Water spell for acne. Acne conspiracy - how to read, examples of conspiracies. Zagrels against acne on the face

15.05.2022 Hypertension

Without exception, all people want to have healthy, beautiful skin, they want to look great in order to make a good impression on others.

Pimples on the face can ruin your entire look, especially when there are more than a few of them. There are many ways to get rid of this problem, including folk conspiracies.

The anti-acne spell is a time-tested method. It will definitely help cleanse your face and heal your skin from rashes without the help of any medications.

A conspiracy is an oral type of magical influence, which makes it possible to influence the people around us, the world. Some believe in the power of magic, others do not, but it cannot be denied that such rituals regarding cleansing and healing are highly effective. Before using spells, it is better to remember a couple of simple rules that professional magicians never neglect.

There's no need to be afraid negative consequences conspiracies, because you use folk remedies to combat an illness, and this is always considered a good goal.

You will have a clean face and healthy skin

When reading a strong conspiracy against acne, be sure to believe in its miraculous power, in obtaining the desired result without consequences. It is best to read conspiracies on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday.

Strong conspiracy against acne using pure spring water is one of the most popular. Magic words are pronounced on the water in any container.

“Acne” spell with water

“May my face be like a mirror surface, like mother water, pure and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day forward and for all the bright ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."
the body is smooth, the skin is clean. Grass, bend down, juice, run out, wound, heal! Just as a clean person reaches out to the sun like a flower, so its purity will remain with me forever. While the cleanliness blooms, all my filth will go away. Amen."

Pour the charmed water in a thin stream onto the palm of your left hand, and then wash your face with it. Similar actions must be carried out every night for three days.

A simple conspiracy against acne is associated with horsetail. This plant has not only magical, but also healing properties. It will be a wonderful tool in the fight against acne, pimples and pimples.

A simple magical ritual will get rid of any rashes on your face. For this, a suffering person needs warm baths with horsetail. And also because this plant is not devoid of silica, which has a number of healing properties that relieve lichen, acne and ulcers. Add 500 grams of horsetail, previously evaporated with two liters of boiled water, to the bath.

Before taking a bath, read “Our Father” three times, and when you are in the water, read the spell.

Plot "For acne" on horsetail

“I take a cleansing bath, rid my body of infection, rid my skin of (acne, ulcers or other problem). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen."
God (name), did not want, did not want any trap, no potion, no dope. Roll down, fall down. I will give you a funeral service for the dope with all the saints. The cross is holy, the dope is removed, the cross is strong. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The benefits of a herbal bath enhanced by white magic will appear very soon.

At the heart of many folk remedies lie the memory properties of water known to us. Our ancestors relied on them, drawing up various conspiracies on the water. Folk remedies are used all over the world to this day.

There are a number of certain conditions that must be met in order for water to help cleanse the skin of your face. For example, if you decide to fight acne, then the water needs to be charged with a certain energy.

In order for acne treatment with the help of spells to be successful, a person needs to focus entirely on his own problem while performing the appropriate rituals. The next condition is the need to drain the used water into one container. After which you need to go outside to pour it out at three different intersections.

For example, the following ritual is effective: you need to pour water into a 2-liter wide bowl, then bend over it and repeat the words of the spell three times.

“From acne” spell on a bowl

“As the holy face is pure, so may my face be pure from now on! Amen."
my, my archangel, save my soul, strengthen my heart; enemy Satan, give up on me. I am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on the angel with the cross, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Wash your face with the enchanted water several times a day - and soon you will forget about your previous problem.

No one gives a 100% guarantee that all folk remedies will immediately make acne disappear, but it’s worth a try.

Several more popular methods of magical treatment are associated with food:

Touch all problem areas of the skin with a piece of bread, and then give it to the dog, preferably a stray. In this case, you need to say magic words.

“Acne” spell for bread

“The hungry dog ​​ran and licked all my sores. She ate every single one of them and removed them from my body. Amen. Amen. Amen."
evening - Maremyana, take away my choking and cough, and carry them far beyond the ocean-sea. Across the sea and ocean you will be warmly received and there is something cooked and baked for you. Amen."

Cut the potato into two parts. Rub the pimples with them, imagining that the potato manages to absorb all the negativity from the skin. Then connect the potato halves, place them in the center of a white sheet of paper, salt well and wrap. This package must be thrown into the fire and the pre-learned text of the plot must be said three times.

“Acne” spell for potatoes

“Burn, burn, burn my pimples in the fire. Amen."
field, wide field. In that field there are seven lush bushes, and under them sit seven fat cats. The first six cats are all gray, and under the last bush sits a black cat. Cat, you cat, gnaw out a hernia from the servant of God (name), gnaw out all twelve hernias. Inguinal hernia, erectile hernia. An ocular hernia, a frontal hernia, a spot, and a spot. Ulnar, cephalic, testicular hernia. Hernia is cardiac, popliteal, and subcardiac. Red hernia, black hernia, yellow hernia, white hernia. All gnaw out hernias. Which ones she just said, and which ones she didn’t say. You, cat, eat all the hernias, eat them, bite them, so that I don’t hurt, ache, or gnaw. From this hour, and from my order, and from my strong slander. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen."

There will be no punishment for using such conspiracies, because they belong to white magic and are aimed at helping. But if you are still oppressed by thoughts of retribution for turning to magical powers, give alms to the poor, and the debt to the powerful forces of the Universe will be repaid.

Before reading the conspiracy for skin problems, this powerful miraculous prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky for acne and skin diseases can help solve many skin problems without black and white magic. What kind of means and methods have people tried to use to treat problems with the skin of the face and body, but the result is either not quite what they expected, or skin treatment with the help of folk remedies or pharmaceutical ointments, it lasts for a long time. And okay, if the result pleases you, then you won’t mind the money spent, but as a rule cosmetical tools for problem skin they do not solve the problem. It is at such moments, when there is a lot of money and folk recipes to bring the skin back to normal and get rid of all its problems, it has been tried and failed, many people turn to magic and start read the most powerful conspiracies for skin problems or Orthodox prayers that make the skin clean and healthy . One of these prayers for a clean face and body is prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky, relieving acne and skin diseases . Someone reads a prayer for an ointment or cream for acne and then applies the prayed cream to problem skin in the morning and rejoices at the result. There are also those who simply go to church and read this prayer there - a conspiracy on the same day and get rid of all skin problems. It can take a long time read reviews of those who were helped by prayer - a conspiracy for skin diseases , or you can just go to the temple and pray after reading this prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy :

O great servant of God, O great miracle worker,

holy and righteous Artemis, earthly cherub,

heavenly man, companion of angels, heavenly inhabitant!

Look down from the heights of heaven with your bright eye and send down upon us the rays of God's grace.

Lamp, kindled by God, with your holy prayers the darkness of our sins has been kindled,

ask the Father of lights for the light of grace for our souls, to become a quick helper and intercessor for all the faithful.

Everyone, with faith, come prayerfully under the roof of your protection and ask the Lord for your intercession,

Whenever we help, we receive God’s mercy and are not deprived of the desires of our hearts,

but asks for grace and accepts the gift for the benefit of the petition. You are, righteous Artemy,

Vertograd planted by God, in which there is a healthy flower,

prosperity, and many will be healed from the green shaking illness.

Oh, since many of your miraculous help have made the blindness see, the deaf have received hearing,

Chromia jumped up and walked, the weak received the action of his hands,

filled with madness, strengthened with relaxation in the veins,

you have corrected yourself in the misfortune and healed those who suffered harm!

Having also driven away the filthiness of demons with your prayer,

and other unhealed illnesses were resolved.

Thus, holy and righteous Artemy, is always merciful to everyone.
We will honestly celebrate your holy memory from generation to generation,

glorifying Christ the Lord, who glorified you,

To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship,

with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

now and ever and unto endless ages of ages.


© Copyright: Magician


  • You can quickly get rid of blemishes and pimples on your face if you read the spell on a clean face. The plot will clear your face of acne, blackheads and red pimples in a week, leaving your facial skin clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of former problem skin. The most powerful spell for facial beauty should be read using a specially prepared decoction in which you need to wipe the skin on your face 2 times a day for 7 days. This easy and effective beauty ritual will leave your facial skin clean and beautiful. A charmed decoction can cleanse the entire skin of the face, restoring the tone and oiliness of the skin. Ready? The plot given here will help you quickly cleanse the skin on your face using ancient healer remedies for problem skin.

  • The sorceress decided to grow her hair with the help of magic and her grandmother’s old spell to speed up hair growth several times. In addition, the words of this conspiracy perfectly strengthen the hair on the head, making the hairstyle more voluminous and voluminous. If you want to increase the length of your hair on your own and very quickly, as the magician did, prepare a decoction according to the recipe and on the waxing moon and read the spell for it on long hair. Every evening, as soon as the moon comes into the sky, rinse your hair with the enchanted decoction and rejoice in the growth, beauty and strength of your hair.

  • The magic of beauty and this conspiracy to induce beauty for a period of a year will help you enhance your beauty and attractiveness for other people, especially men. The magician performs this ritual every year since childhood and it has become a part of life. Knowing this conspiracy on female beauty and attractiveness, girls and women will enjoy increased attention from men, men literally “lose their heads” and are ready to do anything if only you pay attention to them, believe me, it’s worth it to cast a beauty love spell on your own once a year right at home. And now the Magician will tell you how you can enhance your beauty and become attractive to others. The plot should be read under the old New Year, on the morning of January 30, without getting out of bed when you woke up, say the words of the beauty spell:

  • Today I will tell you how to quickly make yourself beautiful and attractive with a conspiracy, so that everyone with whom you communicate treats you with love and you are in the favor, honor and respect of any person. The effect of the conspiracy lasts only 1 day, but if desired, and it will definitely come, the ritual can be repeated at least daily. Don’t be afraid, this conspiracy is completely safe and has been tested more than once - my review of its action is the most positive. After this simple ritual for beauty and attractiveness, everyone with whom I started a conversation, men, women, and even the boss at work, was “crazy” about me. The reading of the plot is carried out in the morning at home - this is the simplest and most effective ritual inducing beauty and attractiveness, it should be done in the bathroom, standing under running water - in the shower, read the words of the plot:

  • Prayer to bring beauty to a person with the help of white magic is the easiest and safest way to bring beauty to yourself. When orthodox prayer If you read about the beauty of the face and body, you will very quickly gain beauty and become very beautiful and attractive to people. If you don’t like yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror or you need to make people and your loved one pay attention to you and you will seem the most beautiful to everyone, do not waste time and read the words of the prayer for the beauty of your face. This is all you need to do to become beautiful. You can pray for beauty at any time convenient for you, day or night. The lunar cycle has no effect on the effect of prayers that help you become the most beautiful. Text to read in church:

Absolutely everyone faces skin diseases, be it a tiny pimple or a non-healing ulcer. There are many treatment methods available, from simple tips and recommendations to complex procedures and months-long preventive courses. But it happens that no matter how many jars are in stock, no matter how many different remedies are tried, there is no result. In this case, you should turn to faith, ask for blessings to fight the disease and pray for healing, read a prayer for acne. When it comes to skin ailments, it is worth reading a prayer to Artemy Verkolsky, Dmitry Solunsky or Panteleimon.

Fighting skin diseases

Health is not something to joke about, so you should pay attention to even minor skin irritations. For the baptized, there are many ways to fight, for example, reading an Orthodox prayer to get rid of acne on the face. Prayer Appeal You can read it both in church and at home in front of the icon of the saint. It wouldn’t hurt to light a candle in church and ask for blessings for the treatment of skin diseases.

Many miraculous healings are associated with him, so they read to him strong prayer from acne on the face. The result of reading prayers to Artemy Verkolsky will only be if you turn to the saint sincerely and with faith. Prayer does not tolerate lies, you can confuse the words or read not a prayer at all, but say your own thoughts, it is important to do this with concentration. Therefore, it is advised to look at the icon, it helps to tune in to the request to the saint, to feel his presence.

Parents turn to the saint when they read a prayer for skin diseases in children. Kids cannot take care of themselves on their own, so they, like no one else, need the protection and support of their parents and the Lord.

Since skin diseases are the same diseases, prayer to all healing saints will help against acne. The Lord, like the Mother of God, has miraculous powers; it is in their power to help those who ask in any matter.

Prayers to Artemy Verkolsky for acne

O glorious servant of God, O great wonderworker, holy and righteous Artemy, earthly cherub, heavenly man, interlocutor of angels, heavenly inhabitant! Look down from the heights of heaven with your bright eye and send down upon us the rays of God's grace.

Lamp of God, kindled by your holy prayers the darkness of our sins, ask the Father of lights for the light of grace for our souls, a quick helper and intercessor for all the faithful. Everyone, with faith, come prayerfully under the roof of your protection and ask the Lord for your intercession, if we can help you, he gains God’s mercy and is not deprived of the desires of his heart, but asks for grace and accepts the gift for the benefit of the petition. You are, righteous Artemy, a city planted by God, in which there is a healthy flower, prosperity, and many will be healed from the green shaking ailment. Oh, if with your miraculous help you have made the blindness clear, the deafness has been strengthened, the lameness has been lifted up and walked, the infirmity has been accepted by the action of the hands, the madness has been awakened, the weakness in the veins has been strengthened, the congestion has been corrected, and the one who has suffered injuries has been healed! You also drove away the filthiness of the demons with your prayer, and resolved other unhealed illnesses.

Thus, holy and righteous Artemy, he is always merciful to everyone. For we also pray for God’s inscrutable goodness, may the Lord forgive us our debts, and may He preserve the Russian state in peace and prosperity, in strength and abundance, and may He strengthen the Orthodox faith, may He satisfy church schisms, and may He save all Orthodox Christians.

We will honestly celebrate your holy memory from generation to generation, glorifying Christ the Lord, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due, with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and to the endless ages of ages. Amen.

Oh, great servant of God, holy righteous Artemy, patron of the holy monastery, admiring your name and all Orthodox Christians, I strongly intercede for us to the Lord, great benefactor of the monks of your monastery living here and of all your miraculous relics flowing with faith and love to the race! Look mercifully at the wretched prayer of us, sinful and obscene slaves, and with your omnipotent intercession ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins, advancement in faith and piety, and protection from the machinations of the adversary who seeks to destroy us. Grant to the brotherhood of your monastery, from the eldest to the last, humility and meekness, all-hearted love and obedience, reverent, holy service and life, and in everything faithful and complacent fulfillment of monastic community, yes, working for the Lord unashamedly and burning in spirit in unceasing prayer for our living benefactors and the departed, let us appear as faithful servants of the Lord, doing good with the talents entrusted to us! Pray to the Lord, that the Orthodox Church of All Russia, like a well-planted garden, may bloom and bear fruit richly with the fruits of faith and piety! Pray to the Lord, that through the intercession and intercession of our Most Blessed Lady Theotokos, we may all live here a peaceful and God-pleasing life, and after a more peaceful death than Christians, we may be honored in the Most Glorious Kingdom with the mercy of the King of heaven and earth, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, glorifying Him now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor of those who flow to you with faith! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and to free us from the all-destroying plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to show mercy to this city, this monastery and every Christian country. Seeking from the King of the Reigns victory and victory over the enemies of our pious emperor, and for his entire power peace, silence, firmness in faith and success in piety; for us, who honor your honorable memory, ask for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that the gracious Master of our Christ God works here, we may be worthy through your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for His eternal glorification with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Panteleimon

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me.

Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I, healthy in soul and body, be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and be worthy of receiving a good end to my life.

Religious reading: prayer for getting rid of acne to help our readers.

Clean, beautiful and healthy skin is the dream of every person who takes care of their appearance. Currently, there are a huge variety of products, both medicinal and cosmetic. But such means are not always effective and therefore magical spells come to our aid.

Very often, acne, pimples and blackheads are the result of improper skin care. Along with these reasons, there are various diseases that lead your skin to a not very aesthetic appearance. What are the main reasons for the appearance of blackheads and pimples on the skin?

  1. Improper care;
  2. Poor nutrition;
  3. Stressful situations;

Often, even the newest products for the care of problem skin cannot cope with the task assigned to them.

A spell for acne on the face will help rid your skin of various skin problems. These include not only skin diseases, evil eyes, damage, but also various problems associated with adolescence.

Like many conspiracies aimed at getting rid of the disease, conspiracies against blackheads and various pimples are performed on the waning moon.

Chamomile decoction spell

For the ritual, you need to pour holy water into a ladle and prepare a decoction of chamomile, strain it and leave it overnight on the window.

In the morning, take new, never used scissors. Wipe them with water blessed in the church and dip them in an infused chamomile decoction. Next, you need to make cutting movements with scissors in the broth and repeat the following prayer:

“I remove and cut off the blackness from the Servant of God (name) from his face and body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The prayer is repeated exactly twelve times in a row. Then the scissors must be left in the charmed broth until the next morning. The next morning, the broth must be poured out and the instrument thoroughly washed under running water.

Prayers against blackheads

Simple conspiracies based on holy water are often used against blackheads.

Here, for example, is one of these conspiracies. When washing with holy water you need to say:

After washing your face, do not dry your face with a towel. The face must be dried naturally.

The following spell is used not only for the skin of the face, but also for the whole body. When washing in the shower, use holy water and say:

“Wash, soul, wash, body. I know my business, just as you were born with clear skin, become so now too. Amen".

A strong conspiracy against acne with the evil eye and damage

Very often we notice how people around us envy us in some way. This cannot but affect our body. Very often our skin suffers from human envy. Pimples, black spots, ulcers and the like appear. So how to understand that a skin disease is the result of someone’s envy.

The first and most basic sign of the evil eye is that no super-fashionable cosmetics and drug treatment leaves much to be desired. These pimples are often quite painful and very itchy.

Here is a hex that copes very well with such problems. Prepare a decoction of chamomile. Let it sit well overnight. In the morning, wash your face with the prepared decoction and say the following:

“Beautiful chamomile, remove the smoke and fumes, dirt and evil eye from my face. Make your face clean, radiant, like a golden daisy. Key. Lock. Language. Let it be so!"

Take chamomile water and wash your face. The skin should not be wiped; it should dry naturally. This spell is great against painful and very itchy pimples on the face.

Conspiracies for acne and acne fight very well against almost any skin disease. By regularly performing such simple rituals, you will forever rid your skin of various misfortunes. Your skin will always be clean and radiant.

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Conspiracy - prayer for skin problems

Before reading the conspiracy for skin problems, this powerful miraculous prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky for acne and skin diseases can help solve many skin problems without black and white magic. skin treatment What kind of means and methods have people tried to use to treat problems with the skin of the face and body, but the result is either not quite what they expected, or prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy Verkolsky, relieving acne and skin diseases with the help of folk remedies or pharmaceutical ointments, it lasts for a long time. And okay, if the result pleases you, then you won’t mind the money spent, but as a rule, cosmetics for problem skin do not solve the problem. It is at such moments, when many remedies and folk recipes for bringing the skin to normal condition and getting rid of all its problems have been tried and have not yielded results, many people turn to magic and begin to read the most powerful conspiracies for skin problems or Orthodox prayers that make the skin clear and healthy. One of these prayers for a clean face and body is . Someone reads a prayer for an ointment or cream for acne and then applies the prayed cream to problem skin in the morning and rejoices at the result. There are also those who simply go to church and read this prayer there - a conspiracy on the same day and get rid of all skin problems. It can take a long time read reviews of those who were helped by prayer - a conspiracy for skin diseases prayer to the Wonderworker Artemy :

O great servant of God, O great miracle worker,

holy and righteous Artemis, earthly cherub,

heavenly man, companion of angels, heavenly inhabitant!

Look down from the heights of heaven with your bright eye and send down upon us the rays of God's grace.

Lamp, kindled by God, with your holy prayers the darkness of our sins has been kindled,

ask the Father of lights for the light of grace for our souls, to become a quick helper and intercessor for all the faithful.

Everyone, with faith, come prayerfully under the roof of your protection and ask the Lord for your intercession,

Whenever we help, we receive God’s mercy and are not deprived of the desires of our hearts,

but asks for grace and accepts the gift for the benefit of the petition. You are, righteous Artemy,

Vertograd planted by God, in which there is a healthy flower,

prosperity, and many will be healed from the green shaking illness.

Oh, since many of your miraculous help have made the blindness see, the deaf have received hearing,

Chromia jumped up and walked, the weak received the action of his hands,

filled with madness, strengthened with relaxation in the veins,

you have corrected yourself in the misfortune and healed those who suffered harm!

Having also driven away the filthiness of demons with your prayer,

and other unhealed illnesses were resolved.

Thus, holy and righteous Artemy, is always merciful to everyone.

We will honestly celebrate your holy memory from generation to generation,

glorifying Christ the Lord, who glorified you,

To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship,

with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit,

now and ever and unto endless ages of ages.

You can quickly get rid of blemishes and pimples on your face if you read the spell on a clean face. The plot will clear your face of acne, blackheads and red pimples in a week, leaving your facial skin clean, soft and beautiful without any traces of former problem skin. The most powerful spell for facial beauty should be read using a specially prepared decoction that needs 7 days, 2 times a day.

The sorceress decided to grow her hair with the help of magic and her grandmother’s old spell to speed up hair growth several times. In addition, the words of this conspiracy perfectly strengthen the hair on the head, making the hairstyle more voluminous and voluminous. If you want to increase the length of your hair on your own and very quickly, as the magician did, prepare a decoction according to the recipe and on the waxing moon and read on

The magic of beauty and this conspiracy to induce beauty for a period of a year will help you enhance your beauty and attractiveness for other people, especially men. The magician performs this ritual every year since childhood and it has become a part of life. Knowing this conspiracy on female beauty and attractiveness, girls and women will enjoy increased attention from men, men literally “lose

Today I will tell you how to quickly make yourself beautiful and attractive with a conspiracy, so that everyone with whom you communicate treats you with love and you are in the favor, honor and respect of any person. The effect of the conspiracy lasts only 1 day, but if desired, and it will definitely come, the ritual can be repeated at least daily. Don't be afraid, this conspiracy is completely safe and has already been tested.

Prayer to bring beauty to a person with the help of white magic is the easiest and safest way to bring beauty to yourself. When the Orthodox prayer for the beauty of the face and body is read, you will very quickly gain beauty and become very beautiful and attractive to people. If you don’t like yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror or you need to make people and

One village grandmother told me how to charm moles and birthmarks and quickly remove all moles on the face and body using a spell. As soon as I found out how to remove moles, I immediately decided to try out how an effective spell for the complete disappearance and removal of moles works. Conspiracies against moles, including hanging ones, helps people to conjure moles on their own

White magic helps you become the most beautiful and be attractive to everyone around you. This is a powerful ritual that induces beauty. This conspiracy that induces strong beauty was used by witches in the old days. To perform it, you need to independently read a spell for beauty and attractiveness and, using the help of magic, perform a ritual for beauty. A conspiracy that allows you to instantly become and

Conspiracy - prayer for skin problems REVIEWS WHO DID:

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Plot for acne - how to read, examples of conspiracies

Acne and rashes are a nuisance that many people face from time to time. We spend a lot of money trying to get rid of acne from our faces, but it often doesn’t give the desired effect. Try turning to magic for help and reading a special spell for this acne.

What features do conspiracies have?

A conspiracy is actually an oral type of magical influence, in which special words are used that influence the surrounding reality, personally on a person and on other people. In this case, the conspiracy will work regardless of whether you believe in its power or not. There is enormous evidence of this from eyewitnesses; healing and cleansing spells are especially popular.

Whatever conspiracies you use, you should always adhere to certain rules:

  • slander is read in a whisper, but it is important that your voice sounds as confident as possible;
  • It is advisable to memorize the words of the spells, but if the spell is too long and you are afraid of getting lost while reading, copy it down on a piece of paper, but under no circumstances read it from a monitor screen or mobile phone;
  • reading should be carried out on the most suitable days of the week;
  • during the ceremony you must be in splendid isolation;
  • before the rituals, it is recommended to fast, not drink alcohol and not smoke;
  • sincerely believe in the power of ritual;
  • light spells should be performed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
  • refuse to hold conspiracies on Sundays, with the exception of special cases;
  • If you are an Orthodox person, then before reading the conspiracy, we recommend that you read the “Our Father” prayer.

From our ancestors we inherited many different charms for attractiveness, passed on from one generation to another. Beauty spells performed using herbal infusions or homemade soap are quite popular. You can make spells both for yourself and if you want to help your loved one who suffers from acne problems.

Acne conspiracies

Now let's look at examples of effective conspiracies that will help you cleanse your facial skin of hated inflammations.

A powerful spell against acne

It is performed in the evening before going to bed. It is important to pronounce all the words of the spell correctly and not get confused while reading. You will first need to cleanse your skin with your usual cleanser.

For this ritual, you need to stock up on holy water, then soak a cloth or hand in it and wipe your face, while saying the following magical text:

The total number of repetitions should be three.

The right time for this is the waning moon.

Water spell

Also has a very good action. It is performed on the following days:

  • men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday;
  • women – on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Pour water into a container and recite the hex on it three times:

Then you need to wash your face and throw the water outside.

A simple plot for acne with horsetail

Horsetail has not only magical, but also healing properties. It is successfully used in folk medicine in order to get rid of acne, blackheads, ulcers and pimples. Horsetail contains silicon, which is necessary in the process of collagen synthesis, and it also has an antibacterial and virus-suppressing effect. All this makes it an ideal solution to many skin problems.

To carry out the following simple plot based on horsetail, you will need to make a decoction of 500 grams of the plant, evaporated in 2 liters of boiling water, then add it to the water when you take a bath.

Before the water procedure, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and when you plunge into the water, read the curse:

Ritual for reducing acne with milk

The time of the event is the waning moon. You will need to take the milk that was given by a black cow that calved for the first time. Speak it with the following magic words, and then wash yourself in it:

A spell that will get rid of acne if you have been jinxed

Often the cause of deterioration appearance the banal envy of others appears. Confirmation that you have been jinxed will be acne on the skin of your face, which cannot be gotten rid of with conventional medications. Also another characteristic symptom is the appearance of red spots, small pimples and blisters that constantly itch and cause discomfort.

Try to get rid of acne caused by other people's envy with the help of a spell that includes rosehip and chamomile decoction.

In the evening, use a decoction of rose hips, and in the morning - chamomile.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Then the face is washed with the charmed water and left to dry without using a towel.

Beauty conspiracy with regular soap

It is simple and effective; with its help you will quickly improve the condition of your skin. You will need to prepare natural soap for it, it is best if it is made by you personally. Then the slander will need to be pronounced during the process of cooking the soap base.

You can also use purchased natural soap - this will not make the ritual any less effective.

When you wash your face, say the following text:

Very soon your skin will be cleared of hated acne and will become clean and fresh.

Use anti-acne spells to always look great and please yourself, as well as your man!

A friend of mine suffered a lot with acne. She went to fortune tellers and had various spells read to her. At home we did a ceremony with her. Her face really became clearer.

And every time I washed my daughter, I read the following lines: “Water off a goose, water off a swan, leave all that thinness with your name.”

We always believed in this. I haven’t had acne for many years, and I didn’t have any in childhood and in older age either, so I think this saying helped.

How many days have you been reading this?

For acne, you don’t need spells, but special creams. Conspiracies will of course be an addition, but acne needs to be treated with medications.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Prayer for getting rid of acne

We all want to have a beautiful and healthy skin We want to look good and leave only a positive impression, but just a few small pimples on the face can easily ruin the whole image. There are a huge number of special ways to combat the problem, these include special ointments, tablets, and various cleanings. But many still trust ancient means of combating such a scourge.

An anti-acne spell is a time-tested way to heal your skin from rashes and cleanse your face without using harmful medications.

It's a pity that youth passes, but in the soul.

The skin heals, but not always so perfectly.

Features of conspiracies

At its core, a conspiracy is an oral type of magical influence, which, with the help of special words, allows us to influence the world around us, ourselves and other people.

Before using one of the spells, you need to learn a few basic rules that all magicians follow without exception:

  • the conspiracy must be pronounced in a whisper, but in a firm voice;
  • any conspiracy must be read by heart;
  • you cannot read the words of the conspiracy in front of witnesses;
  • before performing any magical ritual, you should fast, give up alcohol and smoking;
  • you must believe in the power of the conspiracy used and believe in the end result;
  • most suitable days for light conspiracies are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday;
  • You should not perform magical rituals on Sunday, except for special cases;
  • if you are faithful to the Orthodox tradition, then before reading the conspiracy you need to read one of the prayers you know, for example, “Our Father.”

Anti-acne ritual

In order to cleanse your face, you need to speak pure spring water. Conspiracy words:

“May my face be like a mirror surface, like mother water, pure and fresh, brighter than light, whiter than snow, from this day forward and for all the bright ages. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The water charmed in this way should be poured in a thin stream onto the palm of your left hand and washed. The ritual must be performed every night for three days.

Rite against facial spots and freckles

This powerful ritual can last for seven years if performed correctly. The ritual is performed during the waning moon. You need to take a steam bath in a well-heated bath, then dry yourself with your undershirt and read the spell over it. Words:

“Just as the Lord God, the Heavenly Father, expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, so I drive away and burn the white from my body (freckles, pimples, spots). Light up the fire, devour what I give you. Just as the Son of God Jesus Christ ascended to the crucifixion, by his will and blood, just as he cleansed Adam and Eve from original sin, so I cleanse myself with sacred fire from evil spirits and dirt. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Simple conspiracy

If you have a large number of blackheads or pimples on your body, you can try to get rid of them with a simple magical ritual.

To carry it out, you need to take warm baths with horsetail.

Horsetail is a very beneficial plant for your skin

This plant contains silica, which has healing properties that are excellent for acne, acne, ulcers and lichen.

In one bath you need to add about 500 grams of horsetail, evaporated in two liters of boiled water.

Before taking a bath, you need to read the “Our Father” three times, and while in the water, read the spell:

“I take a cleansing bath, rid my body of infection, rid my skin of (acne, ulcers or other problem). I will be clean, white, beautiful, young. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Powerful ritual for acne

“Voditsa, my sister, red maiden, you run under the sand, you flow under the water, in the fields, and along the forest, along the steep banks, and around people’s houses. Everyone, little vodka, honors and loves you, everyone drinks you, sister, and praises you. Just as you, water, are clean, so am I (name) clean. White girlish beauty. What is said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Winter ritual for acne on the face

To carry out the ritual, you will need icicles from the street, so the ritual can also be carried out in early spring. So, you need to take seven small icicles, bring them into the house and on the waning moon, read the plot:

“Saint George the Victorious, Saint Panteleimon the Healer, and Saint Michael the Liberator. Help me, overcome my illness, take away my sadness. Free my body from all pimples, blackheads, freckles, and blackheads. Just as water descends from God’s sky, as in winter it turns to ice, so let the pimples from my body descend and turn into nothing and never return. Let it be so".

Now you need to melt the icicles and add them to the water for washing.

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The article says that “visualizing a fire” can be done once every three days.

Tell me, is this interval important? Is it possible every day?

All girls want to look attractive every day. Our great-grandmothers practiced a spell for a clean face; this required an herbal infusion, which was taken three times a day. Only strict adherence to all rules and proportions will help you cope with the hated rash on your face.

Rules for reading the plot

Every girl dreams of always looking perfect - for this the condition of the skin of the face and body is very important. A rash or blemishes can ruin any mood; acne can be caused by:

  • poor nutrition;
  • poor metabolism;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • poor body skin care.

All this explains the appearance of skin sores from a scientific point of view. But what to do if you have tried all the means to combat the disease and nothing has helped? Perhaps envious people have spoiled you. Please contact traditional methods struggle - a spell for the face and body that will get rid of damage and the evil eye, and help cleanse the skin all over the body.

“Lord God, all-merciful and all-seeing. Take away the damage and evil eye from me, your servant (name). Send your guardian angel to me, let him cover me with his wings from my enemies. My body and appearance protects me from black eyes and evil words. I will be pure and kind in my thoughts. Amen".

How to use the spell correctly?

  1. The main and first condition of any spell is faith in everything that happens.
  2. During rituals, follow all rules and rituals.
  3. Spells are best cast slowly, thinking about every word, preferably in a whisper

The spells are suitable for both young men and women; everyone wants to see their reflection pure, unsullied:

“I’ll go to the fast river and bow to it. Let the stormy one take you to distant lands. Let him drive away all the trouble and misfortune.”

Spell on decoction

To put into action spells for clear facial skin, you need:

  • clean well water;
  • field and forest herbs: chamomile, dandelion, calendula, marigold;
  • church candles;
  • mirror.

You can make decoctions in two ways: steam in a thermos or boil in a saucepan. You need to cast spells on a full moon or on a waxing moon, then the ritual performed will be more beneficial. A strong spell for facial beauty is done during the waxing moon. We put a mirror in front of ourselves, light a candle and begin to prepare the decoction. In a pre-prepared saucepan, mix the herbs: thyme, calendula, linden, and tea rose - about two tablespoons each, ground. Fill with water and put on fire. When it boils, reduce the heat and cover with a lid, and so on for about ten minutes.

So, the tincture is ready, put it in front of you, open the lid and breathe in the steam, saying to yourself:

“I am gaining beauty and health. I take it from the linden tree - longevity, from the thyme - luck, calendula - my protector, the rose - the reflection of my face. Amen".

We talk to ourselves seven times and put out the candles. Decant the cooled broth and wipe your face three times a day, for ten days.

Spells on flowers

Take the flowers that you consider the most beautiful, for example, violets, rub the petals with essential oils: tea tree and ylang ylang, while saying:

“My beauty is the purity of my appearance. May it be so for many years, Just as the petals of a violet are pure and tender, so the skin of my face will be clean and tender.”

Apply the charmed mixture to your face once a week.

Not everyone can boast of a clean face. If you have been suffering from acne for a long time, prepare a chamomile tincture: pour one hundred grams of chamomile color into two hundred grams of alcohol, let it brew for a couple of days. For a month, lubricate each pimple individually, saying:

“Get away - the terrible ones from my appearance, leave me, find someone else.”

There is another conspiracy to clean skin faces, for it we will need:

  • white rose petals;
  • candle;
  • mirror;
  • white tablecloth;
  • bowl of water.

Let's lay a tablecloth on the table, put a mirror and light a candle, take the petals in our hands and say:

“I take the beauty from the rose, let my skin become white”

throw the leaves into the water and stir, you need to say:

“Water is water, you are my sister, you, like a dear mother, help me in everything, convey all the beauty of the petals through your cover.”

We wash ourselves with water five times. We put the bowl on the window, in the morning we wash ourselves and pour it out the window, we perform the ritual for three days.

Rituals to get rid of acne

A conspiracy to cleanse your face will help get rid of acne for a long time, if you send it to something inanimate, you will be required to:

  • salt;
  • bowl of water;
  • spoon.

At midnight on the waning moon, we go out into the garden, throw a whisper of salt over our left shoulder: “Don’t follow me pimples, I’m getting rid of you.” Throw the second whisper into a cup of water and stir:

“I mix salt with water, let go of my troubles, cleanse my appearance. I give my misfortune to a huge poplar.”

Pour under the poplar root.

If you suspect that someone is jealous of your clean face, every evening, looking in the mirror, read the prayer:

“I wash away all the dirt of the past day from my face. Lord God, protect from envy and filth. Cleanse my appearance, my soul. Give me the strength to fight anger and the bad eye. Amen".

A spell to cleanse the skin of the face from blemishes, we do it on the full moon, we read the spell for water:

“Mother Moon is always clear. Sister water - you are always clean. Cleanse my face of acne, boils and other misfortunes. May my appearance be pure and beautiful, may it always be so!”

We wash ourselves with water, there is no need to wipe it off, just wait and let it dry on its own. Repeat the ritual three times.

Other rituals and spells

To make your face clean and white, wipe it with a slice of lemon and spread with honey:

“Absorb the honey and your face will look like sugar. Nice, good, clean and bright. Amen".

After such a mask, wash with warm water. This ritual will also help with skin blemishes.

Take a zucchini, grate it on a coarse grater, and apply it to the pimple for ten minutes. Imagine how vegetable pulp absorbs hated pimples. Wash yourself under running water, thinking to yourself:

How to make your facial skin clear and get rid of acne. Magic ritual from Iolanta Voronova

Meditation gets rid of pimples and blackheads. (Sergey Ratner)

Take a head of your hair and pour in a pre-prepared decoction: oak bark, birch bark, rose.

“I am strong as an oak, slender as a birch, beautiful and pure as a rose. I am not afraid of damage and the evil eye, my face will be pure, let my enemies not waste their energy and abandon evil motives.”


In ancient times there were many beliefs and rituals, they have survived to this day. We, like our distant ancestors, often use magical rituals, make spells and love spells that instill in us a belief in the otherworldly. Making requests to higher powers, we need persistence and patience, faith in what is happening. Be careful in your wishes and do not harm others.

If you are very afraid of the evil eye, read this prayer every evening:

“God, you exist, and you are the creator of all life on earth. Let your will be done, let bright days come. Don't lead us into temptation, and don't leave us halfway. Don't let us succumb to the evil one. Protect us with your angels. There is the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In the name of the Father Almighty. Amen".

They will help to get rid of many problems.