Effective methods of treating drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco addiction, and gambling addiction. How to determine the degree of development of alcoholism Alcoholism stage 2 treatment for the second half

05.09.2023 Thrombosis

By stage II of alcoholism, old symptoms become more severe, transform and manifest themselves in the form of other clinical variants corresponding to the next stage of the disease. It is believed that in most cases the formation of stage II occurs at the age of 25-30 years. In 60% of cases, the duration of stage II is less than 9 years, in the rest - 10-15 years or more.

Primary pathological attraction at stage II becomes more intense, aggravates not only situationally, but also spontaneously, and may be accompanied by a struggle of motives “to drink - not to drink” or be realized without such a struggle.

A large polymorphism of signs indicating an exacerbation of the internal need for alcohol and the actualization of the primary pathological desire, characteristic of stage I, at stage II of the disease is gradually replaced by two main clinical signs of the actualization of desire (Ivanets, Valentik, 1984; Valentin, 1984a). In the endogenous variant, attraction is actualized mainly under the influence of internal, constitutional and personal factors; in the clinical structure of desire, signs reflecting changes in the mental state of patients dominate; attraction is sufficiently recognized, and patients are able to correlate its individual symptoms with an exacerbation of the need for alcohol. With the exogenous version of actualization, attraction intensifies under the influence of external, mainly microsocial, factors. The clinical structure of desire is dominated by signs of changes in the well-being and behavior of patients. The attraction is poorly recognized, and patients do not sufficiently correlate its individual manifestations with the exacerbation of the internal need for alcohol.

Control over the amount of alcohol consumed during stage II is usually lost. The loss of quantitative control is also characterized by the fact that taking a certain dose of alcohol awakens an irresistible desire to continue drinking. This dose of alcohol is called “critical.” Restraining, previously ethical and social, moments are rarely able to prevent moderate or severe degrees of intoxication.

Tolerance at stage II reaches a maximum and remains constant for several years (“tolerance plateau”).

The picture of alcohol intoxication changes. At stage II of the disease, the period of euphoria in intoxication is shortened, and psychopathic-like disorders appear: irritability, aggressiveness, hysterical forms of behavior.

Alcohol amnesias become systematic and take the form of so-called palimpsests. Individual episodes of the period of intoxication are forgotten. At the same time, external signs of intoxication in that period, which is subsequently forgotten, may be expressed insignificantly, the behavior of patients may look quite orderly.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome - AAS (a complex of changes in the patient's condition that develops after cessation of alcohol consumption) - at stage II becomes a fundamentally new type of clinical manifestations of alcoholism. The appearance of AAS indicates serious pathological changes in the body and the completion of the formation of the biological substrate of the disease. In the structure of AAS, two main blocks of symptoms are distinguished. The first block reflects addiction and dependence on alcohol. It consists in the desire for a hangover varying in intensity - from an immediate morning hangover immediately after waking up to a delayed hangover in the evening of the next day. The second block of symptoms expresses the toxic component of alcoholism and is manifested by a complex of somatovegetative, neurological disorders (weakness, sweating, hyperemia and puffiness of the face, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, a feeling of muscle weakness, headaches, thirst, anorexia, dyspeptic disorders, etc. .).

Particularly typical are anorexia (loss of appetite) and (trembling) fingers, sometimes turning into tremors of all extremities and chills of the whole body. All of the listed signs of AAS may be observed or some of them may predominate. There are several types of AAS depending on the dominance of certain disorders: with vegetative asthenic (initial) disorders; with somatoneurological disorders; with mental disorders (anxiety and tension with fearfulness, delusional ideas, or depressive disorders with ideas of guilt and sleep disturbances).

During stage II, the form of alcohol abuse also changes, and patients tend to either periodically or permanently abuse alcoholic beverages. Some patients also have a mixed variant.

In the periodic form of alcohol abuse, isolated excesses change into pseudo-binges, which, in turn, are initially transformed into true binges. Pseudo-binges are periods of daily drinking, the duration of which ranges from several days to weeks. The beginning and end of binge drinking, as a rule, are stimulated by external microsocial factors (family, professional, availability of money, etc.).

With a constant form of alcohol abuse (pseudo-binge form), breaks are short and are associated primarily not with deterioration in well-being, but with external circumstances.

At stage II, a complex of personal changes also appears. The premorbid characterological characteristics of patients are sharpened. It is possible that certain features may appear that are directly related to alcoholism: an increase in the intensity and lability of emotional manifestations, their coarsening and the appearance of excitability, an insufficiently critical attitude towards alcohol abuse and one’s own condition, and individual moral and ethical defects. These traits, however, do not reach the level of alcohol degradation and can be reversed in the course of alcoholism.

Somatic complications during stage II of alcoholism often take the form of transient, reversible conditions. Cardiopathy, fatty liver degeneration, etc. are more often detected. Individual manifestations of acute psychotic states cannot be excluded.

Social consequences at stage II of alcoholism are very variable. Violations of family relationships can lead to divorce. Industrial disadaptation can be expressed in a forced change of place of work, demotion, or deskilling.

In stage II, conflicts with law enforcement agencies are common. Injuries at home and at work are possible.

In this article you will learn everything " Stages of alcoholism" Once you have the information, you can easily identify alcohol addiction in both yourself and another person.

According to recent research, it is the model presented below, where you will see the stages of alcoholism, that should be considered as a new standard.
And perhaps alcoholism will be much closer than you previously thought.
And this is good! Because the sooner you recognize what specific stage of alcoholism you are at, the sooner you can do something about it.

I wrote about the signs of alcoholism in a previous article.

Stages of alcoholism

1st stage of alcoholism

  1. In the first stage of alcoholism, a person drinks alcohol, and it seems to him that he is only enjoying himself without experiencing any negative consequences.
  2. In the first stage, alcohol provides a strong short-term benefit to the person, thereby causing the person to perceive alcohol as not only harmless, but also desirable.
  3. The person does not yet have a hangover, headache, etc.
  4. It seems to him that he has been spared, and he can drink alcohol safely.
  5. Also, at the first stage of alcoholism, a person completely denies his addiction. He believes that he drinks in moderation, for company, and simply for pleasure. And also uses other excuses. I wrote about them in detail in the article.
  6. At the first stage, alcoholism has a socially acceptable appearance, which masks the problem, allowing the addiction to gain more and more strength.

Stage 2 alcoholism

The following signs are characteristic of the second stage of alcoholism:

  • Periodic nature of use

Alcohol consumption becomes constant and periodic. For example, once a week a person necessarily gets drunk to a “good” state, accompanied by a complete loss of control. The presence of alcohol in life becomes a necessity.

  • Deprivation of freedom of choice.

If at the first stage of alcoholism a person could still choose to drink or not, then at the second stage a person is deprived of this opportunity. Addiction itself dictates how much and when a person drinks alcohol.
To check whether you have freedom of choice, try, for example, not drinking alcohol for at least a year.

  • Protection of use

Consciously or unconsciously, a person comes up with reasons to defend his drinking. He believes that he is just relaxing on the weekend, relieving stress, and so on.

  • Increasing tolerance

Also, the second stage of alcoholism is characterized by an increase in tolerance to alcohol.
Alcohol tolerance means that a person now needs to drink more alcohol to feel the same way. The old norm ceases to bring the same effect of pleasure.

  • Adaptation to alcohol

The body adapts to alcohol, the natural reflexes of alcohol rejection are removed. The body stops resisting.
The person again thinks that he can drink alcohol without serious consequences.

  • Loss of ability to control drinking

Increasingly, people are losing control over their alcohol consumption.
It is the loss of the ability to control what you drink that is the main sign of the second stage of alcoholism.
On the outside, everything looks good in a person's life. He leads a social lifestyle; he has friends who, by the way, also drink.

Stage 3 alcoholism

The third stage of alcoholism is characterized by several signs:

  • Reorienting your life around alcohol consumption

At the third stage of alcoholism, a person’s entire life begins to be built around drinking alcohol. Other matters lose their importance and fade into the background.

Even if a person continues to go to work and engage in external affairs, he is in a “waiting mode” for use.
He is waiting for the day when he can drink to relieve stress.
Drinking alcohol becomes the only desired goal, a source of pleasure.

  • The emergence of other dependencies

A person begins to form and intensify other dependencies.
A person begins to use various types of drugs more, watching porn, fantasizing about “indecent” topics, overeating, drinking coffee. Often he uses addictions simultaneously to get a greater “high” effect, since using them separately stops “inserting” the person.

  • Discomfort of real life

A person’s real life, when he is deprived of the opportunity to use, becomes uncomfortable. A person begins to experience internal pain, constant anxiety and irritation.
Only when a person drinks, he becomes unreasonably cheerful and hyper-energetic for a while.

  • Intensifying crisis

In life, problems that did not bother you before begin to manifest themselves more and more. due to the fact that a person ignores other areas of life in favor of drinking alcohol.
At this stage of alcoholism, a person does not recognize his addiction; he believes that new problems have arisen due to the ill fate of fate, external reasons, but not because of addiction.
A person zealously defends his drinking, considering alcohol to be the only source of joy.

  • Destruction of social connections

At the third stage of alcoholism, changes occur in:
Selfishness, pride, and harshness appear in communication with loved ones.
Aggression towards other people also appears.
The desire to isolate from society.
The person begins to get annoyed by other people.

  • Increasing frequency of use

The frequency of alcohol consumption increases.
A person can use several days in a row, for example, on Friday and Saturday.
Drinks in the middle of the week.

Stage 4 alcoholism

At the fourth stage, mental problems caused by alcohol consumption begin.
  • At the fourth stage, mental problems caused by alcohol begin.
  • Personal degradation occurs, unnoticed by the person himself.
  • Sober living skills, the ability to get along with people and cope with problems are lost.
  • The frequency of alcohol consumption becomes constant and does not change for some time.
  • Irreversible changes begin to occur in the human psyche and physiology.
  • Prolonged abstinence without alcohol gives rise to internal discomfort, increased heart rate, and bad thoughts.
  • Irreversible consequences appear in thinking, which becomes mostly negative and depressed.
  • A person begins to think that it’s all about his alcohol consumption.
  • He makes attempts to quit drinking, but suddenly realizes that it is difficult for him to live without alcohol and returns to drinking. He begins to realize his mental and physical dependence on alcohol, but does not know what to do about it. He tries to reduce the dose, drink less often, or stop drinking altogether - but all attempts fail.

It is at the fourth stage of alcoholism that the consequences end, when a person is still able to get out of addiction on his own.

What to do?

If you notice that you or a loved one are on one of the stages of alcoholism- this is already a signal to sound the alarm.
It is at these stages that you need to stop denying yours as soon as possible. You need to admit to yourself that you are at one of the stages of alcoholism and start doing something about it.

These were the 4 stages of alcoholism.
Already, being at these stages, it is quite difficult to stop drinking.
Alcoholism is only scary when you don't know what to do with it.
But in this case there are specific things to do and how to win forever


Alcoholism is a disease that occurs in a person due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Many call it a bad habit, but this is fundamentally wrong, since drinking alcohol leads to the development of severe psychological dependence. The first stage of the disease is not always recognized by relatives and the patient himself, but the second stage of alcoholism already manifests itself with special symptoms. At this stage, it is necessary to urgently provide assistance to the person, since the disease can become chronic, in which irreversible complications arise.

Not everyone can notice the line between the first and second stages of alcoholism. As this stage develops, the duration of the binges gradually increases, and the intervals between them become smaller. The second stage of alcoholism lasts from 5 to 15 years. It all depends on how much alcohol a person drinks. It is characterized by a daily dose of alcohol of 500 ml or more. In women, addiction to alcohol largely depends on how regularly they drink alcohol. The amount consumed is not so important. And for men, both factors are important. Therefore, women are more susceptible to the development of alcoholism and the stages pass from one to another also faster. Many doctors claim that it is impossible to cure female alcoholism at advanced stage 2.

When a person drinks alcohol at this stage, his mood immediately improves. But the dose is already higher than in the first stage.

A distinctive feature of stage 2 is a high level of tolerance to alcoholic beverages. This moment is very dangerous for the health and life of an alcoholic. In addition, a person at this stage often does not overindulge in alcohol. If there is a lack of money, an alcoholic can use pharmaceutical tinctures, cologne and other types of surrogates, which leads to serious and rapid health problems. The reason for this is the loss of social status, work, family and, in general, the degradation of personality. A person cannot independently fully assess the danger of a situation and his goal is only the next dose of alcohol.

Attention! The second stage is characterized by the fact that a person drinks alcohol no longer to improve his mood, but to satisfy the physical needs of the body.

Symptoms and signs

Intoxication of the body at stage 2 of alcoholism already manifests itself as acute symptoms. These include headache, nausea, vomiting, tremors of the limbs, tachycardia. For these signs to go away, you need another dose of alcohol.

An alcoholic can be recognized by the following psychological signs:

  • periods of aggression and anger;
  • depression, apathy;
  • inappropriate actions;
  • tendency to conflict;
  • constant craving for drinking alcoholic beverages.

Already at this stage, long-term drinking bouts appear. But it is typical that after drinking a person is not inhibited and performance increases while intoxicated. In addition, a person grows faster and he performs both physical and mental activities highly productively. After alcohol leaves the body or its concentration decreases, the psycho-emotional state changes, and the person develops an irresistible craving for alcohol.

When an alcoholic is sober, he is lethargic, gets tired quickly, and all his negative qualities appear. In general, the alcoholic begins to degrade. His intellectual abilities are declining, and solving ordinary everyday problems becomes a difficult task.

Another symptom is insomnia. A person cannot fall asleep without a dose of alcohol, but if he drinks a large amount of alcohol, he will become active and will not be able to fall asleep either. Along with insomnia, an alcoholic may have nightmares.

In the second stage of alcoholism, a person goes into prolonged binges, after which a seizure often occurs. Signs of such a seizure may include convulsions during which a person may bite their tongue, as well as involuntary urination.

After heavy drinking, a person becomes a victim of hallucinations, delirium tremens, and paranoid ideas. And also, many people experience alcoholic jealousy. This is a personality disorder in which an alcoholic begins to be pathologically baselessly jealous of his partner, not seeing his problems and the true causes of problems in the family.

A characteristic condition for 2nd degree alcoholism is “Alcoholic Korsakovsky” psychosis. This complication from drinking alcohol is manifested by impaired sensitivity of the limbs - its absence or severe pain. Another symptom of this psychosis is memory disorders. Sometimes it gets to the point that a person wakes up in his house and cannot remember where he is.


Stage 2 of alcoholism is the case when treatment brings positive results, but it will not be possible to cope without the help of specialists. The treatment is complex and will require the help of many doctors.

The first and main condition for starting therapy is a complete abstinence from alcohol. Addiction remains for life, so if a person starts drinking alcohol in small doses after treatment, sooner or later this will lead to relapse and binge drinking.

Treatment tactics:

  • Detoxification.
  • Psychological rehabilitation.
  • Social adaptation.
  • Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating concomitant diseases and relieving characteristic symptoms.

Drug therapy

Treatment with medications also takes place in several stages. The first is detoxification, which cleanses the body of toxic substances and breakdown products. ethyl alcohol. Detoxification therapy relieves the patient of physical dependence, that is, hangover syndrome. Also, metabolic processes and sleep begin to normalize. Detoxification drugs are Unithiol, Sodium thiosulfate.

A special place in drug therapy is given to the correction of mental disorders. In this case, sedative or psychotropic drugs are prescribed. This helps relieve symptoms such as tension, irritability, anxiety, and also has a general vegetative stabilizing effect. Drugs – Aminazine, Levomepromazine.

It is important that psychotropic medications should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist, and they should be taken only according to the prescribed regimen and dosage. Since uncontrolled use of these drugs can lead to dependence on them. Tranquilizers include medications such as Elenium, Trioxazine, Diazepam.

Another group of drugs are nootropics. They help normalize metabolic processes in the body, as a result, the craving for alcohol will become less pronounced.

There is such a procedure as “coding” an alcoholic. To do this, a person is injected with Disulfiram, which, when interacting with alcohol, provokes unpleasant symptoms - headache, dizziness, tachycardia, vomiting, etc.

The main condition of therapy is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Attention! Drug therapy is also prescribed if other concomitant diseases have been diagnosed. For example, gastritis, peptic ulcer, alcoholic hepatitis, etc.

Psychological method

An alcoholic must undergo psychological rehabilitation after undergoing drug therapy. Since the second stage of alcohol addiction develops a persistent psychological dependence, that is, the problem of an alcoholic sits deep in the head and a person will not be cured by simply getting through it. Sometimes it takes people 6-8 or more months to complete treatment.

One of the most famous programs around the world is the 12 step method. It involves self-analysis of the patient, changing his thinking and assistance on a group basis. It is important that a person is isolated from everything for some time in order to begin to change.

Social adaptation is a stage of treatment that takes place at home. A psychologist helps a person adapt to society, return to work, and renew relationships with family members. It is also recommended that an alcoholic attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.


It is possible to cure stage 2 alcoholism only with full treatment prescribed by doctors. And also with the full support of family and friends. This stage of the disease is already a severe psychological dependence on alcohol. Therefore, people often break down and go on binges again. A positive result is observed only in those who are fully aware of their disease.

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Alcoholism belongs to the category of gradually developing progressive diseases.

In its development, the disease passes through three successive stages, the transition between which occurs imperceptibly. This explains why narcologists make a diagnosis not based on individual signs, but on a specific set of symptoms. The solution to the problem can only be voluntary awareness of the severity of the condition and the desire to be treated. And not just to be treated for alcoholism, but to be completely cured. The only condition for getting rid of it is an unconditional and final renunciation of alcohol.

At this stage, the addiction becomes obvious not only to the drinker, but also to those around him. The state of fatigue increases, which often leads to attempts to get rid of alcohol addiction. However, the attempts made are rarely successful.

The patient's behavior becomes nervous and aggressive, memory loss and constant irritability become more frequent. Memory lapses are associated with impairments in the capacity of short-term and long-term memory. A feature of the thinking of patients is the easy production of significant volumes of alcohol associations, indicating an increase in the intensity of alcohol craving. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level and productivity of thinking, the disappearance of the creative component and sense of humor. Thinking becomes disorganized, inert and slow.

Affective behavioral disorders are accompanied by anxiety or depression. From self-deprecation and self-reproaches (in the phase of vegetative disorders), patients move on to demonstrative suicidal attempts, which most often have the nature of blackmail in response to the refusal to issue money for alcohol.

Exacerbation of an anxiety state sometimes leads to fear of death as a result of a heart attack and panic behavior, expressed in demands to immediately call a doctor and take heart medications. Cardiophobia is combined with somatovegetative signs of withdrawal - rapid heartbeat and cardialgia. The same conditions can occur as a result of a feeling of lack of air.

Stage 2 of alcoholism also reveals mental disorders, consisting of individual signs of pathological personality development and intellectual-mnestic deviations. Here, regardless of the patient’s condition (intoxication or withdrawal syndrome), three types of personal changes are distinguished: sharpening of personality characteristics, alcohol degradation and psychoorganic syndrome of alcohol origin.

The result of prolonged alcohol abuse is the emergence of psychopathic-like disorders. It is customary to distinguish:

At the second stage of alcoholism, as a result of constant exposure to alcohol and its metabolites, a persistent cognitive impairment is formed - a psychoorganic syndrome of alcohol origin, which reaches full development in the third stage of the disease. The progression of alcohol dependence in such a case can result in conditions such as lacunar dementia or pseudoparalysis.

Other severe consequences of alcoholism of the second stage include the transition of existing somatic diseases into chronic forms with the addition of toxic hepatitis, acute pancreatitis and alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only made after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

The medical history of alcoholics convincingly demonstrates that the penultimate stage of alcoholism provides society with the largest army of representatives of a bad habit. It includes those who previously refused to admit that they were alcoholics and therefore did not seek help. The “green serpent” during this period relies on two vices:

  • hangover syndrome;
  • plateau of tolerance.

Hangover syndrome

It is formed the day before, at the initial stage. A reasonable question arises: what is the middle, penultimate or, as they also say, the second stage of alcoholism?

This is the period when the syndrome has taken root in the alcoholic’s body and characteristic symptoms appear after almost every heavy feast:

  • dull vision;
  • reddened and swollen face;
  • shaking hands;
  • seizures; convulsions;
  • "delirium tremens";
  • the desire to recover from a hangover dominates other feelings.

Characteristic signs confirm that a person is no longer controlled by instincts, but by alcohol dependence of the 2nd degree:

  • the alcoholic goes on a binge for several days or weeks;
  • for 1-1.5 months he suffers from insomnia;
  • the patient becomes irritable;
  • performance is lost.

Being in captivity of the above-mentioned signs of astheno-neurotic syndrome, falling even into infrequent binges - only once every few months, the drinker does not feel the charm of life normal person. Alcoholics experience pseudo-binges, and some experience real ones.

Tolerance plateau

This definition means that a person is overcome by classic chronic alcoholism. Resistance to alcohol has reached its maximum level and remains stable for a long period. A “trained” body can withstand infusions of alcohol up to 2 liters per day without intervals of sobriety.

Patients can be satisfied with small doses of alcohol during the day, and at the end of the day they can “come off” to the maximum. Alcoholics boast about their unique ability to drink without getting drunk.

Indeed, during this period they are not aware of a morning hangover, because against the background of constant drinking, the withdrawal syndrome does not work in the morning and the person, as if nothing had happened, goes to work. He is invigorated, energy is seething in him. And during the day, alcohol is purchased and used for its “intended purpose” after work. But this is in no way regarded by them as a hangover.

Experts have come to the conclusion that the second stage of alcoholism has several forms of drinking alcohol.

  1. Cyclic form. Regardless of how the patient drinks, he is constantly controlled by the “green serpent.” Often the behavior of an alcoholic is perceived as normal, but with its own “quirks.” Few people pay attention to the limitations of the sphere of his life interests.
  2. The permanent form of alcoholism is divided into two parts:
    • state of a non-alcoholic minimum: employment at work, driving, etc.;
    • participation in feasts.

Of these two parts of life in parallel dimensions, the second has priority. The patient is constantly in the camp of the acquired cycle:

  • feast;
  • hangover;
  • way out of a hangover;
  • problem solving;
  • external well-being;
  • provocation of the feast.

Experts clarified how long the “non-alcoholic minimum” lasts and discovered an interesting fact: it can be relatively long – up to 2 months. Therefore, the second stage of alcoholism, in comparison with others, is the longest - from 5 to 15 years.

Periodic “emerging” from the bottle creates the illusion of well-being, so patients during this period categorically deny the diagnosis given to them - alcoholism. They categorically deny not only treatment, but even the offer to undergo an examination or at least an interview with a doctor.

At the crossroads

This is a very important moment in the life of a drinker: either he will be cured, or he will lose everything and find himself in the company of drinking buddies and the “green serpent.” The fact is that effective treatment in this condition, it is possible only in a hospital and only under the supervision of a specialist.

There is a dangerous component of the period of 2nd degree alcoholism: you cannot “stop drinking” at one moment. A sharp jump in the body can provoke severe somatoneurological symptoms and problems associated with both motor functions and the functioning of internal organs.

Mental symptoms, decline in intelligence, and personality degradation appear. Precursors of acute psychosis arise, i.e. alcoholic delirium or, as people called it, “delirium tremens.”

Doctors register hepatitis.

As a result of prolonged drinking bouts, alcoholic myopathy worsens, weakness, swelling in the shoulders and thigh muscles occurs. Heart diseases occur, but they are not ischemic in nature.

The situation is extremely difficult, but not yet a stalemate: during this period, patients are at a crossroads with little choice, the essence of which comes down to finding a doctor. If this is not done, alcoholics are usually taken to a doctor.

But this is not a narcologist, but a pathologist.

Agree, a narcologist is better.