Jerusalem icons and their meaning holy family. Icon "Holy Family": history and meaning. How to pray in front of an icon

On January 8 (December 26, Old Art.), Orthodox believers honor the memory of the “Three Joys” icon of the Mother of God. This image shows special grace to military personnel. This is what the colonel says Russian army, who asked not to be named in the newspaper.

On a business trip to Abkhazia, I prayed to the Mother of God every day in front of the image of the “Three Joys,” and when leaving for checkpoints, I always took the icon with me. On February 14, 2003, a report was received about the discovery of a mine at checkpoint-301 near the Ingur River. I arrived at the scene and saw that next to the refugees’ tent there was a mine with an unknown homemade fuse. The second mine was found under the bridge. Setting up a cordon and evacuating people, I found myself 15 meters from the mine, and at that time an explosion occurred. The scattering of fragments with a complete lesion at the mine is up to 200 meters, but not a single fragment hit me.

In September 2003, private A.V. was captured by bandits. Wooden. During the search, I had to travel at night through areas of operation of bandit formations, and everywhere the icon was with me and kept me safe. On October 1, 2003, after the bandit group was disarmed, the hostage was released.

In December 2003, I gave the icon to the mother of another hostage - Muscovite Alexei Vorobyov, captured in Gagra in July. The woman tried to free her son for almost six months and was in a desperate state. Negotiations with the bandits were very difficult: they demanded a huge amount of money and threatened to kill the hostage. On December 31, 2003, Alexey was released in very dangerous and difficult conditions, while all participants in the operation remained alive.

Historical reference. The image of the "Three Joys" is in the church Life-Giving Trinity, which is on Gryazekh (near the Pokrovsky Gate). This is a copy of the icon brought from Italy in the 18th century. Holy Family» by Rafael Santi. She became famous thanks to the following event. According to legend, one noble woman suffered three misfortunes at once: her husband was slandered and sent into exile, her estate was taken into the treasury, and her son was captured. Shocked by grief, the woman placed all her hope in the help of the Mother of God. One day in a dream she heard a voice commanding her to find the icon of the Holy Family and pray in front of it. The woman walked around Moscow churches and found her in the Trinity Church. She prayed earnestly and soon received three good news: her husband was acquitted, her son was freed from captivity, and her property was returned. After this event, the miraculous image received the name “Three Joys.” The Mother of God always showed Her help through him and was the Intercessor of those slandered, separated from loved ones, those who lost property and the Patroness of home well-being.

In addition to the icon by Raphael, three more copies of this icon are known in the capital: the Orthodox iconographic tradition in the same Trinity Church on Gryazekh, in the regimental church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky on the territory of the Sofrinsky operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and in the temple in honor of the Regulation of the Honest Robe Holy Mother of God in Vlaherna in the former village of Leonovo. In 1918, a significant number of icons from St. Michael’s Church of the Grodno diocese transferred to the Church of the Deposition of the Robe. Among them was the icon of the “Three Joys”. Before the restoration, it was located at the right choir of the main altar, and currently it is in the left aisle in front of the choir.

Three facts about the icon

1. Having become famous in Moscow, the icon of the “Three Joys” in a short time spread throughout Russia, but in the Orthodox icon-painting tradition. They began to depict the Most Holy Virgin Mary with the Divine Child and, on opposite sides of Her, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed and the prophet John the Baptist.

2. On the site of an old temple Holy Trinity where the icon was kept, the current stone one was built in 1861. The main altar was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of the “Three Joys” (or the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos), and the side chapels were consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity and in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After this icon, the temple was often called “Three Joys”. In December 1929 it was closed, and in 1992 it was returned to the Church, with Archpriest John Kaleda becoming rector.
Soon the icons seized at customs were transferred to this church from the Patriarchate. Among them was a lectern image of the “Three Joys” of the 19th century. It resides in the altar and is taken out during the prayer service.

3. The image of the “Three Joys” was especially revered in the Don and Kuban. Cossack women, remaining alone at home, prayed before him for the protection of their faithful from enemy bullets and captivity, as well as for their preservation of marital fidelity. In addition, as the guide to the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate reports, father L.N. Tolstoy, Nikolai Ilyich, all Patriotic War 1812, he wore under his overcoat the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Joys. According to legend, the famous writer himself had this same image with him during the defense of Sevastopol in 1854–1855.

Prepared by Svetlana RYBAKOVA

All Orthodox people, both in times of sadness and in times of happiness, constantly ask for help and raise a prayer for protection to the holy faces. In this article we will talk about such a Holy icon as the face of the “Divine Family”, about the help it provides to believers, and its role in people’s lives.

This icon is highly praised by people of all faiths in many countries of the world. Rumors about the magical effect of this icon in Christian spaces began to spread in the first years of the 18th century.

According to legend, misfortunes began to plague one family of a rich lady at one time.: the head of the family was sent into exile on false charges, the youth was captured by enemies during the war, and all acquired property and real estate was taken away in the name of the state. The poor girl, exhausted in search of help and support from her friends, began to pray in prayer for the help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

And one day the Most Pure Mother of God appeared before her in a dream and pointed to the icon of the “Divine Family.” For a long time the unfortunate woman could not find the holy icon in the churches of the Capital; the completely desperate poor thing found a catalog with this face, delivered from Rome, to the Trinity Church, located on Pokrovka. A little later, the woman’s prayers were heard: the family home was returned to the owner, the boy was not held captive for long, and the husband’s innocence was proven and returned from exile.


The most famous heavenly inhabitants on this icon are the Most Pure Mother of God, in whose arms is her child Jesus Christ, and her husband Joseph the Betrothed.

Also on holy icons the Holy Family can be depicted: Saint Elizabeth, cousin of the Virgin Mary, and Elizabeth’s youth, Baptist John, who is the second cousin of our God.

Very rarely, the faces depict Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Anna.

The purpose of this most pure face of the “Divine Family”? This Christian face is considered a holy sign of family love and reliability, longevity and harmony between husband and wife, and also between husband and wife and their child.

This is a wonderful gift for devout newlyweds to celebrate their marriage or, to celebrate a marriage anniversary, or the birth of a baby.


The miraculous power of the face can find solutions to all misfortunes, which arise in family relationships, as well as the comfortable existence of families, and the glorification of the family.

Prayer to the Holy Face The Holy Family will help:

Find your other half.

To unite all representatives of this family, strengthen them and give them harmony in the family

Bring back lost tenderness

Take the destroyer away from your family

Save from family quarrels

Save husband and wife from walking to the left

Get freedom from debt, monetary slavery

Clear your honest and fair name, dispel false speculation about yourself

Help thieves, liars, swindlers and everyone return to the true Christian path Orthodox people who adhere to a sinful lifestyle

However, it is necessary to remember that the divine face sends its help and guidance to real, Christian families. It is impossible to pray to the Reverends: Mary, Christ and Joseph to attract an unfree man or a married girl, to destroy someone else’s family life.


The prayer to the divine face of the Holy Family sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Pure Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of the Merciful Youth of God, patroness of the oldest city and divine church of this church, devoted Representative and Protectress of all those living in sins and sorrows! Do not neglect the prayers of our sinful servants, but ask Your Son and our Almighty, let us all bow with hope and patience before Your miraculous icon, and give each one according to need: God’s enlightenment, confession and deliverance to the unworthy; those living in grief and tears - sympathy; in misfortunes and those who were angry - an effective mitigation for them; fearful and impatient - aspirations and humility; in the happiness and prosperity of those who exist - continuous praise to the Almighty; those living in illness - healing and strengthening. Oh, Most Pure Queen, soften to all who praise Your holy name and present to everyone Your all-powerful amphora and protection, intercede and protect Your servants from the enemies of your friends and strangers. Support the family in fidelity and mutual understanding; children grow up; bring the young people to their senses, send them reason to understand various useful knowledge; Protect your loved ones from family quarrels with tenderness and fidelity, and give us all from each one happiness, mutual understanding and peace, and health with longevity, may everyone in heaven and on earth see You as a faithful and holy Representative of Orthodox families and leading, They praise You and Your Servant of God with His Holy Father and His Holy Spirit, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen".


In the capital of Russia, a catalog with this icon can only be found in the Trinity Church Unfortunately, in the rest of the churches of our homeland this holy face is not there, because it is not legalized by the church.

The original of this icon, originally from Italy, was lost in the 30s of the last century, when in our homeland there was Time of Troubles for Orthodox repositories of relics.

Abroad, this icon receives the greatest praise in Jerusalem. Here the icon can be found everywhere - in various cathedrals or religious shops for travelers.

Based on this, the icon of the Holy Family is one of the most significant souvenirs that tourists recommend taking home with them from the Promised Land.


For believers, the feast of the Holy Family icon is celebrated on the Sunday following the Birth of Jesus. Usually this day is usually celebrated on the following dates, that is, December 19 in the old style, and this is January 8 in the new style, when many pilgrims flock to shrines around the world to pray to the Virgin Mary, Baby Jesus and Joseph

The story of the “Three Joys” icon, which originates in distant Italy, is incredible and filled with miracles. The painting depicting the Holy Family by Raphael so touched the Russian icon painter that, impressed by their holy faces, he painted our legendary Orthodox icon. It was she who was destined to become that shrine that was able to amaze everyone with its splendor and miraculous power to influence the benefit of Christians of the Orthodox rite.

A narrative dedicated to the person depicted on the icon To the Divine Family, originates in the times of Peter the Great. At the same time, this shrine appeared in the Trinity Church on Gryazi in Moscow. After the artist’s death, the icon was placed above the entrance to the temple in front of the porch, so that the Holy Family would bless all parishioners with its appearance.

Forty years later, a certain parishioner had a series of misfortunes: her beloved husband was slandered and, due to an unjust slander, sent to hard labor, the estate was arrested, because it was collateral, and the only and beloved son, in whom the mother could console her torment, was captured during the war hike. It seemed that nothing could console the broken life of a woman who had suddenly lost her family.

Seeking consolation from her sorrows, the Christian woman began to often pray in the church on Gryazi, in the hope that the Holy Trinity would give mercy and rescue at least her son from the enemy’s clutches - love and hope for old age. The Mother of God condescended to the suffering one with her incredible Divine power and solved the problem of all the inconsolable relatives at once. The husband was acquitted, because his complete innocence was revealed, and then the seizure of the estate was lifted. But what’s even more incredible is that the son returned to his mother’s arms unharmed from captivity. Three joys immediately comprehended her heart, which had lost all hope, but did not abandon earnest prayers. Thus began the history of the icon that acquired the name of the Three Joys.

That church on Gryazi was repeatedly reconstructed and rebuilt, and in 1861 a stone church was erected, consecrated by Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow in honor of the Icon of the Three Joys. Where to this day prayers are offered to the Mother of God and the Family, and a series of all those who suffer to receive mercy and help in grief and sorrow go to appear before the miraculous icon.

The image of the Three Joys, famous for its miracles, was considered a patronizing icon royal court Alexander II and had the significance of one of the main state shrines. Then the shrine passed into the possession of his royal descendant - Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and his wife Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. It was believed that she helps the royal family avoid troubles, receive protection from the Heavenly Virgin and sends wisdom to the autocrats in governing their country.

Modern history of the miraculous image

The history of the image was temporarily interrupted by ignorance. And from the beginning of the 90s, when the previously stolen icon was found, the miraculous power of the Three Joys again began to manifest its significance. When there were disputes in the church on Gryazi - whether the Holy Trinity is the patronizing force for him, or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker should be mentioned in the akathist, a public miracle happened. During the service, when the singers began an akathist to the Mother of God, suddenly, for no apparent reason, a lamp was lit under the image of the Three Joys. This happened in 1996 on January 8 (old school – December 26), on the day of the Synaxis of the Virgin Mary, which follows Christmas.

  • An invaluable shrine of the Orthodox Church is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which depicts the Infant Jesus with Saint John the Baptist and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed. It is impossible to count the great mercy that the Mother of God gave to people as a gift for their diligent prayer. For a great heart, overflowing with kindness, was given to her. An akathist with the removal of the shrine is read in the Moscow church on Wednesdays. Since it is not possible to visit the temple on Gryazi, prayer in front of the blessed list is recommended on this day. (Archimandrite Hilarion of Moscow and Radonezh)

What do they ask Our Lady of the Three Joys for?

Usually the face of the Holy Ever-Virgin is a protective female image. More often, a woman cries out to the Mother of God in defense of her children, family, or with requests for a happy marriage. The meaning of the Three Joys is much broader than helping with traditional women's problems. Everyone prays in front of this icon - children, men, and women - for the resolution of serious problems with relatives, of a property nature, or seeking justice from the Heavenly Forces.

Nika Kravchuk

“Holy Family”: did you know that this icon is non-canonical?

This icon can be seen today in the homes of many believers. Usually the image is brought from the Holy Land: there you can buy an icon called “The Holy Family” on every corner. The image depicts the Virgin Mary, Joseph the Betrothed and Jesus Christ as children. Accordingly, the icon symbolizes the hearth and serves as a “blessing of the family.” It is often given to girls and boys who dream of marriage, as well as to spouses. But not everyone knows that this icon is not canonical and, accordingly, is not recognized by the Church. Why? There are good reasons for this, and read about them below.

An icon that is misleading

This is exactly what the image of the “Holy Family” looks like: Joseph the Betrothed stands on the right, he embraces the Virgin Mary, and next to them in the center is the Infant Christ. In some images, Joseph, Mary and Jesus are holding hands.

It is difficult to guess how old they are: Jesus is still just a child, and Joseph’s appearance differs depending on the author’s intention. In one image we see an elderly, gray-haired man, in the second - a still very young husband.

This picture looks cute and sentimental, but very “earthly”. In what sense? It does not correspond to the teachings of the Church. Indeed, according to Tradition, Mary took a vow of virginity and Joseph the Betrothed, a modest, believing widower of advanced age, became the guardian of her purity. It is believed that the Betrothed was about 80 years old at that time and had children from his first marriage.

It turns out that the non-canonical icon “Holy Family” is misleading, depicting Joseph not as an old man, but as a young spouse or middle-aged man.

Moreover, each image in the Church has its own symbolism and meaning. In this icon, Joseph embraces Mary. Many priests and theologians see this as a symbolism of marital relations. But there was no complete relationship between the Mother of God and the Betrothed, since her husband was only the guardian of virginity.

That is why the image of the “Holy Family” is rightly considered not an icon, but a painting with an interpretation of Christian themes.

From Raphael to Mumrikov: attempts to portray a pious couple

Similar scenes with the pious couple can be seen in the paintings of Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Raphael. The works of Raphael gained particular popularity. They look like real masterpieces of art, but not masterpieces of icon painting. I want to look at these pictures, study the details, but in front of them I don’t want to pray, turn to the primary sources - Christ, the Mother of God and the Righteous Joseph.

You experience similar feelings when you see other interpretations of the life of a righteous family - stories under the general name . This is an attempt to depict the daily life of the Virgin, the Betrothed and Jesus: Mary weaves a curtain for the Jerusalem Temple, Joseph and Christ work with wood (according to Tradition, the Virgin Mary was a skilled needlewoman, and the Betrothed worked in a carpentry workshop). The author of this image is considered to be V. Mumrikov.

Although the icon was painted strictly and ascetically, it was recognized only by the non-canonical Renovationist Church that arose in Soviet times. Why didn't the image become canonical? It does not contain the symbolism characteristic of Orthodox iconography in every detail. This picture only depicts the supposed everyday life of a pious family.

But is there even a canonical icon in the Russian Church that depicts the holy family?

Yes, there is such an image, and it is called in our time .

A pious family is an image according to all canons

In the center of the icon is the Mother of God with the Child of God in her arms, and on the sides are the gray-haired elderly Joseph and John the Baptist. The entire emphasis is on Mary and Jesus, in order to convey their significance, the icon painter even symbolically enlarged these two figures several times.

Everything seems canonical and understandable, except for one thing: why, if the holy family is depicted, is the icon called “The Three Joys”? The explanation for this must be sought in the history of the image.

Around the 18th century, one believing artist brought to Moscow from Italy interesting image: The Virgin Mary and Child in the center, and on both sides are Joseph the Betrothed and John the Baptist.
When the artist died, the image from his house was moved to the Holy Trinity Church on Gryazekh. After 40 years, through prayers at this icon, a miracle happened to one woman, not even one, but three:

  • her unjustly convicted husband returned from exile;
  • the son, who was in captivity during the war, was freed and went home;
  • all the family's illegally taken property was returned.

Thus, through prayer, the woman received three joys at once, and her story became the basis for the name of the icon. The Church celebrates the day of this image, the “Three Joys”, on the second day after the Nativity of Christ.

The history of the miraculous image is described in this video:

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Image of the young Christ with his parents. The icon was first painted in Italy, then it was brought to other countries, including Russia. The image is especially popular in Israel; it is sold on almost every corner and is necessarily present in every temple. A work of art based on a biblical story does not belong to canonical icons, and there are serious reasons for this. In this article we will look at what is remarkable about the Holy Family icon, its meaning, why it helps and why it causes so much controversy.

Work of art or shrine?

The image of the holy family became very popular with people. The icon is often brought as a souvenir of a trip to Jerusalem and given to relatives and friends. It evokes tender, warm feelings, brings peace and tranquility. Family is associated with love, mutual understanding and support.

Many people believe in the image of the young Christ and his parents, however Orthodox Church does not canonize him, calling the “Holy Family” a false icon, and for the following reasons:

  • Joseph and Mary are depicted as married couple, however, according to Christian dogmas, this marriage union did not exist;
  • Joseph is shown as a young man, but by the time of the birth of Christ he was already a very old man;
  • Joseph was betrothed to Mary, but was not the actual husband, so his gaze and embrace shown in the icon are completely inappropriate.

These inconsistencies have led most clergy to consider the image to be a work of art based on a story from the Bible.

The absence of official canonization does not diminish popular love for the image of the holy family. The icon is considered a protector of family well-being. It protects the happiness of lovers, strengthens marriage bonds, and helps resolve everyday conflicts and troubles. Believers pray to her to protect children, establish contact and mutual understanding between generations.

The image in question is often given to a newly created family; it is believed that this will protect the newlyweds from quarrels and disagreements. There is also a tradition of presenting an icon to spouses on their wedding anniversary in order to living together had a long and happy life. It is customary to give the “Holy Family” icon after the birth of a child, since the family needs protection from any misfortunes, the evil eye and illnesses.

Believers flock to the icon to help them find their other half. It is believed that it helps single people find a worthy life partner, childless families have children, and conflicting spouses reconcile.

The icon of the “Holy Family” and its meaning causes a lot of controversy. How does an image not recognized by the church, but loved by the people, help? The answer to this question can be found by observing the huge number of pilgrims eager to see and pray to him.