From whom did Anna Sharkunova give birth? Anna Sharkunova: “Normal men don’t need sex” - Salidarnasts. — You never talked about your personal life. Why did you decide?

06.05.2022 Operations

The best definition of Anna Sharkunova, the fastest and most promising Russian singer, was given by Ivan Aiplatov. “You know, she reminds me of a soldier. Small, fragile, but very strong inside, who is not afraid of adversity or trials.”

Later, I had to convince myself more than once that Vanya’s words were right. I don’t know whether this is an innate property of hers or acquired over time, but for her life today, military health and endurance are vital for Anya.

Even during the interview, she resembles a lively boxer who bravely jumps up in her corner, punches the air with a series of swift crosses and seems to warn me: “If you push me, I’ll give you a full load.”

However, we start the fight in my kitchen without gloves. But Anya herself gives the gong for the start. Playfully sorting out cookies and green tea, recently brought from Olympic Beijing, she remarks: “Well, you... come on too, otherwise I’ll be the only one to eat, right?”

I'm waiting for it to brew. I can’t, like some people, get burned and blow on boiling water...

I just don't like strong tea. Do you want to stay awake later? Do you know that this is my only day off during the week? And how many concerts, filming and God knows what else?

You're like a tsunami - it's hard to argue with you. It seems that Anya is in excellent shape and if we had “Star Fights” among representatives of show business, she could safely be declared in the weight of the pen...

Yes Easy!

And who would you rather settle the score with?

Of course, I don’t have many rivals, but I could look for them... It’s just that we don’t have show business, so there’s no competition...

This begs the question...

What am I still doing here?

No, why then are you pushing yourself so hard if you’re already ahead?

I want to develop. When a person records an album and then just stupidly wastes money at concerts, the meaning of creativity is lost.

It feels like you are inundated with our TV channels with their basically identical projects and identical stars. Do you at least have time to figure out what is needed and what is not?

There really are too many offers, but you have to refuse a lot so as not to be torn to pieces. Previously, we were happy that we had at least something, but now we have to filter everything.

If you are so popular, then why do you have so many critics on the Internet?

I'm rarely on the Internet. The last time I visited my classmates’ website in Doha was at the airport. There were 5 hours free. I changed my password and forgot it again...

What are they writing there? The fact that our show business is g.. but? Well, it’s clear that until it is adequately financed, nothing will change.

It's like: if you give you more money, will you sing better?

And I sing well anyway. In the West, several hundred people work for one performer and their clips cost not 20 thousand dollars, but 200. But for some reason our viewer wants the Belarusian artist to have the same clips. And from there comes a disdainful attitude, they say, there really are stars there, and it’s not clear who you are...

You know, in my opinion, the disdain does not come from there... It’s just that the Belarusian “stars” often resemble a flock of serfs who are driven on command from one concert to another.

Are u about ordinary people you say? Yes, I am 100% sure that on these forums there are people from the same business, my colleagues, who are trying to get under the skin.

However, our stage still lacks personal civic position... So that the star would do something, and we would be proud of her. Like, what a handsome man (beauty)!

Give an example.

But at least take it - he does what he wants. It doesn’t belong to anyone, doesn’t look back at anyone, doesn’t know anything about the Ministry of Culture and doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t ask anyone for money, he does all his projects himself. Respect and respect to the boy.

Let's start with the fact that the underground should not be shown on television or played on the radio at all. It’s already a crime if the rock’n’rollers themselves want it. This is completely different music.

And I, for example, like it. Why should I watch on TV a bunch of primitive and gray performers who have no voice, no talent, but only show-off?

Okay, I agree: Mikhalok has the right. He can afford it. This is his style. But nothing like that would have ever occurred to me. I wouldn't even sing these songs.

I do what I like and cannot be what I am not.

The comparison with the legendary leader of a group experiencing its second youth clearly did not suit Anya’s taste. She made a couple of circles around the kitchen and checked me with a “two” - in the body and in the head. It didn’t work - I calculated the combination and went on the offensive myself...

They say you went to Beijing to support our athletes. So, how did you distinguish yourself there?

For what purpose are you asking?

Yes, the athletes were simply interested in why none of your trio ever pleased the champion’s ears with the delight of divine voices...

Ask the trip organizers this question. I have no idea why I didn’t speak to the athletes. We have nothing to do with it at all. I can’t stand on a plateau and start singing in front of our delegation myself...

They say that at the opening you sang the Belarusian anthem...

It is a crime?

No, actually. You like him?

Our music is very beautiful compared to others. And the fact that our athletes don’t know the words to their own anthem is really bad.

Well, they don’t know and don’t know. So what?

You're crazy! When all the athletes from other countries, the same Russians, sing their anthem in chorus? Aren't we ashamed ourselves?

No. Love for the homeland is in no way measured by knowing the words of a song or poem.

It means you are not a patriot inside yourself...

Let's assume not.

You see, it turns out you’re not very much a patriot either, since you don’t know such a wonderful person. A shame! Do these words evoke any emotions in you? At the next stage of our heroic biography, it was necessary to get rid of the dominant role of Rus' in the first lines. They gave the command and did it... But still it doesn’t tug, it doesn’t touch a string in my soul, it doesn’t bring a lump to my throat! It’s good to fall asleep to this text along with the LAD channel...

I think I pinned Anya against the ropes. She will never get out from under my historiographical information and testimonies of illustrious contemporaries. But she holds on, dodging jabs, holding her gloves tightly to her body, and at the first opportunity she launches a counterattack:

We only know how to criticize, and we don’t like that, and that’s it. And in general, if we look at it on a global scale, we are complete losers. Here you go out of your way (Anya made such a convincing movement confirming her words that I instinctively recoiled), but people are still dissatisfied... You help better, not trend. If you're so smart, write a new anthem and let them play it.

So everyone dispersed. With us, everything is always decided in advance. We pretend that we are choosing an artist for Eurovision, but everyone already knows in advance who will go. Is not it? It’s the same with the anthem - even if a competition were announced, neither Mikhalok, nor Volsky, nor anyone else would ever win.

You know, I’m sure that good things will always find their way! The same can be said about show business. That it's impossible to get here if you don't have money and don't sleep with anyone.

But I know that this is not so. I’m sitting in front of you and affirming with complete confidence. A girl from a small town without a rich dad or mom can make her way.

You are very lucky to have a producer.

Was I lucky or was I ready for this myself? In life, everyone is given a chance for success and good luck. But one person can use it, and another cannot.

We have a division - there are artists who are involved in show business, and there are those who are simply listed as them. In the same Variety Theater there are many people whose existence you, as an ordinary viewer, know nothing about. And even well-deserved degrees have some...

Well, it’s the feminine that plays in you, you’re all ambitious... Does Sharkunova have masculine qualities?

I have a lot of them. I heard more than once that I should have been born a boy.

- ... . Also small and purposeful...

I am taller than Khlestov! Do not hurt me…

Here’s your headline... I’m not going to measure you at all, but it seems that you’ve been bothered by the question about him and his relationship with your producer Vladimir Kubyshkin...

It is there. I'll tell you this - Volodya - good man, but if Lesha says nasty things about him and me, then...

Well, let’s say I haven’t heard anything bad about you from his lips.

This means he is not a scandalous person and knows how to hide his true feelings. But I’m not going to be friends with him, if only because of Vova.

Which representatives of the stronger sex are you ready to not only be friends with, but also...

I've always liked the wrong men...

Do you know what the relationship with them is fraught with? The fact that one fine day they are put behind bars, and then the wrong women carry them the wrong packages...

Maybe... In general, if a man is really handsome, then a lot of women hover around him. But it’s up to you to achieve it. When a man himself kneels in front of you, everything is too simple. The less they love me, the more interesting it is.


Maybe... But I think everyone has this to one degree or another.

That is normal person, who is touched by the words from the immortal hit: “I want to be next to you, to live next to you for a thousand years” simply flies by... You send him, because the client was immediately and irrevocably seduced...

I don't send anyone anywhere. I am a smart woman and I know where humiliation begins. There is a feminine flair. It works, and you keep the man from doing this.

Have you ever fallen on your knees in front of anyone?

Lying is bad.

I'm afraid of this... But in principle I know this man. Now, however, (with sadness) he is very far away.

-- (laughs) I hope he is already resting at this time...

Well, yes, in the company of normal girls. He's a brutal womanizer. Are you okay with this at all?

It won't suit you. My man is just my man! I will not give it to anyone.

She brings the glove to my nose, and I can clearly smell the smell of fresh, not yet pear-beaten leather. Earnestly…

And for his sake, you can then tell Kubyshkin: “In short, this is... Vova... There’s a theme here... My new brutal pretzel doesn’t want me to sing...”

I don’t know... I’ve thought about this many times, but the essence and the point are two different things. I have become so immersed in music that I am unlikely to become a housewife even in a golden cage.

Yes, sorry Vova. He would be worried. Perhaps he would have written a very touching song based on emotions.

I couldn't leave him. I love Vovka too much.

So maybe she can marry him?

He is married.

It's a pity... Aren't you afraid that you will be suspected of having a relationship with someone?

Yes, I am constantly suspected of my relationship with Vova. At first it was annoying, then I didn’t care, and now I’m smiling...

But actually, I didn’t mean Kubyshkin.

You can say the same about Zhora the Sorcerer and Bulka. And about 15 more people.

I danced around with everyone, but no one ever got married...

I don't want to get married.

What are the parents saying?

Never mind. They let me go a long time ago and I am my own head.

What was the last piece of advice you asked?

- “Is it possible to kiss on the first date or not?” - “Daughter, what about you, why are you kissing already?” I'm just kidding.

Jokes are jokes, but you kiss along the way quite well, enthusiastically...

How do you know?

Yes, the newspapers wrote that during the filming of your last video, you didn’t kiss like a child...

It wasn't real there.

Without opening your lips?

Unclenching, of course, but...

Wow, you artists have morals - and this is not for real???

The boy was simply very cute and good in himself. And the actor is great. His name is Denis.

Did you call each other later?

Well, yes, he invited me to his performance.

Clear. A performance, dinner, and only then you will be overwhelmed by a sea of ​​memories and aha... By the way, you can always figure out with whom you will have something, and with whom - under no circumstances?

No, I can’t do it in advance... It’s often happened to me - I think this man is the most handsome, but my girlfriends say that he’s not very good... I cling to the person’s energy field. He opens his mouth and I immediately understand everything. Will I communicate with him or he is so uninteresting that he is trendy.

Among the representatives of those in power, do you have sympathy for many of them as interesting and multifaceted personalities?

There are actually smart and charismatic people sitting there. For example, I like Prime Minister Sidorsky. Although I didn’t communicate with him personally. But he makes a good impression, I think he’s a very smart person.

Is your friendship with them important to you at all?

I have no friends among the powers that be. And I won’t be friends with anyone on purpose. I will most likely be invited as a singer. Or how beautiful girl. Or both together...

Don't they really look after you after the concert? Anya, but we shouldn’t go...

No, just imagine.

This is weird. You are a beautiful girl, he is the boss, you can easily create some kind of deception. Do you think the mentality works?

Why do you think that I must be dragged into bed? Actually, it’s already the 21st century, maybe once upon a time there was such a thing, but not now...

Holy, truly holy...

Normal men don't need sex by itself. It can be easily found if needed. Much more important is live human communication. Selfless. There is always a shortage of it...

Grip - lack... No, honestly, was it really never even hinted at?

Yes honestly! But why didn’t you ever pester me, huh?

And really, why? She looks at me, breathing heavily, like a professional after a twelve-round fight. When, even with ideal protection, bruises and scars remain on the skin, and sweat pours down your beautiful and flushed face like hail. No, Anya, another time, especially since I had a hard time today too.

It’s not my fault - most of my questions to you are from the Internet and from colleagues who don’t believe that you can so easily jump to the first steps of the national charts in a couple of years and go to the Olympics as part of a musical team that was selected by who knows what the main ones trainers.

You fought back, not silently and fiercely, despite the difference in weight categories. And now you get a prize for this. At least the answer to that silent question that has been hanging in your eyes from the very beginning of our fight. I believe that he is very important and, having given the best singing blonde in the country a wet towel, I look into the very depths of those magnificent heavenly eyes...

Anya smiles gratefully and, casting an appraising glance at the outlet with cookies, asks me: “Listen, I’m still thinking - is that one with white fudge delicious or is it better to take it with chocolate?”

15.06.2017 - 15:14

News of Belarus. The famous Belarusian singer Anna Sharkunova gave birth to a boy on June 14. The first-born of the 32-year-old performer was born in Minsk.

Mom and baby are doing well. The singer and her husband have not yet decided on a name for their son.

During pregnancy, Anna Sharkunova led an active lifestyle: she performed, traveled, and recently presented a new song “Strong”, through which she wanted to convey her mood to listeners.

Photo: anasharky

“Since your university days, Anna, you have delighted us at BSPU. I am very glad when I hear you on the radio. Today I read an article about you as a Mom and I admire you even more. I just want to say “thank you for being real.”

Still from Anna Sharkunova’s video for the song “We Will Be First”

They found it not in the cabbage, but under the Christmas tree. How in Belarus they congratulate women who became mothers on New Year's Eve

News of Belarus. The first hours of the year 2020 and 40 newborn children at once. Experts call this arithmetic a promising start for the new decade. After all, on January 1, there were already 146 new residents of Belarus, as reported in the “24 Hours” News program on STV. On January 4, all maternity hospitals in Belarus honored families who became parents almost at the sound of the chimes.

New Year's stories were collected by Galina Buro.

Three and a half kilograms, 53 centimeters. Baby Camilla was the first to be born in the Grodno emergency hospital - exactly five minutes in 2020. In total, five children were received here on New Year's Eve, of which 4 were girls. By the way, for last years This is the first time such an advantage has been achieved.

Galina Buro, correspondent:
Now mothers joke: they found their babies not in cabbage, but under a Christmas tree. And 40 children in the country received such gifts on New Year's Eve.

In addition to statistics, there are nice gifts. Honoring January 1st newborns in Belarus is a long-standing tradition.

Elena Krotkova, head of the health department of the Grodno regional executive committee:
New Year– it’s always magic, everyone is waiting for the holiday. And I think many will agree with me that there is no greater magic than the birth of a person. There is no career (especially as you get older) more important than children.

The New Year's stork also flew to the Mogilev city maternity hospital.

Natalya Sivtsova, resident of Mogilev:
We didn't plan to. It was she herself who decided to be born on the first of January and the first in the Mogilev region. We have a gift. Now we will celebrate not only the New Year. We will have another family holiday.

Today, among those who came to the young mothers with congratulations and gifts, Alexander Starovoitov is the head of the regional health department and, at the same time, a happy father of many children.

Alexander Starovoitov, head of the regional health department of the Mogilev regional executive committee:
Three children I can’t say is a lot. Because we devote little time to them, because we are at work a lot. So I don’t see an excess of fatherhood, I see a lack of it. I would like to pay more attention to children and family.

And this is already the 2nd maternity hospital in Minsk. And the happy Abramovich family. I wouldn’t say that their first-born Timofey was a New Year’s surprise. His birth was expected on January 1st. The guy showed punctuality.

New mothers will go home in a couple of days with a smile, a precious bundle and, as a bonus, with a beautiful date on the child’s birth certificate - 01/01/2020.

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On February 9-11, for the first time in the cold season, a large-scale running initiative #velcombegom “Winter Running Games” will take place. Every Belarusian anywhere in the world will be able to contribute to charity by running any number of kilometers on the street or on a treadmill in a fitness center.

Among those who are going to support this event is the famous Belarusian singer and young mother Anna Sharkunova. In an interview, Anna spoke about her plans for musical career, the joys of motherhood, and also shared her secrets of a good mood:

Anya, a provocative question right away. With your magnificent appearance, with an abundance of household and other responsibilities - why run, even in cold weather?

Thank you, of course, for the compliment, but I still have a long way to go before I get “great looks.” (Smiles). At least return what it was.

In fact, I am grateful: participation in the velcombegom campaign allows me to once again escape from household chores and go for a run. Usually I only run in the gym, before and after training, for about 20 minutes. And those who go out to run outside in cold weather are for me real sports fans, people who are somewhat desperate, but deeply respected by me.

The current going out for a run, among other things, is also a reason to feel nostalgic. Unwittingly, memories come of my “races” for school and university. However, I hope that this “demonstration performance” can be the first step for someone to take up running seriously. Maybe someone will take it and start preparing for the marathon?

- A good mother must be in good shape?

Firstly, it’s great when a young mother is in a great mood and, in addition, is in excellent physical shape. I would really like to see everyone like this. But you see... miracles, if they happen (and the birth of a child is an absolute miracle for me!), are not here. “Ideal women” look at me every day from Instagram - like, the day after giving birth, at least send me to “Miss Bikini”. These photos make me feel complex and sad, even though I know that this doesn’t happen in life.

I, you know... (pause) am not one of the 24-hour beautiful people. (Smiles). The main thing is this: all mothers should be first and foremost good mood and rested. And the shapes... they will tighten up. Personally, I am very motivated by my friends, who look great even with three children in their arms. I look at real life and real people. And I believe that I can do everything, be everywhere and look cool.

With the birth of Max, life must have changed a lot.It's no secret that with a small child everything else fades into the background... Have you changed?

There is no secret. This is an absolute truth that everyone understands – which, also true, is not easy for me.

For 30 years I have been accustomed to paying attention to “myself, my beloved” and my affairs, work, etc. And then - suddenly! - everything is upside down. My inner egoist constantly resists the new way of life: it seems to him that life is passing by.

But from this very side, i.e. on the other hand, my life is now filled with small daily joys. Am I able to get enough sleep? Already good. Is my baby with me? Great! I look at Maxik’s toothless smile and feel incredible bliss - one that I wouldn’t trade for any job or the very best movement.

- Is dad proud of his son? What about your role as a father?

Certainly. Every little thing. The son turned over... The son crawled!.. The joy is unreal and at the same time absolutely genuine.

I am very lucky to have a husband who loves our Max with every fiber, cares for him and looks after him. Sometimes even too much...

A father's life does not change so dramatically with the birth of a child. Lesha (Anna’s husband holds a high position in the Silver Screen cinema chain – editor’s note) continues to work very hard. He leaves when Max first wakes up, but always finds time to play with his son, always in a good mood, with a smile. And sometimes he returns late, when the child is already asleep.

But to me (smiles slyly)... He is surprised at me: “Why am I so tired, because we have such a sweet and calm child.” Usually the surprise goes away over the weekend, when dad sits with the child and can appreciate all the joys of parenthood. And I should rest or run! (Laughs).

- Run, run, but maybe it’s time to jump on stage?

I still find time, even now. And for filming, and for interesting projects, concerts... Now I choose events differently, more carefully. I value time - and everything works out!

We recently shot a video for the song “Canvas”, one of these days you will be able to watch it. So nothing stopped. When my son gets back on his feet, literally too, everything will be much simpler. Am I naive? Maybe. We'll see.

And now... the speeds are not the same, but the marathon continues.

*Reprinting of site materials is possible only with the written permission of the editor.

Exactly 10 years ago, Anya Sharkunova first appeared on our screens in the program “Star Stagecoach” (analogous to “Star Factory”). Surprisingly, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Karpinchik (now German), Katya Ivanchikova (now IOWA), Lena Pishchikova and many others began their careers with her then. It was on “Star Stagecoach” that producer Vladimir Kubyshkin saw Anya and decided to try to work with her. The songs written for Sharkunova at that time are still heard today. And now, the other day Anya is releasing a new (only her second) album...

Anya Sharkunova (far left) as part of the Star Stagecoach team

- Anya, the break between albums was 7 years. What was global between them?

I didn’t get married, I don’t have children. Write that you were engaged in internal growth. But in material terms... well, yes. Car, apartment. But I earned all this with my own labor.

- I remember 10 years ago, when you first appeared in Star Stagecoach, you had cheeks. And now they are gone.

I was on a diet then, but not now. I was gaining terribly because I ate only proteins and fiber, I didn’t know how to eat properly. Volodya says that I used to be angry because I ate dog food (laughs - auto). And now I’ve stopped worrying about food altogether - what I cooked, I ate. True, even now I have smoke coming out of my head - I once bought mysterious diet pills. Did I need it?

- What do they say that the oligarch Chizh gave you an apartment in the house on Troitsky?

Is that really what they say? – Anya froze in a silent pause. - Is this in the house where Daria Domracheva is? I don't have an apartment there. In all this time, there has never been a time when we were given even 100 dollars. It's a shame, but that's how it is. There were partners, and we worked, but sponsors did not. Everyone earned it themselves.

- But there is still an apartment, tell us about it?

A nice three-room apartment, a large living room...But I still have to pay the loan for it for another year. I am very proud of myself that I built it myself. I’m not doing any repairs yet – I don’t have time. But the house is not even fully occupied yet. My neighbors will be singer Marina Nekrasova and her husband, Dynamo Minsk goalkeeper Alexander Gutor. And my favorite apartment, by the way, was the very first one in Minsk. Very small, in a house to be demolished. My parents once helped me buy it. Where do I live now? With your loved one.

- No. Who earns more - you or him?

Of course he is! But in general I am very independent.

- Another rumor is that doctors forbade you to sing live because you have problems with your ligaments.

It’s good that it’s not with alcohol,” Anya laughs. - What nonsense! A couple of times in the winter I got it for not taking care of my throat. But in general, such rumors are spread by envious people.

I'm strong!

- What will the album be called?

- “I’m strong,” right? (Anya looks questioningly at her producer Vladimir Kubyshkin - auto). Its name interests me the least. It is important to me what songs will be included in it. These songs were written over 7 years. The texts are mainly by Vova Kubyshkin, as well as one song each by Vladimir Pugach (J: Morse) and Elena Yarmolovich.

- Volodya, it has always been a mystery to me - how do you write poetry on behalf of a woman?

Songs and poems are not the same thing. Songs are pure mathematics. I don't write as much as others. I “calculate” one song for at least a month - I get terribly tired. I have the opportunity to think about it, because I don’t write to order, for me it’s not a conveyor belt.

- For once I wrote a song! - Anya interrupts. “I ask him: look, please, bring it to mind.” But he refuses.

I just absolutely clearly understand what a high bar we have raised, and I simply cannot do anything worse. But I am convinced that the author of the music for the third album will be Anya Sharkunova. All the latest songs were greatly transformed under her influence, and she even remade some of them. I hope the new sound will be a pleasant surprise for the songwriters.

10 years ago during the filming of Star Stagecoach. All three became famous artists: Katya Ivanchikova (IOWA), Dima Karpinchik (Herman) and Anya Sharkunova. Photo: social networks

Yes, it will be an orchestra and live sound. We will have a brass section, as soon as they start playing, you’ll immediately get goosebumps, complete delight! By the way, one of the 4 trumpeters is Vlad Senkevich from the “lapis” - our old friend, and the drummer Alexander Storozhuk is from there.

- Who else will sing?

Valery Daineko, Georgy Koldun, Theo, German, these will be both duets with me and solo performances.

Let's go to America to write songs

- Immediately after the concert at the Palace of the Republic, are you going to America? On tour?

“We must understand that Russian-speaking viewers in America are older people,” says Vladimir Kubyshkin. - Young people try to assimilate as quickly as possible, and their parents follow Krutoy, Kirkorov. There was an attempt to organize a joint tour of “Pesnyary”, “Verasov” and “Syabrov” - and it did not materialize. Logistics, visas, tickets, travel for so many artists simply do not pay off.

- Then what?

We will record three songs in English, plus one more song that I composed myself. To shoot a video with an American director, the scenery has already been built. Two photo sessions are planned. We are given only a day to recover from the change in time zones, and then two weeks are planned out from start to finish.

We didn't ask for anything. The Americans found us themselves,” continues Kubyshkin. -They are convinced that they have a niche for a singer like Anya. There are now thousands of artists in the US that we don't know - but they earn millions of dollars. For example, we once drove past a huge stadium for 40 thousand people, filled to capacity. People came to a concert of some woman completely unknown to us. We ask who is this? We are told that this singer performed the soundtrack to the cartoon “Frozen”... She is a superstar there.

- Volodya has a wife, Anya has a beloved man, and the two of you are going to America for two weeks... Do your other halves calmly let you go?

Well, we know each other, we go to visit each other,” Volodya is surprised. - This is a work trip. It happens that my wife asks when we will take her with us. I answer when we earn money.

“But I don’t have that question at all,” Anya laughs.

Will we even see the result of your stay in the USA?

Of course, there is the Internet. We are not building castles in the air yet, but we don’t want to give up this chance either. So far we see that they clearly know what to do. We are received with great dignity. They are sure that Anya can be sold there. But the question is how interesting it will be for us. Due to Belarusian naivety, I want Anya to be as popular as Beyoncé. But that doesn't happen.

- Is there a prospect of leaving for America for good?

So everyone has it! If real work begins there, this may become an issue. Let's see what happens.

And she could open the Olympics in Sochi...

- Will you participate in Eurovision next year? If Anya sang in English...

What for? Try your luck? Should I return to myself and try to use this chance? By the way, Americans don’t even understand what Belarusian or Russian show business is; they don’t talk about it without a smile.

- Just in case, I’ll ask – do you, Volodya, have a contract with Anya?

We didn't sign the papers. We have a boys' agreement.

Anya is good, Anya won’t leave Vova,” Sharkunova jokes. “He always hands me some pieces of paper and says, sign it.” I don't even look, I believe him.

This is usually the bill at a cafe. Anya says all the time, “I forgot my wallet,” Volodya laughs.

- You said that Anya had some other grandiose proposal?

There were at least two opportunities to get into the first echelon of Russian show business,” Anya admits. - The last proposal is to open the Olympics in Sochi. Several times we went to Moscow to negotiate with people whom we had only seen on TV. They have nothing to do with show business, they are very influential people. The budget was such that it simply boggles the mind. They monitored the post-Soviet market, they needed a professional artist with a repertoire who could immediately go on stage and work. If they had told me about this 10 years ago, I would have been happy. And now I want to live for myself. I would have to work under contract every day in a new city. There is actually a shortage of new faces in Russia...

- For example, songs by Kubyshkin and Aleinikov are taken and sold to Russia...

This was also an option. We decided that we would find a blonde very similar to me, and she would go to work,” jokes Anya. – I want a family, children, and not live on airplanes!

Yesterday, singer Anya Sharkunova became a mother. We congratulate her on the birth of her baby and publish our recent conversation, in which Anya spoke for the first time about the two main men in her life - her husband and son.

When you look at Anya Sharkunova - the fluttering of her eyelashes and hands, meaningful pauses and glances, concentrated femininity - you immediately remember the iconic one from “Pokrovsky Gate” - “I’m so... All contradictory!”

And also, of course, an excerpt from “Thumbelina” about “Spin me! Spin!":

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But what distinguishes Anya from most Belarusian media personalities? The fact that she herself laughs at these associations. And in general, she is the first to laugh at herself. She doesn’t fight off the cliches that come at her: “Yes, blonde, yes - “hihi-haha” in my head, yeah, there’s no depth in me.”

When every second person treats himself with brutal seriousness and claims the uniqueness of his imperishable thoughts, spontaneity, lightness and self-irony increase many times in value. And they become that very “exceptional feature” that everyone claims.

Maybe it's this:

“My brain erases everything unpleasant, literally deletes what I don’t want to remember,” shares Anya. - I love this feature of his! Don’t drag all the negativity with you... But I can’t forgive the lilac yet!

- Which lilac?

“I planted a beautiful lilac near the house for everyone, but all the flowering branches were broken off.” She didn’t even have time to bloom, you know? Well, can’t you just look and be happy, why break it? This really upsets me. I can’t see how some boys in the yard are hitting a small Christmas tree with sticks, knocking off its branches... I’m such a crazy person: I love trees... They’re alive, after all.

About how to live with such sensitivity to the world and not go crazy, about love that lasts ten years and the emergence of a new life inside you - in our conversation.

“We need to somehow turn from Nyuska into an artist”

— Those who know you well say: “Anya is not a fool or a superficial blondie, she’s just comfortable in this image.” Comfortable?

- Well, yes, it’s comfortable. I am a fairly secretive person and only let a few people get close to me. I can open up around them, but slowly. Extremely slow.

This is difficult for me, and besides... Why would anyone know anything about me?

Why do the bulk of people need anything more than the “hihi-haha” you talk about?

Nobody needs anything, no one digs deeper than the surface, everyone thinks only about themselves and their problems.

-Have you always thought that way?

- What do people only think about themselves? Yes, always. And now I think so. Nobody cares at all - don't they?

— Do you only think about yourself when you go on stage?

- No... Because then the performance will end. If I think about myself, and not about people and what I want to convey, if I try to be beautiful on stage, nothing works. Or if it's too much for me Nice dress. You know, there is such a concept - “too beautiful a dress”! And it can ruin everything.

A couple of years ago I tried to play this, be a doll, shoot my eyes, flirt from the stage, but it’s not my thing.

- What's yours? Immediacy?

- Yes, I think this is the same word. Note: I even move around the stage somehow crookedly. (Laughs.) I don’t swim like a swan, unlike real divas.

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

— And Sharkunova on stage and in life...

“These are two girls,” Anya continues the question. - And they are very different.

Why do I love wearing stage makeup so much? Not to be beautiful. I use makeup as a mask, as an opportunity to get used to different roles.

Although, about the inconsistency: it is masks that I am most afraid of. This is my only phobia. When I see Venetian masks, I get goosebumps... It’s very scary, I don’t know why.

But when the make-up girls paint me a different face, suitable for each role, for each song, I like it. This does not mean that I portray on stage someone who I am not. I had the great happiness of telling stories in songs that were written for me and about me.

— What do you think about before going on stage?

— About the need to somehow turn from Nyuska — that’s what my producer Volodya Kubyshkin always called me — into an artist. (Laughs.)

—Who is the artist?

- This is such a... Column of energy, I think. Energy that must be given. It’s just that you don’t need that much energy for life, but for the stage it is necessary.

And if it exists, the artist receives a return: whether he knows about it or not, a dialogue arises between him and the audience. It’s not for nothing that they say “nothing hurts on stage” - I know from myself: the truth lets go of everything, only the music remains.

— Are you demanding of your team?

- First of all, to yourself. But I can also be demanding of the team, because... I need it more than everyone else! Well, it’s true: if I remain silent, if I don’t say that it’s impossible to do this, everything will remain the same.

You have to insist on your own, search, achieve, overcome people’s resistance. This is especially felt when you work with eminent, established musicians, for whom, to put it mildly, I have not yet reached my feet. Upstart! Sometimes such situations cost me my nerves.

Especially before big concerts, when there is little time but many unresolved issues, the tension goes through the roof. Then I might lose my temper... Okay, I might even throw a fit. But then I’ll apologize a million times for this.

I often save myself with Novopassit, but then everything works out, the music sounds in a new way, the way I heard it in my head. And if I need to be bad for this, I’m ready.

— About “Novopassit”: you once said in an interview that you developed psychosomatic illnesses during the touring period. Did you manage?

- Almost... At least I coped with the main disasters. But this took more than one year.

Fatigue accumulated during the period when the workload was crazy, we arrived at night from one concert, and left in the morning for another. And it was not clear why all this.

Goals and tasks were mixed into a mess; I didn’t feel joy from being on stage. Well, I made money, yes... But why have money if you don’t have the time, desire, or strength to spend it?

And you also turn around and realize that you have nothing at all in your life except two solo albums in the glove compartment of your car. Of course, for a small country this is a relative success, but...

- What helped?

— I went to a psychotherapist, but it didn’t work... My loved ones helped. They just held my hand when needed, helped me escape if I couldn’t be with people anymore, hide in someone’s dacha for at least a couple of days... Weeks...

But the main thing: I helped myself. The motivation to be healthy, the desire to have a child, and simply the instinct of self-preservation turned out to be stronger.

But I don’t want to now interfere with my happiness with what drove me to despair, to the point of despair. Maybe I'll talk about this someday.

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

“For 10 years we kept breaking up and then finding each other again”

— At what period did you meet your future husband?

— Ten years ago, when everything was just beginning for me on stage. I was completely fine - well, so it seemed to me. In general, I didn’t think about anything, because the first successes had just happened... Yes, everything was great in general!

We lived in Minsk, but met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” show (something like the “Great Race” with Nagiyev. - Editor’s note), where there were tests with these scary bulls.

Lyosha (Anya’s husband’s name is Alexey, he is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain) says that he noticed me a long time ago and specially came to Nice during filming to meet me. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the legend is beautiful!

From the very beginning, Lyosha’s plan went downhill, because his friend was placed in the room next to me, and Lyosha himself was far away, in some barn. (Laughs.)

But we have a mutual friend Larisa Gribaleva, and I think it couldn’t have happened without her - we still ended up in common company.

I don’t remember now what we talked about, whether we talked at all. But I remember for sure: when Lyosha came to the arena to cheer for us, for some reason I took a photo of him. For what? I’ve never done this before... And, you can say, I fell in love with this photo.

And then we said goodbye at the airport. Lyosha asked me for my phone number - and I immediately gave it to him. And she made the first mistake - she had to drag out the intrigue.

And he still jokingly reproaches: “Are you just handing out phones to everyone right away?” (Laughs.)

He didn’t call me - he’s not a man, he’s a rock! - three weeks. And when I called, I offered to meet after “Song of the Year.” And I agreed again immediately. At night I moved from producer Volodya Kubyshkin’s car to Lyosha’s car on some country road...

Volodya also asked: “Are you sure?” "I'm sure!" - I answer. Without any fear or second thought: what if she was some kind of maniac? I was twenty-three years old, the wind was in my head.

In short, I made mistake after mistake... Maybe that’s why Lyosha tested me for 10 years?

- Why do you think these are mistakes?

- Well, because, probably, a decent woman by generally accepted standards cannot immediately give her a phone number, she cannot change into a car at night with an unfamiliar man. It turns out that I behaved, in Lyosha’s opinion, frivolously. So he thought: the girl is an artist, nothing serious...

He never told me about this, but when I analyze it, I understand it. And indeed there was a lot of eccentricity in me, I was such a fluttering butterfly... Not a wife, but a girl.

Probably, this required these 10 years, during which we either separated or found each other again. So that I can grow up and grow up.

Although then it seemed different to me: I thought that he was testing me. That 10 years is too long to decide whether I’m good enough for him...

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

- Were you offended?

“I was offended, that’s why we broke up.” Sometimes we didn’t talk or see each other for a long time, for eight months. I didn’t leave so that he would return me, but for good.

Because relations should develop, but ours stood still. And I really wanted Lyosha to understand himself, make a choice, and finally understand: am I the woman he needs.

Probably, even then I felt that the problem was with me too...

- And Lyosha - what is he like?

- He is good, he is strong. He is the coolest of all the men I have ever seen, heard, felt nearby. Lyoshka leads me along, and I grew up next to him and became a better person. I got rid of many bad habits - mental ones, too. It changes me as a woman, as a person... We have different temperaments, but that’s why it magnetizes us. Otherwise, we would have fled long ago, but now, thank God, we are walking together, on the same road.

— Does Alexey like the fact that you are on stage?

“He never admits that he doesn’t like it... But he often asks: what would I like to do in this life?”

But I’m already doing what I want. Music is serious.

— Are you ready to miss opportunities in your favorite business for the sake of your family?

- But missed opportunities are also my choice, right? And I understand why I’m doing it. I could have signed very lucrative contracts in Moscow... But I didn’t sign. Because Lyosha is more important, and I wanted to stay with him. And I don’t believe in long-distance relationships at all. Yes, and he directly said that I could go, but with all my things at once and for good.

— You never talked about your personal life. Why did you decide?

— Because there is too much talk around this topic, an unhealthy interest that I don’t need at all in my position.

I’m still not sure that I’m doing the right thing by talking about this... I’ve always thought and continue to think that the expression “happiness loves silence” was not just invented.

- Do you feel happy?

- Yes, absolutely. I’m happy that Lyosha and I overcame all these crises, when it seemed that the relationship was going nowhere, and it was impossible to understand who was to blame.

But it turned out that no one is to blame. It’s just that life is an undulating thing: either we cope when it’s stormy and sail on, or we don’t cope.

Thank God that we taxied... And instead of “I” and “he”, “we” appeared. Now I can’t even imagine what would have happened if everything had happened differently... And how would I live without it little man... - lowers his eyes to his stomach.

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

“I have never begged for anything more than for a child.”

—Have you wanted children for a long time?

— Yes, but, as it turned out, you can want a child in different periods of life in different ways. At first it was like this: “It would be cool if there was a little one in my life! Probably cool... Maybe." Somehow I thought so. (Smiles.)

And two years ago it was just a spasmodic desire, to the point of tears: Lord, I really want a child, what an emptiness inside...

I remember praying about this in church... And only at that moment did I understand the meaning of the word “pray.” I've never asked for anything like that, I've never wanted anything like that.

The question “why do I need a child?” by this moment I wasn’t even standing. Not to keep a man, no. I don't need a child for this. And not even in order to realize in the baby what I have not embodied in myself... They also say: you need a child if you cannot take care of yourself... But I don’t want to take care of myself that much, that’s not the point either.

I just want to create new life and give her something. Living for myself is not what I want today.

— How did you find out that you were going to become a mother?

“I would like to tell you that it was an extraordinary, touching moment that I was able to fully experience... But in fact, there were so many girls around that I couldn’t even realize what happened.

We were celebrating my birthday - noise, commotion - and the girls jokingly forced me to take a test.

I saw two stripes and understood one thing: the party was ruined, suddenly I couldn’t have champagne! (Laughs.)

Well, if I don’t want to be labeled again as “you’re a bad mother.”

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

— Do you already feel this pressure?

- That’s not the right word! Already now the questions are: “how did you work until the 8th month?”, “how did you take a sip of beer?”, “how is it like a fasting day for you? What will the little one eat?”

A whole bunch of stereotypes, and I really feel like this bad mother syndrome is being imposed on me.

Moreover, there is simply no interval during which I was good - advisers are always nearby.

It used to be like this: “How come you don’t have children? What do you have then? Let’s give birth, you won’t have time!” Now this! And after giving birth, how many ideal people will be there?

The pressure is crazy, and even with your brain you understand: this is being imposed on you, don’t be fooled, don’t be fooled, but it doesn’t work out.

This, by the way, is typically ours, Slavic. When I came to America and said that I didn’t have a family yet, I only heard: “Lord, you’re so young, you’re still a child yourself. You first need to make a career, and only then consciously start a family.” Such is the mental difference! We Belarusians live with a constant guilt syndrome...

— By the way, about stereotypes: girls are often afraid that pregnancy and the birth of a child will simply turn them off from life for a long time. Do you have such fear?

- No, I feel good so far, I danced and sang on stage until the ninth month. True, at the last job before maternity leave, I felt that I wasn’t feeling well—my stomach was squeezing, as if my boy was offended by me. And I didn’t go on stage again until I gave birth...

Besides, I don't like my cheeks right now! (Laughs.)

What will happen after giving birth - who knows... I remember there was a film where heavily pregnant women swore an oath to each other not to become whores, to remain in the ranks, to do their hair, manicure and all that stuff... They had such a mantra!

I'm the same now! I tell myself: you can’t “wash yourself”, you can find time for everything, I can’t live without a stage... But no one knows what awaits me. Maybe I, like those heroines in the film, will turn into a mother with a bun on her head!

In general, why does such a question arise in principle, and why do women have fears? Because again - stereotypes, feelings of guilt.

Ay-ah-ah, I’ll fall out of life, people will forget me, what should I do?! Put eyelashes on the maternity hospital and immediately take a selfie to make it clear: I’m generally fine! And the next day - slim stomach Take a photo for Instagram! And a week later - rock out at concerts!

Well, it's terrible! Do you understand what kind of attitudes we live in? But we must learn to live for ourselves, not in a ostentatious, public way.

— Tell us about the new video that you managed to shoot during pregnancy.

Premiere of the video on the site!

— I really wanted to preserve my current self in this video, to remember myself like this... This is a video for one of my favorite songs, “We will be the first,” with music by Max Aleinikov and lyrics by Vova Kubyshkin. The text is strong, so when I thought about translating it into Belarusian, I realized that this was a huge problem. But there was a person who adapted the text in such a way that it gave me goosebumps. This is Valentin Boyko, for which many thanks to him. Thanks to this person who speaks Language, we have a chance to believe again that the Belarusian language can be beautiful and gentle, we can talk about love and important things. I really really wanted the song in Belarusian to be a living story, and not a set of cliches about busls and lakes. Sometimes it begins to seem that it is impossible to go further than the agricultural theme in a Belarusian song, but this is not so. We got gentle, not vulgar lyrics.

We played the song in the video live, against the backdrop of the station square towers. We did everything to make it clear: this is Minsk, this is Belarus. She can be like this: stylish, beautiful, European.

Misha Bychenok, founder of the MediaCube production studio, helped a lot at the preparation stage. I am very grateful to him for his fresh ideas and help.

The video was shot by talented director Anna Gert together with cameraman Vitya Oskirko. I really liked Anya’s work, but there was another reason why I chose her... I really wanted a girl to shoot the video this time. Boys will not understand me in my vulnerable position. They always get hurt! They have their own conceptual vision, and it doesn’t matter whether you have a green face and a double chin in the final picture or not. (Laughs.) They don’t feel these girlish details... But Anya did.

- So you feel vulnerable?

- Yeah! I can no longer conduct working negotiations, which can be quite tough. To do this you need to be a soldier, a strong girl. And I don’t want to be her now...

And there’s only a week left before the boy’s arrival—what kind of work? I’m currently busy with a new important project: which video baby monitor to choose, which night light to buy - with starry sky or without it... It's a whole new world! Just sit and Google. (Smiles.)

— About vulnerability: this is why many choose partner childbirth.

— I will also have a partner birth: me and the player! (Laughs.)

Seriously, I will give birth to music. I'll pump myself up some hard positive dance songs!

And Lyosha will be nearby, but behind the door. Because this is feminine, only mine, and something tells me that not every man is ready to see this.

Makeup and photography: Svetlana Efimik

— By the way, you could have given birth abroad. But you remain in Belarus. Why?

- It's scary because! This is my first child... I don’t know what I’ll have to face. And for me the main thing is that everything is fine with the baby. I don’t think about myself so much as I think about him... Of the two of us, it will be more difficult for him - for him the whole world will happen for the first time.

Therefore, I’m staying at home and will give birth in Minsk maternity hospital No. 2, in a regular ward. And what about Vilnius, for example? Well, they’ll pour champagne, well, the white walls are beautiful... But something tells me that the presence of a children’s intensive care unit is much more important. But in the center that I considered as an alternative, it is not there.

— What do you think about most often these days?

- About the fact that I want my boy to be healthy and happy. And more than that, I don’t expect anything from him and I don’t want to impose anything on him.

This will be another person, separate from me, a free person... And the main thing is to show him this world, tell him about what exists in it, give him all the opportunities. Do not tell in the abstract what is good and what is bad, but live in accordance with this, be an example.

I don’t want to be a waiting mother who, even before the birth of a child, makes plans for his whole life and plays out her complexes.

The child doesn’t owe me anything... He doesn’t owe me anything, but how I wish he loved his mother! (Smiles.)

I'll try to be a good mother. Not perfect, but good. After all, this is my boy... My favorite man on Earth.