Get your ex back. Step-by-step instruction. How to get your ex-girlfriend (wife) back Oleg ideal how to get your ex-girlfriend back reviews

06.04.2022 Operations

Use practice-tested psychology techniques to get your beloved man back

Recognized experts in the field of interpersonal relationships Oleg Ideal, Sergey Sadkovsky and Alena Volk write educational course books for both men and women.

This page of this site talks about two best-selling books for women and.

Alena Volk, Sergei Sadkovsky, Oleg Ideal

Practicing psychologist Alena Volk is a specialist in building the right relationships with the opposite sex. Specializes in eliminating barriers that prevent the proper development of feelings between a man and a woman.

Sergey Sadkovsky is a dating, seduction and relationship consultant. He writes popular articles on this topic in well-known magazines. He really helped restore relationships in practice to many hundreds of people who give his consultations the best reviews.

Oleg Ideal is a well-known consultant on the psychology of interpersonal relationships. Has extensive practical experience. Author of his own methods for restoring relationships in couples.

Sergey Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal, who wrote the book “Training Your Girlfriend,” in order to show the quality of training in their books, offer potential readers to read the first chapter of this book for free.

Unfortunately, the authors do not officially provide other free products to get acquainted with the quality of their training, including for women.

Book by Alena Volk, Oleg Ideal and Sergei Sadkovsky “How to return a loved one”

The book “How to Get Your Loved One Back” offers great bonuses.

Book-course “Translator of male actions”

Technique "Emotional Flow"

Book by Sergei Sadkovsky, Oleg Ideal and Alena Volk “How to get your husband back and save your family”

The book course will help you quickly solve the problem of your husband leaving, regardless of the reason for which he left. And, return your husband FOREVER!

The book is based on purely scientific methods of relationship psychology developed by the authors. According to many psychologists, this book is the most effective course on getting your husband back and restoring your family, which is distributed via the Internet.

Actions according to the methods outlined in this course have already helped a huge number of women and received many grateful reviews from recovered families.

With this book you will receive great bonuses.

Book-course “7 tactics to increase your attractiveness”

When you broke up with your girlfriend, you probably began to look with envy at couples in love. And looking at them, you began to wonder why attractive girls often go arm in arm with ordinary guys or even not very attractive guys, looking at them with loving eyes. At the same time, you analyze your relationship with the girl, it seems to you that you did everything right, but you never managed to achieve reciprocity from her, despite the fact that you can be much more attractive and successful than the guys from the couples you observed. These young men just know how to behave with girls. They achieve favor and know how to keep a girl’s attention and interest. They try not to lose their value in the eyes of their chosen one, they understand perfectly how to tie her tightly to themselves.

And if a guy knows all this, then he will avoid breaking up with a girl or break up with her whenever he wants. In your relationship, if a breakup did occur, then we can say with complete confidence that you made mistakes. Remember how your relationship began. You will probably remember those moments when a girl called you, she was waiting to meet you, and you had a great time together, you didn’t want to leave. For every date you came up with something interesting and new, you walked, went to the cinema, to a cafe, to the skating rink, and had fun in the company of friends. You gave the girl flowers and complimented her. But often a guy who has won a girl stops considering it necessary to look after her beautifully.

If a girl does not feel valuable and needed, she will not tolerate such a situation for a long time. Gradually, the resentment will erase all the good things that were in the relationship, and the girl will leave. Perhaps this is not your case at all. You could continue to beautifully look after the girl, woo her, make efforts for the relationship, make concessions. But it so happens that it is the partner who invests more in the relationship who values ​​them more. And the girl begins to think that she is a star, she is irresistible, and you are not going anywhere. She may well look for a more worthy guy who values ​​himself. As you can see, there is no need to go to extremes. But now we will not dwell on this in detail.

Let's assume that you understand the reason for your separation. It's time to leave the girl alone, not bother her with calls, but start correcting the mistakes. And the first thing you need to do is pay attention to your appearance. You should look stylish and fashionable. Dress like you're already a successful guy, act like you're a successful guy. And step by step, start working on yourself and all areas of your life to become successful in something. Don't focus on the girl's return just yet. Now we need a pause, which will help both of you to realize and reconsider a lot. After this pause, you must competently begin to return your ex. And the famous book How to Return will help you with this ex-girlfriend.

The girl you love suddenly left, leaving you with a broken heart and bitter resentment. You don’t know how to live further, you don’t want to do anything, not even live. Common situation? And imagine that she is already with someone else while you are suffering. Is it painful and embarrassing? Then bring her back!

Recognized experts in the field of relationships Sergey Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal have created an incredibly effective course “How to get your ex-girlfriend back”, which will definitely help you start a new, more perfect relationship with your beloved.

The course “How to get your ex-girlfriend back” will give you:

  • Unshakable self-confidence. Remember! Girls love confident, strong men. The authors will definitely tell you how to become the object of adoration and the ultimate dream of all girls.
  • A working strategy for getting your ex back incredibly quickly and effectively. You don't have to beg for forgiveness on your knees. You will learn how to make her realize the mistake she has made.
  • Ways to build old relationships from scratch. You will understand that you can live differently, so that the girl cannot imagine her life without you, she thinks about you every minute.

The course “How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back” will be useful not only for those who have already experienced a breakup, but also for those who want to add a fresh twist to an existing relationship.

All training courses by Sergei Sadkovsky and Oleg Ideal have proven their real effectiveness; many men were able to believe in themselves, understand the true motives of each girl and begin the best relationship in their lives.

It is very difficult to start a relationship with a girl, it is not easy to maintain it, but how quickly and easily it can be to destroy a relationship, even a long one. Then you realize everything, regret, think about how to fix everything, but this is not always possible.

You need to understand what your girlfriend loves, expects from you, wants, what she likes in people, in guys, in life, what her hobbies are, what her job is, who she is studying for, if she is still a student. Believe me, all the above aspects are important.

You should cool your head and start thinking about everything. You need to cool your head not with alcohol or drugs, not with binge drinking, but with sports and hobbies. Start your morning jogging, take up football, volleyball, basketball, chess, checkers, something that will captivate you, but will not drag you into the “swamp”, but on the contrary, will elevate you, improve you, make you smarter, more beautiful, better. Sport is really akin to drugs, only good, positive ones.

And now, having cooled down considerably, begin to rethink everything that happened. Now you must decide whether you need to set sail again in your joint relationship or whether it is better to stop at this stage. Why is it important to take into account who your girlfriend is and what her interests are? Because if nothing connects you, you may have disagreements again. To avoid this, it is better to agree that the relationship is over. It rarely happens that people who have nothing to talk about, people with different views on life, different professions and hobbies, maintain long and productive relationships; more often such couples fall apart. Why would you prolong her and your torment? Sometimes it's more useful to cut to the quick.

In youth, couples often meet on the basis of sex, physical attractiveness, and hormonal explosion. And when satiety sets in with the body, the rose-colored glasses fall off, you begin to see your partner’s shortcomings, something begins to displease you, to disgust you in the person. It's possible that the same thing happened to your girlfriend. She was physically attracted to you, she was on fire while having sex with you, and then, fed up, she saw in you not such a cool guy as you seemed to her at the beginning of the relationship. So she left. Now you are tormented by the question: is it possible to return your beloved in such a situation? Yes, of course, only now you have to open up to your girl in a new way, as an attractive male, guy, personality.

You are convinced that you need her, well, change, but better side. Reveal to her as a determined, smart, quick-witted, courageous, strong, honest, loyal guy. She will appreciate you like this.

Although if you were just like that and the girl left you, it means you were too good for her. This also happens. Accordingly, if you are convinced that you still need her, despite the fact that you did not appreciate her, become worse for her than you were. Let it be somewhere even feigned. Many girls love bad boys. If you can be the bad guy, the girl will be with you. No, so alas and ah. Although it would be better for you to find a girl who will appreciate you for who you are, because there are not many good guys in our time and many girls sleep and see where to find and meet one.


2 Hello, Dear Friend! My name is Roman Vinilov, and I will help solve your problem! First of all, please accept my condolences regarding your breakup with your girlfriend. Secondly, thank you for trusting me and wanting to use my methods to get your ex-girlfriend back. Here are my statistics: In 2010, I helped 30 guys get their girls back. And only 2 cases turned out to be impossible due to the fact that the guys themselves refused to return in the process. This happens when feelings and love pass over time. In 2011, I helped return about 48 girls to their boys. I became more actively involved in this matter. Not a single unsuccessful case - an excellent result for this year! For 2012, the results exceeded all expectations. I worked carefully with everyone who approached me. My tips, methods and instructions worked, and I constantly improved them. I have helped several very difficult cases achieve success. I began to notice that sometimes guys stop needing their ex. And sometimes this happens when they have already achieved it. Over the years the indicators have remained stable. 9 out of 10 cases were successful! 2015 turned out to be a breakthrough year and I was able to reduce the average time to get my ex back.

3 My goal for 2016 is not to spoil the statistics, but to make them even more attractive. Therefore, I gladly take up your case, my friend. Impressive, isn't it?! First, you need to do this: 1. Register on my forum about seducing girls. There is a section about relationships. Find him. Create a separate topic in it, call it something and tell your story in great detail. What is it for? So that I can get acquainted with your story and give advice. Our community experts will also give their instructions and recommendations. Together we will definitely come up with something! In the same topic you will write down all your actions. We will give according to them feedback. 2. Study the stories of guys from the same section on getting girls back. Perhaps you will find similar situations and see solutions there for yourself. This will definitely be useful! 3. While reading this book, pay attention to the fact that you will not just have to do some actions and the girl will return to you. There is no magic pill. You will need to work hard. You will need to change something in yourself, in your consciousness, in your thinking, in your life. This is natural and normal. Always, any changes in life will be associated with changes in you. 4. Get yourself a text file on your computer or a regular notepad. Write there all your thoughts about your girlfriend, all the actions that you would like to do with her now. Let this be a kind of piggy bank of your emotions. Do not under any circumstances do anything to your girlfriend now. All actions towards her can completely destroy all chances of her return! No emotions!

4 5. Find something positive around and concentrate on it. Be sure to re-read my blog, especially the section on getting the girl back. You will find a lot of useful things there too! From my own experience, I also did the following: 1. Of course, my life could not have happened without my own return of my ex-girlfriend. I did this successfully, but now I am building a quality relationship with another girl. 2. I helped return my ex-girlfriend to my friend and colleague Yegor Sheremetyev, and now he is happily married and has 2 children.

5 Introduction. Why do girls leave? Once upon a time you had a completely normal relationship with a girl. Love. Reciprocity. It seemed to you that all this would remain forever. But the hour came when everything collapsed. Guys often say that it was not up to them. In fact, 90% of everything depends only on us, men. To understand why girls leave, you need to understand why they come. Why did the relationship once begin, and the girl chose us. Your girlfriend didn't date your friend or anyone else. At that moment, you turned out to be the best for her. And when a girl reciprocates your advances, goes into your bed, spends a lot of time with you, it means that she really wants to be with you. This is how relationships begin. Besides you, of course, she had other candidates. If they were not, which is unlikely, then the situation changes its character a little. In this case, a rupture is always likely. It is difficult to guess with the right choice without having a choice. Any man is simply obliged to treat the choice of his companion in the same way. For example, if you met a girl at school in first grade and became “friends” with her until the end of school. Then you slept at prom and started dating. And a year later you had a wedding. There is a 1% chance that everything will work out well for you. Most often, in this situation, even if there are problems, both partners endure. They tolerate it because they are used to each other. They endure because they are afraid to be alone. They endure because they have no experience at all in relationships with other people. It is sad. If you have been in a similar situation and your relationship has collapsed, then you are lucky. There is no need to return such a girl. She's not yours. Not your ideal. What could give the impetus to separation in such a situation? 1. The appearance of a new man in this woman’s life. New man, new emotions. New relationships. New feelings, etc. There is hope for getting rid of problems, and most likely not

6 to be left alone. Of course, girls here often leave their current boyfriends and go to a new boyfriend. It's 99% better than before. Why, I hope you already understand. Didn't understand? Let me explain: she is not your ideal, and you began dating without choosing each other. And when there is someone else, a second, a third, the probability of success increases! And taking into account the fact that you are pretty fed up with your ex, especially a new man for her, like new life. And she will always be better than before. 2. Awareness of the real situation. This doesn't happen often, but usually like a bright flash in a dark room. Bam, and one of the partners, usually a girl, understands: I live with the wrong man. It doesn't satisfy me completely. That's not mine. And she leaves. The relationship is breaking down. 3. Influence of friends/relatives/media This can also happen to anyone, especially if the relationship is very shaky and full of problems. Often, all these problems are visible from the outside. Friends and relatives will discuss them. And the influence of the media (usually women's programs, soap operas, melodramas) will push the girl to look for a new man. As a result, there is a high risk of breaking up the relationship. What to do if the relationship was of good quality, and there were no problems on the horizon? There are other reasons for ending a relationship. When your relationship started, everything was great for you (I hope!). The girl was madly in love with you, and you also had pleasant and tender feelings. You were the one for her the best man on that moment. To get this girl, naturally, you made some effort. You could look after her, give her gifts, spend romantic evenings with her. You had a goal: to start a relationship. And the girl responded in kind:

7 she became yours. Time passed, and your feelings gradually faded into the background. There was less romance and less courtship. What for? She's already yours. When feelings go away or cool down, it’s like you take off your rose-colored glasses and look at the world with open eyes. You see all the flaws in a girl. And if you chose the girl correctly and carefully, then there will be a minimum of such shortcomings. But if the choice was “whatever,” then there will be a lot of interesting things here. Quarrels, grinding, and conflicts begin. Much here depends on us men. Will you have the strength to overcome all this? Or, more serious problems will begin. And they stem from this: 1. You are used to the girl, you don’t do anything for her, but you demand too much; 2. You pay little attention to her, but you are jealous of every pillar; 3. You are inappropriately cruel to her, you are quick-tempered, you yell at her; 4. You don't understand what she wants. You can't satisfy her. These are all signs of a man who is weak. But then the most interesting thing begins: when this state of affairs finally “gets” the girl, she decides to leave. Here the guy realizes that he is losing what he had. Which I didn’t appreciate at all. And he begins to try in every possible way to keep the girl with him. Such actions are meaningless. The best option here is to let the girl go (don't worry, we can get her back if you follow my advice!) What happened here? The ideal man became a doormat. The feelings are gone, there is no attraction. And the desire to be together even more so. A break up. Everything is logical. Girls leave when their beloved man is no longer the same as he was at the beginning of the relationship.

8 What not to do when your girlfriend leaves you? So it happened, your girlfriend left. She could do this in different ways. It’s more difficult when you already lived together and had a lot in common: photos, habits, games, plans, etc. We'll have to get rid of all this for a while. I decided at the very beginning of the book to talk about what should not be done, and only then about what can and should be done. I did this because guys often make a lot of mistakes at the very beginning, which I then sort out. But everything could be very, very simple. I don’t know how and under what circumstances your girlfriend left you, but now the first thing you need to do is this: think about your possible contact, how you could call her, write to her, etc. I’ll tell you right away: you don’t need to do any of this! Let these contacts and communication options remain for the future. But under no circumstances rush to delete it from your phone, from notebook, from friends on social networks, etc. This will all be useful to us. You just need to cut off all contact with her. Even if she forgot something at your house, let her know that you are busy and then tell her everything. The importance of these things does not matter to her problem. Do not get drunk or use other drugs under any circumstances. At the moment of an emotional breakdown, it is very easy to succumb to the sweet fruit of drug entertainment. Control yourself and under no circumstances drink or

9 drops of this poison. The same goes for cigarettes. These are all drugs, and there is nothing good in them and never will be. Do not under any circumstances try to prove anything to your ex. Now you have come to the conclusion that her opinion of you has changed dramatically since the beginning of your relationship. And she doesn't have the best opinion of you. There is no point in proving anything to her. Your task is to minimize all showdowns and showdowns. It’s better to avoid contacts altogether, as I wrote above. This is the best decision! Nothing good can be done from emotions. Don't give her anything, don't try to woo her. It won't work either. Any gifts and courtship of a girl at such a moment will be perceived as bribery of her feelings. She will only ruin her opinion of you even more. There will be time for such things, but later. In the meantime, save your energy and resources for other more useful activities. Don't try to use her/your friends/relatives to get back. It's very stupid and won't help you at all. Friends won't do anything useful. And all attempts to convince her through anyone will be pointless and will only push your ex away from you. Understand: she is tired. And she needs another guy. I highlighted the word “other” for a reason. You will need to change, work hard on yourself. Then everything will work out for us! There is no need to take revenge on your ex. Sometimes, out of emotion, guys come up with the following ideas: “Well, I’ll take revenge on her!” This is bad and wrong. There is no need to take revenge on anyone. Firstly, we ourselves are largely to blame for the breakdown of relationships. And secondly, revenge certainly will not help improve the situation. No emotions! And here is the first important rule for your new life: a minimum of emotions. Try to concentrate on analyzing your situation and draw conclusions: yes, you made such and such mistakes. Yes, the girl turned out to be such and such. Yes, the situation has gotten out of control. Now you understand it and it's cool. There is no place for emotion here. There is a place for sober reason and competent calculation.

10 Uncontrolled emotions destroy everything: relationships and entire lives. So now you must learn this lesson. Whatever the situation you are in, control your emotions. And what you do on emotions: Jealousy Anger Nervous breakdowns Conflicts And much more, all this will work against you. Such things appear because you lack self-confidence. Because of moral and spiritual weakness. Strong man can control himself in all such situations. That is why, after your ex leaves, try not to show any emotions towards her. She will expect, like any girl, that her ex will definitely run after her. He will try to win her back, showering her with gifts and tons of attention. Sometimes this is why they leave, by the way. To at least somehow stir up my young man. But we will do the right thing: we won’t give our ex all this. And this is the right move.

11 First steps. The most important! Very often they write to me the following question: What should I do if the girl left? A very global question. But there is only one answer: relax and have fun. And there is not even a grain of sarcasm here. Cut off all contacts and don’t get in touch first. This is necessary so that the girl does not understand what is happening. So that she doesn’t know who we are with and where. Let him worry, worry, ask questions. During this time, you can take care of yourself. But I understand: this is a very difficult step. It may be painful and unpleasant for you to break up. But there is only one remedy: patience. You will have to endure from 2 weeks to several months. And that's okay. Analyze your mistakes yourself. Understand what you did wrong. Now it's your job to fix it. This is not done in one day. And this will take time too. Study literature on relationships with girls, read my books on how to get your ex-girlfriend back. Read my blog: (Section: How to get your ex-girlfriend back). There are a lot of useful materials there!

12 Take care of yourself: sports, entertainment, relaxation Be sure to devote time to this. Perhaps you missed it before. You spent a lot of it on your girlfriend. But while you don't have it, why not have some fun? Do not be surprised. There is no need to suffer at this moment. Don’t waste your energy on emotions, killing, and especially hysterics. Just calm down and do something useful. For example, go to the gym. Many guys in relationships neglect sports and working on themselves. This is bad. It's not surprising that girls leave guys like this. Remember all the best things that happened in your relationship. Time to remember a little about the past. But only positively. Take the best: Make a list of what you liked most about your relationship. If this is not enough, and the negativity exceeds all limits, it’s a reason to think about whether you chose the right girl. More precisely, do you need it? Spend time with friends While you've cut off all contact with your ex, make time for your friends. Your old close friends, guys and girls, with whom you always feel good and cool. Have a party, go to the club. Go to nature, to the pool, ride horses. Lots of everything! The main thing is that you are relaxed and not worried about the return of your ex-girlfriend. After all, time is now playing FOR you! If the ex gets in touch on her own, we “ignore” all her first attempts. First we say that we don’t have time for it. Then, we simply don’t pick up the phone, don’t respond to SMS and social media. Networks. But if after a week or two she tries to contact you again, you should answer her. But strictly in a positive, indifferent way. Like, hi, everything’s cool with me, let’s go, bye. And nothing more! You can also add that you don’t have time for it. Provocations In your social networks. On networks where she can see you and your position, make sure that the photos are constantly updated. On them you should be cheerful, cheerful, strictly positive! The most important thing is to create though

13 I would like to see that your life has not become any worse after breaking up with your ex, but, on the contrary, has become better in many ways. Very often this fact deals a strong blow to the ex-girlfriend’s reputation. She begins to wonder if she did everything right by breaking up with you. New girlfriends The next provocation will be the fact that you have new girlfriends. Not a girl, not a new love. Just friends and acquaintances. Preferably someone your ex has never met before. May you also have photos with them on social media. Networks. Your mutual friends They can be used in the following way: you have a positive and cool time in their company. You chat with other girls. They see it all. And they will definitely tell your ex. Under no circumstances ask them to tell you anything. It is important. Your ex will be furious! How is it that she left you, and here you are so joyful, positive and the like.

14 Facts about ex-girlfriends Situations for the return of ex-girlfriends can be varied. In some cases, girls leave on purpose and cut off all contacts themselves. In some, on the contrary, the girls only manipulate the guys, watching them panic and try to get their soulmate back. In any of these or similar cases there is a way out. After all, in essence, they have one thing in common: an ex-girlfriend appears. Whatever it is, it can be returned. The only question is whether you will have the strength to be patient and the determination to see things through to a victorious end. If yes, then I hope you have learned the lessons of the previous chapter and followed all my instructions. Now let's talk about the ex herself. She left, having lost her love, feelings and attractions for you. For her to return, she needs all this to come back to you again. In the meantime, she is most likely attracted to another guy. It doesn’t matter to us whether he exists or not, because if she left you, then why shouldn’t she leave him. Everything is logical. Your task for the near future is to change in the eyes of the girl herself. But for now she has a clear picture of you as a bad guy who she no longer needs. However, if we cut off all contacts and forget about our ex for a while, then she will gradually forget you too. You're bad. Just what we need. At this time, we are working on ourselves in order to appear before her in a new guise in the future. Your ex-girlfriend can become yours again if you prove to her that you have changed.

15 This is not the main rule that all girls keep in mind. You have advantages: It’s always easier for a girl to return to you than to look for a new guy. You had some GOOD things in the past, which is undoubtedly a plus for you. She already has love and feelings connected with you at the beginning of the relationship. You did a lot of good things for her. (I hope!) These are the things we focus on after we reconnect with our ex. For now, let's make a small break in the template. After all, the ex-girlfriend expects her ex-boyfriend will run after her. Any girl understands perfectly well that a guy is dependent on her and is looking forward to flowers, a gift, a plea for forgiveness and return from him. It's predictable. If a guy behaves differently... this is a break in the pattern! A girl considers her ex-boyfriend as an alternate airfield. If a girl doesn’t work out with anyone, and the need overcomes her, she herself will return to her ex. The girl always considers him as a backup option because... according to the previous point, because the girl is sure that the guy will run after her. We won't do this, but it will only increase our value towards her. A girl manipulates a guy by faking a breakup. Sometimes, when a girl wants to get something from her boyfriend, but he doesn’t give it to her, she leaves him for a while. At this moment, the guy is emotionally ready to do anything for his ex, and fulfills any of her requests, as long as she returns. The girl returns. Both partners are happy, except that this guy is just a sucker. After breaking up with a guy, a girl is also worried and sad. You shouldn’t think that a girl is happy when she breaks up. There is a habit that instills nostalgia for the past. The girl is used to the guy, and will also be sad and worried. Sometimes even more than the guy himself. Therefore, our positive and cheerful behavior will definitely make her wonder if she did everything right?

16 If a girl leaves for another guy and tells you about it, there is no need to panic. She might be bluffing. However, it is necessary to take into account that the girl may have a new boyfriend, for which reason she breaks off the relationship with the previous one. It is difficult to verify this without clear facts. But this option should definitely be considered. Having a new boyfriend does not affect the success of getting the girl back. It’s easy for a girl to return if her ex-boyfriend behaves competently. It also happens that if a guy knows how to get girls back and what to do in such situations BEFORE the breakup, he will react in time and either quickly return the girl, or will not allow the departure itself this girl. It is for this reason that I recommend studying materials on how to build relationships, how to avoid mistakes in relationships with girls, and learn to understand them. It is very interesting! But you have already experienced a breakup, since you are reading this particular book. It's time to act!

17 How to get your ex-girlfriend back quickly? Let's sum it up. What lessons have you learned from reading the previous chapters? I understand that real hell for any guy begins exactly when a loving and sincere girl instantly turns into an indifferent stranger. At this moment, the question “How to get your ex-girlfriend back quickly?” becomes especially acute. Just yesterday you were breathing in rhythm, giving each other gifts and declaring your love, and today you see changes in her behavior. She no longer answers your questions about where she was, or tries to laugh it off. You notice that she bought herself a lot of new things and is constantly disappearing somewhere with her girlfriends. These are all signs of your significant other's impending departure. After all, all is not lost! Whatever situation you encounter, it can always be changed in the desired direction. Before you take action, you need to find out what the reason was for her leaving. You need to leave all your ideas about your relationship and soberly assess the situation.

18 Excessive interest It is so arranged that a guy should initially be “higher” than his girlfriend. And if you put it above yourself, then you are going against nature. And, of course, she will start looking for a new guy who realizes his true worth. Severe jealousy It’s one thing when jealousy is very small and only says that the guy appreciates the girl. And it’s completely different when jealousy is strong and bordering on paranoia. In the second case, it is a sign of weakness and lack of self-confidence. Why does a girl need an insecure weakling? Indulging in whims The fear of a girl leaving if you don’t do what she wants is destructive. And the vast majority of guys “stumble” on this. She may show with words or hint about her departure. But the paradox is that if you follow her lead, she will definitely do it. Cowardice When other people want to infringe on your rights and show disrespect, either explicitly or implicitly, you must be able to stand up for yourself. Moreover, both physically and verbally! And in those moments when you do nothing to protect your honor, the girl remembers this. You probably thought she didn't care? Or maybe she will praise you for being “not as rude as the man who insulted you”? Maybe he will praise him. But he will still consider you a weakling! Availability You have nothing to do in your free time from work or study and are waiting for her to agree to a meeting? If you are completely available to her, then she has either already lost interest in you, or will soon begin to lose it.

19 Dependence on her reaction This includes changing your opinion under pressure from a girl, and the desire for approval. Those guys who ask questions like “Do you love me?”, “Am I suitable for the role of your husband?” immediately show a desire to gain approval. And this is a clear sign of self-doubt. Boredom The same sex positions, holding meetings in the same places, monotonous dates - all this can push a girl to look for new emotions on the side! Preparation If you notice signs of loss of interest, then two options are possible: 1. she just recently began to lose interest in you and is still looking for another guy (maybe even on an unconscious level). 2. she has already found someone else, and you don’t know about it yet. But no matter what “stage” of the girl’s departure you are at, the strategy for returning interest is the same. The first thing you need to do is calm down and accept the fact that your relationship is no longer the same as it was before. You shouldn’t worry about this and, even more so, hope that your soulmate hasn’t changed. Also, don’t tell your friends that you broke up with her, and especially don’t drink alcohol to “drown out the pain.” It only makes the situation worse! The second important step is a sober analysis of your relationships. Try to throw away all your ideas about what they were like. Don't remember her declaration of love! Words are ephemeral and only her actions are the real criterion of truth. Understand which of the above mistakes you made. This is necessary in order to choose the right model of behavior in the future. Be sure to pick up new hobbies and start working on yourself. For example, join a gym, buy yourself new things and do something interesting. And don't communicate with her for two or three weeks, because

20 that your task is to make her miss you! I have already written about this in previous chapters. Maybe you wanted to fly with a parachute? Why not!? Find the contacts of the jump organizer and go ahead! It is very important to do these things before you get your ex-girlfriend back! What's next? When your emotions subside, you can begin to take active action. 1) Surely you know where and when your ex appears! First, organize a casual meeting. Only now you will appear before her in a new image: more confident, courageous, cheerful and in demand among other girls. Your cheerfulness should show through your actions and words. Showing that you feel good without her is the main condition for meeting! But the meeting may not be accidental! You can tell her that you want to give something away. At the same time, the strategy for behavior on a date should be the same.

21 2) Don't talk about relationships! Otherwise, she will suspect that you have been thinking all this time about how to save them. And this is a sign of your weakness. Our task is to hint that you have a new potential darling. If she starts talking about the relationship or starts apologizing for something, then immediately change the topic of conversation (of course, without losing your positive attitude). 3) Make sure she knows about the changes in your life. You can do this either directly (by simply telling her), or by giving her a small clue so that she can develop the topic herself. 4) Leave at the peak of emotions. The first meeting after a breakup should not be long. Half an hour (maximum - an hour) is the best time to interest her again and show that everything is fine with you again. Leave as if you were ending a meeting with your friend on a positive and friendly note! At this moment she will doubt the correctness of her decision. This is what we wanted! Most likely, she will start calling or texting you. But you need to keep playing by your rules. 5) Use contrasts in your address. At one time, make it clear that you treat her well (as a friend), and at another, “cool off” and do not answer calls. If you behave correctly, she will call herself! 6) Be slightly inaccessible to her. Let her now take the initiative more often. Then she will understand that you have a different life now and your time must be earned. Perhaps complete availability was one of the reasons why you lost it. Now, by making her fight for your time, you can quickly get your ex-girlfriend back. But there is one important detail, due to the absence of which you will not be able to do this. I'm talking about lack of self-discipline. As it turns out, many guys find it difficult to play their game when a girl starts to approach them halfway. They relax and become weak again. And this is fundamentally wrong! Very

22 it is important to restrain yourself at the moment when you want to call and ask to come back. Now you know how to get your ex-girlfriend back! However, this is just a small part of the knowledge that I can impart to you. If you DO NOT want to risk your girlfriend and be guaranteed to get your old relationship back, then I advise you to read my book “How to get your ex-girlfriend back? Step-by-step instruction how to get your love back with a 100% guarantee.” This book is a real treasure trove of valuable information! You can get acquainted with it here:

23 BONUS: Author's story My story of getting my girl back began back in 2008. Then I got myself a new girlfriend, and we dated for about six months before problems started. Everything came very suddenly for me. It is noteworthy that at the same time I was involved in another situation, helping my friend and colleague Yegor Sheremetyev return his girlfriend, his future wife. One summer evening, Yegor called me and said in an alarming voice: “Anya left me.” I started asking what happened and found out: His girlfriend Anya took her things and left their apartment. She left a note that she had left for someone else. Not a simple situation. Egor and I began to think about how to get her back. I was confident in my relationship then, and did not think that something similar would happen to me. Yegor and I read various literature. At the same time, we tried to get in touch with his ex to no avail. We made several mistakes: 1. We tried to find out what kind of guy she had 2. We tried to get involved in their relationship, to do some harm 3. We tried to push with emotions All this did not yield results. Then we cut off all contacts and began to think about how to get the girl back. We made no further attempts towards her. After some time, Yegor’s ex herself began to get in touch, but we stopped everything. We found out what mistakes Egor made and

24 eliminated them completely. These were shortcomings in behavior and attitude towards his girlfriend. Lack of attention and romance in relationships. And also his ex’s desire to get married and have children. This is where we started. We chose a marriage proposal as the starting point for a new relationship. For this purpose, we prepared a romantic adventure for Yegor’s girlfriend and organized everything one fine evening. Anya did not suspect anything, but was very surprised and happy. I even wrote them a song in hip-hop verse about their love and made a video clip with their photo. It was cool! The meeting ended with a marriage proposal, where the answer was positive. And then the guys went to the Energy Days festival together. But the next day a surprise awaited me: my girlfriend, who knew about Yegor’s situation, decided to leave me. She didn’t like the fact that I didn’t devote any time to her, but was busy with my training activities, spent a lot of time with friends, and at that moment I spent a lot of time helping Yegor. This is how girls are. They leave when you don't expect them. And I was left alone. Knowing the experience of returning Yegor’s girlfriend, especially having participated in his process, I began to think about my situation. First of all, I identified all my mistakes and began to eliminate them. Then I updated the photos on social media. Networks. No attempts to get closer to your ex-self

I didn’t do 25 right away. I was just waiting. She didn't do anything like that either. A week later I found out that she was dating another guy. Shock? No. I was calm. I began to demonstrate that my life had not gotten any worse because my ex left. That everything is still fine and I'm happy. But my ex reacted in many ways to everything with indifference. More precisely, she didn’t react at all. A month later, I decided it was time to take concrete steps. And then I got in touch myself. At first, my ex didn’t even pick up the phone. I came up with a reason. Pretended that everything was friendly. And the first thing I did was establish such friendly relationships. No hint of a relationship. So we met for next month. As friends. In the process of such meetings, I gradually found out the weak points of her current relationship. And he began to manipulate it. I arranged supposedly friendly meetings, but very romantic and pleasant ones. At the right moment, I also reminded about our past relationship, about the best moments, evoking those old feelings in my ex. But sometimes she slowed me down, apparently understanding where this was leading. After another month, we somehow grew apart. A lot of time has passed, and I have already decided to look for a new girl. But the feelings for my ex did not go away, and I still wanted to be with her. However, I overcame myself and started some kind of relationship with a new one. My ex found out everything and surprisingly began to show more activity towards me. She already saw me as a different person. Changed. Jealousy appeared. And I felt it. I also began to use it skillfully. Of course, my new girlfriend began to understand everything and eventually left me. And my ex, having learned about this, came to me and offered to get back together. It turns out that her current boyfriend did not suit her at all. Yes, and he was only needed for a while. After a while I left her because... There were no more feelings or love for her. I went searching new girl Here's the story. I am writing briefly so as not to take up your time. After all, you have a path to get your ex back. In my complete book on “How to Get Your Ex-Girlfriend Back ()” I tell a lot of details of these stories and more. Be sure to read it! Roman Vinilov

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