenovich was in my life.” Two years after Vysotsky left, Oksana came to the theater and saw Lenya at the same reception desk where she met Volodya. She asked for a light, and actually introduced herself. Subsequently, it was very important for her that Leonid worked in the same theater, that he knew Volodya, that the legend valued him very much during his lifetime. “I remember when the film “That Same Munchausen” came out, Volodya and I watched it together. “God, what an amazing actor,” I say. - Some kind of Balt? - “Why the Baltic states? This is ours, Ermolai." Lenya in her own way life principles looks like him,” the celebrity recalled.


It turns out that Vysotsky seemed to introduce Afanasyeva to her future husband Leonid Yarmolnik. It is noteworthy that after the singer’s death, it was Yarmolnik who got some of his roles in the theater; during his lifetime, Vladimir Semenovich himself gave some of the roles to his young colleague. We can say that Leonid inherited from the great poet both his beloved wife and some kind of turn in his career. In 1983, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra, in whom Yarmolnik dotes. Now Leonid and Oksana are happy grandparents of their grandson Peter. The couple has been happily married for 35 years.

Valery Yanklovich, a close friend of Vladimir Semenovich, claims.

with actress Tatiana IVANENKO. Of course, his closest friend, the administrator of the Taganka Theater Valery YANKLOVICH, whom some even call VYSOTSKY’s “executor,” knows everything about her and Vladimir Semenovich’s other beloved women.


We became close to Vysotsky when he was already an accomplished genius. And he himself knew about it. Maybe he brought me closer to him, because I understood this perfectly well. In any case, Vysotsky was never Volodka for me.

I spent the last seven years of his life next to Vladimir Semenovich. He united a variety of people around him. After his death, everyone fled to the corners and, in fact, became enemies. Because there was nothing spiritual in us compared to him and it’s unlikely there will ever be.

Sea of ​​Love

Vysotsky really had a lot of women. They say that the main one is Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. Because she bore him sons.

Yes, I gave birth! And what? Lucy is only a small part of his huge life. Marina Vladi still occupied the largest place in Vysotsky’s heart. And I think it’s unfair that at the last celebrations on Vysotsky’s birthday, her name wasn’t even mentioned.

- What, without her we wouldn’t know such Vysotsky?

Undoubtedly! It would have been a meager product of the system in which everyone then lived. I dare say that it was Marina Vladi who managed to instill in Volodya the right attitude towards money and real work. It was she who opened the world to him and opened him up to the world. Marina has everything - greatness and a womanish Russian nature, mixed with kitchen scandalousness. But the most important thing about it is a huge, simply universal sea of ​​love. Look at her half smile. No Gioconda could even dream of this.

- Many will disagree with you...

Yes, Vladi is offended by people close to Vysotsky who insulted her after the death of her husband.

One of the turning points in Marina’s life was Nikita Vysotsky’s attitude towards her. When, after the publication of the book “Vladimir, or Interrupted Flight” in Russia, he spoke out sharply - we will sue! Of course, Vladi is very subjective in her assessments. And not least Vysotsky’s parents. Could she have been different with her personal mistakes, alcoholism, husbands? And then you need to take into account that the book contains elements of an artistic image.

- But everything was very, very difficult for them...

Of course, in the relationship between Vysotsky and Marina there was not only love. By the way, sex was not all right there. Especially in recent years. When, after Volodya’s death, Vladi found out about Ksyukha (Oksana Yarmolnik, nee Afanasyeva. - B.K.), this was a terrible blow for her. But, to be honest, I don’t want to savor it. It is much more important to understand on what basis the talent of such a unique person was formed. It didn’t just arise on its own, did it?

Bad genes

- Of course, not by myself! Apparently something he inherited from his parents.

Volodya, by the way, did not have the best genes. Mom and dad, unfortunately, gave him only life at the moment of his birth. That's all. There is no talk of any spirituality. They themselves were robbed and violated. Just like all the people of their generation. Nina Maksimovna simply dreamed of making him a “pioneer hero,” that is, a “correct” person. But Volodya couldn’t be like that! Because he lived too widely, wide open.

- Some believe that women loved Vysotsky for his talent, and not for, so to speak, his masculinity.

In his young years, he was not Vysotsky for women. Just a man, a man. It was only later that many imagined themselves to be his muses and guardian angels. The same Tatyana Ivanenko declares that without her, Volodya would have drunk himself. What can we say about Ivanenko? She is one of his hundreds of girls. She really wanted to control it.

That's it, nothing more. She did not have any serious spiritual influence on Vysotsky as an artist. It’s just that Tatyana at one time suited him very well sexually.

- They also have a daughter together?

They say her girl Nastya looks like him. But Vysotsky did not recognize her. “What do you think,” he told me, “if I felt that this was my child, would I really not help?!” He treated children wonderfully, perhaps because he was practically deprived of communication with his sons. After all, if someone really needs it, they can do a DNA test. Somewhere Vysotsky’s hair has been preserved. Marina, for example.

- They say that his last love was Oksana, Yarmolnik’s current wife.

In the last years of his life, Ksyukha Afanasyeva had, of course, influence on him. Volodya took an active part in the discussion of her artistic works and sketches. But at the same time, at least five more women lingered next to Volodya. Afanasyeva was just a girl. He really enjoyed sex with her. And by that time Marina was becoming too dominant. “She’s such a boss in bed that she doesn’t want to get up!” - Volodya admitted. And he did not tolerate pressure, especially from women, in any form!

There are rumors going around

It was rumored that Yanklovich was the poet’s treasurer and even got Vysotsky drugs. A version of the “unintentional murder” of Vysotsky is circulating on the Internet. It seems that doctor Fedotov gave him some kind of narcotic drug before his death, but, they say, did not calculate the dose. That is why the bard’s relatives allegedly insisted that an autopsy not be performed. At the time of death, next to Vladimir Semenovich, in addition to the doctor, were Oksana Yarmolnik and Valery Yanklovich.