What awaits people after death. What awaits us after death: impressions of people who have been in the next world. Air ordeals, or what awaits the soul after death

05.11.2021 Diagnostics

Non-existence is what is most terrible in death. The bony one comes, grabs you by the throat and... that’s it. What's next? Emptiness, unknown. In this sense, ancient people were more protected than us. Even the average Hellene clearly knew: after death, his soul would appear in court, then pass through the corridor of the underworld Erebus. And, if she is found unworthy, she will go straight to Tartarus. And if he proves himself heroically, he will gain immortality on the Champs Elysees of joy and bliss. That is why the Hellene lived - he did not grieve, not knowing the torment of fear and uncertainty. What awaits us beyond the last line?

Reasons for immortality

Differing in many issues and provisions, the sacred scriptures and religions of all times and peoples of the Earth show amazing unanimity in everything that concerns the continuation of the posthumous existence of people. They believed in the immortality of the soul Ancient Egypt, Babylon, India and Greece. So this is the collective experience of all humanity. But could it have arisen by chance? And not have any other basis than the fear of death and the desire for eternal life? And what do the current church fathers, who do not doubt the immortality of the soul, start from? Well, everything is simple with them, the reader will say. They are like the average Hellenes: they are clad in the armor of their faith and therefore they are not afraid of anything. Indeed, for Christians, the main source of faith in eternal life is the Holy Scriptures: the Old and New Testaments, the Epistles of the Apostles, the Revelations of John the Theologian. They are not afraid of death, because for them it is only an entrance into another life, life with Christ. Confident and Muslim - after physical death his soul will move to another world, where he will wait doomsday.

Buddhists believe that the soul is constantly reborn: leaving one mortal body, it receives another.

Perhaps Judaism talks least about life after death. In the books of Moses, extraterrestrial life is mentioned extremely rarely: the majority of Jews believe that both heaven and hell exist on earth. But they are also convinced that life is eternal - it continues in children and grandchildren. No wonder they say: a Jew is one whose grandchildren are Jews.

And only Hare Krishnas, who also do not doubt the immortality of the soul, rely on logical and empirical arguments. They are helped by numerous data on clinical deaths experienced, when people rise above their bodies and soar through a tunnel to an unknown light, and Vedic philosophy. Here is the famous Vedic argument in favor of the eternity of the soul: “I observe the changes taking place in my body, which turns from the body of a baby to the body of an old man, but the very fact that I can contemplate these changes means that I am outside the changes of the body , for the observer must always be on the sidelines.” Are you not convinced by this argument? Well, then you are one of the large army of those for whom it is not enough just to believe: they need to know for sure.

A light in the end of a tunnel
Common sense dictates: we have no chance of finding out what happens to a person after an old woman with a scythe comes to him. It is all the more surprising that many scientists have a completely different opinion. First of all, these are doctors. And all because their medical practice refutes the well-known axiom: no one returned from the other world. Doctors are familiar with hundreds of such “returnees” first hand. Yes, and you yourself - at least out of the corner of your ear - have heard about the phenomenon of “clinical death”.

Usually everything follows the same scenario. The patient's heart stops - most often during surgery, under anesthesia. Doctors declare “clinical death” and begin resuscitation, trying with all their might to start the “engine”. Time ticks by in seconds - because after only 5-6 minutes the brain and other vital organs begin to suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen), and this is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences.

Meanwhile, the patient “comes out” of his body, observes himself and the doctors’ actions from above for some time, and then floats along a long corridor towards the light. And there, if you believe the statistics collected by British doctors over the past 20 years, 72% of the “dead” go to heaven. Grace descends on them, they see angels or their deceased relatives and friends. Everyone rejoices and laughs. The same cannot be said about the other 28%: they are sent straight to hell. So when some divine entity, most often appearing in the form of a clot of light, tells them: “Your time has not yet come,” they are very happy. And they return to their body. This means that the doctors managed to pump out the patient - and his heart begins to beat again. Death has retreated. But those who looked beyond its threshold will never forget it.

And those who are braver will definitely share the revelation they received with their doctors and close relatives.

Evidence of death
Research into “near-death experiences” began in the 1970s. Surprisingly, they continue to this day, although many copies have been broken in this regard. Some saw in the phenomenon undoubted evidence of eternal life, while others, on the contrary, are still trying to prove that heaven, hell, and in general the entire notorious “other world” are located inside a person. They say that these are not some real places at all. But just hallucinations, a process characteristic of fading consciousness. Yes, but why then are they all the same? There is an answer to this question: “The brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood. Parts of the visual lobe of the cerebral cortex turn off very quickly. And the poles of the occipital lobes of the brain, which have a double blood supply system, still continue to function. And the field of view narrows sharply. Only a narrow band remains, providing central, “pipeline” vision. Here is the tunnel you are looking for,” explains corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Sergei Levitsky.

They object to him: those who were resurrected talk in detail about the actions of the medical team that “cast magic” on the body, about their relatives grieving in the corridors. One patient, for example, having fully recovered seven days after clinical death, demanded that the doctors return his denture, which had been removed during the operation. They couldn’t remember where they had put it in the confusion. And then the patient showed them exactly the place where the prosthesis lay: he remembered it during his “journey”.

Proof of Life
So it turns out that at the moment medicine does not have unconditional evidence that the afterlife does not exist. And I really want to get them. That’s why the AWARE study was launched in 2010: scientists from 25 medical centers in England and the USA teamed up to thoroughly study the experiences of 1,500 patients who survived cardiac arrest and clinical death. Their goal is to experimentally test some data related to the near-death state of a person. The study is led by Dr. Sam Parnia from the British University of Southampton and this is what he thinks about it: “Whether there is an other world or not is a question beyond my competence. You will be surprised, but memories of the experience are retained in only 10-20% of patients who have experienced clinical death. We just want to understand what’s happening to the brain at this moment.”

The experiment takes three years. Scientists decided that this period would be enough to “recruit” and interview 1,500 patients. Checking them will be very simple: in the intensive care units of all 25 hospitals, pictures will be laid out on shelves and ceiling lamps with the expectation that not a single patient admitted to the ward will be able to see them. But if during the operation his heart stops and he leaves the body, then it will not be difficult for him to see the hidden pictures. Of course, having returned to the body and resurrected, he will be able to describe them. And this will be a powerful argument in favor of the fact that consciousness is capable of existing separately from the physical shell.

The results of the study should be summed up at the end of 2012. In the meantime, doctors remain silent: they are ready for any development of events. And yet they hope: “As we try to break through the boundaries of traditional science, we expect the most amazing discoveries. At the end of the 19th century, physicists worked with Newton's laws and had no doubt that they explained everything. However, when it came to studying the atom, it turned out that different laws apply there. It's the same with the brain. 99% of the time we cannot separate the mind from the body, they work together. But in extreme conditions, things can be different. Therefore, we are interested in death as the most extreme possible state. And if we demonstrate that consciousness continues to exist after the brain turns off, this will allow us to accept that consciousness exists on its own." That's it, no more, no less.

Solaris effect
But what if we look at the problem from the other side and remember, firstly, the law of conservation of energy, and secondly, the fact that all types of matter are based on an energy principle? It is also in man. And, of course, it does not disappear anywhere after the death of the physical shell and goes straight into the energy-information field of the Earth. However, there are exceptions. Natalya Bekhtereva recalled that after the death of her husband, “the human brain became a mystery for her, which in principle cannot be solved.” The ghost of her husband began to appear to her even during the day: he shared his thoughts, gave advice, suggested where to find something. And Bekhtereva, a world-famous scientist, never once doubted the reality of what was happening: “Whether it was a product of my consciousness, which found itself in a state of stress, or something else, I don’t know. One thing I know for sure is that he didn’t imagine it, but actually happened.”

Scientists call the appearance of “ghosts” of deceased relatives and friends the “Solaris effect” - or materialization “according to the method” of Stanislav Lemm. But this happens extremely rarely: apparently only in those cases when the mourners have sufficient energetic strength to “pull” the phantom of a dear loved one from the field of the earth.

Taking it to the next level
For other inconsolable mourners, mediums come to the aid. This is exactly what happened to geophysicist Vsevolod Zaporozhets.

The adherent of scientific materialism changed his views at the age of 70, when his wife died. He simply could not come to terms with the loss and sat down to read literature about spirits, the other world and spiritualism. As a result, he conducted more than 460 sessions and wrote the book “Contours of the Universe,” in which he described in detail the method of proving the reality of afterlife. And most importantly, he managed to contact his beloved wife: she is young and beautiful, like everyone else who lives in the next world. The explanation for this is very simple, according to Zaporozhets: “The world of the “departed” is a product of the materialization of their desires, therefore it is similar to the earthly one and even better. Most of them are young and beautiful in appearance. They feel as substantial as those living on earth, are aware of their physicality and are able to enjoy life. Clothing is formed by the thought and desire of the departed, perhaps not consciously. Infatuation and love are preserved or regained there, but are devoid of sexuality, although they are different from friendly feelings. There is no childbirth. To maintain life, it is not necessary to eat, but for pleasure or to overcome the earthly habit of eating tasty food, some people eat, mainly fruits, which are abundant and beautiful, like flowers.”
Life is not a fairy tale. True, there is a nuance: if the “other world” is really a product of the materialization of desires, then we urgently need to rebuild ourselves and stop being afraid of death. It's time to learn to perceive it as a qualitative transition to a new level. But only. And then dying is not at all scary. And even parting with family and friends is not so painful.

Some materials on postmortem:
My memories of the twilight world.

What awaits a person after death: views of 4 major religions + opinions of 13 great people + 5 books + 5 links to videos on the topic.

Even if 99% of the time you have unresolved work problems, a shopping list and grandma’s pie recipe spinning in your head, there remains that nasty 1% when “high” questions come to your poor little head, for example, “ What awaits a person after death?. And what to do with it? Turn on the TV again to watch a talk show from the series “Now we’ll tell you something like this, how he loved her, but she cheated on her, and he beat her with a shovel”?

Nope! Just calmly understand a complex issue.

View of 4 main religions, what awaits a person after death

Remember the catchphrase from Around the World in 80 Days: “Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?”

So, only religions provide a clear plan of what awaits a person after death:

    • Christianity.

      This religion claims that after death you will wash yourself a little near your mortal body, and then go to other worlds for fascinating communication with heavenly forces - angels and demons. They will tell you where you “messed up” in life, but they will not forget how you gave alms, sheltered a stray kitten, or sacrificed your kidney to save a dying person.

      But the final verdict, whether you will remain in a place of eternal torment - hell, or enjoy eternal bliss in paradise, will be made by God at the Last Judgment. After a person’s death, only God’s mercy can ease his fate (in fact, all Christians rely on it, since there are no sinless people). Most often it manifests itself through prayers for the deceased relatives, as well as the intercessions of saints, martyrs and the Mother of God;

    • Islam also consoles the faithful with the possibility of going to heaven after death (al-Janna), but if you have offended Allah with your sins, then you have a direct road to hell - Jahannam. Moreover, Islamists believe that the more righteously a person lived, the easier and painless it will be his death;

    Eh, this is where the vain mind of a Western person breaks down over the concepts of “reincarnation” and “nirvana”. It seems that Buddha argued that there is no soul, but some substance known only to him, after the death of a person, moves into another object. If you behaved well during your life, then you will return to Earth in the body of a more enlightened person, but if you completely neglected karma, then you may end up as a pebble or a mangy, scary dog. This is called reincarnation.

    For example, my friend Lisa is sure that in a past life she was a Soviet doctor:

    “Well, judge for yourself: I’m not even 25, but I adore Soviet films of the 70s and 80s, I’m obsessed with The Time Machine, Viktor Tsoi, Aria, and I can watch a video of a surgical operation without wincing. I love the fashion of those years. Well, where does all this come from?!”– Lisa and I are perplexed along with her.

    But the ultimate goal of reincarnation in Buddhism is to break the chain of rebirths and achieve a state of absolute calm and serenity - nirvana.

    Hmm, although for me to achieve nirvana, it’s enough to take a steam bath for a couple of hours and chat with the girls “for life.”

    This is also a mix of different beliefs about what awaits a person after death - here you have hell, heaven, purgatory, and the possibility of reincarnation if certain conditions are met.

    By the way, it is not so easy for a real Jew to be resurrected: for this it is necessary that at least one of his mortal bones be preserved, and he must be buried exclusively in the Promised Land. Therefore, when an Orthodox Jew is buried far from his native land, his head is sprinkled with land from Israel.

In general, all religions are united in one thing - after the death of a person, all the interesting things just begin.

And what do the famous and famous think about what awaits a person after death: how many people - so many opinions!

8 great people who are confident that death is not the end: from Plato to Academician Sakharov

Well, if so far not a single priest, imam or rabbi has convinced you of their version of what awaits a person after death, we will tell you what opinion seven great people held:

  1. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato I was absolutely sure that the human soul is eternal and after the death of the body it simply passes into another dimension.
  2. Famous poet Goethe I was not at all afraid of death, because I was sure that this was far from the end - so, “moving” to new worlds.
  3. Writer Leo Tolstoy was convinced that only a narrow-minded person could claim that after death nothing awaits a person.
  4. Philosopher Emannuel Swedenborg frightened the Swedish queen by telling her about communication with her deceased brother. At the same time, he reported such details from their lives that he simply could not find out anywhere. The scientist argued that after death a person remains the same person, with his own “cockroaches.” He said that higher power allow him to communicate with dead people.
  5. Philosopher Henri Bergson I was sure that the human consciousness is a kind of telegraph that does not create information, but only transmits it. That is, the energy that comes with the birth of a person remains to exist after his death, but in a different form.
  6. Founder of astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky believed that after death the human soul is atoms moving freely throughout the Universe. But the scientist did not explain whether they are just atoms, or ghosts in white robes.
  7. Academician Alexander Sakharov argued that this world was created according to the conscious plan of higher powers, and human souls after death do not go into oblivion. Well, you can’t say anything optimistically...
  8. Outstanding neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva after communicating with the seer Vanga, she stated that she was completely convinced that it is possible to communicate with dead people, which means that after death a person does not disappear forever, but, as it were, goes into a parallel world.

However, not all famous people On Sundays they put on smart clothes and go to church. There are also those who openly declare that they do not believe in God or the afterlife.

5 great people who were sure that they knew that nothing awaits a person after death!

  1. Denis Diderot. French philosopher I was sure that as long as a person believes in the other world and a kind bearded guy somewhere in the clouds, he will not feel the thrill of life here and now.
  2. Writer Bernard Shaw argued that a person who believes in life after life is like a drunk - not too smart, but happy.
  3. Ernest Hemingway was an avid atheist and never dreamed of any life after death.
  4. Benjamin Franklin I also didn’t have much respect for clergymen who promised eternal life.
  5. American multimillionaire Andrew Carnegie believed that for a peaceful life a person does not need to know what awaits after death and to believe in higher powers. It is enough to just be a complete patriot of your country.

So whose position should we share “think for yourself, decide for yourself”...

5 books about what awaits a person after death: reading material for thoughtful reading

Many books have been written about what awaits every person after death, and if our article is “not enough” for you, we recommend reading:

Life after death? YOUTUBE has something to tell you...

Many programs and documentaries have been filmed about this, here are just a few recent videos:


"Valery Garkalin. Life after death"

Return from the other world

eyewitness account. Sergey Sklyar.

On the Other Side: Living Witnesses of the Afterlife

Clinical death: God showed

to an atheist how he created our world

Where do souls go after death?

Shocking knowledge about the Sun and Space!

Now, when “at sunset” of the party we will talk about what awaits a person after death, you will definitely show off your erudition - so much so that that young philosophy teacher you have your eye on will be amazed on the spot.

And it doesn’t matter whether you believe in an afterlife or insist on the opposite point of view, because the main thing is to charm this damn sexy intellectual.

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Since the creation of the world, every person on this planet has been tormented by a sacred question: is there life after death? The best minds of humanity are trying to answer it: scientists and esotericists, magicians and skeptics to the core - everyone has asked the question of the possibility of immortality at least once.

In this article

How long does it take for a person to die

Quick death is the highest good; unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of it. Depending on the cause of death, the process of extinction of body functions can occur instantly or last for hours, days and even months.

No expert can give the exact time of brain death: classic physiology textbooks indicate an interval of 3–4 minutes. But in practice, it was possible to “resurrect” people even 10–20 minutes after cardiac arrest!

Exists whole science, dedicated to the rituals and features of farewell to life - thanatology. Thanatologists distinguish 3 types of death:

  1. Clinical death - a person’s heart and breathing have already stopped, but the body still has a reserve for medical intervention, and one can get out of this state.
  2. Biological death is the death of the brain, today it is an irreversible phenomenon, although a number of body functions are preserved, cellular memory has not yet disappeared.
  3. Information death is the final point of no return, the body is completely dead.

Today, doctors are able to bring a person back from clinical death, and the latest developments of scientists in 10 years will reach such a level of development that a person will be brought out of biological death. Perhaps someday death will no longer be considered an irreversible phenomenon.

Doctors can bring a person out of a state of clinical death if not too much time has passed

Everyone's feelings before their last breath are extremely individual. A person remains alone with himself and his thoughts: we come into the world alone, and we leave it alone. Everyone will experience their own sensations, unlike anything else, but approximately the same.

The process of physical death by stages, their duration and symptoms is shown in the table.

Stages of death What happens to the body Symptoms of the onset Duration
Predagonic state The body tries to reduce the torment of the body caused by the cause of dying The functions of the central nervous system are impaired, breathing becomes frequent and irregular, pain is dulled, loss of consciousness is possible From several minutes to several hours, in some cases there is no phase
Agony The body's last attempt to survive, concentrating all its strength on the fight for life Rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing From 5 to 30 minutes
Clinical death The body shows no visible signs of life, but is still alive The heart stops beating, oxygen no longer reaches the brain From 5 to 15 minutes depending on the cause of death and the age of the patient
Diagnosis of death The body is dead Stopping breathing and heartbeat, the central nervous system shows no signs of life 5–10 minutes

Lama Ole Nydahl will talk about the process of death and biological dying, the separation of the soul from the body: in addition, he will share useful practices that will make a complex process easier.

A man feels his death

Many people are actually able to feel the icy breath of death years and months before its physical onset. But more often death is predicted a few days in advance, this can be explained simple changes in organism:

  1. There are no pain receptors in the internal organs, but they can make themselves known, signaling the imminent cessation of functioning.
  2. A person even feels an impending cold; it is not surprising that he can feel something more serious.
  3. The body is in many ways wiser than consciousness, and its reluctance to fade away is colossal.

Do not panic because of a sudden deterioration in health and immediately write a will. But a trip to the doctor will come in handy.

A few hours before the expected death, you can predict a quick outcome based on the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, it’s hard to breathe and from lack of air the chest feels like it’s being torn from the inside;
  • dizziness - a person becomes partially insane, he is no longer responsible for his actions and words;
  • fear - even if a person is completely ready for what is happening, a feeling of fear hovers somewhere nearby;
  • fever - body temperature does not increase, but the person feels that the room is stuffy.

Some artists and poets predicted their death in creativity long before its actual occurrence: for example, A.S. Pushkin described the death of his literary prototype Lensky in a duel 11 years and 11 days before Dantes’ fatal shot.

Celebrities who predicted their deaths

Psychological aspect of death

Death is one of those phenomena whose anticipation is much worse than the process itself: many people poison their existence with constant thoughts about the horrors of transition to another world. It is especially difficult for older people and those who are terminally ill: constant thoughts about physical death can lead to severe depression.

There is no need to panic and devote too much energy to questions about studying the mechanisms of death. This can lead to panic and a general deterioration in well-being.

Death is an inevitable process, it is part of life, so we must treat it calmly. You can't be upset about something that you can't change. If you can’t look at death with optimism, you should at least try to maintain your presence of mind. As a result, no one can say with complete certainty. But many testimonies from survivors of clinical death set a positive tone.

What after death

It is impossible to say with certainty what awaits a person, but most agree that. This is just parting with the physical shell and moving it to a new level.

Separation of the soul from the body

The difference in views on death and its consequences between religion and science is reflected in the summary table.

Question Religion's answer Scientists' answer
Is man mortal? The physical body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Man does not exist outside of his physical shell
What awaits a person after death? Depending on the actions during life, a person’s soul will continue to exist in heaven or hell Death is irreversible and is the end of life
Is immortality real? Everyone will gain immortality - the only question is whether it will be full of joy or torment The only possible immortality is in leaving offspring and memories of loved ones
What is earthly life? Earthly life is just a moment before the endless life of the soul Physical life is all that a person has

After the death of the physical soul, it does not immediately go to another world: for some time it gets used to the new form and continues to be in the human world. At this time, consciousness practically does not change; the ethereal one continues to feel like the same person as during life. the soul is finally separated from the body and is ready to move on to another world.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

Peoples who developed in cultural isolation demonstrate amazing similar systems organization of the afterlife: for the righteous there is a place of eternal bliss - Paradise, for sinners endless suffering is prepared in Hell. This overlap of plots speaks of something more than poor imagination: the ancients could have more extensive information about the afterlife than modern people, and their records may turn out to be not just a fairy tale, but reality.


The concept of Paradise resembles a real state - it is not for nothing that it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, at the head of the sacred abode of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Souls who have entered heaven are in a state of blissful peace and joy. The world opposite to Paradise - Hell - is a place for those who sinned a lot and did not repent of it.


Ancient religion does not have a single concept of the afterlife. But descriptions from the Holy Talmud indicate that this place is completely different from reality. People awarded heavenly places do not know human feelings: there are no discord and quarrels, envy and attraction between them. They do not know thirst or hunger; the only occupation of the righteous soul is enjoying the true light of God.


Beliefs boil down to a three-level system of organizing Paradise:

  1. The lowest level is where those who have sinned fall. Most resembles earthly reality. The souls of the deceased do not know the need for food and water, they sing and dance a lot.
  2. Middle level - Tlillan-Tlapallan - a paradise for priests and those who have comprehended true values. Here the spirit is more pleasing than the body.
  3. The highest level - Tonatiuhikan - only the most enlightened and righteous go to the House of the Sun; they will spend eternity side by side with the deities, not knowing the worries of the material world.


The dark kingdom of Hades awaited the soul that left the physical body: the entrance there can even be found in the vast expanses of Hellas. Nothing good awaited those caught: only endless despondency and lamentation about the wonderful days gone by. A different fate befell the souls of heroes and people endowed with fame and talent. They ended up on the famous Champs Elysees for endless feasts and conversations about the eternal.

Charon transports the soul to the kingdom of the dead


One of the most popular religions in the world thanks to the idea. To determine what kind of body a particular soul deserves, Yama Raja looks into the mirror of truth: all evil deeds will be reflected in the form of black stones, and good ones - in the form of white ones. Based on the number of stones, a person is given the bodily shell that he deserves.

Buddhism does not deny the concept of Heaven - but you can get there only after a long process, when the soul reaches the highest point of development. In Paradise there is no place for sorrow and sorrow, and all desires are satisfied instantly. But this is the impermanent abode of the soul - after resting in heaven, it will return to earth for further rebirths.

Indian myths

India is a country of bright sunshine, delicious food and the Kama Sutra. It is from these components that the idea of ​​an afterlife for brave warriors and pure souls is formed. The leader of the dead - Yama - will take the worthy to Paradise, where endless sensual pleasures await them.

Nordic tradition

The Scandinavians prophesied heaven only for famous warriors. The souls of men and women who fell in battle were collected by beautiful Valkyries and taken straight to Valhalla, where endless feasts and pleasures unavailable during life awaited those who found eternal life.

The Scandinavian ideas about the afterlife are primitive and based on the dominant part of the life of ancient tribes - military operations.

Egyptian culture

Humanity owes the appearance in world religions of the Last Judgment description to the Egyptians: the famous “Book of the Dead,” dated 2400 BC. e. details this chilling process. After the death of the physical soul of the Egyptian, it entered the Hall of Two Truths, where it was weighed on double-sided scales.

Fragment of the Book of the Dead - judgment in the Hall of Two Truths

If the soul turned out to be heavier than the feather of the goddess of Justice Maat, it was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile, and if sins did not pull the soul down, Osiris took it with him to the kingdom of eternal bliss.

The Egyptians viewed life as a severe test and practically expected their death from the first days of their existence - it was there that they were supposed to comprehend true bliss.


In order for the human soul to find eternal peace and taste the joys of Eden, it must undergo a severe test - crossing the Sirat Bridge. This bridge is so narrow that its thickness does not even reach a human hair, and its sharpness is comparable to the sharpest earthly blade. The road is complicated by a squall wind that tirelessly blows towards the etheric body. Only the righteous will be able to overcome all obstacles and move to the heavenly kingdom, while the sinner is doomed to fall into the abyss of hell.


According to this religious worldview, the fate of the eternal soul will be decided by the just Rashnu: he will have to divide all human actions into bad and worthy of respect, and then appoint a test. The soul of the deceased will have to cross the Bridge of Separation in order to get into the kingdom of eternal bliss: but those whose sins were great will not be able to do this - the unrighteous souls will be picked up by a demonic creature named Vizarsh and taken to a place of eternal torment.

Can a soul get stuck in this world

After death, a person’s etheric body is in a state of stress, and many paths open before it. , which is tantamount to endless suffering and torment, compared to which hell is an entertainment establishment.

Even the most ardent righteous person can find himself imprisoned between worlds and experience terrible torment until the end of time if his spirit is not strong enough.

Physical death continues with the separation of the soul from the body shell: several days are spent saying goodbye to the material world. But it doesn’t end there, and the soul has to begin a journey through the invisible world. But if a person was lack of initiative, sluggish and indecisive during life, he will not be able to change even after death: they run the risk of not making a choice and remaining between worlds.

Peace and tranquility

People who managed to continue earthly path after the clinical death of the body, about what they managed to survive in a matter of minutes of being on the other side. More than half of those saved talk about meeting some intangible entity that has human outlines. Someone claims that this is the Creator of the Universe, someone speaks of an angel or Jesus Christ - but one thing remains immutable: next to this being, a complete understanding of the meaning of existence, all-encompassing love and boundless peace envelops.


At the moment of separation of the etheric essence from the physical shell, a person can hear unpleasant and disturbing sounds, similar to the sound of a raging wind, an annoying buzzing and even the ringing of a bell. The fact is that the etheric body, at the moment of separation from the physical shell, is sent to a completely different space through a tunnel: sometimes before death a person connects to it unconsciously, then the dying person says that he hears the voices of relatives who are no longer alive and even angelic speech.


The phrase “light at the end of the tunnel” can serve not only as a beautiful turn of phrase, it is used by everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death and has actually returned from the other world. , the contemplation of which was accompanied by extraordinary calm and tranquility, the acceptance of a new form of existence.

After death, a person sees a brightly lit tunnel

No one will say for sure whether there is life after the death of the physical body: but numerous testimonies of people who have been on the other side inspire optimism and hope that the earthly path is only the beginning of a long journey, the duration of which is infinity.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation is directly up to you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!


According to Christian beliefs, after death a person continues to live, but in a different capacity. His spirit, having left the physical shell, begins its path to God. What is ordeal, where does the soul go after death, should it fly away and what happens to it after separation from the body? After death, the spirit of the deceased is tested by trials. In Christian culture they are called “ordeal.” There are twenty of them in total, each more complex than the previous one, depending on the sins committed by a person during his lifetime. After this, the spirit of the deceased goes to Heaven or is cast into the Underworld.

Is there life after death

Two topics that will always be discussed are life and death. Since the creation of the world, philosophers, literary figures, doctors, and prophets have been arguing about what happens to the soul when it leaves the human body. What happens after death and is there life at all after the spirit leaves the physical shell? It just so happens that a person will always think about these burning topics in order to know the truth - turn to the Christian religion or other teachings.

What happens to a person when he dies

Having passed your life path, the person dies. From the physiological side, this is the process of stopping all systems and processes of the body: brain activity, breathing, digestion. Proteins and other substrates of life decompose. Approaching death also affects a person's emotional state. There is a change in the emotional background: loss of interest in everything, isolation, isolation from contacts with the outside world, conversations about imminent death, hallucinations (past and present are mixed).

What happens to the soul after death

The question of where the soul goes after death is always interpreted differently. However, the clergy are unanimous in one thing: after a complete cardiac arrest, a person continues to live in a new status. Christians believe that the spirit of the departed, who lived a righteous life, is transferred by angels to Paradise, while the sinner is destined to go to Hell. The deceased needs prayers that will save him from eternal torment, help the spirit pass tests and get to Paradise. The prayers of loved ones, not tears, can work miracles.

Christian doctrine says that man will live forever. Where does the soul go after a person dies? His spirit goes to the kingdom of heaven to meet the Father. This path is very difficult and depends on how a person lived his worldly life. Many clergy perceive their departure not as a tragedy, but as a long-awaited meeting with God.

Third day after death

For the first two days, the spirits of the dead fly around the earth. This is the period when they are close to their body, to their home, wander through places dear to them, say goodbye to their relatives, and end their earthly existence. Not only angels, but also demons are nearby at this time. They are trying to win her over to their side. On the third day, the ordeal of the soul begins after death. This is the time to worship the Lord. Relatives and friends should pray. Prayers are performed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On day 9

Where does a person go after death on the 9th day? After the 3rd day, the Angel accompanies the spirit to the gates of Paradise so that he can see all the beauty of the heavenly abode. Immortal souls stay there for six days. They temporarily forget the sadness of leaving their body. While enjoying the sight of beauty, the soul, if it has sins, must repent. If this does not happen, then she will be in hell. On the 9th day, the Angels again present the soul to the Lord.

At this time, the church and relatives perform a prayer service for the deceased with a request for mercy. Commemorations are held in honor of 9 angelic ranks, who are protectors during the Last Judgment and servants of the Almighty. For the deceased, the “burden” is no longer so heavy, but very important, because the Lord uses it to determine the future path of the spirit. Relatives remember only good things about the deceased and behave very calmly and quietly.

There are certain traditions that help the spirit of the departed. They symbolize eternal life. At this time, relatives:

  1. They perform a prayer service in the church for the repose of the spirit.
  2. At home they cook kutya from wheat seeds. It is mixed with sweets: honey or sugar. Seeds are reincarnation. Honey or sugar is a sweet life in another world, helping to avoid a difficult afterlife.

On day 40

The number “40” can be found very often in the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Jesus Christ ascended to the Father on the fortieth day. For the Orthodox Church, this became the basis for organizing commemorations of the deceased on the fortieth day after death. Catholic Church does this on the thirtieth day. However, the meaning of all events is the same: the soul of the deceased ascended to the holy Mount Sinai and achieved bliss.

After the spirit is reintroduced before the Lord on the 9th day by the Angels, it goes to Hell, where it sees the souls of sinners. The spirit remains in the Underworld until the 40th day, and appears before God for the third time. This is the period when a person’s fate is determined by his earthly affairs. In posthumous fate, it is important that the soul repents of everything it has done and prepares for the future correct life. Remembrances atone for the sins of the deceased. For the subsequent resurrection of the dead, it is important how the spirit passes through purgatory.

Six months

Where does the soul go after death six months later? The Almighty has decided on the future fate of the spirit of the deceased person; it is no longer possible to change anything. You can't sob and cry. This will only harm the soul and cause severe torment. However, relatives can help and ease the fate with prayers and remembrances. It is necessary to pray, calming the soul, showing it the right path. Six months later, the spirit comes to her family for the penultimate time.


It is important to remember the anniversary of death. Prayers performed before this time helped determine where the soul would go after death. A year after death, relatives and friends perform a prayer service in the temple. You can simply remember the deceased from a heartfelt heart if it is not possible to attend church. On this day, souls come to their families for the last time to say goodbye, then a new body awaits them. For a believer, a righteous person, the anniversary gives a start to a new, eternal life. The annual circle is the liturgical cycle after which all holidays are permitted.

Where does the soul go after death?

There are several versions of where people live after death. Astrologers believe that the immortal soul ends up in space, where it settles on other planets. According to another version, it hovers in the upper atmosphere. The emotions that a spirit experiences influence whether it goes to the highest level (Heaven) or the lowest (Hell). In the Buddhist religion it is said that having found eternal peace, a person’s spirit moves into another body.

Mediums and psychics claim that the soul is connected with the other world. It often happens that after death she remains close to loved ones. Spirits who have not completed their work appear in the form of ghosts, astral bodies, and phantoms. Some protect their relatives, others want to punish their offenders. They contact the living through knocks, sounds, the movement of things, and the short-term appearance of themselves in visible form.

The Vedas, the sacred scriptures of the Earth, say that after leaving the body, souls pass through tunnels. Many people who have experienced clinical death describe them as channels in their own body. There are 9 of them in total: ears, eyes, mouth, nostrils (separately left and right), anus, genitals, crown, navel. It was believed that if the spirit came out of the left nostril, it went to the moon, from the right - to the sun, through the navel - to other planets, through the mouth - to the earth, through the genitals - to the lower layers of existence.

Souls of dead people

As soon as the souls of deceased people leave their physical shells, they do not immediately understand that they are in a subtle body. At first, the spirit of the deceased floats in the air, and only when he sees his body does he realize that he has separated from it. The qualities of a deceased person during life determine his emotions after death. Thoughts and feelings, character traits do not change, but become open to the Almighty.

Soul of a child

It is believed that a child who dies before the age of 14 immediately goes to the First Heaven. The child has not yet reached the age of desires and is not responsible for actions. The child remembers his past incarnations. The First Heaven is the place where the soul awaits rebirth. A deceased child is awaited by a deceased relative or a person who loved children very much during his lifetime. He meets the child immediately after the hour of death and escorts him to the waiting place.

In the First Heaven, a child has everything he wants, his life resembles a beautiful game, he learns goodness, receives visual lessons on how evil deeds affect a person. All emotions and knowledge remain in the baby’s memory even after rebirth. It is believed that people who live nobly in ordinary life, owe these lessons learned and experiences in First Heaven.

Soul of a Suicidal Man

Any teaching and belief states that a person does not have the right to take his own life. The actions of any suicide are dictated by Satan. After death, the soul of a suicided person strives for Paradise, the gates of which are closed to it. The spirit is forced to return, but it cannot find its body. The ordeal lasts until the time of natural death. Then the Lord makes a decision according to his soul. Previously, people who committed suicide were not buried in the cemetery; suicide items were destroyed.

Animal souls

The Bible says that everything has a soul, but “they are taken from dust and will return to dust.” Confessors sometimes agree that some pets are capable of transformation, but it is impossible to say exactly where the animal’s soul ends up after death. It is given and taken away by the Lord himself; the soul of an animal is not eternal. However, Jews believe that it is equal to human meat, so there are various prohibitions on eating meat.


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What awaits us after death from the point of view of the Christian religion.

What does Buddhism think about this?

What is death in Christianity?

There are two sides to this.


We are mortal because of the original sin we committed. Death is his punishment. We already born in sin.

Second side.

Death is simply a continuation of the life of the soul, but without a body. By dying, we gain immortality, because the soul is eternal. Death is a cure, a cure for sin.

What follows from this? There is no death. This is just a separation of body and soul. There, beyond the threshold of death, the soul is alive, there the Lord is waiting for us. There is no death thanks to the atonement of sin by Jesus Christ for the entire human race.

What awaits us after death, beyond the threshold?

There are no clear answers. I think it is impossible to understand this with our standard ordinary thinking and judgment. Therefore, the information that exists exists in the form of metaphors and allegories, images, symbols, to understand the general essence of what awaits us there.

We want specifics. But faith is a matter of the soul. Specificity and clarity are the needs of the rational mind, brain, and body. Life after death is the life of the soul, not the body. And to describe the categories of spiritual concepts as material and familiar, I think, is not entirely correct.

Everything that is written must be passed through the filter of the soul.

The life of the soul after death is the Last Judgment.

Christianity speaks of the Last Judgment, when the Son of Man will come with His angels in the glory of His Father. And everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.

For everyone, the Last Judgment will end differently. After it, you can go to hell, or you can, by the grace of the Lord, go to heaven.

Everyone will be judged, both dead and living. It is difficult to say exactly what form the Court will take. But everyone knows and understands what laws He will follow. By God's laws, according to His commandments.

The commandments of God are the main law of the human soul. If all people lived according to the commandments, then we would not need state laws - throughout the entire Earth.

Everyone will be judged according to his deeds, in relation to these deeds, according to repentance and contrition for sins. There will be no hypocrisy, masks and lies. There will only be a naked, pure soul standing before God. And everything will be in full view. You can’t hide or hide anything.

At the hour of the Last Judgment, the final decision will be made: either you stay with the Lord, or you leave Him forever. That's why he's Scary.

Hell is inside the human heart. And if there is hell in your heart, then you will go there after the Last Judgment. If all your life you have done evil that has become a part of you. Then you will receive it in eternal life. It will be your choice.

Whoever passes the test of the Judgment will be resurrected into eternal life. This became possible thanks to the Great Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which He made for the benefit of all mankind.

“...suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed” (1 Cor 15:52).

It is God’s great mercy to resurrect a person after all his sins. The grace of resurrection cannot be described by any words or concepts. This is something to realize and imagine to an ordinary person It's simply impossible.

Life of the soul after death. Soul in Christianity

Immortality of the soul and resurrection- These are the main pillars of the Christian religion. A person lives by this and, thanks to the knowledge of this, overcomes the most difficult difficulties of life.

There is such an opinion, once upon a time, ancient Christian church even accepted the idea of ​​reincarnation. This, of course, was not the main idea, but they treated it calmly.

But since 553 it has been clearly and specifically established that there is no transmigration of souls, and anyone who disagrees with this is anathema.

After death, the soul retains all the feelings and thoughts that it had during life in the body. And these feelings are getting stronger and worse. Therefore, if a person lives a righteous life, in accordance with God’s commandments, then, upon leaving the body, the soul will be able to feel the presence of God and calm down.

If a person was very attached to the body, was overwhelmed by passions and desires, then they will remain with him and will torment him further, and it will no longer be possible to get rid of them. After all, the body will no longer be there. Next to such a soul there will be many demons and unclean spirits. They were with him during his life, they will remain with him after death.

It turns out that the soul in Christianity continues the life of the body. Therefore, it is very important to repent before death. This is an important moment, the last chance to cleanse yourself. At this moment you determine the main direction and life of the soul after death. Where will she go: to God - light, or to Satan - darkness.

Where did the soul go more during life? Who is closer to her? A serious test of temptation awaits us, a clash of good and evil.

Death in Christianity. First 2 days.

For the first 2 days after leaving the body, the soul is somewhere near the body, near those places that were dear to it during life, to which it was attached.

But it is also worth saying that holy people who lived only in soul without attachment to the body immediately go to heaven, bypassing all the trials that await the souls of ordinary people.

Of course, no one can say exactly what awaits us after death and what exactly the soul does there immediately after leaving the body. But it is believed that in the first 2 days it is relatively free and is located near the closest and dearest places or near the body.

Next to the soul are Angels, with whose permission it goes where it wants.

The third day. Ordeal.

Next, the soul must go through obstacles called “ordeals.” She encounters many demons and spirits who interfere with her, tempt her, and convict her of sin. It is believed that there are twenty such obstacles.

Idle talk and foul language, lies, condemnation and slander, gluttony and drunkenness, laziness, theft, love of money and stinginess, covetousness (bribery, flattery), untruth and vanity, envy, pride, anger, rancor, robbery, witchcraft (magic, occultism, spiritualism , fortune telling), fornication, adultery, sodomy, idolatry and heresy, unmercifulness, hard-heartedness.

Step by step the soul must pass the test of every sin. And to go further, tests must be passed. It's like exams, to put it simply.

Demons may not necessarily be terrible and frightening. They can appear in a variety of forms, perhaps even beautiful, to seduce the soul. And as soon as the soul is deceived and succumbs, demons carry it to where it belongs.

Again, remember that everything needs to be perceived figuratively without being tied to concepts. Everything is metaphorical and allegorical. "Trials", for example, admits Orthodox Church. The Catholic one talks about "purgatory", which differs from “ordeals.” The ordeal lasts one day, but purgatory cleanses the soul until it is ready to go to heaven. Only those souls who lived righteously, with sins, but without mortal sins, come to purgatory.

In Christianity, the soul undergoes tests after death. And it is important to remember and realize that it Only God determines fate, Creator of everything. But not evil forces. It is important to live life with the Lord, for the Lord’s sake and in His name, and to go to another world without fear, knowing that fate is in the hands of God.

If the soul successfully passes the “ordeal” test, then for another 37 days it wanders through the heavenly kingdom - paradise and the abyss of hell. But he learns his fate only on the fortieth day. Before that, she gets acquainted with the place where she will be.

Remaining days.

From the fourth to the ninth day—six days—the soul contemplates heaven. From the tenth day to the fortieth - forty days - she will experience the horrors of hell.

And on the last day the soul is again brought to the Lord, and a decision is made about its final place.

What awaits us after death? Heaven and Hell.

What is heaven and hell? It is probably impossible to answer this question. Whatever you expect from heaven, no matter how wonderful a place you imagine it to be, both in your mind and in your heart, it will not compare to what appears before you. It is impossible to describe it. It is also impossible to describe the beauty of God.

It's the same with hell. What the soul will experience there is beyond our understanding. The sufferings of hell are endlessly terrible. And there is no clear answer to the question of whether this suffering is eternal.

There are opinions that “yes” are eternal. But there is also the opposite view, that hell is final, and the soul, having paid its price, can leave it.

It's better not to know, of course.

But for this you need to live right life Christian.

Life of a Christian.

Life on Earth is preparation for eternal life. And how we live this life depends on what we receive in heaven.

The second coming of Christ can take place at any moment, and we must be prepared for it. And whatever the Lord finds us with, he will judge us with. Therefore, there is no way to delay the moment of coming to church. There is no way to live without God in the soul. There is no way to mindlessly waste your life and not think about anything. . No one knows the moment of his death.

But this must be understood correctly. Because many people understand it this way: if I can die tomorrow, then I must take everything from life. And you can smoke, and drink, and just have a blast. But if you are a Christian, you must understand that you you won't die, you'll just go to God. And most importantly, what kind of soul will come to him.

Therefore, one must live in such a way as to be ready to appear before the eyes of the Creator right now. This is impossible, of course, especially for an ordinary “civilized” person, but the desire for this should be maximum.

Great joy may await you in heaven. Prepare for this your whole life. Remember where you will end up after death. All in our hands.

You need to live according to your conscience, with thoughts of God, pray, go to church, take communion and follow the commandments of God, observe fasts, holidays, and resurrections. Everything must be accompanied by sincerity in prayers, repentance for sins, and humility. There should be no place for hypocrisy and vanity.

Live in love, become a conductor of the Lord's love!


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