Presentations on speech culture for students. A culture of speech. Qualities of speech - properties of speech that ensure the effectiveness of communication and characterize the level of speech culture of the speaker

04.03.2022 Diseases

Correctness of Russian speech The concept of “speech culture” includes two stages
mastering the literary language: 1) correct speech;
2) speech skills.
Correct speech is compliance with norms
literary language.
Speech skill is the ability to correctly construct

Speech qualities are properties of speech that ensure the effectiveness of communication and characterize the level of speech culture of the speaker.

correctness of speech

Types of speech:

speaking - sending sound
signals carrying information;
listening - perception of sound signals and
their understanding;
writing - use of visible
graphic symbols for transmission
reading - perception of graphic symbols
and their understanding.

Genres of speech

Monologue is a genre formed as a result
active speech activity of the speaker and not
designed for active simultaneous
listener's reaction.
Dialogue is a genre of speech consisting of regular
exchange of utterances-replicas, in language
the composition of which directly affects
perception of the speaker's speech activity
Polylogue is a genre of speech that arises when
direct communication between several persons.

Advantages and disadvantages of speech

Speech culture includes three aspects:


Let's take a closer look at
concept of “Etiquette”. Concept
it's philosophical
“Etiquette (from French etiquette
– label, label) set of rules
behavior concerning
external manifestation
relationship to
people (dealing with
surrounding, shapes
communication, manners and
cloth) "

What is meant by speech
etiquette, used in speech
each of us every day and
many times.

Greetings. Appeals

Greetings and addresses set the tone for the entire conversation. IN
depending on the social role of the interlocutors, the degree
their proximity produces you - communication or you -
communication and, accordingly, greetings hello or
Hello. Good afternoon (evening, morning), hello,
fireworks, etc.
Perhaps these are the most common expressions: we
many times a day we address someone and say hello
our acquaintances, and sometimes strangers, we say goodbye to
people, someone
thank you, apologize to someone, someone
we wish someone good luck or give a compliment to someone
we condole, sympathize; we advise, we ask,
We offer and invite...

National and cultural traditions dictate
certain forms of addressing strangers.
If at the beginning of the century by universal means
the appeals were citizen and citizen, then in the second
half of the 20th century widespread got
dialectal southern forms of address based on gender –
female Male. IN Lately often in
casual conversational speech when addressing
the word dama is used for an unknown woman, however
when addressing a man the word master is used
only in official, semi-official, club
environment. Development of the same acceptable
addressing a man or a woman is a matter of the future:
Sociocultural norms will have their say here.

“You” and “You”

Empty “You”
“You” she said,
A.S. Pushkin.

“You” and “You” are pronouns,
are used “instead of a name”. "Life"
pronouns itself is very interesting.
Moreover, personal pronouns have
direct relation to speech etiquette.
They are associated with self-names and with
naming the interlocutor, with a feeling
what is “decent” and “indecent” in
such naming.

Widespread in Russian
You are communication in informal speech.
Superficial acquaintance in some cases
and distant long-term relationships of old
acquaintances are shown in others
using the polite "you". Except
that you - communication indicates
respect for the participants in the dialogue; so you -
communication is typical for old friends,
having deep feelings for each other
respect and devotion. More often you -
communication during long-term acquaintance or
friendly relations observed among
women. Men of different social
layers are more often inclined towards You - communication. Among
uneducated and uncultured men
You - communication is the only thing that counts
acceptable form of social

Calling “You”
indicates greater
To a stranger
to a stranger
In a formal setting
With emphatic politeness
, reserved attitude towards
To an equal and elder (according to
age, position)
Addressing “You”
less polite:
1. To a well-known person
2. In an unofficial
communication environment
3. In a friendly manner,
familiar, intimate
attitude towards a person
4. To an equal and junior (according to
age, position)

Respect for others
person, politeness and
kindness helps
verbally express speech
etiquette; it is appropriate in moderation
ultimately used
ultimately shapes the culture

Thus, speech etiquette
represents a collection
verbal forms of politeness,
politeness, that is, something without which we
you can't get by, no matter what
no corner of the earth we were.

Remember: rudeness always harms
everywhere, to no one and under no circumstances
circumstances are not allowed
be rude!
Let's remember something else: the word
goodness can do wonders with
human. What's wrong with the man!
Durov's brilliant training, how
is known to be based precisely on
“stroking”.”Kind word and
it’s nice for the cat!” And evil is always

The culture of communication is that part
culture of behavior that
expressed mainly in speech,
in mutual exchange of remarks, in
conversation. Naturally, there are
certain rules of conversation,
which can be called etiquette

Rules of “speech culture”

1. Try to speak correctly, do not use rude words in your speech
2. Talk only about what you know. Remember that “speaking without thinking”
it’s like shooting without aiming.”
3. Don't rush to express your thoughts.
4. Don't be verbose. Choose the words that are best in your conversation
just express your thoughts.
5. When speaking, do not wave your arms. Thought must be expressed
words, not gestures.
6. Don't speak quickly, don't swallow your words.
7. Don’t try to talk over your interlocutor if he talks too much.
loud. Start speaking quietly, the interlocutor will also stop shouting.
8. Be kind and friendly when talking to kids.
9. Don't give nicknames to your comrades.

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“Our language is the most important part of our general behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with.” D.S. Likhachev “Philological education is an indicator of the culture of society and a person individually.” K.D. Ushinsky “It will be the greatest crime before culture, before our Motherland, before humanity if we do not take care of our language and allow ourselves to distort it.” K. G. Paustovsky “A person’s speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual culture” V. N. Sukhomlinsky 1

Speech culture and language norms

Parable One day they brought a man to Socrates about whom he had to express his opinion, the sage looked at him for a long time, and then exclaimed: “Yes, finally speak so that I can recognize you.” 3

4 Objective of the lesson: Review general information about language, speech culture, language norms. Strengthen the ability to distinguish speech errors, skills in proficiency in orthoepic and lexical norms. Develop skills in using standardized speech. Complete Unified State Exam tasks related to orthoepic and lexical norms /A 1-A3 /

5 An integral part of the general human culture is the culture of speech - a branch of the science of language that studies the correctness and purity of speech. The concept of “language norm” is one of the key concepts in the doctrine of correct speech. The norm of a literary language is a socially approved rule, i.e. the generally accepted use of words, phrases, word forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries and reference books.

6 Pronunciation norms Word usage norms Punctuation marks

Orthoepy is a system of pronunciation norms. Phonetic errors. 1. Incorrect softening of consonants and lack of softening in necessary cases. 2. Incorrect emphasis. 3. Dialectal features. - 7

8 Lexico-orthoepic warm-up Adequate, academician, dumping, competence, manager, patent, term, coupe, lottery, hyphen, mayonnaise, tent, motorcade.

9 Test “Stress Norms” Check how well you know the norms of pronunciation.

10 The lexical norm determines the rules for using words in accordance with their meaning and combining words in speech. Lexical errors. 1. Confusion of paronyms 2. Speech redundancy (pleonasms) 3. Tautology 4. Ignorance of the meaning of words and phraseological units 5. Violation of lexical compatibility

11 TEST In which sentence should you use MILITARY instead of the word MILITARY? 1) Fedorov was a MILITARY man and had a good idea of ​​what trials lay ahead for the soldiers of his regiment. 2) For his bravery he received another MILITARY rank. 3) He experienced a lot in life, but managed to maintain a MILITARY bearing. 4) The MILITARY industry of this country is very developed.

12 In which sentence should the word HUMANITARIAN be used instead of the word HUMANITARIAN? 1) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which a person’s spiritual life and physical health depend. 2) A HUMANE attitude towards children means, first of all, an understanding of the child’s spiritual efforts, a respectful attitude towards these quests and unobtrusive help. 3) Cooperation between countries is constantly developing and strengthening in the HUMANE sphere. 4) HUMANE laws are possible only in a mature society.

13 Avoid! SLANG is an expressive and emotionally charged vocabulary of colloquial speech that differs from the accepted literary language norm.

Avoid! JARGON is a type of speech of a group of people united by a profession or occupation, an integral part of which is slang. 14

Components of good speech: purity, expressiveness, content, accuracy, logic, relevance 15

16 Test yourself Stylistics 1) On the evening broadcast of the youth TV channel “Vityaz”, Deputy Ivanov again criticized the mayor of the city N. 2) All local media were thrown into propaganda of the new regional leader. 3) Dollars can be exchanged at any state or commercial bank.

The term speech culture has many meanings:
1. Speech culture is a section
philological science, studying
speech life of society in
a certain era (point of view
objective-historical) and
establishing on a scientific basis
rules for using language
the main means of communication between people
a tool for formation and expression
thoughts (normative point of view).

A culture of speech

2. Normativeness of speech, its
compliance with the requirements,
requirements for the language in a given
language community in a certain
historical period. Normativity
speech includes such
qualities such as correctness, accuracy,
clarity, purity.

The subject of speech culture as an academic discipline is:

norms of literary language,
types of communication, its principles and
ethical standards of communication,
functional speech styles,
difficulties in applying speech norms,
problems of the current state
speech culture of society.

The most important objectives of the discipline are:

Consolidation and improvement of proficiency skills
norms of the Russian literary language.
Formation of communicative competence
Training in professional communication in the field
chosen specialty.
Development of information search and evaluation skills.
Development of speech skills to prepare for difficult
professional communication situations (conducting
negotiations, discussions, etc.).
Improving the culture of conversational speech, teaching speech
means of establishing and maintaining friendly
personal relationships.

The main goal of the speech culture course is

is the formation of exemplary
linguistic personality of a highly educated
specialist whose speech
corresponds to those accepted in educated
environment norms, different
expressiveness and beauty.

A culture of speech

this is such a choice and such an organization
linguistic means that are
certain communication situation
compliance with modern language
norms and ethics of communication allow
provide the greatest effect in
achieving the set
communication tasks.

Speech culture includes three aspects:

Normative - knowledge of literary norms and
the ability to use them in speech.
Communicative - language selection skills
means that with maximum
effectively fulfill the assigned
communication tasks (find the right words for
explaining the essence of the matter to any person).
Ethical - adherence to standards of behavior,
respect for communication participants,
kindness, tact and

Types of speech cultures (Olga Borisovna Sirotinina):

average literary,
familiarly colloquial.

Elite – standard speech
culture meaning free
mastery of all language capabilities,
including its creative uses.
It is characterized by strict adherence to all
norms, unconditional prohibition of rude
For more details see: Sternin I.A. Types
speech cultures. - Voronezh, 2013.

Average literary is characterized
incomplete compliance with standards,
excessive saturation of speech
book or colloquial words.
The bearers of this speech culture
are the majority educated
city ​​residents; penetration of her
some modern facilities
media, artistic
works contribute to wide

Literary-colloquial and
familiar-conversational type
brings together those communicators who
speak only conversational style.
Familiarly colloquial is different
general stylistic decline and
coarseness of speech, which brings him closer to
vernacular. "you" is used as
appeal regardless of age
interlocutor and the degree of familiarity with him.

Modern Russian language

is the national language of Russian
people, form of Russian national
culture. He is
historically established linguistic
community and unites everything
set of linguistic means
Russian people, including all
Russian dialects and dialects, as well as
various jargons.

The Russian language performs three functions:

national Russian language;
2) one of the interethnic languages
communication between the peoples of Russia;
3) one of the most important world

Federal Law of the Russian
Federation dated June 1, 2005 N 53-FZ
Adopted by the State Duma on May 20
Approved by the Federation Council on May 25


provided for by the Constitution
countries language used in
office work and
legal proceedings. This is the language
which state power
communicates with citizens.


In accordance with the Constitution
Russian Federation
state language of Russian
Federation throughout its territory
is Russian language.

State language of the Russian Federation:
system-forming conservation factor
integrity of the Russian Federation,
instrument for expressing the will of the people and
every citizen of the country,
necessary element for implementation
uniformity government controlled and understanding of the state will,
a mechanism for realizing the rights and obligations of the Russian population,
national sign in international
legal relations.


Literary language

- the highest form of national Russian

Literary language

normalization (codification),
breadth of public
binding on all members
variety of speech styles,
used in various fields

Non-literary language

Form of modern Russian
national language, which
is different:
limited use,
household themes,
lack of codification.

Forms of the Russian national language
1) Official business
2) Scientific
3) Journalistic
4) Conversational
5) Fiction
1) Jargon
2) Dialect
3) Professional
4) Vernacular
5) Taboo


- this is the most important sign system in
human culture, means
division, classification and
supra-individual fixation
experience, through which
verbal communication occurs and
conceptual thinking.


means of subsistence, transmission
and assimilation of socio-historical experience;
means of communication (communication);
a tool of intellectual
activities (perception, memory,
thinking, imagination).


- this is a historical
form of communication between people
through language constructs,
created on the basis
certain rules;
is a form of existence
human language.


is complex
system with a hierarchical
structure: units of higher
levels are a combination
units of lower levels.


Language units

Phoneme (ancient Greek φώνημα - “sound”) -
minimal semantic difference
unit of language. Phoneme has no
independent lexical or
grammatical meaning, but serves for
distinguishing and identifying significant
units of language (morphemes and words):
when replacing one phoneme with another, you get a different word (<д>om -
changing the order of phonemes will also result in something different
word (<сон> - <нос>);
when you remove a phoneme, you will also get another word (i.e.<р>he is the tone).

Language units

Morpheme (from ancient Greek μορφή “form”) -
smallest meaningful unit of language
highlighted as part of a word and
performing word formation functions
and form formation (word changes).
If the phoneme is indivisible from the point of view
form, then the morpheme is indivisible from the point
in terms of content.

Language units

Lexeme (from ancient Greek λέξις - word,
expression, figure of speech) - word like
unit of morphological analysis.
Combined into one lexeme
word forms of one word.
For example, dictionary, dictionary, dictionary are forms
the same lexeme, by convention written as

Language units

A phrase is a combination of two
or a few significant words,
related in meaning and grammatically,
serving for dismembered designation
a single concept (object, quality,
actions, etc.).
Phrases include compounds
words based on subordinating connections
(connections between the main and dependent members).

Language units

A sentence is a unit of language,
which represents
grammatically organized
a compound of words (or a word) that has
semantic and intonation

Language units

Text is a message consisting of a series of
statements combined by different
types of lexical, grammatical and
logical connection, having
a certain moral character
pragmatic attitude and
accordingly literary

Language norm

this is historically determined
common language
funds, as well as their rules
selection and use,
recognized by society
most suitable in
specific historical period.

Sources of language norms

works of classical writers;
works of modern writers,
continuing classical traditions;
media publications
conventional modern
linguistic research data.

Properties of a language norm

and is generally binding for everyone
speakers of a given language;
preservation of funds and their rules
variable over time;
linguistic expression depending on
conditions of communication.

Language norms
Orthological dictionaries
Rosenthal D.E. Spelling and
punctuation. Any edition.
pronunciations and accents in modern
Russian language. St. Petersburg, 2002.
Kuznetsova A.I., Efremova T.F. Dictionary of morphemes
Russian language. – M.: Russian language, 1986. – 1136 p.
Tikhonov A.N. Word-formation dictionary
Russian language: In 2 volumes – 2nd ed., erased. – M.:
Russian language, 1990.
Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary
Russian language. 4th ed., add. M., 1997.
Modern dictionary foreign words. M.,
Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and
expressions that are similar in meaning. - M.: Russians
dictionaries, 1999.

Language norms
Graudina L.K., Itskovich V.A., Katlinskaya
L.P. Russian grammatical correctness
speech. Stylistic dictionary of variants. M., 2004.
Efremova T.F., Kostomarov V.G. Dictionary
language. - M., 1999.
Russian grammar / Ed. Shvedova
N.Yu. - M.: Nauka, 1980.
Rosenthal D.E. Management in Russian
Dictionary-reference book.

AST Publishing House, 1997.
Russian language and culture of speech / Ed.
Dr. Philol. science prof. V. D. Chernyak. – M.:
Higher school, 2004.
Zherebilo T.V. Terms and concepts: Methods
research and text analysis: Dictionary reference book. - Nazran: Pilgrim LLC.

Types of norms

To the norms common to oral and written speech,
◦ lexical norms;
◦ grammatical norms (word formation,
morphological, syntactic);
◦ textual norms.
Special norms of written speech are:
◦ spelling standards;
◦ punctuation standards.
Orthoepic expressions are applicable only to oral speech.
norms, that is:
◦ pronunciation standards;
◦ stress norms;
◦ intonation norms.

Orthoepic norms

Orthoepic norms
include standards:
1) pronunciation,
2) accents,
3) intonation.

Lexical norms

these are the rules that define
correct choice of word from a series
units close to it in value or
in form, as well as its use in
the meanings it has in
literary language.

Grammatical norms are divided:
1) for word formation,
2) morphological,
3) syntactic.

Word formation norms

determine the connection order
parts of words, formation of new words.
Error: character description,
salesmanship, works
writers are distinguished by their depth and

Morphological norms

require the right
education grammatical forms words
different parts of speech (forms of gender, number,
short forms and degrees of comparison
adjectives, etc.).
Error: reigning order, imported
shampoo, custom parcel.

Syntactic norms

Syntactic norms
these standards include
word agreement rules and
syntactic control,
correlating parts of a sentence with each other
friend using grammar
forms of words for the purpose of
the proposal was reasonable and
meaningful statement.
Error: reading it, a question arises.

Text norm

determine the use
linguistic means in accordance with
laws of the genre, features
functional style, purpose and
terms of communication.

The linguistic phenomenon is considered
normative if it is characterized
such signs as:
◦ compliance with the structure of the language;
◦ massive and regular reproducibility in
process of speech activity
majority of speakers;
◦ public approval and recognition.

Speech norm

set of the most stable
traditional implementations of language
systems selected and assigned
in the process of public
The normalization of speech is her
compliance with literary and linguistic

Speech culture is such a choice and such an organization of linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, while observing language norms and communication ethics, make it possible to ensure the greatest effect in achieving goals. communicative tasks.

The definition emphasizes three aspects of speech culture: normative, ethical and communicative.

Normative aspect of speech culture

Literary language

The normative aspect of speech culture is associated with the literary language.

Literary language- this is the highest form of the national language, which differs in normativity from the spoken one.

The formation of the modern Russian literary language is inextricably linked with the name of A.S. Pushkin. By the time the literary language appeared, the language of the Russian nation was very heterogeneous. Pushkin managed, based on various manifestations, vernacular create in their works a language that has been accepted by society as a literary language.


Literary language is what creates, along with economic, political and other factors, the unity of a nation. Literary language is the language of culture, the language of the educated part of the people, a deliberately codified language.


Codification is the consolidation of the norms and rules of a language in dictionaries and grammars. Codified norms of a language are those norms that all native speakers must follow. Any grammar of a language, any dictionary of it, is nothing more than its codification.

The culture of speech begins where the language, as it were, “offers” a choice for codification: (kilo´meter - kilometer´tr). Language does not remain unchanged; it constantly needs to be standardized (19th century.

– mother, daughter, 20th century. - mother Daughter).


A norm is a historically accepted choice in a given language community of one of the variants of use as recommended and preferable. The norm is divided into imperative (mandatory) and dispositive (optional). The imperative norm provides for a strict choice of one option as the only correct one (to lay down is wrong; to put down

- Right). The dispositive norm provides for a choice of options, two of which are recognized as normative (maneuver - maneuver).


Communicative aspect of speech culture is the study of a text from the point of view of the correspondence of its linguistic structure to the tasks of communication. The main requirement for a good text is this: from all linguistic means, those that fulfill with maximum completeness and efficiency must be selected.

delivered communicative

Main function ethical aspect of speech culture

contact-setting. The ethical basis of speech culture is speech etiquette. Ethical standards primarily concern addressing you or you, choosing a full or shortened name, choosing addresses and methods of greeting and farewell.


The role of ethical standards in communication can be clarified using the example of bad language. This is also “communication”, in which, however, ethical standards are grossly violated.


1. What is language?

2. Tell us about the history of the origin of the language.

3. Name and characterize the functions of language.

4. Prove that language is a sign system.

5. What is speech?

6. What is speech culture?

7. What is literary language?

8. What is codification?

9. What is the norm?

10. Tell us about the communicative aspect of speech culture.

11. Tell us about the ethical aspect of speech culture.

Slide 1

Let's talk about speech culture

Slide 2

One of the components of a teacher’s skill is the culture of his speech. Those who master the culture of speech achieve great success in their professional activities.
"The art of talking to children"

Slide 3

The speech culture of children depends on the teacher’s speech culture
With this in mind, the educator should consider it a professional duty to continuously improve his speech in order to thoroughly know the native language of the children he is raising.

Slide 4

1. The teacher should speak quietly, but so that everyone can hear him, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress in the students. 2. The teacher must speak clearly. 3. The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute. 4. To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, without psychological pauses it is colorless. 5. The teacher must speak with intonation, i.e. be able to place logical emphasis, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what is being said. 6. Melody gives the teacher’s voice an individual coloring and can significantly influence the emotional well-being of students: inspire, captivate, calm. Melodics are born based on vowel sounds.
Teacher's speech culture rules

Slide 5

Slide 6

Beware of office stuff!
Stationery is: the displacement of a verb, that is, movement, action, by a participle, a gerund, a noun (especially verbal!), which means stagnation, immobility; a jumble of nouns in oblique cases; an abundance of foreign words where they can easily be replaced with Russian words; heavy, confused structure of phrases, unintelligibility; dullness, monotony, erasure, stamp. Poor, meager vocabulary. Stationery is dead stuff!

Slide 7

Brevity is the soul of wit
I'm writing long because I don't have time to write short.
B. Pascal

Let's unite as one; city ​​residents live a monotonous life; for example, this example; a pattern follows naturally; multiply many times; work resumed again (tautology - (Greek) “the same”)

Brevity is the soul of wit
Slide 8
He foresaw all the troubles in advance. I should be back by evening.
Pleonasm - Greek. "excess"

The main point; Valuable treasures; Come back; Fell down; In the month of May; Future plans; Unused reserves; For example; How many

Slide 9
Speech redundancy is also generated by the combination of a foreign word with a Russian word, duplicating its meaning.

Memorable souvenirs; Unusual phenomenon; First premiere;

Biography of life; Ultimately; Minuscule little things; Folklore; Open vacancy
Slide 10

“A mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod”

Beware: polysemy!
On the site in front of the school you will see broken flower beds. This is the work of our guys For each member of the circle " Young technician"falls in five or six models. An evening dedicated to the Russian language will be held on Saturday morning. I listened to your comments. We get lost on transport due to lack of information.

Slide 12

Soap bubbles always complain that they are being blown. There are only a few zeros that know their place. Don't rush words - follow safety precautions. The writer had feathers - he lacked wings. It’s a pity that sometimes your loved ones are narrow-minded.