What does the icon of a happy family mean? Holy Family in Russia. The meaning of what the Holy Family icon helps with

05.11.2021 Kinds

The meaning of the “Holy Family” icon, in which it helps, has an ambiguous assessment of spiritual shepherds associated with the two most powerful faiths - Orthodox and Catholic. The fact is that this image is not a canonical Orthodox image. The attitude towards the icon as a spiritual object is very different between Catholic and Orthodox Christians.

The fact is that this image is not a canonical Orthodox image

Historically, the icon of the “Holy Family” in Orthodoxy is mentioned in the village of Kostomarovo Voronezh region. The place where the unique Spassky Convent is located. Its identity lies in the underground chalk temples, which are very similar to the ancient Capadocian structures. It was not possible to accurately determine the time of creation of this monastery. But today it is a functioning convent.

Women's Spassky Monastery

According to legend, local women gave meaning to the Holy Family icon. They prayed during World War II for the return of men. According to surviving evidence, the prayer was heard, all the men returned home alive.

A photo of the Holy Family icon in this monastery indicates a significant difference in execution from the Catholic image. The “icon” depicts righteous Joseph, the Most Holy Theotokos and little Jesus. In the Catholic depiction, Joseph is shown not as the guardian of the piety of the Virgin Mary, because he was already an old man, but as Her spouse, which is a distortion of historical fact.

The meaning of the icon “Holy Family”

However, the significance of the Holy Family icon in Russia is beginning to acquire spiritual weight among laity and believers. For the most part, this suggests that the image of the traditional pious family is dear to Orthodoxy.

The image of the holy family is especially popular in Israel. It is often given as a gift for family holidays and weddings.

The image of a traditional pious family is dear to Orthodoxy

The icon was first painted in Italy. It appeared in Russia in the 18th century. Parishioners of the Moscow Trinity Church brought the “Holy Family” icon as a gift to the rector. After thinking about where to hang it, the image was placed above the entrance. Over time, the significance of this image was added by the manifestation of miraculous properties, which was helped by the sincere prayer of believers.

How does the Holy Family icon help?

Before this image, you can ask for help if family life is being tested for strength. Create a family, find and maintain home comfort. Knowing how the Holy Family icon helps, it becomes important for those who want to improve their lives through prayer.

The events of the Gospel took place at a time when the woman could not survive on her own, therefore, protecting the honor of the Virgin Mary and taking care of the safety of her life, she was given to the care of Elder Joseph.

This suggests that for orphans, people in need of care, a warm, heartfelt prayer in front of this icon will help in resolving these issues.

Catholic and Orthodox icon "Holy Family"

The answer to the question which “Holy Family” icon is more correct, Orthodox or Catholic, for an Orthodox Christian should be knowledge that the power of the icon lies largely not in the image, but in the relationship to the image as a divinely inspired instrument of help.

But Catholic “icons” are not perceived as such, because the technique of their execution does not carry the spiritual traditions of icon painting, but the skill of the artist. What makes a subject a painting, but not an icon. Time will tell whether the “Holy Family” icon will become Orthodox or canonical.

But, despite this, today you can find this image in Orthodox icon shops. And if with the help Orthodox prayer begin to “revive” the icon, it can become an assistant in your pure prayer requests. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov says: do not look for the letter, but look for the Holy Spirit.

On the week after the Nativity of Christ - Matthew 2:13–23 (chapter 4):

When will they<волхвы>departed, - behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and His Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you, for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him. He arose, took the Child and His Mother at night and went to Egypt, and there he remained until the death of Herod, so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, who says: “Out of Egypt I called My Son.”

Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the babies in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and below, according to the time that he found out from the Magi. Then what was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled, who says: “A voice was heard in Rama, weeping and mourning and great crying; Rachel cries for her children and does not want to be consoled, for they are not there.”

After the death of Herod, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in Egypt in a dream and says: Arise, take the Child and His Mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the soul of the Child are dead. He stood up, took the Child and His Mother and came to the land of Israel.

Having heard that Archelaus reigned in Judea instead of Herod, his father, he was afraid to go there; but having received a revelation in a dream, he went into the region of Galilee and came and settled in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, that He would be called a Nazarene.

If we go back closer to the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew, the first thing we learn about Joseph is the trial that befell him. His wife is pregnant - but from whom? After all, he knows that Mary is a virgin. Feeling sorry for the Virgin, who, as he thought, had lost her virginity, he wants to let her go without publicity. But his confusion is dispelled by an angel who appears to him in a dream. Joseph learns that Mary carries the Savior of the world under her heart.

It would seem that the roles change dramatically: Mary is the Mother of the Messiah, and Joseph is a mere mortal called to serve Her. But this is not entirely true. Righteous Joseph still remains the head of the family. Mary is a meek and humble wife who does not even think of commanding her husband or demanding anything for herself. Not Her, but Joseph is given revelations from the Lord in dream visions. And it is on Joseph that the burden of responsibility lies for fulfilling the commands of the Lord, for the safety of the Infant and the Mother of God.

Righteous Joseph, the Virgin Mary and the boy, and then the young man Jesus, lived together for about twenty years. We know almost nothing about these years (except for one episode recounted by the Evangelist Luke - when twelve-year-old Jesus remained in the Temple, and his parents lost Him). But from the few references to Joseph and the Blessed Virgin that are contained in the Gospel, we can understand that the members of the holy family treated each other with great tenderness, meekness and love.

Let's fast forward two thousand years. Russia, turn of the XX-XXI centuries. After decades of godlessness imposed by the authorities, many people came to churches. Suddenly feeling themselves Orthodox, neophyte husbands often try to show who is boss in the house. Someone flips through Domostroy with interest, looking for instructions on how to properly beat a wife; someone walks importantly, in decorous calm, and next to them walks a “human assistant” loaded with grocery bags; someone is concerned about earning money for the whole family, and an Orthodox wife, according to her bearded husband, should only know three Ks.

There are other families too. There the wife becomes the locomotive of churching. She explains to her husband what kind of job he should now have (best of all - as a watchman at the temple), what he should eat for lunch (vegetable oil? Completely crazy!), and also (after thorough consultations with the confessor), when and how It is permissible for a husband to touch his wife.

Some families become churchgoers and overcome the crisis. Some families leave the Church - and also overcome the crisis. But many families remain in a state where the husband or wife (it doesn’t matter who exactly) continues to play some kind of the right role, read from the correct books.

But of course – without irony! - Right? After all, the head of the family is the husband? Yes, that's right. But this does not imply petty despotism. A wise husband is first and foremost a strategist. He will not delve into tactical details - his wife can handle this perfectly. But important decisions for the whole family are his responsibility. And he will not shift this responsibility to anyone. In everyday life, he can fully rely on his wife, and even obey her - for everything (or almost everything) goes in the direction that he himself paved.

And the wife? Assistant? Yes, sure. But an assistant is not a slave. Family, children, home - this is a huge space for creativity, for applying one’s talents, which a woman is sometimes unaware of. If your husband is behind a stone wall, then you can plant stunning gardens on the territory inside this wall!

An old truth: it is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place. A husband does not become an ideal spouse or an exemplary father just because of his position. A wife is not a bare function. The path to the ideal of a Christian family is long and difficult. But, fortunately, we have a model: righteous Joseph, the Virgin Mary, the child Jesus.

Image of the young Christ with his parents. The icon was first painted in Italy, then it was brought to other countries, including Russia. The image is especially popular in Israel; it is sold on almost every corner and is sure to be present in every temple. A work of art based on a biblical story does not belong to canonical icons, and there are serious reasons for this. In this article we will look at what is remarkable about the icon “ Holy Family", the meaning, why it helps and why it causes so much controversy.

Work of art or shrine?

The image of the holy family became very popular with people. The icon is often brought as a souvenir of a trip to Jerusalem and given to relatives and friends. It evokes tender, warm feelings, brings peace and tranquility. Family is associated with love, mutual understanding and support.

Many people believe in the image of the young Christ and his parents, however Orthodox Church does not canonize him, calling the “Holy Family” a false icon, and for the following reasons:

  • Joseph and Mary are depicted as married couple, however, according to Christian dogmas, this marriage union did not exist;
  • Joseph is shown as a young man, but by the time of the birth of Christ he was already a very old man;
  • Joseph was betrothed to Mary, but was not the actual husband, so his gaze and embrace shown in the icon are completely inappropriate.

These inconsistencies have led most clergy to consider the image to be a work of art based on a story from the Bible.

The absence of official canonization does not diminish popular love for the image of the holy family. The icon is considered a protector of family well-being. It protects the happiness of lovers, strengthens marriage bonds, and helps resolve everyday conflicts and troubles. Believers pray to her to protect children, establish contact and mutual understanding between generations.

The image in question is often given to a newly created family; it is believed that this will protect the newlyweds from quarrels and disagreements. There is also a tradition of presenting an icon to spouses on their wedding anniversary in order to living together had a long and happy life. It is customary to give the “Holy Family” icon after the birth of a child, since the family needs protection from any misfortunes, the evil eye and illnesses.

Believers flock to the icon to help them find their other half. It is believed that it helps single people find a worthy life partner, childless families have children, and conflicting spouses reconcile.

The icon of the “Holy Family” and its meaning causes a lot of controversy. How does an image not recognized by the church, but loved by the people, help? The answer to this question can be found by observing the huge number of pilgrims eager to see and pray to him.

The veneration of an icon in the Orthodox community most often begins with some miracles revealed from it. The same applies to the Holy Family.

The miraculous power of this appeared at the dawn of the 18th century. At that time, one noble lady was subjected to a whole hail of troubles: her husband, slandered by ill-wishers, was sent into exile; son taken prisoner during the war; estates and property were taken away in favor of the treasury. People could not help the sufferer; they could only rely on the intercession of the Mother of God, to whom she prayed with faith and hope.

And the Mother of God honored her with Her appearance in a dream, pointing to the image of the “Holy Family.” The woman rushed to search. Having visited almost all Moscow churches, she finally found in the Church of the Holy Trinity on Pokrovka - not the icon itself, but a copy of it, which was brought from Italy.

Need I say with what feeling the unfortunate woman prayed before the image? And a miracle was not slow to happen: the husband was acquitted and, as they would say now, completely rehabilitated - with the return of the confiscated estate; son freed from enemy captivity...

What does the icon look like?

The image is considered a painting based on scenes from the Bible, and is called a false icon. It is clear that since it is a family, it means that this is a “family” image: it depicts the Most Holy Theotokos, the betrothed Joseph and the Infant Jesus. And here The style of depiction of the Holy Family confuses many so much so that the Church still does not recognize this painting as an icon in its literal sense, calling it a painting on a biblical theme.

What can be alarming in a completely harmless plot?

It is assumed that this clearly depicts the marital relationship of the Virgin Mary with Joseph: he, they say, puts his arm around her shoulders like a wife; his gaze is also directed at Her, and not at the Infant God, as one would expect; and in general they leaned too close to each other, which, from an orthodox point of view, is unacceptable.

After all, it is known from the Bible that the elderly Joseph was rather the guardian of the young Mother of God, who had reached the age of the bride, and was called upon to take care of Her and preserve Her chastity.

The figure of little Jesus seems to be drawn quite traditionally: He raised his right hand in a blessing gesture. But the left one, in which the Savior usually holds a tome or scroll pointing to the Holy Scriptures, seems to suggest uniting with the palms of his parents - a purely worldly gesture, as if symbolizing the desire of Jesus Christ to be among his family.

Orthodox icon painting has its own traditions, in which not only the position of the hands of the persons depicted on the icon (which is very uncharacteristic in this image), not only the relationship of the figures, their gestures, as we see, even the direction of gaze, but also color shades matter.

A few words about non-canonicality

From a modern point of view, the non-canonical nature of the Holy Family icon is not justified. The image itself represents a symbol of the highest reality; it is Orthodox in its essence - from it comes Love, the basis of the foundations of Christian teaching.

In the image, Joseph hugs the Mother of God, which symbolizes marital relations, and this is unacceptable. And in Joseph’s gesture, with which he embraces the Mother of God, one should not see what is not there: it is an ordinary warm gesture towards a loved one.

And is there more holiness in other works of icon painting only because individual gestures and poses, from the point of view of a non-existent canon, are written out correctly?

The icon “Holy Family” evokes bright emotions, despite its non-canonical nature. Isn’t this the main thing in this image? By the way, there is also a lesser known and less popular icon called “Three Joys”.

On it is St. Joseph is depicted in the background among other figures, in the foreground is the Mother of God with the Child Jesus. They, of course, should always be the center of the image, but we should not forget about the role and merits of the holy betrothed.

The meaning and “sphere of influence” of the icon

How can you briefly express the meaning of the Holy Family icon? Already based on its very name, one can assume that in this Christian (even if not recognized by the Church) picture it is logical to see a symbol - family love and mutual understanding, fidelity and constancy.

Thanks to the miraculous power of this image, all domestic and family problems are resolved. He can be considered a powerful patron of marriage and family. like this It is recommended to have an icon at home, especially in those families where there is a need to strengthen family ties, getting rid of misunderstandings and returning love.

How does the Holy Family icon help? They pray before her, if necessary:

This the icon is a symbol of the family hearth and the inviolability of marital ties, Therefore, under no circumstances should you ask her for help in destroying someone else’s marriage and taking other people’s spouses away from the family. Even the thought of this is sinful. You can receive help and blessing only through a legal, righteous union.

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And here is the prayer itself, with which it is customary to address the image:

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Most Blessed Son, and the all-merciful betrothed Joseph, intercessors and intercessors of all Christians!

Hear our prayers, beg your Son and our God Jesus Christ to grant to everyone according to his needs: to sinners he will give effective admonition, correction and salvation, to those in troubles and sorrows - help and consolation, to the embittered - softening of hearts, to the faint-hearted - patience and hope, those living in joy and prosperity - constant gratitude to the Lord, the sick - healing.

Oh, holy Parents of the divine Son, be merciful to all who honor you, and provide us all with a powerful cover of your intercession from enemies visible and invisible. Confirm those in marriage in love, fidelity and unanimity, educate children, grant chastity to youth and open their minds to the perception of teaching.

Protect your relatives from domestic quarrels and reward them with peace. Give us all love, harmony and understanding, piety and long days of life in good health. We, having found in you strong representatives and intercessors, will give thanks and together with you glorify God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever! Amen!"

Is it worth having such a non-canonical icon in your home? It seems that even if we consider it as a painting, there will be nothing terrible about it. The only thing that can confuse the Orthodox is the impossibility of consecrating this image precisely because of its ecclesiastical non-canonical nature.

But it is known that people do not worship the icon as an object, but those whom it represents, in this case the Most Pure Mother of God, the Baby Jesus and the holy righteous Joseph. By the way, some clergy believe that it is possible to pray in front of the “Holy Family” icon - precisely if you correctly define and build an attitude towards it.

On January 8 (December 26, Old Art.), Orthodox believers honor the memory of the “Three Joys” icon of the Mother of God. This image shows special grace to military personnel. This is what the colonel says Russian army, who asked not to be named in the newspaper.

On a business trip to Abkhazia, I prayed to the Mother of God every day in front of the image of the “Three Joys,” and when leaving for checkpoints, I always took the icon with me. On February 14, 2003, a report was received about the discovery of a mine at checkpoint-301 near the Ingur River. I arrived at the scene and saw that next to the refugees’ tent there was a mine with an unknown homemade fuse. The second mine was found under the bridge. Setting up a cordon and evacuating people, I found myself 15 meters from the mine, and at that time an explosion occurred. The scattering of fragments with a complete lesion at the mine is up to 200 meters, but not a single fragment hit me.

In September 2003, private A.V. was captured by bandits. Wooden. During the search, I had to travel at night through areas of operation of bandit formations, and everywhere the icon was with me and kept me safe. On October 1, 2003, after the bandit group was disarmed, the hostage was released.

In December 2003, I gave the icon to the mother of another hostage - Muscovite Alexei Vorobyov, captured in Gagra in July. The woman tried to free her son for almost six months and was in a desperate state. Negotiations with the bandits were very difficult: they demanded a huge amount of money and threatened to kill the hostage. On December 31, 2003, Alexey was released in very dangerous and difficult conditions, while all participants in the operation remained alive.

Historical reference. The image of the "Three Joys" is in the church Life-Giving Trinity, which is on Gryazekh (near the Pokrovsky Gate). This is a copy of the Holy Family icon, brought from Italy in the 18th century, by Raphael Santi. She became famous thanks to the following event. According to legend, one noble woman suffered three misfortunes at once: her husband was slandered and sent into exile, her estate was taken into the treasury, and her son was captured. Shocked by grief, the woman placed all her hope in the help of the Mother of God. One day in a dream she heard a voice commanding her to find the icon of the Holy Family and pray in front of it. The woman walked around Moscow churches and found her in the Trinity Church. She prayed earnestly and soon received three good news: her husband was acquitted, her son was freed from captivity, and her property was returned. After this event, the miraculous image received the name “Three Joys.” The Mother of God always showed Her help through him and was the Intercessor of those slandered, separated from loved ones, those who lost property and the Patroness of home well-being.

In addition to the icon by Raphael, three more copies of this icon are known in the capital: the Orthodox iconographic tradition in the same Trinity Church on Gryazekh, in the regimental church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky on the territory of the Sofrinsky operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and in the temple in honor of the Regulation of the Honest Robe Holy Mother of God in Vlaherna in the former village of Leonovo. In 1918, a significant number of icons from St. Michael’s Church of the Grodno diocese transferred to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe. Among them was the icon of the “Three Joys”. Before the restoration, it was located at the right choir of the main altar, and currently it is in the left aisle in front of the choir.

Three facts about the icon

1. Having become famous in Moscow, the icon of the “Three Joys” in a short time spread throughout Russia, but in the Orthodox icon-painting tradition. They began to depict the Most Holy Virgin Mary with the Divine Child and, on opposite sides of Her, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed and the prophet John the Baptist.

2. On the site of an old temple Holy Trinity where the icon was kept, the current stone one was built in 1861. The main altar was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of the “Three Joys” (or the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos), and the chapels were consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity and in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After this icon, the temple was often called “Three Joys”. In December 1929 it was closed, and in 1992 it was returned to the Church, with Archpriest John Kaleda becoming rector.
Soon the icons seized at customs were transferred to this church from the Patriarchate. Among them was a lectern image of the “Three Joys” of the 19th century. It resides in the altar and is taken out during the prayer service.

3. The image of the “Three Joys” was especially revered in the Don and Kuban. Cossack women, remaining alone at home, prayed before him for the protection of their faithful from enemy bullets and captivity, as well as for their preservation of marital fidelity. In addition, as the guide to the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate reports, father L.N. Tolstoy, Nikolai Ilyich, all Patriotic War 1812, he wore under his overcoat the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Joys. According to legend, the famous writer himself had this same image with him during the Sevastopol defense of 1854–1855.

Prepared by Svetlana RYBAKOVA