How to distinguish edged weapons. Signs of edged weapons. Parameters and characteristics of knives that are not edged weapons. What are the differences between household knives and edged weapons?

26.10.2021 Kinds

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 115 Published 11/14/2019

Man constantly uses knives in his life. Some of them can be freely used and stored, while others are prohibited from being freely available by law and a license is required to sell and purchase them. There are certain signs of edged weapons on a knife in Russia, which are strictly recorded by the Russian Federation State Standards.

An example of a knife considered a bladed weapon.

Types of bladed weapons

Melee weapons have a variety of classifications, and there is no generally accepted order. In common parlance, the definitions used by law enforcement agencies in their activities are more often used:

  • as intended. Divided into combat and civilian. In the first version, these weapons are used in military, combat, operational and service operations by state paramilitary organizations. In the second version, it is used by some subjects for self-defense, hunting, and while playing sports. Serves as an addition to the national costume of some nationalities of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturing method. It can be produced in several ways: at a factory - the product meets technical requirements, standards, a marking is applied to the product, by handicraft method - made by gunsmiths in accordance with a certain standard, sample, the manufacturer can put his own brand, homemade - people without special professional skills are engaged in production or, they remake the weapon by adding elements to it or eliminating existing ones;
  • by production location. These weapons are produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  • according to the established standard. There are standard and non-standard products;
  • by damaging effect. There are chopping bladed weapons, piercing-cutting, piercing, piercing-cutting, impact-crushing, throwing weapons, combined action;
  • according to the features of the structural device. There are non-bladed and bladed melee weapons;
  • according to the design features of the blade. Weapons come with one blade or two blades.

The main signs of edged weapons

The characteristics that influence whether a knife belongs to a bladed weapon are specified in GOST R 51500-99 “Hunting knives and daggers. General technical conditions”. The criteria are valid for all knives, be it a folding tool or a katana:

  • blade length not less than 90 mm;
  • butt thickness from 2.7 mm to 6 mm;
  • safety handle;
  • blade hardness of at least 25 units on the Rockwell scale (scale mark - C);
  • the blade must be sharpened.

Hunting knife “Tour”.

Officially, a knife is considered a full-fledged edged weapon only if it meets all five points on the list. Which opens up a lot of room for maneuver. And such knives can well be used for self-defense. However, the harsh realities are such that a match with even one sign may be of interest to legal authorities.

What knives are considered edged weapons?

An edged weapon is a military, hunting or sports knife, in the manufacture of which the force of explosives, electricity or gas is not used. According to the law, this definition sounds somewhat different. In the regulatory documents of Russian legislation, this term means a weapon that is intended to hit a target using human muscle power.

It is worth noting that not every item has the right to be called a weapon. In order to receive this name, it must strictly comply with certain parameters. Household, industrial and sports equipment that are structurally similar are not weapons.

Basically, most of the weapons are represented by knives, swords, and so on. Every knife, even an ordinary kitchen one, can be used as a weapon, since there are structural similarities between them. But in order for this item to be legally recognized by experts as such, it is necessary that all the signs of a bladed weapon be present at the same time, as well as the absence of criteria that would remove it from this category.

Is it possible to carry a knife in a car and what will happen to it?

First, you need to determine the type of knife, whether it is a bladed weapon or not. The thing is that there is no punishment for a knife that is not a bladed weapon. And it doesn't matter what he looks like.

Storing a knife in a car.

If a bladed weapon is found in a car, then the liability will be exactly the same as for carrying a bladed weapon. Currently, administrative liability is provided for this - a fine of 500 to 2,000 rubles.

In addition to the administrative fine, the knife will be confiscated, so it is better not to carry collectible Japanese katanas with you. There is no criminal charge for possession.

It’s a completely different matter for handmade products. Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for the manufacture of bladed weapons. There is no need to shout that a “cold” knife is intended for sale. Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is responsible for the sale of bladed weapons.

So if suddenly the knife turns out to be XO, there is no need to inform everyone that it was made by hand. If it is frankly clear that this is not a factory model, it is better to say that it was given as a gift or found. At the very least, you can admit that it was bought.

Is it possible to carry a knife in the city?

If in rural areas carrying knives usually does not raise questions, then in the city they are very wary of this. Although, by law, you can carry a whole bunch of different blades with you, be it a folding one or a huge saber.

Law enforcement officers have a particularly negative attitude towards knives. If you flash a knife in front of them, a whole bunch of questions may arise. No one will touch an ordinary, adequate and kindly obedient person, ask him to show his passport, much less search him.

If such a situation happened and a question like “I have a weapon on me” was asked. You just need to answer that there are no weapons, but there are piercing and cutting objects intended for household needs.

What are the differences between household knives and edged weapons?

In principle, knives are divided into household products and edged weapons. CW is structurally designed to hit a target using human muscle power. Due to their design features, household knives are not intended for forceful destruction of targets. In skillful or playful hands, of course, a household product can act as a bladed weapon, but in this case we are talking specifically about the design features that determine the specialization of a particular knife.

An example of a household knife.

In accordance with GOST, knives having the following parameters are not considered cold bladed tools:

  1. Models without a point. It is difficult to stab with such a knife, since its tip is rounded. Such an object can perform, for example, the function of a screwdriver.
  2. If the blade is less than 9 cm long.
  3. The tip is located half a centimeter above the butt. In this case it is also difficult to strike.
  4. A knife with a blade half a centimeter below the butt for a length of up to 18 cm and 1 cm below for a length of more than 18 cm.
  5. Items with a handle less than 7 cm.
  6. There is a hook on the butt.
  7. The thickness is more than half a centimeter.
  8. Models whose blades are not sharpened.
  9. The material of the knife is not strong enough.
  10. With a blade length of up to 18 cm, the spine is concave by half a centimeter and by 1 cm at 18 cm or more.

These parameters clearly indicate the differences between a simple knife and a combat one. Before purchasing, it is advisable to measure the key characteristics of the cutting tool, so as not to have problems with the law in the future. It should be taken into account that legislative documents undergo adjustments and additions from time to time.

Legal aspects... To recognize a knife as a bladed weapon...

Gentlemen, as a lawyer I can tell you a terrible secret! On the territory of our sovereign Russian Federation, objects are recognized as weaponsto hit a living or other target. Note -structurally intended . This means that if you made some kind of cunning contraption not to hit a target, then according to the law nothing threatens you. This is not meant in the sense of “amazing” the imagination of the public, but real harm to the health or physical integrity of this very “public”.

If we talk about a design based on a powder charge or capsule, then if, when using this mechanism, a shot will not be fired using a bullet, shot, or fragments (it is better if such a possibility does not exist even theoretically). And also if there is no release of highly toxic substances as a result of the combustion of a powder charge (that is, it is impossible to kill or injure a person with its help in principle), then it is not a weapon at all. Therefore no liability.

Another thing is that comrades from the “gray brotherhood” can scratch their heads, and seize a suspicious toy, and then send it with all the additional belongings for examination - what if it is still a machine gun, only very cleverly disguised?

Hence the moral:
1) do not “shine” such a device in full view of law enforcement officers - there is no need to lead them into temptation once again.
2) If questions suddenly arise, calmly and politely explain that you are a member of a theater group, and this structure is part of the scenery/costume. But it’s homemade because they don’t give money for culture. So you have to get rid of yourself and get out of it yourself. And the most important thing is that you can’t push a bullet into it no matter how hard you try! There is a special effect on stage, but there is no risk! We, citizen boss, honor the criminal code!
3) If it didn’t work, or your device really caught the eye of the policeman, and he decided to confiscate it, demand that a protocol be drawn up in full form - with 2 witnesses, indicating his name and rank, as well as the grounds for confiscating a harmless children’s firecracker + a full description of your inventions - so that they don’t later return some suspicious garbage instead of your brainchild. Yes, and do not forget that you have every right to receive a copy of all documents (including this protocol). I recommend using this right - otherwise there is a chance that the fruit of your sleepless nights will simply be “lost” somewhere.
Well, I’m thinking about such things as the need to carefully read the protocol before signing or the desirability of signing directlyunderin text, without leaving an empty space on the sheet before your signature (you never know what might end up being written there later...) and in general it’s not worth reminding.

As for knives, things are not so simple here either. For a knife to be recognized as a bladed weapon, it must meet a number of criteria (blade thickness, length, steel characteristics, ergonomic - i.e. handle comfortable for stabbing). If a knife does not fall under at least one of these criteria, it is no longer a bladed weapon, but a tourist knife, household knife, table knife, etc. Those. there is nothing illegal about it.
The easiest way to determine the “legality” of a knife is to ask for a certificate for it when purchasing it in a store. This is a piece of paper (more precisely, a copy of it with a store seal) on which it is written on behalf of the Moscow or St. Petersburg examination center (I recommend taking it from the Moscow one - they seem to make fewer mistakes) that this item is in no way a weapon. If they don’t give you such a piece of paper (or they do, but for a different model of knife) - send them to Morgoth, and go to another store - where they will give you such paper. This is not your whim, but their direct responsibility. Having received both the knife and the paper, first make a color copy of it. Leave the original in your dresser at home (just in case), and wrap the copy in cellophane and carry it close to the knife. If you are suddenly stopped, you can present a copy as an indulgence. Just don’t necessarily say that it’s a copy - let them think that it’s an original from the store. If it doesn’t help or you forgot the document at home, see point No. 3 above. Otherwise, your dear blade may disappear without a trace, and they will return to you some rusty folding one, so at least indicate the brand and model in the protocol. By the way, you can make your additions, explanations and personal reflections about everything that is happening there in the protocol, below - if our valiant guards forgot to indicate something or got confused. Yes, and it is better not to carry a knife in places where mass events such as rallies are held, or at specially guarded facilities. They won’t understand, and just in case they’ll do something nasty. Although, people work everywhere, there is always a chance to have a good conversation.


Federal gun laws

edged weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target;

By what characteristics can an examination recognize a knife as cold?

What geometric/strength/chemical/balancing parameters should these be?

In fact, the criteria for edged weapons are not so simple. Considering that this concept is subjective, only an expert can determine whether a particular knife is a bladed weapon or not after conducting an appropriate examination.

And experts, in turn, are guided by GOST standards for the production of knives. In short, today all literature regarding the evaluation of knives as edged weapons is advisory in nature.

Here are some excerpts from GOSTs that may partially answer some questions.

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the requirements below (at least one) are not considered edged weapons. The requirements below must

In accordance with GOSTs, knives that meet the requirements below (at least one) are not considered edged weapons.

It is a mistake that any knife can BECOME a bladed weapon (it is recognized as such, as the author correctly noted, if all the signs of a bladed weapon specified in the law on chemical weapons are present). But if a crime is committed with its help, the knife (or other object) becomes the WEAPON OF THE CRIME. And any actions, even of a criminal nature, will never transfer a household knife to the category of edged weapons. To do this, you need to change the characteristics of the knife by changing the design (attach a guard)

The number of signs is, of course, less than 14, but only the presence of all the signs (specified in the law on weapons) on a knife at the same time allows it to be classified as a bladed weapon. The penetrating ability (or convergence angle) of the blade, the presence of a finger groove or guard on the handle are not the most unknown parameters for knife lovers

Knives whose blades are not adapted for stabbing are not weapons:

1. Knives without a tip. The tip can be replaced with any tool (screwdriver, chisel more than 3 mm wide), or rounded.

2. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 5 mm, with a blade length of up to 180 mm.

3. Knives with an edge located above the spine line by more than 10 mm, with a blade length of more than 180 mm.

4. Knives with a spine concave by more than 5 mm, with a blade length of up to 180 mm.

5. Knives with a concave angle of more than 10mm. butt, with a blade length of more than 180mm.

7. Knives in which the amount of deflection of the butt and the upper part of the handle of the knife, which has the shape of an arc in the form of a “rocker”, upward from the conventional straight line connecting the tip of the blade and the upper end of the handle, exceeds 15 mm.

Signs of a bladed weapon are a blade larger than 9 cm, a handle from 7 cm, a spine thickness of 2.5-6 mm, steel hardness from 42 HRC, a type of handle with protection from injury, a sharpened blade, a point up to 70 degrees.

Hunting, military, and sports products may fall under this category. And not only knives, but also daggers, stilettos, dirks, axes. Then the owner will need permission to carry, as will those for whom such a weapon is part of the national costume or a reward for service.

The signs of a real edged weapon are all its physical parameters considered together, that is, the overall size, the length of the blade and handle, the thickness of the blunt edge of the main part, the quality of the steel, and the features of the handle from the point of view of convenience and safety. They are specified in GOST, as well as federal law, and the requirements apply to both factory-made and handicraft products. 5 signs of edged weapons are:


Its meaning or presence

Blade length

More than 9 cm

Butt thickness

Hardness of the steel from which the blade is made

Recesses on the handle for a comfortable grip

Depth from 4 mm

One notch on the handle or finger stop

Depth from 5 mm

Sharpened Blade

It is possible to establish that a knife has non-domestic use, is not a sports equipment or a production device, if all the above conditions are simultaneously present. But sometimes it is possible to identify edged weapons only after an examination. And when doing this, the sharpness of the blade, for example, is very controversial, because it can be recognized as sharpened even if it only cuts paper.

In general, among all the components, the most important thing is the features of the blade. A product cannot be considered a weapon if it has:

  • The tip is rounded or designed for performing household work (such as a screwdriver). It is difficult for them to stab, so the knife is not recognized as a bladed weapon.
  • The tip is 5 mm above the butt line. In these cases, stabbing is also problematic.
  • The butt has a deflection of 5 mm, and the length is up to 180 mm. Or the first indicator is 10 mm, and the second is from 180 mm. And here the thrusting blow is poorly executed.
  • There is a hook at a distance of 1/3 of the length of the blade from the tip. This happens with hunting knives that are not edged weapons.
  • The butt and the part of the handle closest to the blade are curved upward by more than 15 mm. And this prevents the knife from being stabbed.
  • The lines of the blade and butt form an angle of more than 70 degrees. This also makes it difficult to thrust.
  • The handle is less than 70 mm, it has grooves up to 4 mm deep or there are none at all, as well as a limiter. With such initial data, the knife is dangerous for the piercer, that is, it is not intended to kill.

Blade length, thickness

The length of the knife blade, which is a weapon of destruction, is more than 9 cm. It should be measured from the tip to the point of connection with the handle or limiter. But many kitchen products have this length; nevertheless, they are allowed and sold freely. That is, this value in itself is not yet a sign of a prohibited weapon; for example, the thickness of the blade also matters. This is the sharpness of the blade and butt, which will be discussed further.

Blade length

The length of the blade of a knife that is prohibited from being owned without a license is not regulated by GOST. When they mention it, they mean the size of the blade, although this is not exactly the same thing:

  • it is measured from the tip of the tip to the beginning of the handle (for edged weapons more than 9 cm);
  • The size of the blade is determined by the sharpened edge of the blade.

But to determine the type of weapon, the parameter does not matter.

Butt thickness

The thickness of the butt, which is prohibited for free purchase of the product, is 2.6-6 mm in the most massive part. If it is less than the minimum value, it is considered that the blade will bend upon impact. And with a thickness of 6 mm or more, sticking it into the body is also problematic, that is, the penetrating ability is lower. Although in fact both statements are controversial. And yet, knives approved for use usually have a spine no more than 2.4 mm thick.


The sharpness of the blade of the cold tool is such that it should be able to cut a birch branch with a thickness of 10-12 mm and 12% humidity in 5 movements. Moreover, the surface of the exposed area of ​​the stick should be smooth, without “burrs”. This condition is specified in GOST.

Anatomy of a blade: a clear understanding of what descents, approaches and cutting edges are


The blade steel of a melee weapon must be from 42 HRC. Anything less than this value will bend upon impact, meaning it will not be possible to fully strike with it. This criterion is also defined by the state standard.

Cold steel: definition according to the law of the Russian Federation

The definition of what a cold weapon is, according to the law of the Russian Federation, is as follows:

« Melee weapons are weapons designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target;»

It is in Article 1 of legal document No. 150-FZ dated December 13, 1996, which is still valid in 2019. More information about what types of knives fall into the category of edged weapons is available in GOST R 51500-99 and R 51548-2000.

GOST for manufacturing

GOST R 51500-99 prescribes what a hunting edged weapon should be. More precisely, in accordance with the document, the belonging of knives to this category is established by expert means. We are talking about the length of the blade, the sharpness of the blade, the ergonomics of the handle, that is, all the previously mentioned characteristics.

GOST R 51548-2000 regulates the design features of survival knives and applies not only to them, but also to homemade tools. It also indicates which of these types are not edged weapons (blade up to 9 cm inclusive, butt thickness up to 2.6 mm, steel hardness up to 42 units, etc.).

When determining whether a knife belongs to the category of edged weapons, the requirements of the standards and Federal Law No. 150 of 1996 are compared.

Watch the video about the signs of edged weapons:

Types of bladed weapons

There are the following types of the most common edged weapons:

  • chopping (axes different types);
  • sports (knives, rapiers, swords, etc.);
  • hunting (horns, knives, cutlasses, stilettos, etc.);
  • combat (bayonet-knives, daggers, etc.).


A chopping weapon that falls under Federal Law No. 150-FZ of 1996 is any type of battle ax:

  • bearded,
  • labrys,
  • tomahawk,
  • berdysh,
  • valashka,
  • minted

This category also includes cutting and piercing cleaver, saber, broadsword, saber, dagger, axe, and sword. As well as the less common halberd, machete, kukri, scimitar. Any type of product must have a sharpened blade, otherwise it can be legally owned without a license and without fear of a fine. Collectors, those involved in military reenactments, may own any of these types of weapons, as long as the blade is dull.


Sporting weapons prohibited in the public domain are:

  • sword,
  • a spear,
  • rapier,
  • saber,

We are talking about specimens that have the characteristics inherent in bladed weapons. For example, swords and rapiers that athletes use in training and competitions are not such. Like throwing knives sold in stores, their blade is not sharpened; only the upper third of the blade remains sharp.


A hunting weapon is considered cold if it is:

  • dagger,
  • stylet,
  • cleaver,
  • a spear,

Rogatina - Slavic heavy spear for hand-to-hand combat or for hunting large animals

But only when they have a blade length of 90 mm or more, the blade is sharpened (especially on both sides), the handle is 70 mm in size and protects against injury during a piercing blow, the butt thickness is more than 2.6 mm, but less than 6 mm.


Military weapons are divided into:

  • made for military and paramilitary forces (knives, bayonets, daggers);
  • police officers (these include not only instruments with blades, but also batons and tonfa);
  • civilian (which is part of the national costume, for example, among Caucasians and northern peoples).

All of the above can be classified as cold steel if the previously mentioned signs are present. In the absence of at least one of them, the examination recognizes the item as authorized for possession and wearing. For example, if the knife looks like a military knife, but it has a dull blade, or it is less than 9 cm.


A combined weapon is something that combines several varieties:

  • firearms and piercing objects (for example, rifles with bayonets);
  • a multifunctional product that contains, in addition to the blade, a working tool;
  • a weapon with a secret, when another is hidden in one object (a dagger in the handle of a mace or a pike in a sword).

The criteria for classification as a prohibited species are the same as in previous cases. But due to the complexity of the product design, they are not so obvious and sometimes assessment is difficult without an examination.

Rifle with bayonet

Classification of edged weapons

The classification of different types of edged weapons can be:

  • For the intended purpose. Products can be civilian, that is, used to perform some kind of work, or military. The first type includes sports, hunting tools, and also those that are part of national clothing.
  • According to the manufacturing method. Products can be factory-made, artisanal, homemade or redesigned. The first two types differ in compliance with standards. Homemade is done by non-specialists, unlike artisanal. And the converted one lacks required elements or new ones can be added.
  • According to the principle of operation. These are piercing, cutting, chopping, crushing, piercing-cutting (combined) instruments. With this classification, the criteria for edged weapons are sometimes quite vague. After all, with the same tool you can prick, cut, and chop.
  • By type of impact. It can be bladed or thrown. The first involves direct contact with the enemy when causing damage. Throwing weapons for the same purpose are thrown from a certain distance.
  • According to design features. Products are available with one or two blades.

The characteristics of edged weapons, even within the same type, may differ. For example, throwing a knife and a spear are considered sports. But there is an obvious difference between them.

What does cold stabbing refer to?

Specialists consider the following types of cold stabbing weapons:

  • dirk,
  • pike,
  • kris (national type of dagger with a curved shape),
  • a spear,
  • konchar (ancient Russian tetrahedral blade),
  • stylet,
  • bayonet,
  • rapier,
  • sarissa (long spear).

Stiletto - cold piercing weapon

Any of these tools are designed to thrust rather than cut or slash. To recognize a weapon as cold, the same characteristics must be present as when assessing another type.

Interesting edged weapons of the world

Noteworthy edged weapons in the world are:

  • Russian combat knives Gyurza, Lynx, Punisher, Vityaz, Antiterror, Akela, ;
  • foreign-made military products Ka Bar Next Generation Fighter, Eickhorn Kampfmesser 2000, Extrema Ratio Fulcrum S, etc.;
  • tools of ancient times Santesu, Klinga, Chakram, Katar, Khopesh, Cho-ko-nu, Odati, etc.

Best Contemporary

The best modern edged weapons belong to the category of combat weapons, and among Russian ones these are knives:

Knife name




Created in Zlatoust, having a dagger-shaped blade.



With a massive and heavy, but not wide blade.


Characterized by a serrated edge of the butt and a sharp blade.


With a leaf-shaped blade and double sharpening.


With a narrow dagger-like main part and a sharp butt.


Characterized by double sharpening and a jagged spine.


It has a narrow double-sided blade and therefore works well when delivering not only piercing, but also cutting blows.


A folding knife that is both a combat and survival knife, as it has a blade, 2 saws, a nail puller, an opener, and a screwdriver.

Among the foreign-made guns, the best are:

  • the American Ka Bar Next Generation Fighter, which has a wide blade with a one-sided sharpening;
  • also an American Camillus Jet Pilots Survival Knife, designed not only for combat, but also for survival in difficult conditions;
  • another American Ontario Mk.3 Mod.0 Navy Seal Knife, which can be used as a saw, hammer, but mainly for stabbing;
  • German Eickhorn Kampfmesser 2000, distinguished by a unique blade shape, similar to Japanese knives, as well as large slopes, serrated sharpening on a third of the blade;
  • Italian Extrema Ratio Fulcrum S, which is convenient for stabbing, cutting and chopping thanks to a narrow but powerful double-sided serrated blade;
  • CQD Mark V ATAC, which is a dagger with a 2/3 sharpened butt, which will also help for survival.

Watch the video about the 10 best knives of foreign origin:


Rare weapons classified as cold steel are mainly antique or national types of knives:

  • Japanese Santesu, which is a double-edged lance with a ring handle attached to the center;
  • Nubian Klinga, which has 3 blades;
  • Indian Chakram - a throwing ring with a wavy handle in the middle;
  • the Aztec Macuahutl, which is a wooden blade to which sharp glass was attached;
  • Indian dagger Qatar with three blades fixed to an H-shaped handle;
  • Egyptian Khopesh, which is a sickle with a wooden handle;
  • The Chinese Cho-ko-nu is a wooden crossbow that works in such a way that you can load an arrow, pull the string and shoot in one motion.

Among all, the swords that deserve special attention are: Japanese Naginata and Odachi, ancient Greek Xiphos, ancient Roman Gladius, Scythian Mitsiya, as well as ancient Russian ones.

How to carry a bladed weapon

You can carry bladed weapons only if you have a license for it, which is obtained from the police. Ordinary citizens have access to the legal purchase of hunting blades, as well as products that are an attribute of the national costume (sabers, knives, checkers, daggers). Award weapons can also be owned, but not inherited, given away or sold.

It should be worn:

You cannot take tools with you to public events, cultural or political, if they are not related to the demonstration of products.


What is the history of edged weapons?

It appeared as a hunter, that is, almost simultaneously with man. At first these were clubs and clubs with fragments of stone, then flint knives. When copper was discovered, swords, arrowheads and spears appeared, followed by bronze tools. Under the Roman Empire, iron swords began to be made, and later sabers. Later, polearms and throwing weapons (spears, halberds, knives, darts, axes) appeared.

Why are edged weapons called edged weapons?

It differs from “hot”, that is, fire, in that use is not caused and is not accompanied by the release of heat or combustion of any substances.

Is a folding knife a bladed weapon?

Yes, if its blade is more than 9 cm, the handle is protected from injury and longer than 7 cm, the blade is sharpened, the tip is not rounded, and the thickness of the blade is 2.6-6 mm. No, when the knife parameters do not correspond to those specified. The fact that a weapon folds does not make it prohibited.

Can I carry a knife with me?

Yes, if it does not meet the criteria for edged weapons.

Is a machete a bladed weapon?

No, if it has a certificate that it is a household tool. Yes, when specifications products correspond to edged weapons.

Take your own measurements or submit them for examination.

Is a kitchen knife a bladed weapon?

No, this is a household product.

Is kukri a bladed weapon in Russia?

Most often, no, this is a household appliance. But you need to look at the characteristics and compliance with the requirements for approved knives.

What knives are considered civilian edged weapons?

In accordance with Article 3 of the Law “On Weapons” this is:

  • bladed and throwing, used for sporting and hunting purposes;
  • Cossack checkers, sabers and other types belonging to national cultures (they are worn with costumes);
  • antique knives, their replicas and copies, products of cultural value.

What edged weapons are prohibited in Russia?

Flails, brass knuckles, boomerangs, shurikens and other shock-crushing and throwing products, if they do not have cultural and scientific value, are not sports equipment.

Is an ax a bladed weapon in Russia?

Ordinary - no, this is a household or industrial tool, about which there is information in the certificate for it.

Is the manufacture of bladed weapons allowed?

No, there is clause 4 of Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits this and regulates penalties for craftsmen.

Even a kitchen knife and a pocket knife can become dangerous, but this does not negate the threats that real edged weapons pose. Therefore, amateurs and collectors of such items should order an examination of the product before purchasing. And if it is recognized as a weapon, stock up on a license to own it.

In stores currently huge selection knives. Some of them are household items, others are bladed weapons. It's the latter that we would like to talk about. So, for example, if you want to buy a household knife for the kitchen, then this is not a problem, but if you intend to buy a knife related to edged weapons, then you should think several times before.

No permit (for smooth, rifled, traumatic weapons) allows you to walk down the street with edged weapons. In other words, you won’t be able to carry it in the city like a keychain or a gas canister... You can transport it to a workshop to sharpen it, or to a hunt, where you can use it as an auxiliary tool.

Thus, carrying bladed weapons in the city is prohibited! You can purchase it, store it, transport it and use it for hunting. areas only when hunting is permitted.

Cold steel - a weapon intended to hit a target by applying human muscular force in direct contact with the target

Do you know, ? No? In this case, do not miss our article.

What kind of knife is considered a cold weapon in Russia?

Let's try to figure out which weapons are considered “cold” and which are “warm”, and which knife you can use in the city.

The Karambit knife is not a bladed weapon

According to GOST of the Russian Federation, the following knives are not considered edged weapons:

  • Folding knives, provided that the length of the blade is less than 15 cm. That is, if you purchased a folding knife, measure the length of the blade, and if the length is less than 15 cm, then this knife is classified as a household knife.
  • The blade length of a fixed knife is less than 9 cm.
  • If the handle of the knife does not provide safety for the hand during a stabbing blow. Regardless of whether it is a folding knife or a fixed knife.
  • Butt design. For example, if there is a hook on the butt.
  • If there is a deflection of the cutting edge, the knife also belongs to the household knife.
  • If the tip of the blade is located 5 mm above the butt line.
  • No point. Some manufacturers deliberately file off the tip and make it in the form of a “screwdriver head,” thereby depriving the knife of one of the characteristic features inherent in edged weapons.
  • A handle limiter (guard) with a thickness of less than 3.5 mm is considered traumatic and, therefore, the knife is not a chemical weapon.
  • Blade thickness less than 2.4 mm.

Signs classifying edged weapons are described in GOST R 51500-99.

Any household knife can be used as a bladed weapon (for example, in self-defense), but this does not mean that it is one. In order for a knife to be considered a weapon, it must simultaneously contain all the design features of the weapon.

Currently, in order to purchase edged weapons, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, you must have a license and registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, in September 2016, a decision was made to simplify the acquisition and sale of chemical weapons. Those. In order to buy a hunting knife or a replica of an antique weapon, you will no longer need a license. In our opinion, this is a reasonable action, because if you judge, a knife related to household use is no less dangerous than a knife related to a bladed weapon. And, manufacturers have long learned to circumvent the laws... (it is enough to make the dagger shorter by 1 cm or cut off the tip, and this knife is already “household.”). These amendments will make it possible to freely purchase, for example, high-quality Japanese kitchen knives, which have all the features of edged weapons.

Now you can determine which knife is considered a bladed weapon and which is considered a household weapon, and, if necessary, prove this for a number of reasons.

Often, novice hunters, and sometimes even non-beginners, have a question: why is there such a variety of knives for sale at the Blade exhibition, despite the fact that the circulation of knives in our country seems to be severely limited by law? How can all this splendor be sold freely if you need to present a document to buy any knife recognized as a bladed weapon? Let's figure it out.

A good knife is an indispensable tool for hunting. PHOTO SHUTTERSTOCK

It must be said that the sale of edged weapons, including hunting knives, has been limited since Soviet times.

Previously, knives for hunters were sold on a hunting license, in which they were registered.

There was no other form of registration; the knife was simply entered on a special page, and this entry was certified by the store’s seal.

Later, stores were required to enter information about the buyer in a special book.

At the beginning of the 2000s, changes were made to the law on weapons, and edged weapons, note - only hunting edged weapons, began to be purchased upon presentation of a weapons storage permit (ROH).

The page intended for registering hunting knives has completely disappeared from the “green” state ID, and this has led many to confusion.

Today, registration of a hunting knife in a ticket is not required; you can carry it, any one, only while hunting and only if you have permission to firearms(ROHA).

At the time of purchase, information about the purchaser is entered into a special journal and stored in the store where the knife was purchased.

Possession of bladed weapons is not punishable, but sales in any form - sale, donation, exchange, etc. - is a criminal offense.

Those who manufacture edged weapons are also subject to criminal prosecution. As we see, with knives everything is not so simple and it makes sense to figure out how to distinguish edged weapons from their safe, from the point of view of turnover, analogue.

For an ordinary citizen, a manufacturer’s certificate is enough to confirm that the knife has been tested and is not a bladed weapon.

Most often, such knives are recognized as household items, abbreviated as household items. The certificate can be issued for a specific knife or for a series of knives.

Housekeeping is an excellent alternative to a hunting knife. According to one or more parameters, it does not fall under the definition of a bladed weapon and therefore is not one.

The law says that one sign is enough. Below we will look at them all, but it is important to understand that if your blade is not a melee weapon in at least one parameter (for example, 2.6 mm thick or a traumatic handle), it falls outside the restrictions on its circulation.

Why is it important? In our country, edged weapons can only be carried when hunting, and this is not only a ban on walking around the city or in the subway with it, but also on moving with a knife on your belt, for example, in a car on public roads.

How often can you find hunters who do not remove their knife from their belts when they are driving back home from hunting! But this is a formal violation of the law.

But if you have a household knife on your belt, there are no problems: its turnover is not limited in any way.

Often the properties of the knife itself do not suffer much from the fact that it goes into the household category. Thus, many blades up to 2.6 mm thick perform their functions perfectly, and when using good steels they are not inferior to their colleagues with a thicker blade.

There are several basic parameters that transform a knife into a household knife.

The first is that the blade length is at least 90 mm. In other words, any knife with a blade less than 90 mm is not automatically considered a bladed weapon.

Knives can have any shape and blade thickness, while remaining household items. Most carving knives fall into this category. Often folding knives are made with a blade shorter than 90 mm.

There is an opinion that if a folding knife has a fixed blade, then it is a bladed weapon. It's a delusion. I repeat: a knife with a blade less than 90 mm will be for household use, and neither the shape nor the design of the blade matters.

What is blade length and blade length?

A blade is an extended metal warhead of a bladed weapon with one or two blades that are part of this strip. The blade is the sharpened edge of the warhead of a bladed weapon, which is an edge with an acute angle of mating surface.

According to GOST, the length of the blade is measured from the tip to the stop, and if it is absent, to the front end of the sleeve or to the handle on the handle.

For folding knives with a permanent stop designed to open the blade, the length is measured from the tip to this stop. The regulatory documents say nothing about the length of the blade.

The second important sign is the thickness of the butt or the blade itself. The law establishes the rule that knives with a blade thickness from 2.6 mm to 6 mm are recognized as edged weapons. Usually, when discussing whether a knife is a bladed weapon, the first number comes to mind.

Thickness is measured at the thickest part of the blade. It is this parameter that today is the main one for classifying knives as household knives.

In fact, the vast majority of tasks that a modern hunter solves can be successfully completed with knives with a blade thickness of 2.4 mm.

Modern steels and blade designs make it possible to make very high-quality knives with just such a blade thickness. As for the 6 mm limitation, it is not entirely clear, but it exists and thanks to it, knives with a blade larger than 6 mm are not edged weapons.

At this point, a whole line of crowbar knives grew up. They have different shapes and blade designs, but the main thing they have in common is very thick blades (sometimes much thicker than 6 mm).

It seems to me that they serve a decorative function, of course, if it is not a machete or kukri.

The next indicator is the hardness of the blade. For a knife to be recognized as a bladed weapon, the hardness of its blade must be at least 42 Rockwell units. For a hunting knife, it is advisable to increase this indicator.

Many people believe that 60 is not a high enough bar. But here you have to choose. Of course, a knife with a high blade hardness holds an edge well, but you have to pay for this by the difficulty of sharpening, and sometimes by the fragility of the blade.

A soft blade dulls faster, but sharpens easily and quickly on any stones; it can bend, but does not break. Most pchaks on our market, and throughout the world, have a hardness of less than 40 units.

It should be noted that factory-made combat sabers had a hardness of less than forty. That is, the hardness of the blade does not have the worst effect on the combat properties of edged weapons, and this indicator is clearly of a formal nature.

Most often, hardness restrictions are used for souvenir knives, decorated weapons and replica combat blades.

An unusual, interesting and often controversial parameter is the safety handle. What it is?

The handle becomes injury-proof if the design of the knife includes a limiter between the handle and the blade, or if there is at least one finger groove on the handle itself. If the knife has a limiter, it should protrude above the blade profile by at least 5 mm.

If there are two limiters, then in total they should protrude by at least 5 mm. The knife does not have a limiter, but there is a single finger groove - which means it must be at least 5 mm deep.

There are several sub-finger grooves, which means they must be at least 4 mm deep each. If the knife has neither a limiter nor a finger groove specified size, then by law such a knife is not a bladed weapon.

You can often find an option where the knife is sold without a guard, but the guard itself is included and can be installed by the buyer.

Here you need to understand that in this way the seller circumvents the law and relieves himself of responsibility for selling bladed weapons, since the knife he sells is a household item with a traumatic handle.

But if the buyer himself installs the guard, he will again make the knife a bladed weapon and formally, according to the law, return it to its combat properties, which in our country is prosecuted under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

And the last, most popular, but also the most controversial criterion is the sharpness of the blade. Any knife or other object close to a bladed weapon is not one if its blade is not sharpened.

What a sharpened blade is is explained by the corresponding GOST: “ A sharpened knife should cut a birch branch 10-12 mm thick with a humidity of about 12% five to six times, and the cut should remain smooth and without burrs».

Many people, especially police officers, consider any knife to be sharpened if it cuts paper, has a blade, or at least the edges of the blade are brought together.

As we can see, the concept of confinement is somewhat different from these conclusions. True, finding a suitable branch is not easy, and hardly anyone will test a blade on the street according to GOST.

Nevertheless, this parameter exists and must be taken into account. It is often used on models and dummies of combat edged weapons or “edged weapons”, which serve as interior decoration.


There are other parameters (for example, blade bending), but in practice they are rarely used. It should be noted that the best proof that you hold household goods in your hands is a certificate, which in most cases eliminates all questions. So if you carry a knife with you, it's a good idea to include its certificate with it.

The phrase "used as a weapon" often causes confusion. Any knife can be used as a weapon, as can any household item: an iron, frying pan, hammer or axe.

But in order for a knife to be considered a bladed weapon by default, it must simultaneously contain all the design features inherent in a bladed weapon, and there should not be a single feature that takes it out of this category.

This is the only way: if, based on at least one criterion, a knife falls out of the category of edged weapon, it is not automatically considered one.