Switch to electronic document management with counterparties. Electronic document management with counterparties. How much do electronic documents cost?

Currently, the exchange of documents between business entities and individuals is gradually moving from paper to electronic. An electronic document management system has a number of advantages over simple paper - it saves time and increases the efficiency of decisions made. The EDMS can be built both within a company and between different companies via the Internet.

Electronic document management is a system of processes for processing documents in electronic form. Most modern accounting and personnel programs can generate electronic documents in a standard format established at the legislative level. But for such a document to have legal weight, it must be signed by both parties with an electronic signature.

Electronic document flow can be divided into two large types - the exchange of documents within a company or between different companies via communication channels. It is possible to combine these two systems into one global one.

Using electronic document management within a company requires purchasing the necessary software package (EDM platform), as well as equipment for its operation (network equipment, server, etc.).

In order to exchange documents between two companies, an electronic document management operator is required. It guarantees the delivery of messages, controls the format of sent documents, requires certification of work with data with an electronic signature, and stores an archive of documents.

Attention! One of such services is. Documents received through it are legally significant if they bear a mark from the electronic signature of both sides of the document flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of EDI

Key Benefits

Electronic document management has undeniable advantages over paper:

  • Streamlining office work - the system will not allow you to assign the same number to different documents, since this will happen in order and automatically;
  • Tracking the position of each document - at any time you can find out who exactly is working with the document. An employee will not be able to damage it or lose it. A document deleted accidentally or on purpose can still be restored;
  • Speeding up document processing - if company departments are scattered across several buildings, then the paper document must be personally carried there for approval. With EDI required document gets to the employee in a split second;
  • Convenient work with versions - when editing, the system saves each version. If necessary, you can track who made changes to the document and when;
  • 24-hour remote access - if necessary, access to the EDF system can be organized via the Internet from any computer in the world. An employee can work with documents while on a business trip, on vacation or on sick leave;
  • Work planning - by specifying the creation date and execution date, you can plan the execution of incoming documents according to the queue;
  • Document search - you can search the general document database using keywords and expressions;
  • Save paper - there is no need to print all documents in the required quantity.

Main disadvantages

Despite the obvious advantages, EDI systems also have disadvantages that can stop a company from implementing them.

These include:

  • Need to spend cash for the purchase of a system, which, depending on the number of users, can amount to up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • After purchase, it takes a long time to install, implement and debug;
  • It is necessary to train all users who will be involved in it;
  • Ensuring system security - restricting access between users, issuing the necessary electronic signatures, protecting against outside penetration;
  • The company must have an administrator on staff who will monitor the functioning of the system, perform service activities, and resolve user issues;
  • In order to protect information, it is necessary to carry out backup databases with documents;
  • If EDI is not available from partner firms, it is necessary to ensure the existence of both an electronic and paper system.

Electronic document management functionality

Any document management system must ensure the execution of many actions:

  • Work with any types of documents - create them, draw them up, process them, register them, monitor their implementation, coordinate them, etc.;
  • Organize document flows - determine routes within the company, limit access between individual users, provide the ability to work with one document for several people at once;
  • Organize an archive of documents with the ability to search and store them.

Attention! Electronic document management should provide the same ability to work with documents as traditional paper.

Large developed systems provide opportunities:

  • Registration of all passing documents - incoming, outgoing, internal, with their further redirection to the manager;
  • Ensure a uniform procedure for working with documents in each division of the company;
  • Work with the document both individually and collectively;
  • Exchange documents between departments and specific employees;
  • Restrict access to documents;
  • Use standard forms for all documents;
  • Control that approval, execution and other work with the document will be completed on time;
  • Generate reporting - analytical, statistical, etc.;
  • Organize archival storage with recording of the date and time of user access.

Is it possible to combine paper document flow with electronic one?

After switching to electronic document flow in an organization, at first it will still not be possible to completely abandon paper documents.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Not all counterparties use EDI;
  • The enterprise already has a lot of paper documents stored in the archive.

However, there are fundamental differences in working with electronic and paper documents. For example, a paper document needs to be printed and brought to the manager for signature, while an electronic document must be signed in the system itself. Paper accounting documents sent to a counterparty may be lost in the mail during shipment, while electronic ones reach the addressee.

The main difference between working with the two types of documents is their storage. Electronic documents immediately enter the system, where all users can work with them. For paper documents, an archive should still be organized where they will be stored in an orderly manner. At the same time, after reaching the company, the paper document must be scanned, and this scanned copy must be loaded into the system for further work.

Attention! Thus, work within the company should still be carried out only electronically. If a paper document arrives, only those who receive or sign it see it. At the same time, working with an electronic copy allows you to protect the original from almost any loss, and allows several users to work with it simultaneously.

What EDI programs exist?

There are many document management systems on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common systems:

System Peculiarities Price
Case One of the largest EDI programs. Great functionality, simplicity and ease of use. From 11 to 13.5 thousand rubles. for one workplace
Logics Can be used in companies of any size, easy to learn, flexible adjustment to the user From 4900 to 5900 per place.
Euphrates Considered the most advanced of the systems, the delivery includes its own database system, light and pleasant design From 5,000 rubles per workstation when deployed on an organization’s server, from 10,000 rubles. when placed on the developer's equipment.
1C:Archive Full integration with any 1C products, the ability to store any files - text, graphics, video and audio. From 12 to 57 thousand rubles. for the entire program.
DIRECTUM The optimal system for small and medium-sized enterprises, you can combine electronic documents with paper ones. From 7 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles for a license
OPTIMA-WorkFlow A new system that is just beginning to actively develop. There are several features unique to this system. From 55 to 75 thousand rubles. for a license.

Interaction of an electronic document with other programs

Taking its place in the electronic environment of the organization, the EDI system must, during operation, freely support other business applications already operating in it. For example, it is necessary to freely process accounting documents - invoices, acts, invoices, powers of attorney, etc.

In addition, the electronic document management system must work consistently with everyone and operate with the same data. Therefore, it is necessary that the system can support directories used in the electronic environment and be able to update data in them.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account working with external data - email, trading platforms, etc.

When choosing an electronic document management system, you need to pay attention to the possibilities of its interaction with other tools and data sources available in the enterprise. Typically, popular, and therefore actively developing systems, include many modules for the most popular programs - 1C, Parus, Oracle and many others.

For example, the electronic document management program 1C can allow you to generate, receive and send electronic accounting documents directly from it, while confirming them with a qualified signature.

Paper document management is becoming obsolete. Paper documents are lost from suppliers, during delivery to a counterparty, or from a client. You have to print, sign and send documents again. All this is time and money.

Many people are stopped from switching to electronic legal document management (EDF) only by doubts that it will be cheaper than paper; that it will be possible to adequately and optimally transfer business processes into electronic form; that it will not cost exorbitant amounts of money and a number of other issues. We hope that this material will answer them and become a starting point for the transition to EDI.

Let's compare paper
and electronic documents

Key questions at the start of any project: how much does it cost and what will happen in the end. It is important for companies to understand how expensive it will cost them to implement EDI and what results they can expect. Let's compare some indicators.

Money Time

Paper document flow Electronic document management

Cost price
paper document for 1 sheet of A4 format - about 1.5 packages of paper documents, which on average is 6 sheets of A4 format - 9. electronic document of any volume - 0 package of electronic documents of any volume - 0 .

by mail - from 40-60 by courier - several times more expensive, in most cases - more than 10 times, depending on the contractor and destination. free inbox. Outgoing from 5 to 9 depending on the EDF operator. Does not depend on geographical distance.

premises for an archive that is constantly growing - rental prices depend on the area and region. The conditions for storing electronic documents depend on the EDF operator. SKB Kontur stores documents free of charge and indefinitely.
Paper document flow Electronic document management

Preparation of documents
Printing, signing, affixing stamps to a package of documents - from one to several days, depending on the presence or absence of the person authorized to sign the documents at the workplace. When there are large volumes of outgoing documents, all accounting employees are busy preparing them for several days each month. Signing electronic documents by an authorized employee takes a few minutes. Notifications about new documents speed up signing, and mass actions in EDI systems allow you to sign many documents “in one click.”

Depending on the destination: by mail - from several days to two weeks; by courier service - from one to four days. Regardless of the region, the recipient receives documents a few seconds after sending.

Return of signed copies
Depending on the destination: by mail - from several days to a month; by courier service - from one to four days. Doesn't take time. Once the counterparty signs the EPC document, both parties have access to the signed original document. In Diadoc there is no charge for signing an incoming document.

With a document flow of 500 documents per year
you will save 22,250

When using paper documents, your annual costs will be 25,750, while when document flow through Diadoc is 3,500.

Choosing a method of working with EDF

The implementation of an EDI system in a company's operations can take very different periods of time and require different financial investments. It depends on the method of working with EDF that she chooses. Theoretically, all that is needed for EDI is the Internet and a digital electronic document. In practice, the company needs to decide exactly how it will organize work with electronic documents.

Web version

The easiest way is to work through the web version, which is available to everyone. It will not require any intervention in the company’s information systems; documents are exchanged with counterparties using the principle of e-mail. In this case, the company pays only for the documents sent.

Module for 1C

For 1C users, Diadoc has developed a standard solution for the most popular versions of this accounting system: anyone can simply download the module from the website, install it and work with electronic documents from a familiar program.

Integration with other accounting systems

Integration with other accounting systems will take longer and be more expensive. This depends, firstly, on the accounting system and its configuration, and secondly, on the EDF operator.

Diadoc has a number of developed integration solutions for Oracle, SAP ERP (certified solution), Directum, Docsvision, MS Dynamics, Parus, ELAR Archive, Ensole Archive. There are also solutions for integration at the program level - Connectors, API.

We implement EDI step by step

Make changes to your accounting policies

Include in your accounting policy the possibility of using electronic documents, in particular, that primary documents can be drawn up in electronic form and signed with an electronic signature.

Electronic document management (EDF) is a fast way to exchange information based on the use of electronic documents with virtual signatures. It has long won recognition in developed countries of the world as an effective tool for operational business.

The essence

Electronic document flow between organizations is a set of processes for creating, processing, sending, transferring, receiving, storing, using and destroying documents. All these processes are carried out after checking the integrity and confirming that the documents have been received.

Rules for document flow between legal entities carried out by agreement of the parties. Information is exchanged using telecommunications, and documents are stored on electronic media. The storage period for accounting information should not exceed that established by law.

Organizations can exchange formal and informal documents with each other with signatures of participants. In the field of entrepreneurial activity, these can be: invoices, agreements, invoices, orders, notifications, powers of attorney, etc. Information can be transmitted in the form of text, table and graphic files.

The purpose of implementing EDI

Prerequisites for the implementation of EDI may be:

  • reduction of routine work;
  • reduction of document loss;
  • “transparent” work with documents;
  • increasing performance discipline - providing documents within the specified time frame, etc.

Some of the quantitative goals include:

  • Reducing the time for document processing by 10 times.
  • Cut office costs in half.

Electronic document flow between organizations: how it works

In accordance with domestic legislation, electronic document flow between organizations is carried out by agreement of the two parties. To exchange data, it is necessary that all participants are connected to the equipment of one operator. Next, the user needs to send a request to be added to the list of counterparties. After confirming the request, system participants can exchange data.

The EDI module will have to perform the following functions:

  • Invite counterparties to exchange data.
  • Create an address book.
  • Integrate with accounting software, for example, 1C.
  • Sign and encrypt documentation.
  • Structure correspondence.
  • Track email statuses.

Electronic document flow between organizations is carried out using certificates. Connection to the server and authentication is carried out through a personal digital certificate. An electronic digital signature is issued to each user of the system, stored on the Token electronic medium and protected by a PIN code. The user must enter his login and password for his personal account. Only after this he will have access to his documents.

Any employee of the organization connected to the system can initiate the exchange process. Before sending a document to a counterparty, it must be signed with an electronic digital signature. This operation is performed using the Cryptopro program. The document is sent via EDF. The counterparty's employee receives a notification about the receipt of a new document. If he accepts it, then he also puts an electronic signature. If it is necessary to make changes to the document, a new electronic version is created. Upon completion of editing, you need to save all changes using a digital signature. Then the document with the change is sent to the counterparty. If necessary, electronic coordination of information is carried out.

If it is necessary to make changes again, the entire procedure is repeated again. If claims to new version no, then the document is respected. The final sample is considered to be signed with two digital signatures. All versions of the document are stored on the server and are available for viewing. Once the sample has been assigned valid status, it will not be possible to make amendments to the document. Frustrated contracts are assigned the status “Canceled”. This is how electronic document flow between organizations is carried out.


What is needed for electronic document flow between organizations? First, you need to select a telecom operator and install special software for exchanging information. Secondly, with each counterparty with whom the organization intends to conduct electronic correspondence, it is necessary to conclude an “Agreement on the exchange of electronic documents.”

It is also necessary to install an EDF server on which all documents will be stored. This can be either client equipment or cloud storage. Access to system data from the outside is carried out through an application that is installed on the equipment of the organization’s employees. The interaction of computers with the server is carried out via the HTTP protocol with additional SSL 128 encryption. Access to documents is carried out only through the application interface and after authentication.

EDI project

A process automation project can last from several months to several years. The period directly depends on the number of processes that need to be automated, the resource and financial capabilities of the organization. A brief scheme for implementing EDI is as follows:

  • Creation of a working group.
  • Formation of goals, deadlines and budget of the project.
  • Research of existing processes.
  • Develop tasks.
  • Design of the EDI system.
  • Signing an agreement for the implementation of EDMS.
  • Approval of work regulations.
  • Filling out system directories.
  • Personnel training.
  • Conducting preliminary tests.
  • Issuance of an order on the implementation of EDS.
  • Improvement of software and operating procedures.
  • Launch of a pilot project.
  • Full-scale transition to electronic document flow.

Errors in EDI implementation

During the process, special attention must be paid to processes where paper is required by law. You cannot duplicate a paper document with an electronic one. This significantly slows down the work process and causes a negative attitude towards the automation process as a whole. No one pays extra for doing double work.

During the implementation process, it is necessary to develop new regulations for working with documents, train staff, and only then engage in full implementation. This can only be achieved if employees are made aware of the benefits of using new technologies.

Another popular mistake is poor development of requirements for EDMS. If users have to work in an unconfigured system, then the EDI process differs from what is accepted in the organization.

Electronic document flow between organizations: pros and cons


  • Reducing the cost of sending original documents by mail.
  • Saving space for storing documentation. It is all saved electronically.
  • Ease of use. The document is sent from one workstation. A quick search for a document is carried out by status (sent, received, accepted, etc.).
  • Instant delivery. All sent information reaches the recipient within a few seconds.
  • A document cannot be lost before its storage period in the system expires.


  • To use the equipment, you need to purchase a license, which costs a lot of money.
  • Data can most often be exchanged only between participants in the same system.
  • Electronic document flow between organizations in 1C or using any other software differs from the previously used scheme. With the introduction of the new algorithm, all employees will have questions about how to conduct their work.
  • Technical equipment. Before implementing EDI, an organization needs to purchase equipment and prepare employees to manage the new system.
  • EDI is carried out using an electronic digital signature, which is valid for 1 year. Certificates must be monitored and updated promptly. It is also necessary to control the expiration dates of counterparty certificates in order to avoid problems with the tax authorities.

Legal regulation

What regulations Is electronic document flow between organizations regulated? The legislation of the Russian Federation includes Federal Law No. 63 “On Electronic Signature”; the rules for submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service are prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. MMV-7-2/168. EDI between organizations is carried out on the basis of Order No. 50n of the Ministry of Finance. The rules for the exchange of primary accounting documents in electronic form are prescribed in the Federal Tax Service order No. ММВ-7-6/36@. All EDF operators in the process of activity must be guided by the order of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ-7-6/253@.


Electronic document flow between SBIS organizations gives clients the following advantages:

  • You can send documents to any organization that is registered in the Russian Federation. If the counterparty is not a participant in the SBIS system, then a company employee will simply contact a representative of the organization and send invitations to participate in the system to his e-mail. Immediately after confirmation of the request, the exchange of information between participants will be carried out without intermediaries.
  • There is no need to install software on your computer. All you need is an up-to-date browser and Internet access.
  • You don't need a special program to work with data. If the report is initially prepared in third-party software, for example, 1C, then you can configure data integration with the SLSIS system.
  • The standard form of the document has not been established. You can send text, spreadsheet files, images, etc.

SKB "Kontur"

One of the first software developers in Russia is also engaged in the supply of equipment with the help of which electronic document flow between organizations is carried out. Kontur has developed the Diadoc system, which is used to exchange electronic documents. A special feature of the system is that access to data can be obtained while abroad. The company has developed roaming tariffs specifically for this purpose. If desired, you can access data via the API.

What do you need?

To connect EDI, an organization needs to purchase:

  • licensed software;
  • server;
  • update equipment;
  • train staff;
  • configure and integrate the EDMS to work with internal applications.

Such investments need to be made in order to connect electronic document flow between the organization? Including technical support consultations, EDMS and software updates in expenses is the second stage of investment. These costs will have to be paid monthly.


Paper document flow is being replaced by electronic one. It not only reduces the organization’s costs for maintaining processes, but also increases the efficiency of the business as a whole. For EDI to function successfully, you need to clearly formulate the goals of implementing the system and properly configure the equipment.

What should a company do if it decides to switch to electronic document management? What is the algorithm of actions, where to start?

The first thing to do is think about what results the company wants to get from. There are currently two areas of work. This is B2G document flow, that is, between enterprises and government agencies. And B2B, that is, the exchange of papers between enterprises. As for B2G, we are talking about connecting to the necessary government agencies for a given enterprise, depending on the specifics of its activities. All our companies report to the tax office.

Then everything depends on the field of activity - for example, one company trades in alcoholic products, while another, during production, somehow affects environment, a third firm engaged in insurance services, market securities and so on. We need to look at what other authorities require reporting. Once the list of departments to which we are going to report has been determined, we need to look at what proposals the electronic document management operator can make. Depending on this, the company selects the appropriate tariff plan. Next, an agreement is concluded, the required number of electronic signatures is drawn up, and the required software, seminars are held to teach how to use this software. That's all there is to it - document flow with government agencies takes place.

- Tell us more about B2B?

This, as I said, is the second type of digital document exchange. It is organized between business entities. It all depends on the specific enterprise. Some kind of general recipe the beginning of sending documents does not exist here. There are situations when an enterprise is simply obliged to switch to electronic document management with its counterparties simply in order to survive.

In connection with the entry into force of the new norm from January 1, 2014, all digital signature users, without exception, will need to contact a certification center to replace key certificates. For now, all virtual papers signed with a valid certificate are recognized as documents certified by a qualified electronic signature.

For example: one of the large retail chains recently began working with its suppliers, exchanging exclusively digital papers. Thus, in order to supply his products to this network, the farmer needs to switch to electronic document management.

Advantages of EDI

Is there any benefit from switching to EDI for small and medium-sized businesses? It seems that so far digital can only bring real benefits to large organizations.

For small and medium-sized businesses, switching to electronic document flow is not a major task now. But you can take a closer look at it, “feel” it. Speed ​​of document flow - this will be an advantage. But the use of EDI is not only about relationships with counterparties. This includes relations with government agencies, and here businessmen will be forced to move, there are no options.

Another very important point that small and medium-sized businesses should remember is that using an electronic signature on trading platforms is a way to expand their business. From 2014-2015, 15 percent of government orders will have to be placed among small and medium-sized businesses. Serious work is now underway to attract these companies to fulfill government orders. And this is a real chance to expand your business. Who would refuse to receive a contract for 100-200 thousand rubles with guaranteed payment?

Are there any benefits for small companies when paying for electronic document management services? After all, many organizations do not switch to EDI due to fear of high tariffs.

I gave an example today at the seminar: 995 rubles - a full range of services for document management with government agencies. If you calculate the cost of travel around Moscow on public transport several times a year at the authority where you need to submit documents, and also in both directions, then the amount of expenses will be very close to the cost that I announced.

If an accountant is not computer friendly, is it possible to make a mistake? In general, how difficult is it to work with such programs?

There are elements of format and logical control. If there is no malicious intent when creating a document, then it is almost impossible to miss. Well, if something is done on purpose or the user is inattentive, no program is insured that a person will enter 1,000,000 instead of 1000.

Digital signature

Why, in your opinion, has the transition to electronic document management not yet become widespread? What scares companies?

Is it really scary? Let's see, in our 63rd [Federal Law of 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” - approx. ed.] the law formulates the concept of three types of digital signature. This is simple, in fact it is a combination of login and password. Strengthened is a signature using cryptographic protection. And the electronic signature is qualified, the one issued by an accredited certification center. 90 percent of people in our country use a login and password. Either at ATMs, or on social networks, or in email. That is, we can say that almost everyone uses a simple signature.

Such a number of digital signatures used today is inconvenient neither for certification centers, nor for information systems, nor for users. I hope that during 2014-2015 we will have uniformity and the number of signatures will decrease.

As for a qualified signature, it is still used in few places. But it is used, for example, on the portal. And the more services it can provide, the more people will apply this signature. Its use is limited not so much by people's fear as by the lack of resources on which it can be used.

It's even easier in the corporate sector. Now about half of enterprises use electronic reporting systems, and they are all implemented with an electronic signature. And these companies employ the same people who seem to be afraid to switch to electronic document management. So this fear is more like a myth than a reality.

- Should we expect any significant changes in legislation in the field of electronic document flow?

After all, many are now talking about the imperfection of the legal field in this area... I would not call it imperfection, this is a normal process of developing legislation. In fact, the active use of electronic signatures in Russia is good if there are five years. Naturally, it is simply impossible to form a well-established regulatory framework over such a period, taking into account the development of technology. A systematic process of legislative development is currently underway. From what is worth waiting for: this is the final entry into force of the 63rd law on electronic signatures and the repeal of the 1st law [Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signatures”. This norm has become invalid since July 1 of this year - approx. ed.]. The law, by the way, is quite adequate and competent. There are no obvious gaps in it. It's quite structured. We hope that with its introduction the number of types of digital signatures will decrease. Now many government agencies and information systems put forward their own requirements for electronic signatures, which are not always in line with the law.

The presence of such a number of digital signatures is inconvenient neither for certification centers, nor for information systems, nor for users. Imagine that you have five signatures hanging on your keychain, but you must remember that one is for the tax office, another for the trading platform, the third for Rosreestr, and so on. I hope that during 2014-2015 we will have uniformity and the number of signatures will decrease.