Grades for trial oge. Preparation for the OGE. Unified State Exam

20.10.2021 Operations

Rules for transferring points

Basic State exam(OGE) is the final exam for 9th grade graduates in Russian secondary schools.

By passing the final exams, the student confirms that he has mastered the basic general education program.

Certification is required to move to 10th grade or enter colleges and technical schools.

    Graduates of the 9th grade are taught 14 subjects.

    Primary points for completion exam paper GIA are converted into an assessment on a 5-point scale according to the methodology developed by FIPI.

    The points received at the State Examination Test and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate contains the average between the mark received at the State Examination and the annual mark in the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4 and 4.5 to 5.

    Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

Scale for recalculating points in the Russian language
(table for converting OGE scores in 2019)

Maximum points in Russian language, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 39 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language


Explanation of assessment


GK1. Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 mistake was made.

2-3 mistakes were made

4 or more errors were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

Grammar errors no, or 1 mistake made

2 mistakes made

3 or more errors were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

Speech errors no, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

Scale for converting OGE scores in mathematics in 2019

Maximum primary score in mathematics in 2019: 32 points, of which - for the module "Algebra" - 20 points, for the module "Geometry" - 12 points.

The recommended minimum result for completing the examination work is 8 points, scored in total for completing tasks in both modules, provided that at least 2 points of these were obtained in the Geometry module.

Scale for converting the total score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark in mathematics

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes for training in educational programs of secondary general education. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be indicators whose lower limits correspond to the following primary scores:

    for a natural science profile: 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry;

    for the economic profile: 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry;

    for the physics and mathematics profile: 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.

Biology score conversion scale in 2019

Maximum primary score: 46 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

Conversion table for GIA points in geography in 2019

Maximum primary score: 32 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

Foreign language score conversion scale
(English, German, French, Spanish)

Maximum primary score: 70 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work into a mark on a five-point scale

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.

Table of conversion of points in computer science and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

History score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Literature score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 33 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 22 points.

Social studies score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

Physics score conversion table 2019

Maximum primary score: 40 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

(work without real experiment, demo 1)

Maximum primary score: 34 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. The guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

The maximum number of points that a participant in the OGE can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

Chemistry score conversion scale
(working with a real experiment, demo 2)

Maximum primary score: 38 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that a participant in the OGE can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

Article written 06/12/2012, updated 09/29/2012, 12/28/2013, 05/28/2014, 09/12/2014, 05/28/2015, 09/04/2015, 05/05/2017, 04/09/2018, 04/21/201 9

Useful links on the topic "Translation of GIA points table and scale for transferring points"

If the annual mark is “4”, and the OGE is passed at “5”, then the mark for the OGE will be included in the certificate - “5”;

If the difference between the teacher’s annual mark and the OGE mark is more than 1 point, then the arithmetic average of these marks will be included in the certificate - there is every chance of increasing the mark in the certificate;

As a rule, the results of the OGE are taken into account by the school when forming specialized classes;

If a graduate fails to complete the OGE in a timely manner (passes it with a “2” one or more times), he will not receive a certificate, and also risks staying for a second year.

Why is it better to prepare for the OGE in Russian with us?

METHODOLOGY No water! The material is clear, clear and simple.

RESULT. Maximum practice! The level of knowledge will increase significantly within a month.

COMFORT. Lessons via Skype. Get in touch where and how convenient!

EXPERIENCE. Your teacher himself passed the OGE with a high score and has been successfully preparing others for several years.

Who teaches?


    Filippova Olga:

    “With Tatyana Gavrineva we are preparing for passing the Unified State Exam In Russian. Before our classes, I thought that passing this exam was the most difficult thing in life, but her classes dispelled my fear. After six months of classes, I very successfully began to take tests in the Russian language and felt confident. Tatyana Alexandrovna can become not only a good tutor for you, but also a friend. She will always listen to you, you can laugh, she will definitely be interested in your successes and achievements. This tutor really cares about his students and is sincerely concerned about them. I believe that Tatyana Gavrineva is exactly the tutor who will help you prepare for the exam perfectly!

    Review left: 03.03.17

    Oleg Alekseytsev:

    “I like preparing for the Unified State Exam with Tatyana Alexandrovna. It feels professional. Modern approach. Also, classes are held in a light and relaxed atmosphere. Complex topics are dealt with quickly and clearly. About secrets when writing Unified State Exam essays I’m generally silent :) In general, I advise everyone who is still in doubt when choosing a tutor not to hesitate and sign up with Tatyana Alexandrovna.

    Review left: 03.03.17

    Arthur Smilyanin:

    “Good afternoon everyone! I would like to thank Tatyana for her help in preparing for the Unified State Exam. Tatyana presents very well necessary information, no unnecessary water, she is very interested in her student passing well, for this purpose the lessons were sometimes extended or given additionally. Once again, thank you very much for her understanding students and their high scores! My result: 91 points.

    Review left: 07/22/15

    Aliya Valiullina:

    “Tatyana Alexandrovna taught me Russian. We studied according to the preparation program for the OGE. Thanks to this teacher, I began to better understand writing essays, and my knowledge on this subject has increased significantly. At the same time, she explains everything clearly and competently.

    Review left: 06/17/15

    Katya Bagramova:

    "Hello! I studied with Tatyana Alexandrovna for 3 months in preparation for passing the Unified State Exam. I am very grateful to her, because for this a short time For the first time, I felt confident that I could really pass Russian with a high score. The lessons were dynamic, nothing superfluous, all information was presented in a more than accessible form. So all the time spent was not in vain. I am very glad that I was able to find a truly wonderful tutor!

    Review left: 06.16.15

    Max Potemkin:

    “Tatiana taught me only one lesson. Even though I studied with a tutor from St. Petersburg State University, she helped a lot. In this lesson, she revealed to me those secrets of writing an essay that I had not learned during the entire course with my tutor. I learned a lot of new things about passing the Unified State Exam in Russian and about the subject itself! This lesson was the night before the exam. It helped me concentrate and forget about the fear of the Unified State Exam. I recommend it to everyone!

    Review left: 06/15/15

    Khava Sabanchaeva:

    “Tatiana Alexandrovna and I were preparing for the Unified State Exam. We didn’t study for that long, because I came across an advertisement about her classes when there were two months left before the exams. I am truly grateful to this person for the knowledge that I received. I think that everyone has the opportunity to pass the Russian exam with the maximum score, Tatyana Alexandrovna will do everything in her power for you, and on your part you will only need dedication, diligence, perseverance and desire.

    Review left: 06/13/15

    Maria Boykova:

    “Tatyana Aleksandrovna is an excellent teacher. During the minimum period of our lessons, she explained to me in detail and very clearly the tasks in which I most often make mistakes. She uses good examples and provides easy-to-learn material. I am very grateful for her help :)

    Review left: 06/03/15

    Aigul Fatkhullina:

Since we have published the criteria for presentation and composition in the appropriate sections, it remains only to publish here the criteria for assessing literacy and notes from demo version OGE 2016.

Literacy assessment criteria

Criteria for assessing the examinee’s literacy and actual speech accuracy Points
GK1 Compliance with spelling standards
There are no spelling errors, or no more than one mistake was made. 2
Two or three mistakes were made. 1
Four or more errors were made. 0
GK2 Compliance with punctuation standards
There are no punctuation errors, or no more than two errors were made. 2
Three or four mistakes were made. 1
Five or more errors were made. 0
GK3 Compliance with grammatical norms
There are no grammatical errors, or one mistake was made. 2
Two mistakes were made. 1
Three or more errors were made. 0
GK4 Compliance with speech norms
There are no speech errors, or no more than two errors were made. 2
Three or four mistakes were made. 1
Five or more errors were made 0
FC1 Factual accuracy of written language
There are no factual errors in the presentation of the material, as well as in the understanding and use of terms. 2
There was one error in the presentation of the material or the use of terms. 1
Two or more errors were made in the presentation of the material or the use of terms. 0
Maximum number of points for essay and presentation according to the criteria of FC1, GK1–GK4 10


When assessing literacy (GC1–GC4), the volume of presentation and composition should be taken into account.
The standards indicated in the table are used to check and evaluate presentation and essays, the total volume of which is 140 words or more.
If the total volume of the essay and presentation is 70–139 words, then for each of the criteria GK1–GK4 no more than 1 point is given:
GK1 – 1 point is given if there are no spelling errors or one minor mistake is made;
GK2 – 1 point is given if there are no punctuation errors or one minor error is made;
GK3 – 1 point is given if there are no grammatical errors;
GK4 – 1 point is given if there are no speech errors.
If the presentation and the essay as a whole contain less than 70 words, then such work according to the criteria of GK1–GK4 is scored zero points. If a student has completed only one type of creative work (or
presentation, or essay), then assessment according to the criteria of GK1–GK4 is also carried out in accordance with the amount of work:
– if the work contains at least 140 words, then literacy is assessed according to the table above;
– if the work contains 70–139 words, then for each of the criteria GK1–GK4 no more than 1 point is given (see above);
– if the work contains less than 70 words, then such work according to the criteria of GK1–GK4 is scored zero points.
Maximum points, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, – 39 .

In accordance with the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 25, 2013 No. 1394, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 3, 2014 No. 31206) “48. Examination papers are checked by two experts. Based on the results of the check, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the examination work... In the event of a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a third check is assigned. Significant discrepancy in scores
defined in the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject. The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject commission from among experts who have not previously checked the examination work. The third expert is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the student’s examination work. The scores awarded by the third expert are final.”
A discrepancy of 10 or more points awarded by two experts for completing tasks 1 and 15 is considered significant (scores for all positions (criteria) for assessing the task are summed up
each expert: IC1–IC3, S1K1–S1K4, S2K1–S2K4, S3K1–S3K4, GK1–GK4, FC1). In this case, the third expert rechecks tasks 1 and 15 for all assessment positions. For completing the examination work, a mark is given on a five-point scale.
The mark “2” is given if the student scored no more than 14 points (from 0 to 14) for completing all parts of the examination work.
The mark “3” is given if the student scores no less than 15 and no more than 24 points (from 15 to 24) for completing all parts of the examination work.
The mark “4” is given if the student scores no less than 25 and no more than 33 points (from 25 to 33) for completing all parts of the examination work. In this case, the student must score at least 4 points for literacy (criteria GK1–GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1–GK4, a student scores less than 4 points, a mark of “3” is given.
The mark “5” is given if the student scores no less than 34 and no more than 39 points (from 34 to 39) for completing all parts of the examination work. In this case, the student must score at least 6 points for literacy (criteria GK1–GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1–GK4, a student scores less than 6 points, a mark of “4” is given.

At the OGE 2017 in chemistry, ninth-graders will be offered 22 tasks or 24 tasks (depending on the type of exam), for solving each of them you can get from 1 to 5 points. Maximum amount primary points will be 34 (if the OGE is taken without the experimental part) or 38 (if experimental tasks are completed). The tables below show the maximum points that can be earned for each task.

Table 1. OGE without experimental part

Table 2. OGE with laboratory work

The scores obtained are converted into traditional grades. If a ninth-grader receives less than 9 primary points, the OGE in chemistry is considered failed. To receive an “excellent” grade, it is not necessary to solve all exam tasks.

Table 3. Conversion of primary OGE scores into grades (OGE without experimental part)

Table 4. Conversion of primary OGE scores into grades (OGE with laboratory work)

Do not forget that the recalculation scale is changing: it was different in 2016, and will also change slightly in 2018 (if only because of the change in the structure of the test and the number of tasks). The indicated figures are valid only for 2017 and only for the OGE in chemistry.

Scale for converting primary scores of the OGE 2016

As in previous years, the OGE-2016 (GIA-9) is conducted in 14 academic subjects. Graduates of 9th grade take two compulsory exams in the Russian language and mathematics, as well as two exams in any elective subject. Let us remind you that last year students could limit themselves to only two compulsory subjects, and take the rest on a voluntary basis.

Primary scores for completing the OGE examination work are converted to a mark on a 5-point scale. In this regard, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) published “Recommendations for the use and interpretation of the results of examination papers for the main state exam (OGE) in 2016.” Regional commissions are given the right to change the scale of transferring points up or down in compulsory subjects.

The points received on the OGE and recalculated into a five-point system affect the grades in the certificate in the corresponding subject. The certificate contains the average between the mark received on the OGE and the annual mark in the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4, and 4.5 to 5. In addition, the results of the OGE of students can be used for admission to specialized classes of secondary school.

Graduates can find out their grades for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results have been approved.

FIPI draws the attention of teachers and school leaders to the fact that the scales for converting primary scores into marks on a five-point scale for the OGE are of a RECOMMENDATIONAL NATURE.

Scale for transferring points in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Maximum points, which the examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, - 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the State Academic Examination in the Russian language


Explanation of assessment


GK1. Compliance with spelling standards

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 mistake was made.

2-3 mistakes were made

4 or more errors were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation standards

There are no punctuation errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

There are no grammatical errors, or 1 mistake made

2 mistakes made

3 or more errors were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 errors were made

3-4 mistakes were made

5 or more errors were made

MATHEMATICS score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points . Of these, for the module “Algebra” - 14 points, for the module “Geometry” - 11 points, for the module “Real Mathematics” - 7 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 3 points in the “Algebra” module, at least 2 points in the “Geometry” module and at least 2 points in the “Real Mathematics” module)

Overcoming this minimum result gives the graduate the right to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the graduate studied mathematics as part of an integrated mathematics course) or in algebra and geometry.

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work as a whole into a mark mathematics:

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the Algebra module into a mark in algebra:

Scale for converting the primary score for completing the Geometry module into a mark in geometry:

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. Depending on the profile, guidelines for selection may be as follows:

  • for natural science profile: 18 points(at least 10 in algebra, at least 6 in geometry);
  • for economic profile: 18 points(at least 9 in algebra, 3 in geometry, 5 in real mathematics);
  • for physics and mathematics profile: 19 points(at least 11 in algebra, 7 in geometry).

Scale for transferring points in PHYSICS

Maximum primary score: 40 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points (increased by 1 point)

30 points.

Scale for converting points in CHEMISTRY

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing an examination paper without a real experiment

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 23 points.

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work with a real experiment
(Demo version of the OGE in chemistry No. 2)

Maximum primary score for working with a real experiment : 38 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 25 points.

Scale for conversion of points in BIOLOGY

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIAL STUDY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 32 points.

Scale for transferring points according to LITERATURE

Maximum primary score: 23 points

Minimum threshold: 7 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Scale for transferring points in INFORMATION SCIENCE and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 15 points.

Scale for converting points in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE


Maximum primary score: 70 points

Minimum threshold: 29 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools. A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 56 points.