Russian language. theory A3. Error in the formation of the word form: typical and grammatical errors, morphological norms and examples Tasks for the formation of the word form

29.12.2021 Operations

The ability to correctly use word forms is a sign of good, competent speech. Nothing destroys a person’s image more than what flashes through his speech. "lighter" or "a pair of boots" Errors in form - incorrect case or gender ending, incorrect form plural nouns, imperative mood of the verb, etc. – are eliminated if, while preparing for the Unified State Exam, you spend a certain amount of time working on task A3.

What is most often tested in it (which means you need to learn and practice):

1. Numerals

A. How ordinal and cardinal numbers are declined.

U ordinal only changes last thing word, all others remain unchanged (Born (in what?) in nineteen eighty fifth year. It happened (in what?) in two thousand eighth year.

A very common mistake is masterpieces like "in the year two thousand and five". Therefore, let us read the following note with examples with full attention:

U ordinal– nothing changes except the last word (This happened in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six.)

U quantitative is changing each word, moreover - every part words Printed (about how many?) approx. thousand nine hundred five books. Selected comments (how many?) to two thousand eight books).

Since students of all times have far from the best feelings towards them when declining Russian numerals, different tips are used.

Hint 1- in numerals two hundred, three hundred and so on. the case ending usually coincides with the ending of the noun (no two hundred( zero) books( zero); give two hundred am books am, happy with two hundred ami books ami).

Hint 2– for numerals denoting hundreds (200-900), R.p. – always on – hundred: two hundred, six hundred, eight hundred. But: if one hundred and one (one hundred) R.R. and all others except I.p. and V.p. – hundred: no one hundred people, approach one hundred students, satisfied with one hundred works.

Hint 3 – the numerals 40,90 are declined in the same way as the single 100 ( see tip 2), that is, they have only two forms: forty, ninety, hundred (I.p. and V.p.) and forty, ninety, hundred (all other cases): for example: a shelf with one hundred books (with forty books, with ninety books).

B. How and with what are collective numerals used.

- Two, three, four and other collective numerals are used only with 3 groups of words :

1) male persons (not masculine objects!)(three men, seven people)
2) paired items ( two trousers, three glasses )
3) cubs(five wolf cubs, three fox cubs, two boys)

!Hint: do not use with women or adult animals! ( that is, you can’t: two girls, three tigers, but you can: two girls, three tigers) .

– Both or both?

With nouns m.r. and w.r. - both (both boys, both textbooks, both tables. Respectively - both boys, both textbooks, both tables). With nouns w.r. – both (both girls, both books, both desks. Respectively - both girls, both books, both desks).

2. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

The most common mistake is combining simple and compound forms.

Correct comparative degree:

Forms lighter or less higherWRONG!

Correct superlative degree:

simple form - brightest, highest, greatest(from 1 word);
compound form – the brightest, the brightest, the brightest (lightest of all)- on adjectives.

Forms the brightest, the brightestWRONG!

Superlative adverb- this stumbling block on the Unified State Exam - in ordinary speech is intuitively used correctly: above all (above all) (from the adverb “high”).

3. Imperative mood of verbs

The correct forms of the imperative mood of the verb RIDE are: RIDE and DRIVE - GO (***no go, go, go!). Accordingly I I'M GOING, GOING, He DRIVES, DRIVES (***and no me I travel, He rides!).

Vernacular forms go(instead of GO), get out(instead of GET OUT), put it down(instead of PUT) in literary speech (and this is what is tested on the Unified State Exam) it is better not to use.

In the forms of verbs with the prefix YOU- (stick out - stick out, put out - put out, straighten - straighten out), as well as clean - clean, don't spoil - don't spoil, don't writhe - don't writhe, don't wrinkle - don't wrinkle, both options are acceptable, but only in units Plural – one form is correct – on -ITE ( stick it out, put it out etc.)!

On the alternation of consonants in verbs WANT(singular – I want, want, wants, but plural – we want, want, want) and RUN(run, run, run, run, run, run) needless to say. Forms run, run- This is an imperative mood. So pay attention to the context!

Common mistakes– in verbs to hesitate, doze, pinch, wave. The correct forms are SWINGING, DREAMING, PICKING, WAVING (***all sorts of hesitates, dozes, pinches, waves– MISTAKES!).

4. The endings of some nouns in I.p. plural

Usually one of the forms is used for different nouns:

to -I(-S) or to -A(-I).

Here you just need to look in the dictionary and remember. Sometimes both options are acceptable in words, but it is better to give preference to the literary (colloquial) Unified State Exam option does not love!)

5. Endings of nouns in R.p. plural

There are 3 types of endings: zero, -OB(-EB) and -EY.
It is difficult to remember everything, but you can at least learn the most frequently used words.
So, the forms:

In conclusion, it must be said that all the efforts made to memorize the correct forms will be unsuccessful if you do it only with the thought of the exam. But constant monitoring of your own speech is much more effective, especially if you agree with friends or classmates to notice each other’s mistakes.





Errors in the formation of words (violation of word formation norms)

Errors in word formation

1. Incorrect use of consoles

Photographed (vm. photographed)

Always (vm. always)

2. Incorrect use of suffixes
The blanket got wet (vm. wet)

I love Azerbaijan (vm. Azerbaijan)

3. Errors in the formation of complex words

Half-smart (v. half-witted)

Errors in the formation of forms of various parts of speech (violations of morphological norms)

Disturbances in the formation of noun forms:
1. Incorrect formation of the form named after. p.m. h.
Directors (vt. directors),

cake (vm. cakes),

driver (vm. drivers),

agreements (vm. agreements)

2. Irregular gender form
pies with jam (including jam)

the shoe is torn (vm. shoe)

delicious coffee (ie delicious)

light tulle (vm. light)

the boy was an orphan (vm. round)

3. Incorrect number form

The singer took to the stage (vs. to the stage)

4. Violation of the norms of declension of foreign-language surnames
At Barclay de Tolle (vm. de Tolly)

The film is based on the story by Arkady and Georgy Vayner (vm. Vayner)

5. Incorrect formation of the r form. p.m. h.

Five kilograms (vm. kilograms), a lot of Georgians (vm. Georgians)

Happy with the new doors (vm. doors)

6. Errors in the category of animate and inanimate nouns

I took his queen (vm. queen)
7. Declension of an indeclinable noun

We visited the mountain plateau (vm. plateau)

Disturbances in the formation of adjective forms

1. Incorrect formation of forms of short adjectives
The conclusion is groundless (better: groundless)

He is characterized by optimism (vm. characteristic)

2. Errors in the formation of degrees of comparison
The most talented poet of the 19th century (v. the most talented)

Natasha suffered the separation more difficult (vm. more difficult)

He felt more sorry for his youngest daughter (there is no normative form of comparative degree)

He's good to me (vm. better)

Violations in the formation of pronoun forms

1. Incorrect formation of 3rd person plural pronouns. h.

Their son, their book (including them)

Sister is older than him (vs. him)

The difference between her and her friends is very big (including her)

Errors in declension of numerals

1. Errors in the declension of cardinal numerals
About four hundred - five hundred rubles were spent on this (total about four hundred - five hundred)

In one hundred meters (vm. in one hundred)

We traveled for twenty-two days (obscene use)

With sixty rubles (vs. with sixty)

2. Errors in the declension of compound ordinal numbers

...until one thousand nine hundred and five (v. one thousand)

3. Errors in the use of collective numerals (both – both)

On both sides of the road (ie on both)

Amputation of both legs (including both)

4. Errors in the use of collective numerals (two - two)

Three daughters, two girls (including two, three)

Errors in the formation of verb forms

1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs
The wind sways the leaves (vm. sways)

They are driven by a feeling of compassion (vm. driven)

2. Errors in the formation of the imperative mood

Drive (v. go)

Lie down (v. lie down)

3. Incorrect formation of species forms

The Institute organizes preparatory courses (vm. organizes)

Errors in the formation of participles and gerunds

1. Incorrect formation of active and passive participles

The streams flowing down were cold (vm. flowing)

Products manufactured in Russia are also known abroad (also manufactured)

2. Errors in the formation of gerunds

Having walked onto the stage, the artist bowed (as he came out)

When writing a dictation, you need to be careful (no literary form gerunds)

Errors in forming adverbs

1. Using a colloquial form instead of a literary one

He's here

Stop here

Errors in the construction of phrases (violations of syntactic norms)

Errors in coordination
1. Incorrect use of the predicate with a subject expressed by collective nouns
Young people gathered in the park (vm. gathered)

A flock of swans flew (vm. flew)

2. Incorrect use of predicate number
To benefit the Motherland, you need knowledge, honesty (needed)

An old grandmother and her grandson lived there

(vm. lived there)

3. Agreement of the generalizing word and homogeneous members

The conference was attended by delegates from the following cities: Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Orel... (vm. Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Orel)

Errors in management
1. Using the wrong case

Head of the department (vs. head of the department)

Fly by helicopter (ie helicopter)

Sailing by boat (ie. on a boat)

According to the order (vm. order)

Errors in the construction of a simple sentence (violations of syntactic norms)

Errors in constructing simple uncomplicated sentences

1. The personal pronoun duplicates the subject

This is the author, he always poses pressing questions.

2. The arrangement of words in a sentence that does not correspond to the grammatical norms of the Russian language

Students must clearly understand the concepts (vm. must clearly understand)

An exhibition of children's works made from natural materials was organized (vm. exhibition of children's works made from natural materials).

Errors in the construction of simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members

1. Time mismatch

The textbook gives knowledge, teaches you to highlight the main thing (vm. gives, teaches).

2. Combining homogeneous members of generic and specific concepts in one row

He brought pliers, tools, a hammer and nails.

At the zoo we saw birds, ostriches, and elephants.

3. Paired combination of incomparable concepts

Parents and friends, colleagues and children, we congratulate you...

4. Incompatibility of the reference word and one of the components of homogeneous members

Shows of care and help made everyone happy (it’s impossible to show help).

5. Combining adjectives as homogeneous full and short forms

The room is spacious and bright.

Errors in the construction of sentences complicated by participial and participial phrases

1. Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases

The author introduces us to Bazarov, who leads a working lifestyle. (vs. presenter)
2. Errors in constructing the middle part:

Bringing relatively distant thoughts together in one sentence

Lack of consistency in thoughts

Using structurally monotonous sentences

The main part contains unnecessary information not related to the topic

contains semantic repetitions

Prostakova mocked the serfs in every possible way. She took care of Mitrofanushka’s upbringing and education.

Prostakova raised Mitrofanushka to be a rude person. Fonvizin's comedy is of great importance today.

I spent the summer in the village. I helped my grandmother. We picked mushrooms and berries. We swam in the river.

Instead of discussing the problem of the text raised by its author Mikhalkov: “The author of this text is Mikhalkov. As you know, he is a famous writer who wrote poems, fables, stories, and novellas. They were very popular with children...

The problem posed in the text... So, the problem is that...

3. Unsuccessful ending (duplicate output)
So, Prostakova harms him with her love for her son. Thus, with her love, she cultivates in him laziness, fluffiness, and heartlessness.

Errors in the use of parallel syntactic constructions (violations of syntactic norms)

Errors in constructing simple sentences instead of complex ones and vice versa

1. The use of constructions with participial phrases instead of more appropriate use complex sentence with attributive clause
In the distance one could see pine trees covered with snow, sparkling in the sun playing with its rays

(Wed: In the distance one could see pine trees covered with snow, which sparkled in the sun playing with its rays)

2. The use of constructions with the word which instead of subordinate clauses
The text raises questions that are very important and related to the values ​​of the Russian people.

(Wed: The text raises questions that are very important related to the values ​​of the Russian people)

3. Errors in the construction of constructions with participles used in impersonal or indefinitely personal sentences

While in Boldin, Pushkin completed the 9th chapter.

(Cf.: When Pushkin was in Boldin, he graduated...)

Errors in word usage (violation of lexical norms)

Lexical anachronisms

Errors associated with the transfer of a modern word to the reality of the past or vice versa, unmotivated use of archaisms in modern speech

In the 18th century, several printing houses were closed in Leningrad.

The description of Kutuzov’s behavior indicates that he knows about the mood of the generals gathered in Fili.

Departing from Napoleon's troops, the landowners evacuated their families.

Vulgarization of speech (ethical and speech errors)

1. Use of stylistically reduced and non-literary vocabulary (jargon, vernacular, devalued vocabulary), as well as invective (insults)
...political thieves and sixes.

To hell with him, with the old senile man.

He doesn't need his mother.

Yeah, he's just an idiot.

For this he needs to be properly punished.

I hate all Khachiks.

2. The use of linguocinizios - words, figures of speech and entire statements that reflect the cynicism of individual and social thinking

Zhmurik (about a dead man)

storage (room for waiting to board an airplane)

Raskolnikov seemed to repent

We're kind of smart people

Ambiguity (amphiboly)

Ambiguity of a phrase or statement; possibility of double understanding of speech

The teacher has a lot to say (does the teacher have to say a lot or does the teacher have to say a lot?)

We visited the museum and took away the best from it

Child requires mother's care

At the stake - the best people sat down.

Students from Africa can hand over their tails on the third floor.

Beat out my liver (about buying a liver)

Archaeologists noticed that the dead from the southern burial had something in common with the dead from the northern burial.

After reading Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, I understood how to solve my problems

Cacophony (cacology, cacophony)

An inappropriate combination of sounds in the formation of words, phrases, sentences, causing unwanted, often rude, obscene associations

Run away, scoundrel! Wait a minute...[ugly] (A. Blok)

There are thousands of them, but there are an army of us [shit’]

Bye, Katya [bye]

And your step weighed down the earth [your donkey]

Stationery stamps (office stamps)

Stylistically unmotivated use of clericalisms in a stylistic context unusual for them

Katerina decided to drown herself.

Natasha and Sonya were talking about how beautiful the summer night was.

Zhukovsky translated “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Lexical compatibility disorders

Violation by the speaker of the rules for combining words into a phrase

Microscopic difference (insignificant)

Abundant communication (watering the beds may be abundant, not communication)

Win a defeat (vs. win)

Pavka Korchagin was politically active in everyday life and in his personal life.

Errors in the use of synonyms

Incorrect choice of one of the words close in meaning

Catherine was placed on the throne (erected)

The captain put on a smart jacket (vs. ceremonial)

His name is familiar in many countries (vm. known)

Errors in the use of paronyms

Non-distinction of paronyms

Have you already gone to hang yourself? (vm. weigh yourself)

Put on your coat (vm. put it on)

The violin in this work is a solo instrument (vm. solo)

Errors in the use of antonyms

Wrong choice of antonym

This comedy evokes in the viewer not only laughter, but also compassion (ie: laughter - tears, compassion - indifference).


Unmotivated verbosity, redundancy of linguistic means to express this content

In the month of April (enough: in April)

Memorable souvenir (enough: souvenir)

My autobiography (enough: autobiography)

Dead body (enough: corpse)


Unjustified repetition within one or adjacent sentences of the same, same-root or consonant words

The following should be said

An incident happened to one sailor

I must say the following

Errors in word choice

Unjustified use of a similar word

The emptiness of Famus society excited Chatsky early on (it outraged, irritated)

A. Blok is a master of sound recording.


(non-linguistic errors, which consist in the fact that the speaker or writer, having insufficient knowledge of information on the topic, cites facts that do not correspond to reality)

Lensky returned to his estate from England.

In a volume of Pushkin I read: “A lonely sail is white...”

“How is it going now? prophetic Oleg take revenge on the foolish Khazars...” Every educated person will tell you that these are lines from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

I remember the wonderful lines: “My bells, steppe flowers, which look at me as if they were blue...”

Yuri Lermontov had a nanny, Irina Rodionovna.


Gender is a constant category for nouns. Difficulties in use arise with nouns of foreign origin, whose gender is fixed in dictionaries.

Indeclinable animate nouns refer to m.r. if they denote male persons, and to zh.r. if they denote female persons. The names of professions refer to m.p., but word-formation pairs can exist in the language. Syntactically (with the help of adjectives) gender can be specified.

Indeclinable inanimate nouns can belong to all three genders. Their gender is determined by the dictionary.

Proper indeclinable nouns have the same gender as words that are gender names.

Words tulle, roofing felt, shampoo, jelly m.r.

For inflected abbreviations, the gender is determined by the ending. Sometimes gender is determined by the gender of the main word.

Case is the second category of a noun, which can cause difficulties in word usage.

When declension, the following rules must be taken into account:

Slavic names ending in –o are declined according to the 2nd declension.

Surnames with –ago, -yago, -ikh, -yh are not declined.

Foreign-language surnames ending in a vowel are not declined.

Surnames do not end in –ko.

Nouns m.r. have a variant ending in the form Im.P. plural the variant ending –A occurs in the following cases:

In monosyllable words,

In two- and three-syllable words with stress on the first syllable,

In words of Latin origin, denoting animate objects and widely used,

There are variants of case endings in R.P. plural in the following groups of nouns:

Nouns denoting paired objects have a zero ending, excl. Couple of socks,

Nouns denoting nationalities with a stem ending in –н or –р have a zero ending.

Nouns denoting the names of military groups have a zero ending, excl. Miners, sappers,

Nouns that denote the names of some units of measurement have a zero ending.

Nouns denoting the names of some fruits have a zero ending.

The ending -ov is found in the nouns tomatoes, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines.

Exercise 3. Form the plural form. im.p. in the following nouns:

Director -a"

The doctors"

Inspector -a"

Vacation -a"

Passport -a"

Professor -a"

Watchman -a"






Po"rt –s

Handwriting -i

Verdict –s

Editor –s

To "rt –s

Tractor –s


Exercise 5. Form the R.P. shape. plural in the following nouns:

(PAIR) boots (boots), shoulder straps (epaulets), boots (boots), stockings (stockings), socks (s), oranges (s), hectares (s), films (s).

AMONG the Armenians (Armenians), Kalmyks (s), Kyrgyz (s), Georgians (Georgians), Bashkirs (Bashkirs), Mongols (s), Tajiks (s), Tatars (Tatars), Turks (Turks), Yakut(s), Gypsies (Gypsies).

SEVERAL amps (amps), grams (s), watts (watts), volts (volts), kilograms (s).

SQUAD soldiers (soldiers), partisans (partisans), hussars (hussars), miners (s), sappers (s).

SEVERAL fable(s), shoe(s), poker(s), wedding(s), sheet(s), apple(s), share(s), handful(s), candle(s), (but the game is not worth the candle).

NO mouth(s), dress(s), coast(s), apple(s), face(s), swamp(s), towel(s), blanket(s).


For adjectives starting with –en, when forming a short form, 2 variants arise: na –en, -enen. The normative form is 1.

The degree of comparison is also formed only for qualitative adjectives and has 2 varieties:


simple is formed using the suffixes –e, -she, -ee, -ey (colloquial)

a compound is formed by combining particles more or less with an adjective.


simple is formed using the suffixes –aysh-, -eysh-,

the compound is formed using pronouns most with an adjective, all with a simple comparative degree.

IN literary language The following forms of comparative degree of adjectives are accepted: more lively, louder, more dexterous, sweeter, more trenchant.

The forms “better” and “worse” are not used, because the second word itself expresses the meaning of the comparative degree.

Exercise 1. Form short forms for adjectives:

Kind - kind, great, light - light, small, cunning - cunning, warm - warm, burnt, businesslike, sharp - sharp, full - full, golden, sick - sick, young - young, black, brown, natural - natural, hot - hot, countless - countless, majestic - majestic, capable - capable, numerous - numerous, frivolous - frivolous.

Exercise 3. Complete the adjectives, putting them in short form:

The reception was very solemn... (solemn). Severe and majestic... (majestic) view of the chain of snowy mountains. This method of treatment is effective...(effective) and painless...(painless). The answer is ambiguous...(ambiguous).


When using numerals, the main difficulty lies in the correct formation of case forms of complex (consisting of two roots) and compound (consisting of several words) numerals:

When declension of complex and composite numerals, each part is placed in the required case.

The numerals 40, 90, 100 have only 2 case forms: im.p. v.p. - forty, ninety, hundred, other cases - forty, ninety, hundred.

The numeral oba is combined with the nouns m.r., both – zh.r.

The numeral one and a half is combined with the nouns m.r., sr.r., the numeral one and a half is zh.r.

Compound numerals ending in 2,3,4 are combined with singular nouns.

In compound words, the first part of which is a numeral, this part is used in the form p.p., excl. 90,100 – in im.p.

Declension of numerals from fifty to eighty, from five hundred to nine hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred


From 50 to 80

From 500 to 800

200, 300,400



Five hundred

Two hundred



Five hundred

Two hundred



Five hundred

Two hundred



Five hundred

Two hundred



Five hundred

Two hundred


(o) fifty

(about) five hundred

(about) two hundred

Declension of compound numerals denoting an integer


Compound numeral 1986


One thousand nine hundred eighty six


One thousand nine hundred eighty six


One thousand nine hundred eighty six


One thousand nine hundred eighty six


One thousand nine hundred eighty six


(about) one thousand nine hundred eighty six

Declension of numerals two, three, four, both, both




















For two






Like Im. or Rod.

Like Im. or Rod.

Like Im. or Rod.

Like Im. or Rod.

Like Im. or Rod.








(o) two

(o) three

(o) four

(about) both

(about) both


There are the following difficulties associated with the use of verbs:

Insufficient verbs do not form separate forms (1l. Unit). In this case, it is necessary to use descriptive phrases, for example, I can convince.

Abundant verbs form two grammatical forms of the same type. One of them is literary, the other is colloquial, for example, they splash and splash.

There are pairs of verbs - climb - climb - the second has a colloquial connotation.

Verbs of the same type are usually used as homogeneous members of a sentence.

Exercise 4. Correct errors associated with incorrect use of verbs:

Alyosha became friends with the watchman. The guys were playing in the room. The tool must be placed in a box. Marusya got worse and worse. It is necessary to focus on serious issues. I will win this competition. I need to read this book.


1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) more than five hundred people

2) engineers

2. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) by two thousand and five

2) burns a fire

3) a pack of pasta

4) the film is more interesting

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) young accountants

2) their work

3) within thirty-five minutes

4) ladies' shoes

4. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) after reading the story

2) less significant

3) in two thousand and five

4) go home

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

1) with fifty

2) dress warmly

3) dried

4) ripe apricots

6. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

3) dresses

4) saucers

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) in one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five

2) nominate one hundred and four candidates

3) about four million three hundred thousand

4) for seventy years

8. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) a pair of boots

2) a pair of socks

3) a pair of stockings

4) a lot of eggplants

9. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) deepest lake

2) put it back

3) the chefs cooked delicious food

4) three days

10. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) a lot of clouds

2) preaches well

3) go

4) with two hundred and thirty rubles

11. Write down the phrases, correcting mistakes if necessary.

More urgently, brother's wallpaper, bake some pies.

White tulle, big mazole, their brother.

I miss you delicious cakes, this berry is sweeter.

There are no places, according to the order, three children.

Younger, a ton of tomatoes, a kilo of apples.

Put both books in place, ten grams.

More beautiful, soon to choose, contracts signed.

Don't wave your hands, about two hundred people, four cats.

Six pairs of socks, I apologize for my behavior, lie down here.

Lie down, rest, five apples, gypsy songs.

Pie with jam, no boots, run back.

Put it on the table, in both bags, it rains all day,

Their children, more than six hundred books, you will get burned.

In the year two thousand and six, I’m sad for you, a pair of shoes.

Many estates, the happiest man, two scissors.

A pair of shoes we want, what time is it.

Bulgarian dishes, I will win, three little bears.

Better, more honest, more competent.

Task 7 checks:
1) Forms of nouns (I.p. plural and R.p. plural, as well as the gender of some nouns.
2) Degrees of comparison of adjectives (comparative and superlative).
3) Declension of all digits of numerals (complex, compound, fractional, collective, ordinal) by case.
4) Declension of pronouns by case.
5) Forms of verbs (imperative mood, future tense, past tense and present tense).
6) Forms of formation of participles.
7) Forms of formation of participles.

Materials for preparation for:

The wording of task 7 in the Unified State Exam in Russian 2020:

"In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the error and write the word correctly.
experienced TRAINERS
on BOTH sides
sounds no less LOUD

Correct answer: BOTH

Execution algorithm:

1) Read the assignment carefully. It is important to correct the error, and not just find it.
2) Determine the parts of speech of the highlighted words. The rule depends on the part of speech.
3) Remember the rule corresponding to each part of speech, if there is one.
3) Use the method of elimination. It is best to start with adjectives, numerals, verbs, and leave nouns for “dessert”, since there is more information there.
4) After the error is found, do not forget: you must enter the already CORRECTED version in the answer window.

The ability to correctly use word forms is a sign of good, competent speech. Nothing destroys a person’s image more than what flashes through his speech. "lighter" or "a pair of boots" Errors in form - incorrect case or gender ending, incorrect plural form of nouns, imperative mood of the verb, etc. – are eliminated if, while preparing for the Unified State Exam, you spend a certain amount of time working on task A3.

What is most often tested in it (which means you need to learn and practice):

1. Numerals

A. How ordinal and cardinal numbers are declined.

U ordinal only changes last thing word, all others remain unchanged (Born (in what?) in nineteen eighty fifth year. It happened (in what?) in two thousand eighth year.

A very common mistake is masterpieces like "in the year two thousand and five". Therefore, let us read the following note with examples with full attention:

U ordinal– nothing changes except the last word (This happened in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six.)

U quantitative is changing each word, moreover - every part words Printed (about how many?) approx. thousand nine hundred five books. Selected comments (how many?) to two thousand eight books).

Since students of all times have far from the best feelings towards them when declining Russian numerals, different tips are used.

Hint 1- in numerals two hundred, three hundred and so on. the case ending usually coincides with the ending of the noun (no two hundred( zero) books( zero); give two hundred am books am, happy with two hundred ami books ami).

Hint 2– for numerals denoting hundreds (200-900), R.p. – always on – hundred: two hundred, six hundred, eight hundred. But: if one hundred and one (one hundred) R.R. and all others except I.p. and V.p. – hundred: no one hundred people, approach one hundred students, satisfied with one hundred works.

Hint 3 – the numerals 40,90 are declined in the same way as the single 100 ( see tip 2), that is, they have only two forms: forty, ninety, hundred (I.p. and V.p.) and forty, ninety, hundred (all other cases): for example: a shelf with one hundred books (with forty books, with ninety books).

B. How and with what are collective numerals used.

- Two, three, four and other collective numerals are used only with 3 groups of words :

1) male persons (not masculine objects!)(three men, seven people)
2) paired items ( two trousers, three glasses )
3) cubs(five wolf cubs, three fox cubs, two boys)

!Hint: do not use with women or adult animals! ( that is, you can’t: two girls, three tigers, but you can: two girls, three tigers) .

– Both or both?

With nouns m.r. and w.r. - both (both boys, both textbooks, both tables. Respectively - both boys, both textbooks, both tables). With nouns w.r. – both (both girls, both books, both desks. Respectively - both girls, both books, both desks).

2. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs

The most common mistake is combining simple and compound forms.

Correct comparative degree:

Forms lighter or less higherWRONG!

Correct superlative degree:

simple form - brightest, highest, greatest(from 1 word);
compound form – the brightest, the brightest, the brightest (lightest of all)- on adjectives.

Forms the brightest, the brightestWRONG!

Superlative adverb- this stumbling block on the Unified State Exam - in ordinary speech is intuitively used correctly: above all (above all) (from the adverb “high”).

3. Imperative mood of verbs

The correct forms of the imperative mood of the verb RIDE are: RIDE and DRIVE - GO (***no go, go, go!). Accordingly I I'M GOING, GOING, He DRIVES, DRIVES (***and no me I travel, He rides!).

Vernacular forms go(instead of GO), get out(instead of GET OUT), put it down(instead of PUT) in literary speech (and this is what is tested on the Unified State Exam) it is better not to use.

In the forms of verbs with the prefix YOU- (stick out - stick out, put out - put out, straighten - straighten out), as well as clean - clean, don't spoil - don't spoil, don't writhe - don't writhe, don't wrinkle - don't wrinkle, both options are acceptable, but only in units Plural – one form is correct – on -ITE ( stick it out, put it out etc.)!

On the alternation of consonants in verbs WANT(singular – I want, want, wants, but plural – we want, want, want) and RUN(run, run, run, run, run, run) needless to say. Forms run, run- This is an imperative mood. So pay attention to the context!

Common mistakes– in verbs to hesitate, doze, pinch, wave. The correct forms are SWINGING, DREAMING, PICKING, WAVING (***all sorts of hesitates, dozes, pinches, waves– MISTAKES!).

4. The endings of some nouns in I.p. plural

Usually one of the forms is used for different nouns:

to -I(-S) or to -A(-I).

Here you just need to look in the dictionary and remember. Sometimes both options are acceptable in words, but it is better to give preference to the literary one (the Unified State Exam does not like the spoken version!)

5. Endings of nouns in R.p. plural

There are 3 types of endings: zero, -OB(-EB) and -EY.
It is difficult to remember everything, but you can at least learn the most frequently used words.
So, the forms:

In conclusion, it must be said that all the efforts made to memorize the correct forms will be unsuccessful if you do it only with the thought of the exam. But constant monitoring of your own speech is much more effective, especially if you agree with friends or classmates to notice each other’s mistakes.

In the Russian language there are many words that change according to cases, numbers, tenses - that is why our native language so difficult for foreigners to learn. However, many Russian-speaking people from childhood get used to certain forms, for example, to cases and tenses, and usually do not make any stupid mistakes. There are also forms in which both children and adults get confused. That is why errors in education are quite common on the Unified State Exam (unified state exam), which in our time is written by eleventh grade graduates.

Task to identify the incorrect form of a word

In task six (task 6) of the Unified State Exam in Russian, you need to find an error in the formation of the word form and write it down correctly. This task is not difficult if you understand it and remember the forms of the word properly. However, in the sixth task, those taking the exam quite often make mistakes, which significantly reduce their score in the Russian language.

  • Let's give you an example of such a task:

In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

  • hot pancakes;
  • WEARING a hat;
  • no free places;

Noun forms

Here, both adults and children make all sorts of mistakes. For example, in the formation of the plural of nouns. Directors or directors? Tangerines or mandarin? Let's give a list of noun forms in which various errors are most often made. We recommend that you simply remember them, speak and write correctly, because it is important to know your native language.

Plural in the nominative case

Quite often, when forming this form, people make mistakes both in oral and written speech.

  • Ends with Y: officers, cakes, containers, leaders, ports, lecturers, drivers, designers, auditors, engineers, editors, verdicts, speakers, ages, coaches, elections, accountants, authors, trainees, contracts, snipers, tractors.
  • Ends with I: time sheets, mechanics, pharmacists, handwriting, grooms.
  • Ends with A: professor, shore, inspector, watchman, director, district, boat, warrant, vacation, doctor, century, address, grade, haystack.
  • Ends with I: anchor, jacket, stamp.
  • Nouns in -МЯ occupy a separate place in the formation of word forms. Words such as burden, udder, seed or time have the endings -en or -en in the plural: times, seeds, names, no time, no name.

Genitive plural

In this case, there are as many as three options for word forms: zero ending, ending -ov(s) or ending -ee.

Let's look at the zero ending first.

  • The zero ending is paired items: boots, stockings, boots, shoulder straps, felt boots, shoes. An exception that is important to remember: socks!
  • Zero ending when there are military professions, units: soldiers, hussars, partisans.
  • When talking about fruits, for example: a kilogram of apples, waffles, melons. But remember: a kilogram of oranges, lemons, tangerines.
  • Zero ending: saucer, towels, fables, sabers.
  • When nationalities start with -n or -r: Georgians, Armenians, Bulgarians. BUT!: Kazakhs and Uzbeks.

Now the ending -ov(s).

  • This includes exceptions to the previous rule: socks, oranges, tangerines, tomatoes, dragoons, tomatoes.
  • And also other words: journeymen, lower reaches, sappers, rails, hectares, grams, kilograms.

And the endings on -her: sheets, doctors, everyday life, rakes, share, manger.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Another important mistake in the formation of word forms: the formation and composition of degrees of comparison of adjectives. Let's look at the rules again.

Degree of comparison How to create a degree? Example
Comparative simple The basis of the adjective is in the nominative case and the suffixes -ee (ey), -e, -she, which show comparison with something. More beautiful (by the way, the emphasis in the word is on I), better, colder, larger, higher, warmer.
Comparative compound Adjective and more, less. Darker, less cold, healthier, less tall.
Excellent simple The basis of the adjective is in the nominative case with the addition of the suffixes -aysh, -eysh in order to show the superiority of something. The most beautiful, the finest, the most delicious
Excellent compound Adjective and auxiliary words most, least. The most delicious, the least suitable, the most subtle.

An example of an error in the formation of the word form of adjectives and degrees of comparison would be the combination of both a simple and a compound form. You can’t say “better” or “tastier.” Instead, you can say: better, better or more tasty, tastier.

Numeral forms

It's easy to get confused with numbers. There are groups of this part of speech in which quite often they make various grammatical errors in the formation of word forms: complex and compound, as well as collective numerals, the use of which has its own specific rules.

Compound numerals

To write correctly, decline each part of the numeral separately. The table shows the declinations by case of composite numerals of different groups - a template that you can use as a guide.

And also the declension of some other numerals: you just need to remember them and declension correctly.

Collective numbers

Collective numbers - for example, two, five, six. There are some cases in which they are used.

  • Masculine nouns denoting persons (three mechanics).
  • Nouns that can be classified as both masculine and feminine are common (four fidgets).
  • Paired items (two stockings).
  • Those nouns that do not have a singular number (two scissors).
  • Nouns denoting the young of various animals (five little pigs).

Remember that you cannot say “five girls.” Only: “five girls.”


How to correctly decline "in 1954?" In such numerals, only the last number is declined: “In the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four.” Under no circumstances should you decline every numeral - this will be considered an error.

Both, both, both

Words that can get confusing. In order not to make a stupid mistake in the sixth task of the Russian language exam, we advise you to simply remember the declension of these numerals.

The word “both” is used with masculine and neuter nouns, and “both” with feminine nouns.

Words that are often used incorrectly

There are several words in the Russian language that are often misused.

  • Remember: “them”! By no means “theirs”.
  • After prepositions, pronouns always have the letter “n” added to them. For example: with them, behind them, about her. It is illiterate to use the pronoun “she”. It would be correct to say: “at her place.”
  • There is a significant difference between the verbs “dress” and “put on”. The first verb is used in cases where someone dresses someone: “Mom dressed her son.” And the verb “put on” means to put on oneself: “Put on a hat.”
  • There are two verbs that are often confused: “put” and “put.” The verb “put” is used without a prefix, but “put” without a prefix is ​​never used. That is, you cannot say “laid” or “laid down.”
  • In modern Russian there is a suffix -sya, but in no case -sya. In Russians folk tales this will not be considered a mistake, but now it’s better not to say that. It is correct to say: “studied”, not “studied”.
  • There is a group of words with the prefix “by” or “under”, where some people unwittingly substitute an extra letter. Remember: cut your hair, slip, handwriting. However: “emphasize.”