Poor Lisa very briefly. “Poor Liza” by Karamzin: analysis of the work, characteristics of the characters, tests, quotes. Last meeting with Lisa

21.09.2021 General

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Karamzin’s incredibly sincere and emotional work does not leave anyone indifferent - in the story the author described the typical feelings of people in love, outlining a picture from the very beginning to the decline of the feelings of one of the lovers.

The philosophical overtones and psychological basis make this work look like a legend - a sad tale based on real events.


Karamzin's story does not have a significant list of heroes. There are only five of them:

  • Lisa;
  • Lisa's mother;
  • Erast;
  • Annushka;
  • Author.

The image of Lisa is depicted in the best traditions of sentimentalism - she is a sweet and sincere girl, gentle and impressionable: “pure. a joyful soul shone in her eyes.”

The girl is somewhat similar to an angel - she is too innocent and virtuous: “beautiful in soul and body.” It seems that she grew up in another world, because she was able, despite all the difficulties of society and the era, to preserve goodness and humanity.

At the age of 15, Lisa was left without a father. Life with her mother was difficult financially, but easy in the psychological aspect - a friendly, trusting relationship was established between mother and daughter. The mother, being a compassionate woman, constantly worries about her beloved daughter, like all parents, she wishes her a better fate. The woman could not survive the loss of her daughter - the news of Lisa’s death became fatal for her.

Erast is a nobleman by birth. He is an intelligent and educated person. His life is typical for a young man of his age and class - dinner parties, balls, card games, theater, but it doesn’t bring him much joy - he’s pretty tired of all the entertainment. Meeting Lisa noticeably changes him and, instead of boredom, he develops an aversion to the trappings of social life.

Lisa’s harmonious life allowed him to consider other aspects of existence: “with disgust he thought about the contemptuous voluptuousness that his feelings had previously reveled in.”
The image of Erast is not devoid of positive qualities - he is a gentle and courteous person, however, the selfish spoiledness of the young man did not allow him to become as harmonious as Lisa.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with what came from the pen of the classic author N. Karamzin.

The image of Annushka in the story is fragmentary - we meet this character already at the end of the work: having learned about Erast's wedding, Lisa realizes that she cannot come to terms with it and does not understand her life without this person - the option of committing suicide seems to her one of the most acceptable. At this time, Lisa notices Annushka, the neighbor’s daughter, and instructs her to give the money to her mother. After this, Lisa throws herself into the pond.


Karamzin's story was repeatedly called a breakthrough of its time; the motif, so typical of European literature, was for the first time transferred to the plane of Russian culture, which was already an innovation. The public's particular interest in the work was also caused by the introduction of a new direction - sentimentalism.

Literary critics and researchers highly appreciated Karamzin’s story and noted that the author managed to recreate “living” reality for the reader - the work was surprisingly realistic, devoid of artificial emotions and images.

Russian scientist, professor-philologist V.V. Sipovsky believed that Karamzin was the “Russian” Goethe - his living word contributed to a breakthrough in literature.

Karamzin, according to the scientist, provided readers with the other side of the coin, showing that a person’s life, even if he is just an invention of the author, should not always be filled with idyll, sometimes it can have fatality and tragedy: “The Russian public, accustomed in old novels to comforting endings in the form of weddings, who believed that virtue is always rewarded and vice is punished, for the first time in this story she encountered the bitter truth of life.”

A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, analyzing the significance of “Poor Lisa,” focused on the European basis of the story, both in terms of plot and in terms of sentimentalism, which had not yet spread to Russia, but was already widespread in Europe. “Everyone sighed until they fainted” - this is how he assesses the influence on the public of the work, and quite ironically notes that after the release of “Poor Lisa” everyone began to “drown in a puddle.”

G. A. Gukovsky also speaks about the same effect, noting that after reading “Poor Liza,” crowds of young people began to appear near the Simonov Monastery and admire the surface of the lake, in which, according to Karamzin’s idea, the girl drowned.

In his opinion, nature in the story performs its own special function - it tunes the reader to a lyrical perception of reality. Poor Lisa not so much a real peasant woman as an ideal opera heroine, and her sad story should not outrage, but only create a lyrical mood.”

V.N. Toporov argues that “Poor Liza” became a significant work not only in Russian literature, but also in Karamzin’s work - it was this work that opened the era of “breakthrough” both in the work of the literary figure and in the historical development of literature in general.

“Poor Liza” is precisely the root from which the tree of Russian classical prose grew, whose powerful crown sometimes hides the trunk and distracts from reflection on the historically very recent origins of the very phenomenon of Russian literature of the modern era.

Catchphrases from the story

I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender sorrow!

Every person is sentimental to one degree or another. Some people show their sentimentalism from an early age, while others acquire this feeling after some time, having acquired sufficient life experience.

The special emotions that arise in a person during contact with objects of material or spiritual culture help create the effect of catharsis - emotional relief.

Peasant women know how to love!

Until a certain point, it was believed that peasants were not emotionally and mentally similar to aristocrats. The essence of this statement was not the lack of education of the peasants, but the conviction that the peasants, even with education, would not be able to become similar in spiritual development to representatives of the aristocracy - they were not characterized by high manifestations of feelings, in fact, it turned out, based on this theory, that the peasants were guided exclusively instincts, they are characterized only by the simplest emotions. Karamzin showed that this is not so. Serfs can show different feelings and emotions, and theories that they are several steps lower in their development are prejudices.

It is better to feed yourself by your own labors and not take anything for nothing.

This phrase shows moral principles an honest person - if you haven’t earned money for a certain thing, then you have no right to claim it.

Old people can be suspicious

Due to their age and life experience, old people try to protect young people from the mistakes of their youth. Since young people are often in no hurry to share their problems and concerns with the older generation, the only way to find out about the upcoming problem is to analyze the individual’s behavior, and for this you need to be observant.

How good everything is with the Lord God! It is necessary that the Heavenly King should love a person very much when he removed the local light so well for him.

In the natural world everything is harmonious and aesthetically pleasing. A person with a sensual soul cannot help but notice these subtleties and admire them. In spring and summer, the feeling of the beauty of nature is felt especially vividly - nature, which slept in winter, comes back to life and delights with its beauty the world. Creatures who have the opportunity to contemplate all this beauty cannot be unloved by God, otherwise he would not try to create such a beautiful and harmonious world.

The fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love.

There is always love fervor between lovers, however, in the case when relationships between people develop too quickly and the effect of permissiveness is present, the fervor quickly fades away - when everything has been achieved, then there is not a single nook left in a person’s soul where a dream or desire to penetrate fantasy - there is no reason for dreams, if in this case the relationship does not reach another level (for example, marriage), then the fading of emotions and passion in relation to the object of one’s passion and admiration occurs.

Death for the fatherland is not scary

A person is unthinkable without his “roots”; one way or another, each individual must recognize himself not only as a part of society, but also as a part of the state. The welfare and problems of the state should be perceived by everyone as the problems of their own family, therefore death in the name of one’s state is not inglorious.

Test on the plot of the story

1. How old was Lisa when her father died?
A) 19
AT 10

2. Why, after the death of the father, did the family begin to live in poverty?
A) could not pay rent for the land
B) the workers did not cultivate the land so well and the harvest decreased
C) the money was spent on the treatment of sister Lisa

3. At what price did Lisa sell lilies of the valley?
A) 5 kopecks
B) 5 rubles
B) 13 kopecks

4. Why didn’t Lisa start selling flowers for 1 ruble?
A) It was too cheap
B) her conscience did not allow her
B) The ruble was damaged

5. Why do Lisa and Erast meet at night?
A) Erast is busy all day
B) They may be slandered
C) Their meetings could cause a quarrel with Erast’s fiancee

6. Why was Lisa afraid of a thunderstorm during one of their night meetings with Erast?
A) She was afraid that the thunder would strike her like a criminal.
B) Lisa was always afraid of thunderstorms.
C) The thunderstorm was very strong and the girl was afraid that her mother would wake up and find that Lisa was not at home.

7. Why didn’t Erast refuse to go to war?
A) could not contradict the order
B) Lisa became disgusting to him
C) everyone would laugh at him and consider him a coward

8. Why is Erast not afraid to die in war?
A) He knows no fear
B) death for the Fatherland is not scary
C) he has been dreaming about death for a long time

9. Why did Erast order Lisa to forget him?
A) he is tired of the girl
B) was afraid that everyone would laugh at him after learning about his relationship with Lisa
C) he was engaged and his relationship with Lisa could harm his marriage.

10. What did Lisa do with the money that Erast gave her?
A) returned Erast back
B) gave it to the beggar standing under the church
B) gave them to the neighbor’s daughter so that she could give them to Liza’s mother.

11. How did Lisa’s mother perceive her death?
A) Killed Erast
B) Drowned from grief
C) The news was so stunning for her that she died immediately

12. What do the peasants think when they hear the howling of the wind in the house where Lisa and her mother lived?
A) it’s Lisa’s soul crying
B) tramps climbed into the house for the night
C) It is Erast who comes to yearn for his lost happiness.


B 2.b 3.a 4. b5.b 6.a 7.c 8.b 9.c 10.c. 11. At 12

Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the significance of Karamzin’s story on the process of development of literature and culture. The images of his characters are endowed with virtually typical qualities, but the depiction of their inner world and a vivid description of the characters’ feelings creates a picture of realism and uniqueness.

Poor Lisa

The author discusses how good the surroundings of Moscow are, but best of all is near the Gothic towers of the Sl...nova Monastery, from here you can see the whole of Moscow with an abundance of houses and churches, many groves and pastures on the other side, “further away, in the dense greenery of ancient elms, the golden-domed Danilov Monastery", and even further, the Sparrow Hills rise on the horizon.

Wandering among the ruins of the monastery, the author imagines its former inhabitants, but more often he is attracted by memories of the deplorable fate of Lisa: I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender sorrow! " Seventy yards from the monastery there is an empty, dilapidated hut For thirty years before this, the beautiful, kind Liza lived with her old mother. The father loved work and was a wealthy peasant, but after his death his wife and daughter became poor. They rented out the land and lived on this little money. The mother, grieving for her father, cried (for even peasant women know how to love). She was weak and could not work. Liza alone, not sparing her youth and beauty, wove canvas, knitted stockings, sold forest flowers in the spring, and Liza in the summer. was a very grateful and affectionate daughter.

Once in Moscow, while selling lilies of the valley, Lisa met a handsome and kind young man who gave her a ruble instead of five kopecks, but Lisa refused and took what was due. The young man asked her where she lived. Lisa went home. She told her mother about what had happened, and she praised her daughter for not taking the money. The next day, Lisa brought the best lilies of the valley to the city, but did not sell them to anyone, but threw them away so that no one would get them if she did not find the old young man. The next evening the young man visited their poor home. Lisa treated him to milk, and his mother managed to tell him about her grief. The young man tells his mother that Lisa should only sell her work to him. This will save the girl from going to Moscow. For he will come from time to time and buy the products of her labor on the spot. The old lady agreed. The young man called himself Erast.

He was a rather rich nobleman, smart and kind. He led an absent-minded life and was often bored. Having met Lisa, he became seriously interested in the girl and decided to leave the “big world” for a while.

Lisa fell in love. She grieved that Erast was not a simple peasant. But soon he himself appeared, confessed his love to her and dispersed the girl’s melancholy. Lisa wants to tell her mother about her happiness, but the young man asks not to tell her anything, “because old people are suspicious.”

Young people see each other every day. Erast admires “his shepherdess,” as he calls Lisa.

A rich peasant wooes Lisa, but she refuses. Lisa and Erast became close. Erast changed towards his beloved, she ceased to be a symbol of purity for him, these feelings were no longer new to him. He began to avoid Lisa. One day they didn’t see each other for five days, and on the sixth he came and said that he was going to war; he left Lisa's mother money so that the girl would not go to trade in his absence. When they part, young people cry bitterly. Two months have passed. Lisa went into town to buy rose water, which her mother uses to treat her eyes. In the city she saw Erast in a magnificent carriage. Lisa caught up with him at the gate of the house and hugged him. Erast says that he is engaged and must get married. He gives the girl a hundred rubles and asks her to leave him alone. Erast lost, in order to pay off his debts, he is forced to marry “an elderly rich widow.” Lisa gives the money to her friend Anyuta so that she can take it to her mother, and she throws herself into the waters of the pond. She was buried right there, under the oak tree. The mother, having learned about her daughter’s death, also died. The hut was empty. Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. He considered himself the girl's killer. Erast himself told the author this sad story and led him to Lisa’s grave. The author ends the story with the phrase: “Now, perhaps, they have already reconciled.”

Creativity N.I. Karamzin in Russia marked the beginning of a new literary movement, sentimentalism. This movement replaced civic classicism and introduced emotionality and the inner experiences of the heroes and narrator into Russian literature. The new word in Russian literature met with a lot of responses and imitations. Karamzin began to be considered the founder of sentimentalism in Russia. Summary the story "Poor Liza", rightfully considered an example of Russian sentimentalism, will introduce the reader to storyline and the heroes of the work.

Moscow suburbs

Karamzin begins the narrative of “Poor Liza” with a description of the outskirts of Moscow, where he likes to take walks. The narrator likes the Simonov Monastery; standing on its mountain, you can see Moscow, reminiscent of a majestic amphitheater. The destroyed walls of the monastic refuge make the narrator think about the history of Russia. Motherland, withstanding numerous attacks by enemy troops, she could only rely on God.

Next to the monastery there is a dilapidated hut; no one has lived here for a long time. A long time ago, here was the home of the unfortunate girl Lisa, the memories of whom make the narrator shed tears.

Lisa's life

Lisa's father, thanks to hard work and sobriety, was able to become a wealthy man. After the sudden death of the head of the family, the wife and daughter found themselves in dire straits. The lands cultivated by the mercenaries stopped producing crops, and the mother, who was constantly grieving for her lost husband, soon found herself unable to work. Lisa inherited her father’s hard work and was a craftswoman. The girl tried to earn a living by doing a variety of jobs: weaving, knitting, picking flowers and berries, and selling them in the city. The mother loved her daughter and asked God for a good fate for Lisa.

Meeting with Erast

One day, having collected lilies of the valley to sell, Lisa was walking through the city and met a young man named Erast. The man liked the modest flower seller. He invited the beauty to sell flowers exclusively to him. Lisa, embarrassed, got ready to leave.

The next day the girl went to the city again, but did not meet the young master. Refusing to sell flowers to other people, she threw them into the river.

A few days later, Erast came to Lisa’s house, met the girl’s mother, and the young man made a pleasant impression on her. He asked Lisa to sell flowers only to him. Lisa was excited by the visit of the young master.

Erast was a rich and handsome nobleman; his meeting with Lisa instilled in him the confidence that she was his ideal. Having read idyllic novels, he strove for an immaculate brotherly relationship with her. It seemed to him that nature itself, in the person of Lisa, was opening its arms to him.

Declaration of love

Lisa lost peace; the image of the young master constantly haunted her. She tried to find solace in a morning walk to the river. Seeing a shepherd driving his flock, Lisa indulged in dreams about how wonderful it would be if Erast were not a gentleman, but an ordinary shepherd. Hearing that a boat was approaching the shore, she turned around and saw her Erast. The young lovers confessed their feelings to each other, and found peace in conversation and innocent hugs. Erast asked Lisa not to tell her mother about their relationship. The girl was surprised by such a request, but agreed to give in to her friend, although it was unpleasant for her to hide something from her mother.

Every day Lisa went on dates with Erast, they became closer and closer to each other. Often the young man came to visit his beloved mother, they had conversations, and she often dreamed that Erast would attend her daughter’s wedding and become her children’s godfather.

Fatal night

One day Lisa came to a meeting with Erast in tears. She said that her mother wanted to marry her to a guy from a neighboring village in order to leave this world calmly. The young man convinced the girl that after her mother’s death he would take her to him and live with her in love and happiness. Lisa threw herself into his arms and gave him her innocence. After that, she began to cry, she was afraid that now everything in the relationship would change. There was thunder, Lisa was afraid that he would kill her for this sin. Erast swore that he would continue to love his Lisa always and would not leave her alone.

Meetings between lovers continued, but there was no spirituality and purity, which Erast liked. He could not be content with a modest brotherly embrace. Having received everything that Lisa could give, he quickly became fed up with love. Therefore, over time, I began to visit Lisa much less often.

One day he announced to her that he had to leave to fight. Lisa tried to dissuade him, but Erast said that he had to do an important thing in the name of honor. Lisa was upset, but promised to wait for her friend. When he left, the girl wanted to go after him, but she was stopped by thoughts of her elderly mother who needed her.

Meeting with Erast in Moscow

After several months of anxiously waiting for Erast to return, Lisa went to Moscow to buy medicine for her sick mother. There she saw her lover, and insane joy overwhelmed her. He behaved sternly at the meeting: he took Lisa into the office and announced to her that he was engaged and would soon get married. During the war, playing cards, Erast squandered his entire fortune and was forced to woo a wealthy elderly widow in order to cover his debts. The man gave Lisa a hundred rubles and took her outside.

Death of Lisa

Once on the street, the girl fainted from the shock she experienced. When she woke up, she decided that she could not live without the love of the insidious Erast. Lisa met a neighbor's girl, gave money to her mother, and asked her to convey a request for forgiveness. The poor girl threw herself into the pond and drowned herself. The girl ran to the village for help, but Lisa could not be saved.

The mother could not bear the loss of Lisa and died of grief. The house in which they lived was empty. The peasants claimed that the hut was haunted.

The fate of Erast

Erast did not know happiness; all his life he blamed himself for Lisa’s death. He told the narrator the story of Lisa's tragic love.

This is where it ends brief retelling the story "Poor Liza", which includes only the most important events from full version works!

Not far from Moscow, near the Simonov Monastery, a girl named Lisa lived with her elderly mother. After the death of her father (a fairly rich villager), Lisa and her mother went broke. The mother became weaker and weaker every day, as a result of which she could not work. Only Liza, without sparing herself, worked for days - knitting, weaving, picking flowers and berries and selling them in Moscow.

One spring, a couple of years after her father’s death, Lisa went to sell flowers as usual.

A neat young man noticed her on the street and, learning that she was selling flowers, offered to pay her a ruble for them (instead of five kopecks), arguing that “beautiful lilies of the valley, plucked by the hands of a beautiful girl, are worth a ruble.” But she refused this price. The young man did not insist, but said that now he would buy flowers from her every day and would like his beloved to pick them just for him.

Returning home, Lisa told her mother everything, and the next day she picked the most beautiful flowers and went to the city again, but that day she never met the young man. Throwing lilies of the valley into the river, she went home in sadness. Another day, the young man himself appeared at Lisa’s house. As soon as she noticed him, Lisa immediately, worriedly, told her mother. Together they greeted Erast (that was his name), and they saw him as a good and very neat person. He agreed that in the future he would buy flowers from Lisa, and that he could come for them himself.

Erast was a fairly wealthy nobleman, with a kind soul and a good mind, but frivolous and weak. He led a reckless life, thinking only about the pleasures that he sought in secular amusements, and not finding them, he was sad and depressed about his fate. But Lisa, or rather her immaculate beauty, shocked him: he thought that he had found exactly what he had been trying to find all this time.

This is how their dates began. Every day they met in the grove or by the river, or under the oak trees. Their embrace was pure and virginal.

Weeks passed... It seemed that it was impossible to prevent their happiness. But one day Lisa came to the meeting in sadness. The son of a rich peasant is going to marry her, and her mother asks her to marry him. Erast, trying to console her, said that after her mother died, he would take her and live with her inseparably. But he cannot become her husband: he is a nobleman, and she is of a peasant family, said Lisa. Do not offend me, said Erast, for your comrade, the soul is more important, an innocent soul, so sensitive, you will always be the person closest to me. And she threw herself into his arms - the time for sin had come.

After a minute, her delusion passed, giving way to fear and amazement. Lisa began to cry as she said goodbye to him.

Their date continued, but everything changed. For Erast, Lisa was no longer that angel; feelings gave way to carnal love, which he was never “proud of.” But Lisa noticed this change, and it upset her.

One day, at their meeting, Erast told Lisa that he was being called to defend his homeland. After he returned, he promised her that they would never be separated again. It’s not hard to imagine how difficult it was for Liza to experience separation from Erast. But she did not lose hope, and every day Lisa woke up with the thought of their happiness and his return.

After a couple of months. Lisa, walking to Moscow, noticed Erast on the street passing in a carriage that was approaching a luxurious house. As soon as Erast got out of the carriage and was about to leave, he found himself in Lisa’s arms. He turned pale and led her silently into the office. The order has changed, I’m engaged, he told Lisa.

Before Lisa had time to come to her senses, she found herself on the street. She walked away, unable to believe what she heard. Lisa came to the shore of the pond, where the surrounding oak trees had, a few weeks ago, witnessed her delight. Lisa thought and went into herself. Noticing a neighbor's child, she gave him all the money and asked him to give it to his mother, saying that she would forgive the poor daughter. After which Lisa jumped into the water, no one could save her...

Lisa's mother died on the spot after learning what happened to her daughter. Erast remained unhappy for the rest of his life. He did not lie to Lisa that he was leaving for the army, but instead of defending his homeland, he lost his entire fortune at cards. And he had to marry an old rich widow who had been in love with him for a long time. Having learned about Lisa's death, he could not forgive himself and considered himself a murderer. Maybe they have made peace now.

Near Moscow, not far from the Simonov Monastery, a young individual named Lisa lived with her elderly mother. After the death of Liza's father, mother and daughter became completely impoverished. Due to the fact that mother was already quite old, she could not do practically any work and the entire household was run by her daughter Lisa. Lisa never complained and worked tirelessly with her tender young hands. In order to bring at least some money into the family, Lisa sold various things at the local market. In winter the girl sold hosiery, in spring snowdrops, and in summer berries.

One day Lisa once again went to the market to sell lilies of the valley. On this day, she met a young man, instead of the five kopecks that the girl asked for the flowers, the guy offered her a ruble - a rather large amount, it should be noted. But Lisa refused, the young man did not insist, but said that he would only buy flowers from Lisa.

Returning home, Lisa told her mother everything. Then in the morning I picked the most beautiful lilies of the valley and went to the market. But not finding a guy at the market, she was very upset and threw all the flowers into the water. But the next day, Lisa received an unexpected visit. The stranger came straight to her house. Lisa was very excited, so she immediately went to her mother. Mother met the uninvited guest and noted that he turned out to be a very pleasant person. The heroine also learned the name of the guest. His name was Erast. Erast said that he would go straight to the girl’s house to pick up flowers so that she would no longer go to the market.
The girl’s beauty and innocence struck the young man’s heart like arrows, and this is how their emotional long-term meetings began. Every evening they met near the river bank, in a birch grove or under a mighty oak tree. These evenings were so warm and pleasant, Erast and Lisa, already in love with each other, sat, hugged, discussed various topics or simply remained silent, enjoying each other.

Unfortunately, the lovers' happiness did not last long. A few weeks later, the girl came to Erast in sadness. She was very upset. When the guy asked what happened, Lisa replied that she had been matched with a local groom and that they had no right to refuse. Erast consoled Lisa, promising her that after the death of her mother, he would take the girl as his wife, but Lisa did not want to listen to this. After all, she knew that they could not be together, because... they are from different classes. Sadness overwhelmed them both. And in upset feelings they began to say goodbye, falling into each other's arms as if for the last time. Tears rolled down Lisa's cheeks; she did not want to part with Erast. She was in pain.

However, after this news, the date did not end, but Lisa never came to her senses, because she noticed a clear change in her beloved’s face; completely different feelings were already visible on it, not similar to those that had existed before.

On one of the subsequent dates, Erast said that they would have to separate for a while, because... he is taken into service. Erast promised to love and not forget Lisa, and she, in turn, vowed the same. Every morning and evening the heroine woke up and fell asleep with one thought, and she was only about one thing, to see him as soon as possible...

After two painful months, Lisa still saw Erast, but it was a completely joyless meeting. Erast drove up in a magnificent carriage to a large house. After the guy came out of her, he immediately felt a familiar embrace. But no emotions showed on his face; he told Lisa that he could no longer be with her, because... engaged to someone else.

Lisa, without having time to come to her senses, was escorted out of the courtyard by the servants. big house. With absolute emptiness in her soul, the girl wandered wherever her eyes were looking. She walked for a long time, calmly, without hurrying. Until I found myself at a beautiful deep pond. There was not a soul around, only a few oak trees witnessed this incident. Lisa thought for a long time, after which, having met a neighbor’s girl, she gave her all her money and asked her to give it to her mother with a plea for forgiveness and a tender kiss. Immediately after this, Lisa sank forever deep to the bottom of the pond, it was impossible to save her.

Lisa's mother, having learned about her daughter's suicide, died on the spot, Erast lived an unhappy life with an old widow and the thought that he was a murderer. He didn’t deceive Lisa about the army, but instead of serving, he just lost his entire fortune at cards, after which he was forcibly engaged to his future wife, an old woman.