Foot shape and human character. “Greek foot” - a deformation of the toes that has become the standard of beauty German foot

08.02.2022 Symptoms

We are accustomed to predictions, astrologers, psychics and magicians. Fortune tellers and palmists read our destiny based on the lines on our hands and the length of our fingers. But few people have heard that the shape of the leg also carries certain information. Like many parts of our bodies, our feet have their own shape. Even in the most standard cases, certain differences can be found. You will be surprised, but even twins cannot have the same feet. This means that the shape of your legs is individual and may contain some aspects of your personality.

Egyptian leg

If your foot forms a perfect line, and each subsequent toe is slightly smaller than the previous one, your foot is usually called Egyptian. Do not rush to conclusions regarding the ideality of your character. People with well-shaped legs are prone to mood swings. They are lonely, secretive and do not like to talk about themselves.

Roman foot

This foot type is the most common. Look at your foot: if three toes, starting from the big one, form a straight line, then you also belong to the majority. By nature you are friendly and sociable. Among public figures of ancient culture, this form was especially common. This is where its name came from.

Peasant leg

The following foot shape is very rare. A peasant's foot is one in which all the toes are the same length. It appears angular, which is how it got its name, but in fact it is unusually stable. Representatives of this group are practical, incredibly calm and reasonable. They are trustworthy and can be partners when it comes to serious issues.

Greek foot

In Greek feet, the second toe is longer than the big toe. This type is common and indicates emotional, artistic and charismatic individuals. They have leadership abilities and are often representatives of the sports elite.

Small finger doesn't move

People who have this form can only move their little toe using their hands. A little finger that does not move independently indicates workaholics who lead a stable and measured life. They are calm, conservative and reasonable.

The little finger is mobile

In some cases, the opposite picture is observed. If it seems to you that your little finger is too mobile and lives its own, separate life, then you are one of the adventurers. You are interested in everything new, enterprising, frivolous and not afraid of change. In a word, you are the antipode of the previous type.

Very short little finger

And here is another group of representatives of the isolated small finger. When the little finger is disproportionately short, this indicates a desire to do everything your own way and go against public opinion. These people are like cats who walk on their own. They tend to avoid noisy crowded places. They are not fashion-oriented and easily exist somewhere separate from everyone else.

The third finger is turned outward

People with this type of foot are usually used to being in control. They plan their lives down to the smallest detail and do not like surprises.

Gap between fingers

When there is a gap on the foot between the second and third toes, this indicates that you are good at separating emotions from logic. Among the representatives of this group you can find diplomats, analysts and traders. They are often accused of being aloof and lacking emotionality, but that is their essence.

"Greek foot" is a term used in sculpture to describe a foot in which the second toe is longer than the big toe. This foot structure is referred to in medical terminology as “Morton’s toe,” named after the American orthopedic surgeon Dudley Joe Morton (1884-1960), who first described this phenomenon.

In physiology, three types of feet are distinguished based on the length of the toes: Greek, Egyptian and Roman.

The "Greek foot" is pictured here.

The "Egyptian" foot type is characterized by a long first toe and a decreasing length of the remaining four toes.

Finally, the “Roman” or “rectangular foot”. All fingers are approximately the same length.

The vast majority of the world's population - from 70% to 80% - has an "Egyptian foot", which is considered normal from an osteological point of view. And vice versa, " Greek foot"in medicine it is considered as a bone anomaly. It is noteworthy that the signs of the “Greek foot” are inherited.

This feature in the structure of the human foot is often used to denote Greek ethnic origin and is most often found among the Greek population. Internationally, this phenomenon occurs in approximately 10% of people.

"Greek foot" - a beauty standard

From antiquity until the Renaissance, the “Greek foot” was considered the embodiment high standard beauty. So it is not surprising that the statues of Greek antiquity tended to depict Greek figures with this type of foot.
The tradition of ancient Greek artists to depict feet in which the second toe is longer than the big toe was later adopted by the Romans. And this artistic trend was called the “Greek foot”. Its modern example with a characteristic proportion of fingers is presented in the work of French masters - the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Human feet can vary in size, shape, width and other parameters. But, despite all their diversity, each pair of feet can be conditionally classified into one of five main types, each of which is characteristic of people with certain character traits. The characteristics of each type are based primarily on the length of the fingers.

If you count from the largest toe (first) to the smallest (fifth), you can describe the feet as follows.

Greek type

The Greek foot type is characterized by a short first toe and a longer second, followed by the remaining three toes in descending order of length. This type of foot is also characterized by a significant, compared to others, distance between the first and second toes. The width of Greek feet can vary from narrow to medium. Up to 20% of people have this type of foot.

People with Greek feet have a strong need to lead others. They are able to inspire others with their ideas and motivate them to action with their actions. Such people are more theorists than practitioners, although one does not exclude the other.

Egyptian type

The Egyptian foot type is characterized by a long first toe and decreasing lengths of the remaining four toes. The width of the feet varies in the same range as the Greek type feet. People with Egyptian-type feet are often dreamers and dreamers; they are driven by great ideas. It is believed that they are prone to a passive life position. If, in addition, the big toes of their feet protrude somewhat, they have great difficulty enduring criticism from others. If the heels of the Egyptian feet are smaller in size than the large balls of the feet, such a person is likely to have to struggle to implement his ideas, while facing great financial difficulties.

Scots-Irish type

Scotch-Irish type feet have relatively long fingers almost the same length.

People with this type of foot are sensitive and caring, easy-going and, although sometimes very conservative, can still struggle to expand the boundaries of their life.

English type

The feet of the modern English type are somewhat wider than those of the Scots-Irish type, and their toes are sharply sloping. People with this type of foot are quite mundane, do not particularly strive to develop their spiritual or creative potential, and have a stable character. In their actions, such people would rather withdraw than do anything wrong.

Peasant type

Peasant-type feet usually have three inner toes of the same length, with all the toes being quite short and sort of square. The width of this type of feet can vary from medium to wide. People with peasant foot types are reliable and hardworking, stand on their own feet and are well prepared for life. They are much closer to today's problems than to the distant and unknown future.

Did you know that a person’s character can be determined not only by the lines on the palm, the color of the eyes, the shape of the ears, but also by the structure of the legs? Don't believe me? Then read on.

In the structure of the human foot, there are three types: Greek foot, Egyptian and Roman. Let's start with the first one.

Structure of the Greek foot

Typically, the length of most people's toes is such that they are located in a descending line relative to the big toe. However, there are exceptions - people whose second finger is longer than the first. This type was called “Greek”.

According to statistics, Greek foot occurs in only 10% of the world's population, and its prevalence is uneven. So, among the Swedes, a similar structure of legs is found in only 3% of cases, but among the Aina people inhabiting the Japanese islands - in almost 90%.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called “Morton’s finger” in honor of Dudley D. Morton, the American orthopedic surgeon who first described it. In orthopedics, it is considered a deviation from the norm, but despite this, it usually does not cause any inconvenience, except perhaps with the selection of shoes.


The formation of the Greek foot is genetically determined. But how strongly the trait will be expressed depends on the speed of puberty. There is a theory that the length of the fingers directly depends on the age of closure of the tubular bones. It is believed that the further away they are from the heart, the earlier and faster they close during puberty.

Since the toes are located farthest from the heart, the variability of their shape depends on the age of puberty, as well as on the sexual constitution. It is worth noting that this applies to all toes, but more so to the second toe. But let's not talk about boring theories anymore, but let's see what history says about this.

Historical facts

The Greek foot type was considered the aesthetic standard. The Romans adopted this principle from the Greeks. In medieval Europe, this feature of the structure of the fingers was considered a sign of aristocracy.

Morton's finger is also found in the works of Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and other artists and sculptors. By the way, the Statue of Liberty, donated by the French to the people of the United States, also has this feature.

Impact on character and sexuality

Let's move on to the most interesting part. Let's figure out how the Greek foot and human character are connected. It is believed that such a foot gives its owner leadership qualities. Such people are usually active, courageous and inventive. And the longer the second finger, the more acutely the makings of a leader are manifested. Here it is important not to go too far, because there is a danger of turning into a tyrant who does not take into account the interests of others.

Naturally, such people transfer their leadership qualities to their family. It is not for nothing that in India mothers-in-law were wary of their daughters-in-law if their second finger was too long - there was a very high risk that their son would turn into a henpecked man. The Greek foot in women indicates that they are the main ones in the family. It is believed, however, that women with such a leg structure are unlucky and cause a lot of trouble to others.

As for sexual life, it is obvious that the discrepancy between sexual constitutions is a problem that entails other contradictions that are no less serious. It turned out that people with a long thumb have the weakest libido. In second place are those whose first and second fingers are approximately the same length. Well, champions are considered to be those whose second finger extends 3-10 mm above the big one. Of course, you cannot choose a partner based only on this sign. But he can partly help you find a person with a similar constitution.

Roman foot. Character and sexuality

Unlike the Greek foot, the Roman foot is characterized by almost the same length of the first and second toe. Next, the line of fingers goes downward, but without sharp changes.

The owners of such fingers are straightforward, have a simple, even character. In order to achieve a goal, they are able to “peck at one point” for a long time, despite the difficulties. These qualities are the secret of their success. People with Roman feet have an average level of sexuality and are not prone to violent manifestations of passion.

Egyptian foot. Character and sexuality

Let's figure out how the Greek foot and the Egyptian foot differ. The Egyptian foot is characterized by a uniform decrease in the length of the toes from the big to the little toe.

People with this type of foot are distinguished by their emotionality, kindness, gullibility and romance. These are the calmest people.

Foot lift and character

Now that we have figured out the shape of the foot, it makes sense to look at its arch. This may be important. So, people with high arches are born leaders, they have a strong character and a good memory. Unfortunately, they often hear accusations of intemperance and unprincipled behavior addressed to them. A low instep of the foot indicates that its owner depends on the opinions of others, is ready to compromise, is somewhat dependent, but is sociable and gentle in communication.

The influence of heel shape on character

Now let's see how the shape of the heel affects the character. People with narrow or small heels are distinguished by sophistication, impracticality and some detachment from reality. Their wide-heeled cousins ​​are durable and practical. They are absolute realists. Personal safety and the safety of loved ones always comes first for them. If the heel is excessively wide, the wearer may lack a sense of security and stability.

Heels protruding beyond the foot indicate a person’s concern for his future, the future of his family and children. Owners of such heels do not like change and try to avoid it or at least postpone it. Being under constant emotional stress, they begin to drag their feet, which leads to roughening of the skin on the heels. This is a sign of a desire to isolate yourself from life problems and fear of life.

What does the color of the skin on your feet indicate?

The color of the skin of the feet can say a lot not only about a person’s character, but also about his health. So, pale feet indicate that their owner is tired, exhausted and lacking vital energy.

Red feet can indicate problems in personal or social life, the accumulation of negative emotions and unexpressed feelings that only aggravate the situation, especially if a person does not think about the true causes of his troubles.

Blue feet indicate pain and suffering that a person is experiencing. In such a situation, it may seem to him that life wants to break him and nothing good will ever happen to him.

Yellowing of the foot, partially or completely, indicates that a person is on the edge in some situation or relationship. A completely yellowed foot is a sign extreme fatigue from life. If bone calluses turn yellow, it means a person has encountered obstacles to expressing his feelings.

A lot of scientific works have been written on the topic of “human feet”. The field of medicine that studies the structure and treatment of the human foot is called podiatry.

Podiatry (chiropody, podology) -a branch of medicine dealing with the treatment of diseases of the foot and lower leg, combining knowledge in orthopedics, traumatology, vascular and purulent surgery, and neurosurgery. The field of podiatry includes various congenital and acquired foot deformities (flat feet, hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis), tarsal tunnel syndrome, diabetic foot, etc.

Podiatry, as a separate discipline, is studied in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In other countries, podiatry is a fairly young science, also in Russia; the first manual on podiatry was published in 2006.

Chinese medicine has long compared external features foot structure and internal diseases, as well as character traits that coincide with these features. There is even a separate type of fortune telling based on the lines of the feet and the shape of the toes - pedomancy...

Pedomancy - parascientific practice, so-called “fortune telling” based on the lines of the foot and the shape of the toes. Pedomancy is not as widespread as palmistry. There are two areas of pedomancy: determining character by footsteps and predicting fate. The reliability of the information obtained by pedomancy has not been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the services of pedomants are in steady demand. Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research under the Presidium Russian Academy Nauk considers pedomancy a pseudoscience.

There are 5 toes on the foot. First toe - thumb feet, the fifth toe is the little toe, the remaining toes are usually called by numbers. Counting is done from thumb to little finger. First of all, take a look at your fingers. Which finger is the longest?

Try to determine your foot type. Perhaps you will learn a little more not only about your feet, but also about your character

Based on the length of the toes, there are 3 types of feet: Greek, Egyptian, Roman. It should be noted that a certain ratio of the length of the first two toes affects certain possible deformities of the foot. Thus, the Greek foot is most prone to transverse flatfoot, and the Egyptian foot is prone to the development of longitudinal flatfoot:

1. Greek foot type - Greek foot. The second toe is longer than the big and third toe. These are followed in descending order by the fourth and little fingers. Owners of the Greek foot type are credited with self-will and ambition, independence and determination. There is a legend that the head of the family (wife or husband) is the one whose “second finger is longer than the first.”

2.Egyptian foot type - Egyptian foot. In descending order are the first, second, third, fourth toes and little toe. The owners of the Egyptian foot are credited with such traits as softness and emotionality, romance and gullibility.

3. Roman type, or rectangular type - Roman foot. All fingers are approximately the same length. The thumb is almost equal to the second, then in descending order, but without strong differences: the third, fourth, little finger. People with the Roman foot type are credited with straightforwardness and simplicity of character. People with Roman feet are characterized by “stubbornness” and perseverance; these are the traits that help them achieve success.

In another source, the morphological type of foot is also divided into 3 types:

The Egyptian foot (Fig. 1), as we see it on the statues of the pharaohs, is distinguished by the presence of the longest big toe; the length of all other fingers consistently decreases. This is the foot type most prone to problems. In shoes, the relatively long big toe moves laterally (hallux valgus) and, due to the load in the anterior phase, leads to osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, creating hallux rigidus.

Greek foot(Fig. 2) is characteristic of classical Greek statues. The second toe is the longest, followed by the first and third toes, which are almost the same length, and then the fourth and fifth toes. With this type of foot load the best way distributed throughout its anterior section.

Polynesian foot(Fig. 3), or the square foot depicted in Gauguin’s paintings: the toes (at least the first three) are of the same length. This type of foot does not cause any problems.

Now look closely at the arch of your foot. The type of arch of the foot can also tell a lot about its owner.

Low instep inherent in people who are accommodating and sociable, people who are ready to accept help and listen to advice.

High rise speaks of its owner’s good memory and good “leadership” qualities. At the same time, people with high rises are credited with lack of restraint and unprincipled character.

But, it doesn’t matter what type of foot you have, wide or narrow feet, high or low arches, flat or protruding heels. The main thing is that the foot is healthy!

And there are also such stop options:

1) Egyptian; 2) Roman; 3) Greek; 4) German; 5) Celtic