Rules for training a German Shepherd. How to properly train a German Shepherd puppy at home: the basics of teaching commands. Now is the best time for training

22.03.2022 Hypertension

Few members of the canine family display the same grace and majesty as German Shepherds. Apart from being one of the most loyal dog breeds, they are also known as dogs that generally enjoy being trained. Since German Shepherds have all of these traits, being extremely intelligent, athletic and helpful, they are versatile and easy to train animals.


Training a German Shepherd puppy

    Training your German Shepherd puppy should begin when it is 8 weeks old. Although any German Shepherd is easy to train, it is a strong and powerful animal. So if you start working with a puppy, you will have the opportunity to shape his character and personality in advance, and develop your relationship.

    • If it so happens that you have an older dog, then adults can also be effectively trained.
    • German Shepherds can be very protective of their family members, so you should socialize your puppy from an early age to get him used to interacting with a wide range of people and animals.
  1. Begin to carefully treat your puppy's paws, ears, tail, etc. for future vet visits and care in the future.

    He will become a large dog, and you will need to prepare him while he is small for nail trims, ear cleanings, temperature checks, and other procedures. These procedures are difficult to perform if your subject is an adult German Shepherd. Start training your puppy with basic commands.

    You need to teach them to sit, stand, and learn the command “toe!” in addition to home training. Your puppy will not understand your commands instantly. Be patient with your dog if he doesn't immediately do exactly what you tell him to do. Use treats and praise to reinforce commands.

    German Shepherds love to learn and will be highly motivated if rewarded with treats. Pet your puppy while he eats until he stops stiffening and stops eating because of it. If the puppy freezes in place, stops eating or growls, then you will have to immediately deal with this manifestation of aggression.

    • Teach your puppy that people putting food in his bowl while he eats is not a threat. Start with a few large pieces (or whatever you usually feed your dog) in a bowl, and add food so that the puppy associates people near the food bowl with something good.
  2. Manage aggression by removing the food bowl and replacing it with hand feeding. The puppy will have to earn every bite of food by following the “sit” command or any other. In this case, there will be no bowl to guard.

    • Once your puppy becomes more confident and behaves appropriately around food, you can return the plate or bowl, but continue hand feeding in the presence of the bowl or plate and do not place food directly on the plate yet.
    • Make the bowl something small. If a piece of food falls on it, let your puppy pick it up and praise him. Then feed him again near the bowl. There won't always be food in the bowl. Gradually increase the amount of food you throw into the bowl while you sit or stand next to your puppy. The puppy will soon learn that your presence near the bowl means food and pleasant things, and not that he needs to protect the bowl.
    • You can also add fried to the bowl chicken breast, if your pup seems like he needs more reassurance that you're bringing great things to the bowl.
    • If at any time you feel in danger, STOP. Contact a professional trainer immediately to prevent harm to yourself, any family members, especially your child. Property guarding can be a very serious sign of fear aggression, and if you notice this in your puppy, it needs to be addressed as quickly as possible to avoid escalation.
  3. Use feeding time as training time. You can gradually start asking the puppy to look at you for more food, then sit and wait for more food, and so on... People control the food and reward the puppy for good behavior.

    Wean your puppy off giving treats for following commands. After your puppy has improved his commands, start giving treats not every time, so that you do not develop a dog that only obeys for food. You will continue to praise your dog, just don't offer him a treat every time. If you are working on speeding up the response, add treats again to shape the behavior until the dog has mastered the skill. Then start using treats as a reward only for outstanding performance.

    There is no need to cause fear in the puppy. Don't yell at the puppy. Learn to recognize when your patience is running out and end the training process on a cheerful note. Your dog can sense your frustration through your body language and tone of voice. Try it another day when you're both fresh.

    • If you continue to have problems, contact a professional trainer.
  4. Enroll your German Shepherd puppy in basic or puppy training school. Typically, as the puppy learns its first commands, one of the adult family members becomes responsible for training. Later, when the puppy understands commands well, other family members can participate in formal training. It is important for a dog to understand that it is not just one specific person in the family that needs to obey.

    • Your puppy should be 8-10 weeks old and begin his first grade vaccination series. There are puppy schools designed for puppies that have not yet completed all their vaccinations. The school has certain entry requirements and you will most likely need proof of vaccinations.

    Training an adult German Shepherd

    1. Start by teaching your dog the basics. German Shepherds are not necessarily any different from other dogs when it comes to training. If your dog doesn't know simple commands like sit and foot, then you should start with these.

      • It's important to start training by building trust between you and your dog. Keep training sessions fun and short, with breaks in between sessions for your dog to play and drink.
    2. Use food, praise, and toys as motivators. Food is a powerful motivator for most dogs. Other dogs, especially those with a highly developed prey drive, also respond well to toys as rewards. In any case, praise in addition to a reward is very meaningful to the dog, as it communicates that he has followed commands well.

      • The timing of the reward is extremely important. Your praise and reward should follow at intervals of 2-3 seconds after the behavior you sought. If the dog does anything else between the required behavior and the reward, then you are rewarding him for the last action he performed. For example, if you want to teach the "sit" command, praise and treats should be given to the dog while he is sitting with all his paws on the ground. If you give praise/treats when one paw is raised or the dog begins to stand, then you are rewarding the dog for the most recent action.
      • Treats should be given in small portions and be tasty. Consider three types of treats: low, medium, and high value treats. Keep this in your arsenal to help your dog understand commands. When they first teach a new command, you may need a medium to high value treat to get things moving, and give one for each success. Once they understand the command better, begin to gradually move to low value treats. You can always return to a higher value treat any time you want your dog to do something extraordinary that you want him to remember and repeat over and over again.
      • Gradually, you will move away from treats and begin to praise more as the dog's behavior becomes more even. You don't want to raise a dog that will work for food and ignore you the rest of the time. This could develop into a dangerous situation.
    3. Consider click training. Click training is a training method where the dog learns to associate the sound of a click with a positive “reward” for behavior. You start making clicking sounds while the dog eats the best treat, and so on until he understands that the clicking sound means “very good.” Once this association is established in the dog's mind, you can create or "shape" any behavior by clicking when the dog does what you ask. You can click faster than you would if you praised or treated your dog, so the clicks are an instant reward for the dog, and you can give him a treat after the click. Click training is an incredible way to train dogs as they learn quickly due to instantaneous responses to actions.

      Continuous training sessions should not exceed 20 minutes. For small puppies, these sessions can be even shorter (5-10 minutes). Several short training sessions are usually much more effective than one long one, especially for puppies under 6 months of age. Their attention span is very short and puppies get tired; you'll wear out your patience trying to train a tired puppy. Training should be fun and positive to ensure maximum responsiveness from the dog. Between sessions, play with your puppy and help him understand that people are funny and “activities” don’t last all the time.

    Studying Dog Training

    1. Collect general information about dog training. Start educating yourself so you can train your puppy properly while avoiding the most common training mistakes. There are many dog ​​training methods available, and some will work better for you and your pet than others. Every dog ​​is unique, as is the trainer, so learning the basics of canine behavior and training fundamentals will give you the proper foundation to understand your pet's training process. Neither method is “perfect,” so your research will help you decide which one to choose. All dog training methods rely only on positive training techniques, as opposed to those that use a balance of positive and negative reinforcement. You might even try a method and realize you don't get the results you want and choose another one. An experienced trainer can help resolve your obstacles.

      • Read books about training. There are some good books, such as Don't Yell at Your Dog by Karen Prior, or Getting Started: Dog Click Training by Karen Prior, The Power of Positive Dog Training by Pat Miller, 25 Stupid Mistakes Dog Owners Make by Jenny Adams, " The Art of Raising a Puppy by New Hermitage Monk, How to Become Your Dog's Best Friend by New Hermitage Monk, and Mental Perception of Sounds: How to Shape, Train, and Change Your Dog's Training by Gale A. Clark.
      • Watch a video about training techniques. There are plenty of dog training videos online, just make sure the ones you choose are from training experts.

is the most popular dog breed in the world. Everyone knows and loves these dogs, because they have a lot good qualities : loyalty, very high level of intelligence, activity and much more.

They also have excellent learning ability; Germans are very trainable. This is mainly why this breed is most often used as service dogs: in the police, as rescuers, as guide dogs.

To puppy training was successful, the dog will need motivation, without it there is no way, the puppy will not understand why he needs to do the tasks. At first, he follows commands in order to get something tasty or to hear praise addressed to him.

Needs motivation Right and for this there is a reward scheme - one treat, three praises. Praise is the owner's emotion towards the dog. The sooner you find effective motivation, the faster and more successful your pet’s training will be.

For better progress, the eared dog must be in good health, he must not want to sleep, he must not be hungry or, on the contrary, not too full.

In no case it is forbidden! use physical force as motivation, then the dog will be intimidated or aggressive.

Keep an eye on your pet. Find out what he likes most and what he doesn't. Since you may not notice that, for example, he does not like to overcome high obstacles, but likes to run after some object.

Subsequently, you will overtake obstacles, thereby only angering the puppy. Do things with him that he loves while he's little. This is the same child who likes to do what he likes more. When he grows up, you can move on to the same obstacles.

Where to start training at home?

Initially, the baby cannot find out basics of training, these are the commands: “Come to me!”, “Place!”, “Ugh!”. He must know his own and be able to respond to it. These are the most first commands for a puppy, so be patient and, remember, without aggression with treats and praise.

If you absolutely do not know how to approach this matter and where to start, then you can hire a training specialist. He will teach the dog commands and you will see how it should be done.

Let's imagine that your pet is 2 months old, or maybe he is already a little older, and you have begun to learn the first commands. Just a piece of advice, don’t constantly repeat the same command, alternate.

All start with the game. Run after each other, then stop and command “Come to me!” (gesture, hit your leg with your palm), if the puppy did not understand you and did not react in any way, do not worry, this is his first command. Continue running again, then again the same command and he runs towards you, here you can have him start biting you, when he starts biting harder, then immediately the command “Ugh!” And so on.

Also used for training:

  1. Noose- needed both for mastering commands and for everyday wear while walking. Can be made of metal chain, synthetic material or leather. Adult pets are put on metal nooses with links longer than 5 cm - this prevents fraying of the fur.
  2. Parfors- equipped with spikes directed towards the animal’s neck. It is used exclusively for mastering commands and cannot be worn without taking it off. Wearing such an attribute is only permissible for adult pets; you should not wear a strict collar on puppies.
  3. Electroshock- an electrical impulse is supplied using a remote control in the owner’s hands, and the discharge power is adjusted on it. In most cases it is used to correct behavior.

It is better to study the “Place” command at home or, if you have a house with a plot, about . In general, close to the place where he will sleep.

After 3-4 months, you can teach him more: “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Voice!”, “Near!”, “Take!”.

Command data better study not only in play, since a German shepherd is still a serious dog and will not play all its life. Study 50/50, through play and purposefully.

Well, after 7 months the dog is trained to overcome obstacles: “Barrier!”, “Aport!”, “Give!”.

But Be reasonable and do not overload the puppy’s still fragile joints with jumping.

Don't forget about care for the dog. After training, she, like a person, is also very hot and tired, so after each training, take a bath of warm water and wash your pet thoroughly.

If a puppy bites, what should you do?

Also, there is one important point in raising a fluffy, like weaning him from biting and barking. When the puppy is small, for about 1.5-4 months he bites playfully, not on purpose.

Not worth it hit the dog for biting, try to scold it and send it to its place, or grab it by the jaw, and when it starts to whine, let go.

It is also necessary as often as possible train the command “Fu!” so that the puppy understands what is and is not allowed and when he begins to cross the boundaries. After studying this command, he should not cross these boundaries. Do as described above and he will not bite you.

So that the dog doesn't rushed at strangers, in training you need to use one or more opponents. First, play out the situation when you need to bite (if suddenly there is a clear danger from the person), then play out when it’s impossible (people are just passing by), then study the command “Ugh!”

It is better that different people participate in these two scenes, since the German has a good sense of smell and memory.

Important so that the pet has something to chew on: toys or special treats.

Don't show him that you are afraid of him, you need to show yourself as a leader. You shouldn't let your pet chew on your personal belongings, they smell like you, and if they can chew on your shoes, why can't they bite you?

Additional commands

Commands that can still be taught to a puppy are very good in order to make life easier and understand each other: “Give me your paw!”, “Voice!”, “Quiet!”, “Walk!”, “ Wait!”, “Front!”, “Left!”, “Right!”, “Back!”, “Turn!”

Useful video

Commands for a puppy

The German Shepherd is very beautiful and good dog who has excellent intelligence. With its help, she is perfectly trainable. Teaching it is not so difficult if you have theoretical knowledge. You need to start training at about 2 months, with basic commands. In order for the dog to be obedient, you will have to show fortitude, but with proper upbringing in adulthood, he will be an excellent companion.

The German Shepherd is an almost universal dog breed with great intelligence. She is easy to train, so even a beginner in dog breeding can train with her, having studied the training instructions in detail in advance. Read about how to properly train a German Shepherd and raise a puppy in a detailed review below.

German Shepherds behave boldly, decisively and confidently in any situation. It is very difficult to knock them off balance; they are always in control of the situation. A German Shepherd will make an excellent protector, guard, guide and simply a loyal friend. If the owner is in danger, the pet will rush to defense without hesitation and will fight to the last strength.

A lively mind allows the dog to quickly remember commands and even make decisions on its own. Given these qualities, training a German Shepherd at home can give excellent results.

Germans . A private house the site will always be under the supervision of a furry guard; not a single stranger will sneak into the territory. Strangers arouse suspicion in the dog even after the owner has made it clear that the new person is not dangerous.

Important! Taking into account the innate skills of German Shepherds, they are bred specifically for service and investigative activities.

Raising a puppy

From the very first days after arriving in a new home, you should begin raising a German Shepherd puppy and accustom it to the rules of behavior. He should not immediately be allowed to do those things that are unacceptable for the owner (for example, jumping on the sofa, bed).

How to raise a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, he is accustomed to. At the age of two to four months, the puppy is accustomed to its place.

From the age of two months he is carefully accustomed to a leash and collar. You cannot use violence, everything should be smooth and gentle. Every day they put a collar on him and he walks around with it for a while.

At first fifteen minutes, and every day add a little time. At the same time, they are sure to praise. After the baby gets used to the collar, he is taught to use a leash. Every day the puppy and I walk around the apartment a little on a leash. It is necessary to accustom your pet to a muzzle in the same way.

While the puppy is not walking outside, he goes to the toilet at home. After eating, sleeping and playing, be sure to take your baby to this place. As soon as he goes to the toilet in the diaper, reward him.

And after quarantine, they begin to take the puppy for walks. After getting used to the collar and leash, they go outside with it. The baby is slowly taken away from prohibited places on a leash.

Starting from three months, the walking distance can be increased to four kilometers. During walks, the puppy is taught to be indifferent to passers-by, cars, and children. In order for the baby to get used to the sounds of the street, he is taken to crowded places (gradually moving to busier streets).

If a city has a clearing for walking dogs, that's just great. There you can let your puppy off the leash so that he can frolic and play with his friends.

The puppy must be accustomed to being examined so that later at the veterinarian he will feel calm. To do this, regularly examine your pet yourself. Look at your teeth and ears calmly and carefully.

How to train a German Shepherd?

Start training the puppy from three months.

Attention! Classes are held regularly and last no more than two hours.

How to train a German Shepherd correctly? The owner must adhere to basic principles of successful training:

  • accurate execution of a command is followed by praise and encouragement;
  • the command is voiced once, accompanied by a gesture;
  • sequence of giving an order and demonstrating a gesture;
  • the first time you practice in a familiar place, then you can change the environment;
  • presence of a positive attitude between the owner and the puppy;
  • The lesson ends with the command that the puppy performs better than others.

The sequence is different for each dog and owner. How to train a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, the puppy masters the command “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” These commands are simply necessary for a calm walk. includes the following:

  • "Near!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Stand!";
  • "Give!";
  • "Walk!";
  • “Aport!”;
  • "Fas!"

Reward and Punishment

They reward the pet with treats, stroking and approval from the owner. As a treat, high-quality dry food that does not get your hands dirty is suitable. They also now sell special biscuits for dogs.

Important! Cruel physical punishment is strictly prohibited. You can't hit a dog.

Violence will only breed violence and cowardice. You can punish a puppy with a light spank or a slap on the withers, and you can also take offense at it. Dogs want to please their owner, and his resentment will definitely have an effect on the pet.

Significant errors

During upbringing and training, you need to avoid mistakes in order to ultimately get a cultured and balanced pet.

Attention! You should not confuse the concepts of “education” and “training” and start doing something earlier or later than the required time.

There are owners who believe that it is enough to feed and walk the dog, and the pet will grow up well-mannered. This is a completely false statement. The puppy needs a lot of time and regular exercise. Only then will you get a cultural friend. You can't ignore your furry friend. He needs attention, otherwise an affectionate and gentle dog child will grow into an aggressive pet.

List of main mistakes in education and training:

  • cruel punishments;
  • irregularity of training;
  • insufficient attention to the puppy;
  • little physical and mental stress;
  • allowing the unacceptable;
  • inconsistency in prohibitions.

Proper upbringing and competent training will turn a small German Shepherd puppy into a balanced and obedient pet that will delight its owner for many years to come.

Additionally, check out the video, which describes in detail how to raise and train a German Shepherd:

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds. This animal is very smart and devoted to its owner. Her inherent intelligence and natural instinct characterize her not only as the best watchman, but also as a friend of the owner.

She is easy to handle in terms of education and training. It is inherent in nature that the German Shepherd compliantly indulges in these processes even at home, provided that the rules are followed by the owner himself.

German Shepherd training

This breed of dog is popular not only as a pet. This the best watch dogs. They are also specially raised and trained to be involved in operational search activities.

In particular, one of these dogs, Dzhulbars, was awarded a medal “for military merit” during the Great Patriotic War.

Characteristics of the “German”

This breed of dog is usually called " universal" It is marked by a complex of its own merits, unique to it, namely:

  • Even a beginner can train such a dog. A person who has not done this before, but strictly follows the recommendations and instructions from training, will go through this path with a shepherd without problems.
  • An extremely intelligent animal. He easily accepts all commands and is ready to make decisions independently.
  • "Watchman No. 1." So this is the real truth. This animal is extremely intuitive. It senses the approaching danger and is ready to be the first to defend its owners. You don't need to issue a command to do this. The dog itself senses the approaching threat.

Choosing a puppy and raising it

If your choice fell on this breed, then you should get it at the earliest favorable period of the dog's life. It is recommended to take the baby at the age of 1-2 months. So that he does not become attached to the previous owner, since they become attached to people very quickly.

What to consider when choosing a puppy

  1. Pedigree;
  2. Physical condition of the animal.

When choosing a puppy, be sure to ask for documents and health certificates. If you are purchasing a dog for your own pleasure, have no commercial purpose and no desire to participate in an exhibition, then pedigree is not important to you.

But in any case, make sure the dog is healthy. Examine her; if necessary, you can contact a veterinarian who will give qualified assessment of the dog's condition.

Basic rules for training a German Shepherd at home

You have adopted this wonderful puppy into your home, remember that in the future you want to have disciplined dog. Therefore, it is worth thinking about training a shepherd dog from the very first days.

Discipline. Often you want to allow a little one more than he can, because he is so cute. But if you teach your dog to lie on the sofa from a young age, he will behave the same way when he grows up. From the first day, do not allow actions that will be opposed in the future.

Courtesy. Treat yourself with care little puppy, guide him and praise him for all the right things. Don't rush to be strict. First use the commands in the form of a game. Your dog feels everything, he is like a child. Praise when she goes to the toilet in the designated area, when she eats, and so on.

Mode and order. Feed him from his bowl at the same time. Set aside a separate place for this. So that you don’t have to collect scraps all over the house in the future.

German Shepherd training

How to train a German Shepherd? It is necessary to start training and education from the first days in the house. Gradually, as you perceive it according to age.

1−2 month

First of all, where to start is habituation to the nickname. The basic rule: do not twist the name, always call the same so that the dog learns to respond to it.

Gradually get used to the collar, leash and muzzle. The puppy should get used to this from a young age so that no difficulties arise in the future. You just need to do this extremely carefully. Wear the collar starting from a few minutes a day. Subsequently, you also practice with the leash, walking around the apartment.

At first, when the little one has not yet been vaccinated, walks are prohibited. Therefore, he will go to the toilet at home. Try to maintain discipline in this too. After feeding or drinking, take him to the place where he needs to relieve himself.

If you see that a little one has shitted himself in the middle of the apartment, you can lightly poke him with his nose, pointing to the place where he should go to the toilet. But do this immediately after he shits himself. If this happened a long time ago, and you just noticed it, then you should not use this technique. He simply won't understand what you want from him.

2−4 months

Now you can train yourself to do the basics teams. It is important not to forget that:

During this period, the puppy learns the following commands:

"To me". When you give the command, hold something tasty for the dog. She should be encouraged to follow commands to the point of full production.

"Place". To teach your dog to master this command, do the following. In the place where you send the dog, that is, the place where she will sleep, put something tasty for her, for example, a bone. Over time, the baby himself will run after your team without encouragement. Send your baby to his place when you leave home.

“Ugh”, “No way”

This team is no less important than the others. But giving her trace is more strict. After all, this is your prohibitive reaction to certain actions of the dog. Say this in a stern, raised tone and lightly spank the baby.

Developing all these basic commands at home will make it possible to calmly go for walks and continue to master the commands on the street.

4 months

After 4 months, the shepherd dog is taught commands that develop endurance. As in previous cases, accustoming to new commands should be accompanied by encouragement in the form of something tasty.

During this period, the owners teach the puppy the commands “near”, “sit”, “lie”. The dog must follow these commands until the owner gives the command to “walk”. The training should be carried out starting from a few seconds, gradually increasing.

Along with this training, you can perform exercises with obstacles. But don't overdo it. The baby is still quite fragile.

On a walk in game form Throw the stick further away from you and ask him to bring it. The shepherd will want to please and will bring it to you with joy. Necessarily for this she should be praised.

Training is best done daily. You must devote time to your beloved animal. The main thing is not to delay the start of training. You should start while the shepherd is small, then everything is perceived and remembered better. Training and daily routine are a dog’s way of life. If you don’t ask it right away, she will get used to something else, and retraining is always harder.

How long will it take to train a German Shepherd puppy?

From two to twelve months, the German Shepherd requires close attention. attention from your side.

What your adult and mature dog will be like depends on this period.

That is, depending on how hardy and calm you are, you can raise a dog like that.

How to raise a guard dog

By nature, this dog has the ability to protect. She devotes herself fully to this work and is one of the best security guards.

To raise a shepherd dog to be a real watchman, you must also introduce certain restrictions. This applies to strangers. When you have guests over or you meet someone on the street, do not allow contact with the dog. All sorts of stroking and playing with strangers teaches the dog to be nice to everyone. You can't raise a watchman that way. In the presence of strangers, give the command "near". The dog should sit next to you and protect you. In this case, you will raise a real guard dog that will not let anyone stranger through even a step.

The exception is family members. Shepherd - very friendly dog. He is favorable to all family members. He especially loves children, and they love him. Playing together, they have a lot of fun, but this does not affect the violation of discipline. Your dog will be very happy about this.

How to punish correctly

In no case it is forbidden beat the shepherd. You can give orders accompanied by light pats, but no physical force. If you hit your dog, he will most likely be a coward.

Will be effective as punishment resentment owner. The Shepherd tries most of all to please its owner. Therefore, your offense will be a good lesson for them.

The most common mistakes in parenting

Everyone dreams that the acquired puppy will grow into a big, smart and balanced dog. Which one will strictly follow commands and adhere to discipline. However, some people hope for it, but do not put as much effort and attention.

For example, a simple dog is fed and walked, and only occasionally trained. Complete chaos at home, the dog sleeps and eats wherever he pleases. It is not surprising that such a dog behaves inappropriately on the street. How to prevent such a situation? Here, in fact, everything depends only on the owner. There are a number of mistakes that will prevent you from raising a shepherd dog properly. Namely:

  • · Use of physical punishment. We are not talking about light spanks with which you are simply trying to draw the puppy’s attention to his bad behavior. We are talking about hard power techniques.
  • · Rare workouts. Training should not be done when you want, but constantly during the formation period.
  • · Lack of attention from the owners. From the moment you get a puppy, you must take care of it. If you want a devoted dog, be sure to give him attention from a young age and constantly.
  • · Insufficient amount of mental and physical exercise. A dog will become cultured and well-mannered only if its owner teaches it.
  • · Stability in prohibitions. If you do not allow your dog to climb onto the sofa, then this prohibition should be permanent, without exception to the rules. After all, when you are unstable in your position, the dog will also not learn to steadily fulfill this or any other requirement.

How to care for a German Shepherd

This animal unassumingly under supervision and is no different in this from other animals.

In the first months it requires vaccinations. Therefore, the owner must:

  • get the necessary vaccinations to avoid your dog’s health problems;
  • stick to your diet. The dog should be given food at the same time and in the same place. Babies are fed three times a day. It is enough to feed an adult shepherd 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • keep the area where your shepherd sleeps clean. Periodically bathe the animal in special shampoos or laundry soap. Brush the fur accordingly. When your animal is well-groomed and does not create discomfort in the house.

It can be concluded that the German Shepherd itself naturally has the most favorable conditions for education and training. With the right approach to an animal, you can raise a true, intelligent friend and guard. But at the same time, you should put in a little effort. But he who loves his dog will make it a pleasure.