Presentation on the topic of pike and the world around us. Pike: new about forgotten old. Opinions and comments

06.10.2021 Ulcer

Presentation on the topic: River fish.

The river is the habitat of many fish. In it you can find different types river fish, for example: ruffe, crucian carp, perch, catfish and pike.

Ruff The length of an adult ruff is 10 cm and weighs more than 100 grams. The back of the fish is gray-green with black dots, the sides are yellow, the belly is gray or white. The color of the ruffe depends on its habitat: in rivers with a clean sandy bottom, the color of the fish is lighter than in muddy reservoirs. A characteristic feature of the fish is its spiny dorsal fin, consisting of several rays. The main food of the ruffe is cyclops, small crustaceans, worms, leeches. The sense organ with which the fish hunts is the lateral line; with its help, even in complete darkness, the ruff can find immovable prey. The lifespan of the ruffe rarely reaches 7-11 years.

Silver crucian carp, unlike gold carp, has a silvery belly and a larger number of gill rakers. The pectoral and ventral fins of gold carp are slightly reddish, those of silver carp are yellowish or gray, like all other fins in individuals of both species. The mouth of crucian carp is small. Crucian carp are characterized by great unpretentiousness to water quality. They are found both in large and clear lakes and rivers; often inhabit muddy ponds, quiet river backwaters, various ditches, quarries and even swampy reservoirs with acidic water, where other fish cannot live.. They are tolerant of low temperatures and do not die as a result of freezing into ice. In the winter, as in the case of temporary drying up of a reservoir, they are buried in silt, where they remain motionless all the time. Silver crucian carp can bury themselves in the mud after being frightened for several minutes (UP TO 10). The crucian carp leave their winter shelters only after the ice has melted and the water has sufficiently warmed up.
Gold and silver crucian carp

Golden crucian carp

River perch

Big Catfish

Pike is a lake and river fish. Pike has an elongated, cylindrical or moderately laterally compressed body. A large head relative to the length of the body. The dorsal fin is located at the back of the body, which allows it to quickly accelerate and maneuver through the water. The color varies greatly depending on the habitat - the back is usually greenish-brown, the belly is light silver. The jaws are equipped with teeth oriented towards the inside of the mouth. Pike can prey on almost anything it can grab: waterfowl, animals, rodents. Pike feeds throughout the daylight hours. The larger the pike, the less frequently it feeds. Shchuryats with a length of 15 to 60-70 mm feed on crustaceans, primarily crustaceans. By June, two-month-old squirrels switch to feeding on the young of other fish.

Slide 2

  • The river is the habitat of many fish. In it you can find different types of river fish, for example: ruff, crucian carp, perch, catfish and pike.
  • Slide 3

    • Ruff
    • The length of an adult ruff is 10 cm and weighs more than 100 grams. The back of the fish is gray-green with black dots, the sides are yellow, the belly is gray or white. The color of the ruffe depends on its habitat: in rivers with a clean sandy bottom, the color of the fish is lighter than in muddy reservoirs. A characteristic feature of the fish is its spiny dorsal fin, consisting of several rays. The main food of the ruffe is cyclops, small crustaceans, worms, leeches. The sense organ with which the fish hunts is the lateral line; with its help, even in complete darkness, the ruff can find immovable prey. The lifespan of the ruffe rarely reaches 7-11 years.
  • Slide 4

    Gold and silver crucian carp

    • Silver crucian carp, unlike gold carp, has a silvery belly and a larger number of gill rakers. The pectoral and ventral fins of gold carp are slightly reddish, those of silver carp are yellowish or gray, like all other fins in individuals of both species. The mouth of crucian carp is small.
    • Crucian carp are characterized by great unpretentiousness to water quality. They are found both in large and clear lakes and rivers; often inhabit muddy ponds, quiet river backwaters, various ditches, quarries and even swampy reservoirs with acidic water, where other fish cannot live.. They are tolerant of low temperatures and do not die as a result of freezing into ice. In the winter, as in the case of temporary drying up of a reservoir, they are buried in silt, where they remain motionless all the time. Silver crucian carp can bury themselves in the mud after being frightened for several minutes (UP TO 10). The crucian carp leave their winter shelters only after the ice has melted and the water has sufficiently warmed up.
  • Slide 5

    Golden crucian carp

  • Slide 6

    River perch

  • Slide 7


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    Big Catfish

  • Slide 11

    Pike is a lake and river fish. Pike has an elongated, cylindrical or moderately laterally compressed body. A large head relative to the length of the body. The dorsal fin is located at the back of the body, which allows it to quickly accelerate and maneuver through the water. The color varies greatly depending on the habitat - the back is usually greenish-brown, the belly is light silver. The jaws are equipped with teeth oriented towards the inside of the mouth. Pike can prey on almost anything it can grab: waterfowl, animals, rodents. Pike feeds throughout the daylight hours. The larger the pike, the less frequently it feeds. Shchuryats with a length of 15 to 60-70 mm feed on crustaceans, primarily crustaceans. By June, two-month-old squirrels switch to feeding on the young of other fish.

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    Slide captions:

    Pike is an inhabitant of reservoirs Prepared by: student of MBOUSOSH No. 50, 4th grade “B” Martynov Evgeniy

    Belongs to the pike family. This is a predatory fish. The pike's body is elongated and torpedo-shaped. The body color is greenish-dark, sometimes black on the back, greenish with an admixture of yellow, with many spots, stripes, and strokes of varying clarity on the sides. The abdominal part of the pike's body is whitish. The pectoral and ventral fins are yellowish-red. The pike has a huge mouth with razor-sharp teeth. It lives in lakes and rivers almost throughout the country. Pike prefers calm water. It stays alone where it is convenient to watch for prey and remain unnoticed due to its variegated coloring, namely: near boulders, near a break in the bottom, near snags and near a washed-out shore. And also among thickets of aquatic plants. Pike

    Reaches a length of one and a half meters and a weight of 35 kg. Pike is very voracious and feeds on almost any fish, including its own young.

    Pike feed all year round, but the intensity of their feeding and the composition of their food varies depending on the season. The main fattening occurs in the spring. She usually consumes the most numerous fish. In lakes and reservoirs these are roach, perch, ruff, and bream. In rivers, the importance of typical river fish in pike food increases: gudgeon, loach, minnow, sculpin goby, etc. In addition to fish, pike readily eats frogs. They are found in its diet in the spring, but more often in the fall, when in preparation for wintering they form large clusters. There are cases when a pike dragged mice, rats, waders and even squirrels swimming across the river into the depths of the river. Large pikes are capable of attacking a swimming duck, and in this case they are called “ducklings”.

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    A message about pike in biology can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about pike for 1st grade children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

    Report about pike

    Pike is a predatory fish, known even to children. After all, it is the pike that is the main character of the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” This species is considered a popular commercial fish and is actively bred in pond nurseries.

    Pike live in freshwater bodies of Eurasia and North America, preferring stagnant water. There are 7 species of pike.

    Pike fish description

    The average length of a pike is 1 meter, and the average weight is 8 kilograms. And only some individuals reach 1.8 m and a weight of 35 kg. Females are usually larger than males. The body of the fish is distinguished by an elongated, elongated arrow-shaped shape. The pike's head is long, with a narrow snout, and the lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward.

    The pike's teeth, located on the lower jaw, perform the function of capturing prey, have the shape of fangs and are endowed with different sizes.

    The pike's eyes are located quite high, thanks to which the predator can inspect a large area without bothering to turn its head.

    The body of the fish is covered with relatively small scales, covering the cheeks and skin formations on the gills. The color of pike scales can be grayish-green, gray with yellowish or gray-brown.

    The color of the pike's back is dark, the belly is white with grayish spotting. The sides are covered with characteristic olive spots, which, when merging, form wide stripes of different lengths.

    How long does a pike live?

    The lifespan of pike is 10-30 years (depending on the species and living conditions)

    What does pike eat?

    Pike is an extremely voracious and indiscriminate predator in food. 80-90% of its diet consists of fish (carp, perch, ruffe, roach); it also actively eats frogs, tadpoles, crayfish during molting, lizards, newts, and rodents swimming across the pond. The most large pike sometimes attack chicks of waterfowl.

    Pike hunts from ambush, patiently and motionlessly standing among the water thickets. Having identified a potential victim, the predator makes a sharp jerk and swallows it, always grabbing the victim by the head.


    The female pike becomes sexually mature at 3-4 years of age, the male pike matures at 5 years. Spawning begins after the ice melts, when the water temperature is only 3-6 degrees. Predators gather in small groups: 2-4 males near a female. Large females can be surrounded by up to 8 male pikes.

    The amount of pike eggs depends on the size of the female. One individual spawns from 17 to 215 thousand eggs, the diameter of which is 3 mm.

    We hope this brief information about pike has helped you. And you can leave your report about pike for grade 2 using the comment form.

    Pike. it is not only a valuable commercial fish, it uses a lot of low-value and trash fish for food: ruffe, silver bream, roach, crucian carp, etc. If there is no or little pike in the reservoir, then the number of various small things increases sharply. No wonder they say: “Where there is no pike, the ruff is the master.” In pond farms, pike are specially bred because they destroy sick fish, thus being underwater orderlies.

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