The best alien invasion films. Why do aliens want to take over Earth? Famous personalities about a possible attack

06.10.2021 General

Jim Templeton, a firefighter from the British city of Carlisle, on May 23, 1964, went with his family for a walk in the vicinity of the Solway Firth in Scotland, writes Dmitry Gromov in issue 49 of the magazine Correspondent dated December 11, 2015. During a picnic, he photographed his five-year-old daughter against the backdrop of a pond.

At home, having developed and printed the photographs, Templeton discovered in one of them a strange figure in a white spacesuit behind his daughter’s back. The Englishman immediately sent the photo to the Daily Mail newspaper, assuring journalists that no one else was with the family during the shooting. Templeton insisted that he had not seen the figure before developing the photographs, and Kodak analysts confirmed that the photograph was genuine.

The photo immediately spread across other media. “I took the photo to the Carlisle police, who, after much doubt, examined it and said there was nothing suspicious about it,” Templeton told reporters. “The photo is, of course, not a fake, and I’m surprised how this figure appeared in the background.”

However, the incident was of interest not only to the press, ufologists and curious ordinary people. Shortly after the card was made public, Templeton was visited by two men in black. They allegedly called each other by numbers and said that they worked for the British government, but did not show their identification.

The agents went with the fireman to the shooting site, where they asked him an unexpected question: did he see the second astronaut? Having received a negative answer, the men in black were annoyed and, threateningly advising Templeton to keep his mouth shut, disappeared.

The photo leaked to the media was called the Solway astronaut, although at that time it was far from the first evidence of the appearance of extraterrestrial beings on Earth. This is not the first time that a story about men in black has been heard. They often visited eyewitnesses immediately after incidents with aliens.

Proponents of the UFO conspiracy theory believe that these people are a link between earthly governments and alien civilizations who have entered into a secret pact to control humanity, resources and technology.

The aliens made themselves known after the first nuclear weapons test by the United States on June 16, 1945, sensing danger from humanity. Since then, they have interfered in earthly affairs, maintaining secret connections with presidents and the military.

Perhaps the alliance was concluded thousands of years ago, other conspiracy theorists suggest. And earthly rulers, starting with the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten and ending with the living Queen of England, are descendants from the crossing of humans and aliens.

Secret materials

Explosion first atomic bomb in New Mexico in 1945 was the cause of an alien conspiracy, believes Jim Marrs, author of the book Alien Plan.

“When we blew it up, it released so much energy that it probably sent ripples throughout our solar system,” says a lover of secret meanings. “And other advanced races sort of took a closer look at us and thought: my God, these kids found matches.”

Indeed, after the start of nuclear testing in the late 40s, numerous evidence of UFO sightings began to arrive. On June 10, 1964, the launch of an SM-65 Atlas ballistic missile from a Navy ship in the Big Sur region of California went according to plan. However, when debriefing the recordings, the military saw a silver disk that caught up with the missile and, moving around it, directed the rays towards the warhead.

Three years later, Malmstrom Air Force Base received a report of unidentified objects hovering over the base. Suddenly an alarm sounded - absolutely all ballistic missiles became uncontrollable.

“Whatever this device was, it was clearly disabling objects on this base,” said Tom Durant, a paranormal consultant.

Another similar incident occurred in Iran in 1976, when a luminous object appeared over its capital, to which fighter jets were sent on alert. After the command to open fire, the pilot was unable to do so - the system turned out to be disabled, which was beyond the power of any known earthly technology, conspiracy theorists believe.

Bill Burns, publisher of the American magazine UFOMagazine, a lawyer by training, believes that the first summit meeting between earthlings and aliens took place in the area of ​​Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico on October 16, 1957, where the landing of an alien ship was recorded.

“On board were the leaders of their planets, who had flown to meet with President Dwight Eisenhower to conclude some kind of alliance,” he says.

They say the aliens offered Americans advanced technologies for use in the Cold War. In exchange, the government allowed them to kidnap people for DNA and testing.

“After this incident, the number of reports of kidnappings increased dramatically,” Durant said. “Before 1961 there were none at all.”

Lawyer Peter Gerstan is trying to get the American government to release secret materials on aliens through the courts. And he has already achieved something - some of the documents have been published.

"They demonstrate the American government's obsession with the UFO phenomenon," he concludes.

In particular, it became known about the existence of government committees that dealt exclusively with UFO problems, as well as instructions for the US Army on how to deal with aliens in the event of special operations related to flying objects.

Sergeant Clifford Stone participated in one of these operations in the late 60s. His unit's mission was to recover fallen Soviet satellites, he says. “The operations were called Project Moondust and Blue Fly,” recalls Sgt.

Basically, Stone's team didn't come across anything unusual. But one day in 1969, she was given the task of investigating a certain Soviet device that fell to Earth. The command warned that there could be living creatures, such as monkeys, that could be used by the Soviets for space flights, as the United States did.

Stone actually discovered a small ship with a door “like a kidney.” It was thrown back, and behind it was a creature that, according to the military man, was neither a monkey nor a dog. By the way, the USSR carried out its first launches with monkeys only in the early 80s. For years, Stone convinced those in power that he really saw what he said, but the Department of Defense never confirmed his story.

The discovery of British ufologist Gary McKinen also remained without comment. He allegedly penetrated NASA's computer system and found lists of so-called extraterrestrial employees there, says Jason Martell, author of the book Scientific apocalypse.

According to him, the secret catalogs of the space agency also contain photographs of the Moon, delivered in 1967 by the interplanetary station Rager 7 during the first successful flight to the Earth’s satellite, which depict artificial objects on the lunar surface. Alien bases have been discovered on the Moon, which are now collaborating with NASA, conspiracy theorists say.

Pyramid of Akhenaten

Proponents of the alien conspiracy theory have several explanations for why the government would hide contacts with aliens. Some believe that it is a matter of technologies from other worlds.

“Their machines run on inorganic fuel,” explains Richard Dolan, author of the book UFOs and national security of the state. - There is a lot of similar evidence when they say: “This object stopped above my head, and then quickly flew away silently, like a bullet.” This is not high-octane gasoline, this is something much superior to it.”

The emergence of a new perfect source of energy caused dissatisfaction with the large mining business, Marrs believes, and a desire to hide them from people.

“If technology came along overnight to replace gas and oil, the oil and gas industries would collapse, the Middle East would collapse, the entire auto industry would collapse. This will change our entire society,” he puts forward his arguments.

Marrs claims that authorities began to hide their connections with aliens long before the 40s. He tells a story from the town of Aurora, Texas, where, according to local legend, he crashed in 1897 spaceship. Residents found the pilot's body and buried it in a local cemetery, as evidenced by even a memorial plaque installed nearby.

Well-known propagandist of alien conspiracy theories, former BBC sports commentator David Icke, has gone even further back into history. He believes that wars, famine, poverty, terrible epidemics of the Middle Ages and modern incurable diseases are the result of thousands of years of rule on Earth by aliens and their descendants.

The ruthless elite that has seized power on the planet consists of a secretive group of families that Ike believes to be followers of the 18th century secret society - the Illuminati. And the Illuminati, in turn, is considered by the conspiracy theory preacher to be the descendants of “crossbreeding between a race of humans and non-humans.” The aliens, who were similar to reptiles, mixed with the ruling families of ancient civilizations (for example, Egyptian and Mayan), creating hybrids - reptilians. Today, in a rather humanized form, they live among ordinary people.

“When skeptics demand evidence of human-alien hybridization, it can be found in the deformed skulls found throughout the world,” echoes Ike Durant.

Thus, Pharaoh Akhenaten, depicted on ancient frescoes with an elongated skull and large eyes, was declared by conspiracy theorists to be the first result of the mixing of human and extraterrestrial blood. Hieroglyphs and drawings Ancient Egypt, as well as the civilizations of Central and South America they are told that their inhabitants saw spacecraft and astronauts, whom they began to call gods.

In addition, completely terrestrial technologies that were ahead of their time, such as the construction of pyramids, testify in favor of the power of aliens on Earth. Ike considers the pyramid a sacred symbol of visitors from outer space, which is why they are found in different parts of the world - from Mexico to Siberia. The presence of this sign on the dollar bill only confirms the guess.

Why the secret rulers declare themselves so clearly is the tenth matter for the conspiracy theorist Ike. That, however, did not stop him from selling thousands of books.

Bender in the Matrix

When Albert Bender, an American journalist who investigated cases of alien abduction in the 1950s, decided to publish these materials, he was visited by stern men in black. The article was never published, but the FBI became interested in Bender, as evidenced by a 1954 document - from the secret service safes, as Durant claims. The file "mentions Bender as a subject worthy of attention."

Since then, appearances of men in black have become regular after UFO incidents, and various people's descriptions of them are consistent - impeccably dressed, with movements like robots. People who look like intelligence agents, firstly, ask what the eyewitnesses experienced, and secondly, they warn: for their own good, it is better not to tell anyone about it.

Private investigator Derrel Sims spends his free time working with people who, he claims, have been implanted with alien sensors.

“They are all very different, these sensors. Using X-rays, we found them in the eye, in the feet, in the heart area, inside the brain. They're about the size of a walnut, and if you don't remove them, they disappear within a year,” Sims said.

Orthopedic surgeon Roger Lear has been removing such implants for many years. According to him, after chemical analysis it turned out that these were samples of meteorites.

“In several cases that we have observed, patients literally say the same thing word for word, that they felt a newfound freedom,” he reports.

And Sims shows a video of a sensor being removed from a woman’s leg. “They have a carotene shell, they are very durable, they do not create any inflammation, the body does not react to it as a foreign body,” the detective assures.

These objects are capable of controlling the entire human body, right down to the brain, even if they are sewn into the leg, Sims is sure. They say they control the level of serotonin and dopamine, which means they control emotions. In this way, the aliens establish power over people.

Nick Bostrom, professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, puts forward another common hypothesis about the tyranny of others. It was played out in the famous film epic The Matrix.

“Alien computers are so advanced that we all live in them, as if in a matrix,” Bostrom claims. - Within one second, this advanced computer system can simulate the brains of all people who have ever lived. The virtual reality simulation is so convincing that we may be living in such a reality.”

Visual illusion

Russian expert on conspiracy theories Alexander Dugin considers the ufological conspiracy to be a particular manifestation of neo-spiritualism, that is, associated with the occult and esotericism.

“Here the archetypal paradigm of conspiracy theory reaches its extreme form, since at the center of the “conspiracy” there are no longer just people, but “intelligent beings from other planets,” he writes. - Often ufologists decorate their doctrines with such expressive details that it even seems that they are specially inventing them in order to maximally satisfy the needs of the whistleblowers of the “conspiracy.”

Since ordinary people have no clear evidence of contacts between aliens and government officials, they have to be content with something unconvincing, such as rumors. There were plenty of them in the middle of the 19th century. In the 40s and later, people saw many flying saucers and other unidentified vehicles, and encountered kidnappings. But, as a rule, skeptics attributed all this to paranoia and the press’s pursuit of sensations.

In the 50-60s of the twentieth century. The space race and the Cold War between the West and the USSR were in full swing. The two superpowers fought each other using secret military technologies. This gave rise to speculation about UFOs

In addition, in the 50s and 60s, the space race and the Cold War between the West and the USSR were in full swing. The two superpowers fought each other using secret military technologies. This gave rise to speculation about UFOs, say opponents of the conspiracy explanation for incomprehensible phenomena.

“There is still no evidence that extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth,” says Nick Pope, a British Ministry of Defense official from 1985 to 2006 who conducted official investigations into UFO sightings in the UK. “But it is often believed that there is a vast conspiracy going on here.” Having led UFO projects for four years, I can say that none of this is true.”

But supporters of the theory are convinced: the more the government denies it, the deeper the secret must be. They are still haunted by the theory of paleocontact - the hypothesis that humanity originated from aliens. It has long been recognized as unscientific, although it was once supported by the Russian scientist, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

There is still no clear answer to the question why aliens needed to explore the Earth. High-tech worlds could hardly need the extraction of primitive minerals and human labor, skeptics say. Hydrocarbons, iron, and non-ferrous metals are abundant in the Universe, which was proven by scientists back in the 60s. In addition, the fuel costs for their transportation to other planets, and even more so to galaxies, will be much greater than the volume of the transported fuel itself.

In the same way, the aliens could hardly use the Earth as an airfield for their ships, as conspiracy theorists would like to think, who present giant drawings as an argument - geoglyphs of the Nazca Plateau in Peru. On an area of ​​50 km by 7 km, about 30 drawings depicting animals and abstract figures (triangles, trapezoids, spirals and lines) were drawn by unknown artists or engineers.

According to mystery lovers, these are landmarks for starships. However, they cannot explain why aliens capable of traveling light years along galactic highways need unpaved runways and primitive visual cues.

Perhaps Carlisle firefighter Templeton was also wishful thinking when he decided to amaze the world with his photo. Those who do not believe in aliens believe that his wife Annie was actually behind the Englishman's daughter.

Andy Roberts and David Clarke, authors of the Solway Spaceman Solved? (2013), write that Templeton's Zeiss Contax Pentacon F SLR camera displayed only 70% of the actual frame size in the viewfinder, and he probably simply did not notice his wife standing in the periphery.

That day, Annie was wearing a pale blue dress, which in some photos at certain exposures looked like white.

“If you use computer processing, darkening the image and straightening the horizon, the astronaut becomes like a figure ordinary person, visible from the back,” experts conclude.

This material was published in No. 49 of the Korrespondent magazine dated December 11, 2015. Reproduction of Korrespondent magazine publications in full is prohibited. The rules for using materials from the Korrespondent magazine published on the website can be found.

Representatives of a foreign civilization in dream scenes in which they fly in on their “plate”, come into contact with the sleeping person, take him onto their “ship”, conduct their experiments on him, or have to run away from them. At the same time, the sleeper always feels inexplicable fear, increased anxiety, restlessness, and less often horror. This indicates negative influences on the sleeping person from the waking side, or they report a period of internal emotional imbalance, contradictions, and doubts. Lucifophages often disguise themselves as aliens. How obsessive images are the beginning of a serious mental illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological Dream Book

It is difficult to unambiguously interpret your dreams. Still, you need to take into account all the details, including those under what circumstances you had dreams, what you are interested in (for example, it is important whether you do meditation or other spiritual practices, etc.) If you interpret dreams about aliens from the point of view of the unconscious, then they dream at difficult moments of fate. When changes occur or are coming, you are afraid of losing your family, losing control over the situation and are unable or unwilling to adapt to the changes. One way or another, the “fight against aliens” is now in full swing on earth, only on an individual basis and on a subtle level (mainly on an unconscious level). The most important thing is not to save the planet, but to first “save” yourself. Pay attention to your inner world, your attitude to current events in life, country, etc. And don’t be afraid! Everything will be fine. Best,

Dream Interpretation - Capture of the planet by aliens!

Your dreams indicate that you are an active person, always striving to do something, to achieve success, showing others your importance, your need, so that they listen to your advice and suggestions. And therefore, in a dream, you are fighting with aliens (in real life - difficulties) and taking some measures. You are a good family man and you are constantly worried about the well-being of your family. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Fate has prepared a lot of difficulties and troubles for you, but you will cope with them safely. In the near future, all you will do is awaken the conscience of your neighbors, and you will do this persistently and in an aggressive manner. Perhaps you will be sad and mopey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

Good afternoon, Esther! “... It’s like I’m doing an internship in a hospital (this can’t happen in life, because I’m not a doctor and have nothing to do with medicine). “- I’ve already previously written in interpretations of your dreams that things should happen to you changes in life, and you are being pushed towards this. These changes must be drastic, something you are not used to and do not even imagine about yourself. “But here I was sent by some responsible person to this particular hospital - a large, multi-story, crowded institution. I walk around the wards, check for the presence of something, communicate with people - I feel like I’m in business” - just if you feel your mental and emotional state of this moment, you will be able to understand what awaits you. “I remember a moment: an elderly woman (one of the patients) talked about her financial difficulties, and I thought, should I lend her money?” - You will have to help people. "but I remembered that all my cash was in a different currency than the one in circulation here.... Then I remember the syringe in my hands, I used it ineptly... And that woman repaid the debt (which means I still gave her the money) " - but this help of yours will not be of a material nature. “By the night, tired, I lay down on the couch in the corridor and was just about to fall asleep when 2 or 3 men appeared. They behaved unbridledly and immediately declared us all hostages. I tried to sneak away from them unnoticed, but failed. Right there in the corridor I They sat me down again, covering my eyes with a rag. “The problem that you asked me about in the mail is bothering you, don’t think that I forgot, I’m looking into your question, it’s just complicated. “But I decided to try to leave openly; I tore off the bandage from my head and ran! I jumped into some room (there was a guy and a girl there), asked where the exit was. They said there was a door, but there was no exit behind it. I answered, that I would go there anyway, because I couldn’t go back. I went, taking this couple with me. Behind the door there was a convenient exit to the street. There we separated - I told the guy to run one way and contact the police, and myself (with the girl). ) decided to run a different route so as not to get caught by the bandits’ accomplices all at once.” “You, subconsciously, understand your problem and are trying to free yourself. “The girl couldn’t run, I had to drag her by the collar.” - this problem is connected with some wrong action in your life, and is a karmic punishment, so you have to atone for it with your actions. And most likely this should be done through helping people. "Soon we saw elderly people sitting at a table. There were several landlines. I rushed to them, but all of them (phones) turned out to be non-working. A young woman appeared with a telephone, I approached her, begging her to let me call. She first called herself for her own needs, then, without interrupting the call, she gave the phone to me, saying, “This is the police, speak up.” From the emotions I experienced, I burst into tears (although I felt relief from being freed) and spoke into the phone through tears. I didn’t have time to receive an answer, I woke up...” - I think that everything will be fine for you, but you will have to put in a lot of effort. God bless you!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

You were entrusted with some task in which you are not an expert, “not able to use a syringe,” and you agreed to this event and are ready to spend your energy “borrow money,” but nothing good will come of this event for you, because you found themselves hostage to this event, and even requests for help did not find a response, everyone “helped” in their own opinion as best they could and in whatever way they could. Some sent me down the wrong path, others gave me a phone number after doing their business. The solution is not visible in your dream, perhaps this is a warning dream, and you should be careful about proposals in which you have no experience. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

The dream most likely indicates that you will be under the influence of certain circumstances, from which it will be very difficult to escape: terrorists, non-working phones. Perhaps something will be connected with medicine, with some disease. Someone will pay you back - something positive you have done in life. The fact that you were sent to work by certain authorities probably means that you cannot control yourself in this situation. On the other hand, in a dream you are told that there is no exit behind the door, but you still find it - this is a positive sign. Then you literally drag that girl along with you - this is someone or something that opposes you in your quest for liberation. Think of this dream as an indication of some unfavorable circumstances in your life that are interfering with you, which you cannot change, but which you can resist. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Fear of the unknown and so far incomprehensible to humanity has always existed. People have been asking questions for years: Do extraterrestrial civilizations exist? If so, what are their goals for Earth? Do aliens want to attack our planet? Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer. There are only a lot of assumptions by scientists, astrophysicists, as well as astronauts who have the opportunity to directly touch and be a participant in a journey through the mysterious outer space, which has many unsolved mysteries. NASA astronaut Leroy Russell Chiao said that aliens have repeatedly attempted to attack Earth.

"Dark" aliens want to destroy humanity?

According to the astronaut, who flew into space four times, the alien intelligence is represented by “dark”, warlike races of aliens who seek to destroy earthlings and “light” ones, who do not have the goal of attack and conquest. The latter, says Leroy Russell Chiao, have repeatedly saved our planet from frightening destruction and prevented disasters.

The astronaut noted that the most direct alien intervention was the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. If the situation had not been taken under control by aliens pursuing peaceful goals, the destruction on the planet could have been incredibly large. A space agency employee said it was most likely a huge plasmoid rather than a meteorite. A similar scenario applies to the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, the astronaut claims.

The mystery of the Tunguska meteorite has not yet been fully revealed. The nature of the space object that rocked the expanses of Taiga in 1908 remains unclear. For example, no material traces of it were ever found; the explosion took place at a distance of 10-15 km above the earth's surface. More than a hundred different versions have been put forward by scientists in relation to this event, but today only the date of the phenomenon and its consequences in the form of fallen trees over an area of ​​over 2 thousand hectares are known for certain.

Over Chelyabinsk, a body from space, which was classified as a meteorite, flew over the city and exploded in 2013. This explosion occurred at a distance of approximately 20 km from the surface of the earth, shock wave was incredibly powerful. The fact that it did not fall in a populated part of the city helped to avoid numerous casualties, but many people still received shrapnel wounds from broken glass.

Why would aliens attack Earth?

The world-famous scientist Stephen Hawking recently put forward a version about alien conquerors who roam in intergalactic space and conquer inhabited planets that come their way, destroying all life. This version partially confirms the theory of astronaut Chiao about the existence of “dark” alien conquerors. Hawking never tires of warning about the danger posed by humanoids, but never mentioned the “light” aliens advocating for humanity. This once again confirms that as many scientific minds exist in the world, there can be as many opinions about UFOs and brothers in mind.”

Astrophysicist Seth Shostak also shares the same opinion that aliens are not going to come to Earth personally. He believes that highly developed races will come up with a different way of communicating about themselves or directly influencing our planet. If we compare this theory with that put forward by astronaut Leroy Russell Chiao, then it is quite possible that meteorites or other celestial bodies could become warlike messages from unfriendly humanoids.

How does humanity interfere with extraterrestrial civilizations?

Many scientists have discussed the answer to this question. Some agree that it is natural resources that can become a stumbling block and the main reason for a possible attack. If resources are running out on an alien planet, then they may be in search of a suitable planet, and if the question of their life becomes extremely acute, then it will not be difficult for high-tech aliens to conquer our planet.

If the development of an extraterrestrial race has gone much further from earthlings, then they can look at people as bacteria, the destruction of which is not a problem. There are also opponents of this view, who argue that natural resources are the last thing for which aliens can attack, because in the vastness of space there are many other planets and asteroids rich in various resources.

If you think about it, at present the aliens seem to be biding their time, watching humanity. After all, there are many eyewitness accounts who saw unidentified objects in the sky. All these visits are not accidental and have some purpose. Perhaps the aliens are looking after our unique planet, on which ideal conditions for life have been created so that people, due to their aggressiveness and aggressive ideas, do not harm the Earth.

Information has repeatedly appeared in the open spaces world wide web that a UFO hovered over nuclear or military facilities. You can often hear the words of eyewitnesses about their visits to the sites of disasters. It is possible that humanoids are simply not able to survive on our planet at present, but frequent visits to Earth may indicate regular exploration of our planet and possible consideration future life opportunities here. Information also periodically appears on the Internet and in the press about aliens on whom experiments are being conducted and the governments of countries know about this. Ordinary people can only guess for themselves where the lie is and where the truth is.

Trailer for the film "Edge of Tomorrow"

A NASA research probe returns to Earth, its mission to search for extraterrestrial life in remote corners solar system. The probe makes an emergency landing in Mexico, and strange creatures emerge from it to the surface. They destroy everyone who gets in their way. Among other things, a virus was hidden in the probe, which, after a hard landing, ends up in the atmosphere of our planet.

Trailer for the movie "Monsters"

An unidentified cosmic body is rapidly approaching the Earth, which turns out to be a spaceship that looks like a shining sphere. The ship lands in New York's Central Park. To inform people about the coming End of the World, a representative of the alien civilization Klaatu was sent to Earth. According to the aliens, people are waging too many wars, which over time could lead to the death of the Earth. Since there are few potentially habitable planets in space, Klaatu gives people time to reform. If they fail to do this, humanity will be destroyed.

Still from the film “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

The events of this film by the director begin on July 2, 1996, when a giant spaceship approaches our planet. With the help of smaller ships, the aliens begin an attack on the largest cities in the world: Moscow, New York, Washington, Berlin, Rome and others. Absolutely everything burns in the hot plasma - people, buildings and equipment. Attempts to destroy the aliens turn out to be failures - alien ships invulnerable to earthly weapons. Now several brave Americans will have to save the planet at once, led by the president himself.

Trailer for the film "Independence Day"

One fine and warm evening, New York is rocked by a series of explosions and the lights go out in the city. When a cheerful group, celebrating a friend's promotion, runs out onto the roof of the house in a panic, it becomes clear that the Earth has been attacked strange looking creature. There is panic all around, the army cannot do anything to oppose this monster - there is only one thing left: to flee. In this turmoil main character– Rob – decides to go after the girl in trouble. The director of the film was , and the producer was . The film is shot in the "found footage" genre from the first person.

Trailer for the movie "Monstro"

Aliens arriving from Mars land on Earth. They are going to destroy humanity, as well as all their heritage. The largest cities in the United States are destroyed by powerful explosions, and the number of small and evil green creatures is increasing every hour. The US President orders urgent measures to restore order, but the military, subordinate to the head of state, has its own opinion about what is happening. One of the responsible generals believes that the aliens should be sent to Mars, and the second thinks that it is better to establish friendly relations with them.

Trailer for the film “Mars Attacks!”

The film is based on the film of the same name board game. A NASA research station is sending signals into space - scientists are confident that the exoplanet closest to Earth may harbor intelligent life forms. This signal is intercepted by five alien ships, which then head towards our planet. Four of them land in Pacific Ocean, where international naval exercises were taking place at the time. In order to calmly dig in, the aliens cover the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the sea surrounding them, with an extended impenetrable dome. The aliens' task is to convey a signal to their fellows that the Earth is ready for colonization, as well as to suppress possible resistance from local residents.

Trailer for the film "Battleship"

The film is based on the novel of the same name. Ray Ferrier works on the New York docks. He has two children, but he is separated from his wife. Now, according to a court decision, he can only see them on weekends. On one of the usual weekends, the Earth is attacked by aliens who have been observing the life of mankind for many years, looking for an opportune moment for a deadly attack. Frightening giant machines spread death around - people simply evaporate after being hit by a beam that looks like lightning. Ray, who is trapped with his children, must find a way to survive this Judgment Day.

Trailer for the film "War of the Worlds"

Thousands of aliens live on Earth secretly from ordinary people. After the first contact, which took place in the middle of the 20th century, a secret organization was created on the planet calling itself “Men in Black” - the Bureau for Cooperation with Extraterrestrials. Thanks to guests from other planets, the bureau acquired various gadgets that allow them to interact with aliens, as well as help hide their existence from humanity. A veteran of the organization, Agent Kay, is looking for a new partner, who he offers to become a local police officer, James Edwards, who managed to catch up with the alien.

Trailer for the film "Men in Black"

The first part of the film series. The film is based on the animated series of the same name, as well as toys created by Hasbro. The film tells about the war between the Autobots and Decepticons - aliens from the planet Cybertron, who by chance ended up on Earth. Their mission is to find the so-called Great Spark, which is the source of life for giant robots. The Autobots learn that the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, was the first to discover the trace of a powerful artifact, but was never able to get out of the planet. A squad of Autobots heads to Earth to stop their enemies - where people come to their aid.

Trailer for the film "Transformers"

The film takes place in 2135. By this time, humanity had survived two invasions by an alien race, nicknamed “bugs” due to their resemblance to insects. Now preparations are underway for a new attack, which will happen sooner or later. New pilots capable of withstanding a mortal threat are sought among children, since their minds are not burdened by anything extraneous. On Earth, Ender Wiggin, who is destined to become a last hope humanity for salvation.

Trailer for the film "Ender's Game"

A squad of commandos played by Alan Schaeffer is sent to the jungles of Central America to rescue a high-ranking official and his colleagues from rebel captivity. There, professional soldiers encounter a mysterious hunter who, for his own pleasure, kills people one by one. Gradually, the squad realizes that this is a creature of unearthly origin and that in order to resist it they will have to avoid technological innovations, resorting to primitive tricks.

Trailer for the film "Predator"

In April 2011, objects that on Earth were mistaken for meteorites fell on our planet. Later it becomes clear that these are not space stones, but alien ships. An alien race begins a large-scale offensive, planning to completely destroy humanity. The film tells the story of the confrontation with the invaders of the Marines who are trying to keep Los Angeles from aliens.

Trailer for the film "Alien Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles"

Near future. Our planet survived an invasion by aliens who destroyed the Moon before attacking humanity. This, in turn, caused the emergence of various natural disasters. The invasion was repulsed with the help of nuclear weapons, the use of which resulted in the destruction of almost all cities. It became impossible to live on the planet. Earthlings moved to the Teth space station, and then to the satellite of the planet Saturn - Titan. Stations specially created by humanity remained on Earth, with the help sea ​​water producing thermonuclear energy. The stations are guarded by combat drones. To serve them, an observation post was built on the planet, whose employees were former Marine Jack Harper and signalman Victoria.

Trailer for the film "Oblivion"

Aliens are attacking Earth again, but this time they appear before humanity in the form of heroes from classic computer games of the past. The American government is gathering a squad of former gamers. The president of the school himself has to take the lead of this unusual team, along with whom a dwarf, a paranoid and an eternal loser will resist the invaders.

Trailer for the film "Pixels"

However, when you read science fiction books and watch movies, in them aliens usually try to conquer us with brute military force. It is assumed that their technology and weapons are better and we are fighting back. Sometimes successful, sometimes not.

But imagine that there could be more than just violent or military scenarios...

1. Military trade

Aliens secretly establish contact with the government of one of the earthly states. They offer him a weapon that provides superiority over anything existing on Earth, but, naturally, inferior to their own. For payment with valuable resources, or in the form of a military alliance - they say, we are waging a war in space here and we need a strong, united, highly developed planet as an ally, and not the mess that you have. Stick with us, you will eat meat. It is advisable to choose weapons that do not pollute the planet for delivery.

As soon as those benefited go to war with other states, the enemy is also offered high-tech weapons. It is possible on behalf of another alien race: they say, we don’t want the Earth to be for our enemies, beat the traitors and be free. Or for a fee, nothing personal, just business. As the conflict develops, the parties are supplied with increasingly cool wunderwaffles at higher prices, and so on until complete mutual extermination.

2. Economic.

The aliens, having arrived, establish friendly relations with earthlings and offer mutually beneficial trade. If their civilization is capable of moving among the stars, it means they are at least several technological levels and tens of generations of technology ahead of us. They offer us high-tech consumer goods that are about 30 years ahead of the level of development of earthly science and technology. That is, they do not give earthlings technological superiority.

If we suddenly manage to reproduce production technologies, generation + products are released onto the market. They take it inexpensively - the same as their earthly “analogues” cost, so that they cannot be accused of dumping. They accept our money as payment, which is invested in the purchase of land and deposits of raw materials. Properly pay all taxes and duties. Additionally, they offer transport services - from space tourism for the rich to cheap cargo transportation within the Earth, as well as delivery from other planets of raw materials that are scarce on earth.

To ensure the loyalty of local governments, some of the production can even be located on Earth, employing local workers who perform the simplest operations, even those that could be performed automatically. Earthlings are happy, there are no reasonable arguments for refusal - if some state begins to act, an embargo is declared on it.

After several decades of such cooperation, not only does the main part of the earthly industry die - there is no point in investing in it, both light and heavy, since no one needs earthly machines or ships with trains, but earthlings lose the ability to produce even what they could previously . There is no point in studying to become an engineer or scientist - there is no job anyway. At this stage, the aliens already have pocket governments and pocket armies, which begin to reduce excess food, up to minimizing the Earth's population.

3. Scammer

The aliens arrive, carry on a cultural exchange for some time, ingratiate themselves, demonstrate a high level of science and technology, and simply give some of them as gifts, but without fanaticism, explaining their restraint with the risks of unbalancing the development of civilization. They admire earthly culture, take state leaders and the cultural elite to visit them, show how well they live, admire the wisdom of earthly scientists and politicians, and applaud the concerts of earthly musicians.

Then they report that their science has discovered that the Sun will soon - within a few years - explode. They express their readiness to take free of charge to a safe planet and save a part of the Earth's population of our choice - be it children, or great scientists and athletes, or the unfortunate with Down syndrome, or some of those whom they decide for themselves.

At the same time, “representatives of the third force” secretly appear on Earth - supposedly a different race of aliens, or not so disinterested fellow citizens of the first. They are ready to take out additional people who can pay dearly for tickets. Non-ferrous and radioactive metals and their deposits are accepted as payment - with their technologies they can be quickly extracted.

Panic begins on Earth, a fight for resources that can be used to buy a ticket, anarchy on the eve of the inevitable end. The elite, which could establish order, has no time for it, every man for himself. If someone resists and doesn’t even accept a free ticket, others eliminate him for the same ticket. A couple of years later, the Earth was thrown back into barbarism, the elite was taken out and sold into slavery/for organs/meat, nuclear warheads and planes were torn up for scrap, the new owners dictate their terms to those left behind.

4. Conspiratorial

The aliens secretly take back some of the promising earthlings, show them their prosperous society and explain that those taken out are in fact the descendants of representatives of their race who accidentally got stuck on Earth. There shouldn’t be any problems convincingly portraying humanoids in stationary conditions for representatives of such a race, even if you present humanoid robots to earthlings, even if you use hypnosis with drugs. They let you stay at home and taste the delights.

After this, the guests are told that humanity is dangerous to the peace of the Universe, and it must be destroyed, but the galactic UN does not order this to be done by forces of external invasion; it must be persuaded to the right path of development. Those processed as familiar with local specifics are thrown back to Earth, well prepared, with the task of infiltrating key positions and preparing the capture process. It’s like a link, but with the opportunity to save time by doing faithful service and receive a hearty ration for completing the task.

Zaslantsev is supported financially and informationally, advised on what to say, who to rely on, etc. To simplify the seizure of power and the development of chaos, you can give information to the rest of the Earth's population that they have alien agents operating, and give some false signs to expose the agents, such as a certain chromosome set. As a result, after several decades, the finances, governments and armies of the Earth are headed by people convinced that they are representatives of a different race, the invasion of which they in their posts contribute in every possible way, agreeing to any unequal treaties and blocking resistance.

5. Theologically sadistic

The aliens arrive and hang their ships in the distant orbits of the Earth, where they are practically inaccessible to earthly weapons. They don’t make contact, perhaps they even remain invisible to us. Sometimes, completely spontaneously, they carry out targeted strikes, the logic of which is impossible to understand.

Then they will take and destroy some large city. Then they will release a virus that eradicates a specific plant or animal species, but leaves others untouched. Then they will incinerate the temples of one particular religion. Then they will begin to methodically shoot at planes and ships in a certain area of ​​the Earth. All weather satellites will be destroyed. They will burn out a piece of remote taiga, etc.

Not only will the global economic system not withstand such unpredictable risks, since volatility in the markets is already tens of percent daily, and insurance premiums have skyrocketed, but the earthlings are also psychologically broken. The sword of Domocles, constantly hanging over one’s head, the blows of which cannot be predicted, provokes mass psychoses, the emergence of totalitarian sects, group suicides and pogroms.

When the aliens finally decide to make contact, the society, which has fallen into anarchy, will willingly submit to them, happily accepting the version that the gods have descended to it. The will to resist will be broken, humanity will fulfill any, even the most idiotic demands. The earth will be conquered without much destruction and casualties, but with a huge amount of lulz for the invaders.
