What is the magic of hair and how to use it to maintain energy and health. Hair - feminine power Hair and its power

23.12.2021 ethnoscience

Beautiful hair not only decorates and gives the fair sex femininity, but also attracts happiness and good luck. Hair hides a huge energy force, and you can learn more about this in our article.

Women give special meaning to his appearance, but they pay more attention to their hair. In fact, women's hair is not just decoration. They hide a special power and influence the energy of the fair sex. When choosing a hairstyle, many ladies rely on personal preferences and fashion trends, but sometimes the wrong haircut and change of hair color can negatively affect the lives of women. The site's experts will help you understand this issue and find out what the real power of women's curls is.

The power of women's hair

First of all, hair reflects feminine energy. There is an opinion that hair is a kind of conductor that connects women with the cosmos, and the amount of energy received directly depends on the length of the hair. In addition, thanks to their energetic properties, women are able to quickly develop intuition and extrasensory abilities.

People said that a witch is not only evil, but also smart, knowledgeable woman. Many of you remember that in folk tales witches have always been depicted with long hair, and this image did not arise just like that. It is believed that with the help long hair the sorceresses reunited with the energy of all the elements. By cutting her hair, a woman deprives herself of vitality.

At all times, beautiful, long hair attracted the attention of not only men, but also envious women. In Rus', it was quite difficult to meet a girl with her hair down, since most often women braided three-pointed braids. In this way, the fair sex protected themselves from the evil eye and damage.

It is strictly forbidden to cut your hair during pregnancy. During this period, the woman receives energy, part of which is transferred to her child. By cutting her hair, the expectant mother deprives the baby of additional energy support.

Most women love to show off the beauty of their hair. To do this, they use fashionable styling and experiment with haircuts and shades. However, to preserve feminine energy, it is recommended to braid your hair more often.

Energy of long hair

Despite the fact that long hair makes women more attractive, many ladies know firsthand that such a hairstyle requires constant care. That is why some women decided to save themselves from unnecessary worries and preferred short hair. However, before you decide to take such a step, you need to learn about all the benefits of long hair.

It is believed that long hair is an indicator of a woman's health and beauty. It is not surprising that owners of voluminous hair are much less likely to complain about health problems, have a good complexion and are much more likely to be in a good mood.

Experiments have shown that men are much more likely to pay attention to women with long hair than to those with men's haircuts. Many members of the stronger sex explain this by saying that women with short hair seem more masculine and aggressive to them.

In ancient times, women never cut their hair short at will, because by losing long hair, they lose an important source of energy. In Rus', the hair was cut off only for fallen women in order to subject them to shame.

There is an opinion that women with long hair are much more energetic than women with short hair. In this case, hair gives a woman energy and allows her to always remain active, something that representatives of the fair sex who have deprived themselves of long hair cannot boast of.

Should I wear my long hair loose?

Undoubtedly, every woman is pleased to catch the admiring glances of men, and most often the reason for increased attention is long hair. However, our ancestors believed that leaving hair loose was not only indecent, but also dangerous. You can find out why this opinion arose below.

If modern women do not see anything shameful in loose hair, then in Rus' the opinion about such a hairstyle was completely different. It was believed that by letting down her hair in front of a man, a woman was offering him physical intimacy, as a result of which such ladies became the subject of condemnation.

One of the reasons why it is not recommended for a woman to let her hair down is the loss of energy. In addition, very often a fluffy hairstyle could attract the attention of envious people and cause the evil eye or damage. That is why women preferred to braid their hair.

In ancient times, married women, not wanting to appear dissolute, tried to hide their beauty from others and covered their heads with a scarf. Now this tradition has remained in the distant past, but to this day, before entering the temple, a woman must wear a headscarf so as not to attract the attention of men and not to distract other parishioners from prayer.

As you already understand, hair is not only an adornment given to women by nature, but also a source of additional energy. In order to speed up hair growth, you do not need to resort to modern express extensions, as this can be done using simple spells. We wish your hair to always remain strong and beautiful, and don't forget to press the buttons and

In the old days, women never cut their hair short, as this meant losing connection with the source of energy. The braids were cut off only for unfaithful wives, thus exposing them to shame.

Short hair is a lot like pants in a woman's wardrobe. Undoubtedly, they increase male energy and make a woman mobile and active. For a woman, long hair is still more suitable and preferably below the center of the chest, this is the most favorable length.

Women, when they reject feminine beauty, are thereby protesting against being perceived as a beautiful object. They want to be interested in their inner world and mind. But a woman’s inner world begins with external beauty. I used to get a little upset when people told me I was beautiful. Now, if they said: “You’re smart!” Then it would be an assessment.

Only now I understand that this is the best for a woman: - How beautiful you are! And long hair plays an important role in this.

Having grown my hair, I always admire it, it’s very beautiful and feminine.

Long hair gives a woman strength, but what is important is that it should not be worn loose.

Letting down long hair was indecent, it was like being naked. “Masha let down her braids, and all the sailors followed her.”

Letting your hair down in the presence of a man meant an invitation to intimacy. Therefore, before, a woman was not allowed to let her hair down in front of strangers. Women who wore their hair down were depraved, they were called “LOSSES”.

It was also not customary to let down one’s hair because it was considered unsafe to waste energy and strength by letting one’s hair down. Therefore, the hair was taken and braided. After all, a woman letting her hair down could attract the glances of others and could arouse the envy of her ill-wishers. Women puked themselves in this sense, because they knew that they had the energetic protection of their family and their home in their hands.

Women's hair has a very powerful sexual appeal. This is probably why married women could only show their hair to their husbands, and the rest of the time they wore a headscarf. Therefore, a woman in the temple should wear a headscarf so as not to embarrass men and not distract them from prayer.

The scarf also symbolizes the power of the husband and female submission and. Only unmarried women could previously not cover their heads with a headscarf in temples.

We will never go back to the past, and women are unlikely to wear headscarves, but it is very important to know the power of women’s hair and use this knowledge for our own benefit, and most importantly remember that hair is our dignity and our pride. Therefore, treat them carefully and carefully. They must be well-groomed and beautifully laid out. After all, being beautiful is a woman’s dharma (duty). Read more.

In the next article we will talk about whether it is worth dyeing your hair, extensions and wearing bangs, as well as how to properly care for them. To avoid missing out, subscribe to the newsletter.

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Tatiana Dzutseva.

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Science is constantly faced with discoveries of amazing possibilities for survival in humans and animals. Each part of the body has its own strictly defined function, serving the survival and proper functioning of the body as a whole. Every part of the body has a reason to exist. Hair is a continuation nervous system, it would be quite correct to call them this way - nerves on the surface of the body, a kind of highly developed “antennae” or “antennas” that transmit a huge amount important information into the brainstem, into the limbic system, into the neocortex.

Human hair energy

Human hair, including male facial hair, not only directly supplies the brain with information, hair also emits energy, electromagnetic energy is emitted by the brain into the environment. This was established using the Kirlian effect, when a person was photographed first with long hair, and then after cutting it. When hair is cut, receiving and sending signals to the environment is significantly more difficult. Hair cutting promotes unawareness of problems environment in local ecosystems. It also promotes insensitivity in any relationship and sexual dissatisfaction. To solve the problems in our world, we first need to recognize that many of our basic assumptions about reality are wrong.

It may happen that the main part of the solution stares back at us every morning from the mirror. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, few people think about why a person needs hair. But they are given to us not just for beauty. A person with long hair has better intuition. A woman with long hair carries a child WITHOUT toxicosis. Thus, according to the apocryphal “Book of the Genesis of Heaven and Earth,” Samson, an Old Testament hero who became famous for his exploits in the fight against enemies, wore long braids that gave him heroic strength. When Samson broke the vow of celibacy he had given to the gods and fell in love with Delilah, he revealed a secret to her while drunk: “If you cut my hair, my strength will retreat from me.” The insidious lover waited until the man fell asleep and cut seven braids from his head. Samson immediately weakened, which his enemies took advantage of - they blinded him and forced him to work at the mill. But when Samson's hair grew back, his strength returned to him, and he destroyed the building where the enemies were located.

I remember the story of my friend. She was an excellent student, a Komsomol athlete, with a braid down to her waist. And then she managed to get a fashionable haircut just before the exams. And what do you think? She failed her exams. She just couldn’t remember anything that she knew with an A yesterday. She cut off her memory.

Therefore, a person who has experienced very great grief is often advised to get a haircut. And for the same reason, under no circumstances should you cut the hair of small children. There is a belief that a child must have his hair cut when he is one year old. So I’ll tell you that this is complete stupidity. A child actively explores the world, learns every second of his life, and you simply cut off all his memory. He starts learning all over again. There is a developmental delay. Why do girls tend to develop faster? Because, as a rule, they are not trimmed.

It has been proven that children who do not have their hair cut develop much faster. The commandment of God Svarog says:

“Do not cut your brown hair, your hair is different, but with gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and you will lose your health.”

We all know that in the old days people did not cut their hair. A woman with cropped hair was considered disgraced, among all nations. Even men didn't cut their hair. It was customary among some nations to cut men's hair, but note that the haircuts were far from short.

Hair should never be dyed. We all studied physics at school. The color of objects arises mainly in the process of wave absorption. A red vessel appears red because it absorbs all other colors of the light beam and reflects only red. When we say, “this cup is red,” what we really mean is that the molecular composition of the surface of the cup is such that it absorbs all light rays except red ones. So, your hair has a certain color, as we know, there are no pure colors, hair shades are varied and very complex. Based on the above, hair absorbs energy flows of a certain wavelength. And exactly the energy that your body needs. What happens when you dye your hair? Your body begins to receive energy that is alien to it. What is the result? That's right, illness. So women, think a hundred times about whether it’s worth covering your gray hair; does it really spoil you? By the way, French women, who are considered the ideal of style and taste, never painted over their gray hair.

Do you know that the average hair length for a woman is up to her buttocks? What about a normal one, capable of providing her with the necessary supply of energy – up to her knees? A woman with long hair has such powerful energy that she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, protecting him with her energy from any troubles. By the way, the husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair. The Slavs had such a tradition.

A woman could only let her hair down at home or in nature. For the simple reason that loose hair (and even more so cut) absorbs all the negative energy. Including the lustful thoughts of men. Imagine a girl who has had her hair cut short throughout her entire childhood. And why is everyone surprised when she grows up and falls into fornication? Just imagine how much vulgarity she has absorbed throughout her life, so why be surprised? Girls were given a braid, it was located along the spine and it was believed that all the bright Ecumenical forces pass through the hair into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood. It symbolized the unification of the vital forces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. A married woman braided 2 braids to receive energy for both herself and her unborn child. To prevent the braids from interfering with work, they were collected in a bun or hidden under a scarf.

By the way, the hair on the human body performs the same functions as on the head. Therefore, by doing so-called hair removal, women deprive themselves of an additional flow of energy that nourishes specific chakras. In Europe, the first to organize hair cutting was the Roman Emperor Nero, who ordered the consul to cut the hair of all foreign legions. When the consul, commander of the foreign legions, asked Emperor Nero why this was necessary, he replied: “I do not want them to think; it is enough for me that they only carry out my orders and instructions.”

And in the Russian lands, hair cutting began to be practiced only with the advent of Christianity. No one now can explain why and for what purpose they cut the hair of the followers of their teaching and their priest-clergymen, even if the Bible tells about Samson, who never cut his hair and was strong and invincible until his hair was cut (Book of Judges . Chapter 17, verses 17-19). The transition to cutting hair for men was completed at the beginning of the 18th century by the Decree of Emperor Peter I “to shave beards and wear German dress.” Since Peter did not have a beard, and about this he was very complex. A solution was found - to deprive everyone else of their beards.

Long hair for our ancestors - wisdom

Have you ever wondered why in the army they are required to SHAVE their heads, why everyone insists that children under one year old NEED TO CUT their first hair, why in churches women are OBLIGATED TO WEAR A SCARF on their heads? And after all, why did the Indians scalp? Hair gives a person MENTAL POWER, which is needed, for example, for thinking and awareness, and it also gives a person those abilities that are called magical. THE LONGER THE HAIR, the more strength a person receives. That’s why men in Rus' wore long haircuts, and witches (a Witch, who doesn’t know, is a knowledgeable mother, not an old evil grandmother) had long hair.

Almost all dyes contain strong chemicals that destroy the structure of the hair and they become dead, after which they cease to perform their functions of accumulating energy. Hair really is a conductor of energy, but for this its length must be at least 7 cm. LONG HAIR for our ancestors - WISDOM. In Rus', long braids were worn for a reason - after all, the braid was located strictly along the spine, being a powerful amulet (now we know that the main chakras are located along the spine). Any WEAVING protected from evil and dark forces.

The power of long hair. Those who are shaved are easier to manage

Thus, the connection with ancestors and free thinking are disrupted, and awareness becomes clouded. The strength of this current depends on the length of the hair: for the initial stage of hair growth, the longer the hair, the stronger the current, and this happens until the hair grows to 10-15 cm, and then the current stabilizes with further hair growth (approximately within 20-20 cm). 40 cm) gradually falls to zero. It should be noted that this pattern is observed in people with healthy, that is, quite pronounced energy; in people with weakened vitality, no current may be observed at all.

Long hair accumulates energy well and does not waste it in vain. They become additional energetic protection and at the same time enhance a person’s intuitive sensitivity. A person who is sensitive to energy is quite clearly convinced of the protective power of long hair: under adverse energetic influences (of which there are many around - from unfavorable new moon days to certain religious holidays and who knows what else), a person’s long hair begins to irritate him, it is somehow energetically dark and dirty , you want to get rid of them - but they take on the negativity that comes from outside, if they, long hair, were not there, then all this darkness and dirt would be in the very head of a person and would cause mental states in him, naturally, not the best. Due to some minimal energy current remaining in long hair, this negativity is then removed from the hair. Energy cleansing of hair is done by combing it normally.

Many women became convinced that hair is an accumulator of a person’s personal energy after changing long hair to a short haircut - immediately after cutting long hair, a state of enlightenment sets in, increased energy tone, it becomes easy and pleasant, so it seems that this happened because they got rid of from unnecessary hair, but, alas, this happens because the energy accumulated in long hair has been released and is now spent on a short-term burst of tone. And many people were even more clearly convinced that hair in general is an energy conductor in the event of sudden danger or simply fright. At this moment the hair stands on end. That’s why they stand on end – a sharp energy surge passes through them, which plays a protective role, and it is the energy passing through them that lifts them and dissipates them. This effect is similar to the electrification effect.

For men, the energy of the mustache and beard is no less significant. Many people have noticed in practice that their energy helps to increase a person’s intuitive sensitivity, and mustaches are especially significant in this regard. And many things suggest that this is not the only energetic function of the mustache and beard. Taking into account the peculiarities of hair energy, the Aryans formed certain types of haircuts, and these haircuts were different for each class. The Rahmans, for example, who made up the Greek class, did not cut their hair in principle; for them this was unacceptable, since it reduced for some time their ability to interact with spiritual matters.


Women's hair archetypally represents female strength; in the old days, an armful of hair was used to determine how powerful a woman's strength and energy was, how much health and ability she had to conceive healthy children. The worst punishment for a woman in ancient times was to have her hair cut off. To be tonsured as a nun, for example, meant a final renunciation of one’s former life and one’s feminine nature.

And today a woman with long flowing hair is perceived in a special way - by men, women, and even children. The quality of women's hair is determined by its thickness, length and shine.

1. Cut your hair no more than once every 2-3 months, as the ends become thinner. Trimming your hair every month makes it impossible to grow it more than a couple of centimeters per year. It is better to do a haircut in the first days of the lunar cycle (except for the 1st day), ideally when the Moon is in the sign of Leo.

2. To avoid hair breakage, moisturize it more often: at least once a week, use herbal infusions (St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle) or water acidified with lemon to rinse your hair. After washing, moisturize with leave-in sprays such as Rene Furterer (my favorite hair product brand).

3. If your hair falls out a lot- at care level: rub in coarse sea ​​salt into the roots of the hair (course from 3 to 7 days), rinse with St. John's wort infusion, it can also be taken internally (drinking, homeopathy), alcohol masks (classic yolk + spoon of honey + spoon of cognac), or for example the specialized serum Wella SP Professional, help.

At the psychosomatic level hair loss can mean information overload, as well as a loss of feminine power when a woman uses it inappropriately. During such periods, it’s time to take care of yourself, step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and see what is happening in your life now, what is wrong.

4. For beauty and health of hair- it’s great to do rituals together with your beloved man: when he combs, washes or even cuts your ends, this greatly contributes to the beauty of women’s hair!

5. Combing your hair- a separate procedure that should be performed daily in the morning and evening as a ritual. Firstly, never comb wet hair, let it dry, secondly, use new comb combs, it is better to avoid plastic or poorly treated wood. Each hair type has its own comb, thick thick hair - with large teeth, massage brushes, thin hair- smaller combs, good from stone or polished wood. Wash your combs with soap and water at least once a week, and never let anyone else use them!

6. Washing your hair. It is enough to wash your hair once every 2 days (every other day), unless, of course, it gets too dirty. But even if you wash your hair every day, use professional products, but sometimes, when you have time, use masks made from natural ingredients - be it oil (olive, grape seed, sesame) or kefir, or yolk. Take your time to dry your hair with a hairdryer, but you shouldn’t walk around in a towel for a long time.

7. Hair styling. Of course, a hair dryer dries out your hair and makes it brittle, not to mention frizz. One bad salon styling session can cost you your hair, so choose your professionals carefully, especially when it comes to styling. Try to reduce the number of blow-drys to at least 1 per week, comb your hair more, tilt your head down, massage your scalp at the roots of your hair to give it natural volume. When you need curls, you can simply braid several dragon braids and let them dry (for example, overnight).

8. Braids. In Rus', they braided a braid from three strands of hair, symbolizing 3 worlds: Reveal (earthly, the world of people), Navi (dark world, demons) and Rule (light world, Gods). Three equal streams of energy descending along the spine - the braid protected the woman from negative influences and allowed her to balance the energy.

A married woman wore two braids, accumulating energy for herself and her child. During pregnancy, hair was not cut so as not to deprive the baby of energy.

If your hair is so long that you can braid even small braids, learn how to do it! Braids are not only a fashionable, current hairstyle, but also good way preserve the strength of your hair, as well as your feminine energy. When braiding, put your intention into the process - for example, “I am braiding my hair for good luck in such and such a matter...” or “... to meet the man of my dreams.”

9. Hair down- it is very beautiful, but very sensitive to the hair, especially in hot or cold weather. Strong wind tangles your hair, cold or hot air dries it out, so avoid being outside with your hair down. Spread them there and when you need to turn on your feminine charm to the fullest, but don’t spill it in vain - in the subway or on the street.

10. Finally, hair coloring. You can dye your hair when you can afford it and your hair is strong enough to withstand the dyeing. If your hair is already weak and you want to grow it, it’s better to put off dyeing. But if you still decide, avoid highlighting, use gentle products, there are quite a lot of them now. And of course, double down on your care for them afterwards!

Several magical rituals for every day:

  • Comb your hair, looking at the new moon with the intention that your hair will grow. It’s good to burn a candle “For the fulfillment of desires” or “The power of magic” at this time.
  • For hair loss - on the New Moon, cast a spell on your hair in front of the threshold of your home, visualize rapid hair growth, imagine how the braid becomes heavier and longer.
  • Charm the water (pronounce the intention) in which you are going to rinse your hair - on the Full Moon (if it is also a herbal decoction - great).
  • When combing your hair, you can say old spells, for example, “Grow your braid to your waist, don’t lose a hair!”
  • On the Full Moon, charm a mirror and/or comb: if you have them, as objects of feminine power.
  • Do not throw away fallen or cut hair, but collect it and periodically burn it in a fire. The ideal time for this is the night of Ivan Kupala. But, of course, you can carry out this simple ritual throughout the year!

Growing women's hair is a woman's asceticism. They require attention and care - more than just a 5-minute wash and a short automatic combing. Talk to them, groom and cherish them, comb them as if you were caressing your loved one - and an amazing discovery awaits you - your new, luxurious, strong hair!

Hair is what decorates us, makes us feminine and charming. But from time immemorial hair is not just a woman’s dignity, but her hidden, invisible strength, a reflection of the level of internal energy.

These are women’s natural “antennas” of our body, which receive energy from the outside and conduct it into the body and life of a woman and back. Sometimes they are called cosmos, because through them we have a connection with the Cosmos, with the Universal intuition, with God. The condition of a woman’s hair and her attitude towards it affect the well-being of the family, the success of a man, and the health of children.

You need to treat your hair with attention and love. They perform several very important functions.

Hair and cosmic energy

Hair is a woman's connection with By higher powers. In Rus', girls wore a long braid, which had a hidden meaning: it covered the spinal column and thereby protected the chakras - energy centers located along the spine. This filled the girl’s spirit with special vital energy. The braid was a symbol of unity (weaving into one whole) vital forces Worlds Reveal, Navi and Rule.

It is believed that one a braid on a woman's head is her connection with God. When a girl was married off, she had two braids braided instead of one: the first - to maintain a connection with God and hear His voice, the second - to maintain an energetic connection with her husband, to perceive energies from and for the Cosmos, to support him with her strength. The well-being of the home is hidden in a woman's braid. Everyone knew about this before, so during the invasion of Rus' the barbarians first hunted for the prince’s wife in order to cut off her braid and thus deprive both the prince and the city itself of vitality.

Hair length and feminine power

Our hair acts as a battery; it can store energy. A woman with long hair has a much better intuition, and it is also easier for her to bear a healthy child.

It is believed that by cutting off a woman's hair, she is deprived of mental and physical strength, separated from the source of energy, breaks the connection with her guardian angels and shortens her life. When we take care of our hair, we perform austerities and leave all the problems in it, and if we cut our hair, we push the problems inside. The commandment of God Svarog sounds like this: “Do not cut your brown hair, your hair is different, but with gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and you will lose your health.”

A woman's hair should be long. Hair falling below the point in the center of the chest covers the heart center - Anahata chakra, connecting the three lower and three higher chakras. Anahata fills a woman with the energy of love, compassion, mercy, and kindness. The longer our hair, the higher our spiritual strength. Long hair is surrounded by energy waves that protect against negative influences and give divine power.

Hair and human memory

Our hair holds memories of the past. Because of the connection between hair and memory, it is recommended not to cut young children's hair.. When a child learns, actively explores the world, by depriving him of his hair, we erase his knowledge, and he begins to learn all over again, to develop again.

Sometimes, as a last resort, a person who has suffered a very great grief needs to get a haircut in order to get rid of an incurable illness, be cleansed of sins and be spiritually reborn. Cutting your hair means giving a signal to the Universe about your thirst for change. In this case, the memory remains, but the negative feelings and emotions of the past disappear.

Hair health is a reflection of the health of the body

Hair tells us about the state of the internal organs, in particular the hormonal system, the most important system in the female body. Therefore, we can say this: look at the hair and see how its owner feels. By combing our hair for a long time and carefully, paying attention to it, we remove negativity from life and relax our body. And when a woman's body is relaxed, it promotes good health.

To hair grew faster, it is necessary to cut them on the days of the new moon by 1 cm, and carefully collect and burn the cut hair. Also, for good hair growth, after cutting the ends, you can bring them to a willow or any fruit tree, hang them on branches, or throw them into a fast stream. Then hair growth will be as fast as the ripening of tree fruits and running spring water.

Take care of your natural gift, take care of it and protect it!