What does Riboxin do in sports? What is Riboxin used for in bodybuilding? Combination with other medications

03.10.2023 ethnoscience

Riboxin is a drug that has anabolic qualities and a minimum of side effects, due to which it is widely used in sports. It increases endurance and stimulates muscle growth, but its main value is in protecting the heart from overload. Let's look at its main properties, rules of administration, as well as how Riboxin is used in sports and bodybuilding to achieve maximum results from strength training.

This drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the heart, liver, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. Its therapeutic effect is based on the activation of metabolism under conditions of oxygen and ATP deficiency. This quality is very important during anaerobic exercise, characteristic of strength training, which led to the use of Riboxin in sports and bodybuilding.

The active ingredient of Riboxin tablets is inosine is a compound related to the tissues of the human body. Inosine is part of RNA macromolecules that deliver oxygen to muscle cells. It is also involved in the formation of ATP molecules, which provide energy for all intracellular processes, including the contraction of muscle fibers.

Due to the ability of inosine to increase the production of ATP, the “fuel” for muscle cells, and to ensure cellular respiration in conditions of oxygen deficiency, it is used in the treatment of ischemic diseases. Ischemia is a disruption of the blood supply to organs, as a result of which their tissues are deprived of the flow of oxygen and may die, followed by the replacement of dead areas with connective tissue.

Taking Riboxin helps accelerate metabolism in conditions of oxygen deficiency, which helps overcome oxygen starvation of tissues and avoid negative consequences ischemia. Therefore, this drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy for ischemic heart disease (coronary heart disease), during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction, and for arrhythmias. It is also effective for organic lesions of liver tissue (cirrhosis, fatty degeneration), organs of vision, and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

The positive effect of riboxin on the heart muscle is especially noticeable. When taking it:

  • heart rate normalizes, arrhythmia disappears;
  • the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the heart muscle increases;
  • the strength of contractions increases, the volume of blood released per contraction increases, the relaxation of the heart muscle becomes more complete in the intervals between beats, which is most favorable for both the heart and the blood supply to all organs;
  • metabolism in the tissues of the heart is activated and their regeneration is accelerated;
  • the risk of blood clots is reduced by reducing platelet aggregation.

The beneficial effect of inosine on the heart is manifested not only in cardiovascular diseases, but also in conditions of high physical and neuropsychic stress, which are observed in sports. Therefore, Riboxin is often prescribed for athletes during periods of intense training to improve cardiac activity and protect the heart from overload.

Application in sports, bodybuilding

The anabolic properties of inosine were discovered in the mid-70s of the twentieth century by Japanese scientists. They also proposed using this substance for treatment cardiovascular diseases. But Soviet scientists, after analyzing research data obtained by their Japanese colleagues, also decided to use inosine in sports to improve the athletic achievements of Soviet weightlifters. After all, it accelerates the processes of anabolism during anaerobic exercise, and this is exactly what is needed in strength sports.

Since the 1980s, the USSR began to actively use inosine as a sports supplement in the training of weightlifters. Its use allowed athletes to train more effectively. Reviews from athletes about Riboxin indicated that after taking it, their workouts were more effective, they were able to do more repetitions and approaches before severe fatigue appeared.

The American scientist Fred Hatfield became interested in the experience of Soviet coaches, and in 1983 he came to Moscow as part of a collaboration. He borrowed the idea of ​​using inosine in sports from his Soviet colleagues and continued researching this supplement in the United States. And although the results of his experiments were encouraging, further studies by American and European scientists did not confirm the effectiveness of inosine supplementation in sports.

But some athletes are confident that Riboxin was a fiasco in foreign studies, since all the secrets of its correct administration were not revealed to Americans. Or perhaps the reason for this was the appearance of many other sports supplements, which competed with Riboxin. But this old remedy cannot be discounted, because its use in sports has many advantages over other anabolic supplements.

Benefits of Riboxin:

  • increases strength endurance;
  • accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue;
  • improves heart function and protects it from overload;
  • this natural compound, which is part of the body’s tissues, has a minimum of side effects;
  • Riboxin is cheap and easily available;
  • it is not a drug prohibited in sports.

Of course, the anabolic effect of Riboxin is not comparable to the results of taking anabolic steroids. However, unlike AS, the use of which is fraught with serious health problems, Riboxin in bodybuilding and sports not only does not cause harm, on the contrary, in reasonable dosages it is very useful because it facilitates the work of the heart during intense training. It improves the supply of oxygen to heart tissue, normalizes pulse, accelerates the regeneration of myocardial cells, in a word – protects heart health when playing sports.

How to take, dosage

How should athletes take Riboxin? The dosage will depend on the goals you set for yourself, as well as on your individual tolerance to the drug. If your goal is to prevent heart problems during intense sports, then it will be enough to take 0.8 g of Riboxin per day (4 times a day, 1 tablet of 0.2 g).

And if you want to get an anabolic effect in the form of accelerated gains in strength and muscle mass, then the dosage must be increased. This can only be done if the drug is well tolerated. Every 2-3 days, add one tablet at each dose to the previously taken dose and monitor the body’s reaction. If the supplement is well tolerated, then gradually increase the intake to 4 tablets of 0.2 g three times a day.

Riboxin should be taken before meals. The drug should be taken in courses lasting from 1 to 3 months.

There is an opinion that the anabolic effect of using Riboxin in sports can be increased by taking it together with asparkam, calcium glycerophosphate, B vitamins, potassium orotate and methyluracil.


  • children under 18 years of age;
  • patients with gout;
  • having a higher than normal level of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia);
  • those suffering from renal failure;
  • having individual sensitivity to inosine.

Since the effect of the drug on pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied, it is recommended that pregnant and lactating women take Riboxin only as prescribed by a doctor.

Previously, athletes especially often used a drug such as Riboxin. And currently this drug is used by bodybuilders and powerlifters. It is used as a supplement to the main course of steroids. Thus, Riboxin can be considered the first among non-steroidal anabolics.

To describe it scientifically, riboxin is a nucleic acid that is a purine base that can be compared to guanine and adenine. Riboxin is present in organ meats and brewer's yeast.

Properties of Riboxin

Riboxin has a lot of positive properties.

  • First of all, it helps to increase the capacity of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Participates in metabolic processes (read more about metabolism in this article).
  • Stimulates the production of insulin, which promotes the absorption of carbohydrates into the heart muscle.
  • Dilates blood vessels.
  • Increases endurance and, as a result, the intensity of training (which is especially valued by bodybuilders).
  • Strengthens the immune system, stimulates regenerative processes in muscle tissue.

Riboxin can provide all this. Since muscles require a large amount of energy to work, riboxin is its source, replacing ATP. Under the influence of this drug, metabolic processes increase, tissue respiration improves due to the antihypoxic effect.

Any drugs used to improve physical indicators, require caution in use. If you want to be sure of the effectiveness and safety of drugs (including Riboxin) for your body, contact the specialists who work on our website. They will definitely take into account the characteristics of your body and draw up a competent training and nutrition plan.

After taking Riboxin, the metabolic process increases, tissues better tolerate the lack of oxygen, and it is better absorbed by tissue cells. It also has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, which is important during high physical activity.

Use of the drug

Doctors use Riboxin to treat diseases of the stomach, heart, liver and duodenum, as well as to treat the liver after prolonged drinking. It will be useful to take Riboxin after a course of taking anabolic steroids, but it is also possible to take Riboxin along with steroids in parallel.

Another indication for the use of Riboxin is glaucoma. Using this drug, visual function improves. Since sprains may occur in bodybuilding, constant strengthening of blood vessels is necessary, which is facilitated by Riboxin. There is an opinion that Riboxin is the best anabolic agent, although not everyone agrees with this. But if we compare non-steroidal and non-hormonal drugs, then Riboxin can rightfully be called the best drug for bodybuilding.

Soviet weightlifters once widely used Riboxin, but subsequently the effectiveness of the drug was not confirmed. You can achieve good results by taking the drug together with orotate, B vitamins, methiuracil and glycerophosphate. Moreover, this is true for both naturalists and “chemists”.

It is especially important that Riboxin can become a worthy substitute for creatine at a lower cost. In this case, side effects are reduced only to individual intolerance. This may manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions. But, as a rule, this drug is well tolerated, provided the dosage is followed.

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Taking Riboxin

The drug is available in tablet form, which must be taken half an hour before meals. Start taking one tablet for four days. During this time, the body’s tolerance to the drug will become clear. Further, the dosage is increased to two and a half grams per day. There is a universal formula with which the working dosage is calculated: 0.15 g per 10 kg of weight. This will be the daily dosage, which is divided into several doses.

It is especially advisable to take Riboxin a couple of hours before training. The duration of use is from one to three months, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Summarize: Riboxin is advisable to use during particularly intense training of bodybuilders, as it promotes rapid recovery of the body. Due to the large number of positive properties and versatility, taking this drug is recommended for most athletes, allowing you to achieve high results in a relatively short period of time.

Let's consider one of the nutritional supplements often used in sports - Riboxin. It is mainly used by other athletes who try to maintain their body in ideal condition. This food supplement is also called Inosine.

What does it look like?

Riboxin for athletes has the form of an odorless white powder, which has a bitter taste and cannot be dissolved in water.

Effect on the body

After consuming this supplement, you feel a surge of energy, it speeds up metabolism and supplies all human organs with oxygen. Let's take a closer look at how Riboxin acts on the body:

  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • affects protein synthesis, which is simply necessary for athletes;
  • promotes the formation of ATP;
  • prevents oxygen starvation in the body;
  • increases blood flow;
  • fills the whole body with energy;
  • improves heart function;
  • helps get rid of gastritis during pregnancy.

By using this dietary supplement, athletes can work out in the gym for a long time and feel very good. Medicine Riboxin is recommended for use for the heart, as well as after heavy drinking.

How should athletes take Riboxin?

The daily dose of this dietary supplement is 1.5-2 g, if converted into tablets it is 7-14 pcs. It must be consumed before meals, 4 times a day. It is not necessary to take Riboxin before training, since the total amount of the dose taken before meals will be sufficient. First, to get your body used to it, take 1 tablet at a time, and then gradually increase your dose to 3 tablets. The duration of taking this dietary supplement is a maximum of 3 months, after which you must take a break of about 2 months.

Side effects

We have figured out how to take Riboxin in sports, now we will look at the possible side effects.

In general, there are no problems unless you have an intolerance to the supplement, kidney failure, or gout. If you exceed the dose, you may experience the following disorders: allergies in the form of a rash on the skin, which may itch and peel. There may also be irregular heartbeat and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

In sports, Riboxin will help you achieve excellent results and form an excellent body contour. Thanks to nutritional supplements and intense training, you can achieve the desired result.

- a good supplement for athletes

Advantages: relatively harmless

Disadvantages: unfortunately, it doesn’t work for everyone

The use of Riboxin in sports, or rather its influence on achievable results, is a rather controversial and often discussed process. On the one hand, it is an ordinary substance that the body needs, but on the other hand, does it really have different miraculous properties? Most often, this supplement is used in bodybuilding, as well as in weightlifting, when it is important to maintain your body in good classical shape. Often this additive is also called inosine.

I don’t know how true this comparison is, but I think that’s how it is.

If we talk about pure appearance, then this additive is a white powder that is devoid of any odor, very slightly soluble in water, but at the same time has a characteristic bitter taste, indicating that the substance still dissolves in water.

In this case, it should be noted that the degree of action can be very different depending on the characteristics of a particular organism. But very often, the use of this supplement gives a certain pleasant energy boost and lightness in the body, since it helps to accelerate all metabolic processes in the body, especially those involving oxygen. The effect of riboxin can ultimately be characterized in several directions - first of all, by the fact that metabolic processes are accelerated and activated (as has already been said above); further, the processes of protein biosynthesis are improved - and this is precisely a significant plus for an athlete; adenosine triphosphate is formed, that is, energy is deposited or accumulated so that it can then be released at the right time; the possibility of oxygen deficiency is excluded, which means that tissues will not starve from lack of oxygen; Blood circulation processes improve, and the blood itself begins to carry oxygen better. This action is not described in all sources, but many mention it; the functioning of the heart improves, it begins to work better; finally, a feature of the drug is often mentioned that it can protect against gastritis during pregnancy. Whether to believe here or not is up to everyone to decide, I’ll just say that this fact is also given.

The only thing that can be undoubtedly noted is that the use of the supplement in most cases has a positive effect on sports performance. The point, of course, is not that by taking Riboxin you will score more goals against your opponent or somehow push the shot better, it’s just that when working out in the gym or in the pool you will definitely feel better, and the exercise itself will undoubtedly be more productive.

The question often arises about the mode of taking this supplement so that there is a positive effect without overdoing it. As a rule, you should use from one and a half to 2 grams of Riboxin per day, that is, when converted to the tablet version - from 7 to 14 tablets. Look at the weight of one tablet when taking it. If, say, a workout is planned today, then it is not at all necessary to take the drug, since the dose taken the day before the meal will do its job and it will turn out to be quite normal.

Getting used to Riboxin does not happen instantly, so this should also be reflected in the pill intake. Initially, you should start with one tablet per dose, and then gradually increase the dosage to three tablets. The course of taking this supplement should be approximately three months, after which it is imperative to stop for a couple of months.

The drug is usually well tolerated and should not be taken unless there is an individual intolerance.

Riboxin is a non-steroidal anabolic steroid, which is taken in addition to the main course of steroids by athletes involved in bodybuilding and powerlifting. This drug, at its core, is a nucleic acid, which is a purine base comparable to nitrogenous bases such as adenine and guanine. Riboxin contains brewer's yeast and by-products.

The drug has a multifaceted positive effect on the body of athletes. Its use allows:

  • increase hemoglobin carrying capacity;
  • stimulate insulin synthesis, helping the heart muscle better absorb carbohydrates;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • strengthen the body's protective functions;
  • stimulate regenerative processes in muscle tissue;
  • increase your stamina level.

The latter quality of Riboxin is especially valuable for bodybuilding, as it allows athletes to train even more intensely.

Thanks to such multifaceted effects of riboxin, it becomes the main source of energy, huge amounts of which are expended when performing strength exercises. It is able to replace ATP. The product stimulates metabolic processes, and its antihypoxic effect is tissue respiration.

On a note

The use of any drug, including Riboxin, requires caution. To be completely confident in the safety of its use, which depends on individual characteristics and the athlete’s health status, you should undergo a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Athletes taking Riboxin experience increased metabolism, and the lack of oxygen does not bring any noticeable discomfort. This is due to the fact that tissue cells begin to better absorb oxygen. The positive effect the drug has on the heart muscle is also important. This is especially important during increased physical activity during bodybuilding and powerlifting.

In clinical medicine, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the liver, duodenum, stomach, and heart. It is often prescribed to patients with liver problems caused by prolonged alcohol consumption. The benefits of Riboxin are fully revealed after completing a course of anabolic steroids. It can also be taken in parallel with steroids.

Riboxin is recommended for people suffering from glaucoma. It improves the function of the optic nerve. For bodybuilders, this drug is a kind of prevention of complications associated with sprains. Some consider it the best among anabolic agents. Not everyone agrees with this opinion. However, comparisons are non-steroidal and non-hormonal drugs, Riboxin can be called “number one” for bodybuilders.

The peak of Riboxin's popularity came at the time Soviet Union when weightlifters actively used this drug. The effectiveness of the product has not been confirmed and interest in it has subsided. This is due to the fact that it can achieve truly significant results only when taken together with vitamins from group B, methyluracil, orotate, and glycerophosphate. This is relevant not only for those who use chemicals, but also for adherents of natural bodybuilding.

Having a lower cost, Riboxin can completely replace expensive creatine. The drug has only one by-effect- individual intolerance, manifested as an allergic reaction. It is usually provoked by non-compliance with the recommended dosage.

Riboxin: release form and dosage

The drug is available in tablets, which are taken half an hour before meals. The first four days use the minimum dosage to ensure there is no individual intolerance. If no allergic reaction occurs, daily norm increase to two and a half grams.

Riboxin course

The daily dose when taken orally for bodybuilding is 1.5 - 2.5 grams. In the first days of taking the daily dose of Riboxin is 0.6 - 0.8 g - 0.2 g 3 - 4 times a day. If the drug is well tolerated, this dose is increased to 2.5 g. The course duration is from 4 weeks to 1.5 - 3 months.


Riboxin accelerates the recovery of the body and is recommended for use by bodybuilders during periods of intense training. The drug has many positive qualities and is suitable for most athletes. Its use allows a short time achieve better results from your training.