What to say to a girl to make her melt - examples. Beautiful SMS compliments to a girl, woman Message for a girl you like

06.10.2021 ethnoscience

They say that women love with their ears, but how to give a compliment, for example, via SMS or through a message on a social network, what should you write to a girl so that she melts and stops being offended or wants to get to know each other?

What to write to a girl on VK?

There are many options, it all depends on the goals pursued and the stage of the relationship. At the initial stages of dating, don’t be too zealous; you can sometimes insert some phrases with a hint:

  • “I woke up and came here to read your letters”;
  • “After our acquaintance, I began to wait for the evening to spend it in pleasant correspondence”;
  • “It turns out you can have fun here too.”

If you are close enough, add a little intimacy, but not vulgarity, but sweet touching words:

  • “I’m sitting at work, and before my eyes you and last night”;
  • “I can’t help it, I want to see you right now”;
  • “Your smile is so seductive”;
  • “I dream of gently hugging and falling asleep next to you.”

Focus on the situation, but don’t shower her with compliments endlessly; the main thing is to be an interesting conversationalist.

Message before bed

Women love to receive romantic affectionate wishes before going to bed, then the next morning their mood lifts and they smile. If you are far away, you cannot personally wish her Good night, write a message in any format, sweet and touching, maybe a little erotic:

  1. “Sweet dreams, my cherry”;
  2. “My angel, I love you sleeping even more”;
  3. “Don’t forget to set the alarm, you’ll oversleep for work”;
  4. “Sleep tight, my girl, today was a hard day, let it be forgotten, and the next one will bring a good mood”;
  5. “I miss you even more at night, sweet dreams”;
  6. “We haven’t seen each other for one day, but it seems like an eternity to me, I go to bed early so that we can meet sooner tomorrow”;

Don’t overdo it, too intrusive and cloying letters are repulsive, you need moderation in everything. Again, a lot depends on her character, some girls should not write such messages at all, they love serious men, so no “usi-pusi”.

What to write to a girl to make her feel good?

What else can you do to please your beloved, with what words? You can write not an ordinary message, but, for example, with chalk on the asphalt: “Daisies for my cutie” and draw flowers. It is especially effective if the inscription is made just like that, for no reason.

Or, for simpler options, funny quatrains in messages, usually they touch even the most gloomy ladies:

In case of constant failures,
And breaking the last dreams,
Just the thought of the one so desired
Does not allow you to fall from a height.

I've been looking for you for many years
And he wandered all over the world,
Suddenly hearing yours: “Hello”,
I suddenly understood what it was all about.

I like you, and even very much!
And this, to be honest.
Let me write these lines with fear,
But I realized that I love you!

Being with you is a reward!
Everything for you - so many tender words!
My wish is that you be happy with me,
And I’m ready for anything for this!

It’s especially good if you can see that they were written personally and not copied from the Internet. The syllable may be a little crooked, the rhyme may be lame, but it’s from the heart. The woman will understand: you thought about her, wanted to please her - nothing will please her more.

When she got offended

Another option is when you quarreled and perhaps it’s your fault, then the message should correspond to the event, be of an apologetic-conciliatory nature, for example:

  • “I am a fool, but this fool loves you”;
  • “It’s so cloudy outside, it’s our fault, let’s stop sulking and the sun will come out”;
  • “I’ll hug my honey, give you rings, stop being offended, come to me in the evening! Sorry, I got excited, I’ll correct myself;
  • “Look out the window, look at me, I offended you a little, forgive the fool.”

But it’s better to talk in person, because messages, even the most touching ones, will not have the same effect as a guilty look, a gentle touch, or a sincere conversation.

But take care of yourself too, nothing will help if you are not the hero of her novel. Think about it - your friend is constantly offended, puts forward some demands, tries to change you, maybe she is just using you and there is no need to write to her on the contrary.

What to write to a girl when meeting on VKontakte: text examples

We often go to our friends' pages on in social networks and we see cute girls and guys there, then we begin to study the person’s personal data: marital status, photographs, audio recordings. If this is a girl, she is single or is actively searching, why not get acquainted? But what should I write to her? Below we will give examples that the guys have already used.

You can, of course, start with the banal: “Hi, how are you, what are you doing?” But such letters are answered by those who have absolutely nothing to do. Try to be original, intriguing, and most importantly, honest:

  • “I found you as a friend of my brother, I liked you, and I decided to meet you”;
  • “Hi, I was looking for travel companions for a trip to Lake Baikal and I saw your photo, let’s go together?”
  • “Hello, my name is Sasha, I was at the same concert yesterday, this is my favorite band, but I didn’t have time to watch it to the end, send me a video (photo) of the last numbers.”

If you meet online, do it based on your interests, then there will always be something to talk about, you just need to start.

Typical mistakes when correspondence

Here are some things, according to the girls themselves, that are repulsive:

  • Banal, hackneyed phrases: “Hi, how are you?”;
  • Vulgarity, sexual themes when you are just getting to know each other;
  • Swear words in the text, slang words, such as: “chika”, “goodness”, “AUE”;
  • Complete illiteracy;
  • Deception - using fake pages or without a photo, with a photo famous person instead of a real photo;

And put your page in order:

  • Delete stupid drunk photos;
  • Fill out your profile, indicate your interests and musical preferences;
  • Watch what you publish on the page, everyone can see it.

This doesn’t mean that you have to adapt to everyone, just try not to deceive people, unfortunately, this is easy to do online, users no longer trust each other and don’t be rude, but be a cultured and pleasant conversationalist.

So, we tried to help modest, uncommunicative guys who don’t know what to write to a girl in a message so that she will melt, pay attention and become interested in you. We will be very glad if you use the provided material to your advantage.

Video: 5 ways to hook a girl the first time

In this video, psychologist Elena Mitrofanova will tell you what words you can use to immediately interest your interlocutor:

It’s easier to talk to a girl you like on the Internet than in real life. In a couple of clicks you can find out everything about her: where she works or studies, what her hobbies are, what films she watches and what music she listens to. But what should you write to her in the first message in contact so that the girl will pay attention and want to continue the conversation? In our article we will talk about what must be in the first message and what should not be there, and at the end of the article you will find several examples of successful online dating...

Preparing for dating: a few important rules

Before starting a correspondence you need to:

  1. Tidy up your page. We choose a good avatar, fill out the “About Me” section, publish beautiful photos, etc.
  2. Choose a girl. We choose a girl from our city, weed out fake accounts, find common interests, possible topics for conversation.

About how to properly prepare your page on social media. networks to meet and choose suitable girl We talked in detail in . Be sure to read this article before you start writing your first message.

What should be the first message to a girl: 3 main questions

The first message should be brief, but should directly or indirectly respond to 3 main questions, which will definitely arise in the head of any girl after she reads your “Hello”.

These are the questions:

  1. Who you are: what is your name, how did you find it online;
  2. Purpose of dating: chat, have fun, go on a date;
  3. Reason why you chose it: what do you have in common, what did you like about her?

The order of these points may vary depending on the situation.

The main task the first message is to interest the girl, make her pay her attention to you. To do this, you don’t need to write a whole sheet of text or come up with complex greetings. 1-2 correctly selected simple sentences are enough.

Don't forget to say hello and introduce yourself the name your friends call you. Avoid overly familiar forms (“Sanyok”, etc.). Yes, your name is already on the page, but the introduction is a simple form of dating etiquette.

Don’t know what excuse to come up with for communication? Desire to communicate– this is already an excellent excuse for the first message. Do not intimidate a girl by talking about your desire to start a family and have children, even if you are really looking for a future spouse.

Carefully look through her page - pay attention to books, music, films and public pages. How is a girl different from others? What is she proud of? What unites you?

Write that you saw on her page a photo from a recent concert of your favorite band or that you noticed a selection of Nolan’s works in her videos. Show her that she is not just another girl to whom you “copy-paste” prepared text, but that she is special. She will at least become interested in what kind of person you are if you point out your common interests, and she will want to continue communication.

Examples of good phrases for dating

Here are 3 original example from the life of the beginning of a conversation in VK, which can be used as a sample.

Example 1. A beautiful compliment is an original start to a conversation

- Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I accidentally came across your page and wanted to get to know you. The smile on the avatar is so charming:)

- Well, hello, Vadim! Thanks for the compliment…

— Or maybe we can meet and continue communicating offline?

- Sorry, but I don’t go on dates with the first person I meet.

— You can go to my page – there’s quite a lot about me there. You won’t even know that much about a stranger on the street if they come up to you to introduce themselves :) By the way, I also have a Rottweiler. Maybe we can meet and walk the dogs? How about tomorrow evening?

Fine. Here is my number +79212345xxx

Example 2. A common passion is travel.

- Hello, Sveta! I was looking for news posts using the hashtag Baikal, and accidentally came across your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Would it take me a lot of time to ask a few questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha)

- Hello! Nice to meet you :) Few people get from our city to Lake Baikal - it’s now closer and cheaper to fly abroad than to fly so far away. Ask whatever you want. I'll try to answer)

— Maybe we can meet somewhere for a cup of coffee? I think it will be more convenient this way. In general, I really like traveling around Russia. I can give you some more interesting routes)

- Why not?)) I’m busy today, but I can do it tomorrow after work. I finish at 8 at Amethyst's. Comfortable?

- Yes, it’s convenient. Leave your number please. In case I lose you there)

— +79213345xxx see you)

Where not to start a correspondence: the most common mistakes

The most common mistakes are the following:

  • Platitudes The first message must be original. You can’t start a conversation with cliches or hackneyed phrases, for example: “Hello! How are you?". If you write something like that, in 9 cases out of 10 she will simply ignore the message;
  • Sexual innuendo. Moreover, this includes not only messages like: “I would like to look at you up close!”, but also “compliments” to the girl’s figure, even if she herself put a profile photo of herself in a swimsuit;
  • Use of slang expressions and swear words. It seems that this is already clear, but many first messages from men are still replete with various “what”. And if a girl decides to ignore you or immediately rejects you (even if in a rude manner), under no circumstances should you call her names. Even if you never cross paths again, save face and don’t stoop to something like this;
  • There are grammatical errors. Check what you write. Pay special attention to commas. No one will find fault if there are minor punctuation errors in the message, but a complete lack of understanding of the grammar of the Russian language will definitely scare off an adult girl;
  • Deception. Using a “fake” page or one without personal photos. Put yourself in the girl’s shoes: if you were in her place, would you meet a person who has no friends on his page, and whose profile photo shows a Hollywood actor or latest model Lamborghini?

The girl replied to the message: what next?

So, you managed to interest the woman and she responded to your message. What to do next? The best solution is to go directly towards your goal.

If you want a close relationship, immediately invite her on a date and take her phone number. You need to take advantage of the moment while her attention is completely focused on you. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that she will refuse to meet in person.

Remember! Aimless messaging - Waste precious time.

If a girl agrees to go on a date, you need to immediately set a place. Here is a selection of where you can go on a first date.

A great way to make a good impression on a date is to surprise the girl and surprise her. Here are a few how to do it.

If a girl doesn’t agree to a date, this is not a reason to give up. There is no need to delete her from your contacts and send her to the blacklist. You can continue to communicate with her. Don't forget, the more you communicate with girls, the better it will work out. In addition, if you interest her in correspondence, she will definitely give you a second chance. There are several that can be used in correspondence here.

In any case, if you want success with women, then you need to develop.

Brief conclusions

In short, for a successful first message, you need to briefly and succinctly describe the purpose of the appeal. Sometimes you can directly talk about the desire to get to know each other, but it is more effective to use some kind of excuse. Don’t forget to put the page in proper form, double-check your grammar, and get ready to deal with objections.

Don't put pressure on the girl, stay positive and remember that the purpose of your first message is to meet. Communication simply for the sake of communication in this case does not make sense. And if at first the young lady refused to meet with you, but continued the correspondence, then you should just wait. Give the girl a couple of days to get to know you better.

Charming and brilliant, stunning and amazing, I like to look into your eyes and drown in them, as if in the sea, I like to enjoy your smile and catch inspiration from it, I like to contemplate your image and feel an incredible surge of strength from such wonderful beauty.

I like literally everything about you:
How you speak quietly, smile furtively,
How you radiate gentle warmth with your gaze,
How your hair smells like sweet perfume.

You are refined, sincere, gentle,
I can admire you for hours.
I only adore you in the world,
So let me stay next to you.

Hair flows like a river.
I can confess to you
What do I want to touch?
To the sweet girl's shoulder.

And it seems to me - in my dreams
I'll just fly into the sky.
You are a magical creature
Chosen by the universe.

You are so incomparable
And wonderful combinations.
The sweetness of the lips and the tenderness of the eyes
Even if you draw, you won’t be able to convey it.

Tender angel
The tiger cub is diligent.
You're so beautiful,
A little funny.

I admire you,
I agree on everything.
Never change
Remain yourself.

You are as beautiful as a flower,
And like a princess, you are beautiful!
Your soul is pure and tender,
You give so much positivity!

Wise, well-read, intelligent -
Everything about you in these verses!
Blossom like young spring
And always drown yourself in flowers!

I express my admiration
Your wonderful beauty!
Your sweet one is captured
Any guy right away.

You are slim, very impressive,
Do you know how to present yourself?
About such a beautiful nymph
One can only dream.

You walk softly like a queen
It's a miracle how good you are
Just like your appearance, it’s beautiful
Your bright soul.

I'll still find the opportunity
Overcome problems of all complexity.
And yet I can tell you
What can you create?
There is a bright stream around you
The energy that delights her
Lives. And joy and love.
I'm ready to repeat it a hundred times,
That you are a wonderful person.
You spread success
You fill life with fun,
Well, you delight me.

Another beauty
And day and night he is vain,
But you are beautiful and modest,
And that's how I like it.

And every word is yours
Like a pearl from scarlet lips,
And how I want to become
Yours forever betrothed.

When God worked on you
He bestowed wisdom and beauty.
With charming eyes,
Insanely beautiful hair.

Your gait leads you along,
It takes you prisoner, it's like you're dumb.
And now I'm following you,
I'm afraid to fall behind, I'm delirious.

I can’t look enough.
It's easy to hear a voice.
Beauty you are in the meadow.
There is a ripe ear of corn in the field.

Or a clean pond -
Pulls, attracts.
And cool water
Quenches thirst.

I would follow you
Even to the ends of the earth.
Light given by the moon
He will heal me.

As a socially successful guy, you can often find acquaintances in clubs, on the street and in other crowded places where it would be a good idea to get a girl’s phone number. When we have the treasured number, it becomes possible to call or write SMS. It is clear that in most cases the call will be much more effective and will present you as a more confident person. But, nevertheless, if you have difficulty communicating in the initial stages of dating, then SMS can become a magic wand for you. Moreover, girls simply love SMS. As has already become clear, today we will learn how to write an SMS to the girl you like.

First, we should understand what the true reason and value of SMS is, and only after that we will analyze everything strengths and their use in modern world. The main goal of SMS is to appear in the field of view of a girl you know. This means not only that sending a text message over the phone will remind the person of your existence, but also that it should be as emotionally effective and clear as possible. After all, if a person does not remember you or does not understand you, the effect of a successful start will be spoiled, although there is also a way out of such a situation. So, let's go through our sections in more detail.

A successful premise for the past

To effectively resume communication after a certain time via SMS, it is very important. And to do this, always use a premise of the past or call girls with a certain distinctive word. For example:

  • Hello freckle (sunny girl), we had a great time yesterday,... (a similar beginning may be suitable if the girl has distinguishing feature- freckles, which you clearly and noticeably stated to her several times during your acquaintance and your conversation).
  • Hello, partner, I think it’s worth meeting today and discussing our future plans for... . (a very successful approach if you found general theme or came up with it as an example - to rob a bank, win a street race together, etc.).

I think the point is more than clear. During the conversation, look for more of her and your common things that will unite you, and use emotional background to those situations and words that were used during the acquaintance.

If they don’t recognize you from the first SMS, don’t be upset: we’ll talk about how to get out of such a situation below. Regarding the interval between your acquaintance and correspondence by phone - there is no such interval; you can write either after 5 minutes or after a few days. Although for most cases the next day will be successful. The main thing will not be how long you waste time, but how timely and successfully the SMS will be sent. By the way, in nightclubs and other noisy places they can be used as a continuation of communication and acquaintance.

Positive and successful emotions

Well, where would we be without them? Emotions are something that will greatly influence your effectiveness and predetermine your success. Moreover, during this type of communication it is very easy to dose them. SMS to a girl you like , must necessarily encourage or evoke positivity, laughter, joy, that is, those emotions that will help you stand out among the vile crowd of other fans. For example:

Hi, it's so hot today that...(drink of your choice) on the beach would be a good way to end the day.

The main thing is not to be ashamed to convey emotions and sensations in words. It’s cold, write – brrr….cold, sweating – phew…that’s hot. It is necessary to level out all the disadvantages of text communication so that a person can feel your states and experiences without being near you.

And by the way, don’t forget to use emoticons, girls simply adore them.

Brevity is the wife of talent

A phrase that most people know, but don’t always use or don’t always use effectively. So I’ll tell you the main secret. It is important not to measure the number of characters, but to look at the relevance of the semantic load. This will be quite enough.

Encourage communication

And the most important thing in SMS to a girl you like - encourage communication. If you pester a girl with standard questions and expect adequate communication, you are deeply mistaken. During communication, use questions, not simple ones, but those that will help her reveal her personality, experiences, opinion about a particular issue. Such questions should begin with – How do you think about..., What did you feel in..., What do you think.... Encourage the person to share information with you, to “invest” in you, and then the chance of close communication will increase significantly.

What to do if the girl doesn't recognize you?

No matter how effectively you communicate and seduce girls, there is always the possibility of rejection or a bad start, but in any case, you should never fall under the influence of negative emotions. In fact, the main thing is not to worry when something did not go according to your plan, and not to show the girl your strong dependence on her opinions and actions. Examples of ways out of situations when a girl did not find out who wrote to her:

  • I am probably that young man with whom you were so bored yesterday (you can indicate the place here) that you no longer remember anything L.
  • Take it easy madam, you deserve my attention with your behavior yesterday, and perhaps only thanks to this I will give you another chance J
  • I am yours future husband, who returned to the past to take J to the land of pleasures.

Well, the most important thing is not to retreat, but to apply the knowledge received from me!

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience. The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, don’t you agree?

Now I am ready to provide you with my personal secrets of SMS correspondence, which until now were available only to my clients. Enter your e-mail in the form below and receive my SMS message templates and rules of seduction via SMS straight to your inbox!

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about the author
Greetings, dear friend! My name is Egor Sheremetyev. On my website you can find answers to many questions regarding dating, dating and building relationships with girls. Please give your opinion about my article. For me it is very important, because... I made the blog for you and I want it to be really useful. Your opinion will allow me to verify this or become an idea for a new article.

In this article you will learn what you need to write to girls on the Internet in order to interest them. After reading this article, you can easily use social networks, take a phone number, and have dates in the future. I also advise you to read the article. I also advise you on the topic of how to surprise a girl by correspondence, which you will receive by email right now.

But first, I want to tell you our pick-up artist secret: writing text messages to girls, on VK or somewhere else, is not the best thing for. There is still a very subtle point here - you can write, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of messages. You have to be very careful - if you write too much and too often, the girl may quickly lose interest in you, especially if you write nothing but tenderness.

This is not clear to our male logic, but “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” - these are not empty words. The fact that writing to a girl you like is a completely normal male desire - no one argues with this, but know when to stop, as they say. By the way, what exactly to write, several working examples of communication on the Internet, and how to literally get her phone number in just 3-4 messages, you can find out from 8 video clips that you can do right now absolutely free, And also, . For this !

Now I’ll tell you what to write, but before that I’ll tell you - it’s better to call once than to write many times. But you also don’t need to call a hundred times a day. You call only to invite her to a meeting, well, or if you have already been communicating for some time, then you can rarely call and find out how she is doing.

In correspondence, and in any correspondence, it is advisable to joke as much as possible and be cheerful. You can read more jokes about this here -, or -. There is a principle in seduction: before sex, there is no negativity. You're always doing great. There’s nothing like “My boss is really annoying” or anything like that.

By the way, I have several excellent training videos on this topic on my website that you can watch right now. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

Girls, of course, love compliments, but you don’t have to invent anything in your style - You have eyes like two oceans - this is nonsense for henpecked people. The best compliments to write to a girl on the Internet are simple and concise. And it’s even better if you see some kind of flaw in her photo and gently talk about it.

For example, you have a great bright dress here in the photo, but this handbag, in my opinion, doesn’t really fit here. Or shoes. A girl, of course, may become indignant, but her desire to please and interest in men’s opinion will be stronger, she will probably ask what’s wrong with her.

But if you already communicate very well, for example, you had a third date, or a second, but haven’t had sex yet, but everything is heading towards that, then you can fool around a little. Write to her:

“You know what I would like now...” “Put you on your tummy and give you a massage. Bite every bone on your spine from your tailbone to the back of your head. Then run my hand through your hair and massage the back of your head”….

There is a lot to write about here. This is like a hint of sex, but officially - only SMS about massage and all sorts of pleasant things.

And also, if you haven’t had sex yet, but you can write everything in ointment:

“I really want to know what - to pick up all sorts of goodies, crawl under the blanket with you, undress and lie naked watching a movie and hugging.”

It works very cool, and excites and causes a surge of romance.

Girls are very turned on by such SMSs, just be careful, don’t overdo it.

What to write to a girl in contact examples? Let's consider the following situation: you saw a beautiful girl among someone's friends and decided to write to her. In general, on the Internet, if these are not special platforms such as dating sites, it is not very easy to meet people. In any case, it’s difficult to interest a girl with just messages, where’s the voice? Where is the nonverbalism? Where is the look? (by the way, read about this in other articles)

The goal of dating on the Internet is the same as that - you need to get a girl to a live meeting, on a date, as quickly as possible.

What can you write to immediately hook her:
"Hello…." “You are a very unusual girl,” then you wait for her answer. For example, she answers: “With what?”

You are in no hurry to write further, wait a little.

In fact, correspondence is a banal jerk-off (sorry for the expression), so you need to call it. To call her, you need to have somewhere to call. As I always did - after literally the third message to her, I always wrote: “Write your phone number, we’ll chat for a couple of minutes. I won’t call all day long.”

I know that now you want from me to get a huge number of examples for correspondence, but understand that correspondence does not lead to anything. Although, of course, you like to correspond, it’s easier this way, because calling is scary, right?

When you ask for a number, and quickly, you also interest her further, because you are so arrogant and fast. Insolent in a good way. This method works well on dating sites. Actually, this is the little thing I wanted to tell you on the topic of what to write to a girl on VK. Let's move on.

Watch the video - 5 reasons why you won’t have sex with the girl you like

Find out ALL the secrets of communicating with girls - Watch our videos

What write to a girl in SMS before calling and inviting you on a date. You are writing -

"Hello." “By the way, you have one very unusual feature that guys (men) don’t really like (don’t like), but I really like it...”

In this way, you seem to sow intrigue, and the girl will receive an additional incentive to come on a date. She will, of course, write, “What the hell,” but you will be adamant and say that you will tell her everything when you meet. You can also write to her:

“Which guys do you like best? Well, there are character traits, qualities, appearance.”

You can write to her:

“Listen, I have this for you - What would you do if you became a guy for one day?”

The most ideal answer might be - “I would have sex with a girl.”

What to write to a girl to make her interested in you. To be interested in this at all, you might say, is your goal. But, here you need to act carefully - try to arouse her interest in yourself, but at the same time not show that you yourself are very interested in her and sometimes “disappear”, so to speak, that is, do not respond to her messages immediately, take pauses.

I have already given you several examples of what you can write to girls (I reveal all the other numerous tricks in, which you can receive by e-mail), let's summarize. Interest in you appears because you communicate (in our case, write) from the position of “from above” - no, no excuses, no objections. Only - I want, I offer, I insist. That is, all this should be broadcast in your messages. For example, not - "You do not want with me ?" or - “Can we talk?”, A - "I want to chat with you".

“You have very unusual eyes... Especially the right one”, “Very cool legs you have in the photo, the left one is really cool)))”.

Sowing intrigue about an unusual feature... You alternate - then you ask something about her, then you talk about her - the girls are very curious and they like to listen to something like - “You have very unusual ears, there are several types of ears: Aristocratic, Peasant...”

Here are the principles of interest:

  • You do something that others don’t do (in this case, you write);
  • Non-verbal - choose a photo where you look courageous;
  • Speech - you write confidently.

In general, these principles work when meeting people in person, but some can be applied here too.

Now you have learned a little more about what to write to a girl on the Internet. But online dating, in my opinion, is only for weak and insecure men. Don't be offended, but if you're not like that, then run outside and meet girls in person. Because no emoticons or faces can replace live emotions, live communication - this is real, pure adrenaline, this is drive. Get out of your networks and pages. And finally, since you were already looking for this.

What to write to a girl for the first time? In general, you can find out more about this from which you can. Write to her frankly that you liked her and that you want to communicate with her. Girls love straightforward guys. Just don’t immediately praise her and shower her with compliments. Everyone does this. Look what's on the walls beautiful girls in contact or on dating sites. What is not a comment or a message, is the same type of bullshit about the fact that she is simply beautiful.

You know why this doesn’t work - because the girl perceives this gray mass of the same type of complements as a banal confirmation of her beauty, but nothing more. If you hope that you will be noticed from this crowd, you are very mistaken. She wakes up in the morning in a bad mood, opens her page and sees a bunch of compliments, and her mood immediately improves! And nothing more.

And if you now mean what to write to a girl in the first message immediately after meeting, after you took her phone number, then you don’t need to write anything to her, just call her and invite her to a meeting. Well, the maximum I would write is 1 SMS - “Hello! I’ll call you now” and 2 SMS – in a couple of minutes – “I’m calling” and immediately after that dial her.

Guys, I urge you once again - Stop sitting at computers, on ICQ and on social networks. Stop WRITING! Start chatting LIVE! Go out and meet girls there. And I am ready to help you with this in my trainings. Don't waste your life online. She is much more interesting than she seems.