A prayer that will help people get divorced. Orthodox prayer after divorce. He would be afraid to leave me

Read this prayer every time something goes wrong in the house. It will help smooth out all the rough edges and cool down the brawlers. The prayer is:

Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You live in heaven, you watch over us, help us in our hardships. You have made us husband and wife, uniting us as a crown, loving people, and commanding us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, just as Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not quarrel with each other and do not use abusive words. We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of the Ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by the singing of Your angels! Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove-like loyalty, so that there will be love between us and no resentment and cold, and no discord and filth. Have mercy on our children and give them peace and tranquility forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not punish them for their foolishness. Calm their hearts and guide them along the true path, not false, for the Lord is our souls. And give our home peace and tranquility forever and ever. And protect us from the thieves of the night, day, morning and evening, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts. Do not, Lord, bring the lightning of heaven or the fire of earth into our house. Save and preserve, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy God, have mercy on us and do not let us perish in accursed poverty, but lead us to the light with Your ineffable light. Will with us forever and ever. Amen."

It will be even better if you rewrite the prayer by hand and put it in a secret place where you keep holy water and church candles. Holy water must be collected every year and kept in a large bottle in the house. After cleaning, sprinkle it on all corners; if one of your household gets sick, place a handkerchief moistened with holy water on his forehead; If someone fights or makes a scandal, spray it in his face to cool his ardor.

A parable about how to restore warmth and tenderness in a relationship.

One day a young guy asked a wise man:
- How do you manage to maintain family happiness? You and your wife never quarrel, everyone respects you and seeks advice. What's the secret?
The sage smiled and called out to his wife. A smiling woman entered the room and beautiful woman. She seemed to radiate happiness with her entire appearance:
- Yes, dear!
- Honey, please prepare the dough for the pie.
- Fine!
She went out and twenty minutes later came to say that the dough was ready.
- Add to it the best ghee from our reserves. And all those nuts we saved for our son's birthday cake.
- Fine.
And again she came ten minutes later, and her husband said:
- Add our yard clay there too. And then bake it.
“Okay,” said the wife.
And half an hour later this strange pie was already in her hands.
- Of course, we won’t eat it! - said the husband. - Give this to the pigs on the street.
“Okay,” said the wife.

The guest was shocked. Is this really possible? Not a single word against, I did everything my husband said. Even when he suggested an absurd thing.

And the man decided to repeat the experiment at home. When he entered there, he immediately heard his wife’s laughter. My wife and her friends were playing a board game.
- Wife! - the man turned to her.
- I'm busy! — my wife shouted irritably from the bedroom.
- Wife!
Ten minutes later she appeared:
- What do you need?
- Put the dough on!
- Are you crazy! The house is full of food and I have something to do!
- Put the dough on, I said!
Half an hour later, the wife irritably announced that the dough was ready.
- Add the best nuts and all the melted butter there.
- Are you crazy! The day after tomorrow is my sister's wedding, and these nuts are needed for the pie!
- Do as I say!
The wife put only part of the nuts into the dough, and then went out to her husband again.
- Now add clay to the dough!
-Are you out of your mind? Did you transfer so many products in vain?
- Add clay, I say! And then bake it.

An hour later, the wife brought this pie and threw it on the table:
- I really want to see how you eat it!
- But I won’t eat it - take the pie to the pigs!
“You know what,” the wife was indignant, “then go and feed your pigs yourself!”
She slammed the door and went to her room. For several more days she laughed at her husband in front of everyone, telling this story.

And then the guest decided to return to the sage:
- Why? Why did everything work out for you and your wife did everything as you said, but mine threw a scandal and is still laughing at me? - he asked from the doorway.
- It's simple. I don't argue with her and don't give orders. I protect her and that makes her calm. My wife is the guarantee of my family well-being.
- So what should I do now, look for another wife?
- This is the simplest method that will lead you to the saddest result. You and your wife need to learn to respect each other. And you, as a man, must be the first to do everything to make her happy.
- Yes, I do everything for her!
- Is she happy? Are you happy? After all, you created a family in order to love each other, take care and rejoice together. But instead you argue, share dominance and discuss each other...

The man wandered home, lost in thought. On the way, he saw a beautiful rose bush. It was with these roses that he once sought her hand. Every day he gave one twig ke roses At any time of the year... When was the last time he gave her such flowers? He couldn't remember anymore.

He picked a twig and took it home. Everyone at home was already asleep. He didn’t want to disturb his wife and simply placed flowers at her head.

In the morning for the first time last years I was waiting for breakfast. And a beautiful wife with shining eyes. He hugged her and kissed her tenderly, just like he had done many years ago.

He stopped doing unimportant things, began to devote more time to his wife and tried to make her happier. His attention and care, tenderness and love returned to him multiplied many times over. His wife stopped going around the house “haphazardly”, began cooking his favorite dishes for him again, they stopped arguing and everything got better...

Several years passed, and one day a young man knocked on the door of his house.
- I heard that your relationship with your wife is a model for others. But I can’t do anything. My wife and I quarrel all the time, she spends all the money, we argue constantly... What's the secret? I have already read so many books, but none of them helped me...

The owner smiled and said:
- Come in, dear guest. My wife is just about to bake a pie...

Family happiness. Parable.

In one small town, two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles, while others dote on their other half. The obstinate housewife marvels at her neighbor’s happiness. Jealous. Says to her husband:
- Go and see how they manage to keep everything smooth and quiet.
He came to the neighbors, quietly went into the house and hid in a secluded corner. Watching. And the housewife hums a cheerful song and puts things in order in the house. He just wipes away the dust from an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman got distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so that it was about to fall.
But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke. “What will happen?” the neighbor thinks.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
- Sorry honey. I am guilty. She put it on the table so casually.
- What are you doing, honey? It's my fault. I was in a hurry and didn’t notice the vase. Anyway. We could not have had greater misfortune.
...The neighbor’s heart sank painfully. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- What took you so long? Have you looked?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they doing?

It's all their fault. But we are all right.

If you are having problems in your family and are thinking about divorce, then this ritual of love magic will help prevent it, improve your relationship with your partner and, incidentally, strengthen your marriage.
Performing a love magic ritual to avoid divorce

1. Buy a red apple that is flawless in color (no blemishes). It will be better if you can pick it straight from the tree.

2. Cut the apple in half. Make sure that the seeds do not fall out of it.

3. Take a piece of paper and write your partner's name on it, and your own name next to it.

4. Cut a piece of paper with names on it and place it between the two halves of the apple.

5. Imagine that two parts of an apple have grown together and your marriage is saved.

6. Connect the two halves together using two pins.

7. After this, think about your spouse, send him (her) your love and ask his (her) love to return.

8. Place the apple like this in the oven and bake until it looks whole.

Soon you will notice that your relationship is improving and the thought of divorce will completely disappear.

Based on materials: Tabata Gennings "Conjurations". A conspiracy to live in perfect harmony with your chosen one

Take two candles and twist them together (before the ceremony, the candles should lie in a warm place so that the wax becomes soft). Light the resulting candle and say

I don't burn candles
And I unite two hearts
For bread and salt at the table,
For a good life, for family happiness. Amen.

To establish peace in the family, you need to talk about tea, water and let your husband drink:

"Mati Holy Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I don’t take water, but I return life. To be like this clean life it was like that of a slave (husband’s name) with a slave (wife’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for family well-being

“Heavenly Father, Master, Lord God, our Savior, save the servant of God (say the name), save us sinners, save my family, drive away evil spirits from us, deliver us from the evil one, do not lead us into temptation, voluntary or involuntary, forgive us grave sins, heal us from illness, from all misfortunes by Thy mercy, from cars, from cattle, from running beasts, from creeping reptiles, from evil people by Thy mercy. Amen".

Conspiracy of a married unworking woman

Does married woman who sits at home with her child or simply cannot find work, and whose husband supports the entire family. The plot is aimed at ensuring that the husband earns a lot, but does not get tired at work, and that he has the strength to take care of his family. You need to read it on Monday, when your husband leaves for work. Take your husband out the door, cross yourself and say the following spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up, a young married servant (name), early in the morning, I will go out into an open field, in an open field there is a holy tree, the Mamri oak tree, on that oak tree hang three sticks. Those sticks of the three saints wanderers, three holy saints. And the first stick is of Saint Anthony, and the second stick is of Saint John, and the third stick is of Saint Eustathius. I will come and worship the saints of God. Look down from the heavenly palace on those who demand. your help and do not reject my requests; but as you have dreamed of our benefactors and intercessors, pray to Christ God, that He who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful will save my married husband (name) from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, evil people, May the Lord not judge us sinners for our iniquities, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the all-merciful God into evil, but to the glory of His Holy Name and to the glorification of your strong intercession, may the Lord give us peace of mind through your prayers. , abstinence from harmful passions and from all filth. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius! Give God's servant (name) strength in his hands, intelligence in his head, pure thoughts in his heart, goodness in his home, love in his family! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When your husband hates the house
Bring water from the church and after sunset recite on it:
Just as you and I got married out of love, by agreement, as we left and had children, so may you be as unspoiled as in the beginning. Amen.

- Unfortunately, many people see the unreasonableness of their choice, the inequality of marriage only when problems begin in the family. What should they do in this case - put up with the collapse of this family, get a divorce and create a new family, already according to the rules you described? Or, despite the fact that much was wrong, try to save the family?

Because even if a person is an unbeliever or non-church, spiritual laws affect him in the same way. And we know the law: “He who endures to the end will be saved.” A person who consciously endures, sacrifices himself, finds spiritual peace. As Elder Paisios says: “When you throw out your “I”, Christ rushes into you.” The Monk Pimen the Great said: “If we seek peace, it will run away from us; if we run away from peace, it will chase us.”

Here, of course, we mean self-sacrifice. In a family it is impossible without self-sacrifice. If a person seeks only his own pleasures, he is doomed to discomfort in the family. Definitely, he will not like a lot. In general, life is very difficult for egoists, and it is even worse in the family.

If you are thinking about divorce, first of all, you need to understand that in a conflict situation only one of the spouses cannot be to blame. Try to figure out what is happening together.

If the divorce has not yet occurred, the first thing I would do is pray that it will not happen, so that the conflict will be reconciled. And secondly, I would talk to my husband.

In general, in all conflicts, it is important for spouses not to harbor resentment, but to talk. Try to be the first to get closer. "Let's talk. Lets talk! Well, what's the matter? If I’m guilty, explain to me why.” And, as the practice of my life shows, very good things happen after such a conversation. Such a relief, grace! Because the man showed humility. And until the explanation happened, it was hard and disgusting in my soul. And it’s completely stupid to resist, to get hung up on the prideful thought: “How can I be the first to reconcile (ask for forgiveness)!” Even if you are the husband, the head of the family, still go first. This is where you will be the first!

And then, when a divorce is brewing, you need to talk. “Let's talk. Explain. Why?" I cannot analyze all situations, but if, say, a husband leaves for another woman, you can ask him with sympathy: “What will happen next? Maybe you'll leave her too? How long can you live with her? In general, call for a sober look at the situation. By praying, you will find the right words.

- You say that the family must be preserved in any case. But if we are talking about treason, some priests say that in this case there is no de facto family anymore. After all, when there is betrayal, perhaps there is no longer love, at least on one side...

The question of love is very complex. Mark Twain said that “no one can tell what love is until he has been married, as I have been, for 25 years.”

Yes, we can strictly state that there is no longer a marriage. But is it possible to restore it? To simply go for divorce like this after your spouse has cheated on you means, in any case, dooming your other half to further sin. Moreover, it is a mortal sin. How can we do this if we are Christians?

If I love this person, then betrayal is a terrible blow for me. But if I divorce him after this, then I am closing his way back. I leave him only two options. Or he must repent and live chastely until death. This is the only way to atone for sin. Or the path of fornication. Because even if he marries his new chosen one, it’s still fornication and adultery. Although now, after a divorce, you can even get married again, but as the elders say, it’s still fornication.

What did the saints advise the sinner? Return to his only wife. And in the event of a divorce, the wife closes this path.

I have a friend who divorced her husband only because he was an alcoholic. She married another man, a very intelligent one. So, an intelligent man started drinking. (In an intelligent way: she doesn’t lie around, she drinks dry wine. But - all the time.) And her first husband committed suicide. And how will she live with this?

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, you need to think not only about yourself. Although according to the law, in case of betrayal, yes, you can separate. Perhaps there is no sin on the offended side. But still, a manifestation of the highest love and selflessness is to try to reconcile and forgive.

- Is it possible to draw a line up to which one should tolerate? After all, it also happens that a husband beats and causes harm to health.

This border is probably a matter of human conscience. A person must evaluate his own capabilities. The Monk Ambrose of Optina said that pride, “if touched with a finger, screams: the skin is being torn.” What often hurts us is not our body, not our soul, but our pride.

One young woman came to me and said: “Father, you got us married, but we got divorced, why is this so?” It seems like it's my fault. I answer her: “Why is this - I married you, but you got divorced?” We lived for two months. "And what happened?". - “And he drank.” The question arises. If he drank before you got married, why did you marry him? And if he didn’t drink, then why did he start drinking? And in two months he didn’t have time to become an alcoholic, why couldn’t you be patient a little? Exhort, explain that “I won’t live with this” and so on...

Or another such case. We have been married for 20 years. My husband is a hockey player and was hospitalized. His Achilles tendon was torn and he stopped being a hockey player. Disabled, can no longer run. He was in the hospital in a difficult moral state because he would no longer be able to continue doing what he loved and would have to look for another job. And in this state, on crutches, he came home from the hospital, and on the same day, having lived with his wife for 20 years in perfect harmony, they quarreled, as they say, to smithereens. That's what they said to each other! Of course, out of pride. Both are high-ranking people. One said something, the other couldn’t stand it, and in the end the husband said: “I’ll leave.” His wife: “Well, go away.” He then tells me: “Well, I’m a man, I have to answer for my words. I got up and left." He tells her: “I’ll leave, but look, I won’t come back to you first.” She: “And I won’t be the first to return to you.” And both “stayed in character.” They abandoned each other.

He later tells me: “I respect her for this.” I told him: “Why is there respect here? The demon laughed at you." Now they come to their parents - he with his new wife, she with her new husband. And now they are sitting in the same company - next to him is the new wife, the old wife. This is a terribly inconvenient, unpleasant situation for everyone... And all because of what? Only out of pride.

I think that in any case we should try to save the family. Well, if there is a threat to life...

We still forget about the power of prayer. You can’t make the decision to break up so quickly. After all, a person does not immediately become a threat to the family. Where does it start? Through prayer we can help trouble. And even for non-church people the same recommendation remains: to make sure that prayer can and does help.

I have a classmate. PhD. But weak to alcohol. When I started drinking, I got drunk and couldn’t stop. He was already completely drunk, his work became bad, and his wife decided to go to Serpukhov to see the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” There she prayed, took blessed water and began to gradually add it to his food. And he slowly stopped drinking. Although she is not a church-going person, she took communion maybe once or twice a year, but she did not fast. But, nevertheless, she had a desire, she began to pray - and the Lord helped.

When it seems to us that our spouse is offending us unfairly, we should remember another spiritual law, about which St. John Chrysostom said this: “examine yourself, whether in your youth you plotted something against some woman, and now an insult to a woman is avenged by another woman, and someone else’s wound is healed by your own wife. Although the actor herself does not know this, the doctor knows - God... And that an evil wife is a scourge for sins, Divine Scripture testifies to this; it says that an evil wife is given to a sinful husband. It is given to him as a bitter medicine that destroys sinful juices.” Let's remember our mistakes and reconcile ourselves.

In general, in family relationships, self-esteem and pride are the most dangerous enemies. If there is no humility, then normal family life is impossible in principle. The most important thing in family life is to tolerate the other person. And it's very difficult. It's one thing to tolerate someone in some situation, it's another thing to tolerate all the person's shortcomings for many years. This is a lot of work. Without God's help it is impossible. Therefore, the Church sanctifies marriage in the sacrament of wedding. It gives grace, without which normal family life is hardly possible.

If someone has a grudge due to family circumstances, then we must try to sort it out. Think about where she comes from. Figure it out yourself or on your own, and not cling to banal phrases like: “How could he!”, “This is beyond my strength!”, “This is the last straw!” Life is not a movie; it needs to be lived, not played by role. I remember one wife. With righteous indignation and pathos: “How could he raise his hand against me!” - "So what? - I ask. “What did he give you, a bruise?” - "No. But he did it in front of the children!” Of course he did wrong. Very bad indeed. But if you blow it out of proportion, it will be twice as bad. You should not show in front of your children that their father is bad. And the fact that he made a mistake is understandable. He might admit it later. No, this ringing phrase: “He raised his hand to me!” becomes an obsession for her, torments her, and people often get divorced because of this.

It is necessary to accustom yourself to the idea that the most important thing in family life is not pleasure, but patience. And then that love, which is the reason that people create a family, strengthened by the grace of marriage, changes, but does not disappear over the years. Other sides of her appear - respect, the enormous wealth of shared adversity. It’s just happiness - we survived it, and everything is fine with us again! Love remains when there is agreement. When a person sacrifices his interests for the interests of his spouse.

Why do I like this traditional so much? Russian wish newlyweds - “Advice and love”? Because if there is agreement, advice, then love will remain. This wish contains enormous spiritual wisdom!

- In films, and in life, probably, such a scene often occurs. A husband and wife, after 10-15-20 years of marriage, are next to each other, in the same bed, and suddenly one of them realizes that there is a complete stranger next to him, with whom he has nothing to talk about. Is it really that at one time he did not choose a person with similar interests or that love has left, and therefore the difference, say, in views on music seems to him such a problem?

So they didn't make any money.

In general, what is love? What we mean by one word, the Greeks mean by three. Spiritual love is “agapi”, physical love is “eros”. The spiritual component must be present in the love of spouses. The physical may weaken over the years, but the spiritual in a full-fledged marriage increases.

What kind of love do spouses mean when they say that love has passed? Apparently, their carnal love has passed, but spiritual love has not appeared! Or it didn’t exist. And for this you yourself are to blame. Because the Lord said: “I give you a new commandment: love one another!” If a person wants to love another person, the Lord will give it to him.

They ask, what if he fell in love with another person?

We will definitely meet people in life who are much more beautiful, smarter, and more interesting than our wife or our husband. The Lord allows us these meetings so that we can test ourselves and prove ourselves as Christians. If I remain faithful to my family, I remain faithful to God.

- Often the reason for divorce is the mother or girlfriend of the wife or husband.

When I read a sermon to the newlyweds after the wedding, I remember the words of the apostle who say that the family is a “small church.” And the church is holy and immaculate. Therefore, nothing that can violate the integrity and holiness of a home church should be included in it.

Both husband and wife must protect their small church in every possible way. Don't be particularly open with others, even about what's bothering you. It is completely unacceptable to talk about your family life with your girlfriends, especially unmarried ones. “That’s what he told me.” - “And you answer him like this!” And the seed of a future divorce has already been sown.

A wife, not only in words, but even in thoughts, should not allow herself to wonder: “How could he tell me that!” Because it all starts with thoughts...

It's the same with moms. I know several cases where mothers divorced their daughters. The main reasons are the desire to undividedly possess your child and envy. Unfortunately, it happens that unmarried mothers, perhaps unconsciously, envy the happiness of their married daughters. And they sharpen, sharpen little by little, until the edifice of marriage collapses.

I know one family that miraculously does not fall apart. Mom has no husband, only daughter. She cannot imagine a life outside of her daughter’s interests, because she herself is a pensioner; what else should she do? And his son-in-law, a non-drinking, non-smoking, religious, decent, handsome, talented, hard-working, kind, reliable man - just gold, rare person! - hates. He says: “I don’t know what to do! I'm afraid there will be a murder at our house! I pass by, she tells me: “May you die!” For what?! Am I drinking or partying?” The only thing he allows himself is to go to church on Sundays. He had already gone to live with his parents for some time. If he were an unbeliever, he would have been divorced long ago. True, he got married after he sinned, and she wanted to have an abortion...

- How to survive a divorce if it is already inevitable?

We must always remember that any person is a free being. Children very often do not become what we want them to be. But that's their right. He is your child, but he is not your slave. God created him through you, but gave him free will. Even a child, flesh of your flesh, has the right to his own life! If his parents do not respect his opinions, his rights to privacy, then he will not have a good relationship with his parents. And even more so - husband or wife. He's a different person. He has the right to manage his own life. And even destroy her. We need to understand this. It may hurt, but it is necessary.

Marriage unites husband and wife into one flesh; divorce tears apart this common flesh. Hurt. But sometimes people get into car accidents and get terrible diseases. It also hurts, but they live... Imagine your leg is affected by gangrene. What to do? It's very bad without a leg, but it will have to be removed. You'll have to get used to living without a leg.

It will be much more difficult to survive this if you harbor resentment. On our spouse, on fate, that is, on the Lord... Most of all, pride prevents us from surviving the situation. “How is it that he chose someone else over me! Am I stupider, less beautiful?

Very often people go to someone who is ugly and not rich. It's worth wondering why this happened. Maybe, without realizing it, you were somehow proud of him?

I know the case. The wife is educated, the husband is not. We got married early. They gave birth to two children. And suddenly he left. She is surprised: “I can’t understand. I know her, there’s nowhere to test her, but he went to her!” I say: “Maybe you made him understand his imperfections”...

- One of the typical questions that many women have at the time of divorce is: “I gave everything to him, I lived only for him, how could he?..”

A typical question of pride. A woman has much more self-love than a man. Because a woman is a more emotional being, it is more difficult for her to control herself. In a situation of divorce, you still need to connect your mind and realize your mistakes. And when a person humbles himself, he admits that he also has many shortcomings (after all, we all have a lot of sins, and we don’t see most of them), which are also the cause of the breakup.

When a person begins to blame himself, it becomes easier for him. Because a person who justifies himself, as Elder Paisios says, is deprived of the grace of God. How can one live without God’s grace, much less experience difficulties, sorrows, and illnesses? And vice versa, when a person begins to blame himself, to repent, at least before his conscience, he immediately feels better, because grace comes.

Let's remember famous story about a quarrel between two monks, when one decided to act in the gospel way and go first to ask for forgiveness. But he didn’t even want to talk to him, and the conflict continued. The first monk came to the elder, and the elder explained to him: “When you went to ask for forgiveness, you internally justified yourself, but blamed him. Try doing the opposite." Then he began to blame himself and justify his brother and, approaching his brother’s cell, he saw that he was standing at the door with open arms. The grace of God informed the heart of the second brother.

It's the same in family life. It is necessary to attract the grace of God through humility and self-reproach. But if you go against spiritual laws, then nothing can be done - you will suffer. You can't break a butt with a whip. Spiritual laws exist and act as inevitably as the law of gravity.

- How to apply the words of the Apostle Paul to yourself: “If she gets divorced, she must remain single, or be reconciled with her husband”?

You need to look at your strengths and choose the lesser evil. If you cannot maintain chastity, you can enter into a second marriage. But it's better to stay that way. Even if someone else sinned by treason.

What if he repents and wants to come back? But even without his return, maintaining chastity will be spiritually better.

We recently had such a case. A 45-year-old man became involved with a girl who had just graduated from college. He left his wife and rented an apartment. I tell him: “You are doing something stupid. Because you won't have a family. Imagine what will happen in 20 years. She will be in her early 40s, and you will be an old man. She will be tempted. Despite the fact that she already behaves this way. This is clearly mind-boggling, it won’t last long for you. And then think, maybe there’s a child... This situation will simply crush you, you won’t know what to do.”

Well, sure enough, a year later she left him. Just as it began during Great Lent, it ended during Great Lent. Temptation. He returned home to his wife. Of course, this was very difficult for my wife, her heart began to hurt, and she grew old. But the fact that she accepted him is very high and correct in a Christian way.

Yes, and humanly speaking, this is reasonable. We know our wife and husband, but how can we be confident in a new person? Will it turn out that in old age we will be useless and alone? Children may say: “I won’t look after him, he’s sick. Where was he when it was difficult for me when I entered college? He brought us some handouts, and my mother had to work three jobs to put me on my feet.”

So, well, “there was a test, but we survived it.” He has time for repentance to make amends to his wife. Maybe, when he comes to terms with it, he will become an even better husband than he was before the betrayal.

- But it can be, especially at a younger age, the opposite: a person “went” to the side, made sure that they were waiting for him, he could leave and return. And next time it will be even easier.

There are also unscrupulous people. The depth of moral decline can be any. In this case, if a person is simply exhausting with his behavior, if he is hopeless, then he can be left. What can you do, it happens that “everything in me died in relation to him.”

Behind the same words in different families lies a different situation, a different state of mind. There can be no universal advice here. Each person must look at his own situation for himself. Recommendations can only guide a person. Still, he must listen to his conscience.

  • (Psychologist Irina Moshkova, Ph.D.)
    How to save a family? ()
    Priest Ilya Shugaev Divorce: those who want to save their family must fight to the end ()
    Psychologist Lyudmila Ermakova Habit of suffering)

Problems in the family occur due to selfishness, pride, adultery and bad habits: drunkenness, drug addiction, parasitism. Get rid of such vices quickly and permanently without God's help it's difficult for a person.

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Strong Orthodox prayers will help protect your family from divorce and bring back your former love. An appeal to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, Saints Peter and Fevronia, and Mother Matrona will invoke the grace of God and give peace to the family.

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    • How to save a family through prayer?

      When spouses are in a quarrel, it is difficult for them to correctly evaluate themselves and their actions. Day by day, irritation grows and grievances accumulate, which prevent one from being objective. If you show humility when assessing the situation and accept guilt, then God will make you wise and send blessings and peace. There are proven Orthodox prayers that will help stop the conflict and remove negativity from relationships.

        When reading prayers, it is important to recognize that everyone is to blame for what is happening. Humility calls for God's help.

        Powerful Prayer To God for the preservation of the family:

        Prayer transforms the soul and changes everything around. It also transforms family relationships.

        Often family relationships come to naught due to the bad habits of the other half. Women have been struggling with their husband’s alcoholism for years, enduring it, but nothing helps. In some couples, adultery is commonplace. According to God's commandment, spouses must remain faithful to each other throughout their lives. In such troubles, you need to ask for help in prayer: “Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen ».

        The Most Holy Theotokos takes care of everyone. We ask for her intercession for the preservation and blessing of the family. Prayer to the Virgin Mary:

        If your husband has fallen out of love

        If your husband says that he has fallen out of love, you should not give up and fall into despair. To maintain a relationship, you need to pray and continue to love. With your kind attitude and love, you can again win the heart of another. The Lord will hear and protect the family from divorce.

        Prayer to God to save a marriage:

        We thank the Lord for marriage

        Often prayers of gratitude to the Lord help to admonish a husband or wife. We often forget to thank God for the blessings sent, health, family, children. Perhaps God sees that a person does not value his spouse and family, takes it for granted, and may send trials for this.

        Prayer of thanksgiving:

        When a quarrel is inevitable

        At moments when a quarrel seems inevitable, you can say short prayers, such as:

        • “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
        • “Virgin Mother of God save us! "

        For bad thoughts that are hard to overcome: “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Most Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

        Prayers to individual saints

        You can turn to all the saints for help in family matters, but the saints who are especially famous for their emergency help are Nicholas, Matrona, Peter and Fevronia.

        Prayer to Saint Matronushka

        Mother Matrona of Moscow is famous for her ambulance and special care for offended wives. The saint bequeathed: “Defend yourself with the cross, prayer, holy water, and frequent communion.” By fulfilling the old woman’s behest, you can save your marriage.

For any person, the family is the center of life, especially for an Orthodox believer. But it happens that spouses bring their difficulties and grievances home, taking it out on each other. Then the fragile balance is disrupted. Sometimes the situation becomes so tense that the man leaves to seek solace with another woman. Sometimes the main reason is simply the desire to have an easy relationship on the side.

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What should a legal wife do in such a situation? You definitely need to fight for your beloved with all available methods. Believers read prayers for the preservation of the family and the admonition of the husband. For many, this method turns out to be effective; it all depends on personal faith.

How prayer can help

The Lord is the only creator and ruler of our lives. If He unites two people in marriage, this is not an accident! And when a child appears, we can confidently say - higher power bless this union. Let there be a cooling-off period, this is normal. In marriage, as in any business, there are periods of ups and downs. It is important at this moment not to fall into despair, not even to think about divorce. We must firmly believe in God's protection.

It would be a big mistake to turn to fortune tellers, sorcerers, and magicians.

Therefore, for a believing woman there is only one correct way out - prayer. In Orthodoxy many heavenly intercessors of marriage. In general, many people forget that you can pray to any saint. There are no restrictions here. The people simply have their favorites among the huge number of saints of God. For example, the righteous old woman, the wonderworker Nicholas of Myra, the Lady Theotokos.

How does the holy call work? An unfaithful husband will feel guilt in his heart, this will make him reconsider his behavior. Sometimes the Lord sends circumstances that literally force you to return to your family. And if love, forgiveness and understanding await there, then restoration of relationships will follow, albeit not immediately.

An icon depicting an elderly woman in a headscarf is found in almost every home today. The old lady's eyes are closed, but her face is blessed with a kind smile. She sees with her heart, because the Lord sent her this special gift from the cradle. Saint Matrona endured any everyday hardships - cold, hunger, persecution by the authorities - with thanksgiving. Those who want to turn to her for help should not be discouraged.

Today there are thousands of testimonies of how the blessed one helps while already in heaven. She heals bodily illnesses, but also helps in family matters. To avoid divorce, you need to acquire an image, read the text from the prayer book every day until the situation changes. When the husband returns, be sure to thank the Lord and Reverend Matronushka. The best way to show gratitude is through good deeds for the benefit of your neighbors. You can give alms to the poor, donate money to the temple, take old clothes to the homeless.

Wise people advise visit the grave and saint, which are located in one of the monasteries in Moscow. But if this is not possible, it’s okay. The prayer for the preservation of Matrona’s family will be heard, because for God there are no barriers or distances. It is important to maintain faith, then the result will come faster. For some, the situation changes literally the next day.

Mother of God

The Most Pure Virgin is the universal intercessor. She especially loves to help those who already have there is no hope left for earthly circumstances. Blessed Mary consoles them, wipes away every tear, warms their souls with her prayers.

Strong love and faith can literally move mountains. It is important to pray in a state of peace of mind. Therefore, before starting, you should stand a little in front of the holy icon and think. Addressing someone in a state of anger will not do any good., it can only upset. You should also not ask in prayer to harm someone, to punish them. Even your enemies should wish well, especially your own husband. What icons are suitable for asking to strengthen a marriage? There are quite a lot of them:

  • Tikhvinskaya - protects children, saves them from mental suffering.
  • The Protection of the Mother of God will protect the family hearth from ill-wishers.
  • Three joys ( Holy family) - preserves love between spouses.
  • - it is in this way that the bride is most often blessed during the wedding. The icon is responsible for peace and tranquility in the house.

You can choose another image, there will be no sin in this.

Although the righteous man was not married in earthly life, he is well aware of the vicissitudes of family life. Next door to him lived a family with three girls. The holy wonderworker made sure that they all got married successfully. He is in everything loves order and justice, as his biography proves. He provided protection to the innocent and boldly denounced those who committed lawlessness.

Pious Elder will always stand up for the offended, abandoned, deprived. He will never refuse his wife, who wants to preserve her own hearth. After all, a pure marriage is a small church on earth, where spouses are called to serve each other. If one tries to avoid his responsibilities, then the Lord will admonish the disobedient one. beloved icon of the Mother of God, invite your relatives to it. Joint prayer under the arches of the temple will be much stronger than personal prayer.

Parting words to the young

Conflicts often occur in young families, because people need time to get used to living together. They learn to give in and compromise. You have to deny yourself a lot to make your other half feel good. This is family life. True love is not an endless holiday, as modern mass culture tries to inspire. This is constant service to your spouse and children, sacrifice in both small and large.

It doesn’t matter whose icon the abandoned wife will pray next to. Strong love can trigger the response of divine forces. A husband who has been on a spree will definitely return, and then a lot will depend on the woman herself. After all, it is she, the hostess, who is responsible for the atmosphere that reigns in the family. To her more tact, understanding, and responsibility should be shown. Then the ardent first passion can develop into true Christian love.