Fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Andersen came from the depths of the common people. He inherited all the wealth of folk poetry. S.Ya.Marshak. “Presentation on literature for a lesson on Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen” (5th grade) Presentation on the fairy tale The Snow Queen

04.03.2022 Kinds

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There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny. And we cannot live in the world without them. Let the heroes of fairy tales Give us warmth. May good forever defeat evil. (Yu. Entin)

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“Let good triumph over evil forever”—this is what the authors of fairy tales strive for, and this is what those who read fairy tales expect. The epigraph to the lesson will be the words “Good conquers evil”:

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Knows all four operations of arithmetic, and even with fractions, knows how many square kilometers and inhabitants there are in each country. Kai Guess the hero by description:

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2. Two poor children lived in a big city. A boy and a girl visited each other on the roof and sat on a bench under the roses. There they played happily. Kai and Gerda

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3. They talked about the mirror as if it were some kind of miracle. They ran around with the mirror everywhere. Soon there will be not a single country, not a single person left who would be reflected in him in a distorted form. Finally, they wanted to reach the sky. Troll students

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4. Kai looked at her. She was so good! He could not imagine a more intelligent, charming face. Now she did not seem icy to him, as she did that time when she sat outside the window and nodded her head at him. The Snow Queen

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5. The Snow Queen flew away, and he was left alone, looking at the ice floes and thinking and thinking, so that his head was cracking. He sat in one place - so pale, motionless, as if lifeless. You would have thought he was frozen. Kai

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6. She was terribly spoiled and stubborn. As tall as Gerda, but stronger. Her eyes were completely black, but sad. She hugged Gerda and said: “They won’t kill you until I’m angry with you.” Little robber

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7. An old, old woman in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers, came out of the house, leaning on a stick. Witch

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8. He made a mirror in which everything good and beautiful was diminished to the utmost; everything worthless and ugly, on the contrary, was striking and seemed even worse. Troll

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9. She was tall, slender, dazzling white woman; her fur coat and hat were made of snow. The Snow Queen

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10. She read all the newspapers in the world and forgot everything she read - that’s how smart she is! One day she was sitting on the throne, and there wasn’t much fun in that, and she was humming a song: “Why don’t I get married?” “But really!” - she thought, and she wanted to get married. Princess

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Troll Which character owns these things:

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Old robber

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Kai and Gerda

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old lady

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Little robber

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Who are Gerda and Kai and where did they live? How he changed after a mirror fragment got into his eyes

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Why did Gerda, seeing the roses on the good sorceress’s hat, remember Kai?

- How and why did Gerda run away from the old sorceress who surrounded her with such care?

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How does the story about the Snow Queen begin? Explain why the Snow Queen came to Kai for the first time, and not to Gerda: after all, the fragment had not yet entered his heart. Let us remember that Kai still knows almost nothing about the Snow Queen, whether she is good or evil, but he already says: “I will put her on a warm stove, and she will melt.” What words characterize Kai? Does the Snow Queen take revenge on Kai for his impudent words or does she treat him as one of her own? Can you imagine that a fragment of the mirror would fall into Gerda's heart?

Why do you think so? What does Kai remember after the Snow Queen's kiss, and what does he not remember?

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What do we know about this wonderful man? Who can better tell about the writer if not himself? Therefore, we will give the floor to Hans Christian Andersen himself. He wrote: “My life is a real fairy tale, rich in events, beautiful! If at that time, when I set off across the world as a poor, helpless child, a powerful fairy had met me on the way and said to me: “Choose your path and your life’s work and I , in accordance with your talents and to the best of my ability, I will protect and guide you!" - and then my life would not have become better, happier, more joyful..."

“In 1805, in the town of Odense (on the island of Fionia, Denmark),” Andersen continues, “a young couple lived in a poor closet - husband and wife, who loved each other endlessly: a young twenty-year-old shoemaker, a richly gifted poetic nature, and his wife, for several years older, not knowing either life or light, but with a rare heart. Having only recently become a master, my husband put together with his own hands the entire furnishings of the shoe shop and even the bed. On April 2, 1805, a small, screaming lump appeared on this bed - I, Hans. Christian Andersen.

I grew up as an only child and therefore spoiled; I often had to hear from my mother how happy I was, because I live much better than she herself lived as a child. “Well, just a real count’s son!” - she said. She herself, when she was little, was kicked out of the house to beg. She couldn’t make up her mind and spent whole days sitting under the bridge, by the river. Listening to her stories about this, I burst into burning tears."

Already in early childhood, the boy was distinguished by his emotionality and subtle perception of the world. Even the most insignificant impressions left a deep imprint on his soul. Elementary education Andersen received his education at a school for the poor. Only the Law of God, writing and arithmetic were taught there. Andersen studied poorly; he hardly prepared any lessons. With much greater pleasure he told his friends fictional stories in which he himself was the hero. Of course, no one believed these stories.

He was often laughed at for this. Bitter confession! The town was small, everything quickly became known. When Hans returned from school, the boys ran after him and, teasingly, shouted: “There, the comedy writer is running!” Having reached the house, Hans hid in a corner, cried for hours and prayed to God... The mother, seeing her son’s strange hobbies, bringing only grief to his impressionable heart, decided to apprentice him to a tailor so that children’s absurd fantasies would fly out of his head. Hans-Christian was horrified by this prospect of his fate!

And he began to beg his mother to let him try his luck better by going to Copenhagen (this was in 1819), which in his eyes was then the capital of the world. "What are you going to do there?" - asked the mother. “I will glorify you,” the boy answered, and told her what he knew about wonderful people born in poverty. “At first, of course, you will have to endure a lot, a lot, and then you will become famous!” - he said.

Andersen's imagination was so strong and unusual that sometimes he was bewilderedly called a sorcerer and a clairvoyant: after looking at a person twice, he could tell a lot about him, being completely unfamiliar with him. Many have read an episode from the biography of the storyteller (as translated by K. G. Paustovsky) about his night journey with three girls, each of whom he predicted the fate of. The strangest thing is that all his predictions were based on reality and came true! He had never seen these girls before. And they were shocked by the meeting with Andersen and retained the most reverent memories of him for the rest of their lives!

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Text content of presentation slides:
Literature lesson in the 5th grade on the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen “The Snow Queen” Good and evil in Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen” “The kings considered it an honor to shake his thin hand” K.G. Paustovsky Tell us about him (checking homework). Monument to Andersen in Odense Monument to the Great Andersen. Odense Odense. The house where Andersen spent his childhood. monument to Andersen in Copenhagen “Erected by the Danish people” Task 1. Arrange the events from the fairy tale in the correct sequence. At the prince and princess At the old lady At the robbers Lapland and the Finnish At the Snow Queen At the old lady Artist Edmund Dulac Artist Christian Birmingham At the prince and princess Vladislav Erko At the robbers Artist Nika Goltz Artist Christian Birmingham Lapland and the Finnish Vladislav Erko Anastasia Arkhipova At the Snow Queen Task 2. Name hero according to quotes and characteristics. 1 “...in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers.” 2 “Extraordinarily beautiful, she was all made of ice, made of dazzling sparkling ice! And yet, alive!” 3 “Evil, despicable, absolute devil.” 4 “...he generally behaved at ease and sweetly.” 5 “Oh, how her poor, tired legs ached!” 6 “Clever girl, the likes of which the world has never seen!” 7 “He sat in one place, pale, motionless, as if lifeless! 8 “Her eyes were completely black, but somehow sad” Task 1. 1.THE OLD WOMAN WHO COULD CAST “... in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers.” 2. THE SNOW QUEEN “Extraordinarily beautiful, she was all made of ice, made of dazzling sparkling ice! And yet, alive!” 3. TROLL “Evil, despicable, absolute devil.” 4. PRINCE “...he generally behaved at ease and sweetly.” 5. GERDA “Oh, how her poor, tired legs ached!” 6. PRINCESS “Clever girl, the likes of which the world has never seen!” 7.KAI “He sat in one place, pale, motionless, as if lifeless! 8. LITTLE ROBERT “Her eyes were completely black, but somehow sad” Grading criteria: 0 mistakes – “5”, 1-2 mistakes – “4” 3-4 mistakes – “3” Task 3. Remember who Which character helped the girl, and which one was at enmity with her? CHARACTERS WHO HELPED GERDA CHARACTERS WHO ENJOYED WITH GERDA Task 4. Please remember which of the characters helped the girl and which was at enmity with her? CHARACTERS WHO HELPED GERDA CHARACTERS WHO FERRED WITH GERDA RiverRosesRaven and CrowPrincess and PrinceLittle RobberPigeonsDeerLapplander Finn Old woman who knew how to cast a spellRobbersRegiment of snow flakesEternally howling fierce winds Task 5. Place the events from the tale in the correct sequence ki “Snow Queen” (from 1 to 7 in a column) No. .. episode “The next day they dressed her from head to toe in silk and velvet and allowed her to stay in the palace as much as she liked. the girl could have lived here happily, but she began to ask to be given a cart with a horse and shoes...” “And so she went into the garden, touched all the rose bushes with her stick, and as they stood in bloom, they all left deep, deep into the black earth...” “The sleigh circled the square twice, and Kai quickly attached his sled to it and rolled.” “The boat was carried further and further. Gerda sat quietly in her stockings - her red shoes floated behind the boat..." "... but suddenly the mirror became so distorted and trembled that it tore out of their hands, flew to the ground and broke into pieces.” “Snowflakes were fluttering outside the window: one of them, a very large one, fell on the edge of a flower box and suddenly began to grow.” “Why are you whining? – he asked Gerda. - Ugh! How ugly you are now! It doesn't hurt me at all! Ugh! - he suddenly shouted. - This rose is being eaten away by a worm. What ugly roses!” 4 task. Place in the correct sequence the events from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” No. episode 7 “The next day they dressed her from head to toe in silk and velvet and allowed her to stay in the palace as much as she liked. the girl could have lived happily here, but she began to ask to be given a cart with a horse and shoes...” 6 “And so she went into the garden, touched all the rose bushes with her stick, and they all stood in bloom. went deep, deep into the black earth...” 4 “The sleigh circled the square twice, and Kai quickly attached his sled to it and rolled.” 5 “The boat was carried further and further. Gerda sat quietly in her stockings - her red shoes floated behind the boat...” 1 “... but suddenly the mirror became so distorted and trembled that it tore out of their hands, flew to the ground and broke into pieces.” 2 “Snowflakes fluttered outside the window: one of them, a very large one, fell on the edge of a flower box and suddenly began to grow.” 3 “- Why are you whining? – he asked Gerda. - Ugh! How ugly you are now! It doesn't hurt me at all! Ugh! - he suddenly shouted. - This rose is being eaten away by a worm. What ugly roses!” Evaluation criteria: 0 errors - “5”, 1-2 errors - “4” 3-4 errors - “3” “This woman, unusually beautiful, was all made of ice, dazzling, sparkling ice! And yet, alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them!” “It was cold here, empty, dead and majestic!” Why did a small, fragile girl defeat the Snow Queen? Puzzle4.3.6.1 – 10 2.5, – a 6 - l 11 – d 2 – f 7 – n 12 - to 3 - and 8 - m 13 - t 4 - s 9 - o 14 - r 5 - e 10 - at 15 - h Why did Gerda defeat the Snow Queen? Homework: write an essay Illustrations for a fairy tale

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