Astrological compatibility: Aquarius woman, Gemini man. Gemini and Aquarius - compatibility in love, marriage and sex How to communicate with a Gemini guy for an Aquarius girl

20.10.2021 Complications

People of the same element are always comfortable communicating.

Therefore, compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can become close to ideal and allow them to experience pleasure in each other. You just need to take into account some of the features of this couple, which the compatibility horoscope can tell you about.

Aquarius woman

He is distinguished by his unselfishness and sensitivity. He will always help and listen to a loved one. Moreover, he never takes into account his personal interests, and can even go against them.

This woman can combine a serious attitude towards life and a predisposition to fleeting love adventures. He does not hide his thoughts and expresses them honestly.

Aquarius always has his own view of social rules and norms. Very friendly and does not like conflicts. But only if this does not relate to her beliefs. Here she will defend her views with reason and very skillfully.

In her youth, the Aquarius girl is full of inspiring ideas (sometimes very utopian) and prone to self-sacrifice. Over the years, she becomes more balanced and calm. A woman of this sign will not tolerate any violence; it is simply impossible to force her to do anything.

The planet Uranus plays an important role in the Aquarius horoscope. Therefore, dull everyday life is contraindicated for her and always requires new and bright impressions. This independent and witty representative of the fairer sex needs freedom. And she will be grateful to the partner who provides this to her.

The Aquarius woman is not characterized by manifestations of special passion in love or complete submission in intimate relationships. Although she will boldly experiment in this area. Will always strive for a strong relationship and may not forgive betrayal.

What kind of man is Air in life and love?

Representatives of the Gemini sign are smart and have a developed sense of humor. As a rule, they have a very attractive appearance.

They love to flirt and never get tired of winning the attention of women, even if they do not quite suit their tastes. A Gemini guy can spend a lot of time seducing a girl, but having achieved his goal, he quickly loses interest in her.

Since Mercury occupies a leading place in their horoscope, they often change their views and beliefs. Until old age they will be full of all sorts of ideas. There may be no logic in the actions of such a man.

Couple relationship

A feeling of love between an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can arise from the first minutes of meeting.

The way to this intelligent man's heart is through his mind. Therefore, the Aquarius woman’s ability to maintain a conversation, demonstrate a sense of humor and innovative thinking will be highly appreciated. The ability of this royal person to keep her distance and always remain mysterious will not leave him indifferent.

If Aquarius and Gemini decide to start a family, then their union will be very lively, but often unsecured, as evidenced by the compatibility horoscope. After all, they clearly lack earthiness.

What unites this couple?

The high compatibility of this pair is ensured by their common features:

  • Curiosity.
  • Love to travel.
  • They willingly attend seminars and trainings.
  • Love for sports and dancing.
  • Sociability.
  • Both have hidden fears about their attractiveness.

Aquarius and Gemini can become true friends, always take an interest in the affairs of their other half and give good advice in difficult situations. A man should never force his companion to do anything; she should show her own initiative and independence.

When children appear, spouses will pay great attention to them intellectual development, apply various educational methods.

Possible difficulties in relationships

Despite many similarities, some disagreements may still arise in this couple's relationship.

Both partners love to flirt, but Aquarius does not go further than this, while Gemini can take the concept of fidelity lightly. A man must take into account the Aquarius woman’s tendency towards absolute honesty in relationships and try not to allow even minor deceptions on his part.

Gemini may be annoyed by his partner's persistence and persistence. Therefore, a woman needs to become more flexible and compliant, which will avoid unnecessary conflicts. And if possible, protect your man from the annoying attention of other women. Therefore, it is worth limiting communication with single girlfriends.

Will they be happy together?

The possibility of a successful marriage in this couple is very high. Partners will always find common ground, their need for communication will be maximally satisfied, they will always support each other’s endeavors, and will not make mutual accusations about material difficulties.

In this relationship, Aquarius and Gemini will become much stronger and develop creatively. And since there is interaction between Venus and Mars in their horoscopes, this will ensure excellent sexual compatibility.

The union of an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can be ideal! The compatibility horoscope says that mutual understanding and respect for each other will help make the relationship in this couple more durable and strong.

Aquarius man and Gemini woman - such a union occurs often. This is not surprising, because representatives of these zodiac signs of opposite sexes attract each other like a magnet. It’s as if they were created specifically for each other.

She is fascinated by him male power and originality of nature, and he sees in her the ideal woman. They are united by common interests and views on life. Feelings usually flare up between them immediately when they meet.

However, even though the compatibility of the Gemini woman and Aquarius man union is almost perfect, some difficulties may arise in their relationship. To save their relationship, they need to know the weak points of their relationship and try to improve them. To do this, they should listen to the opinion of astrologers who know everything about Gemini and Aquarius, as well as about their relationships.

The Gemini girl is distinguished by her ease of communication, cheerful disposition and extraordinary thinking. Such representatives of the fair sex “flutter through life” and happily perceive all the changes that may occur. They get bored with monotony, so they often change their occupation.

Representatives of the weaker sex of the zodiac sign Gemini have a good sense of humor and have highly developed intellectual abilities. They easily find a “common language” with people and often find themselves in the center of everyone’s attention.

Women of this zodiac sign are rarely happy with anything. They always think they can do better. Therefore, they often try to re-educate their lover, change the situation at home, etc.

As a life partner, the Gemini woman chooses only the man with whom she shares her views on life. It's hard to keep her at home.

She loves noisy companies, so she often meets with friends, attends parties and organizes them herself.

Despite this, the fair sex of this zodiac sign knows how to plan a budget and spends money wisely. She is a good and caring mother and wife.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

The Aquarius guy sometimes shocks others with his behavior. He violates all established norms and rules. He likes to stand out from the crowd. Aquarius is not used to obeying and limiting himself to the framework of generally accepted behavior. He is always looking for something new and never stands still.

The Aquarius man has a good sense of humor. He is intellectually developed and constantly seeks new information. The representative of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign always has many friends. This is not surprising, because he easily finds a “common language” with people and helps solve their problems. He never remains indifferent if something happens to his friends.

For Aquarius, wealth and love are not priorities. Freedom, friends and his own hobbies are much more important to him. That is why among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are many bachelors. Even if they decide to tie the knot, they do it in adulthood.

However, even family life will not force the Aquarius man to change his habits and give up communicating with friends.

If his chosen one opposes this, then he would rather leave the family than give up communication with friends and hobbies.

Love compatibility between Gemini woman and Aquarius man

If the woman is Gemini and the man is Aquarius, then in love their union will be almost perfect. She sees in her chosen one the person who will support any of her ideas. Aquarius sees in his chosen one an ideal woman who gives him new emotions.

The Gemini woman and the Aquarius man understand each other perfectly. They take part in joint projects and social life. They visit exhibitions and theaters, therefore, they develop spiritually, which is of great importance for Aquarius.

The couple travels together and always have an interesting time in each other’s company. His Gemini lover respects his friends and does not demand money, since it does not matter much to her, as it does to him. Therefore, she is for him the ideal that he has always dreamed of.

If the couple is a Gemini man and an Aquarius woman, then they will also have a good relationship. Compatibility of Gemini in alliance with Aquarius is always ideal. They understand each other perfectly and have common hobbies.

If he is a Gemini and she is an Aquarius, then they rarely quarrel and do not get bored with each other’s company. Therefore, their relationship can be called ideal.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

If a Gemini woman and a man belong to the zodiac sign Aquarius, then the prospects for their union can be called favorable. They are united by common interests, so the relationship is based not only on love.

Over time, this couple begins to have mutual friends, which also has a positive effect on their relationship. Therefore, even the freedom-loving Aquarius will not delay the proposal in this case, and very soon they can get married.

Their relationship will not change in marriage. They will also regularly visit museums, theater and exhibitions. They will never get bored with family life, and their marriage will be a model for others.

Neither Aquarius nor Gemini are prone to cheating. Even if quarrels occur in their relationship, they will be minor, and reconciliation will almost immediately follow.

Positive features of the union

The compatibility of the Aquarius man, and his chosen one Gemini, is ideal, so their union has a lot positive traits. Here they are:

  • They look at life the same way. Aquarius, like Gemini, loves to take part in social life, meeting friends and attending parties. They will do all this together.
  • They do not tolerate boredom, and they like to learn new things. Therefore, they will go to museums and exhibitions together.
  • For each other they are the best friends and the most interesting interlocutors. They never get fed up with each other's company.
  • They don't have big fights. Minor disagreements do not spoil their relationship.
  • In marriage they do not have betrayals, and their family is a role model for many.

Negative features of the union

If the man is Aquarius and the Gemini is a woman, the compatibility of the union, as already indicated, will be ideal, but this does not mean that their union does not have negative traits. Here they are:

  • They argue often. This does not mean that they quarrel, believing that the truth is born in a dispute. However, it may happen that their bickering may end in misunderstanding and because of this, a crisis may arise in their relationship.
  • They pay little attention to everyday life. Therefore, their home is often in disarray.

Compatibility in business and friendship

The compatibility of the union of an Aquarius man and a Gemini woman in the business sphere is considered good, but problems may arise here.

The fact is that Gemini's weaknesses are exactly the same as those of Aquarius. Therefore, when they have problems, they are not always able to solve them together. This often requires outside help. Nevertheless, the Gemini woman may well organize a common business with the Aquarius man and their business may become successful.

The compatibility of Aquarius-guy and Gemini-girl in friendship is ideal. They share common interests, they have the same personalities and love to take part in social life. For a Gemini woman, the gender of her friend does not matter, just as for an Aquarius man.

An Aquarius man is ideal for a Gemini woman in every way and vice versa. Therefore, there is a possibility that they will create a strong family or organize a joint business.

Many people are concerned about astrological compatibility when it comes to personal relationships. An Aquarius woman and a Gemini man are a fairly harmonious couple. The first thing that can unite them is belonging to the same element. By the way, astrologers say one interesting thing. Allegedly, if two people of the same element come together as a couple, it means that they have reached psychological maturity and are ready to start a family.

About a potential union

This couple will always have a lot of original and unusual plans, ideas, and undertakings. When you look at these people, you get the impression that they seem to be made for each other. And, by the way, feelings flare up between them as if by magic - at first sight.

They both value independence of opinion as well as personal freedom. This also unites them. The only disadvantage of this couple is that they may have financial problems. The material side is not particularly strong in either Gemini or Aquarius. Although, I must say, they are not chasing this. They do not need power, titles, recognition, or any titles that so many others strive for.

By the way, one more nuance should be noted when talking about compatibility. Aquarius woman and Gemini man are people who experience strong physical attraction to each other. Plus, they have identical views on family and life. In general, there are a lot of things that can unite them. It’s no wonder why “Gemini man – Aquarius woman” couples meet so often.

Compatibility in love

These people love each other so much that they cannot tear themselves away from their soulmate. They do everything together - relax, spend free time, go shopping, etc. It's simple perfect couple- Gemini man, Aquarius woman. Compatibility in marriage is very successful because they complement each other and give their partner what he needs. So, for example, a Gemini guy cannot live without something new and interesting. And the Aquarius girl, like no one else, manages to find all this and share it with her chosen one. She knows how to find something original in completely ordinary things.

And the fact that they can relax together is almost a gift of fate. In fact, you rarely meet couples who like the same things. But Aquarius and Gemini are just such a union. The two of them enthusiastically attend excursions, hikes, walk around the city at night, and travel. They have no disagreements on this basis.

Mutual respect is the foundation of relationships

The compatibility of “Aquarius woman - Gemini man” is determined not only by their belonging to the same element. There is something equally important, namely mutual respect and understanding. It is due to these qualities that complete harmony reigns in this couple. Thus, a guy will never make a claim to his chosen one that she is allegedly doing something that is not what she should be doing. And she, in turn, will constantly praise him, listen and learn something new from her lover. Because the Gemini guy is a respected person who has earned authority among many people. The Aquarius girl finds in him her best friend, comrade, partner, support and support. In general, he becomes the closest person to her in the whole world.

She is also for Gemini important person. She always has a ton of ideas, which he approaches with great enthusiasm. And the Aquarius girl will always be able to provide support: suggest something, give advice and not allow the fighting spirit to fade. In general, an ideal union built on mutual understanding.

Relationship problems

Although the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Aquarius woman and Gemini man is defined as positive, there are still some problems in it. And the main thing is that not all guys belonging to this sign value devotion and fidelity. They do not need guarantees, permanence or any kind of stability. They can easily break up with their girlfriend for a trivial reason - because something new and unknown has appeared on the horizon. As mentioned above, they are constantly looking for something unfamiliar. Aquarius will be able to tolerate light flirting and minor advances with another girl, but if her chosen one begins to openly cheat, she will never tolerate it. She is not against strong and long-lasting relationships.

In order to establish compatibility between “Aquarius woman and Gemini man” in such a situation, the girl will have to try. She needs to surprise her man, change, be different. He likes it, and if he sees how his beloved is trying for him, he will definitely remain faithful.

Family life

Speaking about the compatibility of “Aquarius woman - Gemini man,” we should also talk about how their family relationships develop. So, for harmony to reign in this couple forever, several conditions must be met. The first thing is that there is no oppressive atmosphere in the house that would stress the Gemini man. If she does, he won’t want to show up in the apartment. This will lead to the guy starting to disappear into bars, with friends and looking for “hobbies on the side.” It is necessary to create a cozy atmosphere at home so that you want to return there.

Also, the Aquarius girl does not need to show persistence and perseverance. There is no need to complicate things further. Gemini doesn’t like this either - he perceives this as nothing more than boring.

And finally, you need to constantly show attention to your husband. It doesn’t matter how long the relationship has lasted - a year, two, five, ten years. It is vital for men born under the auspices of Gemini to feel like the best and most needed.

How can a girl win a guy's attention?

What else can be said about the compatibility of signs? An Aquarius woman and a Gemini man most often subsequently go to the registry office and formalize their relationship. However, how do they originate? What do you need to do to start them? In this case there is nothing complicated. The Aquarius girl doesn’t even have to make any effort to seduce her potential lover. He himself will appreciate her easy, pleasant character, sense of humor and attitude to life. And very quickly simple communication will develop into something closer.

According to the eastern horoscope

To more accurately determine the outcome of a particular relationship, it is also necessary to take into account which animals eastern horoscope belong to a guy and a girl. In this situation, the following case should be considered: Horse-Gemini man (compatibility) Aquarius-Dog woman. These people make wonderful spouses. They are perfect for each other - an intelligent and faithful girl who is ready to support her emotional partner at any time. These are two active and cheerful people who love, appreciate and respect each other. Such couples very rarely break up.

Close relationships are likely to develop.

A romance between representatives of the Air element can develop very quickly. They are united by common hobbies and interests, and it is easy for them to communicate on almost any topic. Relationships between representatives of these zodiac signs can become very vibrant, rich in pleasant emotions and impressions. They get to know each other and get used to their partner smoothly. The union of this couple can be relaxed and easy, but it rarely lasts for many years. Fortunately, both know how to let go of the past and retain only positive memories of this romance.

A man born under the sign of Gemini is distinguished by his independent character and energy. He cannot imagine his life without active communication and can easily establish communication with almost any person. The Gemini man is not vindictive: if he has not been greatly annoyed, he is ready to quickly forgive the offender, even become friends with him.

The Gemini sign has a great understanding of people and can smell falsehood and deception a mile away. At the same time, the Gemini man often enters into a second and even third marriage. The thing is that he is very amorous: he quickly enters into a legal relationship, and soon realizes that he was in a hurry, because he was already carried away by another.

The Aquarius woman, like her potential Gemini partner, is sociable, open, and has a democratic outlook on life. Many men regard a pleasant disposition and interest on the part of an Aquarius lady as a manifestation of sympathy in their direction. However, this is not always the case. It is likely that she has a friendly interest in Gemini, seeing a kindred spirit in them, or simply adheres to the rules of good manners and does not want to offend her interlocutor with a harsh word. Often Aquarius, not wanting to argue, tells the interlocutor what he would like to hear. The representative of this zodiac constellation undoubtedly has her own opinion. But she knows how to hide it when necessary.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Gemini man

The Gemini man cannot stand being boring and creating problems out of nothing. An Aquarius lady who wants to conquer him is recommended to be light and cheerful, at least during the beginning of the relationship. The young and immature Gemini, alas, is not looking for an overly smart lady; for him, the external “side of the issue” is often more important. The situation changes with age. If a woman cannot maintain a conversation on diverse topics or, even worse, is illiterate, he is unlikely to want to not only build a relationship with her, but even communicate at all. He is looking for a girl who is interested in the world around her, lives for art and loves to read.

If the Aquarius lady decides to be the first to attract the attention of the young man she likes, it will be important not to overdo it. Don't bother an interesting Gemini and sometimes disappear from sight. Almost all men are not interested when the prey goes into their hands, and the representative of this zodiac sign is no exception. Gemini will appreciate your sense of humor. But it is very important that the jokes are witty and appropriate, and in no case vulgar or rude.

How can a Gemini man win an Aquarius woman?

The Aquarius woman loves originality. Surprise a woman born under this zodiac sign by inviting her to an interesting place or demonstrating unusual knowledge. Unusuality should not border on strangeness, much less frighten the potential chosen one. Most Aquarians will not allow themselves to be commanded. But she doesn’t need a henpecked man either.

A Gemini who wants to conquer such a lady needs to be strong, professionally fulfilled (or at least striving for this if the man is young).

An Aquarius woman should feel a strong man's shoulder nearby. Opening the door for a charming person, handing over a coat, paying a check in a cafe - all this will play into the hands of a Gemini man.

Advantages of the union

Representatives of these freedom-loving zodiac signs very quickly make contact with each other. The potential chosen one arouses strong interest in Aquarius or Gemini. It is possible that love will arise between them at first sight. It turns out that they have a lot in common, and the topics for conversation seem to never run out. They usually come to continue communication in a romantic direction as a self-evident fact. Extra words and statuses are not needed. The main thing is that everything is clear to both of them.

Partners, as a rule, are ready to make concessions (and there is no way without this) and always work on their relationship, no matter how long it lasts. Gossip and squabbles are alien to them. They don’t tell anyone about their partner’s “mistakes” and sacredly keep personal secrets. What brings partners together is a penchant for reasonable adventurism. They are never bored together. The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman happily spend almost all their leisure time side by side, getting to know each other the world and become even closer to each other. According to astrological forecast, Aquarius and Gemini have a great chance of living a long and happy life together.

Disadvantages of the Union

There are certain disadvantages in the Aquarius-Gemini union. Despite the fact that partners know how to conduct a dialogue and are usually sincere with each other, it can be difficult for them to reach a compromise. Both are strong personalities, and therefore do not want to give in to their partner.

Also, a problem in the relationship of these people may be a long decision to get married. The paradox is that this procrastination most often comes from the Aquarius woman, who may be afraid of what she considers a boring family life.

Another stumbling block is finances. Both Aquarius and Gemini love to spend money on pleasures, entertainment and trinkets, which may result in not having enough funds for necessary needs. As a result, mutual reproaches arise.

Intimate life

The intimate life of an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can be at its best. Aquarius longs to find a gentle, and at the same time inventive partner - like herself. A lady born under this zodiac sign loves improvisation in the intimate sphere. A Gemini is quite capable of becoming such a “magician”, because he perfectly combines body and mind.

The intimacy of partners is characterized by variety, ease and even fun. Intimacy, among other things, is regarded by Gemini and Aquarius as a great way to relieve tension after a hard day and simply cheer up. The Aquarius lady often dominates in bed. Geminis are not at all against “obeying” their beloved person from time to time.

Astrologers warn that couples need to maintain passion at all times and be wary of intimate relationships becoming just physical interactions. This nuance is connected with the relative coldness of the water element, which includes Aquarius and Gemini. It is important for partners not only to succumb to carnal desire, but to connect to greater sensitivity, showing an intimate relationship with their partner during intimacy.

What kind of parents will they be?

The Aquarius woman becomes a wonderful mother. She is friendly and cheerful. Can find an approach to a child at any age, interest him in doing “uninteresting” things. Aquarius trusts the child, allows him to choose his own hobby and do as he wants. But astrologers still advise taking into account that sometimes a child needs an adult to help him make a decision.

A man born under the sign of Gemini forms excellent, trusting relationships with his heirs. He can become more of a friend to them than a parent. The duality inherent in representatives of this zodiac sign may not have the most positive effect on the upbringing of children: today he may become very angry because of some misdeed of the child, and tomorrow he may decide that there is nothing wrong with it. Astrologers advise Geminis to be more consistent, and before voicing their thoughts to a child, to understand their own attitude to the current situation.

When children are born in such a couple, parents, as a rule, become their best comrades. Both the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man really want to raise their child with a well-rounded personality and use the best parenting techniques. But at the same time, which is very important, they do not forget to simply give their beloved little people warmth and spend enough time together.

What will their children be like?

Usually Gemini and Aquarius do not delay procreation. Moreover, as a rule, more than one child is born to them. Partners have every chance of becoming a large family. But since the marriage of these signs is rarely long-lasting, they will have to learn to take care of their children separately. This is unlikely to be a problem, because Gemini and Aquarius are not the type to hold grudges.

Since parents treat educational issues with full responsibility, their offspring will be prosperous even in the event of a divorce. Children are developed, sincerely interested in the world around them and know how to enjoy simple things - like their parents.

And for the partners themselves, offspring are useful: they subconsciously help the couple get closer in case of cooling of feelings. The children of such a couple are extremely responsive, value friendship and are always in good company. At the same time, Aquarius and Gemini babies are often precocious. They do not like praise for anything and open flattery addressed to them, wanting their parents to adequately and in an adult way evaluate their achievements.

Is an Aquarius woman prone to cheating?

Aquarius has an average tendency to cheat when compared with representatives of other zodiac signs. Such a woman is very capricious and cannot stand being told what to do. If a man tries to severely limit his wife’s freedom, he will obviously face a backlash. As a result, the woman can go on a spree. The Aquarius cheater usually does not play a double game. If she has a relationship on the side, most likely, she will find the strength to notify her current chosen one that they need to break up.

Is a Gemini man prone to cheating?

Outwardly, the Gemini man may seem frivolous. He interacts nicely with other women, and some of them think that seducing him is very easy. But in most cases this is not the case. However, sometimes Geminis also go to the left.

Either serious feelings for the new chosen one, or a lack of former wisdom, can persuade such a man to betray. Gemini, like Aquarius, will not tolerate being commanded and taught about life.

A radical change in his behavior can “notify” the other half that not everything is going smoothly. If a man has become very calm and aloof, then he is probably venting his emotions on the side.

What are they afraid of in a relationship?

The Gemini man is afraid of losing his freedom. He was used to managing himself and not depending on anyone. Therefore, he can only allow a woman he is crazy about to encroach on his secrets. Fortunately for the Aquarius woman, she can become one. Most Gemini men are careerists. Subconsciously, they are committed to starting a family, but they are afraid that his wife and children will not allow him to realize himself professionally, and he will simply become a failure. Here important role The perfectionism of the Gemini man plays into play: if he didn’t become the best in his field, he didn’t achieve anything in it.

An Aquarius woman in a romantic relationship is very afraid of being deceived, especially if she has previously encountered dishonesty on the part of a man. Just like betrayal, she is afraid that the chosen one will simply laugh at her, reveal her innermost secrets to someone and leave her with a broken heart. Therefore, most women born under this sign are in no hurry to tell something important and secret to a new man in her life.

What to work on

Aquarius and Gemini constantly need to work on understanding each other. Astrologers advise, instead of criticizing, to often put yourself in the place of your chosen one. Don’t be shy about discussing general budget issues, and if you want to buy something expensive, your spouse’s advice is required. Partners also need to control communication with representatives of the opposite sex. Both Gemini and Aquarius are quite jealous. Any nice communication can be regarded by them as a challenge to fight for the faithful. The stars advise not to unnecessarily irritate your other half and not to go to places without her, after returning from which it will be impossible to avoid interrogation with bias.

How does a Gemini man behave during a breakup?

Young Gemini men, if their partner does not meet his expectations, can decide to break up quite quickly. The woman may not even notice that serious problems have arisen in their relationship, and the husband will already blurt out that he has decided to leave.

Sometimes, in the case of a short-term romance, Gemini does not communicate with his passion at all and simply begins to ignore her calls.

Fortunately, most representatives of this zodiac sign find the strength and courage to talk normally. After parting, Geminis extremely rarely renew contact, as they are sure that they cannot step into the same river twice.

How an Aquarius woman behaves during a breakup

The Aquarius woman decides to break up less often than the Gemini man. Making the decision to end the relationship is much more difficult for her. If a representative of this zodiac sign says that the relationship is over, she clearly has been thinking for more than one day. A woman can make spontaneous decisions about a breakup only if, for example, she finds out about her passion’s betrayal or experiences a strong insult. In the vast majority of cases, one can suspect that a partner is about to leave because of a cold attitude: for example, if she refuses intimacy or increasingly begins to come up with excuses.

Ignoring the opinion of a partner and, of course, himself is also an alarming bell. Aquarius, as a rule, voices his decision to his man with restraint and sadness. However, you can usually hold back your tears. A woman does not want to make it even more painful not only for herself, but also for her chosen one, even if he will soon become an “ex”. Even if she understands that her feelings for her current partner have faded, breaking up is extremely difficult for her.

Is friendship possible between them?

A strong friendship can arise between an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man, engaged in different fields of activity. But Aquarius and Gemini, working together, as the stars say, are unlikely to be able to become good comrades. They are both free-thinking, active and energetic. They will always have interesting topics for conversation. The Aquarius woman and the man born under the sign of Gemini lack friendly jealousy. They do not reproach each other if someone had fun and relaxed without him. Due to this, the likelihood of quarrels is extremely low. Their friendship brings Gemini and Aquarius a lot of pleasant emotions.

Gemini and Aquarius, like small children, are fascinated by what is happening around them. They admire cute little things that other people wouldn't notice.

And a Gemini friend will appreciate the joy of his Aquarius girlfriend, and she will reciprocate his feelings. They have a highly developed desire for beauty. This man and woman can go to exhibitions together, attend both opera and rock concerts. They are very versatile people, and support almost any initiative coming from a friend.

Compatibility at work

An Aquarius woman and a Gemini man have excellent professional compatibility. Their working relationship can become fruitful and lasting. The moment of their cooperation is the most favorable for career growth. In this case, they can gently push their colleague to the right ideas and, accordingly, new achievements. And this will not be perceived by the second as an order.

Both the Aquarius woman and the Gemini man do not really like being bossed around. Therefore, any type of cooperation in which one of them is a subordinate will be quite bearable. If Gemini and Aquarius do not criticize each other in front of strangers, and begin to resolve all personal issues behind closed doors, they will be able to make significant progress in their joint business and make a decent fortune.

Relationship type:
"Love without obligations"

Compatibility in love - 90% Marriage compatibility - 60%

The Aquarius woman and the Gemini man are a couple of free birds. They appreciate each other because neither of them tries to clip the other's wings. Aquarius and Gemini are a union of good will, its stability is based on the absence of strict restrictions.

Love and dating

An Aquarius woman and a Gemini man can remain friends for a long time, or end up in bed on the first date - this does not greatly affect their relationship, because love is not the main thing in them. This couple is connected, first of all, by common interests, or rather, by common entertainment. They may end up together because they are fond of the same sport, go to the same nightclub, or they are bored at the same job. One for the other is a reliable friend with whom it is fun to spend time. Since neither of the couple seeks to “pin” the other, it often breaks up when a lady or gentleman appears nearby with a lasso. Then Aquarius or Gemini can only watch as the “friend” is taken to the registry office on a lasso.

Compatibility in bed

In bed, an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man are a wonderful match. Both know how to be sensually romantic or shamelessly physiological, easily falling into their partner’s mood.

Relationships and family

Finding yourself in the same company with an Aquarius woman and a Gemini man, you may hear Gemini teasing his companion with stories about his ex-girlfriends or relationship candidates. At the same time, her reaction will be completely light and carefree, even to the point of jokes like: “Well, yes, a wife is not a wall! It will move!” Is it really all that easy and carefree? It’s hard to understand. However, one thing is indisputable: the Aquarius woman sincerely respects the freedom of her chosen one. But a Gemini man will never build serious relationship, obeying solely attraction. And if this couple is already together, then the ties that bind them are quite strong.

Perhaps this couple will live their whole lives in a civil marriage, because the Aquarius woman and Gemini man are in no hurry to get to the altar. Both of these representatives of the Zodiac belong to the Air element, and therefore easily adapt to each other’s everyday habits. There are always a lot of friends and acquaintances in their house. Even if the family has a high income, they do not strive to save money for the future, preferring to live here and now: they distribute their expenses so that there is money left for entertainment. With little earnings, the couple quickly acquires loans.

It happens that the union of Aquarius and Gemini is destroyed by the latter’s betrayal: he is quite capable of making a mistake under the influence of emotions, but she does not consider it necessary to keep someone. Only if they take their obligations more seriously will they have a chance at a long and happy life together.