Drink made from ginger lemon and honey name. A medicinal recipe of ginger and lemon with honey to strengthen the immune system. Cold mixture of ginger, lemon and honey. Personal experience of use

19.07.2023 Diseases

Spicy-hot ginger root, invigoratingly sour lemon, subtly sweet honey - each of these products, given to us by nature, is useful in itself. But if you apply this triad together, you will get a powerful healing effect. Anyone who regularly consumes ginger in combination with honey and lemon can boast of a strong immune system that can easily fight off the attacks of cold viruses. Hot-sour-sweet drugs increase male strength, accelerate metabolism, promoting weight loss, and simply improve your mood. But you need to know how to properly prepare and use these ultra-active supplements.

About the beneficial properties of products and their mixtures

Ancient healers were well acquainted with the healing properties of ginger root, lemon and honey. They widely used these gifts of nature individually to treat many diseases. And even then the first recipes appeared that contained all three components. Doctors noticed that in this combination they work better, enhancing each other’s effects. But our ancestors only guessed why these products are so useful for humans. Modern science revealed all the secrets. Now we know exactly the composition of ginger, lemon and honey and how they affect our body.


One of the most revered spices in the East is ginger root. It is used fresh, dried, pickled, and candied. Dishes with ginger have an original taste and aroma. People who love this spice are always cheerful, rarely get sick or become depressed. This is how they are affected essential oils and resinous substances that ginger contains. Among the most important constituent elements is gingerol, which gives the root its pungent properties and is simply invaluable for health.

Ginger is a very aromatic spice, the benefits of which have been scientifically proven.

The English word ginger means ginger. And gingerol is a unique substance that is contained mainly in the root of the plant; there is not much of it in the above-ground part.

According to research, gingerol has a positive effect on humans. It speeds up metabolism, reduces pain, relieves inflammation, thins mucus in the respiratory tract, and slows down tissue aging. For those struggling with excess weight, gingerol is especially beneficial. Because it increases the body's energy expenditure, thereby burning calories, and prevents the accumulation of fat.

Ginger drinks are especially useful in the cold season

In addition to the burning gingerol, ginger contains a whole complex of vitamins (C, E, K, group B), micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc), which have a positive effect on the digestive system, improve blood supply to the brain, and work thyroid gland.

Fresh ginger root is more effective. But you should choose it correctly. It should be strong, juicy and aromatic, and crunch when broken. If you don’t have fresh ginger, you can use dried root seasoning. The powder should be yellowish-white in color with a characteristic odor. It must be stored in tightly closed packaging.

Video: benefits of ginger


As soon as you think about lemon, it seems that a bright sour taste appears in your mouth, and a pleasant aroma appears in the air. The soft yellow, fragrant fruit, well known to everyone, has long been used as vitamin supplement when viruses and infections overcome. Regular tea with lemon stimulates the immune system, cleanses the body, and heals blood vessels and the digestive system.

Lemon is a source of vitamins and flavonoids, but most importantly - characteristic acid

1 lemon contains a third of the daily requirement of vitamin C, and a tablespoon of zest contains 13%. Ascorbic acid keeps our immunity in fighting condition.

This citrus fruit is the leader in the content of healthy citric acid. It is a natural antioxidant that helps cellular respiration and removes toxins. Flavonoids, phytoncides and lemon essential oil fight harmful bacteria and relieve inflammation. Fiber and pectin have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. And, in addition, lemon will supply you with vitamins, macro- and microelements better than pharmaceutical preparations.

To increase your tone, just smell a lemon; essential oils have an invigorating effect.

Aromatic lemon oil improves mood, relieves depression and fatigue, and helps to concentrate. To get 1 kg of this product, you will need to zest about 3 thousand fruits.

Lemon promotes weight loss. Anyone who regularly eats this fruit becomes full faster and moves more. Lemon reduces appetite and tones the body.

The healthiest lemon is the one that has gained ripeness, but is not overripe. Choose large, completely yellow fruits with bright, shiny, elastic skin without spots.

Video: benefits of lemon


A healthy treat - that’s what honey can be called. Of course, only a natural and high-quality product made by bees and not subject to heat treatment fits this definition.

Honey is easily and completely absorbed by the human body

Honey is close in its set of microelements to human blood, so our body absorbs it 100%. This product enriches us with:

Honey is a very active product that should not be overused. An adult can eat 100–150 g of honey per day, divided into 3–4 servings. Children - 50 g. To get the maximum benefit, honey should be eaten on an empty stomach, 1–1.5 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals.

The creation of bees can rejuvenate the body and restore immunity. It relieves inflammation, relieves pain, kills harmful bacteria, and heals wounds. Honey is used to improve the health of blood vessels and the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive tract, and is used for cosmetic purposes.

You can recognize real honey by the following signs. It flows off the spoon slowly, forming a ribbon. Scoop the treat into a spoon and swirl it around a few times. natural product should "wind up". By November, most honeys are candied. If you are offered liquid at the end of autumn, most likely it is a fake, or it has been heated up. The exception is acacia, heather and chestnut. They don't thicken for a long time. A piece of bread dipped in real honey will harden, but when diluted with sugar syrup it will soften.

Video: benefits of honey

Effect of ginger-lemon-honey mixture

On the eve of the flu and cold season, traditional healers advise stocking up on ginger, lemon and honey. This super-healthy triad, if you start using it in advance, can boost your immunity so much that you won’t be afraid of infection. If the disease has prevailed, ginger-lemon-honey potions will quickly put you back on your feet.

Products that contain all three useful products work especially actively

A bath with ginger-lemon infusion is a great way to relax and recuperate after a hard day. Pour chopped ginger root (5–6 cm piece) and lemon into a liter of water, put on fire, and bring to a boil. Keep on fire for 15 minutes. Then filter and pour the liquid into the prepared bath. This aromatic and warming procedure is especially good during the cold season. Afterwards, it’s better to go straight to bed.

In addition, a mixture of these super-healthy products cleanses blood vessels, blood and the entire body, restores male potency, helps get rid of constipation and swelling, lose weight, and bring blood pressure back to normal.

Recipes with ginger, lemon and honey to maintain health

Many nations have healing remedies with ginger, honey and lemon. But these products are especially often used in eastern informal medicine. Healers advise their patients to drink ginger tea, infusion or decoction with lemon and honey to prevent seasonal infections and treat colds. There are recipes for weight loss, cleansing and strengthening potency. IN last years folk remedies with a beneficial triad have gained recognition all over the world.

Hot drinks with ginger, lemon and honey are great for warming

Preventing colds, strengthening the immune system and tasty first aid

Aromatic hot drinks made from ginger, lemon and honey warm you from the inside, give you energy, and fight viruses and inflammation. So it's hard to come up with the best remedy

to maintain health when everyone around you is coughing, sneezing and feverish. Here are some popular recipes for home use.

In China they make this decoction of ginger with the addition of honey:

If you don’t have time to prepare drinks, just put a piece of ginger and a teaspoon of honey under your tongue. Hold them for 10-15 minutes, then chew and swallow.

Regular ginger-based tea is also effective for colds:

  1. The following recipe is suitable if you don’t have time to brew several servings of the drink per day:
  2. Squeeze 2 tablespoons of juice from the lemon.
  3. Grate the ginger root to make 2 teaspoons of raw material.
  4. Combine lemon juice and ginger and stir.
  5. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture and stir again.
  6. Boil 1 liter of water, cool it to 50–60 degrees.
  7. Pour in the spicy mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

Drink the infusion throughout the day between meals. This home remedy activates the body's defenses and helps get rid of cough.

For preparation:

  1. Peel the ginger root and cut it into small pieces.

    Before putting ginger and lemon into the blender, they must be cut

  2. Wash the lemon and cut it too, leaving the zest.
  3. Grind the products with a blender.

    Ginger-lemon mixture should not be prepared in metal containers.

  4. Transfer the ginger-lemon mixture into a glass or ceramic bowl.

    The amount of ginger-lemon mixture and honey should be approximately the same

  5. Add the same amount of honey there.
  6. Store the medicine in the refrigerator. It can be taken without dilution, a teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

    You can eat the healing mixture one teaspoon at a time or make a drink from it.

  7. To prepare the drink, pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of hot (50–60 degrees) water, leave for 5–10 minutes and drink.

The effect of ginger-lemon-honey potion can be enhanced by adding cinnamon. This mixture not only supports the immune system, but also relieves inflammation well. respiratory tract, helps with runny nose and cough.

Preparation and use:

You can also add mint to this healthy drink. Then you will get a vitamin-rich warming and soothing drink.

Preparation and use:

  1. Cut 3-4 cm of ginger root into thin slices or grate a piece.
  2. Add a teaspoon of fresh mint or half a spoon of dried mint to it.
  3. Pour 250 ml of boiling water into the raw material.
  4. Cover and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Add a slice of lemon and honey to taste into the cooled (up to 40–45 degrees) drink.
  6. Drink the medicine warm 3-4 times a day between meals.

Preparation and use:

Video: preparing a mixture of lemon, honey and ginger to strengthen the immune system

Cleansing with ginger, lemon, honey and other ingredients

The recipes listed above are good not only for the prevention and treatment of colds. Ginger-lemon-honey drinks and mixtures destroy harmful viruses and bacteria and at the same time cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

But there are recipes for potions whose main purpose is cleaning.

  1. The gastrointestinal tract is effectively freed from toxins by an easy-to-prepare drink:
  2. 20 g fresh ginger root (ground - 1 teaspoon), finely chopped or grated.
  3. Fill it with 200 ml of boiling water.
  4. Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  5. Add a thick slice of lemon and honey to the infusion to taste.

Drink half a glass of the drink 30 before breakfast. The second half is during the day between meals.

A mixture of lemons, ginger and honey dissolves mucus in the intestines and gets rid of excess fluid:

  1. Squeeze juice from 5 lemons.
  2. Grate 150 g of fresh ginger root.
  3. Mix lemon juice and ginger pulp, add a little honey to sweeten slightly.
  4. Take a teaspoon of the mixture twice a day, immediately after waking up and at night.

Continue the cleansing course until the drug runs out.

Ginger, lemon and honey rid our body of harmful deposits

A mixture with the addition of garlic cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. The same composition helps normalize blood pressure.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind 4 heads of garlic, 4 lemons with zest and 200 g of peeled ginger root in any way.
  2. Place the mixture in a glass container (volume 3 liters).
  3. Add warm boiled water until the dishes are full.
  4. Place the infusion in a dark place.
  5. Stir the medicine twice a day.
  6. After three days, strain the liquid.
  7. Drink half a glass of infusion, adding a teaspoon of honey, three times a day before meals.

The drug is enough for one course of cleansing.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind 1 lemon with peel and a peeled piece of ginger (3–5 cm).
  2. Add 200 ml of boiling water to the mixture.
  3. Leave the infusion for 20–30 minutes to cool.
  4. Add a teaspoon of honey.
  5. Let the liquid brew for another 2 hours.
  6. Filter the infusion and drink it at night.

The following composition will not only cleanse the body of harmful substances, but also rejuvenate the tissues, traditional healers assure. They advise taking a course of this elixir of youth at least once a year.

If you add garlic to ginger, lemon and honey, you get a rejuvenating remedy

Preparation and use:

  1. Grind 6 lemons with zest, 4 heads of garlic and 300 g ginger root.
  2. Add 400–450 g of honey to the puree.
  3. Mix the mixture well and place in a glass container.
  4. Keep in a place without access to light for 10 days.
  5. Strain the syrup.
  6. Take 1 tablespoon of it, dissolved in a glass of lukewarm water, 15 minutes before breakfast and at night.

Useful triad in cosmetology

The anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties of ginger, lemon and honey are also used in home cosmetology. It has been noticed that they speed up the healing of wounds, soothe abscesses and acne, and help remove subcutaneous hematomas. And lemon also whitens the skin.

Preparation and use:

  1. Grate a piece of ginger root.
  2. Add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and the same amount of honey.
  3. Fold the resulting pulp into gauze to make a lotion or soak cotton wool with it.
  4. Apply the product to injured skin or bruises 3-4 times a day.

From ginger and lemon juice, as well as purified water, you can prepare a lotion for problem skin. Mix the liquids in a 1:1:2 ratio and wipe your face twice a day. After some time, the skin will become cleaner and smoother.

Ginger with other spices helps relieve joint pain. Apply the composition in the form of a compress or rubbing. You need to mix a tablespoon of ground ginger, a teaspoon of turmeric and half the amount of hot pepper. Add a little warm vegetable oil to the powder to form a paste. It is rubbed into the sore spot.

Ginger, lemon and honey for men

Spicy, aromatic, and sweet potions help whet the appetite for love. Ginger, lemon and honey are recognized aphrodisiac foods. They contain components that enhance testosterone production, stimulate blood circulation, and prevent inflammation. This means that products containing them will be beneficial for men’s health and potency. You can use them to make delicious food additives or drinks, including alcoholic ones.

For men's health, you can prepare a spicy mixture for coffee, lemonade or wine with spices
  1. Make a mixture of 200 grams of honey and ginger, 2 lemons. It should be stored in the refrigerator and drunk with tea.
  2. Thinly slice the ginger root (2–3 cm). Brew it with boiling water in a thermos. After 20–30 minutes, add a slice of lemon and honey to taste into the tea.
  3. Prepare a “male” coffee blend. Remove the zest from the lemon with a grater and dry it. Add the same amount of ground spices to the dry zest. In addition to ginger, you can take cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and rosemary. When brewing coffee, add half a teaspoon of the spice mixture per cup. And instead of sugar you can put honey.
  4. Make homemade lemonade. Pour a tablespoon of grated ginger root into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Squeeze the juice from a large lemon. Add to the broth and bring to a boil. Cool the liquid, strain and add honey (amount as desired). Dilute the lemonade with cold boiled water to make about a liter. When serving, you can garnish with lemon slices and ice cubes.
  5. To increase potency, you can take a mixture of ground ginger powder and honey, half a teaspoon at night. To see results, the course must last at least 14 days.
  6. Prepare a spicy wine that will be the perfect accompaniment to a romantic dinner. Add a tablespoon of fresh root (or a teaspoon of ground) to 0.5 liters of dry red wine, and a spoonful of lemon zest. You can add a little nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamom. Insist for a week. Sweeten the drink with honey before drinking.

Spicy wine will create a romantic atmosphere and warm up the feeling of love

Features of treatment for children

Ginger, lemon and honey are better than pharmaceutical preparations, but should not be given to children under 3 years of age. But inhalation with a natural lemon-ginger mixture will be useful for the baby. Fragrant essential oils - good remedy against colds.

To treat respiratory diseases, children can be given inhalations with ginger and lemon.

Children over 3 years old can drink warming drinks and mixtures during the cold and flu period, but after consulting with a pediatrician. And at the same time, the amount of ginger during cooking should be slightly reduced and make sure that the liquid is not too hot. A child’s mucous membranes are more tender than an adult’s and are easier to burn. The reception time also needs to be reduced. And carefully monitor the child’s well-being. If adverse reactions occur, discontinue therapy.

Ginger products can be given to children over 3 years of age.

Give ginger, lemon and honey remedies to children prone to allergies with caution and in small portions at first.

To strengthen children's immunity, you can prepare healthy lemonade. This healthy drink perfectly quenches your thirst:

  1. Wash, peel and thinly slice 3-4 cm of ginger.
  2. Place the slices in a thermos, pour boiling water (300–400 ml).
  3. Insist for an hour.
  4. Add the juice of one lemon to the liquid.
  5. When the drink has almost cooled down, dissolve honey in it.
  6. Pour the lemonade into glasses and garnish with lemon slices.

Children really like natural lemonade

Trio of weight loss products

It has long been noted that ginger in combination with lemon and honey promotes weight loss. Hot gingerol is a substance similar to capsaicin, which is found in peppers. Both enhance metabolism and make the digestive system work faster. Sour lemon quenches thirst and appetite, and honey quickly saturates, soothes and helps to give up unhealthy sweets. At the same time, the ginger-lemon-honey mixture provides the body with all vitamins and microelements. And this is important on a low-calorie diet.

Ginger, lemon and honey speed up metabolism and help you lose weight, but you can’t do it without diet and exercise

But don’t expect to get rid of extra pounds very quickly. If your diet remains the same and your physical activity has not increased, you won’t be able to quickly lose weight on tea alone.

A modest result will appear in 2–3, or even 4 months. But reducing caloric intake, giving up sweets and other unhealthy foods, going to the gym, long walks, plus ginger, lemon and honey quickly restore a slim figure.

Preparation and use:

  1. For weight loss, recipes for drinks recommended for strengthening the immune system are suitable. Only you can drink them not hot, but chilled. Try also using a healthy triad with green tea, it tones and enhances the effectiveness of other components.
  2. Chop fresh ginger root (5-6 cm), add a teaspoon of high-quality green tea.
  3. Brew everything with boiling water (200 ml).
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Squeeze half a lemon into warm tea and add honey.

Drink before meals or between meals.

Preparation and use:

  1. Ginger tincture with lemon and honey revitalizes, improves tone, accelerates metabolism and, as a result, reduces weight. The authorship of the drug is attributed to Tibetan monks. Maybe they didn’t come up with this recipe, but it is known for sure that the tincture is stored for a long time and works well.
  2. Wash 400 g of ginger root and scald with boiling water; no need to peel.
  3. Pass the ginger through a meat grinder or cut with a blender.
  4. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or diluted alcohol into the pulp. Use a glass container.
  5. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place at room temperature.
  6. Leave for 2 weeks, shake occasionally.
  7. Filter the liquid.
  8. Squeeze the juice from 5 lemons and pour into the tincture.
  9. Also add 2-3 tablespoons of honey.
  10. Store the medicine in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tablespoon three times daily before meals.

On fasting days and just for dinner, try a fiber-rich salad that improves intestinal motility. It will be especially useful for those who are fond of snacks and fast food.

Vegetable salad with ginger and lemon and honey dressing is a good dinner for someone who is losing weight

  1. Preparation:
  2. Bake small beets, cool and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut or grate raw carrots and ginger root (5-6 cm).
  4. Add celery greens, or dried.
  5. Mix all ingredients.

For dressing, combine 1-2 tablespoons of olive or other vegetable oil with the juice of a quarter of a lemon and a spoon of honey.

Video: master class on preparing a fat-burning drink

Tasty and healthy ginger-lemon-honey therapy is not suitable for everyone. Due to their increased activity, these products can cause allergies. Therefore, people prone to such a reaction should take them very carefully, starting with small portions, or avoid them altogether.

In addition, potions with ginger have a warming effect. Therefore, if there is a significant increase in body temperature, you should not drink them. But tea with honey and lemon will help in this case.

Each component has its own contraindications, but there are also general ones. Ginger, lemon and honey can be harmful for the following diseases and conditions:

It is better to consume drinks and drugs with a healthy triad 1-2 before bedtime. Otherwise, they can cause insomnia, especially in easily excitable people.

The lemon-honey mixture can negatively affect tooth enamel. For increased tooth sensitivity and for the prevention of caries, it is convenient to drink medicinal drinks through a straw.

The combination of ginger, lemon and honey is a recipe for immunity. It is difficult to find healthier products, especially in winter, when the body is overcome by a large number of pathogenic bacteria and infections. In the article we will look at the rules for preparing a drink from ginger, lemon, honey for immunity, weight loss, and against colds. We will also figure out how to properly prepare a vitamin mixture, how healthy it is, and what contraindications it has.

Benefits of a mixture of ginger, lemon and honey

The positive impact of such a “vitamin bomb” on the body is very difficult to overestimate. It has an effect on strengthening the immune system as a whole. This remedy is also perfect for treating any cold. Men can take it to improve potency.

The mixture is effective as a gargle, which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition to indoor use, it is also suitable for outdoor use. If you add cinnamon to the composition, you can use it as a strengthening hair mask. The mixture improves and accelerates the body's metabolic processes.

Such a magical combination of products is also taken as an antipyretic and analgesic. It softens the mucous membrane of the throat during the course of complex diseases - sore throat or flu.

Ginger, lemon, honey - a recipe for immunity. Contraindications

Ginger is a spice that has no special contraindications. The only thing is that it can cause allergic reactions. But this is also individual.

As for honey and lemon, you should pay attention to what harm each product can cause to the body individually, as well as collectively. It is dangerous to consume such a cocktail for those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially those who have erosions or ulcers.

Use with caution in people with high blood pressure. It is not recommended for pregnant women and women to take it during breastfeeding, but if the benefits of the medicinal mixture are greater than the harm, after consultation with a doctor it can be used as a remedy. Honey in combination with lemon thins the blood, so you should not use them during bleeding either.

How to take ginger mixture correctly?

The dose of the health mixture must be adjusted independently. Listen carefully to your body and taste buds, and then determine how much and when is best to take it.

But it is worth considering the fact that ginger is a powerful diaphoretic, much stronger than linden or raspberry. Therefore, if you decide to treat a cold with it, it is better to do it in the evening. In the morning, it is enough to drink one teaspoon with warm water.

If you decide to take the mixture for prevention, it is enough to take one teaspoon with warm water in the morning and evening. There is no need to dilute it with boiling water. Hot water destroys all the beneficial substances contained in honey.

Vitamin bomb recipe

If you love ginger, lemon, honey, a recipe for immunity with this combination can be prepared in various variations. Let's consider one of them, but given that it is best prepared from linden honey. If it is not found on the farm, then it is allowed to use any other.

Recipe proportions for immunity from ginger, lemon and honey:

  • 250 grams of linden honey;
  • 250 grams of ginger root;
  • two medium-sized lemons.

It is advisable to use fresh golden ginger root rather than dry golden ginger powder. Grate it on a fine grater to release a sufficient amount of juice. The fiber it contains improves intestinal function. It is because of them that the root is difficult to grate. If you don’t have the patience for such painstaking work, you can cut it into pieces and put it through a meat grinder.

There is no need to peel the lemon. It is enough to rinse well in warm water. Cut it into pieces, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder. If you have a blender, you can beat it. Cut one lemon into thin slices and place in a jar for a more aesthetically pleasing product.

At the next stage, the ingredients must be combined and mixed well. It is best to store in a sterilized glass container in the refrigerator. Before using, let the mixture sit for a day. If desired, add cinnamon, turmeric or cloves to the mixture. The taste will be spicy.

Vitamin mixture for children

A combination of lemon, honey and ginger is often found in recipes for children's immunity. But it is not recommended to include this composition in the diet of children under three years of age.

For everyone else, if there are no other contraindications, it is necessary to give food in one form or another, especially in the autumn and winter. It is during these intervals that the child’s immunity weakens and he begins to get sick. Consuming the mixture daily will help strengthen the body, increase its resistance, and improve metabolic processes.

But be prepared for the fact that children may refuse to take the mixture in its pure form. Therefore, it will have to be disguised. This could be a drink with your favorite fruit added. You can bake gingerbread cookies or make ice cream. The main thing is to maintain proportions and try not to overdo it with doses.

Step-by-step preparation of ginger tea

Tea made from ginger, lemon and honey is a proven recipe for immunity. It won't be difficult to prepare it. It can be brewed in a thermos and consumed throughout the day in the winter, or served chilled as lemonade in the summer.

Preparing the ingredients for making tea. We will need ginger, honey, lemon, boiling water. Stages:

  • peel the ginger;
  • grate the root or cut into thin slices;
  • Wash the lemon, cut half of it, squeeze out the juice from the other half;
  • at this stage, pour boiling water over the ginger and let it cool for a couple of minutes before adding the rest of the ingredients;
  • add lemon juice and mix everything well;
  • We wrap the container well and let it brew for no more than 20 minutes (the wrapping procedure can be replaced with a thermos, where the tea will remain warm for as long as possible);
  • add honey and lemon slices.

Tea is ready. You can add a couple of mint leaves for decoration. If you want to serve the drink cold, add a few ice cubes after it has cooled.

Ginger drink with added garlic

Lemon, honey, garlic, ginger - a recipe for immunity and preservation of youth.

In order to prepare this spicy drink, we will need:

  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 lemons;
  • two tablespoons of linden honey (can be replaced with any other);
  • 200 grams of grated ginger.

Peel the garlic, cut into pieces and place in a blender. Add washed and peeled lemon to it. Chop it all up and mix it, put it in a container. To it add peeled and ground ginger in a meat grinder. Pour hot water over all ingredients and let steep for about an hour. Add honey and stir well.

It is best to take the tincture during a cold throughout the day. But it should be borne in mind that it has a specific garlic aroma. Therefore, it is best to drink it at night, and also if you stay at home throughout the day. People suffering from any disease of the gastrointestinal tract are strictly prohibited from taking the drink.

Healthy vitamin mixture for weight loss

And again, honey, lemon, ginger - the recipes for immunity and weight loss are identical. Ginger plays the main role in this drink as a fat burner. It does an excellent job of breaking down fat. This happens due to a more active supply of oxygen to the cells, which affects the process of burning fat and converting it into the energy the body needs.

But you shouldn’t have high hopes and think that by drinking one cup of drink, you will solve all your problems with excess weight. It helps to deal with the problem comprehensively.

A drink made from ginger, lemon and honey is an effective recipe for immunity. It must be taken regularly throughout the day for one month. Don't forget to eat right and exercise.

How to fight cholesterol with ginger mixture?

Not all of us know how important it is to monitor blood cholesterol levels. Its excess leads to blockage of blood vessels, which, in turn, increases the risk of dangerous diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

Honey, in turn, cleanses blood vessels. In combination, all three ingredients enhance each other’s properties, which has a positive effect on blood purification as a whole.

Protecting the immune system

A mixture of ginger, lemon, honey is a recipe for immunity that couldn’t be better. We all know about the nutritional properties of honey, which is an excellent antiseptic.

Vitamin C contained in lemon actively fights harmful bacteria, and ginger has a general strengthening effect. As the experience of many people who regularly use the medicinal mixture shows, they may not suffer from colds and viral diseases throughout the season.

Ginger, honey, lemon - a universal, healthy, vitamin trio that acts together against many diseases, warms, invigorates, and improves the general condition of the body. Prepare a tincture of ginger with honey and lemon at home according to the recipes below, and you will easily get rid of colds, improve your metabolism, and strengthen your immune system.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of this tincture for weight loss, restoration of potency, treatment of arthritis, and prevention of oncology. Those who are contraindicated from alcoholic drinks can prepare tea with ginger, adding lemon and honey, and make tinctures with water.

What does ginger tincture help with?

Try infusing vodka with honey and lemon on ginger root. You will receive a tasty, healthy homemade alcoholic drink and at the same time a strong medicine from many diseases. will help:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve appetite and metabolism;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent the development of colds;
  • for cough and upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • lose weight;
  • overcome potency problems in men;
  • prevent the development of cancer;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol.

If you take ginger tincture with honey and lemon as a remedy, never overdo it. Follow the recommendations of doctors or herbalists in each individual case. This may be a dosage - a tablespoon before or after meals, and in some cases a teaspoon per day.


When preparing ginger tincture with lemon and honey, these are the main ingredients. Ginger root can be cut into slices or grated. Lemon is used in the form of zest and juice, whole, only peel or only juice with pulp. Preferably use fresh, floral honey, not candied. As additions to the main components, you can add to the tincture:

  • mint, lemon balm - for a pleasant chill;
  • garlic is a good addition for weight loss and colds;
  • grapefruit and orange juice - enhance the aroma and taste of citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon, cardamom - to add spicy notes.

Preparing any homemade tincture is always room for experimentation. Try different additives, flavors, choose your favorite and most healthy combinations.


For those for whom alcoholic drinks are contraindicated, a recipe for ginger tincture in plain water is offered. It can be taken by children over three years of age, with caution by pregnant women, and, of course, it can be taken by anyone who can benefit from it.

Prepare yourself a vitamin mixture consisting of honey, ginger and lemon. It can be added to tea to warm up, replenish vitamins, and improve metabolism.

Alcohol tinctures with ginger, lemon and honey are prepared using vodka, moonshine, and alcohol. Some people infuse the vitamin hot mixture with whiskey or cognac. There are many recipes for such tinctures. Let's list some of them.

Tincture on water

Those for whom alcoholic drinks are contraindicated, or who do not drink alcohol on principle, will be happy to make a tincture using ordinary, but high-quality water. Due to the fact that honey and lemon juice are added to the chilled decoction, the maximum of their beneficial properties is preserved. But it is impossible to store such a drink for as long as an alcohol tincture, even in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is not recommended to prepare too much of it for future use.


  • Ginger root – 20-30 g
  • Water – 1 l
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Mineral water – 1 l
  • Honey – 100 g


  1. Wash the ginger root, grate it, you don’t have to peel it.
  2. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan or saucepan and put on fire. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes from boiling. Cool to room temperature.
  3. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  4. Squeeze the lemon juice. Add it to the cooled broth along with honey. Stir well.
  5. Store this drink in the refrigerator. When serving, it can be diluted with carbonated or still mineral water.

Vodka remedy

Vodka is the most affordable alcohol for making homemade tinctures if you don’t have good moonshine on hand. But you need to buy it with caution so as not to accidentally run into a fake. This can have a negative impact on your health. Be careful.


  • Vodka – 1 l
  • Ginger root, fresh – 300 -400 g
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 50-100 g


  1. Wash the ginger root well under running water, let the water drain or dry with a napkin.
  2. Cut the ginger into thin slices (plates).
  3. Pour vodka over the ginger root in a glass container so that it covers the raw material completely and slightly above.
  4. Place the mixture in a tightly closed container for two weeks in a dark place at room temperature.
  5. Drain and strain the infusion.
  6. Add lemon juice and honey. Try it and perfect the taste.
  7. Leave the tincture in the refrigerator for another week to stabilize the taste. After this, the tincture is ready.

Alcohol recipe

Drinking or medical alcohol must be diluted to 45-50 0 before preparing the tincture. Unlike store-bought vodka, this alcohol does not contain chemical additives and is less harmful to health.


  • Alcohol – 1l (45-50 0)
  • Ginger – 35-40 g
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Sugar or honey – 50 g


  1. Grind lemon with ginger, sugar or honey in a blender.
  2. Transfer the resulting mixture to a jar, add cinnamon.
  3. Fill with alcohol, close tightly and shake the contents well.
  4. Leave to infuse for 14-20 days in a dark room. Shake occasionally.
  5. When ready, drain the liquid and squeeze the pulp into it.
  6. Strain the tincture well through a filter or regular gauze in several layers.
  7. Keep the drink for another 3-4 days in the refrigerator to obtain a “complete” taste.
  8. Pour into dark bottles and you can consume.

Moonshine recipe

If you know how to make high-quality distillate, this is best choice for preparing homemade tincture based on ginger with the addition of lemon and honey. The main thing is that the moonshine is well purified from fusel oils by double distillation and filtration in different ways. It is also important in the process to select the “heads” and “tails” and to observe other technological subtleties of distilling home-made high-quality alcohol. Only in this case the drink will not cause harm, will be tasty and healthy. And this tincture is prepared in 15 minutes.


  • Moonshine – 0.5 l
  • Ginger – 20 g
  • Honey - teaspoon
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Salt - a pinch


  1. Wash the lemon well and wipe dry to remove the preservative from the peel.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon with a knife or grater.
  3. Peel the ginger and grate it.
  4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
  5. Place ginger, lemon zest and lemon juice in a jar, add salt, mix well. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes.
  6. Add moonshine and honey to the ginger with zest. Close the jar and shake well. Leave for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. Strain the tincture. This is the fastest way to infuse moonshine. But the drink comes out with a lemon flavor, softness of honey, and a pleasant ginger aftertaste. Store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Citrus and ginger remedy

You can infuse ginger with any type of alcohol with the addition of lemon and honey, and with the participation of another citrus fruit. The result is a health drink with an even greater content of nutrients, especially vitamin C and essential oils. This tincture of ginger, lemon and honey is good for immunity during the cold season. This is a strong prophylactic.


  • Alcohol base (vodka, alcohol, moonshine) – 0.5 l
  • Ginger – 3 tbsp.
  • Lemon – 3 pcs.
  • Grapefruit – 2 pcs.


  1. Wash and peel the ginger root. Grate on a fine grater.
  2. Wash citrus fruits. Use a grater to remove the zest from them.
  3. Pour alcohol over the zest and ginger mixture.
  4. Hide the closed vessel in a dark place for a week. Shake it periodically.
  5. Drain the liquid, squeeze the zest and ginger into it, and strain the infusion well.
  6. Add fresh honey to taste. Keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days so that the flavors become friends.
  7. Pour the tincture with ginger, grapefruit and lemon, and honey into a bottle, and you can strengthen your immune system.

With turmeric

This tincture is very useful thanks to the solar spice - turmeric. It adds even more beneficial properties to the drink, gives it a bright color, and adds a burning aftertaste. In the east, this seasoning is highly valued due to its bactericidal properties, ability to improve digestion, and relieve many diseases.


  • Vodka – 500 ml
  • Lemon, large – 1 pc.
  • Ginger – 20 g
  • Turmeric powder – 1 tsp.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp.


  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly, remove the zest without the white layer.
  2. Peel the ginger root and chop finely.
  3. Place the zest, ginger, turmeric and honey in a glass jar.
  4. Pour vodka into the vitamin mixture. Close the jar and shake the contents to dissolve the honey. The fresh one will do this faster, the candied one will dissolve gradually.
  5. Let the mixture steep for a week or 10 days in a dark place in the room. Shake the jar daily.
  6. Strain the resulting tincture through several layers of gauze. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 days to complete the flavor.
  7. Pour into a bottle. The tincture is ready.

Correct Application

It has already been said above about moderation and obtaining a doctor’s recommendation. General rule: ginger tincture with lemon and honey, in the absence of contraindications, is taken one to two teaspoons 20 minutes before meals. In some cases, the tincture should be started with a few drops dissolved in 100 ml of water.

For example, when an allergic reaction may occur or other negative manifestations may follow. You need to increase the dose of the drug gradually, monitoring your well-being. It is not recommended to take the product orally at night due to the tonic effect of the tincture. It is better to carry out treatment in the first half of the day.

If you do not add lemon juice and honey to the ginger tincture, it can be used as a rub and compresses for sore joints. It can also be used to burn acne. For bleeding gums or toothache, dilute ginger tincture 1:1 with water and lubricate your gums with it. It will soothe pain and relieve inflammation. If you have a sore throat, dissolve a teaspoon of infusion in half a glass of warm water and gargle several times a day.

Many people drink this tincture with pleasure as an alcoholic drink. But, in order to avoid a hangover and exacerbation of chronic diseases, drink no more than 2-3 small glasses of liqueur per evening. The strength of the drink is usually 34-36 0, which means it cannot be called weak alcohol.

Advice. The tincture should be stored in a cool, dark place. Ingredients oxidize in the light and it can spoil. Ginger tincture can be stored under these conditions for up to three years.

Restrictions and contraindications

Any traditional medicine and the healthiest alcoholic drink have their contraindications. You need to know them and take into account your state of health in order to make the right choice - to use or not. Ginger tincture with honey and lemon is no exception. It is contraindicated for:

  • bleeding of any origin;
  • high temperature;
  • acute conditions;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • liver diseases;
  • after a heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • colitis, enteritis;
  • allergic reactions to components, for example, bee products;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • children;
  • pregnant women and women undergoing breastfeeding.

Before you start taking ginger tincture as a medicine, you should consult your doctor. If it is taken like delicious homemade alcohol, then you need to adhere to moderation here too. Abuse leads to addiction and serious health problems.

Video recipes

Some people suggest adding honey, lemon and ginger to tinctures. Some people advise brewing them with boiling water to get a health-improving drink. In fact, three powerful natural components combine very well with each other in consistency, aroma and taste, forming a healthy, tasty and healing dessert.

Benefits of ingredients

This mixture was used as a medicine in Tibet. The reason for this is the healing qualities of each individual component, which when combined are multiplied and manifest much stronger.

Ginger-honey remedy with lemon is a concentrate of biologically active natural compounds, minerals, nutrients, and antiviral substances.

Selection rules

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of ingredients - the properties of the medicinal delicacy depend on the quality of the starting products. It is better to buy honey from familiar beekeepers. Traditional healers claim that the natural fresh linden product is best suited for combination with ginger - a leader in the content of biologically active substances, with a pronounced specific taste and aroma. If you don’t have it, you can get by with any other liquid honey. A fluid consistency is important for obtaining a homogeneous, palatable dessert, so it is better not to use crystallized honey.

When purchasing ginger, you should definitely feel it, or even better, ask to cut the root in the middle. The skin should fit tightly to the pulp, not have darkened areas, and not peel off on its own. The root itself is hard and elastic. Sluggish - contains fewer nutrients. The fibers should be clearly visible on the cut; there should be no dark areas in the pulp.

Cooking according to the classic recipe

Peculiarities. To prepare a natural product, all components are taken in approximately equal proportions. It is necessary to grind lemons and ginger roots together with the skin - this way the maximum beneficial qualities of the products will be preserved. To improve blood circulation, add cinnamon to the main mixture. To speed up metabolism - turmeric. Cloves are responsible for the choleretic effect. If you have vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to add walnuts. Also, apple cider vinegar is sometimes added to the resulting medicine as a preservative. You don’t have to do this, since the mixture is normally stored in the refrigerator for a month. Then it is better to make a new medicine.


  1. The ginger is washed with warm water, rubbing the seams well with a brush.
  2. Lemons are washed with hot water (you can pour boiling water over them).
  3. The root and citrus are cut into several parts.
  4. Pass through a meat grinder directly with the peel until a fine-grained gruel is obtained.
  5. Liquid honey is poured into the resulting mixture.
  6. Mix the medicine thoroughly in a bowl.
  7. The product is poured into a jar, clay or plastic container with a tight lid.
  8. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator for a day, after which you start taking it.

There is no need to add water to the medicine - it already turns out juicy. Additional liquid may shorten the shelf life of the product.

Medicinal properties

Both doctors and herbalists highlight the following properties of natural medicine.

  • Strengthens the immune system. Preventive intake of the composition will ensure the body's resistance during epidemics and colds. Regular use will increase the resistance of cells to infectious pathogens, and will also ensure an easier and faster progression of diseases without the risk of complications and negative consequences for vital organs.
  • Promotes speedy recovery. If the disease has already made itself felt, you should take the mixture after the first symptoms appear. This will ensure faster recovery. The herbal medicine has an antimicrobial effect, so the medicine is relevant for bacterial and viral infections, as well as for common colds as a result of hypothermia. In addition, the emollient and anti-fever properties of the product will reduce the severity of symptoms: fever, cough and runny nose.
  • Regulates pressure. The three-component mixture can prevent hypertension and is well suited for normalizing blood pressure in hypotensive patients. It also relieves the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia by improving peripheral and coronary circulation. Also, the natural composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the myocardium, ensuring stability of the heart rhythm and normalizing the force of heart contractions. This is an effective prevention of coronary disease, angina, and heart failure.
  • Normalizes the condition of blood vessels. Ginger, honey and lemon are characterized by a hypocholesterolemic effect, as well as supplying the body with ascorbic acid, rutin, quercetin, and nicotinic acid. All components are able to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, strengthen the walls of veins and arteries, preventing their fragility. The anti-inflammatory effect of the components protects against varicose veins. The product prevents atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Stabilizes hormonal levels. The natural mixture is useful for both men and women as a prevention of hormonal disorders and their consequences. Protects against early menopause, infertility, impotence. Regular long-term use of the composition will ensure stabilization of the menstrual-ovulatory cycle.
  • Protects against vitamin deficiency. As a source of vitamins and minerals, the composition will prevent deficiency of vital elements and nutrients in the body. It can protect against hair loss, improve the condition of skin and nails, and strengthen bone and muscle tissue.
  • Prevents diabetes. Despite the honey content, the product can be used by diabetics. The mixture helps reduce blood sugar levels and protects against excessive emissions of the pancreatic hormone insulin.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By stimulating the secretion of digestive juices, the lemon-ginger mixture improves digestion at all stages, promotes the complete breakdown and absorption of food. The mild choleretic effect will help get rid of constipation, and the gradual cleansing of the intestines will help relieve bloating and heaviness. In addition, this remedy prevents infection by helminths, eliminates pathogenic microflora in the intestines, helps fight colitis and quickly overcome poisoning.
  • Regulates sleep and wakefulness. A mixture of ginger and lemon, flavored with honey, has a tonic effect - promotes quick awakening and a feeling of increased strength. Taking it regularly will help regulate the body’s biorhythms, eliminate insomnia, and help you get used to going to bed at the same time.
  • Strengthens the nervous system. As a source of organic acids and B vitamins, the lemon mixture helps to increase stress resistance, normalize the conductivity of the nervous system, and improve the ability to concentrate.
  • Promotes weight loss. The product accelerates metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, optimizes thermogenesis, activating the burning of subcutaneous fat. It won't replace proper nutrition and physical activity, however, it will become a reliable help on the path to slimness if you regularly use the drug. The mixture will also help you forget about the need to diet, as it optimizes lipid metabolism and prevents weight gain.
  • Rejuvenates the body. As sources of antioxidants (acids, vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid), all three components of the healing composition contribute to the rejuvenation of the body at the cellular level. They eliminate radionuclides, heavy metal salts and under-oxidized metabolic products. These compounds, called free radicals, are main provocateur diseases and premature aging. The regenerating properties of the composition ensure enhanced renewal of epithelial tissues of the mucous membranes and skin. In addition, the drug has antitumor activity and protects against the appearance of malignant diseases.

Admission rules

Freshly prepared medicine is kept in the refrigerator for a day so that all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and exchange taste and healing qualities. After the specified time, you can start taking it.

Treatment regimen for adults: one teaspoon of the composition three times a day. It is better to consume the mass on an empty stomach or half an hour before meals. The evening reception should take place no later than 21:00 so that the tonic effect of the composition does not disrupt the usual process of falling asleep. This method of use is suitable for:

  • irregularities in work of cardio-vascular system;
  • hematopoietic problems;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute period of colds and ARVI;
  • pronounced vitamin deficiency;
  • loss of strength;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • nervous disorders.

A less intensive treatment regimen, which involves consuming two teaspoons of the product per day, is suitable for losing weight, regulating sleep, supplying the body with vitamins, strengthening the nervous system, during epidemics, and for gynecological and andrological disorders.

The drug should be taken for preventive purposes one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. You can spread the mixture on an apple to dilute the intense taste and aroma of ginger.

The mixture can also be consumed during weight loss to relieve hunger pangs. The product irritates the taste buds well and has a pleasant taste, which will significantly limit the consumption of harmful sweets. It supplies the body with easily digestible energy, but does not oversaturate it with excess calories, and accelerates metabolism.


Peculiarities. It can be used as a tonic, as well as an anti-fever and diaphoretic drink for colds. If desired, honey is added to the drink for sweetness, and mint and cinnamon are added to improve the taste.

Preparation and use

  1. Brew black or green tea of ​​the usual strength.
  2. Wait until it cools down to a temperature of about 50ºC.
  3. Add a teaspoon of ginger mixture and stir thoroughly.
  4. Drink the product up to four times a day.

Horseradish remedy

Peculiarities. Some traditional healers recommend combining honey, ginger, lemon and honey with horseradish. Moreover, in an alcoholic environment. This product stimulates the immune system and metabolism, strengthens potency, cleanses the blood and improves brain activity.

Preparation and use

  1. 50 g of horseradish root and 100 g of ginger root are peeled and grated.
  2. Grind half the lemon along with the zest to a paste.
  3. Mix the roots and lemon, add three tablespoons of honey.
  4. The mixture is placed in a jar, poured with 1 liter of good clean vodka.
  5. Leave in a dark place for two weeks, shaking the container daily.
  6. After the infusion period has expired, the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze and the cake is squeezed out.
  7. Use “horseradish soup” one tablespoon three times a day.

Alcohol-based tincture is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. For older children and pregnant women, it is better to take the classic mixture, but taking into account individual sensitivity reactions to the components of the medicine.

This combination is not accidental. By themselves, these three components already have many beneficial properties, and together they represent an amazingly effective all-natural medicine. Moreover, this composition is useful for common colds and viral infections, as an antipyretic, diaphoretic and antitussive, as well as for boosting immunity.

Ginger root by itself or in combination with lemon is also used to relieve nausea, for various problems with the stomach and intestines, and to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood. The powerful anti-inflammatory effect of ginger makes it indispensable for bronchitis, as well as for relieving toothache and headaches.

Adding honey to the composition enhances the anti-inflammatory effect. Honey helps actively fight bacterial and viral infections. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant that helps restore and strengthen the body, maintaining its youth and health. It is also effective in the fight against various neoplasms, providing an antitumor effect. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain, preventing the onset of heart attack and stroke.

Ginger with honey and lemon useful for women who care about the beauty of their body and hair, because ginger is included in many teas for weight loss. Combined with lemon and olive oil, it is an excellent raw material for a refreshing and toning mask for the face and neck. Ginger juice alone or mixed with lemon juice has a strengthening effect on hair and reduces its oiliness. Ginger tea also helps reduce painful cramps during menstruation.

For men, ginger with honey and lemon is an indispensable “doctor” in the field of men's health. After all, ginger tea can enhance sexual desire and make an erection strong and stable.

For children, this composition can be used for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and bronchitis, as well as to reduce the symptoms of nausea.

Lemon, ginger and honey drink able not only to heal, but also to form strong immunity for the future. It can be drunk as a preventive measure on the eve of the onset of cold weather, during epidemics of respiratory diseases, and simply to saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. This composition is especially rich in vitamin C and magnesium, which are necessary for the body to activate protective and healing functions. Magnesium is an essential element for more than 350 processes occurring in the human body. It supports the normal functioning of most human organs and systems.

Don't hurt yourself

It is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits for the human body of the miraculous remedy called “ginger with honey and lemon”. But it is necessary to take into account some contraindications associated with the properties of individual components.

The products that make up natural medicines are strong allergens, and this must be taken into account before starting self-medication. If you have digestive problems, you have been diagnosed with gastritis with increased acidity or low blood sugar, medications with ginger are contraindicated for you. People with low blood pressure, as well as those suffering from insomnia, need to be very careful when resorting to treatment with this remedy. Ginger in any composition is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diseases such as hemorrhoids, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, as well as the presence of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver stones, uterine bleeding, and some cardiac disorders may be a contraindication to the use of formulations made from ginger, honey and lemon. Therefore, before resorting to this method of treatment, it is worth consulting with a general practitioner so that the visible benefits do not turn into hidden but significant harm to health.

Recipes with honey, lemon and ginger

We have figured out the indications and contraindications of the famous ginger-based medicine, but this has not yet clarified the issue. how to cook ginger with lemon and honey to use it as a medicine in various situations.

Widespread trio: ginger, honey and lemon received in the treatment of symptoms of illness for a cold or infectious respiratory diseases. Most often, this composition of the medicine is used when brewing tea. There are several options for preparing this healing drink. But each contains all three components, prepared in a certain way.

There are simply no exact proportions for healing ginger tea. Ginger, honey and lemon useful in any combination For promotion immunity and regardless of the ratio of products, it has a general health effect on the body, helping to fight colds.

Usually you take a certain amount of ginger (depending on whether you are preparing a drink for one time or making preparations for several cups), from 1 to 4 lemons and honey to taste. Ginger root should be peeled and then chopped in a way convenient for you. It can be small cubes, gruel or juice.

Honey is taken in its natural form. If your honey is thick, there is no need to make it liquid, because any heating reduces its effectiveness and reduces beneficial features. The composition of honey does not matter, although there is a popular belief that linden honey will have a stronger effect against colds.

You can cut the lemon into slices or use freshly prepared juice. By the way, there are also no special instructions on whether you need to peel the lemon or use it with the peel. It's up to you. Lemon peel, of course, will add some bitterness to the drink, but it contains a huge amount of vitamin C - the building material of our immunity. Therefore, it is more advisable to leave the skin after first pouring boiling water over it. As for the seeds inside the fruit, it is better to remove them.

  • Option 1. “Traditional”. Grind a teaspoon of chopped ginger with a small slice of lemon and pour a glass of water brought to a boil. Let the tea cool and carefully strain. Add honey when the drink is slightly warm or at room temperature. Thus, we preserve all the healing properties of this wonderful beekeeping product.
  • Option 2. “Ginger drink.” Mix 2 tsp. lemon and ginger juice, add 1 tsp to the mixture. honey and mix again. Dilute the composition with boiled and cooled to 70 o C water in the amount of 1 liter. After 15 minutes, the healing tea “ginger with honey and lemon” is ready.
  • Option 3. “Vitamin”. The crushed ginger root is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. Then filter and add lemon (in the form of juice or pieces) and honey to taste.
  • Option 4. “Reusable”. Cut the peeled ginger root and lemon into small pieces (or use a blender) and place in a clean glass container. Pour the mixture with honey, close the container tightly and put it in the refrigerator. This tincture can be stored in the refrigerator or basement for quite a long time; after a couple of months its effectiveness will not decrease, but will even increase, so it makes sense to prepare it in advance. To prepare tea, 1 tsp is enough. mixture for 1 cup boiling water.

Delicious remedies with ginger for colds

Ginger with honey and lemon in the form of warm tea is used to treat coughs and colds. The essential oils contained in ginger root have a healing antibacterial effect and promote the removal of mucus from the bronchi. Ginger tea itself removes harmful toxic substances from the body, has a warming effect, cleanses the bronchi and eases difficulty breathing.

By the way, the prepared composition in the form of juice from ginger with lemon and honey can be consumed From cough, without even diluting with water. Children will especially like this tasty medicine, but the proportions need to be selected so that it is not too spicy from the ginger. You need to take the composition 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day. But it is not recommended to give it to children under 2 years of age. Yes, and older people should be given with caution, observing whether an allergic reaction occurs.

The same composition in the form of gruel or juice can be used as a prophylactic during an epidemic of influenza or other viral diseases. To prevent diseases and boost immunity, the mixture is taken once a day, a teaspoon. If you can’t handle it, make tea or drink it with clean water. There will be a healing effect in any case.

Ginger with lemon, honey and cinnamon- this is not only a preventive agent, it has a pronounced therapeutic effect for colds, ARVI or flu. To prepare this medicine, you need to take a medium ginger root (about 300 g) and 1 lemon (150-180 g), peel it, remove the seeds from the citrus, and pass everything together through a meat grinder (or use a blender). Add 5-6 tbsp to the resulting gruel. l. honey and 1 tsp. cinnamon powder, mix everything. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

In this recipe, you can use either ready-made store-bought cinnamon in powder form or in sticks. The second option is preferable, because with this method of storing cinnamon, more nutrients are preserved. The only drawback is that the sticks will have to be grated by hand, and the cinnamon in the mixture will not be in powder form, but in small pieces.

Cinnamon with honey in itself is an excellent cure for many diseases, and when mixed with ginger and lemon, it is truly a miraculous remedy that has a wonderful warming and antibacterial effect, which allows you to effectively treat any (even chronic) cough and nasal congestion.

Tea with ginger, lemon, honey and cinnamon has the same properties as the mixture itself. Also warm medicinal tea has a softening and warming effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, which reduces the symptoms of soreness and relieves pain.

As a powerful antiviral agent, you can prepare the following composition: ginger with garlic, lemon and honey. All 4 elements of this mixture have extraordinary abilities in the fight against viruses, and together they can give odds to any pharmaceutical antiviral agent.

To prepare such a mixture, it is enough to replace the cinnamon powder in the previous recipe with 5-6 chopped garlic cloves. It is advisable to take this natural antiviral remedy 2 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 2-4 hours before bedtime, 1 teaspoon. You can drink it with a small amount of warm water.

Has excellent warming and soothing properties for colds. ginger with mint, lemon and honey. This composition is prepared and taken in the form of warm tea. To do this, small ginger root cut into slices is poured with 1-2 cups of boiling water and left for about 5 minutes. Then add a sprig of fresh or dried mint to the infusion and let it brew for another 15-20 minutes. When the drink becomes warm (30-40 o C), put a slice of lemon in a glass and sweeten it with honey to taste.

Recipes with ginger for weight loss

It is worth mentioning right away that all of the above recipes, which are based on ginger with honey and lemon, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect and stimulation of the immune system, have unsurpassed properties that promote effective reduction weight. That is why those who watch their figure need to know and remember about them, and instead of synthetic teas for weight loss, use natural drinks that nature gives us.

Ginger with honey and lemon have the ability to calm the nervous system, enhance metabolic processes in the body and reduce appetite, which is very important for weight loss. At the same time, the weight comes off without strict diets, and the body receives all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

Particularly popular in dietary nutrition for weight loss green tea with ginger, lemon and honey. To prepare it, you can take either fresh ginger root or ready-ground ginger. It is better to take good, high-quality green tea, not packaged.

Crushed ginger is brewed with boiling water along with tea and infused for about half an hour. Add lemon slices and honey to a chilled or still warm drink. You can drink it either warm or cold. Honey can be replaced with sugar.

Green tea in this drink has a tonic effect and the ability to effectively remove toxins from the body, which enhances the effect of other components. In addition, this tea perfectly lifts your mood and fights lethargy and laziness.

An effective remedy for weight loss is , prepared according to the recipe of Tibetan monks. This medicine is stored for about a year, since alcohol (vodka, moonshine) acts as a preservative. It perfectly preserves the beneficial healing properties of ginger for a long time.

To prepare the tincture, you need to choose fresh, juicy ginger roots with a total weight of about 400 g. There is no need to remove the peel from them, because it is a source of many useful substances and microelements. It is enough to clean the root from stains and dirt and pour boiling water over it. Then the ginger is crushed using a meat grinder or blender and 500 g of good alcohol is poured. Store the mixture in a warm place in a tightly sealed glass container. Infuse for 14 days, after which the tincture can be consumed orally, after straining.
To improve taste and enhance medicinal properties You can add freshly prepared lemon juice (5 medium-sized lemons) and a couple of spoons of flower honey to the ginger tincture.

By the way, tincture with ginger, lemon and honey has become widespread not only in dietetics. With its help, inflammatory diseases of the throat and bronchi, and digestive disorders are treated. For sore throat, make an aqueous solution of ginger alcohol for gargling (1 teaspoon of tincture in ½ cup of warm water) with excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

It is customary to take a teaspoon of ginger tincture 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. For the purpose of losing weight, the tincture is used in two monthly courses with a short break.

Do not forget about contraindications and that this medicine cannot be used in childhood and in the treatment of people with a tendency to alcoholism. In such cases, it is better to give preference to ginger teas and mixtures with lemon, mint, honey, garlic and cinnamon.

Effective healing of the body using ginger mixtures

Ginger with honey and lemon is an effective traditional medicine. But this does not mean that it should be thoughtlessly applied everywhere. Firstly, in order to heal one without “crippling” another, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications to the use of these medications. And consultation with a specialist doctor in this case is simply irreplaceable.

Secondly, in the presence of certain diseases, it may not be necessary to completely abandon folk remedies, but only to adjust the dose. And, nevertheless, it is necessary to avoid possible complications.

Thirdly, you may not even be aware of the presence of some diseases. Therefore, you need to periodically be examined by doctors and monitor your health.

If there are no contraindications, you can heal your body with ginger tea all year round. For example, using a tonic drink based ginger with mint, lemon and honey, which perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with strength and energy.

To prepare it, take a good bunch of mint and mash (grind) it until you get a pronounced aroma. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, add a small amount (10-15 g) of chopped ginger root and pour 2 liters of cold, pre-boiled or purified water. Transfer the mixture into a glass bowl, add mint, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 3-4 hours. After this time, filter the drink and add honey to taste.

When it comes to losing weight, you shouldn’t rely only on ginger mixtures. An active lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and physical activity will help you cope with the problem of excess weight faster and more effectively. And ginger drinks will significantly enhance the effect of other factors.

Ginger with honey and lemon is a wonderful healing remedy, which, when used wisely, can achieve remarkable healing effects. But its thoughtless use can cause irreparable harm to your health and the health of those close to you. Therefore, be vigilant and do not self-medicate.